Page Two 0 LUIII B|dg., Barrie. TR/;. V; U hunn Bldg., Barrio. Pritlzters in Barrie since 1847. I TRKEH. l - Barrie ` C. D. Stew art ne. M. H. Eaten AN `N0'1`_.\[(_Y VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrio Branch Barrie \ MISS BEULAH SCOTT . --Phone ll47w-- - 1 ..uar ax: BY TRAWH over your requirements and 0.1 ;_I_,. A ,I-.n.ann 1;. v.1.` Phone 218 y are paid to do. Commxsslonen; r elected to do the business, and ..1,,m.ou r-ntvnged to carry out the |05_ VHYSIUIAN AJLVU Dunuuun Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Office nnd Residence .A. 50`Mnry 5!. Phone 101 xs'1'c\0mce Hours: 55-9.30, 11-2 ao. 6-8.80 !I5""`:\l` I~arn.uu-`u--. ?r`JN -- SAFL'T":'-- SPEED -- COMFORT THURJSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1934. 'PHONE 53 I J.J.1.J.uL\.1LrLLv xuvu uuavu-;4u.w Ofce--0won St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. .3. Simpson) Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 UIHCU unu .G5l(.|cll(:u--vuunzr l.`4A.h he-rt and Bradford 'ta., Barrie. Phone 10 I10-Inca Hours: 9-10 u.m., 1-8 p. I 7151 n,m. Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Ofiice Hours: 12-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment . A. '1'. Little, M.]). W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoc. \ k HXS1U1Ar~.3 AiVU auzvuununo J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1-. -r wumrm Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Office Hours: ' 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. J- EDWIN WILSON. B.S.A_ D.0. REGISTERED OSTEOPATH ` 6 KING BLOCK B.-\.RR1':l -< - I 'rl__...__I__. 2-5..-..l.... as possible 11'om them. The Hepburn. Cabinet, l1owcve1', look on the statement of the Deputy Minister as an insult to the Bo_\'.< and g'i1'l.~' zmrl thv Prime _\Iiniste1' ;s'a_\'s he would not blame the yoL1ng`ste1':: if they camc: from all over the province and Pall-1'l\lC the D('-puty .\I'.nistm' of \Velf:u'u. 'l`\.,. D..i.nn \llnl;fn\' snul l1l< (':Il )l11(*i' DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON u......:..I nnnminn nhntntrica Ldcensed CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESS TI-EERAPISTS CA I an A r\_._.I__ plnfli-\Q Ans '1'l`.L.I.`JK.Ll"l5 1 82A Dunlop 5!. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Office Rates Reasonable SURGERY AND DISEASES (21- WOMEN __....:..L,-. f`,n.-Annv (`.nn`nfU nf Simrr L` VA`L-lAVALQ4 ..--.._., _ -___ Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 18351` Phone 82, I :, Return Limits, and Train Information. mi in I`-`I90 H Eh H! A J.\.lJ.\\.I 1)J.l\.l\/AL u-....-. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 'Tl7!T.1T`.`PT-(Tf\TF`. 345 GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed rr1')n`DDAf"T`('\`DQ ant` nmmtsr. G. G. SMITH 8: C0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS \VClfz11'u. The I 1'im(.- )Iini. and his Cubine: insti-ml of .s`L].\`])(.`I1(L, or 1'in,: the Deputy Blinister of Welfzwc, shoulvl study conditions and so far as pos- sble remove temptations from Lh: path of our boys and g`i1`ls. my, Dec. 3. _ /.:,'.\..\I. Saturday, DEC. 8. also .\'I. Snm1'du;, Advance. day, Lhursday, saw. TELEPHONE 345 I III Cunulsu uu nu Established 18894 ' R: I `C3. in 7:. VV. A. LEWIS BARGAIN FARES ' l'I_.ElIE_ 50:4 Barrie. Ont. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 10 spoke on rlepnuru Luc -. He 15 only one of many \ `ted for the Hepburn Govern- Jut would like to cast another Published at 123 Dunlap I an n unnR1.S.()vN ____. Craig, nine times mayor ie 1-nf.n`n`1Q` from municu: E112 Nurihvrn Ahuanrr A savings account is not a mere matter of dollars and cents, any more than a building is a mere agglomeration of bricks or stone and mortar. Both require planning. Budget your expenses and plan the saw. ing of a certain sum for periodic deposit in your savings account with this Rsmk. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $500,000,000 `Congratulations to W. J. Biau, who has been elected mayor for 1.935 by acclamation. As aldern-an, deputy-reeve and reeve he has_ given good service, and he will not fail as lI`1nV01'. had St., Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON. Editox and Publisher `he busmess, uuu `wdoainn ll. ELU all \\\\ nn4- ED1ToRgA to those` who ..~. rrunnfi v1n- nn MIXED-IN-PLACE PAVING AN EXPENSIVE EXPERIMENT A year ago the council was ad- bl vised by the town engineer and Ald. W Tuck, chairman of the Board of st Works, that mixed-in-place paving could be laid for 35 cents per square P` yard, and that it would stand for at C least ve years. The chairman said lg he had gone carefully into the mat- 1] , ter of cost and was satised that it t. 2 would not cost over 35 cents per ; yard. On this assurance the resi dents of several streets petitioned the council to lay mixed-in~p1ace pavemefit on the initiative plan. A start was made and checking` up showed that 35 cents per rsquare yard would not cover the cost. As~ l surance, however, was given by thcl` town en_:_:ineer and Ald. Tuck that 45 -` cents per square yard would meet all costs, and Collier St. 1'esi(lent.<``` : ~. signed a new petition, . zlL',`1'e(.`ll1;.`,' to lg` pay 45 cents. Ivlixed-in-place pave ge ment was laid on Worsley, Collier, re Brock, I-Essa and Clapperton streets. 5, but no one appeared to know just til wliat it actually did cost. ,r \,\/'i+l-u 1-nncirlnvnlxln (lli('1ll1`V' `l`.l'l `what It uctuzulgs um cost. With considerable difficulty` the town clerk has been able to Inake 3 complete check up on the cost of -.11.` the mixe(l-in-place pavement clone, and it _g'u1'es out at '70 cents pel square yard. `The whole council, 01 course, must share the responsibilit_v of what was done, because every member should have been satlsed as to the cost before getting in so deep. _ A: tn 1-ho dnrnhilitv of the nave- deep. As to the durability of pave- ment, tli:-It remains to be seen. Few of the members of the council would like to guarantee that Collier St. will stand up for live years, or for three years. The mixed-in-place paving would seem to have been an expen- sive experiment. LAND vA-Lu!-:. NOT cow, SHOULD BE STANDARD) suvu mayor. Reeve W. J. Cum1ing,'l1z1m, of Allis- ton, who has given considerable thoug'l1t to economics, believes that` land values, not gold, should be the standard of exchange. A+ Hm n1-ncnnf fimp land values` standard 01 excnange. At the present time land values are almost nil, while gold, under the inuence of manipulation, is king. For many years when money was borrowed by debenture, note and` 1h. R t: mortgage or by using the services 01 i] banks, it was necessary to sign many forms to protect the loan maker. This system has become so involved that it has broken down our economic system. It has failed because it has been abused, not used. Default is common, inability to pay is spread- ing, because high finance is allow- ed to hide behind sacred contracts given as standards of land and labor values that no longer exist. High nance has had unreasonable protec- tion, and farmers products forced to unreasonable low prices, with the re- sult that sacred contracts of a few years ago are to-day exploited, legal- ly, because for nearly one hundred years the gold standard and basir values had remained close to a stand- ard value. But the dollars we bar~ gained with a few years ago are gone; finance and governments have changed thing's to suit their conven-u ience. Labor values, the most sacred part of any contract, and a basis of value more than gold ever was or. ever will be, on the scrap heap, but the sacred contract must be car-, ried out or let the sheri' in. ` uulnnu T and lsnr-nnun n`? ll`: nlhlllt`. 1-iod out let the sncrm m. Land values, because of its abllltj. to p1`o\'idc. coupled with labor, lmve alwzlys been and wiil continue to uro- vide the neces;<.:u'_V things of life for this world, and should be the stand- ard of (,-:\`chu11_u`r,~., not gold. 1 u. 3`3}f"axi?`District News (10110. I FALL IN PRICE OF EGGS ON THE LOCAL MARKET The price of eggs took another big drop at the week end market on Sat;- ~ In the last two weeks they l urday. have fallen 7c :1 dozen. On Saturday the prices rungecl from 32c to 38c. a decrease of -1c over the previous week. The full in price is due to the increztsed supply us eggs have be- come; quite plentit'ul lately, .- and lately the Llemand 1111:; also been fall ing away. lRn. in u-em.-ml wus none too mg away. Business in L ,'L`llL')'2ll t brisk owing: to the dis:1;.rreeab1e t weather, and the nnnjority of the 1 sta1l11olde1's complained of poor sales. 1 Poultry also experienced it fall in price, caused by the over-supply. Chicken sold at 17c and 18 11 1b., fowl 12c to 14:: and ducks 18c lb. _`Butte1- remained unch:m1.;ed at 25c lb. and enjoyed a little better sale this week. Althou_g'h the teinperatnre was somewhat cool on Suturdzly, no ildressed meat was oi1'ero('l for sale. T Han um.-n+nhln Hun nvi:-nu vnnmin. VVGGK. ' an excellent display of hone_v by sev- eral producers. Clover honey xv-as o'ercd at (350 21 5-lb. pail, 25c for a Q16-oz. bottle; amber honey at 45c for `3 a 5-11). pziil and combs were 30c each. On the outside market were several . `loads of wood, including hard and soft wood, as well as kindling}. The if price varied from $41 to $0 :1 load, according` to size and quality. `but enjoyed a good sale. There xv-.1.<. l Apples were not quite so plentiful t uresseu lIl(.'ilL was U1LL:1L'.u .l.Ul muc. In the vegetable line prices remain- ed about the same as the previous week. ' .\ n~nIn.- uyrn-n nnf HUNT` Kn nlnnfnl 1 1ing`wood W There is a move on foot to trans- fer the headqum'te1's of B Com: pany, Simcoe Foresters, from Col- to St'.1_\'ne1'. Citiezns of Collngwood are strongly opposed to this move and efforts are being niadc to prevent such :1 move. David Williams, ma_vo1' of Coiling `.\ood for two years, announces that he will not seek a third term. l ..... _, , ____. We need representatives on the Water and Light Commission whr~ will see that employees do the work they Commissioners an elected to arid VV.F1'u11k Smith. 13..-\., of St.` Mai-_\"s `Col1e;-:iate Institute, has bu-.1` appointed public school inspector for west Simcoe, succee(lin9,' W. A. Mar- shall, who lias been t1-unsfe1'reL| to R Lincoln. Reeve John D1-inkwater, of Orilli-.1 3 township, has an enviable record. i in the municipality he has never yet '__ been defeated. ` 1 [n the nine times he has sought ofct M1`. Charles Grant, who serve-. as town clerk of Orilila for 53 year:, celebrated his 84th birthday on Fri- cfay last, and enjo_Vs excellent health. R. F. Grant, 1nanap;er of thc Royal Bank, Barrie, is a son. Orillia merchants have been warn- ed to watch for worthless Un`ted lStates $10 bills. Two unknown men 1'ep1*esentin;,r themselves as U.S. tour- ists are known to have passed faked bills at a d1'u_L` store in Orillia and at stores in Huntsville and Burk s Falls. So good were the counterieits that they were not detected till sent to Buflalo banks. I jjja i Geo. )`IcCu1iou5;h, of .-Xdjala town- shp, has :1 purebred Yo1'k.s'hi1'e sow which gave birth to a litter of twenty pigs last week. Ei_g'hte0n of the new arrivals are 1i\'in_<.-; and doing uvnii !lU\\ well. W. J. C. Bouke. the Liberal czmdi |datc.fo1' Simcoe-Duflerin, has gwen `up 1113 farm and will devote lns whole ltime to cz11111)z1i:11i11g till the election. l .j--. ' Huntsville will Vote on lsaving` for 1935 at the nlumclpal elcctions. It is p1'opo; if emlorscxl to have the Cllill1f. .`C of time from June 15th to Sept. 15th. l Jas. Tait a retired fa1`me1', died at the home of. his dz1u_2'ht<.-1', Hrs. L. H. Stephens, Lefroy, last week, in his 89th _\'car. He had spent the ,gi'L-zitt,-1' part of his life in Mulmur i township. I 1 Work on \vi(leninp; the `pavement `rm tlw lll_L,l1\V'2t}' from )l1(ll1}11'st Lo '|Pcn0t:1n_'_-: has been ; wlth only :1 few miles uncompletetl. D:m:_-`m of frost cuusctl the cc.<:~':1tion of wo1'k.i :Onl_\' 21 . :<,t1'ip from l<`(:1'_:_1'uson-' vale north renmins to be done mull n10t01*i.3E.~4 um wurnutl to (lrivc slowly `in this :n'ez1. ITO elected to (10 um: uuau....,., .-..._ ` employees engaged orders of the commission. Dr. '1`. T. Shields did not mince matters in his Sunday night sermon when he Hepburn the Lawless. is who voted ment, but hullnl: As the ship was about to leave the hzu'b0r an old lzuly was knittim: on (lock. Cast 011' there, shouted n onm-1-. Thank you, oH'xce1', saw! the old lzuly t:n't1_v, but I am quite gccztpablc of doing` my own knittin',-1. | -Q Recon1menele 7L}7'dia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ont.--I began taking Vegetable Compound for nerves and other troubles and I must say I felt different after the first dose. I have 1 been told this last; up vnnnfhu +1-unf T and sleep wen, me early anu roe; young."-MRS. MGKEE, 18 Launer Ave., Toronto, Ontano. '3 been tom Ems lasx; ' six months that I look twenty-ve, although I am now forty-seven and have had seven children. I have tahenthevegetable Compound regu- larly for some time and sleep well, rise early and feel vn|1no."-MRS. MCKEE. 18 Laurier 'M'0THEn aLEvEN P%@_VJ!3;E. I: V. \.i; -J `EVE! The Northern Advance The second estimate of wheat pro- duction in the prairie grovinccs for 1934 is two million bushels lowel than the preliminary estimate 01 - 265 millioh bushels made on Sept. I 11".h last. IUUIIL, uut. I ballot; soon. In the Boys and Girls Farm Clubs competition at the Royal Win- ter Fair, Ontario carried olf thr trophy in the Dairy (`ettle project -through the Markllam Dairy Cull Club and also the trophy in the seed project through the Durham County l Boys Grain Club. Burning Stubble When stubble has been burned on and the land again seeded, after u minimum amount of cultivation, the yields of grain have proven this method to be superior to any otliez treatment. Objections to the burning. of stubble are loss of nitrogen, 10:39 01' moisture, and some loss of soil fertility, while supporting` the prac- tce are weed control, clean crop and 1-nnxynninnnn Potatoes for Poultry Fariningz; inc1'e.'.1ses in value as an occupatioirjust in proportion to the extent to which incidental b_\'-productrn 5-1-Ev/AR can be marketed at a profit. \'ot BARRISTERS, only must the farmer sell all his good ms pu}3L1~ 1 Office, First 1; quality products at a fair price, but Money .0 i. he must also nd a market for as iowegg much as he can of the unsaleabiei 1-3 Owen products. It has bee11 found that D_ M_ Stewarj greater net prots per bird can be r made and a nished bird of liner ____..- ' quality and avor produced tl11'ougli EST} crate feeding` on a ration of equal BA parts of 1nid(llii1gs, rolled oats, boi1- `solicitors in ] t ed potatoes and skim milk than s Notaries P the case where cornmeal is fed. Aoney to lo: Potatoes nely ground or boiled, are - proving exceptionally good for n- Qf.-,.; 1.1 E 1` ishing poultry, particularly when fed _ Bl 1` in conjunction with the w11itelG, H, Esten `- grains and milk. Crate-fed poultry 0 offers a really attractive market out- let for cull potatoes. ` ALEX} E Farm News Cod Liver Oil and Cattle g Cod liver oil has never attained , very great prominence in sui)p1e- , ment the rations of the larger farm animals because the nutrients which it can supply, or help to make avail- able, `can be procured almost equally well, and much more cheaply, from the ordinar_v farm live stock feeds, plus a minmum of purchased supple- ments such as protein feeds and min- as-nl: Hltillbb erals. rm. n ever, when cod liver oil constitutes a. valuable feed for the lar_9;er {nun animals. Pigs being grown during the winter months some times develop an unthriftly rachitic condition, re- sulting from an evident deficiency 01 [some of the vital feed eleincnts. Such animals can often be brougzlxt into better condition by feeding cod liver oil. If trouble is anticipat- ~ ed, small doses of the oil will prob- ably correct any tendency to :1 I rachitic condition. I I ___ 1 erals. There are several occasions, how-\ W J I s nu.-u.-..= _ .....__, Turkeys growers are now begzin-i ning to nish or fatten their birds for the Christmas holidays. It is customary to begin the process oil` 1)1'epa1'i1ig the luscious turkeys for the nation s festive dinner tables by- feeding them small amounts of grain which _2'radual1y are increased until the birds are on full feed. Wheat has nearly the same fattening` qual- ities as corn, but does not produce the rich yellow color of flesh that yellow corn does. It is nnportant. however, that all _e'1'ains be free from moldiness and they should be fed in hoppers to counteract certain (lis- i cases that cause heavy loss. Do not [ conne turkejvs for 1'attenm_e', | e; ec1a1l_\~' if they have been run on in 1':n1n'r\ +`m- 1-:1nQ'e birds cannot; 'til F1'ida_v evenin_L-:, Nov. 30th, \.'l:~`l`.. 32 Boys and Cuixls. Farm Teams Competed at Royal Fair In the annual I\'ational Club Con tests in com1ect;on with the 1 c,\`s and Girls Fu1`m Club niovcnient, 32 club to;-unis 01" two members each, 1'o.p1'es(:i1ti11_u: all of the 1')1'0\'incc.`< of the Ddminioll competed in smw.-1'a1' live stock and eld crop project. at Lhv loyzxl Willtci` Fair in 'l'o1'ontc lust wet.-lc. The actual c0n1'.(.-.s't.< '.\'ci'r.: conducted on Nov. 2-`Mb and the 6-; contestzmts 1'em:\in0(l in Toronto an- ing the Royal Winter Fair and oihei points of interest under the (ll1`(C`L`|un r of the Czmzulizm Council on I -u_\'.< and Girls Club work. These cluli teznns ez11'ned the 1'i_9;ht to compete in "l`nwm+n kn uvinnim-~ flmir 1-r~. C.'\f])C'.`l1ll1_\' I1 tl1(,`_\' HZIVB l)I.'Un run UH -.1 mng,-'0, for ran_2'e cannot stand connement. \ The electors of Barrie on Monday 1 are asked to decide whether 5 shoufd have daylight saving` during 1 July and .-\u.u`usL or not. Our advice 1 is to let those who want to observe (lu_\'li;:ht saving: do so by all means, but; don t; make it compulsory until the whole province is ready to adopt N- DOIIIES OI n1tc1'esL uI1(1L:1' um mnzuuuu ~ of clu Toronto by winning,-` their 1'especLi\'c. provinc'r.11 elimination contosts. ` An nmmlml f'entu1-r- of these con l provincuu enminauon CUuL.L`.5l.b. An unusual feature tests was the inclusion of: an oral ex aminution with :1 _ii1 competition to form the complete contest in (:v.cl1 of the projects included in the nut- ional contest pro_-xruni. After several _ve:n's'.' experience, it is felt that this form of contest provides an oppor- tunity to measure the grenerul abil- ity and kno\vle(l_9;e of the contestun1.~,, and in turn, has the eilect of ence r~ aging , on the part of all club mem- bers, more thorou_g'h study of the pro- jects in hand. l nA.--..n.,. I`-.. 1r\n1 ,.1.,\... n 4-nl-ni A. .. _,-.... ......... _. lleports for 193.1 show :1 total 01 1,544 fully organized boys and gig}:-` farm clubs in Canada, with a total enrolment of 26,700 members. .he projects undertaken include a variety of farm activities under the gererai headings of live stock, poultry, ricid crops and home economics. The re- sults that are being obtained are signicant and it is widely recognized that this junior club work has far- reaching economic and educational importance. .j_?___:j I care not what your place may be -a job that s most laborious, with mighty little salary, or one that's fa. and glorious. But, be your labor great or small, of this you must be sensib1e~-some other guy can do it all: no man is indispensable! Preparing Turkeys lndispensablc \l\JI\Il\.IlV ruu I can ` l3AR.R.IS'l`El{, SOL.ICI'l`Ol., NOTARY CONVEYANUING, ETC. ' MONEY T0 LOAN " " " ' Dlullnn R0 ` Graduate of McGill University, RADENHURST & H.g.`MMoNQ_ ` Momreu BA-RRISTERS SOmC110RS- IL Office and Rt.-sldencc.--Comer Eliza- . M....... in Lean at Loweat Rate! hort. and Sts.. ` 51-EVVART & STEWART ------~------------- SOLICITORS, NOT- `umzs PUBLIC & GONVISYANCERS PH5`( 5j"`1-gI 1;kL,TST`;X ?\,I;` -1&3-`E%Ns Mnnnv tn loan in anv sums at Dl___ _ 91.1 A. Mnnln Ava` I; ' $1-|47 Elizabeth St, f,`) { l AMBULANCE SERVICE N J.` ua.\;;;.n...._ _-_._ - J. F. nine times mayor UL Barrie, is retiring; municipal politic.~` at the end of this year. His municipal career dates back nearly thirty _\'ea1's, an enviable record. The years sit 1ip;ht1_V on his shouh`.ers _.n(l who kn0\\'s what the future may bring forth. D\JI'n) \& I.J\l|4 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, N.OT-` mums RUBLJC],:n(`}((:)N'VEYANCERS, -1., ,_ ._ I .._.. ..s I Autumn`. Rnkon of Interest OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Bovs. K.C. J. R. Boys` I Successor to Ureawxcme oz neu BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN (\:..-. Dna. Rina-Jr. Bnrrie. GORDON FOSTER rurxt 1t'tlVlVl`\II KY1 D. F. McUUA1u. 15./-\. to Creawicke & Bell -\ vnTs`.'.1*`Ii`.'R S()T.'[CITOR. ET MUNKSX '.L'U LAUILLV Ofce: Ros: Block, Barrie. Business Directory F. MCCUAIG, B.A. ---.~n- +n (`.1-n.nx7h-kn & H P."C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR DLA-.. CENT-A-MILE ROUND TRIP From Aurora, Newmarket, Ailandale, Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Scotia, Burk s Falls, and South River - and ALL STATIONS on line of'I`EMISKAMING & NORTE.-BERN ONTARIO RLY. and NIPISSING CENTRAL RLY. and beyond COCHRANE to KAPUSKASING and HEARST. TRAIN SERVICE: To A11Pnints beynndNo1~|h Bay, use Train No. 47 arriving North Buy A.M. Suturdny, Dec. 8. z.. .17 '11 \':Y\(Y Nm-ch P..\':.\..\I. To NORTH BAY THE SORSOLEIL CONTROVERSY BOYS 8: BOYS ,___. ....--.-vnan-r WW PRIMEEW REWEEMENTS See nearest Agmt /or Fares, Tickets, . ~ :1: mn pa lulu I A an North bay A.m. mn.uruu_y, vc To N_urth Bay use Train -17 arriving North Bay .~\.M Trnin 41-141 arriving North Bay P.IV\'IV._`Sz\tA\V Limits, and `Iran: mfarmazmn. N2%%E"0NAL L: ..v m .- nu __ ca r:s.'1"~.'._ SP Tsau ---.,-_. . l1i1'U. Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest "D. 19 n\xI``N 9'1` We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, Look reqr jplaceyour order with Nut-Ihrrn Ahuanrv ___-; _-as Action on the part of the Hepburn Government came swift on the De- puty Minister of Welfare, following an atldress made at a Presbytery meeting`, at which reference wzis made to smoking, drinking and im morality among school children. The Deputy Minister spoke of condition-- as he knew them to be. Premier Hepburn and his cabinet took excep tion to the statements and his suspen- sion was ordered till he proves the truth of what he said. Mr. Sorsoleil is known throughout the province as a man of hi,r.=;h ideals and Christian bezu-in_e;. His utter~ ance at the Presbytery meeting: \\'z1.s meant to impress upon the clergy the seriousness of conditoins. All social workers will agree that l:1.~:it;.' in morals is a problem facing` most conminnities. The young? need guard- ing` and temptation;-= removed as far possible from them. Tim nnnhm-n. Cabinet. ho\\'c'.r'er,