Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Jan 1935, p. 2

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O1 21. S\VOZ1.C'SI10[) IIZILUIC. In still another way the Govern- ment; has come to the assistance of industry and labour throue;h the De- partment of Mines, of which Hon. Mr. Gordon is the directing` head. When the plight of a coal mining industry was apparent and mines were closing: down or operating,` on a greatly reduced tonnage, the Govern- ment, largely through the imitative N II1 thPrtI Ahuattre Printers in Barrie since 1847. I FBKOO. Barrie -C. D. Stewart M. H. Esten .-vu Phones 218 PHONE 53 J. DJHLSAKLDL D 82A Dunlop St. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionlc Treatments. `Massage and Corrective Adjustments I Blood Tests and Urinalysis [Home or Ofce Rates Reasonnbl Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 186..- DL..._ 9') D-__:- r\,,- VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES ,o Budget your expenses and plan thcyS2lV.. ing of 21 certain sum for periodic deposit in your savings account with this P'.1nL'. J. EDWIN WILSON, B.S.A., D.O. REGISTERED OSTEOPATH R Yin... RI.-.1. `|2......:.. \lJ.'4\J- I`. l`\1`IJ no I`. Dult r Licensed CHIROPRACTORS and DRUG-LES3 THITRAPISTS R9A I-`II-nlllun Co DL__- Anl Phone 82, IVI\J'.1DL1IV.L`4.1J UDLIDUKAVLD. 6 King Block, Barrie Office Hours: 9-12 a.m., 1.30-5 p.m. and by appointment. Telephone 345 Tuesday and Friday Evenings at Alliston. J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofce--Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 r-nxmuuuv AJVJU tiuttuuun Special attention Obstetric: Associate Coroner for Simooe County Office and Racldonco 50'Mary St. Phonn I01 Omce Hours: b-0.30, 11-2 30. 6-830 DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence--Corner I-Ilia hert and Bradford St.s., Bnrrie. Phono 105 Office Hours: 9-10 a..m., 1-3 pay. 718 p.m. DRS. Ll'I'I'LE 8: LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Mnplo Ava. Olce Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. '1'. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. wumnm Anaocinte Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofce-58 Collicr St. Omce Hotrn: 8-9 a..m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80~8 p.m. I b'.l.".19UL.L.LS1' Ornlin, Ontario will be at the Quota : Holol, Mg Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint i ment. {\ \\`\ 'HURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1935. T SURGE'I; OF WOMEN Lmuu.G.1>.. I`.-n...-....w F;-.....4.. IKJ 03..-- DR. WALTER H. WOODROW YE, EAR, NOSE A"D TEZOAT .Q`D``.('*.TA`lT DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGI")N .q1\nr-in` .M..no:n.. ru....o..4.:..- GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T .1'nnn an G. G. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Barrio Brunch MISS BEULAH SCOTT --Phonn ll47w-- DR. W. A. LEWIS Bun. Pie. 0nQ TOTAL ASSETS OVER $500,000,000 Fublished at 123 Dunlop 5%., Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON. zaduu: and Publiahe: @112 Nurtlpern Ahumzrr EDI l"OR!./=\L Premier R. B. Bennett has at lczxst! located :1 weak spot; in our economic system, that which permitted lurgu numbers of Willing workers to be un-- employed, and kept; p1'oducc1's from getting a just share of the world`s wealth, which they have created, while _ .|11on-producers were getting an un-{ usual share. ` 7111 n . . .. . . .. The Premier made it plain that at` the coming session lpegslagtioir will: be introduced to remedy many of the[ !existing evils. Arguing that the.. present system had bred monopolstic; privileges and that free competition`~ had ceased to perform its original? function of maintaining` a just bal--l ance between \\'a_2'es and prots, ac-` tion is promised in the abuses un- covered by the mass buying and price- spread commission. Parliament will be asked to determine on the recom-f mendations of the commission, to en . sure fair play between producer, con- sumer; between illdnstrv and the public. It is further the intention to set up a National Economic Council to advise in matters of national I\nI\'v1t\r\1\n Y\t\1In1O \ U) SUL'l.ll'U adum coal. ()1 O0 1101' C6110. ` The cost of mining coal in Canada in .1931 was $4.08 per ton, in 1933, it was $3.55). This reduction of 45)` cents per ton should go a long way? to secure wider markets for Can-r n.-.1 obviating 116 potential strikes, many of which`direct1y involved thousands of men, during the most critical per- iod of Canadian industry, is an achievement that has largely contri- buted to the maintainance of stability` in this country, and one from which the federal administration and the public should derive much satisfac- tion. Such is the recoird of the Fed- eral Department of Labour, as re- flected in its concilliation and ar-l bitration service during the regime of the present administration. 'l`lm vnnrn'rl< nf the dnmuvtment in- To have been instrumental in, I DUI: up it `.`\2:1.LlUllil1 .L`4CUHUllllC UULIIICIL national` economic policy. 1` Deeply interested in reducing the farmers production costs. the Govern- V ment had made provision for a scal- ing down of farm debts, and provis- ion had been made for additional money which could be used by the Dominion Farm Loan Board to make advances to farmers by way of rst mortgages at low rates of interest,; also for short-term credit money. At` the next session Parliament will be asked to make it possible to further extend this lending cf money to farmers at the lowest possible rate of interest. ' V HIUII. ? During the past four years p1'oduc- , tion of coal in Canada declined 32; per cent., although imports of coal` into Canada declined 38.3 per cent." In the United States in the same per iod there was a decline in production! of 38 per cent. l 'I`l1(. nncf. nf mininrr r-nnl in (.:\11n1ini I The re-organization of the ClV1l service of Canada by the creation of a department of communications is promised.` At the p1`ese."* time the. whole eld of government communi cations is scattered through no less than ve departments, making eITec- tve co-ordination impossible. These will be consolidated under the one? head, making` for more efciency. l "W19 primn T\/h'nicfm- law: nnxv aivnn` i of Hon. -Mr. Gordon, instituted a sub-I vention policy whereby the sale of, `Canadian coal was promoted. ; The benets accruing to the coal; industry due to the subvention pol-1 icy of the Government are revealed in statistics compiled by the Domin-~ lion Fuel Board. The movement of` coal under the assisted rates in 1930`; was 479,228 tons; in 1931 it was} 721,123 tons, in 1932 it was 1,124-1 788 tons, in 1933 1,932,711 tons,l and in 1934 to Sept. 30th 1, 859,-, 513 tons. It is estimated that fully. 2,000,000 tons moved in 1934. In; 1930 this assistance provided work, for 900 men and in 1934 for 6,000 711071. IIBEIU, IllZUilIlg' 101' lIlOl'(`.` e]'I'lCl8IlC_V. l The Prime Minister has now given` four of six radio addresses and all who are listening must acknowledge; that he has given deep and serious; thought; to the new program he is go- , ing to appeal to the people on. ` THE NEW DEAL FOR CANADA - {ox u1e W111 long remam. :1` There is always two sides, and isometimes three sides, to a story, and a*there were even more to this ap- 2 . proach to castatrophe, for did we not ),have a force of reporters and photo- _v:.>`i'apli(.=1's. Yea, all the way from -; l`oronto, seeking` ascension to the `zpinaclc of eminence on the misfor- ;tunes of four sher boys and the grief of their parents and associate friends. Why all the stir by such. .Simply greed for easy nancial glory and dividends to the stockholders. But 1 suppose it is for such activity `in S(`2Il'(.`ll of material for pen prose il\Ioulder of Public Opinion. While "our unemployed are compelled to exist at the pleasure of the nny habitant of our grand old Lake Sim- coe and our country, our (l3Zll'l_V little but a charitable institution to ,the outside world, and we, the ri_,,-'ht- ful owners, can either sh or starve. Where now is all the fruit of our teachingrs and our preachin;.v;s ? Is thi-' not a visitation for the services rend- ered by those to whom we gave our trust ? It has been said Woe unto `him who places a stun1blin_9; block be- .fore my children. __A M....n:n...u..m. ithe press assumes to usurp the title, .1 *1 L I ~1 1 l `(Hill ]_JU1'llI:Lpb' LU L1lEU.' llllal UUSCIVUCHOII. 2 They decided on rowing a boat - across the boilng` chasm and rescuing - their chums. They dare not lose any - time seeking assistance ere it be too 1 late. They drew the boat across the 2 ice to the open water, but owing` to 3 zero temperature and the high winds t they were soon at the mercy of the ,;eleme{nts, tossed hither and thither t`/among the ice ows, and adding to 3 their discomforts they were capsized pinto the icy waters. but fought )against odds as only brave boys can 3 and succeeded in gaining` a sitting pos- iture in the boat, which had become 1 sheathed in ice and fully under con- 1' trol of the wind, that in less time S than it takes to tell it, both boys werel elanded on the ice with the two they wished to save. I`l.,. .L`...... L`..- z.r_:_.I L, ,,,,,, .1 i It is most unfortunate that more `of the citi'/.r-ns of Barrie (lid not` avail themselves of the opportunity 301` hearing: Dr. Gordon Jackson, .'iVI.0.H. of Toronto, who gave such fan instructive talk on health at the iV.O..\'. annual meeting: on Tuesday lni_e`l1t. llcalth has alxvays been and {ever will be the quest of rich and poor; without health life is worth but little. And yet, health and all that` it involves does not receive the at- tention that we would expect. Bar- rie ranks hip;h as a health centre, and not a little credit is due Dr. A. T. Little, M.O.H. for so many years. He has fought long for purelwatezgl pure milk, and nursing service, free where needed, for the town. Fitting tribute to Dr. Little's watchfulness was paid by Dr. Jackson in his ad dress. The part played by the V.O.N. in maintaining the high standard of health in Barrie cannot be estimated in dollars and cents, and this service .may and should be extended. Co ioperation is needed and we hope to `see extension of this service duz mg g the year ahead. U1. uuy CUUHI IIIILKC l'L`ll(`,l [)()3~'.`s'll)l(`. 'l`hurs mornin_L-; l\'les: Will Reid and l-l:n'r_\' liemlall \'l'lll,lll'(.`(i out on the ice to their s'hin;: il()llSL`S and lwere busily em,-':u;`e(l in the hope :1 lmy lmbitant would :i\':1il himself of the palatable morsel they Lemlerml, lwhen the ice SCp:l.1'1ltC(l and the two }_voum:: men and their little liouses f\V(.`1'C fastly moving` in :1 south- Inu-cinu-l\v sllwmn-n 4.. .. .....m...` ......o.l. l OI L110 presem; aullllliislruuuu. The records of the department in- dicate that; during` the past four years Canada has not experienced any major industrial disturbance such as has occurred in other countries, and that gives Canada a high rating among industrial nations. The re- cords, however, show many disputes settled before they had developed to serious proportions, with employees kept on the job and both parties obeying the dictates of common sense when reason and meditation have been given. a chance. Rim-p Julv. 1930. there have been I_VUuIl3. ,` mun {UNI I}ll(}ll' HILLIC ll0UH(,`.\` were fastly eusterl_\' `(lll`0L'ti0 I1 as :1 severe north- `west; wind waged its strengtli ll_L',':llIlHt ;the open water, and that portion of .the ice upon which rested the two ;-young men, who", on noticing-' their ipredieument, sought escape by run- jning ezistxvurd in the hope of being; `able to leave the ice at eight-mile point, but ag'ain they were confront- ed by open water, so under dire diffi- culties they retraced their steps_ tlirough the blizzard back to their sh houses. - ` rm.....,..J.... ..4.-+,.....,.-.. M .... .- r._..i 11511 HOUSES. Thursday afternoon Messrs. Gor-i `don Joslin and Norman Leigh decid-`, ed to go shing, but on reaching the} lake sho1'e noticed the space of open water and immediately realized the danger confronting` the two comrades `on the ice, moving` before the storm `and perhaps to their nal destruction. "I`]1n\,` rinrlirinri nn 1'nu7ir\n n ]\nn1- I Jack rabibts have become so num-I erous around Stayner that they are: a nuisance and farmers`aIe organiz~ ing to destroy them. Ono plmsu of thv depression was svriousl_\' realized in and about. our now I.':xmou.~< villzuru on the night 0|.` J:mu:n`_\' 3rd in this brand Nvw Yo.-u` 1!l.'."v. 'l"|1-. I'c:Lson wns truL\' .iUst.il'1cd for \\'vrut,l1m'u not four of our prom- isillg: youn_x: men in .'l. |)(`l'()ll.\' position and liable to be ovurwhullm-I Ivy tho `icy \\':1tvrs 0| l..'1kv Simmv on Lhnt cold and stornly ni_L,-`ht, are the ln'u:1l *0}? day could make relic!" |)(). I 'I'hIIr. mnrnimv l:\u \ViIl 3 LU Lzulu. i I The people of the village, relatives `and otherwise, lived all night in a vlstate of high nerve tension from the jdread of disaster to humanity, who, `;tl1rou,9;h no fault but that of hope! yfor sustenance might at any moment' ]be cast to a watery grave. There {was also that gnawing strain of un-, ;certainty that such cruel fate may`: :have already befallen their lovedf (ones. When the mists had cleared. ;and da_vli_9;ht dawned it was soonf Iilearnetl that_all was well with the; ` boys and the prevailing' cloud of grief_ `transformed into an atmosphere oi; 're_ioicin;=:, and soon all was as be-` ifore. But the memory of a mjrhtw of hope and trust among the perils [of life will long remain. g E Tl/`1e1'n is nlwnvs tum cirlna cnnrl WlblU:.`L1 LU SZJ.V(;`. The four boys tried to row the boat back to safety, but they were all tossed into the water among the :ice oes and carried back by the {wind whence they came. Wet to the `waist, yet undaunted, they strove to dry their clothes by the heat of .their frail shhouse stoves. They iwere brought safely to land by some of the Hawkestone friends on Friday E afternoon. An n,~........1........ .L'.....-. rL...._. 1`-_.__1___I ` zu.u:u1uuu. I An aeroplane from Camp Borden` ;ew over the lake Friday morning and kindly dropped food and drink] Ito the stranded young men, but the. ipilot, apparently not knowing` the ;condition of the ice, did not attempt to land. I 'T`l.n ..,..-....1,. -3 L., -.:n-...- ._.I,.L:,,,, HAWKESTONE {U11 _-'A. MacGi11adubh. The Northern Advance .. .... >-Q1`y _ In... Another of the department's duties is the administration of the Fair Wage and Eight-Hour Day Act. This measure was designed to ensure to labor the payment of current or fair and reasonable Wages, and the ob- servance of a working day of not more than eight hours in all build- ing, construction, remodelling or de- molition contracts, involving the ex- penditure of Dominion funds. Ac- cording to the Labour Gazette, the total number of such contracts awarded during the period August Li 1930, to October 31, 1934, was 735, involving an expenditure of approxi- mately $22,332,-'148.00. In addition there must be included the tremen- ous cost involved in contracts for supply of clothing and equipment for such departments as the Post Oice and National Defence and for relief camps. In all these employment is protected, for the reg'ulations com- pel adherence to proper working con- ditions and the avoidance of anything of a sweat-shop nature. Tn utill nnnwnv \xr5\\' ____r ,_.._-_, H10 (lnvm-n. 1 1 guangnnauaxmwm. LE 5 dbtresano toocenr eating` . tapleasant ' tomkn1Andhowgooaitia; w thoqstoml Unlikoaburningdou I hichhbnt ra.ryre1ie!~ `It&*r-Phillipcl!kof agncsinnen-; Jtalizu many times its volume in add.` N$ti1nea.hea.rtymea.l,ormoridI ldiethasbrought: onthe lcaatdiseom-' trv~-- I V Re-distilled, super-rcned Oil of Euca- lyptus. All impurities removed. No pungent irritating odor-never goes stale -ncvcr loses its strength. A Powerful Germicide Four times as effective as curbolic acid as proved by actual tests on typhoid germs, but is numjzoisonous and nan-corraswe. -.-- --,... .p.,. A Most Effective and Safe Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Bronchitis, Catztrrli, Asthma, Hay Fever, Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerchief. Read directions. uv\u.u.w-.. . A 1'51 CANADA WEST INDIES MOLASSES (`A I imiku-I Penetrates and dissolves the acids and salts which cause Rheumatism, Neuritis, etc. Gives marvellous relief from sprains and bruises. Lf'\I`(I"'\|Jf\ WCDI IIVUIIZD IVILILIWDDEJ Co. Limited 5400, E. Nofre Dame SL, Montreal, P.Q. A azgximg `nigaglegz For Internal Use Recommended for slumach, kidneys and bladder. It cleanses and stimulates these organs and helps them to function pro- perly. Relievcs distress and induces restful sleep. u-.. tNlV'lN. been given cnance. Since July, 1930, there have 34 disputes Involving 92,000 em- ployees settled by Boards of Concil- liation and Investigation, under the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, which functions chiey in cases where the industry is 21 public utility. Un- der this Act, there have also been 30 cases involving some 19,000 em- ployees. In addition tlwre is another and -More xnicker Mi-< -Bpwner Feedilrfg Be sure to obtain our leaet giving full directions for the many uses of this wonder all of nature. `IE1: An- -`.::u an. PHIEE.EP Mill` L0 `I l'-rn-,4 __S.. Wh_e_n Fbod Barrie Fkur Mills an}. ant, uuc. auc From your Druggist. or AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY l'\....I....... El I`:.r-amt- IITAI-4-1.... A: What you yourself eat with relish is easier to digest and gives you more nourish- ment than equally nourish- ing but unpalatable foods. In the same way your cattle will eat dry roughage such as hay or straw when com- bined with WI 3 Pure Sugar Cane Feed Molasses. They will relish it and eat more of it. Digest it better and pro- duce more milk and richer. Feedwl 3 Pure Sugar Cane Molasses; it is economical and is rich in vitamin-pro- ducing minerals that stimu- late growth and production andprotectagainstanemia. SOLD IN BARRIE BY Insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes There is none Just as Good" .l.V.I..I!.I.IL`L of Magnesia Soars LABOR HAS \BENE.FlTED BY GOVERNMENT SERVICE E- 25c. 40c, 65c. 90c mum Ivrnlr Y\u-nun-Ia} 1 Inn LIILULI L;UAuL A.L\.l , Toronto WAvcr1ey 4521 U1"L`1lUEJ: 13 UWHIN $1.. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Oice, Elmvalo, Ont. W. A. Boys. K.C. J. R. Boys BARRISTERB SOLICITORS, N.O T- lmuzas PUBL.'[c, CONV-EYANCERS, ETC. I I . r. 1v1cL.UAIu, ILA. I Successor to Creaw.ick.e & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN I Ofce: Rosa Block, Barrie. ' 4. u1;.u.\.r;a.4 47 Elizabeth St_ I nAn.1c1a _nsm Solicitor for obtainmg probate of javill, guardianship and adnnistration, ,and General Solicitor, Notary Con-I i vevancer. etc. lVl\Il`I4I l\I I-4\.Il\I` Office, 3 Owen 51., Barrio Phone 69 | DONALD F. MucLAREN, B.A. BARR.lS'l`EIt, SOLICITOR, ETC { MONEY 'l`O LOAN M...-...:.. T.......I.. 121.1,. n.,_..:_ CAMERON 8: CAMERON .BARR.lS'l`ERS, SOLICITORS, z;2'l'C S nwnn So Rn-mi- DI".-- Ant: pioyees. In addition there is another and more general class of disputes dealt with under the Concilliation and Labor Act, which empowers the Min- ister to inquire into causes and cir- cumstances and to take such steps as seems expedient to bring` the parties together There were 82 settlements effected by departmental efforts in this group. I`1an+ 4-Iain any-uinn in onh1`on1'nf'oI1 in l w uwen D` ID. M. Stewart ..v.....,.u n uunnn BA RR.IS'.l`ER, SOLIC1'I.`0R., NOTARY CONVEYANCING. ETC. MONEY TO LOAN l(`\Il`..... ') l'\ , GORDON LONGMAN l3A.IU.l,."l`ER,' SO LICITO R, N O'l`A RY E'l`('._ RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRLSTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC Monev In lnnn n! Lnumn R..b-. STEWART & STEWART BARRISTERS somcrrons, N0 I`- muss P.UBLI c 5; QONVEYANCERU R/Inna`; in In... In ...... -.._._- _n G. H. Esten ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISJBERS Bolicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers doney to loan at lowest current rates. Eco: lat Floor Masonic Temple BIdg., Barrie. G. H. Wnfnn M H wnnn L)rL1h.l\.l..n)J. EJIVD, DULAIE/1 J. UJED, D I. '.; Money to Lou: at Lowest Ratu Office, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. 1:."1`u'. Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest nwmnm. 10 nxxrrzmv om !ARR.lS'l`ERS, 2:71`! 5 Owen SL, Barrio. Phone 406. MONMV 'Pn 1_nAM That this service is appreciated is evidenced by the fact that the depart- ment zmd the minister, Hon. W. A. Gordon, personally, have been re- peatedly commended fn" successful efforts which have surmounted a seemingly impossible impasse. A, n 1- n 1 ,,,_,;__,,..;9_, .L-;,:,.. nxu. Money to Loan Mnoonic Temple BIdg., Barrie. uluruyx 1U LJUAJV Masonic Temple Bldg" Barrio. K-.U:uD .l'.UD141\; I52 UUN V11i!1`LNL;l!il Money to lonn in any yum; at iowest current rates. TR ntunn C5 _ Dr-w-Jn 1!.lU'J.V.l`J.l LU UUAJN Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. IUWBII cu` 18 Owen St. M` ,Q+mm... Of Interest OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. in nrnrnicna 4'nv-nqnvhv 4-nu.-.8. A MBULANCE SERVICE P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER En!` fnr n'h+a1`-1'nn- vu.-nkn THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE B. F. McCUAIG, B.A. 11'n.u=nI- fin (".*r-n.nxvh-In: .( u- D o.uua.uA L2vu\.|I4u1., LVUIAI-A vs; ancer, etc. MON T0 LOAN our M.-...:.. T-......I- n GORDON FOSTER JVIVIJII rfxvtrrlrlu/-nu. ... e an, unrno. l'h0no IAIKLONEY TO LOAN BOYS & BOYS We` carrya fulliline of Magistrates , Constables` and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Look over your requirements and place your order with the Advance. Business Directory -:_--_ A savings account is not a mere matter of dollars and cents, any more than a building is a mere agglomeration of bricks or stone and mortar. Both require planning.

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