|uu.nun3_.',' slx _\'2urus 101' the major score. Dyte co11_vc1'Lc-d from place- ment. Reynolds. ran back :1 Mid- 6 `hand kick twc-n`y yards. followed by DyLe';5 30-_\".u' A-.3;z1i11 around thv left end, which put them in [)0. fol a_noth01' score. but `he \'i.~:it0r.~: steadied and f0l`CL`(1 the rod and black to kick. (,'21pt:1in Dytu \\'u.~' not szttisn-ti, ho\vo\'u1'. uml ;1l"u:' Lhr` . R211-x. Iihn l..l.l 6'-.` 4.... .. :.. Iii.` `stc-1 \.vnn.\:: s vv en The concert hold in tho Essa Road Presbyterian (`hurch .\Iom .2x_\' ni_Q'ht \\':1.~ well 1-ecei\'o(1, the church beings; ilod to c:1pa('i`._v. The supplied by :1 Toronto co'.`.nm11\'. M1`. Clmplnnn acted as n1u.~`t:-1' of monies. Miss P(.`(11'1 C:11'te1".< version H OH :\I:1id .~` I`1'opos:\l, "How 'I`hnv QM: m1 :1 'T`m=1r nnrl `l~`.rIn-m- n\cn.cn vcu talent was 1 C`I`l C~ - [ hervlcc at Lxnox church at '1.2:iU ip.m.. 1\`Ix.ss B. Newman returned to To- 1onto on Monday. _ Mrs. Pitt is ; for a few `vsetrlcs 21*. the rectory. ' I Se1'vice:~`. next Sunday at 91. {I`0tm- .< 11 :1.m., St. P:1ul .< 1.30, St. John s 3 p.m., St. James 7.30 p.m. u\'Tu- '1` WH:)*nn1-n nf Cnlrinn \v'u1. urgzul zulu guxwr at me same tune, Miss Bessie and Mr. Ross I{enned_v sang` a duet and `.\Ii; Jean Sinclair played the piano accompaniment to] her mouth organ solo. | lIlUIl1(`.\'. .\1l>'S 1'(.`i1I'l \,vZll'L(.`1'S \'['_`1'Sl0I11 "How' They Sat on a Tack and 'Jd_2'z11' G.:est.'s It, Takes a Heap of Liv- l l'lCC U1 V0`LBS.' Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair spoke to the Essa Road Y.P.S. on Monday ni_:h`. on Home Mission work. His interesting` talk was followed by one by his son, Robert, now attending` Knox College. Robert spoke of his ( J 4fl"c-1'c-mt expemlelit-es in the Home Mission eld. Musical numbers rounded ou` an interesting: program. Irene Sinclair gave :1 Vocal solo. Ross Kennedy played the mouth- organ and guitar at the same time, l\'Ti:: Rnscin nnrl \'Tr `Pace Kmanou lll(.`LLIll.L{' O1 1110 .l.'I0lH'(l OI .\"lL\'h'1OHS. | The C`iti7.en. Department of the Burton Ave. Y.P.S., with Clarke Scott in the chair, had chz11'<,-:0 of the Monday evening mectiusg. Mr. W. A. Bell gave :1 paper on Hitler and Mi.<.< Almette Scott on The Price of Votes. T?r.\v T\' D `D Qlnnluiu .-.nn'l-,. `~p\ Mr. Don. B10542` motored to Hunts- ville . on Wednesday. AVLLCo H. u. .lJIAlAILn Mr. and Mrs. A. Jay spent 21 (lays in London this week. 11 1\ n 1 u 1 llChUd_\- .\Ii.<;~:`.\.'orine Ro\v('ifTe, president of Barrie Prr:sb_V1ory Y.P.S.. returned from Gal; on \Nc(ln0s(la_\`. where she had been attemling the Provincial Young" I- e0ple .< Rally. Mr. Robt. Sinclair visited his pur- t-xits, luv. and Mrs. N. ll. D. Sin- clair, on Mon(lz1_\'. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. lielcey zmdb -.\`1i.~'.< )1. Kelcey, of 'l"oronto. were week end viaito1';< of M1`. .-\. Huipcr.` I/T`-,. \X/ CL.-.71 ..n,l Air ...-..'| 11... I Clillf, UH J1UlIUd._\'- ` were` Mrs. W. Shand and Rev. and .\`Ir.<.| Sinclair motored `o Toronto. where` Mr. Sinclair nttontlcd the executive ma-,~tin_g' of the BOZl)'(l of Missions. 'Nm ('H"Inn:11{r\ nmm.+nm..- Ac. 'KK;K emu scurried the rcinziining.-f live _'..;l'1`ds for a touch, which wzxs mn- *1?*ted by Strzzchan. .-~'Sto1'ey started the second .`~'(.'Ol'k.` .w' h :1 65-yard run. .\Iz1_\'l1o\\` .' .0 the-1'cn1aining' six for 81101110)` touch, which was not con\`e'.!ted. St_o1'e_\ ended the qu2u'tci' .~'C0llI1f.: with 21 long` hoist for one poin`. ' SLlCL'C>'. [)IllI1f.:'L'.~' by Wt-bl), .torey and .-\1-nott took `ne ball into thy . 2111-21 and S'01'c.` wont on:-1' for zmothcr ve points. which was not co11\'u1*tL-(i. Ground p,':1inin_u' Mung.-'e.~' by Aruott and f\Ia_\'- hr-\'.` `ook the hull into Midlziml IL-I`l`;- ' o1'_\' il,`.'.'LLil1 and \\'ibb kick:-d for un- othr:-1` point, mzikinj.-' the lm.H.' time . 18 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. Chz'1pple. of Dresden, .~:pentv the week end with M1`. and Mrs. W. J. Blair. I`! A -r . .- \A\.~`y.) Au uuuuvu Llun vv\.k,I\- Mrs. R. Burton and 1101' nephew, David Grifths, 1'et urne(1 from 131111;`- land on Sz1turd'.1_v after a lengthy visit in the Old Coun`r_v. `lY,, n,, I1 ru 14 . .1 vv\.\.\ \..n.. .u 4.\.v\,LuvLuv Mr. A. Henderson returned to H.o1'm-pz1.\'ne thls mornin_<.,-` after . a few dn_\`;< with his fam- ilv. .311`. and Mrs. A. route, visited with _0nts. Mr. and 111's. Eovc-1' the week end. I `r r1 `IV 1-`. Mrs. P`. W. Dobson, 1\11's. F. I\ Iax-: well, Mrs. T. A. Little and Mrs. I-Iolmos attended the W.;\I.S. Presby- te1`ial 1'z1lI_\' held in Orillia on \ V`c(I- |ne.<.da_\'. WH<<`\'n\-nn nnuv-Urn nvnzirlrnwf n'F I ` week ELLANALE $uga&`, 1 lbs 53$. Celery Hearts . . . . . . Snow App1es--6 qts. Luge Cauliflower . P591739 4Il\|.L\ L ltuzu. I . Sen`ior C:_amu The seI1io1's had :1 field 4 10\\'i11g' the .\Iid1;m(ler.< to point only, in the mczmtimc up a scone just as they Ryan startc-(1 the . xv g'1'abbcd the ball from 21 -'k'l<;k and scurried :he remain "Ids Louch. which - ' J 505?, 5 Bars 28: J Tom.to Juice Sc l . Ru;~:. Chutten spent the! end in Peterboro. nnuwnn 4l.- .u.-u-ninm #4,- Twos, half, 2 fcr Punipkih 19c Mincemeat--2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baby Crossed Fish-2 for . . . . . .` McLaren s Peanut Butter--32 oz. 1 Tip Top Peas-No. 3, 2 for . . . . .1 Concert Well Received 1 Sunlight L liclccy, of To- 1 the 1z1tte1"s par- rs. J. D. W.isdom,| I` |.\.rA.\\..\| uu.I D " c zttfu-m1 = 5% ed to clg an/. I\t\:I'\` Grocers and Butchers, Ailandale auuu, f cw ` D1 1'5. l. Service at Knox Church at 13.111. '\Ti<&` Auulson. 7.30 T`. \'n\vm:m vnhwnnrl tn Tn- QLll|Ui1_Y. Mr. and Mrs. E. Richardson, of Toronto, are staying: with frien `in the (1is`1`iCt. DA`! 1) vniunvr 1'5"" D.-nn+{`nuA Ill L118 (115 1`lllL. Rev. R. Young, of Brantford. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Caston. An in+nune+nn- unnntinm n-l` -I1.-. ZIHU JVIFS. 1. K/(151011. An interesting meeting: of `he L.O.L. took place at Mr. and I\I1's. S. Lester s last F1'i,d a_v. Nnic Fflcin (`Ins-Ccn n+' .\Hnnaln]r. |.L4liSLUl'S l'(lSL 1"l'l`U'El_V. 1 Miss Elsie Christie, of Allamlzilo. lwas a recent visim` with Mr. and |M1's. .1. Addison. Qnvuinn n+ T.'n.-xv (`Inn-uh nl` ."1 11011115 0 [).IIl., DL. JZIIIIUS 1.01} }).lH. Mr. T. E11sn1e1'e, of Golden Vul- lvy, IS visltxnp; frmmls here. ing" were highly commended and the a1':i;~:t was called back for several encores. l\`I1's. Lillia Webb-H`o\ve11 s soprano voice was heard in different Irish and Scotch ballads. Mr. Chap- man, tenor, sang Friend of i\I1ne and The Holy City, while Mr. Los- lie Fostc-1"s selections, pla_ve(l on a pianoaaccordian alone, made it worth being` present. )`I1-s. Chapman elli- cienlly accompanied the vocalists. LU U- The seniors made two touches in the first and kicked and eonveited for two more points. in `.lm- . they added seven more. Opening the third, Midland scored their lone tally, a kick from pl;-iceim.-nt. Bar- rie went on to . 11 more points. and in the last another touch, for a: total of 35 to l. The weather xvus ideal and a lame number ol'stu(len'.< from both scl100l.< \\'I_*)'e present. Junior Came x With Jack l)_vte s lol.'t;' kicking . 21nyvthi11:,-' Midland may l121\'e l1.'.1(l to olfer in the o`l1e1` ments, the Barrie juniors wztlkcd `away with their first win. iill Little s`arted the scoring` when he :;`rubl)e(l :1 lose ball and tore the re- inaniiiig; six _\'2urds for the major D\'l'.r> (:011\'-r1/ml Frnm nlzu-r-_ 1VIrs. M. Richardson, who has been . with her sister. Mrs. B. Caston, returned to Elmvale on Sunday. NT 1' :1 I'll` RT 1-2 1}`. TN;-11.: vrl unn n 9 -....-., -....., _...- _._-..._.. Hill .<. Shoe Box was entered about 5.30 this morning by thie\'e.'< who escaped with appro.\:imatel_v $200 worth of merchandise. Entrance was made throuyzh the front door with :1 skelteon keg and using: 21 jimmy on the Yale lock and then pr_\'in;: the door open. The robbers e\'idcntl_\' knew what they were utter for tht-_\' took only `he good stock, ne:1rl_\' all of which was :1 new sliipmc-nt. The g'0od;< taken were ladies . men .~' boots; und shoes, long rubber boots and :1 case of Rawlc-i_2'h groods. The police were notied ; after the robbery and since then differ;-n` |cirti7.en.< have told of .<,eein_;' :1 car there. Others saw 21 truck, but thought no'.hinp; of it. However, one citizen did take 21 car number, which may help solve the theft. Miss Catherine McCuaig.r and Miss Flora Graham zvtondc-d the LP. cu11j.'e1'uncc In Gult last. week end. RN`-o T N/Y n:1n1\1~:Lv+ I1vn.~ 4-Ln Ilrxlrx L'UllJ.L`l'l.'lICC Ill LIHIL lU.`L \\'L'Ul\ UHU. Mrs. J. M. Gi1ch1'i. was the (l<*le- :;rate to the VV.I. convention held in E Barrie. ~]:(-4:1 T\/Lu." f`1'!,.1-.2.-A v|ur.I'\ 6L... { L72l1'1`lL`. | Miss Mary G1'lchri. spa-n the [\vcel< end in. Buffalo. M-any from here attended the un- nive1`sm'_v se1'vice.~' at Shzmt_\' Buy last`. Sunday. The young people presented their play 21.? ICa(1_v and Ivy this week. Mite `Mswvinn CV-nv cnmmf. fhn xvr-nk [)l2l_\' El-7 I`1}l(l_V 'dll(l l\ _V (HIS \\'L'L`K. M155 Manon Gray spent the \VO0k end at her home here. Puffedwheat 2- 19: Hills Shoe Box Looted CRAIG`rHURS'1' GUTHRIE LIIL: a'CO1'C li3-U z F1'om the k u l orccd than` \ "e :1t.`umptv(l- fl Pd 1n Flu` -v H- . 10c .30c . 15c .290 .293 % 29c .29c Quaker Ciassie Eieansr Sc Head Lettuce- (2( . . . . . . Cooking` App1es--6 qts. Cooking O11io11s~10 lbs. Pure Ho11ey-1 lb. carton . . . . . .15c 1VIcLaren s Jelly Powders--4 for 250 Cross Fish Sardines--2 . . . . . . .290 Magic Baking Powder . . . . . . . . .28c Prime Beef and Copaeo Products Boneless Pot Roast-lb. . Shoulder Roast Beef-lb. Blade Roast Beef--lb. . . . Shoulder Pork-lb. . . . . . Roast Pork-(dressed) . . Pork Sausage-2 lbs. Bologna-2 lbs. . . . . . . . . Clark s At WlSDOM S The Barrie Collegiate rugby squads had no difliculty beating the Midlzlnd represeiitativcs hm-c on Saturday. The juniors scored six goints in the rst, seven in the sec- on, nine in the third and one in the last quzmer 1'01" 21 nal score of :32 tn 0. Wilfred Bu1'n:~:, 42. of Midland. was sentenced to ten days in gaol _\'este1'cla_v morning` for driving 21 car on l1i_::hwa_\' 2!? on 00`. 15th while under i:l1r= inflnmico of liquor. Pro- vincial Coxistablc -`.ol1in:~'on testified to having" : the nccusc- on the out.~:kirf.< of Collingrwoovl. I-Io cluimurl the man wa< d1`i\"? L, ..,..`,i ...1.-.. N cxzunluu me man \\'z1< l`:\"=\._2' all lv"':' thr road and when stopped `showed .~'ig:11s 0l'i11to.\'ic:1tio'.n. Ho !D1u('(-(l Burns under arrest, who `later required medical aid owing` in u imzl h:n'L <-umliiioxx. um vv.|. m mn'1'Ie mst WCC-K. Service in the U11i`.c-(l Church will be at two o'clock in the afternoon next Sunday, and will continue so until the new _vea1'. I~'ul.\IuIn L3 The electiqn passed off very quiet- ly around here. The zinniversary services held in the United Church were :1 _2`1'e;1t success. The weutlier Wds ideal and the church was lled both morning` and evening. Rev. Paisley, of Stroud, was the speaker in the mornin_': and in the evenin_2' Rev. W. -. E. D00, of A1hu1(ln.Ie. was in char_g'e. \Y.. 11,... .....l 1:2,... 1'\__,,u,,, 1, Lulh AL 0. VV. JBIIIICCIVS. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, of Cooks- town, visited at .\I1's. J. ;\Ic.\Ia.ste1"s. Mi.<.< Ethel .\Ic.\Iu. of E wzxs home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Cook and Mr. Tl11'1L`}'. of Gora, renewed acquaint- zmc-;-s ]1c1`0 on Sunday. M2 . zmd .\I1'.<. l o'L-1', of Toronto. were \`i,=ito1`s at the home of M1`. and f\Ir.<. R. Bell. KT.-a Kn. \'HH..`. ....,1 \yr.. ....'.y 1y. Mrs. Cook, Hrs. D. Campbell. `:\T1's. Goo. Crzuvf'nr(I, .\I1~.<. I. John- ston. ';\I1'.~:. {onuld and Mrs. Geo. Johnston attended the county annual 01' the W.I. in R.'n'1'ie last week. .Qn1-vir-n in H-an TYni`n:l f`1nnm`la `"711 L`u2u'_;L'. I Mr. .\lc-rcer and Mi:<:< Dorothy Ir- win, of Uhtho , were Sundzxy visi- tors at J. W. Jennett s. '\I1. urur` \l'u. 1D..!..... I\`J` {`-..`l... Jill`. I\.. DUI]. I Hrs. Wm. Miller and M1`. and Mrs. Riclulrd P-01.1 spent Monday at .-\n_u;11.<. |u1 511$. 1oun.~;. Mr. Iirvine WiHi.<, .-Uta and M1`. and M) mi['o1'(l, of North B21) . \'i. at Geo. G. Joli `T... \I7 'I`...L1,. \ I>lLUI'5 ill` KICO. KI. Mrs. W. T_\'-e Young. of Toronto the latter s `home. \\/ -.Il.ann Y ..n1.- u Barrie Gridders Sweep_S3t. Series I Lilli L'cllLU1"S 'I10Hl(;`. \VzLllacc- Luck \va:< 1'u. to the Bzu'1'ic h0:~'pit21l on Mon(la_\' lHO)'l1iI]_L," and ope1'z`-.~ted on for appondicit;<. At latest 1'epo1't;~' he is 1'eco\'c1\i11g nice- IV. \hv. (`.-mL- Hm I`: r*.......L,.1I .I.I.l.4..LI JJLJJAI I; Miss Viola Adams is in the To- 1'on`;o General Hiospital, where she umlerwont an opomtion for hip dis- uzxso. .\li'.<. .'-\(lum.~' is 1'omz1i11in_: in Toronto to be with her. Her friends all hope she may be rc-.~:to1'e(l to health Ll_L,"z1lll. l\l`l` nnrl l\lv_' \7nnnn- Inn] \lu- uni] llL il|l.H 'uLL'Z1lH. M1`. and Mrs. Youny: and 311'. and 311-.'<. Geo. G. Johnston were in Aurom on Fridz1_\' last z1t`tendi11g' UM: fum-ral 01' M1`. Walter W'i11i.<, who died in I1mi.-zfail, Alta. The de- ceztsctl \'i. here on sevt.-1'21! oc- ca.~'.i us with his late wife. 21 . of . rs. Young`. \T\- l<`.I'\'inr> `K/UH; n4` Inn? Fail S0AP,4-191: MlDLAI\J-D MAN SEN'I:ENCE.D Palmolive _MINESIN_G \HlL VVIHL`, U} IHHISIZIII, .\Ir:<. L. M. Cum- l Bay. were Sunday JoImston s.. V 'I`u~.+ln and 7\ U,....-..'.~... UUU. LI. JUHIISLOII S. and Miss Bernice ` Toronto, spent Sunday at 'hnmp_ v . UTOPIA Mdland High Provides Little Op- position for Strong Barrie Squads. . 12c . 12c . lac . 18c .490 .350 .25c .153 .250 .250 Innisfail, R`! FIII11- Fivc THURSDAY, OGTOBER 17. 1935. not szxtlsnul, however, and :\l"c.:' - ..Ba1`1`ie lihe lu-ld 1'01` two .+Lu:cu.s. ` :do'.\`n.< on the .\Iidlzm(l tw<-111;: ;';u'd line, he ran the kick back L}11'oL15:11 their n`i1`L~ tumn for thy . touch, \\'hich he cu1n'm't(-,d. n1;xI\ing the score 13-0 at half time,-. kick-0!?" I;11'1'i(,- z1;';1in |-`n,.,.,,A H...;.- ....... .1... .1. 1 I cu LU C point. xv-1 :- u _\u1u X.llL` >z1_I1 to the D)-"c boote- . the Mi(Hz I`nu.... NHL. ; _\'u1'(l H 4 PK [nu-. K DI:1i1'. uvvnnngn \J.dI|IU riots day, 211- : gg-L om: , 1'Luming' we [)1C'clS0(I. ted when he Ie from blocked scu1'1`ied St1':v1ohnn, '. H'l`('('. H ' F0)'}1(x[{. In `D . I\ Ill) U21 land .....I .'UH lL)Zll'l my down 1 :1 eld ;. bar um um] I 1-,`. V|`l'H. .\Iul-:1h\`. H I") . unc ; the J. Lhl: M line. ?:\\`hi<,-h #7..'nr.l ' .-up 1- 1`Adl`l'lL idluml .. I1 I ".1 111311 .\'pl1'2H buck fumbled :. 1'1-nxuinIn..- .` .1'1'1L' z1_4'2un thc eld. ,4`0u1 that I went 1'01" Ml U at '1L- worked I `J (\ . .. .,3 ',\'; out- , quar- -. D_\'1L`, Smith; uu,:h:m UL" the .1... X\lC(|i|. ` Gravel` Bud Iizisiiiicr f0l10\\'u(L Likht .-\i'nott and I-{e_vnol he was a member of the Essa Road club. Bud niarked his tnird .<.cn.~'on in jun- ior last year and still has anothc-1' to go. His rst two with the Colts he 1:124 :-(l'iii~3clioc1'e Iiockey, but last _\'C`Z1l'- tL`3lN("(i OH H: vnrn-n-now` u'i*1\ um: [Mug cu u1:'.110C1'e nockey, but last _vea1'. tuamcd on the rearguaiwl with Scott. he played gwcat hon -ke_\' and \\'as the third lll_Q`l1v;'St scorer on the tezim. Bud will spend tl1i;~: sc-:1.~:on with Puterboro. zuul while the name of tln, town (`l121I'lg'(,`.'<, hu will still be 3. Colt. 'l'l11'w gram? and still 1110)` go. \\ illi:nn Dut<'h" St-ott. tlw loft- ll`l]tln'(l 1'i3.:`l1 \\'in-rm` lll*_`,`l) .~'('l)l'lll__ -um. nd` oh, ..1. .. .. 1 . c ..uy.u-u ucv. acott At p1'e.~`ont his whereabouts are not (lK.`llltL`l_\' known or who he will bu '.\'i`h, but it is \\'l1i.~'pc~1'c(l that the I21-iti. L'on.~:o].< of Toronto could tell. lc-v. came here from Midland and from here . co\'o1' mzmy l:1n.< rnwnml +1. 1.....1 .. A zulu nrom non: should laps toward the hockey pl;1_\'e1"a ideal. (1...\...r.. un...1n 1- v Bill Arnott pe1`foi'm with P01 Colbornc Sailors, ulonr: with his 1'unnin_g' mate of (~hu1'ch i(`,2l_'_','uI} (il_\'.'~`. Fin.- Re-_\'11ol(l.<. "All left some time 11;.-`0 and sincu I11 h-~..n + m.1:n-nml rw trnnr. (.1.-n- vuwnes. L,nC`\\' zlml ucndron. Barrie Senio1'.<--Snup. (`on-o1_~-211' insidt-=.=, Scott, Rooke; nddla-.<. -Web.l>, Arnott, outsidos, Ryan, Firmzm; qum'to1'. Ma_\'he\v; Imlvr-.<. Stm't.-_v, Strachan, Patton; ying` Winn`. P:-u'k- er; subs, Coutt:~:, .\'orm:m. .\IcC1-10]. ."[cC'ullou;:h. I.c\\'i.~'. .`:1\IirIl31x1(1 Sonior.=--Snz1p. Walden- ` um; 1n.' .\Iuir and A1-hm`; mid- dles, Prior. H:,n`2'i. out. (7:11- 1a_2'1w1' I`.'1m1:1hiH; qu:\1'tL-1'. H:mn:1; hz1l\'<~.s. }o\\'m:1n. .D:n'i PM- Lonahanz Il_\'in;-' \\"n_-_-'. `tn-11:11.11; `"r f,`.=..'..`}_`." ` 5;, .I.`..(_.i`}. .`.'.. ru 13311 lL'lL EUIHL` LHIIL,` RLJU illlll CIHCL` he ha. t 2'otL11'n0d or gone else- \\']1;-rc. it looks as thoujxh he has mud : good. Box . St-o`t wu.< next to _:(:L the itch. Fcv. `.\'us the . plug` and (-uptnin oIlz1; _vem".< champiom. \\lIlf.{`Cl' \\ HU lll'SL }HlIlL`(l p1'0mII1C-Ilc` in the (-hurch 1C`:1}.{LlC with the burn- ing` Bush team, and later was the . merchants of the Colts. That wax William, and this ye-zu' he wili I3:u'1'io has its shun: of 111i5:1'.1ti11: exponents 01' the \vinte1' p21. this year. Some have velgv attmctivn 0'm'.~', other not so _:oo(l. but all are intq,-nt on stcppin: out and up and are hoping` 1'01` the best. 'Thn1'c+ fn Tr-.'|\'n xv-1; TTH \--1r-`-' ZU'` llU[HH`L ,` 101' 7110 0851.. 'I'h01'st to leave w'.1.< BIH .`.::1;`.`;. {om-.-mber the husky little 1-igzht \\'iITj_,"(-l` who rst _:ai11c-(1 p1'omine11c(- in an r-11111-I-11 lnturnn xvifh Fhrx hnvn. , The annual relax race race for boys council trophies will be held on Friday, Oct. 18th, sta1'tin:.," from the Collegiate at 4.30 pm. There arm: two sections, junior and ;': and two ti'opl1ie.<. This race i.~' disc for p0; on `he Bar1'i:,- relay has : Frnv "la. 1-our-1.: 4':-n-n (M-|li~. on '.t'r.. Burr nLr.:u.~. JICLEHIUIII, UHIOQ 11110 13011. B:.u'ric--Sm1p, Bukog,-`eo1`;:'c; in- sides, V. R0ynol(1s and Hammc1'; mi 'I'c1'1'y and Ga1'tne1'; out- si(lcs, Pattc1*. and Richa1'ds-on; quarto)`. Dclzmcy; halves, Reynolds. Dyto and Li`tle; fl_Vin_2' win,2'_. Smlth; subs A. Put.te1'son, Lay, Loi_:h. Lon- n0.\: :m Gosney. nm..:..1. n r`n..L.,u n... BARRIE RELAY ROAD RACE TRIALS ON OCTOBER 18th L-ll'L' lC?J.IH- lOl"d Eoucn-. lne CCHHIS. l ickerin_s.,- ---Snup. Creed; insi(10s, .\Io1':.=`:111 and Re.-ing; midd~le's, Robb uml l\'_\'lc; ou`sides, I-Izu'deg'a:1 and Iimpc-_\'; qI.m1'te1', Stephenson; hz11vo.~:, Johnson, l\'in5;' and Burrill; [1yin_z,' \\'i11;:,D_\*e1`; subs, Coylc, `M0011-. lSt1`;:L1.<. McCuIlum, Dafoe and Bell. P.-11'}-}n_._.Qn-.\n Ru}.-nu-nnvn-n - in nun. :u1u uoslley. O'1ciz11.~:-~D. Corbett Barrie; K. Robinson, Pickering. I . LIU-\. \1|lU( lT. OI'ci:1I.~`--R 1:1-119;; lll11pi)'i`. iinesntun. 111:1 LL`ll'_\ V\'t.`l'C LHU OIIEIISIVL` glU]S 01 Barrios attack. Little made the most spectacular run of the season when he took 21 Pickering kick-oI and run 70 yu1'(l.< through their en- kiCk(.'(1 ox - _ t-m: team for-a touch-. The teams. Pit-L'rn-inu~ Qn-xn (`I-nnd - ;V1(A;r`r\.- The Barrie Collegiate juniors piled up another large score, this _timc against Pickering College of New- market. The game was an exhibition affair played here on` Wednesday. Only in the second quarter did the Collegians hold the red and black. In the other three the Barrie lads did almost what they pleased. On the short end of the count, _-P'ieke1"gig tried for gains by the aerial giethod, but the B.C.I. defence was strong and the majority of pa.~:.ses were intercepted. Jack Dyte, ~ ill Little, D. Reynold.~.', Gartner and T0l`1`_\' were the offensive guns of B;n'1`ir-S. :)i;t.;1(-lc. Little mnrln tlnn BARRIE COLLEGIATE JUNIORS SWAMP PICKERING COLLEGE HOCKEY PLAYERS MIGRATE raclford fair last \'.'(:ck was term- zm excccnt show. The speed- (3\'(`111..~: uttructod much 21t`unti0n. l'i_L'H \\'1lI}1'(.`1', lIl_',`H .~'CUl'llI_J, {hr vh:u\1pion.<` :1tt:u-k, ,-.-;c1s :1 with tho Bmtun I31'uin.-2. llwkn `hniv hnvnlw -nu} ;---~- In Captain Bev. Scott ./.\\I Li. .._I.,., n.|un>: UH ML` D;Ul`LL` [(-11 01' 1'71 1`21CL'~I from Ortllia and Mldlzmd to O1'i}1iz1. BITS OF, AND SLANTS ON, SPORTS IN THE TOVVN AND DESTRICT uuu u.o.~'x1c_\'. ` Midlzmd Junio1'.<---Sn:1p, Smith; insides, Lapp, Schumakor; 1ni:ldlvs:, Gilbert. C:n'. out. Gurow. McGo\'m~n; qL1a1*`(~r, C`r:m.~'1on; ha`:- ves, King. Bray, H:u'ri. \'in;.: wing, Lamb; .~'uh.<, .-\.\'m',<. .\I:1_\`, Vowles. Chow and Gendron. RnI`1';r- .Qnn5nv.~__,Qn-un F`.-~ - LII!` I30.` `hon hr*nd'= H l\..- ..,. ':1.< zs champiom. vnnn -IA|L|l(,|lI\l ('O\'( l` tr-\' nlwvm- - llL'ill' 1.` l`l;IHl.. I10 \ Hr-1'e .~' to the .4 of the junior B" AUUIlll11_\ ill (.'1'H0` in}: W:1.< in fv..1H .<\` in t_hoi1- zmxicty voter, .<])vnt son`. .-\.'HI(11l]':. ll` ludv vrm` who \v I mt)11t1:>=, ;;4c. b1`id_`!,`C series and man who led atta` the Barrie goal. ' He is expected Colts. A chap h Denizmso from .` 0 her _\'ounp;.+'tu1'. much about him. hear is right. he V We do know, hoxvevex-, that when the gsouls are )](e(:(1(1. Pup" more than often shoots` them home. His last x'r:z11`s I'('r'm`rI `<'nnnIrI kn _~nm H; I\ To ll club this `-n.... _. . |_\1:u1'.\ l",`>'(`!'Vc$'. . )'0un_:1`. from the church loa_L11-, and hi_'.:'h class im})o1`t.< will turn frick. We all 1'c-m(,-mbm' that B1": .\un1(: 5:311:01` times`, but we Bill lG21\'L`S for gn H1 vrln \- Of! LU 1. Coach Cqckbum took 1':-w vh.um-:~:< in this }_r21mo, prufc-rrlnrr to 3.-'iv( his rc.~`(_-2'ves' :1 littlu 0xpu1'ir_-m'u rzxthcr them huvu his st:11:< 1'n_i1m_~(l. Thr- kids did \'1'_\' well, too, and with :1 Ii 10 more ru_4'b_\' und:1' their h\:hF M. Cockburn . h:1Vu no mis- g`i\'iI1g's as he . thc-m in. Barrie Junior.<- -Snup. (`. Puke- georgx.-; in.-id:-.<. \ . I{(;\'noM.<. Hum- mer; middlu-.<, Gurtm-1-. 'I`(,-rr,\'; sitlcs. P:1`tm`. Richzn'ds'on; ter. D<>1z1ncy; 11zu1v(.< Ijittk-. D. Ro_Vn0ld.<; 1l_\'in5.:' \vin;:. subs. Stepht-n.~', I.:1_v. L(`ij.l`]l, V:1u_<.rh:m and Go.~:ne_\'. Rfirlln.-..) 1'.. .DJLl 1 )1\'L' Satu1'dz1_\'. '{hi'.;<.- ;:o11-, om; _.,'oi113_-', and ilu1`' is the fth and lust. (}1'c-5.-12' Pup' Couison will be iCl\ in_`.',' the rst of next week for Nizigzii-21 Fal1.<. He will try ou`. with the .l itt. -.1mateui's and il \\'l: know Coulson he will skate himself into the ice tc make `.1 place. L;1. _\'L`zH' half the `own be-mozmcrl this lar1`.< \C`Li011;~` on the ice The reason, they .<:ud, was luzinr .r. Darnc.-d if we know what it was. Since he played with Bill Scott on the Excelsior trzam in the church league he has been the saint. tell about t it p1'ophec_\': nn` In-xl.-n 1 um`-.-u :nuuL> ulunl nomc. H15 121 _\'r:a1`s record : bv .~'uf`(:iL-nt bear thls out. nu_ on .1 .. l,.u`uu.\._ no` make back. H 0 nl' cnnau LmH}.;`1 H-.1 r1 1'<,~2'<-:2. den. _u:u 1|). \.rlil.\'S---1}. U. \11'(:L`11. Bordon, lost to .-\nd._v Blair, days, by a foul in the third of :1 four-1'oun(l bout. " H7 lb. Cl:1.<.~'--R.21_\' (h.1(`. I- ;-1 tn '1` \Z.~.n1,\.. (M. In J1! nu. L-I -n.u_v uucst, b'a1'1'1c. lost to T. .~\.insle_\', Camp B_o1'ds_-n, by :1 tvclmicul knockout in : round. .130 H). C1u.<.<--Bzn'nu_\' Wiuhmzm. G.r;u'e1111L11'. lost decision to Lorne I7cr_:u. in four 1'0und.~'. 'I`h<: Om(`i:11>'--Tim(=k(rC}){'1`. Gordon ,,_, _ I" I\ ` T ..n....\..... . :.. v "v xuuuu. ' 1 16.3 H). ('1a.<,.<-(`. Sherwood, Gm-; \'cnh1n`.~'t, lost to Steve Steb1)injzs. Barrie, by :1 knockout in seconti round of 21 -I-round bout. I 175 lb. C1as.<-4-S. McC2mIey, (.'z1m1: ` Bordon, lost to Stuart .\IcClczn`1. Crown Hill, by knockout In second round. . , I 1`)n IL r~1.... n r n I uunu. 130 hm-.~;t, in mm. u_\' u uuuwu L1 nlj.:`l :\\'l1ic'h Mid-Izultl find 'I.`01'1'_\' scur1'iL- the Wm v5'z11'ds for z\.n0thu1' touch , xx ! 'n0t c_Qm'e1't(.-(1. I}zu'1`iu'.~ :1 came 1'1`om I)_\'t(:'.< boot in of u eld 540:1]. The B:u'2'3 _lined up 30 _\'z11'd.~' from thu _`;goz1l and Dytc lot My u 101 Ving ball that Clo:-11'c-d the inches, makin_: the score 22 {ha third quz11't.c1'. I)\':1 (3 1'1?-H1-rut} F:-nnu H~ card were those between C. Len_\'r' A good display of clever boxing and a bit of comic. too, was seen by some 500 spectators at the Barrie Arena Wednesdz1y night. The show \\ a.~' .~;tz1;:'ed by the Barrie Boxing Club and xvzxs such :1 success that there \'.':11 be :`.n0bhe1' one on or near Nov. 1st. - While` all the bout: were fast and celun, the most outstanding` on the zmd .-\. l":=.1'g'usoI1 and Barney Wich- man and Lorne Fe-r_4'uson. Both were by the Fergruson b1`0the1`3 on close .i(:CiSi0I1.<. These lads Wii! probzibly be given a chance at each in the co1nim:;s11o\\'. The re.~'uIt.+: 75 ii). C`i21SS--Chzlrf. St. Clair won decision from Wm. Harris in threc two-minute rounds. _ ~ _.;.3`vlb. (.`l21ss---Wm. Demery, Bar- rie, lost to J. Vanclief, South Round by tLCi1I1i(.'Eli knockout in fourti` round. - 11:: IL f`l.... n (`L u rv i Real Abi"ity is Displayed by Local gcrappexs against Taugh Opposition. Overlooking No B ets ;\Iond:1\' af x-moon, when t] A`.J1 .. 41. I : 1 ... 1tv:\ . 500 People See% { B_oLing Shaw] ./H In IE0 >n...A William "Dutch" Scott Gregg Pup" Coulson lb. C1a.<.<--~C. Lcz1_:1'(_-. Graven- Iost decision to .-\u_:i(\ Fer_2'u- -. four 1'oun(_l.s'. - - - H` rI..,... h h rw... ._ n-..... Luc.~_r_* 1'Cull(.`4`.l(l` _\': BIl1Sc0tt. the ma_]o1'.<, ' m:-:\' urn fn '1 >L'Ul'L.` 10 IO U. I .\[iclIand got their lone ta`l]_\' after s11o\'in;:; the rod and black back (1(:.<])c-r:1tul_\' for .~'c\`L-1'21] good gzxins. f1'he_\' \\'-ru ,~`t.oppe(l 20 y2u`d.< out and elected to kick from pl'.1<:<.-mx-11`, but the bull failed to <'1'o.<.< thc bar and \\'m_1t. for one point only. to1'e_\' kicktrd zmo`.h`c1' point and imlm- fol1o\\'L- with 21 touch after :1 1ong.:' run, but f':1iI<`d to con- vt-rt on :1 fo1'\\'urd p:1.<.<. P:u'kcr made another nuxjor scon-, :zxk1'n_:: the ball over on the play after Sto1'e_V s Ions; grzxin. and :1::ai11 tho ctm\'c1't. P.\':m t1~i.'-d Hwwm ;m,,.. x,.. Au:l_\ ;.',u LU 21 H1! 911101` outt in 1] 521:.` he won't S . John's, tlu-so 1`odheud.<` pm Qnnu ~ ilL"* J I _}L1(1g'(rs snnnt-nv the stocky cc.-ntrc ` I1ttdCk after attack on ml. Thu` was Hepburn. ted to 1'-cpeut for the up by the name of m North Bay is the ~'tu1-. "9 don t know but if what we . will more than do. the .~Lu-vx-.<. dc-fcnctz .` clmampjmhip. 'illl('lL`>' hopinf.-' x,. I Ch21.~1 the vot- 7:. th L-iberzxls, 3.-`at out (-\'01'\' timv on Tiin .r.- tn Ill` (Ill I 1 to Iocutv ` 'l`hc_: _,l\'o;_"thern>_.-xdvance _ . Camp .~\1Izm- round Lme Lmm (]u:11'[-cl . D_v:tc 1'eti1'cd frmn the _::nm- for ,.,thc lust 1'1'z}mc* and his chore was taken ova" b_\' t(A_\'no1ds, who kicked for the only point of thu period. 1\Ii(ll2'1nd c.ompI(.-tcrl the only fo2'\\'zu`d pass 01' the g'z1me for 21 20-.\'zn'd _'.:z1in. ._}_.' hem'ing' to Bray. llidlund "2itrc'xnpte(I another and B211'1'ic tried .onc. Bo`-h were intervepted.