Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Dec 1934, p. 8

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Page 4: Recent despatches from Londoni would indicate, that Washitng-ton is expected to further demote the United States dollar from its present rating of 59 cents to 50 cents, which vnnnnc n nnur h`It11`I n'F innitinn l`ilL|Il..L' U1 {)2} CUHL5 LU UU L'L`IIL, \VHlL?ll ,means a new measure of ination lwith a benecial effect upon Can iadizm gold and silver mining. STROUD TELEPHONE CO., LTD. sunerx xenex awaits you. Uld. bones? St. Jacobs Oi!" has relieved million! 0 theumatism suerers in the last half- - century. and is`jinst as good for sci- atica neuralgia. lumbago. backache. sprains and swelling; . What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop druggingl Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the tender spot" and relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. `in-nihnn nu. (Wait 4-n.....I..:_:..:_l t`-A. Ciot burn the SKIN. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get l n_s'mal! trial `bottle from your drug- st, and in just a moment you'll be rec from rheumatic and sciatic min. fist, and 1!! just you ! rheumatjc and sciatic soreness. stiffness and sw'ellin . sueri Relief awaits 0 d. ht St. Tacobs Oil" has reliovprl milm RubRheumaticPa'vn, Soreness, Stiffness Rub Paln right out with small trial bottle of old Mn; n__-u__ an n --nun awn.-no VI vuu St. Jacobs Oll." 11 z1.m.-Tlie Pastor. `indomitable in Decembers Five-Vlinute Story for Young` Wor- shippers League. 3 2 p.1n.---Cru;~:a(lei's Bible Class. 3 p.m,~-C11urch School. Evening at Seven Rev. Louis Pickering will preach Subject: God Restoring Broken Designs. Has God Still 2L Will for Us ? .al'lSIIIU21S. ` 1. W. Johnson and ch11- hollday wlth relatives Geo. A. Martin, Treas. I of Port Colborone, is hnnwn 1-um-a The Advanpe UUIIT 1 F. L`a'm'3`. .'2`$? Inst HQIC Mr. A. Taylor, of Detroit, spent the holiday in town as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Essa Road. T\/l'1'am-m 'lI\1,n..\.....,. ....,J mr:1.).._,) mr an me1r nome nere. ' Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton included Mr and Mrs. Allan Brunton and chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Rosevear, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hanson and baby Roger, all of Toronto. n`m= 1cl- Allsvnrlnlo (`nonnnnn A: mssa noau. Misses Florence and Mildred Mc- Quade, of Toronto, spent the holiday at their home here. (`J1v;c{'n1on ~.yoH-A-an n4. L1... 14.....- -J' nuger, au 01 `ioronto. The 1st Allandale Company of Girl Guides were the guests of their captain, Mrs. H. Modeland, at a Christmas party on Friday night at her home. During the party gifts were exchanged. Refreshments con- cluded the evening. Hnlidav visitm-Q iii`. fhn 11nn1n n+' NF. ctuueu we evening. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lu`;-:e Spearn included Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell and dau,<;'l1te1' Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. C. Spearn and daughter Diane, of Toronto, and Mr. Frank Spearn, of Kingston. 1`/ITS. TC. Stf. Of r`.nnL'c1'nurn vL~i4- (E I5 `u1r'A\ ll RFV_ lnllit DIFKFRING MINIQTFR rrzum apearn, o1 mng-ston. Mrs. E. Scott, of Cookstown, visit- ed with M1`. and 111-5. R. Dunnett on Christmas day. A (`F1 T'l` .,........~ ; L, 1t- L/Ill'lb'Lllld.S clay. I A C.G.I.'l`. group is to Be formed agzxin in the near future at the Essa Road Presb_vte1'iun Church. Laura. Calvert wili be the new president! when the group is organized. The DUl)lI5 n1 H10 .Q1n1(I:nr .Qnhnn'l .\l'| wueu me group IS orgamzed. I pupils of the Sunday School of St. George s Church were the guests of their teachers at a supper and Christmas tree celebration on Thurs- day evenng last. In addition to the. gift which every child received, each] was presented with candies and an` orange. Rev. Mr, Fierheller was chairman for the evenmgx Among` the stuclents himm rm Hm cnumnun I01` the evenmg. Among students home for the holidays are: Marian Wisdom, Ge_or_2,'e Potts, Jack Percy, John Sinclair, Lloyd Morrison, of the U11ivorsit_v of Toronto; Rosebud Ardell, of Quuen s Univc1'sit_\-`, Kingston; Jim 'l,`e1-1-_\', of O.A.C., Guelph; Marie .VlcNivcn, 01' Peterboro Normal School; Royce-l Little, of Pickering` College, and Maurice Park, 01' Toronto Normal School. IL.,S,L,,, F uuuuul. Christmas Service The feast of Clwistmzls was cole- brated at both morning` services at St. Geo1'g'c s Church, with special music rendered by the choir. Holy ,Communion was obse1'Ve(1 at both ser- vices. . nu o.....).... 1'). n:,_,1,,11 1 x 1 n I On Sunday Rev. Fierheller based his sermon on the stories of the Christmas hymns and carols sung` at that service. The Nativity of Our Lord, the angels with their hymn of joy, Glora in Excelsio Deo, `oecl-.- oning; the shepherds to come an(l adole, the star guiding the three kings to Bethlehem, were describe-4 just previous to the hymn appropriate for that particular phase was sung`. In connection with this, these ex- cerpts from the story of Christmas have their application to men s lives to-day. Christmas is becoming; com- l mercialized; we should strive to keep ` the real meaning; of that glorious feast before our minds. In the con- fusion of everyday life, the bustle OI preparing for Christmas Day, the I purpose of why we have that (lay 1'01 :1 holiday sometimes slips into the 1 background. Tn r-nnr-lncinn l\/Tr TI`iaa-lanllnu ehmcs Ui:lChgl'ULlIlU. In conclusion Mr. Fierheller stress- ed that when we think of Christmas we think of it primarily as the Birthday of Christ. ROBSON-At the R.V. Hospltal, Barrie. nn Mnmlnv. D.-. 9.1, 1:.:;. -COUTTS-~At the R.V. Hospital Barrie, on Wednesrla_v, Dec. 26 1934, Annie Marie Murphy, wife of Jas. A. Coutts, Midhurst, a_<,_-`ed 35 years. Funeral from her late residence, Midhurst Forestr_\: Sta- tion, on Fri(lu:.', Dec. 28, at 9 a.m. for Mass in St. Mar_v s Church, Barrie. Interment in St. Marys Cemetery. MULCAHY-In Orillia, on Monday, Dec. 2-1, 1934, Clara E1izabe;i1 Teefy, widow of the late Thos. Mulcahy, in her 8~1tl1 year. lnter ment in St. Michael's Cemete;'\.'_. Orillia, on Dec. 27th. HOOK-At the R.V. Hospital rie, on Tuesday, Dec. 25, 19:34, Scott Hook, ap:ed 21 (lays, in: an son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hz;o.c,. Allandale. Interment in B?.1`1'1(. Union Cemetery on Tl1ursd.1:, Dec. 27th. JOH-NS'l`OI\'--In Barrie, on Frida_V Dec 21. 1934, Frances Jean John` ston. Funeral from her late 1 -.3- dence, 32 Francis St., on Dec 24th. Interment in Bznrie Umor Cemetery. --- RJ<`m.'1`nN_A+ Ban"- flao W `7 I-Tnerul-nl nuDou1V--.-u. Lnc 11.v. I10Spll'.al, Barrie, on Monday, Dec. 24, 1:15-1, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Robson, 31:3 . 1, Utopia, a daughter. SPE .\IAC`ER-At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Tuesday, Dec. 25, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spencex-,1 78 Dunlop St., a son. ` `l'.1`r1'1'1*\1-rs-r~rA\r -n 17 vv (L |".`E`m'J'm:"i`1"` il. REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER FILLINGHAM--At the R.V. Hospi- tal. Barrie. on Wadnr=.~rln\'_ Dar 7n During the twelve months endmg in November, 1934, domestic exports to British Empire countries from Canada totalled in value $334,785,- 000, compared with $217,203,000 for the same period in 1932, a gain of 54 per cent. The exports to for- eign countries in the same period gained by $20,986,000, or '7" per . cant. pemeLe1`y. J BExE I`0N-At the RV. Hosp1tal.] Barrie, on Saturday, Dec. 22` 1934, John Thos. Br.-anon, of Mine sing Fnneral on Sunday, Dec. 23. Interment at Cragihurst. Melville McCartney, age 26, of Meaford, was instantly killed by a C.N.R. train at a crossing near the _,town on Monday night. No one saw the accident, but it is thought he wav walking on the track. _He leaves a widow and three small children. 11JlJJ..NLx1'l.`-`HVl--1-XE the K.V. M05131- tal, Barrie, on Wedne_~da_\', Dec. 21:. 1934, to M1 . and Mrs. A. Filling- ham, Port 1\'IcNico1l, a daug'11te1'. DEATHS BIRTHS THURSDAY. - FRIDAY 2 Shows N1ghHy6.45 and 9 p.111. Prices 25c and 150 S-at111'day Matinee 2.30. Eve1'ybod_V 10c admissioll Special Matinee Friday at 2.O.._ Everybody 100 Sc; 1`l_ River HU \RAI'I ! Children and Eve1'y'b0d.y~1-Ie1-e s a great p1'og1-am, and the feature is approved U for U111Vc1'sul sho\\`i11g- PIE Fix It It Hapeneci One Night VVG are starti11g the New Year by giving` you the g1'ea1'0st vuh10 in S('1'()(?]1 C111`01'tzu111n0n`r you will get for a1 101153,` timo. No z1d\'an(- in p1-i(-(rs. 14 --.. u -p .- . .._jn MONDAY - TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY with GRACE MOORE The pi(-1`111'o 111211` has had suc-11 a. phenomenal run all over Canada and the United States. . -SI- ITO\VING- ON THE . AME BILL~ IT S A GIFT with W. C. Fields and Baby LeROY POPEYE C.\I?',l.`0().\'-"'l`\\'(>-.\lurm Fire Coming-Ann of Green Gables, January 3, 4, 5 If I r's 211' w Capitol IVS the 130st Show in Town " " `W " " W ;& iIs6iI(3V{?i;\?G? A Murray and Sidney Comec1y-Stab'|e \[ate.s Ca1*to0n-Sc1'app_y' s Toy S1101) FREE To-night (`Thursdayfmd Friday Night DuBarry Royal Ivory Dinnerware NE%W YEAR S EVE MIDNIGHT SHOW Box Of:-0 0])(`1] 11.30 ]>.m., ;\l.m1dz1y, .lT)ov. 31.41` with JACK HOLT and MONA BARBIE ANDY CLY]j)I*] (`0)'[E],)Y-It s tho. C`d.fS BUCK J()N'ES Tin .l,`J1o Red R-ide1"" Cl1apte1r 5, ` ` Tmppd KRAZY I{..\.T CL-\R l`OON-'l`3`ape.ze Artist" A SPORT REEL--` " Cyc101nania.. U111'.\'o1'.s'u1 N(3\\'s--',l`l10 Talk of the \V01'ld TREASURER S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES -With--' CLAUDETTE COLBERT and CLARK GABLE Ret111`11 e11gageme11t. If you have not seen this ].)1'L<-1`11r don't lniss 1'1`, and if you ]1a\'(\ soon it we know you will want to see it again. \ T GIN C`T.Tf\T\'TT'\Y{1 [his is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed Hoover-complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced--and more cili- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning action, Positive Agitation, the only effective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. I-IAPPY NEVV YEAR TO EVERYBODY Thrift offer ;! leis. wkknn anthtnI' $4 95 ...;:`;:.;-'m..... . . _ .. |igh.'l1Iel-loowethdlo ' only clenner . __1.L-l,-- III C Show time only Balance Montbly HOOVER One Night of Love run` A l\I'I'I -all-rut-\-rs-I-I w.!'u:- ,~. 'r1f2`sDY,; DEcmMBER` 2%,'"19s4, IOVVII or Darnc, L.Oul`l[] OI DIITICOC T0 WIT : By virtue of a warr:-mt issued by ` the Mayor of the Town 01 Barrie, bearing date the eighteenth day of ` September, 1934, sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the Town of Barrie will be held at my oice, Barrie, w the hour of two o'clock in the afxv:-i noon on the Fifteenth day of Janu- ary, 1935, uniess the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is here ; given that the list of lands hr s:~.i<: for arrears of taxes is being pub1i;h- ed in the Ontario Gazette on the Sixth day of October, the Third - i.-_!' of November, and the First day of December, 193-1, and that copies of the said list may be had a; my office. T)'QIlYDY Q mnn Rnvvin thin -`ml .73 ""xK'Z.:' II|owIncoh:lddo& clancn. Tclephooo ht no-obllpdon Honoflhl -I9Iuu-o J-I--n ` 'v- _ sA;r{IRDAY x - ~------ . ah` Gri11ia s expenditure for rehc" duri\1g` 193.1 total1odSGO,399, of which the two go\'e1`nmc:1Ls contrx- bued $32,690. Elle S2110 USE lH2l_V 08 I130 3.} my OXUCC. Treasurer's Ofce, Barrle, thls 2nd day of October, 1934. A, gnu, -rt-nnn'1A--r Anna. Sten adn Frederic March in Town of Barrie, Count; of Simcoe Tn WTT - The large dinner plate given away Thursday Night to all the ladies. I Sunday, Dec. 30, 1935 11 a.m.-'X`hc .\Iini.=te1'. 7 p.m.--Ins.tu1l:xtion of the OE- ucrs of the Young: Pcoplg-'< S0ci(:t_\'. 3 p.m.--'l`hc Church School. (The Junior Sunday School at 11 m,\ Matinee Satmiday 2.30 lmlnbft ll): .'.\I|:._( :5 .;4`}5g})h_]aPl Rox3;-i3Iouse. of Hits Roxy"'1`T~heati~e LOW FARES hem` \ \n Toronto and ]}111'f;:l(0. .\Ti:1_;`m':1 Falls 1o)ct1-oit, Montreal Oshawa and intm'1nodiate points. - Attractive Rates to All Popular Southern Resorts. TORONTO Gray (_I91 Lines IAIRIE .- Clnrknon Howl. Phone 02. Single $1.75 THURSDAY - FRIDAY ' SATURDAY Tickets and Information at {Eight DAILY SERVICE 1' f\VYf -In A -I`-I-nan Sunday, Dec. 30, 1934 OUBI`, 1304. A. W. Smith. Treaun-or Return $3.15 to all We Live Again MONDAY - TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Special Mzttinees Tuesday and Wedensday, 2.30 `The Merry Widowll ! Monday Z Year s Eve In1n1c('liz1t0ly after our reg- ular 1)e1`fm'1na11<-C. Pat Patterson and Herbert Mundin in Chas. Chase Comedy 1 You Said a Hatful ' and Colored Ca.1'f0011 Dis- (vontonted Ca11211'y SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW On account of the Week of Prayer, the W.C.T.U. have withdrawn thei1{ 1'e_9,'uIa1' n1eetin_9; for the month of` Jzmuary. | Dr. E. G. Turnbull has been ap-` pointed 2). coroner in and for thcl County of Simcoe. I Barrie, in common with other dis-I` tries in the province, was struck by a blizzard on Wednesda_\~' and traic was COllSl(lCl`Zll)l_V hampered. Snow fell most of the day and with 21! strong gale blowing, roads in some! places were blocked. Cars were stalled and had to be abandoned or hauled in. The temperature last. ni_g'ht dropped to zero, but it is clear and bright to-day. -j--T? I School will re-open in Barrie on 'l`hu1-day next, January 3rd. Gala. Holiday Special- Jeannette Macdonald and Maurice Chevalier in Showing Saturday only for the <-,hiJ(11e11 'l`0m_ Komnr-M in T110 M1`. and'M1's. T. Sinclair moved to their new home on Toronto St. on Wednesday. Accorclinpr to Barrie merchants, business last week end and on Mon- day was exceptionally good and more like old times. Ch1'istma.< mcssa_2'es and Christmas muslc featured the services in all churches. on Slnday. \ The fire brigade was called to the s home of .\Iis;< Theresa Cavanag-h, 14 p Wellington St. E., at noon on Satur- day to extinquisll a chimney blaze. Outside of smoke, no damage was done. A charge of using abusive and obscene 1lI1_2`uZl:'0 toward Edith How- croft on Dec. 22 was withdrawn zigxziinst Peter Dunn by Chief Stewart ths morning`. The chief said thu parties had patched up their quarrel and did not.wish to prosecute. l'u_\' township council at its las` meeting` passed 21 resolution to be for- warded to the Department of High- ways asking` that roads be not sand`- ed too much, as it prevents farmers from hauling: their produce on sleighs. Two local men were arrested by Chief Stewart and CN.R. Constable (Tlias. l'<`ul1erton at their homes in ~`.:u-rie on Wednesday and appeared b(~l'm'e .\lzu:istmte Jeils this morning on 21 cliarge of breakim: and entering . :1 number of box cars in the AlIz1n- I dale _\':11'ds on Dec. 10th. The men . were {1ll()\\'('d out on $3,000 bail and ' will be tried on 'Ihursday, Jan. 3rd. The annual meeting of Barrlei branch, Vctorian Order of Nurse.s,| Tuesday evening`, Jan. 8th, in Library Hall. Dr. Jackson, Medical Healuh Ofcer, Toronto, will be the speaker. Short musical program and review` of work of 1934. l Provincial authorities have an l nounced a campaign against light- less i10l`Se-(i1`l\Vl1 sleighs. It is illegzxi and besides very dzmgerous Farm- ers and others are warned against taking: out their sleighs an-1 (lrivingg at nigzht without ii;:'.-i- JI'UHl (lCIeat. A pessimist makes diiculties of his opportunities. An optimist makes- opporunities of his difculties. Tinlacc -.1 I\1!`lI\ nnrlnwfnbnn vnnvn V V " I Popeye the Suilm and C01-' ored Mllsical Revue We learn practically nothing from `a victory. All our lessons come from defeat. A nn.~an\o4- I'\1nlrr\a AH`.....`|A-3.... -4` L upporunmes o1 ms mmcumes. Unless a man undertakes more than he can poss1bI.y do, he will never do all that he can. `Who mun uvkn cnuva man- L1...-. 1...-. never do an that he The man who says more than he thinks is apt to make other". think n}qre than he says. "-L vx. Chas. Sauve, 52-year-old French- Canadian, alleged leader of the moonshiners who have been operat- ing in Matchedash township, was a: rested by Lewis Elliott, R.C.M.P., on Saturday near Victoria Harbor, Sauve took to thewilds `tlii - distillery was raided and one of the nm-nrnnlin-an Inn Rn!-Invnl nunnagal BOX CAR THIEVES ARRESTED cusuuery was ramea and or me" accomplices. Ju. Borhnd, arrested. Local News CALL IT LUCK SOME BITS OF WISDOM MUST CARRY LIGHTS Co11'1ing'--Sl1i.1-l(:_\' 'L`01n}_>1c in l51'i_s;`h1`. E\'(`*s ' II TI'5A,_. ANNUAL MEETING Harold Riddell returned to K11-K land Lake on Wednesday night after spending the holiday at his home here. 'r\/I"... `El r<..._.1...:.. ....x L 1- HBIC. Mrs. F. Goodwin and daughter Peggy returned on Wednesday from Toronto, where they spent the holi- day. ` L 1'0! day. Mi 5 uy. u Misses Lilian Boucher and "Gene- vieve Nicholls, of Penetang, visited for several days last `..'::':k at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gart ner. 1161'. Mr. Albert Kelcey and Miss Bar- bara Kelcey, of Toronto, were `Christ- mas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper. Mr.an(l M1-.2, VVm `Ron r'.-mu... C4- xvub`. :1. nooper. I Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Centre St., lvisited over the holiday with relatives in Elmvale. M1: (I911-I Mr... 1' nv,,,,, 111 uuuvaue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clemmens spent the holiday at the home of their son lat Longford. "Ive _T T\ nHv and An...-L4.,...,.. t7:__ |A11anda1eNe wsA\ an 1longI0r(1. Mrs. J. Kelly and daughters Vir- ginia, Norma and Helen, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Hamilton for Christmas. Nrr nnrl R/hm \Kf Tn1u....... ...-,1 ..1_:1 CoilierSi. Untied Church` namuton I01` LJJ Mr. and Mrs.` dren spent the . in Elmvale. T7 13"`... ,.I.J~ I visiuulg an ms 1101110 nere. Miss Eleanor Graham, of VV.)ll]dS0l', is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker. M1` and Mrs. Wm. Bell chil- dren, of Detroit, and Mr. Jos. Bell, of Toronto, were holiday visitors at the home of Thos. Bell, Bradford St. Mrs. J. lm-lm enmur Hm 1m1:,1.n. 111 .II4UIlViUe. E. Reynolds, C visiting at his home here. I `N/T1'.< T7.]nnnn1- a1*Q11:1I$1 l\ | Klill'KU- Miss Helen Arnott. of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Arnott. I ';\'T1':< (T|`IYif`;11n (Jim-nna A4? 'l`n-m-l~n the home Mrs. J. Clarke spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo1`g'e Clarke. 1 I/l m~ TIA]-.. A....-A.4_ ,1` m Hm.1`t:11Ls, 3'11`. 21110. Mrs. W. A1'I`1Ott. { Miss Christine Givens, of Toronto, [Was a holiday visitor at the home of [her sister, Mrs. J. Weatherup. 1 A/I1`. W. Hatlev. m" Tnrnnfn is vi: D11`. dren z I M:,,1.:,. lllttl` .~;1.su~:1`, Mrs. J. wezuznerup. Hatley, of Toronto, is vis liting` at the home of M1`. and Mrs {Roy Lee. I `M .. um ! 17"` 7Y"l....,. 11, AI 1 1 -I u11c111}.{z111. Mlsses Hazel and Evelyn Hill. Toronto, were holidlly visitors I their home here. . mfion 17.... Y.'L+1n -4` rr`....,...L- Llll.`ll' HUIHU ll(,'l'(,'. Miss Ena Little, of Toronto, vistmg at the home of her pr .v Mr. and Mrs. J. Little, William an. M1`: I-T i\'Tnr1n]nnr1 T-Tnv-u-xr M ccrs 9'11`. uuu LUIS. J. JJILLIC, \Vll1l21I]1 DC. I !|_ Mrs. H. Modeland, Henry, Mar-` ._|or1e and Dorothy, are vs1ting rela- tives in O1'ang'evil1c. \Ti<-: nnrnfhv Pirlrlnll and 111- (ha uves In u1`z111{_{'eV111C. Miss Dorothy. Riddell and Mr. Clau- .ence Riddell, of Toronto, were holi- day visitors at their home here. `He: T\n1'r\f11\' Q~nr-]n1'1- 1'4: xvaH-~nn- u4~ uay V15lL01`S at tnell` nome nu:-re. Miss Dorothy Sinclair is visiting: at her home for the holidays after n- ishing` her course in diatetics at the Western Hospital, 'I"o1'onto. She is accompanied by Miss Loulse Baird, also of Toronto. Mr... D I.` r:....+..,...1,.+' \X7.\.l......J._.. 21150 01 IOTOHCO. Mrs. B. F. Gartner left Wednesday for Toronto, where she is visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Robertson. `Mu nhrl `H... D... r*..,I,1-.. .....,1| LVLYS. J. U. JSUDBITSOII. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Godden and children, of Toronto, spent the holi- day at the home of the fo1'mer s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Godden. Ncc `\7;r-frn-in n1`1'I` n'f' pn11n1y]1n EIILS, J11`. 1110 .V1l'S. ."\. J. UOUGC11. Miss Victorizt Barnard, of Belleville spent the holiday at the home of mu parents. 17 I it -n -r-r u 1 I I """ ' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Holman and children, Bill and 1\`Ia1'1'o1'ie; Miss Norma Poucher and Geo1';>:e Poucher, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of M1`. and Mrs. C. Poucher. All accounts owing Stroud Tele phone Company, Limited, are re- quested to be paid immediate1_v, as the books will be closed in the course of a Week. !RE-OPENING OF VOCATIONAL 1 EVENING CLASSES JAN. 3rd The vocational evening classes will re-open on Thursday, Jan. 3rd, in the Prince of Wales School. Classes every Tuesday and Thursday even- ings, 7.30 to 9.30. Subjects: Motor Mechanics, Show Card Writing, Art, Eng'lisl1 Bookkeeping and Arithmetic, Uressmaking and Household Science (Cooking). Ladies may enroll in Show Card Writing and Motor Me- chanics, as well as in other classes. nun.) You are comlinlly invited these servxces.

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