Page Eight ` LIIU S_VIl(llCZlCe. , : M1`. Tn_Q'1i.< had 21 counte1'c-1:.\im fori `delivery of the note for cancellation` ;an an accounting from the plaintif ,` =in respect of his disposition of ihoi assets of the syndicate. [amt a depth or 4;) 100B. Offers for the purchase of the house and lot or for the house alone, to be removed from the lot,! will be received by the undersigned up till noon of Friday, April 12th, 1935. The hi_e'hest or any offer not neccssa1'il_v accepted. - A. W. Smith, Town Clerk, Barrie. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE CARS COLLIDE ON MAIN ST. Phone 137'7 133 Diunlop We far less During Lent Plmno m'dm's ]n'mn])1'- ]_\' ;11.1T<*nd<-(1 in. Three Servings of Fish 2 5 Cents .l<`l.\`ll Fmm .\l.\U S, ])jpjng_:' hot mmlcvd dur- lng mml. 1m1n'.x' only. 1`: .. UN f!1SI|' ]),\_\.'S, ' {Y .\ (`lI.\N( i-E ! L ;u.5u \.lL .1-Lu: -`H `N ' Mac's Fish and Chip Shop _ -g-I - a\lw-n . an -. to;-51, .\ H1021] of (I1-Ii:-inns lltill 4| 1| A1`I0ru OR HOUSE ALONE '. D- D ...... ...`l C........ Y _ Monday evening" last week the Young" People- :: Societies of Collier St. and Burton Ave. held -.1 joint meet- ing: in Collier St. (Thurch. The pro- ? _g'1`an1, which was provided by l:u~_ |.~\ve., opened with a short devotion- yal period led by Clarke Scott. 311'. ;Frank Dobson conducted a sing-song nvhich served to loosen up the l I BAYFIELD ST. We carry a com- plete line oiHar- ` ness and also make harness to your order. | `The Horse is no stranger than the \ Harness Twent_\'~onc persons hnvu been temporaril_\' cut o` the Orillizx relief lists for failing` to comply with the new 1'cgulation requiring` them to report daily at the relief oicc for work. i Notice is hereby given that all lcreditors and others liaving; claims 'ag'ai11. the estate of William Dob- son, late of the Town 01' I3a1'rie, in the County of Simcoe, Carpenter deceased, are required on or before` the Twentieth day of April, .'~\.D.. 1 1035, to send by post prepaid, 01' tol deliver to the undersigned. Solici-I tors for the Execntors of said Estate, :1 full statement of their .claims, duly Verilietl. and the ll:ll1l1't` of the security, if :m_\'. held by them. and after said date the Execntor.< will proceed to distribute `the zissets of the said estate mnon.-4' the p:n`lie.< entitled thereto, having` 1'e_e':n-d only to the claims of which they shall lthen have had notice. I n..+..,: ..+ n......:,, nn+....:n Hui: mm! [E11811 nave nun noucu. Dated at Barrie, Ontario. this 1!?1h' day of 1\Izu'ch, A.D.. 1935. Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Execulors for said Estate. HARNESS Price of supp1_\'in_; and dcliV(`1'iI..',' 50 maple trees tor [)111I1t11`lL", not un~ der sxx feet, at the 1d\vzu'd Shem- Niomm-inl `Pm-1: Allnndnlo-. will bu HAPPY EASTER VVE SUGC`rE'S'[` AN EARLY SELEC"l`ION FROM OUR; LARGE RANGE OF CUT FLO\V]CRS ANI) PLA N"l`S NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 ;1<`Ld12.iSt1?: Mary and Elizabeth Streets COLLIER ST. Y.P.S. Barrie Ewania Jamim Pmatae Ciub For a,pp1ication for1ns and copy of rules apply to AGRICULTURAL C'OMMITT_EE _ aauu. .L Lu .L.n; vv \.uLA..L:.J \.1:.'. rJ or STEWART L. PAGE, Agricultural Represe:-.1`ta'ti*e, Bzzuwie. RF.(+I5 .9`{IC`_I.l) .`-1'['f]T jI l;I]<]jI} FREE der met, at me 1yu\vz11'u onuzlr .\1emo1'1'.1I Park Allzmdulc, will bol rccc-i\'ed up tlll \`odxwsduy, May` `Ici- Keep Happy by Sending Flowers from You <-zlmmf s}n'0a(1 The _])m'f'111n0 of happiness on olors wi1:110111` g'o1rin_; 21 f.'<|\\' d1'0]).< rm y0111`solf'. n.ALLE_ BOYS E. A; AHAARRIS AGE 10 T0 20 YEARS TO J()]N FROIVI :')0<- UP. "B'ADRIE croxwl. A skit showing early matri- monial worries, by Miss Mary Patton and Mr. Doe, was a huge success. Mrs. Frank Dobson and Miss Bessie Spcarn rende1'ed 21 \'e1';' enjo_\`ul:Ie duet. Three of the Bunon Ave. boys then acted a very t1~z:gic scene while M1 . Bell read it, but st1'z1n:_v`e to . nobody cried, because tl1<:_\' were too busy laughing. Lunch was served after the games and contests \l7`|'D I\\70`I' l'L'L'k' 1st. LIH:5l'f.`LU 15 maue. This notice is given to enable all interested persons who desire to make any representation to the Municipal Council in regard to the matters contemplated by said pro- posed by-law, to appear before the said council at the time and place above mentioned. 1`:-\1\Il n4- ("Inns-n'InH I-1-u'n 106~'L Ann Lllt` 1llILUl'( LISC OJ. E119 ])UUll(,'. And further take notice that it is the intention of the Municipal Coun- cil to pass said by-law at said meet- 'ing', unless, some valid objection thereto is made. 'I`1n'n ma!-Inn -in n-iunn +n nun}-`In ..H HUOVB IHEIILIOIICU. Dated at Churchill, this 12th day of March, A.D., 1935. VV. B. SLOAN, f`.'InrIr nf Tnniul nuns u1I:1u'u|;ILL`1_\' L0 L110 boutll OI the lands of the Canadian National R:1il\\':1_\.'.< out to lsnbella St1'eet, as shown on said plan. and for the :1nthm*i:*.in_:: of the e.\:vcution and de- .`i\'o1`_\' n1` :1 mn\'c_\'ance of the lands <'o1nprise(l in said lane, to one l`hom;1.< \\'i. and providing for :1 co11\'c_\':1m'e from the said Thomas \\'i. to the Municipal Co1'po1'a- tion of the 'l`ownshi1) of lnnisl, of a strip of land seven feet wide, and 1-unnin_<;' from Cumberland Street, ai`o1'esaid, Easterly to Isabella. lStreet, afo1'e. and lying` im- mediately to the South of the lane shown on said plan, and being part of the land fo1'me1'l_v owned by the Canadian National Railway, and now owned by the said Thomas Wisker, and providing for the inclusion of said strip as part of said lane, for the future use of the public. '-\nrl `f'1n*H1r>-1* fnkn *nn1-.i(-n H1nf. if i: _- ......... .. ....._, vuu-.\.-u . l`ul-..e notice that it is the intention of the llunicipal Council of the Township of Innisl to take into con- `si at :1 meeting to be held in the ofTico of the clerk, at the Vil- l:1,u'o of Churchill, on Tuesday, April jltith. 1035. at two o'clock in the lnftornoon. :1 proposed by-law to (`losc :1 lane . on :1 plan regis- ttorml in tho Ro_:ist1'_\' ollice for the ("onnt_\' of Simcoe, as .\'o. 96, which l:mu 1`un.< I-,I;i. from Cumberland Siivvl. .-is slmwn on said plan, and 1`un.< immodi:1to1_\` to the South of nn c-xix` nl-zn curl 4-`Av +lxn a. v -y 9-\a\r To Whom it May Concern: tn 1 .- .1 THURSDAY, A1 l{lL .11, 1935. .|.I.L..n. .5. .n. .5: Barrie Kiwanis fC31u.b L DIJUALV, Clerk of Innisl. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Passion Week Service, led by members of the S05- Barrie Suitable for dances, card p211'tie.<. ai'ternoon teas, public meetings, etc. l{itcl1cn fzlcilitius, card tables. also phone. For rates apply to A. I`) Allen, 3-1 Pi1l'l{SltlO Drive. Plume- Gg4m. nuc ._..5.u. nu unc vvllluvvv A dramatic presentation of the Easter message, will be given in the Church School Hall on Thu1'sdz1_\ evening, April 18th, at 8 p.m., by Han V"PQ Qllvnr nf'Fn1~ino- Lloyd 'I`ufTord. Organist and Choir- master. ` UVUHIIIEV, :1}_Jl'll J.Ololl, ELL 0 1 the Y.P.S. Sxlver of't`e1`111g'. \7,__ .. .._ ..A.-.1 4.- .......- ,. mu. ;..4 .u. uu-`.4 \,..\,.-..5. You are invited to come and wor- shlp wlth us. ELASSIFIED Aims.) wu- Barrie Parks Commission \ A. H. Goodall, Sec _v, Bzlrrie, Ont. Beginning Monday--Every Night except Saturday LIBRARY HALL REV. E. E. LONG, BA. B.D. Minister LEGION HALL FOR RENT BUY NOW PHONE 91 The Light in the VVindo'w" . l.... .. A ...-L:,. ..-..,..A...;.',\.. -4` MAPLE TRE ES WANTED Sunday Nigkt W. A. HENES Anthracite Coal VVa.nted~PL_ymouth `Sedan, 1929,! good condition, before end of April.` Enquire 17 Worsley St. z1.m.-The Three Crosses. p.m.--The Verdict of His- : Palm Sunday, 1935 Oddfeilows Temple Revival Fellawship Lewis & Robertson STOVE COAL . . . . . . . EGG COAL . . . . . . . . . NUT COAL . . . . . . .. . PEA COAL . . . . . . .. . BUCKWHEAT COAL RICE COAL . . . . . . . . . MESSAGE : ` o 0 n `The Cruclflxlon Sl*]()RT, 1:.\VS]. IR-.\'.L`:[0.\'.v\L SERVICE 111113 ;\I()S'l.` ll.]<}.~\'.l.` -\ l_` '.l`IlE .l;()'VVIL4J..S".lV (.`().S"J` -SPRING PRICES-- D. 8: H. Cone Cleaned AFTER CHURCH, 8.15 SAVE MONEY LOW PRICES New Wall Pa.per--Sun tested, at l 7c up, and old reliable SUNWORTHY at 10c up. R. W. Burton, phone 989, |[-IYKE-At Allandale, on Sunday, 5 Midland . _ M `, :~\pr11 7, 1935, Hrs. Emma H_yke, ` ftoldean In her 73rd year. Funeral iron1,st1_uck - her late residenc, 19 Main St., 011{Feb 5 Wednesday. Interment in Barrie` ' Union Cemetery. `last IRV1NG-At the R.V. Hospital, Bar-K ' rie, on Saturdu_\', April 6, 1935,` A V, John Ewart Irving, of Sault Ste. ` C1;rko`1 ] Mario, in his 74th year. Funeral res t'h; on .\Ioml:1_v, with interment at hm tho` Bctl1(:s(I'1. TT7I`l.' `\+ rm... ,1 n..n +m......I.:.. I\I\ re xan ; C1150 '2 L)L`LIl(.'SUr';l. LUCK---.-\t Con. 41, Oro tOWl1Sl1lp, oni ',l`uesdu_\', April 9, 1935, Norman` Victor Luck, aged 37 years.- Funeral frmn his late residence on F1'i(l:iy.fo1- interment in Crown Hill L'emete1'_\'. Sl.\lL).\ -In B2u'1'ie on Tuesday, April 2), 1935, .\lzu'_v `G.i'ul1am, beloved wife of .-\ll)e1`t D. Simon, in liei" t'".tl1 _\'0:11'. l*`Lme1`z1l from her law l't`.\'l(l(`ll('0, S1 Berczy St., this all ternoon (Thursday) for intermen,` , in Barrie Union Cemetery. 5 In 1934, Canadians ate more than 3.H0(),0()0,000 0_l'_Q'S, which, if placed end to end, would extend to :1 dis- tuilve equal to four times the cir- lict value of the eggs produced in Cumidu in 19341 was about $30,000,- 000. 'I`he Dominion was the rs: country in the world to introduce egg grading in any form. This \\`.`1s done in 1918 1'01` export purposes` only at that time. In 1923 egg` grad- ing` regzulations were enacted to ap- ply to domestic consumption and: since then has proven to be a decid- ed advantage to both producer and -nn:nn1nr, l(l`!(`lL`!L(` of the earth. The mar-. BIRTHS CARROLL-At the R.V. Hospita'.,} Barrie, on Saturday, Aprii 6, 1935,} to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carroll, bug Innisl St., a daughter. ~ :COSBY--At the R.V. Hospital, ur-E l rie, on Saturday, April 6, 1935, to; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cosby, Gr-4-, venhurst, a son. 1 I KIRKUP-At the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rie, on Monday, April 8, 1935, to, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. D. Kirkup, oi Gilford, a son. } REID--At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Monday, April 8, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid, Hawkest;one,' I n Qnn 11 a.m.-The Two Jc-1'usalen1. var n.. n ., \.L .,.g......... Q Morning Stor_\' for Young` W01`-[N shippers League. ` 2 p.m.--Crusade1's Bible Claus; for Young: Men. 3 3 p.m.--Ou1' Church School. (_ Evening at Seven 1 The Crucifiel-:< of Yesterday and To-day. (E IE %1JA\ ll RFVJOUIS PICKFRING MINKTFR Iv `a".m'mrH\ It REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER Sunday, April 14, 1935 .$14.00 a .$13.75 a .$13.75 a .$12.00 a .$10.75 a .$ 9.25 a. ilb L 989. DEATHS BARRIE Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Entries into _ 111 cuuiuy court Lo-n101'1'0w 1{1cl1zu'1` `St. Peter, gas station zlttendzm, xicuri ;Midl-and, will claim from ()litI'o1'd' `Moore, baker, Victori-.1 Harbor, :,52b`i for damages sustained by being`- 'st1'uck b ydefenclz1nt s motor car on' {F911 5 TIL`-7._l `nnuv Mm]-.n,l l`l... _ _ \ tlefeluizmt. Parents should warn the1rch1ld1'en3 It Wu; 3130 part of 1 sto keep off the streets with rollerjtion amt Geo, He-ach .< skates and SC00te1'- 0118 b0.V \Vi1nfu1'nish an accommodatit `vlcilled last week throuf.-;h this dange1'- l the plaintiff in the sum fous pastime and one fatality a _vczu':the term of one year, th too many. ,bclievcd. ` C . A ~ . x ' -4 Execu*5:or s Sale I ` Of Residential Property, in the! ` Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. Upon inst1'uction.< roccived from E the I'}.\'ocutri_\' 01' the I`Istut(: of `the jlutc C11:11'l<,-.4 S\\'inn(.-rton, there will fbu oli'<.-rvtl fur .-`ulna by public nuc- `, tion at the , ___ . . The ofces of the following` den-? `.tists will be closed on Saturday z1fter11oo11s, commencing; May 1st: `. 1 D1`. E. L. Brereton, Dr. W. R.-. Rich:u' Dr. R. J. Sprott, Dr. J.} 11. \\'zu'nica, Dr. A. F. Perkins. A dance in aid of the uncmployud ;will be held in the". Tcnlplc !on Monday, April 22nd. Adnnission ` 25c. ` Summer Cottage Wanted---At Minetfs Point, or as near Barrie as possible. Apply Box B Advance Omce, Barrie. 1 _j________ : At 8 o'clock last night a gulss I` on Grove St., just east; of ()wen, ; `quired help from the brigade to 5 {under control, and at one o clock 1 'day the remen were culled to 2 other grass re 011 Bradford St. ' !dan1ag'e was done in either case. auucn u _)ut:J.u1uu.u|l.5 IHULUJ.` C111` ?Feb. 5, 1934, near Midland. ;c'.1se was udj0u1'11cd from .'-\pril ' last. | . ` A vacant lot opposxte (Jlarkc & Clarke tanne1'_V was the scene of two this week. `re ,and z13:,'z1i11 on Monday at nine; Io clock. N6 dunuzgc resulted _ either occasion. 011 Last Sundzty even-. ; mg` the brlgztde was called to it g1':1:;s' A L2LFayette sedan belo11g'i11g' to a Toronto trzweller, which was park- ed on Mulcaster St. yesterday morn- ing, backed down the hill and crash- led into the Clarkson Hotel. The driver forgot to apply the en1e1'genc_\` when he left the car. Little danlzigel resulted. The re brigade was called to the: home of E. Travers, 183 Bayeld, St., about 10.30 Tuesday morning to oxtinquish 21 grass re that `was en- dangering fences and homes. --j------ M1`. 111;,-'lis claimed that the plain-E Magistrate Je`s 1'eserVed J'udgmentiti' had not uec0unte to the . this 11101'11i118 311 H10 05150 Of Jllal cute for the prots made by him, ori `R11S1i11, Of T01'0I1t0.~ C11Z11'8'Cd With which ought: to have been mzule by! Speedillz`-T 011 131111101) St 011 Millilihinl, from the stock. It \vu:<. :1 term} 17th. 01' the S_\ 1](iiC21tC that M1'.Be:1ch{ ` ` e-----_- `should repay $2,500 obt:1ined by} ` The 108 In 13110 1321) 15 expected `#0 him on a 1no1'tg:agrc, that the moi-t-! IITICWG Out 51113 time 110W- It is W0 ,r:z`._2'e should he di.'=ch:-.1'_2'ed and that [Out f1'0111 the ,Sh01` and 311'9ad.V 59 upon the (li.<(:l1zn':_-;(= of the sziid `01111 >`17i11.2` b01tS h'c1\`0 been 110ticCd`1no1'tgage the note sued upon . on the Waters Of both Sh01'eS- `be 1'etLi1'11c(1 to him, coiitemied the _:.....___.j. i;ln+'on.L.n+ ! The local police are making a closl.-`_ check-up on all trafc offenders. I .\Ioto1`ist.~t should take _heed and drivol '; c-.u'el'ul1_\`. I ice in bay is [move any tune well out shore sev- boats noticed` waters (lil_\ S LlllFI'(5I|ILC1'. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. I1`urthm- tm-mu nml 1-nnrlinno mill 1-sun: SLIDJOCE to !'cs(n'veu bld. Further terms and conditions will be mzulu known at the time of sale, and in the meantime on application to Wzmted-Two young men to board | or room in comfortable home. 115 Bayeld St., or'phone 1175j. 1533: There is said L0 be erected on said! lands 2: one and one-hull storey brickl veneer residence, (sontuining six moms and kit:-ha-n, also excellent gzmlen. 'r,..,.m. . 'l`..n um. nnnl .. 41... um SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1935 at 12.00 o'clock noon by W. .'~\. .\1c("0nko_\', .-\uctionce1', the followin_L' lands and pm.-mistrs, name- ly : vmm 1.'..,4 l...H' ..r r-A xnmiv Tho I`Iz1. 112111 01' Lot Number 'l'hr<-u (21) and the West half of Lot .\'uInln-r l"0ur (.1), both on the North sitlv 0!` .\'m'Lh Street, and the [Cast hull` of Lot .\'uml1m' 'l'hrce_ (3) on thv North side 01', Grove Street (Jing'lmn1 s Black), 2111 in the said Town of H:1l'l'i(3, cont:1inin:.,r' together L}1I'v.c-qL1:u'tc1's of an new more or less. rm_,,..,, :,. ....:.i 4.. 1, - I gal uuu. Terms: 'l`un per cent. at the time of sale and the hulunce within thirty d:1_v.s' Lln.-r(:nfte1'. 'T`1nn nvnnnwh "All I... ..n'-..N1 r__, ..u\... |.zuA`\, ............. The z1b0\'e patient, a young,-' we-5 `man, was told she would not be able, Ito work z1g'z1in. She was so weak; Ethut she remained 1'e; for hours! f1'ol1owi11g;' her r-st treatment before *1'etu1-nin,-4' home. She received only `six or eig~ht adjustments in the fan `of the -year and next spring` when called upon she was seen in the eld ion the mower driving 21 team of : hor.~ `um um nxower (11'1v1ng team of. lmr.<(:.<. ' I 1 01'i5_-`inul lcttz.-1' on lo at the office! `of the recipient. Geo. R. Burns,: Chir0p1'uct01' and D1`u;:l(:ss Therapist, I Bun-ic. Phone 405. ' ~ l In county court to-morrow Ricluwd` f., pr-T911, u':1< cfzufinn uH-nnnl-an nu...-i Barri Dated April 5th, 1935. jun`-- SATURDAY, .-.r. 1-) m n'..I..,.1.- Locai News \Vanted--Midd1e aged couple to run farm. Man must give reliable references as to honesty, sobriety, industry and ability to farm. Other applicants not considered. 200 an-1-nu Cant] }'|1lii(Y`II'.\'. fair St0(:k.i QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE Burns, ANOTHER BELIEVER IN CHIROPRACTIC BARRIE DENTISTS Your t1'ul_\', L,.., ., 1 . Stewart & Stewart, Vanda:-'u Solicitors, Barrie, Ontario. Lnril 5th. 1925, Vu..scj.', May 28, 1931. The Northern Advance 1' Ull _ Tm- 2nd 11:` get l fn- appncunts not consmerea. zuu acres. Good buildings, fair stock. S11a1'es 01' Salary. State terms. Ap- ply to P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston. UIJLHIIICU. The (lefv;-Iul:x11t contended that thul `$2,500 1'el'e1'1'ed to which w-.15 i'u1'n-J `ished by M1`. Beach was expended in 1 '-,the purcl1u.~:e of 10,000 Sl]` ofl {stock of the co1npzu1_\', pun-.~:uzmt to} the said option and togt-the)" with 5,000 bomux" sl12n'e_~; and 10,000 1.shzu'es controlled by G90. 3. WE; )4Bo:1ch. were handed to the plz1intifl' - `for the purpose of the s_\'ndlcz1Le zmd 1)zu'tnersl1ip. M1`. plain- t Hn` l1'1rl ~nn+ ..,...,mn4,.,: 4,` "1-xxx _.....x: ` Lullllbll itll 'clUUUHllIlUll'LlLlUH IIULU LU 5 ` ithe of $500 for)` [the the defendzmti] i11_Q'iiS 1n:iintaine(l that av` iterm of the t1'zm. allovred thei yaccommodation notes to be renew-; gable from time to time during.-; the` "currency of the 111o1't_e'z15:e. M)-.1 iIng`ii.< c1:1ime he \\`:1.< entitled by the` `iterms under which he furnished the; iaccommodation note to 311-. Beach toi ihave the same renewed from timei tto time during` the period of mom-i _1gage or until the operations of the .'s_Vndicate have been concluded zmd `the assets 6i)t21i11e(i by the . `realized upon and di. He` '.further claimed he had never beeni 'jpaid -z1n_\'thin}.:` by wzry of expeiisi;-.<[ Iin connection with the operations ofi i the syndicate. I ' 7\`T-u Tu,..H-- 1~.u.l n rn/\V1I\r\<-r.1u11I\`\ 43,. 1 F A civil action was heard by Judge Wismer in County Court on Monday in which Mr. M. W. Beach, miller, of Barrie, was suing M. O. Inglis, 3bu1'1'i.~:1;ei_', Toronto, for a $500 note. ;.~\t the conclusion of the llearinp; his honor reserved judgment. C. D. Stewart, Barrie, acted for the plain- ltiif and Mm-Gi'(-g:o1' & .\IacGreg`o1', |'l`oi'onto for the dcfeiiduiit. ` I Mr. Beach claimed that on Janu- .ur_\' 7, L033, the (lefendant, for valu- iublv ('()I1.\`i(i(`2':lli01l.\', made. 11 note in [his l'z1\'o1' for $500, 1'alli11;;' due on j J11l1u:ll`_\' 10, l!D2}l. The plainti jcontcmled that the note was not nniil uvhm. .l.... `XIII! no-in ..,m.. ..` .... ---- I About 10.30 last night Robt. H.: `.jFie1dh0usc-, of llidhurst, collided, .' with a Ford sedan be1onin_2' to C1:u'-` ence Dickey, 56 Cumberland Stu, om -`the south side of Dunlop St., op-' posite the Ford gara_Q'c. Fie1d11ou. gappeared before Magistrate JefTs this morninfg on :1 charge of being` d1`un`.< while in charge of a car and \Vu.`< '_;.;ranted a week s adjournment. Hv is out on $1,000 bail. I KJIX FIKILJJIL 4`\L4\}lV.C4 I E, To Be Removed from Lot ,1 : The Council of the Town of Bar-1 iric 0'e1's for Rule the house and lot} lbeing number [(31 Dunlop Street, be-| ping; east of Mulcuster Street. The: ihouse is 1-oug`11c:1st zmd the lot has :1 ]1'z'o11tz`._'.',`e of 33 feet on Dunlop Street land a. depth of 45 feet. I 0fTnrg 1-`nr ux m11`r=hn.:n nf Hum `T.-u uuuul IUI v,1lJUU Ltllllllg LIUU U j colltclldud paid when due and still 1'en1ui11s un- ipaid. Alto_<.,-`ether M1`. Beach was jc1ui1ni11_.}; the sum 01' $500 with in- .to1'est at the rate of five per cent. from Junuzu'_\' 1.0, 1034, and costs. 11]`. inwlis n1:1in1-ninml fivvf Hw. Jl'Ulll .Junuzu'_\' LU, 19154, and costs. M1`. Inglis mztintuined tlmt the- inote sued upon xvas given by him 'to the pluintill us an aceonimodzxtion note in connection with the clfort oi` M1'. Beach to misc $2,500 in con- :llCCl,i()ll with zuxluisition by the syii-: ,tl1c:1t<.- of which the plz'.int1' was 11. member of :1 block of stock in the Bloom l.2ll\'L` Consolidated Mines .Lt The s_\'11(licute cotisisted of the plninti, Geo. S. W. Beach anti him- sell`. lu1`.'u~;mt to the terms of the syniczite ag`1`een1ei1t, the option was obtziined. rm. .1, .,`4d_;'l.` .\HULl1(l UL` UL '1ll'.l'_L ,'C(l EIHU .upon `mortgage sh 1'etL1mc(1 f defendant. T+ um: rv1.~I\ I\:\\-`< .-.4` 4.1.- cm... I BARRE MAN SUES FOR PAYMENT OF $500 NOTE._ (lL'lL`IlUZU1E. the tl`:111S21C-] ltlon -`ye-ach should ulsoi `furnish accommodation note to. \+1... n1n~7h+H` 4.. H... cnnw ,.+' r;-:nn +',u.l C0llierSi. Eniied Church!