.. `Sports News .. Phone 1047 The League Standing Wnn Special Attention '\ll\l)'l.` L`lll\l)l)I\'I!} Lown U5if'sTMAs `F RI J'I:19s` Won on L0: Phone 2 1 5 Spwizll \'z1l1u:< in all I-ntvlll. {SIMMONS & co LADEES CLOTH COATSi DRESSES I 1\/IILLI1`IERE: FUR cows 'l A COMPLETE STOCK The Coat and Dress Shop At the Sign of the Bear Reeve John Drinkwatc-r, of Orillia township, has an enviable record. In the nine times he has sought oicr in the municipa1it_\' he has never yet been defeated. \\'].LL .\L\`\'-\.YS BIL. FOI'.\ ]`) AT V 2- v 40 . . - c "` C A Powerful Gcrxmcxde 6c- 90: ",1... n..:, L,,______ _____ FL I. uvvsunun \lI-AAAl.A\.A\n\p vvv -..- of proved value. Safe because non- injurious to the most delicate esh tissues. Kill germs in nose, mouth and throat with G.G. Extract. A Liniment that penetrates and remove: the cause of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Joint Pains, Neuritis, Sciatica, etc. Your muncy rctunzed if ` not abxolutcly satised. Full directions with every bottle. At your Druggist or from AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY 75 Duchess Sh, Toronto WAvc1-ley 4521 AND HOSIERY OF Sausage . . . . . . . . . . . . Rolled Roasts of Beef Beef Hearts . . . . . . . . Pickled Picnic Hzuns . Roasts of Pork . . . . . . . a-1,._ _ 1. -w:~1. 31-- 3 Dunlop St. .n\J-r .1'.>"1wi (')`.\"i:` `I .1 7 Page Five ..25c ..55c .59c I112 .`29c .250 .25c .250 .250 .250 Roasts of Bef V are Necessary to A a Community Annual Christmas Sale THE `GREEN FRONT _ jg Tulips Hyacinths Daffodils Etc. HAR?i7 WARMS"i`fR0NG B1`enngn Meat Market _ _ _. ....- -..-q--u--- -runs--n EULES The independent merchants are iiecessai-y to the -community. They support our schools, churches and civic institutioi mo11e3r' in the community, and the p4*1`c11ase1s of th eir goods eventually get it back. The Mail Or-fer Houses and Chain Stores take our money away from the community, and it never returns. In supporting .~.;=.e-1'c1a.2a,11ts you are supporting yourself, for every c`..o11a.r spent and left in the community adds to the progress of the community. - ' BE A COMMUNITY BOOSTER! King Edward Jrs. I P.S. Champions [ID U]. LUIS . o - u . - c - - . - - - ~ - . . . . Q -:2` F1'e.'s11 i~`.i.s11, Oysters ant`. Vegetables PHONE 50 WE DELIVER .<<~:1.~m`1:1l)lu linvs as \\'-1 ng;`11|:n' mm-H-l1:1n(li. General-Electric Radios Ge11e1'a1-Electric Refrigerators Miss Simplicity Electric Washers Coleman and Aladdin Lamps ,7_ _ Z._._.:.._.__ L _1_7"0_1-'.l`IjIE 2v"Ei{ END? lcentre, .ichz11'dson; wings, Cook and Glen; alternates, Kelly, Fullerton, Collis and Urry. 1-.w.1_.-.._..) r,...1 1. ,.u.'I.\. An. '1.-cut the l5:l1'1`le Ieuows. - The first period saw the only goon lacrosse of the game, with the visi- tors on top by 21 -'1-2 score. The see- oml frzmie nished with :1 12-4 count and the nal score was 18 to 5. 1 Stellar plu_vi11g' by Jack St. Clair in the nets kept the visitors score ldown in the first frame. He stop- ped 21 number that looked like ;'su1'C .,"oz1ls. At the end of the second It was thou{_>_'h c 11e'cessa1'_v to use him out, `and the last period saw him at com` tre. xv .. 1,,,_. ,__-.I LL- ..:..:L,...,. K/UNI?) illlu LJLLJ. King E(lwa1'd--Goal, Kettle; de- fence, Calvert and Clute: rover, Ferry; centre, Trask; wings, Uowen and Pyburn; alternates, Andrew, Hill, lie-ll_\', Gosney, Blogg and Firmzm. n_1.`._..--.. \X7.`1l. ...l Tlnnnnu I The Prince of Wales-O1'i1iia affair icouid hz\1'Lli_\' be c1assc(1 us :1 1J.C1'().\'.3O |;::une.- With the exception of the first period the B;n'1'ie boys were dis tinctly outweighed. They were not so much outclzissetl, because it was the Orillizms size and weight that bout the Barrie fellows. I i 'I`l.n A`...+ nnu-inrl uL1\x7 H11: nniv rvnnn I .t:u_\, uu.:nu._v, Lllvbb um`. All. .. .efe1'ees---Wa1ls and Hooper. K31 `Q I 1% 8 Nu The lx'in_x: E(lwur(l Schoo. won the _,Ll11lO)' lz1cro.='se championship of the public schools, det'e::tin2' Victow.` 3 to 3 in a close _Lrame 1)la_\'eLl at tnei zzrenv. Tuc.<.tlz1y ni_-Iht, and (.`:U1l(: Kilt!) possession of the W. B. \\ ebb trophy. The game was the curtain-raiser lo: the feature game of the ll1tCl"UUuHI._V play-o' between Prinre of VVale.. Barrie senior chznnpions, and Lllt: Orilliv. representatives. which `.\'.:~..! won by the visitors 18 to 5. The rszt ,o;2une between the two local teznns proved to be the n. --ntertamingz by far. These L055 pat`. up it good brantl of lzw2'<>.~.~:e .1111 um: two teams were eVenl_\' n~.:`.Lal`.<;.; so that the game could not help ' 1: l-cl interesting: to the two hundred people present. `Hm Vinfnvin `nnvs w-.-nt one cliiuaal 'l`ll1j ]:l()HSE IS NO S',l..l?().\'GE*R 'J.'I.I-\I\' I[-\RI\'ESS. tr. A: . A_""I Try Our Elarness to Hold Your Horse W. R. ALLEN LEATHER GOODS Bayeld St, Barrie Buy From Independent `Merchants HARNESS -11 . . . . ..L`kC .12;-c~1 /C to beat an ETi_ectrica.1 ..zp131ian ; a Christmas Gift. OR`lLLiA WEST WARD TEAM SWAMVS PRINCE OF WALI-`.5 Emerson Fire '1(`:_\"1101dS spent the week and renewing` old acquulnv zmces in town. Emerson has secur- ed a regular position on the Port Col- borne line-up, but according` to talk he sort of wishes he could be wear- ing: the Colts colors again this yuan`. So do we. In the opening .,rzune .nn-ninu+ Hun Tn`-nn+n= 1:191. F1`idZ1V L-` r The Midlzmd intermediates chalked up their rst win of the season at the expense of Camp Borden. 11; looks as though the 1\'IidlanI.lers and Grnvenhurst may be the teams in the O.H.A. nals this year now that Ozikville has moved up to senior and Coldwuter likely to amalg`an1z-..e with Orilliu. At any rate the b0_\'s from Dud1ey s town have the adv:.m-- tages. First they have articial Ice, and then an ener_e'etic executive who have gathered a smart team together land secured 21 _2:ood experienced coach `in I`_\" Arbour to put them in shape Collingwood Collegiate gridders had to take it on Saturday. Burlington gave them a 25-11 beating on the back campus of Varsity Stadium in the semi-nal round of the Secondary Schools playdowns. The Burlington boys presented a much heavier squad than the Orange and Black, and It was in this the game was won and lost. Chub Butters started in this gzmie, but was forced to retire one to injuries, and with him out 01' me line-up things did not 1'-.-1re so well. [So do In the opening `.,"ullH: against the Torontos last Friday nights the Ports pulled out with 21 2-2 tie, and the Fi1'el)all had as- si. on bothggoals. However, Cm: Sailors did not fare so well 'l`uesLlu_\ night. when Hamilton trimmed thcml Q in 1 [ "Nov. 29, 30 December lsti Barrie-Goal, `St. Clair; defence, Bcluskey and J,olmson; rover, C. Goring`; centre, L. Goring`; wln_e;s. Livi11g`sto1\. and Hammer; alternates, Powell. 1xn4`....m..-17 (`mu-.m and N. Hoov- THURSDAY - FRIDAY i SATURDAY \ IHELL IN THE HEAVEN] \\'i1h Yum` I*`:1\'m'i1'0 Stall` 1 |;1_\'i1y;' in 'l`}z11'ri<* b(rL 01'c ' ',l`m'nnf0 E present. The Victoria boys V\ U11t one in the rst period when Do`u::. ll..n.;. took `.2 pass from Norm. Cook. 1.- thc second both to:m1s :=(-o1`r.=d twlcc. l\'in;: and Cook countin_'.: for Vics and (`nlvert sco1'in_2' twice for A112mda`.c. 'l`lm Haiwl um! n.-11 `fa-nmn was zm. -Wit.h Added Feature- 'owel1. 2efe1-ces--E. Cu1'1'zm and N. Hoop- TRUMPET BLOWS s?.41{=`i_>4`51'e-'1'." AGLEANINGS WARNER BAXTER (iTC(`)i?(}E R.\]T and .\'l`\(H.1 T[ .\I'IC.\'{]'()U mxy Txeatre CONTINUES ITS 100 /2 ENTERTAINMENT , I 26 Elizabeth The Northern Advmuae L:1l\'01'I`. sco1`1n_u twice L01` :\ucuLu`a :. The third and nal frame was mt. real test. To start it, Alex. '1':-ask tied the count. F`ollo\vin:1 thi.< (Sex. 1;1'ul stormed the South \/V2u`d net, but were unable to score. In.` '.ie:i'aing.: point czune when lien. Clute recc-.*'cd 21 nz1st_V ;:`a. from an opposing` stick. While the offender was serving` time for the accident Vernon Rowen was able to slip th)'ou_2`h the defence for t`.v:~ 5.-'oz1ls. 'l`1.. {`nl'lnuu'nn- i\r\x'Q nl-nrnrl u'r`-ll `Fnl '.l_` H .1`) [.110 5800110. I1'.UTl(;`. . The score by periods is an indica- tion of the play. The Fliers lacked nish and the home team was able secure a 6-1 lead by the end of the - second frame. In the last frame the winners were able to count ve goals without a return. T110 rrznnn \\7'.1Q Hm : vcf rm? Hn 051-! The Midland entry in the inter-I mediate 0.1-LA. race this year hand- ed the Camp Borden team a 11-1 trouncing in the Midland arena last Friday night. `The game reallyl means nothing as far as dope on the [strength of the two teams goes. The 'Midlanders are rounding into 1nid- season form, while the Borden boys have been on the ice only a few times. However, the Dudley gang will be a strong aggregation, since they have their two Hershey boys [back and are able to use Beatty in `the nets. The Mitllunclers secured three in the first, three in the second and ve in the third. Pop Mc-_ Kerrol tallied the Fliers only goal in- the second frame. `go-(gs wlcnout return. | The game was the first of the sfaa-i son and attracted 1,000 fans, whlch lisn t bad for a beginning`. l Tho (`Tamra 1inn_11n-.("rnnL T-Tnnkfl '1SIlL UZLU lol' 31 UC}. ,lIlIllIl_L,". ` The Camp line-up-Goz1l, Hook; defence, Part1-id_s:'e and Kipp; centre, Blanchard; win_:_rs, .\'IcI{-askin and Cook; subs, McKnig'ht, Baker, Mc- Kerrol, Boys, Peck and McFarlane. CAMP BORDEN SWAMPED BY ` MIDLAND INTERMEDIATES 11-1 ; The E I foa_ted LUZLLUU LIIB .D2ll'1'l{' L/OILS lll l/nit: `. A "1. series, went into the discaru them- selves on Tuesday at the hands 0-` the Guelph Jumors. The score was a bit one-sided, standing` at 8 to 1 at `Fnn_Hw1n The Toronto Maple Leafs are cer- tainly stepping high, wide and haml- somz. According` to one well known sports writer, they will hold rst and second places if they keep on. Per- haps they should put Jackson and Conacher on the sick list, too, so as to give the other fellows half :1 n1r\nvurnr\ 21 UN. 0118- ` full-time. 'THL'P.SD.-XY, T\'OVI".MBER 29, 1. )-3-3. LU _;';vc chance. {AFFAIRS or CELLINA i 5151*} OUR STOCK OF l STOVES AND HEATERS % ! .I2]3].+`UR]:`. PURC`/1"] A SING YOUR NE\\' S _l.`O\'E Large Assortment--Rezzsonable i`E:ices Ymtr old s"r0\'0 f2T11 in ex- <'h`UL1'(* and we deliver and sc-1 up um stovos free of 4-112n'gC. `MONDAY - TUESDAY WEDNESDAY lROXY-THE HOUSE 0: } HITS 1 :December 3rd, 4th and 5th :29 Dunlop St. .\11n1m' Iii}.-; S]>m-iz ! CONSTANCE 'BENNETT FREDERICK MARCH RY Tw Chinaware Evemg. l`h11rsd:1_\` Nigln` to flu-. ladies at .... .. .. ,.-..... ---_.. ,, Vics frame the The following` boys played well for, their teams : No matter how good the visitors were Lloyd Goring` and Dick Living`- ston matched them. It was the size they lacked. Those boys up there must be raised on a special diet. Dick got three of the ve and Lloyd g'm-nered the other two. Other lads worthy of mention are Beleskey, John-I son and Clare -G,oring'. These fellows were the decent and they barely. reached the big` fellows sticks, but it wasn t for lack of trying`. Orillia-Goa1, Luffman; defence. llocke and Church; ro\'er."Fenwick; centre. White: win_2*s, Clarke and \'ictoria---Goal, .\lcCleod; (loll-lice, Sears; alternates, .\lili(-r, Reid. Fer- l) an(l Stevens; rover, l{in5:; rier, Grant, Gordon, Lawson. A _u`(m \`:11'iot`_\' of 0101115 10 (2110031) f'n;.m Price $21.50 up FIT AND XVORKM.-\.\ SII] P Cu`rIL\]?;\`_\?'l7]*h`S`!; : St. Michael s Buzzers. who de- l the Barrie Colts in the *. ISA. urn-n+ inbn Han r<'Ir,~nn-.-1. r`hnnu_ Ony 1 1.95 MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS Community Booster Member R.].`/LA. institutions. They spend. their SM111-_1 supporting the local independent 1.1-- ..._-......._........ -1.` L1,... ...\.~.-.~nu~n~'.+u- Clarke s Tannery Beeforths . . . . . . . Guests . . . . . . . . Gamers .. A. & P. Store . .. Beleskeys . . . . . Westons - Carlings . . . . . . . ' VV1'ights . . . . . . . Examiner . Brysons . . . . . . . B. & A. Dairy . . Barrie Wholesale Dominion Store Cities Service . Barrie Tannery . . |Tanner Electric . .' Livingstons . . . . . Bell Telephone . . Bankers . . . . . . . I Hi-Average-J. Hexvitt, Beefo1'th"s `Butchers, 235. Fm` Winm I 17;)ne 535 I . 1 Hi-Sing1e-A1'ch. Hudson, Cltles |Service, 375. Hi-Three7J. Boxall, B1'_vson s, "E .l.L.LUJ.u.J .1. a.va..s..a.ru Stoneless Da.tes-2 lbs. . . . . Seedless Raisins-`2. lbs. . . . . Pie-cleaned Currants 2 lbs. Ego Baking Powder . . . . . . . . Vi-Tone---9 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ESSA ROAD J_.__I_). WISDOM ea (:0. ..._._ -.-q-.--.-. -17-!` I\lf\'l's A IM('\ 'I'\'l\I\'l\'I"l'l'IT'.'IOI KC TI ji1 :vj QUALITY BEEF AND COPACO PEoDU7:T l.'311. Boneless Pot Roast Beef--1b. . . . . . . . ..1G Choice Rib Boiling Beef--lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .;'uou1de1' Roast of Beef-1b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11 Beef i:?ende1-1o'1n--lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ZE nI1"l'1\'I"(`ll'I'l'IIl' A (V 'l'.111'I'T`l"f$'IG TOPPLING MAPLES Eggo Baking Powder per 1b.. Vi-Tone, 16 oz .................... .. Sundried Coffee, lb ............ .. 1. - -_ _- 'l"IH`3R.E .\1H`I J l`.\"l` 122 '.\I()R]C SH()I l l.\'(i i)_\\. .\' l3]`]1*`()R.I~} (1`llliIS'|`I\.l.v\S. ])()N"l` f\'I".(`-l;l".C'` 3 DRESSING GOWNS AND HOUSE JACKETS Make Grrand Gifts for a Man Sea l1`l11-111 in 0111- \V'i111l 11115 '\\'1~.\l< _.-`: McCullmigh s Grocery SPECIALS }BROWN & c0.1