Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Dec 1934, p. 3

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1934. mE%AN_K::;Ef;;RONT0 CANADIAN .50 float Our Visitors will be Sorry to Lecwe if we are going to invite people to this country, we must be honest with them . . . Courtesy costs nothing and is one of our greatest tourist assets . . . Let us so treat strangers within our gates that it will be easy for them to come, pleasant for I `I I'.`l` I. I` .I ., I , I) them ...__`.___- ,1 to stay, and difficult for them to leave. Rt. Hon. R. B. BENNETT, Prim: Minixier of Canada, In the Carm- dian Amzciatian of Tourixt and Pttbliritj Bummx, November 6, 1934. x/-12% Es.z`a6[z'.~2:;>"2e:d'. 2 855 Ottawa, Camzda Ever widening the scope of its service, the Bank of Toronto now maintains branches throughout the Dominion, with facilities for overseas and international commerce that have enabled it to render invaluahle aid to citizens of a country that now stands fth among the trading 13*" '1. nations of the world. El. BUREAU The I`Ju1'!hvrn .-'\d\'zLucc ; nxpendltures 'Costs municipal election. .Salaries and allowances . . `Stationery and printin_e: . . .Roads: and Bridges . . . . . Charity . . . . . . . . . . .Count_V levies . . . . . School purposes . . . . . . . iBoard of Health . . . .. .. lTile drainage debentures. Bonus wire fence . . . . . .. [sheep killed by dogs .. |Miscellaneous . . . . . . Direct" relief and relief 1t1I\\n1.r 1030 mwusmr ms g GOOD CASH sumus, .La.uuu1.'_y. The treasurer reported he had re- ceived a cheque from Miss Florence `Breakwell for $100 on hospltal ac- count of her father. R. G. Kendall, collector, reported he had collected $24,500 of 1934 tax- es to date. Report accepted and time for return of roll extended to Feb. 1st, 1935. A r-nlnnlr/nnn vnarla lvn.--1-nu umn. l mu, Luca. A colonization roads by-law was glven two readmgs and ordered for- warded to the department. A('.r'.nnn1*. *F1*nm `N J Wnun 'Fn1- u7n1~'|.v uuuncu were oruereu pala. The nancial statement for the years shows the nancial condition of the township to be very satlsfactory. Receipts Cash balance from 1933. .$ 12172 69 `Balance of taxes, 1933 . . 13724 14 R. G. Kendall, on account I +mm:. 19:14 osnnn nnl U1'0 EOWHSIIIP C Town Hall on Dec members present. .".nrnmnnir-21-inn: AILCIIIUCLD plcbcllb. Communications were pr from Mrs. E. H. Tlhompson, Sneath, G. W. Adams, Miss F Breakwell, Rev. T. R. Haugl T. Simpson and W. J. Rose. Wm. McArthur, school attc oicer, brought in his report vnnv 11711;:-"Ir: urns nun,-.v.I-AA n Q3/(I U I I, \\\\\\a\-\\_1,;I' \\\\ ` \~. I 1.. uuuyauu auu VV. d. 158.055.}. attendance for the year, which was accepted as satis- factory. qfhn f1'na11vn:n~ 1:-ovxnvvi-nzl Ln Innrl `Vin. warueu no me aeparcment. Account from W. J. Rose for work on townlme, Oro and Orilha, was left over to the first meeting in January. The various a'.nn11nf..q hcrfnrn Han uver m we nrst meecmg 111 January. varmus accounts before the council were ordered paid. . The nnnr-in! gfafnmnnr +`m~ Hm `n. u. Lxexluull, on account taxes, 1934 .. ..i Percentage on taxes, rents, sales, etc. Colonization roads by-laws 1933 and 192A uu1unlLa.l..1Un ruaus Dy-1aWS 1933 and 1934 . . . . . . . Union schools . . . . . . . . . Direct relief and relief I Irvnv-Ir ulrect reueI ana work Town Hall lllawkestone Police Village We understand that to secure re- sults it is much better to teach what to do rather than to emphasize what not to do. Ths is an occasion, how- ever, when we will disregard wha' we agree to be sound pedagogy. be cause we do not know how to pre- sent our subject other than as a ser- ies of warnings or Don ts. Did vnn nvnr wnnrlnv uyhv am11u1l_ luxrecl; reuc1 anu renex ' Work.... |'I`reasur_v Dept., railway tax 1933 and 1934 Non-resident arrears of taxes . . . . .. AC3 U1 warnings 01' "1J0l'l'ES." Did you ever wonder why ambul- `ances rush around the way they do iin most cities, with sirens blowing, .dodging in and out through the traic ? And have you read in the paper how the injured person was rushed to hospital in a motor car ? Once in a long while speed is neces- sary to save life, but only once in a long while do minutes count. F`.1rr-Ant in fhncn raw: nneoo Ann-`I l0Ilg wnue 00 IHIIIIIEBS COUITC. I Except in these rare cases, don"t rush, for if "you do, you only jar the patient with sudden turns and quick stops, and at the same time, you may injure some one else. Don't rush, but don't delay. Minutes sel- `dom count, but half-hours do. Qnmn nnnnin havn urhuf nnnnnvc Int LOSELY LINKED with the sound principles of conservative banking that have stood the test of time, the Bank of Toronto has ever been an institution that has looked forward with courage and condence to the destiny that the future holds for 1.-*1 _ the Dominion of Canada. , Some people have what appears to be an uncontrollable urge to in- vestigate things by sticking their ngers into them. Don t; put your fingers into cuts. Do not poke at your own or at the eyes and ears oil anyone else. Fingers carry germs, and infection must be feared. nnn'+ 1-na]'t tm +1.. m,..J:,.:..,. ..1.M. =uum count, DUE nan-nours (10. H H l 1 a.uu uuccuon mus: De Iearea. Don. t rush to the medicine chest for a laxative when you have :1 pain in your stomach. The one time you should never take a laxative is when there is a pain in the abdomen. To do so is simply to court disaster, be- cause under some conditions the lax- ative may be a stick of dynamite. 'l`l1is '2 the case when it is an acute- ly inilztmed appendix which has caused the pain. nrm in-.-iuf nn n-iuinm -uluinn nu, uuusuu um: pain. | Don insist on 1. ,'lVlh_Q' advice un- less you are sure you know what you I are talkin5.~_' about. There is nothin;.>_| urgent about 1.-;etting' :1 person home`; or putting him to bed if he has hadl a fainting: spell. He is usually much better to remain where he is for a time. Any extra eflort caused by movement may be the struxv which breaks the camel s back of a weakened heart. 11,.`-`M l`,.,.l o1....a ...... .-`..,.L .1- VVU'dI\L'llL'U llL`ElI'L- Don't feel that you must do some- thing. lf you do not know the rig.-;l:*. thing` to do, it; is likely :1 KlT|(lI'lCH.- on your part to do nothin_u', 21:: 01,1101`- wise harm may result from your etv forts. Remember that speed is sex dom necessary, and that untrained, however well meaning, hands do harm. Recent dcspzxtchcs from London would in that VVa.shi`n;.v;t,on is expected to further demote the United States dollar from its present rating of 55) cents to 50 cents, which Innnng :1 nnxv n1n:\qn1-n nf influnn I'i.l.|4lH_K' U1 {)3} CUHL5 LU UU CUHLS, WHICH means a new measure of ination with :1 benecial effect upon Can adian gold and silver mining. How many feathers does the uvc\'- age chicken have `I The questioz: arose in a class room of a hi_s:`i school. Students guessed from J).- 000 to 100,000. One of the stu(iunL.~` :~*.e1;`r.l(:(i it. He killed a chicken and counted the feathers. His count wu.~= 8,537. Cash `alance I township council met at the Dec. 15th, with all the ars nresent. DONT (I Expenditures r-inn] rs] nr-Hnh ' aauoou zu- W. B. Tudhope, Clerk and Treasurer. ` I\.. Floren . Haughton, An] nbd-nvulnn $50866 .3 109 2029 548 6558 345 19821 ' 13723 101 $45335 5530 E0866 nnn 25000 presented 111 , R . (1 u, U. : Florence un-`ln+nn T Canada's tourist activities represent more than a great industry from which everybody benets. They provide an opportunity to create what the Prime Minister has described as that feeling of neighbourliness" which is such a vital factor in building up cordial relations within the family ofnatioris. I , . _ . 5974 1648 1164 1579 11111.1 3724 ST*`\_ 1 SA} 5000 00 END( 51 \IJ I. 33 34 0 26 53 XT()II \NTI 242 3-1 LUGrGA( 32 AT RE! _.4 I)" 0866 29 ~ 50 10 on: 16 =| I 9821 53 3728 82 131 00 24 09 1 145 12 256 90 739 64 EEEEEEEEEE 390 A1 `ii. 415 m _ E And Be Appreciated HERE IS NEWLY DESIGNED AND SUB- STANTIALLY BUILT LUGGAGE VVI-TICH SANTA CLAUS ENTHUSIASTICALLY ENDORSES AS _ AN IDEAL GIFT 2 G. 8`... VISIT OUR SHOP. VVILL FIND LUGGAGE FOR ALL REASONABLE PRICES. Mr. Merchant-- :70: both these reasons, may I urge upon the people of Canada the im- portance of showing consideration, courtesy and honesty to guests of our country? Let us all do those little acts of kindn .ss which count for so much when one travels in a strange land. Your order appreciated Northern Advance We can supply you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices Counter Check Books How about your Phone 53 Page Three? \ v we have a beautiful country. We must keep it so. We want our visitors to travel highways free from disgurement, walk the streets of cities that are orderly and clean, and find at the end of every day's travel an inviting spot to rest. Canadians should turn their attention now to the important work of preparing for next year's tourist season. V45 a nation, we are advertising abroad the attractions of Canada as a holiday land. We must see to it that our guests 1'et'.`.rn home with only the happiest rccollections---and the determination to come back again and again. ...n , __ . Nor should we forget, in planning our own vacations, that there are beauties to discover and friendships to be made in our neighbouring prov- inces. We live in one of the world's most glorious playgrounds-lct us learn to know better the rich variety of its travel attractions. 4 /1

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