Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Dec 1934, p. 8

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Page Eight __ Simcoe Presbytery convened `.1: Burton Ave. United Church on Tues- day, Dec. 4th. The l`:'-I'll`-IN. .4-;-:4-s:n11 L. opened with the Sacrament of Uh; _`Lord s Supper, over fty participat- liing, with Rev Hiram Hull, P1'esi(l<;nt ,_|o1' the Toronto Conference, and the Chairman of the Presbytery, Rev. '1`. I). Jon_es, in charge. :.'u\I I-Tirnrn T-Yul] . .1.rAn nrlrh-naanrl `rit. I u. auu_es, lll. cuarge. 1i.t:V. Hiram Hull then addressed tr.- gathermg, and related some 01' his experiences on a visit to the North ern Presbyteries. This visit had led him to appreciate the p1'oblem., hopes and desires of the men of tht north. The duties and motives 01` the minisry were being; tested these , days, he said. There was i11c1`ease-.l ' interest on the part of the laity of the church in appreciating` the dim- culties of the church, and in the work of ministers. Speaking of economic conditions, Mr. I-lull stressed mm _ hope that social recovery must come primarily through changed livcs, rather than through mere change of system Speaking of the work of Rev. Dr. Ioberts, Moderator, Mr. Hull said that the .VIoderatur plans to visit fewer centres than has been the d custom, and to stay at each place for ;_ at least a week in concentrated evan- ;e gclistic effort. i l`l1n l'l1:lll`h`I'.111 n`? I C e 5 H10 T-lnnwo \'li'<. luons. The committee on Evai1g'elism and Social Service will plan a Spiritual Retreat for the end 01 January; at which time it is hoped Dr. Robert Roberts, Mo(1e1-zitor, will he able to ilead in the mission; 'I`1`\n D1-neln.-1-nvu o-nvn if-c qnnvnvnli S 1 Head ' E` The Presb_Vte1'_v gave its approval` f to the formation of the Lea,g'ue ofl 1l'l`otal Abstinance in Oro, Vespra and _-Barrie, under the direction of the! :11 Sunday School Association. , ` The attention of the delegates was directed to the World Week of Pray er commencin_; on Jzmuary Gth. ,-x l. I": . . . I l`l1n 1-nn1n~.|H`nn nn T?nlIrr\nnc Flrlxir-51. lief COlllIT1BI1ClIl_J,' U11 di|.IluEll'_V ULU. ]_ The committee on Religious Educa- {tion hoped for more concentrated ef-| ifort in the work of leadership t1'ain- ` ling`, and to this end Rev. Dr. C. A. Myers, of the Department of Leader- iship Trainin_Q' of the United Chu_rch, gwill be asked to address the February -meeting` of Presbytery. 1 Tho nnvf. n1nnH`n,o' will ho hold in l :. | Is winter really here at last It must be. N. Meredith, ice-make1' for the Barrie Curling" Club, put his first .ood on the sand oor of the curling" rink last night. Should the cold wea~ ther continue the Barrie curlers should be in action by the rst of `Inext week. I wish to tllank the 0100-! tors for the s11pp01-1` given; lme at the polls on )l0n('t21_\', gin Olt`/(`,l'l1lg` 1110 as Reeve for E1935. I will enclcavor tol lmel-1t the c011fi(lem:c plaueclf l;in me. ` K I |n]CCElH.{' 01. l'l'USUyLU1'y. ` The next meeting` will be held in iCol1ier St. United Church, Barrie. 1T0 the Electors of Barrie: i'1`o the Electors of Barrie Of Valuable Residential and Farml Property in the Town of Barr-ze, in the Village of Cookstown, and in the Township of West Gwillim-Z bury, County of Simcoe. I wish to take 111is oppor- `.m1ity 01:` expressing my 2113-` 5p1'e(:'1ati011f0r the splmdidi is1L}_)])o1'1:. gin,-11 mo. in 1110` [election on )T[011da_\` in elect, `ing me to the \Vatm' and; }Lig'l11 C0n1missim1. 1. p1'mn- 4. A1/\I\ 4.1..\+ ..ll ,.:+:mn..-I I ,1: \.\'isl1 to cx]Vn'c.s's 111_\' up- ]m~(-iatio11 of the s)lu11di\l. |s11;pu1-1 gi\'m1.n1 _1>u':]x wn 1\[0n(l,u_\'. 1 will <*Hd(`i1\'\)1`i 21 sm'\'u. _yu11 F:1i1ht ull_\f. I }To the Electors of Ward 6 I .s'i11<-m~(-1} 21])pro<'iz11`r* tho s11]_)])mrt g'i\'(_-n. mo in. eh-<:1- ing mo as :1 Im~mbC1' of the 13nm'd uf Edlu-uliun on M011- F. A. Lushlcy, z1g'ricultu1'z11 repre- sentative for South Simcoe, is plan- ning` to hold short courses for Junior Farmers and Junior Homemakers at Creemore and at Sing=;hampton, to `start early in January. iTo the Electors of Barme AT PRESBYTERW Gr. Robertson. --N01'ris We bb. ull (.11-IZUIIS` (.-011r1`v.x'_\'. i I . B. Dougah.` Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort-` 2'a,2'e, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 1934, at 12 o clock noon at the QUE.E.N S HOTEL, BARRIE I lnv\U A `Hr-(`nnl:r:\' -\nr-tinnnnr. H105 The Annual Meeting of the Innisfil Liberal-Con-_ servative Association will be held in the Innisfil Conservative; Annual Meeting Wllat could be more app1.'0p1*ia r0 for a personal gift` than a ladies Wood for Sale BROWN S BUSH, CUNDLES Half Mile North of Town Limits, Bayeld St. 300 Coyds No. 1 Hm.'(1\\`00(1 . . . . . . . . S..30 l <:I- (R 58 Cords N0. 2 Ha:rd\\'0od . . . . . .$-1 1n $3 PM U 100 Co_1.'ds Limbwond (11I:.11'(1\\'uo(Vl,) . .$2}.:')() I !-1'(,`< 200 Cords Mixed and Softwood . . . . ..`23.()() PM U W. Earl Rowe, M.P. and others will address the meeting Tuesday, December 11 A ()...._... BENT-A-MILE '1`ickcts. Return Ltmzts, and Iram uziormanon /rom. Agents. nan run. ntuxunum CANADIAN NATIONAL Inn . vnwr rrvr nun A nu (1 A numvgonr`tIn;nnnJzVnDm7r:VnnnrnIlv _ ORANGE HALL, STROUD QULLIVVD TIUILL, DHKKIL by W. A. I\IcConke_V, Auctloncer, thei followlng lands and prenuses, nmne-I A 111- - v avuvpaun - - -, . , . . _. .. Tickets, Return Limits, and Train Information from Agents. ASK FOR HANDBILL F `_;_,,,r._._,,?.: ..........._u:...,.........., . ....-V...-.. grin!-_ @ 3 ' M_1d-\'}'1n`tcr Golf Tournament, D aedvbm Inw./a)f 2)_z?);H(yLk Vnctorxa, l`cb. 18 to 23, 1935. | *9" ' `V I Fall 1'/Ifom.-:1!/'02: from any 2`i'K=.at agent. 73 " A.NA.EB}%;5J Fs?A'E?_`EONAL _........__..____.-.*,~..: LUGGAGE DE l Irnl-II I III. rial-I-II I! luv`; lvrun-n-no gp . .1 . gvgyg Allandale, Aurora, Barrie, Bracebridg_e,_ Burks Falls, Coldwater, Collingwood, Gravenhurst, _I-I.untsv11le, Meaford, Midland, Newmarket, North Bay, Qullla, Penetang, Scotia, Stayner, Victoiia Harbor, Washago, Waubaushene. 1-,. ,.- n,._.__ v.-__.-.- _._.: m_...~._ 1...-.._.....;.'.... t...... 4...`. A911 -nvxn LYAk11`\DI'1 1 See Mr. Marrion in Charge at OR FITTED CASE AND A GrENTLEL\[.:\N S BL..\CKSTONE OR CLUB BAG `Z STA -PAK --w--j----_ -.___.__-v__--j- TRA VEL B Y TRAIN-SAFETY--SPEED`-COMFOR T-ECONOM Y nan . :---w.--:-__ 1: :---::-- -- BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING NAMED STATIONS , _ A .... .... ,, .1 1- 1)......:.. D........L..:..1..... `Dnul... 'IF..`l1.-. l"..1.`l....-.4 (MINIMUM: Adults '15c.; Ctuldren 4Uc.) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 nl.'1'Illl'EAl 'l'l.ll.' Elillflllllllt unurn CTATIIINC Parcel One--The West half of Lot. .\'umbe1- Five (:3) on the East side of Innisl Street, in the said Town at Barrie, according to Regi.=.te1-ed Plzm Number 245. "l"1nnun :5 an:r` 1-n kn tn-nnfnrl nh Lu; OUTSTANDING Evi~:Nrs \\"'eck-end sports programmes on Grouse Mountain, Vancouver. Mid-\\'/'inter A 'Ill'h'l-I AA txv xmv In rr!N'lI'. BAYFIELD STREET l\`J|JI`II I Ir (MINIMUM: Adults 760.; Children 40c.) IBI\\I I\EI\E.DE| Come nut to C:mndn's Evergreen Playground . . . -.-nioy balmy days of glorious outdoor sports. Golf, riding. yacllting, nzotoring, hiking-all in the land. of yezu:-round summer spurts! Low rail fares and special winter AlW5Y5 U33 rates ax hotels. Tickets good going CANADIAN Dec: 15 to Feb. 28. Rulurn limit, NA-HONAL Apnl 30. Stop-over allowed at all TELEGRAPHS and lntcrmcdiczte points. \..vn-r...-..... _ . . _ . . -.. at Low Raii Fares to VANCOUVER; VECTORIA, B.C., and SEATTLE, Wash. ROUND TRIP lYTll- Anlhs 1F:n - (`LN 'l'IIUR.SDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934. -jj R. W. Redfern, Sec. .\umDer Z40. There is said to be erected on t.1i.'~. property :1 comfortable one and Unc- half .~;to1'ey brick veneer 1'esic!e'r.c, bathroom and other convenienc-'2~. D........l T...` ,,_\1] n5` PnnL-nn Inf alwa`; Appre- ciated ] m'( the Bush 3 BARGAIN FARES \n\ Use __J Spend - Salety - Dependability anu EXPRESS ` Curd ' Cnrcl ' Cul'((1 " (Joni IDDITI bathroom anu otncr COIIVBIIIUIICIB`. Parcel Two-.-\11 of broken L01 .\'umhe1' Five (5) and the We.<.t six- teen ac1':-.< of broken -Lot Number Six (6) both 1n,the Fifteenth (1.3) Concession of the said Township 01 W'est Gwillimbury, containim: 1-o1`t_\'- eight ac1`c:< more or less. The nmnm-tv is an exceilcnt nas- Elgllt IDOTC 01.` Less. Ths property 15 an pas- ture farm. D........l TL......,_.I nf.- \'nn1}\r-1': \'l`nI-. ture Iarm. Parcel Three~-I.0t>` Numbers Nine- teen (19) and ']`wnnt.\' (20) on the.- West side of George Street, in the :<:'.i(l \'illag~(.~ of C`00k.` according: to Rcgistc1'e(l Plan \'umhr.-1' 233. 'Y"|x.-.1-1. is cnirl fn ht: I-Vi-('frrr' m1 HIL` E0 1`(.(:,u"lS{(:l'(:(I flilll .\uHll)l:l .:.-)0. Th-;-rt: is said to be art.-<:tr.rl rm th.f.-' property :1 cmnfortzxhlr: one and one- half .~'tm;\', Hrick \'en(:r:)' rt.-:~:idencc, containing: 5-teven room. Paola nnv:-nl nf' land will ho nf'.'m-ml contammpt .'-tevcn room. Each pan-cl of lzmd will N for salt: .<<.-parzxtr-l_\' zuul r will be subject to it )`t-;~'r-)'\'r T-..m:_'I`nn nr-v or-mu nl Collier St. United Church] W111 De Subject to it 1`I'.~I-r\I:Ix Term3-'I`(:n per cent. of chase money to be paid at of sale and the hz11:m<:r; `.-.'iL}1i days t11c-r(_-after. Fr. un-Harm +r.rn~..- nml (-r Gays L1IL'rL'u|I.cr. For further tr`-1`m.~: and of sale apply to qfnulnrf X: Shw Ten `..!1r)u:~':mrl .Iu.~Li th1 ou:hoLlt1ht: pm liew,-d of their app: some three hundrml pointed. Su1:n'iv;s of 11n\U iI1, will b NINE J.P.'S APPOINTFJ) FOR COUNTY OF SIP`/i(I()F. new .IunI.,HZ|f> VVhen: full ti z11'i(,-:< will hr: `y'n\'IxI`.- V, 2l1`l(:.< will In: pzuu. .VIayor.<, rt.-r:\'-:5 :~.nt are jLlSti(f(:S of the 1` of their o'u:,- rwt:1in do all not:u'_v pl1h1i<':~' and .=n1i(-itm`.~'. 'l'hrc mcnts arr: umlr,-r thv 1n Qinxnnn ('nIllII'.' mums 1117: unuu,-r LIN v umnmu -.u In Simeon County: ninu _iu: the p(:2\C('. have been upymintz-I :1:: I lows: R. (Hum-rrm. ( ullinywzr J. B. Hcml4:r: Orillin; I". (in Midlzmd; W. I". Strnm:\v::\':~:, l`2m:t J. U. .\Iittrh(,-1]. Alliston; A. W. Sm` Bzu`ri:~; .J::.`~`. [.:1'/.unh_'.', f','o!lw:xtt,-I; A. Stone, Huwk:.~`tnn:; llt.-rmun Ch:u'l.-boi.~', 1'1.-nt,-tzmxr. A burglar z1lurn1 S_\'h`t(:lxl w:1;~: ra- sponsihh: for the second time in cigh Weeks in scaring thievc.-s from tlu National Grocr-r.s' Wzm.-hmlso in Dril- liu. Iurly Sunday mormn1c1.h.: ulurn: brought the police, who fuund thnl entrance had been gained by smwnnu through two inside xvullx, hut thr- thicve-As had ed without touching thar $50,000 stock. Sunday, Dec. 9, 1934 I Dzgtcrl Dam-r:mhm (3 .;u v A_lA`J. -.,..-- . -_,__.. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-The Minister The Junior Church School (ages 2%: to 8) meets at 11 21.111. day in Toronto. : Royce Little, of Pickering College, 1 spent the week end at his home here. Miss Marie Desourdie, of the On- 3 p.m.-The Church School. `tario Hospital, Orillia, visited her Monday, 8 p.m.-The Y.P.S. parents over the week end. Wednesday, 8 p.m.-The Midweek Miss Georgina Spearn is spending Meeting. several days in Toronto visiting. F~'d D .14, 7.30 .m.-Chiist- f1`i9"dS- , . . \ maS `E1 t;nfnment_ 1 Rev. N. R. D. and Mrs. S1ncla1r ;were in Toronto last wee}; due to` the| ADVENT SERVICES Mortgage Sale .0De1', 1:104. A. W. Smith, Treasurer Stewart 8.: Stewart, Mortgatzc-e's Sul}<.'itur.. Barrie, Ontnriu. {'. HHA1 an-ac, Lounw T_O WIT 2 n unnn. HYH.` In paid. `{n\_Y()x" 3 wil! Jl 'J '1 III` ' uppomtm In-ml no`.- and oit [URL I00 I be of`fc)'0d :7l(.']`. palcel \-`(ed bio. of the ur- ut the tynn; 44117.. ohm.- crmditron~' 1 |'U|' r\.wml; . (ltmlc, l`2m:Lm1 Smith, .4 ,.. . T `Allandg News?` Mrs. John Hunter spent Wednes- Little, lcncmf. Hus wmaT sand at his hnme hnral Irlenus. . week to the` lillness of Mrs Sinc1air s sister, Mrs. Thos. Abraham. I lfimvnn TFrlnn I)nn4-1-u nhr` N/fawn;-vni-. 1nos.. 1-mranam. I Misses Edna Booth and Margaret. `Edge spent Tuesday of this week in: ` Toronto. i `\,r.. A 'I`.-u-n1.rnnu qr-nnrnnn11nri hv`. Toronto. a Mr. A. Tomkpins, accompanied by` iMiss R. Dollery, of Toronto, spent [the week end at the former s home` | '~ here. I ` \/Tm` Whlnn I-Tnnf nnrl nkildvnn nf; `~ nere. n I Mrs. Eldon Hunt and children, 01' \'l'o1'onto, are visiting at the-g home 0'1 `.`.11', and Mrs. .-\. Hunt. `. \Im- Dnkcnn nnrl 4-`nnlv 1-uava 1'u1rrn1u I L Sunday, Dec. 9, 1934 E1` 11 u.m.--Sacrament; of the Lord s., Supper and Reception of New Men`.-3 Barn . A 3.1)`. and .\n's. .-\. nunt. ` [ .`.Irs. Robson and family have taken up residence at 39 Brock St. l Mr. (`. Annleton left for Naklna! "luc-.<(1a_\` mgms. ; ' Mr and Mrs. Campbell Spc:11'11 nad, daughter Diane, of Toronto, spent; `the week end at the home of the! 1'o1'me1"s parents, Mr. and ;VI1's. htmci . Spearn. 1 ' Ilmted Church Bazaar L resmence E11} 3:) Drum: Ln. 1 Mr. C. Appleton Naklnal 'l'u(-.s`(la_\` night. '; \h- nnrl \h-g, C'nmnb(>.ll Sm'::u-11 nad. ;noon and 21 supper 111 me cvellulg, ifollowed by :1 p1'og'1'am. The base- `ment of the church was att.1'acti-Jely decorated with Christmas decora- `tions. Those taking: part in the pro- g'1'zun were Mrs. Parr, pianist; Miss Young`, elocutionist; Miss DeHa1't, `NI :-c T-T:m]a and M1`: T.n11;rI1r=nd. smo- :_ MEN The In `of St. A1 xheld thei ! banquet '~ banquet ',Ch011' and congregauon. Following` the evening` service the. ` `choir met at the home of `.VI1'._. Vi. EPL-`{1'k, where, as a token of then` a.p .`.p1'eciation of his services Mr. Nor- ` man was presented with 21 ;VIa;,.m1c .signet rino`. A bouquet of ch1'y--zm- themums was presented to Mrs. N01`- YHQTI man. Election of Ofcers The election of the ofcers of `chc Black Precepory took place at their meeting` on Monday night in the, Orange Hall, as follows: ' Tm. Past Pre... A. C. Kendrick: VV. Urange hall, IOHOWS : ` Im. Past Pre., A. C. Kendrick; Pl`C., S. Reynolds; Dep. P1"e., John A. 5` .Ney; Chaplain, H. G. Robe1'tson',` Rec. Reg, N. Dougherty; Fin. Re;.,., ` E. R. 1\Ia1`se11us; Treasurer, C. .J 1 Gritn; 1st Lec., W. J. Hem'_\-'; 2nd` ;Lec.. W. J. Nixon; Censors, R4 sproule and G. Givens; Standard :Bea1-ers, D. Magloughlin and J. ;Longhu1'st; FI"yle1', A. Paddison. St. George's [Bazaar .1 The annual bazaar of St. George's '.-\n;:lican Church, held on Tuesday 0 , this week, was a decided success, ooL`r ' ' from the standpoint of those who am` ; tended it and those in charge. Ap- -, proximately.` $140 was realized. Too much credit cannot be given to me Wome11 .~' .-\.uxilia1`_V under whose aus- pices it was ca1'1`ie(l out, and the _ supervisor, Miss Leonard. -\f`fnvnnnn fmx um: 9Q7'VP(l. wil.n SUpC1'\'lS01', .\/IISS IJBOIIELFU. .-\fte1`noon tea was served, wiLn .`.h-.<. A. Godden, S12, as hostess, and Mrs Blogg and Mrs. Greaves pourin_<.. tea. In charge of the fan`; -.vm:'!< booth were .\Ir.<. J. Kivell, Mrs. Gos- noy and )Ir.<. Stephenson; of -`.i1( candy booth, Misses Bertha Ho,;a1: and Ge0r;:1na S;/earn; of the apron booth, .\I1's .\I:u'. and M1';'. B0- gan. Mrs. Chas. Firman was in chmgru of the sh pond. T110 ('!\l1(]]r\\l ;f`L Hnr1Qh1`n`:IrI \\YIQ u'nH Jill`. I. l'lH_u Duintily the Indies : Young People At tht-ir mectin_u; Mon(lz1_v 11ig:,'htL`hw St. Gr,-o1',u'(: s Y.P.S. deco1':1tr:(l the .\Ic,-moriul Hall for the ha /.:1ar -.,-n 'l'ur-.<(lz1\'. PL1. muttc.-rs were 11154 J} .,..` . ucn: . _ Three-Minnie Story for Young Vs/'01'sh3[)pe1`s League. 2 p.m.-Crusaders Bible Class. 3 p.m.---Church School. 7 p.m.-Se1'vicc conducted by the` "",]H`(,'HUl` UH: W6: Mr Sim thn lift-I naur. p.uL- J`! :1:-1,44] vw-rv :1 Lhrnuyh the pl:L_ywrig.5hL, 8?..i1-/ 'l"|u- 53"] L7 clmlml '1-. \|||'H tux . (2./\I."l'I.`\'l`Il{ ln loving: mvmory of B. (},:u'Lm-r, who p:1s.s': away Dec. 5th, 19:12. l`u-(lay r4-cull:-z szul m(!l]10l'i(.`S Of a dear om: gum: to` rent, Aml thv om-H who think of him to- day Arr-. the onus who loved him Imst." -Harry, Edith and Grandchildren. .`|I vv. :\. nc-u, n. Iu).';u, 1'. U0!)- 'l`-tl (':u'n|i-hm-I, C1:ll'k(', ScoLL,`, l\'r-ll, A. Hlnir mu! l~}:u'l(: Hun-1 ni_\' . \`r-.~.x~ prr:.~'ide(l at the H`:( f tho 1`)-osl).vte1'i:1n Y.P.b. :1}: Hi_L,"]1t He also gr:1vo an whit-h w:x.< of special into: rm:mhr~)`s. Why I am zv. P1 .. v` 1%,... \' 1) n 0:. . *' " " ' " `*'"~-*"`"-"*`---" bpearn. , United Church S TREASUREEOSR S-I`:`)EsOF LANDS` On Friday last the members 01: 'the United Church held their annuz'.I -`j` `_ .bazaa1', with the bazaar in the after-E . TOW" 05 33": C'4: `>5 5"?-0 `.noon and supper in the evening," ` T0 WT']': 'Fn1Imvml hv n n1'no'1'nn1. Tho h:1sr-\-I. u_\. =. ZHIH :1ll_\' !|. IL`'\. .\. I\.- ll. s3lIl('lElll :.-I his talks on tho Bihlc. s---I4: it. ".':1.< thv Honk of -Iu(l_L-,`(...' .m- unIr-=- rli.~'.cL1s This is II); i)lll')'('.~=UILL'_' as H pic Lu1-n.~, ,2 of Lh- piollur.-r.~' so clc:u'l_\' m-lrniv t-mu-I-uh-d by (ICSC)`ibiHj.,': - of thr- piuus Ruth, :1 NIOb(}l)iL.~" , who I4-fl, hm` h0mu':md WUHL in n-Aw l:m(ls, \vhm'n even .-.':::: c-xtn-mu:-ly pt-zu-c-ful. -1- ,--r::,-. frmn ])l.'l_\'S were the :n,urA:-' of Lhv Unitt- Church '|`h- m:um(~r in which tin- v.'~rr,- pl`!-:s'(-lltrrd \v:1s rzlthm in 1,hn1. ii. link:-I up the vm'-- wt :10 <-mn::isr~nLl\'. '|'hre parts N:-rn :13 th`.: pi<-tun-.~< |):1.%`.s`Il\_*; h minds of 21 (7;mzuli:1n` 'i1,rhL, pln_v<,~d by Mr. C. J. 'l'h:- r-,.;1, of tho pl::_v-,r.s' in- W A R1-H A Plnrh T4` 13:13:- _u,1L'. s1(e1'vr:d refreshnwents by concluded the even1n_.1'. IN MEMORIAM xv 1:... uu- pI:l_VIEl'>`. III- A. He-ll, A. l`u).rh. I". Doh- (`-.n-mh-I.-u.| ("1-n-lu. Q.-nu I U. ].'I'('.- Sim-l:1n' Ian `L!H.`z L' ill] -Ml` intcros! ' 1 n [Jun ' ul 34` The re brigade was called out ` about 9 21.111. this morning to ex- ` tinguish a. blazing` truck on Br-a.d1'o1'd tlSt., just south of John St. l`h<.- ylltruck, which belonged to the St1'ath- ` ldee Transport C0,, was only slightly V damaged. I The Sunshine Club will hold a bazaar and afternoon tea at the Queens Hotel on Saturday, Dec. 15, `2.30 to 5.30 p.m. _ _ .followed by ine oase-: BY "lrtue 01 3 `V`11'1'5mt '1-`55`-`ed 1?? ' ment att1'acti-Jely` the M.V1' Of the TOW 01 B`1"'-:`deco1'ated decorum hearing date the eighteenth day of tiolm S6Pt0mb01', 1934: 5310 Of lands 1 3_1"`g'1-mn Miss`. rears of taxes in the Town of Ba1'1'1r_; Young. DeHm.t,` will 1)e held at my oice, Barrie, ;L= ;M1.S_ Heels and M1.S_ Lougheed smo_; the hour of two o clock in the a+-.".- istS_ noon on the Fifteenth day of Janu-! arv, 1935, umess the 1_;axes_and costs; on Sunday last are sooner pa1d._ Notice 1S heambyiwho has been given that the hst of lands In` `::~.ie leader of the 101-_zu-1'ears ot ta_xes is being pubLl5`hC]1u1.ch for the past twentymve! m the O.m Gazette .n i.5"-' years, retired from active participa-` Nth day O1 October "3. Thlrd ""`~'!tion in choir work. Mr. Norman si f N"embe1" mm the Flrst day f'se1-vices have been highlv appreciated? Dec'.br. 1934' and that_ _c?ie. Ofivand will be missed in future by the` the said list ma,v be had a`. my .o..;ce.VCh0i1. and c0ng1.egati0n_ Treasurers Ofce. Barrie, this and. 1 Mr. F. No1'man,', organist and choir; Burton Ave. Unused: Wnilnxx-inn Han avm1ino- .cm'vi(-0 izhni Resignatiqn of F. J. D. Norman _ Rev. Dr. J. S. Shortc, Moderator` of the Presbyterian Church, preach- ed at the anniversary services 01` Victoria Presbyterian Church, To-I 'lronto, last Sunday morning. '1 w. J. Cole, Bradford St., appcu.1'- 1 1. ed in couit this morning charged un- 1 der Sec. 13, sub-section 2, of tho" j?Highway Traic Act, making` an un- t11eccessu1'y noise by cutting` out the O-`mu'1er. It is allegged that. about 5, Oip.m. on Nov 2 Tt;h the accused s son `was driving; on Brad'fo1'd St. and `starting pedest1'iuns with the back- `re from his i'athe1"s car. The case `I was remanded till Dec. 13th. ` - i 1 . On Tuesday evening about nine ` 1 `o clock the re brigade was called to `the top of Mulcaster St., Where it `was found some one had sent in a `false alarm. :51`. ANDREW S CHURE-H 1 MEN'S CLUB HOLD BANQUET` new1_v organized Men s Club .-\ndre\\"s Presbyterian Church their second open meeting and `hnnnnnf. nn 'FI1n. nvanintr 'l`hrx ll1UlU Lll(`.'U.' SUUUIIU UPUII lllUULlIlg d.U.U "`' ` lbunquet on Tuesday evening. TheiM- Fl} `banquet was served at (3.30 p.m., at ,3 th` ;which time 105 men sat down to u `d 135 `moose dinner, the moose being pro- to ma lvded by T. Tough, High St. A sing `H3100 < `song and several musical numbers ln,5' iwere rendered and Mr. E. Hardy prc- '1,he `sented :1 very amusing skit entitled E 5 Whiskers Retre` ` 1-F. HAMMOND ACAIN HEADS I '1 CHILDREN'S AID SOClETYl The Monday evening nieeting; o;f|_ `Collier St. Y.P.S. was in charge of\` the Citizenship Department, withlq Morton Knox presi(ling;. The devo-i{ tional period was conducted by Isabel 1 * Smith, after which a very pleasing` solo was given by Miss A. Caldwell. ` '-\ rnnuf gun)-nn1-infra fail: `Fnv n niri. .( bUlU VVEIE `.. ,lVt5l1 Uy H1155 ti. K./U.l.(l\`\/ell. A most approprlate talk for 21 cm- zenship program was given by Rev. . I W. A. E. Doe, of Burton Avei United Church, who repeated by re-1 quest the description of a tour hcl made througrh Kingston penitentlaryl `He described very graphically some of the main portions of the bui1ding:! gand made some very informative re-1 .marks concerning the system in use and the daily program of the prison I OTC , l I At the first meeting of the newly! elected board of the Children's Aid! .Society on Tuesday evening, officers! _were elected as follows: Presicient,i F. Hammond; Vice-President, M. D.J` Morrison; T1'easu1'er, R. F. Grant;] Chairman of Committees: House, T.-, Sinclair; Finance, M. D. Mo1'rison;E Field, D1`. J. H. N. Smith. Th` .3 'l` l iffln \l'l`|n ]1',lC fnnnrl lfl Aug LJAAVVL Irv: ......... -. You are invited to these services. . 6135- ` E The meeting; closed after a lmarty `vote of appreciation to Mr. Doe. I 1`l(;`l(l, Ul'. J. F]. AV. Dlllllll. '- Dr. A. T. Little, who has found it necessary to retire from the board, but has been made an honorary mem- ! ber was present and expressed his 2113- ' preciation for the cane presented to` him by members of the board. Dr. `Little has been connected with the! i Children's Aid work for the past 26; `years. He is still interested in the work, but mls that he has to ease down on mzm_\' of his activities. The president assured Dr. Little] ,th;.1t the bozml would welcome hi.~;I presence at as mun_\' 1neetin_g`s zis he mziy be able to attend, and also his. advice as. in the past. 1' 1 Miss Agnes llacphail add1'cssed tho, ` Midland Women s Czmadizm Club :.'.1st'] week on Pot Pourri of Canad!-L111`: Problems. { l AHUll', U;.','U 45), \\/215 SLYUCK UOVVH H_\' ""?3 "" LU` 1| "" '|'P1`~ I "L l'*`- some one as she was on her way to Edu;.u11(m `:1 church meetmgg. A man hut, her at 1 -`least half :1 dozen times about the ( `ly- heud and shoulders. She had to bx` *1 - I l __ . -`taken to the ho.<.pitz1l for t1`e:1tm~:`:t.l :Ienry' `During: the same evening: Myrtle Pat terson, :11,-re 17, was ztttncked Wlll:C on ` her way home. A man seized her 12;, the throat and her into the (`oll(`11`i'1te \"u`(l where she m'1nu-`-`ed Sqnmtwe Slmcoe" `S mam- 't` l`_"`l_ " " O ` S"t 1,` ` ,mnp: short` 1o1'Jumor " ` *``V-`- " `-/ `~`~~ Jumor \vl11le"l\. lrs. S. D1'f1D0}` `VCt_ 011`? `f'~ _tho, _,.nd to empty some 1c-fuse .3-no Start `was grabbed by a man and her cloth- ing.-: torn from her body before shr - - mzmzuzed to free herself and run in-` Elmvale Board of Trade plan.` to to the house. Several other cases inlhold :1 Christmas poultry market or which women and girls have been at Dec. 14th, and a Santa Claus parac .-2 1. tucked by the maniac have been re on Dec. 22nd. CHRISTMAS FOR SHELTER Cl-IlLDRE.N When planning your Clirislmasl l)u_\'l1 lj.,", please leave room for an- swering` a Santa Claus letter for one of the Shelter boys or p:irls. Each child has written one in all good faith that they will not be forgotten, and the Children's Aid Society would like the help of evervone inte.estel so that this happy time may he made '\'er_\' real to homeless hovs and ;,:ir1.~:. `The children are from six months to fifteen _\`ears. so :1 _`. ,'00(l range of choice may he had and 2l])])llCilL20l1S for letters to \V. J. Justice, phone 13-27, will be gxrateftllly received. `There is a great sl1ort:1,u'e of sleig'lis and boots and skates for the older -children, and donations of these ar- ticles will be very acceptable at the Shelter. `1n_:;' me to me }Ligl11i Commissil lise to see that `,"(`l' service and K -Jas. To exp t supperl` given. nu l\l0n(l_a_\ . \\ `In Fai --N ORILLIA MADMAN CLUBS l WOMAN, CHOKES GIRL} ----- I Orillin police are s::z11'(thi11;r for an` lunknmvn man, who during: the past fmv xvnoks has :\Lt'1ckc(l six woman. On Irid:1,\' ni,x,-`hi; lust Mrs. J()SSiu `Muir, 21;.-;e 45, was struck down by A '~'!'Il1\l| nnn HQ Q11!` \V11 (`H1 `hf-'1' I!I\f I'll um my gnEv._.;.;%.5._L;__s_.3_[_..5_E_ COLLIER STREET Y.P.S. The Northern Advance me szua 1151. , may De new at. my uzucu. Treasurer s Office, Barrle, day of October, 1934. A I Sn-nifh, Tr-earn-ar`.

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