Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Nov 1934, p. 1

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VUY. The I -\I\.) total zu'rcz11's in taxes re(ler.-n1- 1 mm ..+ Hm hvn ml:-< :-:nnnn`.'- E01111 iU'1'L."<'.| Old at the 1 n 0"!` 1 1 [VV0 ."sLllL'.` it made up . .kzHn1n C211,`; varieties. J. H. Giffei`, 01' Elmvale, for the third year in succession, captured the championship for Dooley potatoes, and jusi; mi.s'scd by u n211'1'0\v margin `the Gruml Championship for all po- itutocs, which went to .\'o1'thcrn On- ltario to an Irish Cobbler exhibit. ii W. H. C. Ruthvcn, of Allistox, won sevclitli prize in the Dooley section. _T H CifTnn also won the c11:1n1- SIMCOE. COUNTY POTATOES AND APPLES AGAIN WIN in the Various classes at the Royal this yealxand many ztwards have al- ready been made, particularly in the fruit and eld crop classes. Probably the outstzmdin3.,-' exhibitor represent- ing; Simcoe County is W. L. Hamil- ton, of Co1ling'wood, who made ax clean sweep of all Mclutosh CIEISSBS from the fty-box lot to the Gruuu Championship on the single box and -also obtained many, prizes in other ` varieties. T L! r`1:n`m A1 Simcoe County is well represented I T7]I\1\rn]r1 fnv fh (I s( :\'c11tl1 prlze 111 Inc uouluy EUCLIVIJL J. H. Giien also won ,piox1shp in the commercial class of .potutoes with an outstzmdi_n_>,' basket, {of Dooleys. : Tn Hm Nfn1+.hw- Rnrlov class. T. ioi Uooleys. i, In the Malting Barley class, T.| :1-Icndu1'.<.on, of Alliston, won e1eventh;l :J. Houghton, of Cookstown, won si:-;~ `teenth prize, and Nelson Darby, 01' `Waverley, won eighteenth in a keel) `competition of 135 entries. ` nnmilml n\v:n'(] are not vet avail- W. W110-S, K100. bnzuluuu. Aldermen, Ward 1-J. Ca\'z1nug-;n R. E. Tuck, J. J. Moore, I~Iu1'ry Arm-\ . H. A. Henry. '.\1cn'n1nn \V:n'r1 f).--D1`. E. competmon or 1:50 el1t.1`leS. Detailed awznrds are yet able on 2111 crop classes, nor yet on live stock, in which it is expected mzxny Simcoe exhibitors will make a cnlmnlicl lllillly clllluuu \:.\uJ splendid showmg. LUMBERING IN THE; ow DAYS AT ANGUS Had 1 opuJz1ti0n of 3,000,` with Sz1\\'n1i1ls and Four ` Hotels. gus. " ' ' Forest1'y, said the speaker, is the establishing maintaining and ha1've.a- ing of woodland crops. We have L good exzumale of establishing at 1;\Iidhu1'st. In the north we have ;wo1'k of n1aintaim1:. where eve `;e o1~t is made to preserve the forest invnnc Tim m1H*inD' own nf f.]`HP.\` \V01`K o1 "n1a1nca1nng:." wuere eve" e `areas. The cutting down of trees is the hawc-stin_2'. Each part shout: be buiunced. Years ago too much .cutting' was done without replant- , ing. ` rnl . |..-._... ..._..,` "L ,... ,,. . I ` The plums at An_9;us were at one` time covered with water, and as tin subsided the sumly land was idea .for pine. .-\n_e'u:< is 100 feet lower than Barrie, and the land slopes `I the Georgian Bay. In 1832 the r. road, the Sunnid-ale road, was o1)en~_~.u to the NottzL\\'z1szx;:u 1'1`.'er. As was <'u.~`Lon1:11',\' in those days, at vi1iz1;.rr~ 1,4,1 r\v1" M 4-1, unxx'hIn1r- I.` (:u;~:Lom:u'_\' I11 those (laws, it v1uu3.';~' site was laid out at the L0\VI`ll1]1C`, 'u,.:, :1 site doe.~:n t mean much. People. will (:011;;`1'eg'zxt(2 `.\ h(.`l'C there IS somu ::eti\'it_\`, and when 21 szlwmill started :11; _\n{.=u.~, people settled there Yr. '\`.':1s rst culled Village of the Pane} ` liver. The rz1i11'oud came m 1853,` `the line bung: continued from Allan dale to Col1in5:\voo(T before Barri; had a rail)-oa(1. No doubt this '.v;zs done to tap the timber strand 4'- Anr_-`u.=. ,, . . . . A1 UZHU \\it.\ CUll\\:_\l.'u u .:x.uuu_=.-, K. I els and men_ of war. When; fz1;:`(,`!i`..~: of the British Governmen, t came to (':1nada they sent men all 1 I 1 1 . . 1 to .~:e1ect trees : for gm: '. 'I`hc. were marked and re mm-ried for His .\Ia_ie: the Kin9;. `The work of taking` out this timber 'w;v.:< not e'.1: A cradle for the tree to full into \`.'21s f'n`.~:t made, and after . I it \vz1.< felled and trimmed. It touizi ?!'r)m ten to fteen tez1m.~t to haul ifl` to the rnii\\':x_\`. .-ome of them were Over 100 feet long`. ,- Then there was the :~'quz1re tim- - `her, which '21.: :11;~7o Sent to Europe. ;O11i_\' the choicest trees were used, `Hand some of them were three and` 1!for.r feet : It required ex- ).perenced men to sqL1are the timber, '1 i and they were known as hewers. The xitimber was sent by rail to the St. iLz1\vrence River and there made into `raft:< and oated down the 1`i\'O1', then boarded on ve. - - .. .1 LL. LL. 1.... i y i I | i ?cJ>u1`1tyWE<)uncil Cleans Up Business of Yea _1 7 ;5tz_~v.':u`1 U. 1*`. .uuc1.u1-cu. For Deputy- )(.`(.`\'C-~C. D. Ste\va1't, W. Wiles, Goo. Shannon. Alrlnwnpm Wn1'(I 1-.T. Cz1\'z1n:t2'11 LIICI`. uucuuuu uu -\, I.z1.~'t1_\' there \Va;< the timber sawn into 1um'ue1'. Long: t1'znn\vz1ys were built to convey the logs to the mills, `nml traces of those trum\va_vs are `still in evidence. A track of 4-inch Ymaple was made and tro11e_v:~: wxth iron \\'hee1.'~' were drawn by horse: Tn Hm L...-nu rlnv: Anmls hm? :` iron \\'l1:2r_-l:< m-zwxn ny um-.~:c.~. In the boom days .-\n_L`us had 4 population of some 3,000 people.*: There were 17 ;s'21wmil1s in the dis- trict, four hotels, ve stores, several wagon shops, harness shops, land a_2`encie:<. etc. But as the timber dis- appeared, so did the other Industries. The lowest ebb was in 1901, when there was only one store. With the establishment of Camp Borden things 2 revived. 1.. anon Hm `Fnrnefrv smtmn was 1-evweu. In 1920 the forestry station was established. The land is typical of fhe timber was I:..r.+ O-Ian 4-h- mr rcmovou 111 L11 t the timber suitable .'~'hip. \?, as all commerce '11: nnn\`r>\`m] b\' ....1.,.,: G11!` `I011 I `,E.\lllH_L, W h e n ` n1-\\~: A. . `CU (lb :~::.1111n_q Xilknn three r\ ra. . 1-1. A. mellry. Alderman, Ward 2-~D1'. L. Brc-reton, Mur1'z1_\' Mills, U. E. James, J. B. Doug.-,'u1, G. Foster, li. C`-ume1'on X. lneson, O. D. \Vi1lian1s, 12` ha... Ask Grovernment to Make County 'l`.B. Free and Amend Vehicle Act. Opposed 1:0 Cllangu in the .=.\dn1i1`1istmti01j1 pf Old Age Pensions. The County Council cleaned up the business 01' the session on Friday aftemooli. Several important ques- tions were discussed` on the closing` day. A grant of $300 was made to the ag1`icultu1`a1 ofces in Barrie and A11i.~ton for improving` potato produc- tion and marketing. This will g-;i\'e encou1'a_Q'ement in` the use of certied seed and more uniform crops. .y\,.,.+1.m- :mnm-tsmt eaten was the seed and un11'orm crops. .-'\nothe1' important step was endorsng of a resolution memori:-\.1iz- ing the Provincial and Dominion Governnients re having` Simeoe Coun- +.. rn-Illm mm :1 tnlmrmnlnsis-11'ee area. Goverilments navuxg oluiuuu bULu|' ty made into a tuberculosis-free `Considerable discussion took place before this resolution passed. Coun- cillor Evans thought that making Simcoe a 'l`.B-free area was a ser- ious step, it would affect the laverage farmer. Councillor Henry pointed out that it would probably take a year before any denite steps could be taken, and if found objec- tional could be dropped Councillor arr thought it would be of little se to the man carrying on mixed farming. but would help the dairy- man. If it covered the whole pro- vince he would certainly favor it, but as it is the Ontario farmers are H competing with the whole of Canada on the Toronto market. If all of I Ontario was made T.B. free, that would stop the western cattle from coming; in ,and prices would increase. 1+ uvnniri ho necessarv to include all WARDEN IS PRAISED coming; ,and Woulu increase. It would be necessary animals, even cats and dogs, as one animal aected will contaminate an- other. Councillor Simpson pointed out that if the governments were ready to proceed, then Simcoe would have their application in and ready to proceed with the project. Would Amend Vehicle Act The committee on Legislation ask- ` ed that the Provincial Government be memorialized to amend the Public Vehicle Act so as to permit the car- riage of pupils to and from school without `tlr1`e"car1-ier having to` take . out a passenger license, and that - motor velncles used 111 thls service be not classed as public vehicles." Tho vncnllifinh um: . r)\' be not classed "puoiic venicies. The resolution was sponsored by Coiincillors Crawford and Evans and arose out of certain action taken recently by the Government. Councillor Crawford said that a I'luli`l-. ber of farmers in Oro township lit.`-.(l found it inconvenient to bring their children to Barrie Collegiate every nioriiinp; and home at night. Tliey `el];!,`Z1. ,`e(l one man, who is in poor circumstances, to bi'iii,r.-: them in and home agjaiii. He xed up a truck with seats to accoiiimodatc all the students and he has been giving` satis- faction. He had, however, been noti- , ed by the Government that me is -, carrying passengers without a ll- (:CIl.`~fC, and that he must take out a. liceiise and in:-:uraiice to the amount of $23,000 on each 1)zl$Scllf4'Cl' by Dec. 3rd. This man cannot ail'ord to pay 1 such license and in.~'iii'aiice. Wiieii t the coiiiity has spent so much l1101lC_\' gloii provincial lil{_,"li\`.'2L\'.w', Councillor ; Crawford thoue'ht the 'i'ai'iiiers were 1 entitled to some C0l1Sl(l(5l'.'.1l'.lOIx. J A delegation composed of Coun- 3 cillors Crawford, Evans and Toner L-. will interview the I\Iiii':stei.- of Hi_:h- ways re the situation. Finance Committee It-port .\'o. *l--.'\i.'i.Ll' i'e-t:oiiside1'a- ti-)ll. that i`eI'i_iii oi" SlT.`_.3 be made i_i_\` the county to Flos i,()\`\`li.~ilil]) and $50 to Ve.-Jpra. towii.-tliip [or school tax on count): i'rri'oi'<-statioii l)l'O[)Cl'i._\; l.that account for l1l21lllt0l12tl1('Q of )l,`l1g'l`ll1 on .\otta\\'a bi`id;:e for l.:)3~l be pad to .\li'.~'. Lydia li. .~\ I\ottawa, that no actioig be ltaken )`C_.,"`zll (llllf_.`,' request of lotinci lors l)i'iii. and llorne re `d:~`. Orillia town- , ship with care of l1l(ll_L,"(:l]i; wlio \\';il J'L',ino_t 1:0 to vill1l:_l`lO'11`~`(: oil` {ei`u_c:e. if` Ifteport _\o. :)-lhat 11. the (.'OL.Zi .`\" ).(`.SOllClt,01` can effect a >t:i.tlf5l'!l(:l1i. )1 `the Perdue claim zi_L,"illIi.*,i .`tli\: coiizity for maintenance of a child i'ece.ved 9` from the Children s .-\id Society for 9- not iiiorr: than .>".Z00, without pie- ldv judice to the county s right:-` and Wliwithout any admission of liability. it 57*` lie . liiit il it cannot be settled F?'- on the.-`e tei'iii.<, the claim he; C0l1i(.'nt- ll`? (C0l`itl`.il1(`(l on pag;'c .-._~: R1 -a t.` _., . mzmy places. When the timber is gone the land is useless. and people have to move out. Those who re- main t1'_vim,: to make 21 1ivin_e_', lu- tCl`iu1'21te. The only thing` to do is to 1`r:f01'cn't such areas the Ang'u.~; plains. \h-. Rh-hm-(lsoil ; a number `plains. ' M1`. {ichm'd. number of slides of big.-,' timber such as at one time covered the .-\nr.,-`us plains, `-also of the p1'og'z'ess made in l`Of0lCFt~ ing`. Some 50,000 trees have been planted by Boy Scouts. For some ve years a boys camp has been held |at .-\n;:us each year for three days around the 24th of May. Two morn- ings are spent in planting trees un- : de): supervision. Talks are given on I reforestzition and other subiects. It is a splendid outing for the boys and : they learn lessons never to be [or- ' crnffpn. K. LlH1Cl'0ll. .\. F. Douglas. .\l1lnI-mnn Lm;-,\ n:. gotten. Establishd in the Year Eight Past" 1847 ESL`. rs`-\n b`. Uouglas. ` Aldermen, Wzlrd 3~-H. G. Robert-` son, J. H. Ro(lg'e1's, E. T. Tyrer, W. Irwin, W`. Garnm`, O. B. Patterson. Alrlnvnunn \4V:n'I1 .l--C. D. StC\\'Lll't. 1l'\V'lI1, W. L1ll`Tl(`1', U. D. fiLLLU1'blIl|. _-\ldermen, Ward ~l--C. D. Stewzu't,| P. J. Moran, S. Kain, '1". Shephcnl, G,. E. James, W. S. Moo1'_e, Dr. J. \Varnicu, H. Buchanan, E. l. 'l`y1u:. A1,1m.m,,m u/.,..-A .:_._\V, R. Vvilos L2}. L2`. James, W. 5. ;u0UL'<:, ur. a.| T. Aldermen, Ward 5--W. R. Wiles, .-\. Gill. W. J. Cole, F. Johnston, W. Mcllldless. n,:,....,,.. T-n-A r:__.\ T? 7\Jn.(`:nh-.,_ Aldermen, Ward G--.-\. F. ;\IcGuiu:, Norris Webb, A. Jay, S12; C. W. Poucher. ` ` \x7n+n.- um! Ho-hf ("nmmi:sinn-.T. .\lCII1(UCSS. ` roucner. Water and Light Commiss D. Dougral, C. C. Hinds, J. ings. Umwrl n(' I`.1hn-:1HnI`1-H. A. mgs. Z .or.:':1 of I-`.du(-z1tion-H. Helarj, J. H. McCaW, F. Maxwell F. Dob- son. \'. I-I. I{niy::ht, J. '.\IcI\Ia1*tin, A. H. Goodall, W. O. .\IcI{innon, H. G. lobe-1'tson, 1. S. .-\tke_\`. Major Knowles, Chairman .\I:1jor 1{11o\\'h_-.< wz1.< cho. chair- man and cundid:\to.< xvcro -,-`ivmn zm oppo1'tunit_\ to cxpn-.<.< their vie\v.<. C`ont1'zu'_\' to pzxst _\'o:11'.<. i1>`])i1`a1 lt>` for the Ronni ml` 1 wo1'e. gxivon rst opportunity to speak. Jas. .\1c.\Iurti11. this .\'(:-.1r`.< chair- mun. sud th,-re did not uppu-211' to be .... no` 111.. hnrn-:1 V\'- Blair Elected _ 1Via3:) by lAcclamation ______.___________ I 'u'\ l_)e.c1 Mr. L}:`.FRC`Y `YOUTTIS CHARGED .-XFTER HALLO'\ v'."EN PRANKSI YOUTHS =L':11`..~`c 01 .-\FT `R HAI.LO'\V."EN PRANKS there is :1 ~ old and L1" J-1'1" 1' '.1'. nnrl \':`~'i<:l`.tmi \`v iL-f . for two I.oi'ro_\' jcoiiths. \\'n1'-- -~:u`h filimi (.".lLl>`\' it v #3 f`.I1(i $51.30 co. h_\` .\1:1<.:i. :=:1<'1`ilicc. .Iu`. i'.< on (`h`l!`}.l I`> oi` ii.-m-(it.-1`1_\` 0011- In _u'oin_<. duct laid by J. H. T. T\'-sisitt. I.-= .~`uL'h occ;1.<` 1'r0_\'. whom the _\'oun:: mvn mo1c~. he h: '2 'z:~llowv'--n. Sim.ii:11`<-11:11`-:.~.< wer-= m:m_\` who " U i ' :-.-:::i1`.::' E! "<`7.i i ::.'n<- am`. he iimi.< t1 i"'.`::n`.< (`oi-nor. C1i:11'}:0~' of ti`e. God, whic `.\'t,-ru also di. `ed :1-::1in. Comer, that ::i\*u.< :')"'- .:nd \\'i:--. while :1 chz11'3.:e oi duty of ti .~'tl'il1i1if.`,' I! lump bulb \\':1.< \\'ith l'L`\'L`1l1 ` by the Crown u.:`uin.~'L .\I:u`. i'}'hv churn Nesbitt, who lives with hi< two is the .<}:m . `in the '~."=Ihi'rv of i.v'.`i.IU.',i!`(`\'(`t1 5\` 1-: claimed that the four youths form- Tf ml an 01'L':lHiZ .x'(i attempt to disturb His. Gr the peace about his home on Oct. tion at th ..1.=t. Hr also maintained that they |\\'u.< the c lmred other 1:1(l.< to pelt his hum! to c:u'r_\' viz`: . and rotten 0,2"-2'5 and at- mm`. and tempted to upset on outhouse. has stood In giving: judgment his wor.:hi,' He uppoi said there was no doubt in his mind them for but that there was an o1'gz1nized at `oice ren` tempt by .\Iarsh:11l and Wice to and bisht i _.4 al.~ \'.._.1\H-+ hnvnn nn rhznrrim |(`(SSOl`S Oi also 11L'21lI1r'L Lulxlcl ?`:v_\"`.- o` bulb \\'ithd1'm.-71 z1_:,-'z1in.~'L with tw -- dn `n.'u ~.":nn0`n\ 1A{\[`,g,, :.. '\l"1" `H1 1:11` .1 .... m-..--mi-;...l ml nl`Q`:llHZ'.x*(1 zuu-mm tu ulsxunu Hwy} hum--1 V33 and at-` In rvivinr! iudrzmont tempted upset outnouse. ` g'i\'in: mindi at ` and toi ..`:.- Yin` \'-~. home and disorder- | .\l:11'. mm wlcc Luizulu um uh-. tho X--sliitt and cessors ( ly conduct w:1.< committed, but mzun- ing up tzlined that the trespass and taklng now mo of the bulb all gured in the Ha1- this bui lowe en prank. He did not think rector 21 nm nhsn-was were Droven zuzzunst Rev. IO/8'8 DTHIIK. Ill: ulu uuu uuun` the chzmzes proven zuzzunsti Payne and Corner. am . ::.< for th- trespassing and theft there would L. no conviction. `L rm; V mi.`- Three` 1934 Alde1'mc11 and '1~`1v(: No-\\' Ones also Get .~\c(:1a111a1:i0n. H11` .(}[)L c: mod. mlzlll. W1` ~.'=ll:!`1'\' \`| l.~.'1z\I.\,\ form-1 , _. _.! LL..t Ihnuw 5lUIl--u` .| Hut:`.h- , Mayor W. J. Blair .(acc1.) Reevn l` H. G. Robertson and R. E. fuck b; | (One to be elected) O1 Deputy-Reevn A C. D. Stewart and G. I). Sl';ann;)u 15 (One to be elected) u Aldermen 5 Wzu'(l One Jos. Cuvunagli and Harry .-\1'mst1'o1:;; t (aecl.) 2 Ward Two `V .\Iu1'1".1y Mills and l\'e11neth Canu,-lo; 1. (accl.) 1. Ward '[`ln'ee E. T. 'l'y1'e1' and William G`.l'll`_.`( ( (accl.) ` W'.11'(l F0111` _ T. E. Sh<.-plierd, lla1'1'_v Bilclizmzm 4..-"' i l G. L`. Jumr-:1. ` (Two to be v-lectecl) 1 Ward Five W. R. Wiles and .-\. Gill (uccl.) Ward Six A. Jay, Six; C. W. Poucher, A. L-`. McGuire and Norris Webb. (Two to be elected) Water, Light and Gas Commission C. C. Hinds and J. B. Dougal (One to be elected) Board of Education 1 . Dobson, A. H. Goodall, H. A ` ._ Henry, V. E. linight, J. H. `.\1cCz-.w , and Jgas ;\Ic)`Iai-tin. ' (Four to be elected) `" ulnch the V`va1`t1Ul1 asiieu Luau, u.~.- ec W`m Prcmicr l C Dru1'\' lrwe the Driv - . . _ ,, ,. ` ` 1- ~ . c L th 1. bl1e1)l1e-(1`1.l,.l4`ll`1]11_\r (.l.A." egg 01- Opening the watch for mm_| - I -6 V y< V . T _ `t `b _`l`l_l1r_'t/01 Lountx lreasurer H. Lo_leman, a:..S( ( W.?`l`F'. _ ( master of cerelnonles; 1`eier1'ed to d] W R .u'1`de _\ |VVa1'(lcn Dutton as one 01 the best st ' ` (`l' C1` ) ` ' . \\'ar(lens the county ever had, 1.,-'1v1ng m W.,:]fd `SR luntiring se1'\`ce throughout the year. 1-,} A Jay Sr Igoucher lhe toast to Canada wa.s 1)1'opue:(. 1y cGuh _C _md weigh by J. T; Simpson, M.P., and 1epl1e(_l 0] ` (,1.w0`tO`b(e10ct0d) ' to by Lari I){o)we, M.P.; D1`. E. t( Water Cas 1-`Inner 1\I'1'I'; W' D . Snidiii P C C Him nd J B Douwal .\`l.P.P., and lad. Jamleson, ex-M.;_.-. 1-A ' `(One `to` Cie(.t'Cd) 5 Councillor John Carlton proposed the h ` I toast to the ex-W ardens oil the Coun- . . ~ .. .. .0 , , ii 1~ ,A-,H- Germ: H-A tl a.7I1`$i.`liia.31Zi*"Z3{}1`t3...1.`E f, Henry V hmght 1c"z"w toast was proposed to the Visitors by t a E and J35 Vhvor J F C1"1i' and replied to b\ J. Mitchell, Surroirgate Court Clerk. ` J. T. Simpson pointed out that 1 Canada, according to the League of ,1 .\'ation.<. has made the greatest come t back out of the depression of an;.` t ( nation, and what she had accom - plished was made possible by her citizens. With safe,l sane adminiscti-a~ , _ ton and her natura resources, an- 1 R1". ROY. O\\'C11, I)l'll1l- ada, will keep on increasing: and he I ate of Canada, ])edicu-tes was satisc(l that this country \v1.llLgo' . . on and keep her place among the Re'b1U1t Ed1C- leading: nations of the world. Earl Rowe, .\l.P. for Duf1`e.=-.-<'1 ` I .| ~T`rinit_\' Church, rebuilt after l)<.-mg Simcoe, in his address said that Gur- | gutted by re on .\Iav 9th last, was ing' the last three or four _\`ears the A re-opened on Sunday and re-dedicated Government of Canada had eon . by His Grace Derwyn T. Owen.gfronted a _e'reat many difcultles, , Archbishop of Toronto, and Primate just; as the county council had then of all Canada. Holy Communion troubles, especially as taxes were so was held at 8 a.1n., when His Graceldiicult to extract from the tax- , dedicated gifts and memorials. At payers. Many people say that one -' . eleven o clock the church was dedi Parliament would do for the whole cated, the Primate being; assisted b;,.' of Canada. He personally did no` . Venerable Archdeacon Beverley, Re. share that View because the p1-ewgm . `W. C. Stubbs, of l and lxenlsystenl of democ1'ac_\' was not com- A- C Ch`dI1110I1.- 01' Dullbrooll. ducive to have people so far a\va_\ 3 1.011:-." b0f01'0 the how` Of Se1'\`=Cc~(leal with problems of local import- :- tllu church was crowded and sommance, At no time in the history of ~- 300 hull 30 50 tl11`0d d'.V- 31EU1_\'lCann(la have we faced such probl:m2.. 1 `..........- mm-_luinm.u-< n1- 'l.-inifv wml Uni-in-I` all the troubles Of tE1l'1il.~`. l)<,-mg` fire I Owen.` Pvilnaten Commun1on| a.1n., Grace: clock was cated, `W. l*Ilm\ ale, heal . A I (`l1-nnwxn nf nl1!1H'nn!1. I F01 Reeves, Four A l.d0r111en,| VV.&L. Com. {md JJ`ou1.' 1'01` J5(L ul Edm-atim1. THE MUNICIPAL SLATE 3 L'ltU.`L' U1 Ulll us. :1 st1'z1I1:.','0 the new, the old ....,.. H u~...- Fnnnx as bishop. R. B. )IcE1'neran, principz 3 \\'_\'clifTc College. was the speaker at the eve:zi:\._<, .ser\'ce, when the church was again `packed. {and bishops all the way uuwu, suc- of single persons. Thus keep- the_chun_:e, and the em and `now meeting in the reconstruction of lthis building: and the choosing of the bishop. mm. 12 R \h~l`.1'nm~nn. mincinzil l\.'ll|1 about the country xs as this, H15 Cmce s ,\..1..nih~ fn :nnnL' l0\\', mu Lnu mu and the new, founded on faith . 1';ann;)u L-1nst1'on;; UJ. Ll chm- WITRDEN DUTTON GETS GOLD WATCH . Oldest ; Paper in the \ County - n L.'u:' as be Thus .L` zhn M-.u1_\" Attend the _Annual Banquet in Honor of His VV01*s11ip. The annual banquet given in humor of the Warden of the county by mem- bers. 01' the county council and .\m...nh- n+` Hm r-mmtv wn: held in the the county C0l1l1(.'ll uuu otcials of the county w'.1'~: held American Hotel on Thursday evening last, and in every respect measured up to such functions held in past years. Warden Ed. Dutton was pre- sented with 21 gold watch and man_\` eomplinientzu-_v remarks were made as I to the excellent leade1'ship he lizui given durin_e' the year. His \\'01`.shi1)' was deeply touched and exp1'e5- -; llla` zipp1'ec1:it1o11 of the honor (low.- him zuui the kind things Silld. '11. n1vnunI'\1`!\flnh xvns` mmle b`-,' and the mud tmngs 52110. The p1'esentut1on was made bf,` Councillors Nolan and Smith, after which the Warden asked thzu; ex- D..,.m:...- L` (" rm-\' hn.v(\. the D1`1\' as other IIEIEIOHS. uur yup tives have maintained ani that has kept Canada on kcel. We are 21 C0l111t1'j\ 1_-_-`rent debt, but 2. country 4 rpuoplc and .~:ig_='n.< of pro " 3 1 0\'m_\`di1'<}L`ti()11. B_\`c1o. an to the T-}1'itis11 Iimpire. \vh1c' `` 1 as 21 rock in the sea of rzuom. vmoil, `Av bC1i(.`\'(:(1 we11a\'r.~ ex lffor the future. .~ n.. 1: 'r...m...- \H>.P_1. 311'. iobt. C. Jn1'_\', 1'c_Q'ist1'n `.c1(~:to1'.'< for Simcoo North, h:-1.< '!co'.1`.p1utod his work and then 18,471 c-lectors in the 1-id.iny:. I7 has 3. total of 4.889, Collin: `iii.-3l 3f9, Stz1;."1;;:' T-12, I-I1m\';11:'3 ~13.` Barrie, Ontario, ' 1N.sSimc0e Has 18,471 Electors; t polling` divi ions in as follows : _-`_` I 'l.`l1e (Iollcgiute .~\udit01'ium xvas weil . lled for the nomination mectin<,v; on ` lri(lzi_\` lli_`.`,`l1i;, sl10win;.,' that the cm.- Lacns 01' the tow11 um: Lzxlciiig an in- t'c1`cst in municipal alI'ui1's. UonL1".u'_\' to expuctatioils, Reeve W. -J. Blair gets an ucclziilmtioii for mu_\'or. l`he1'e were also acclainutiom for aldermen in wards one, two, thme auul mu. (,'onte:sts will be held on Monday next for reeve, deputy- reeve, uldcrmen in wards four and six, for 21 Water, Light and Gus ('n.'.imi. iom-1' and for `L-'.1e Bouul of ID1n..&.u-:- rill -Jlun lwn :L1'ow .< \ m'ne2'>' J 4 4, \ '_ C11r1'u,z`.< School H30, I IDun0dm 2&8, Duntroon .. z.- 1-.1 1.*,|,,...,. -)-71 1` \'.l|<,* I:~., 1'4 'F01'ndz\1o 13 .-)-`-H r`L-.n l r170, UFO !own new 1. .-JL, 1'11L-1p: '21:), Iowln_\'.< 2H2. `.u::b_\' 1260, S1 tj' Buy H5. Singhampton U33, S .nex' T-12, Sunnidale C'orn01'.~: `S_\'notts 11-1. Tory Hill 97, Vigro ` \\'as:1~`v. 108. Total. 18.471. _u..l,.w.., 411.; ., ......... .. .,_- , ,, The last call ! If you have an; (lent. Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, .\I.P.P. Biickimzlmm w1'appei';~r, please turn P1'o. .\'Iajo1` T. J. William::; them over to the Ba1'1'1e brzmcl 0': 1st Vice--Prc-sitlent. Comrade A. lic- the Canadian Legrion. This contr:-. Guire: `Znd V'ice-Presitlent. Comrade closes Satuiv.la_\'. December -sth, .-mi F. Wareham;Exocuti\'e. Oicers, Com- wrappers must be in the ezqn-:.s racles Burton, Gzu'tner, Hodges, Sum oflice by midnigrht. If you have an. erville. Blurpliy, Allen; Sgt.-at-.'-\1'm.~. . please leave them at Rober-v-'1 r l)- A. E. Anderson. Store or Douglas Dnig Store, Bz'.ri'i-.-. Installation of officers will take or at J. Steele s or Wm. .\'ess'. .-\lla:; place on Wednesda_\'. Dec. 12I.l1 dale, or phone 7.i3j. when a social evening will be held TOYS FOR NEEDY CHILDREN 1`. 1;. '1-.11mm', .\1.r.r. 101' l`ul.:L cow, in his bx-ief adt".1'e.s.< felt that .~';.'.~tc-m of te nc\'.'p1'o\'inc .1i ((Iont`rm1ed on page uxgnt) .__T?_.__._: S ;. .1~l. L.(l\\lk.' Midhurst 22! 287, Xew I 1;;-..- of .\'0tt'.1`.\ n..- vr,...... 1 :3, LSzu'1'!e 4,532. . nzuu.-(u.z ums 1208. Brent\\'ood 18. (`;1shto\vx1 1'70. Collin r`..A,.n-u.n ,I".'l*) ("I-nxvn I-Ti .109 POLLING?-DN MONDAY . 1 _`.Ii11.< 58, Apto 176, .-Xvenl Bzwrie 4 99'. Bzltteatxx 171 nno `D. l\I\l] 1\.`1Z :"un' . . ULLLI` Toxvn ` -)1 ` 1' 231, [32, Fourth Huron. W9. ~`)A`1 T.n~w1H Llllliluil Ull uu ;\\,A : country with. ` of :;'r(-.'.; .< p1'os:L'e.<;< :u~L.~ .; B_\` close z1dhe3':'1C I-Impire, whlch . x mm n'F m'nm.~1111C`. '.`L 1'0nc(=:~` )-)q ...x,- 1 J _\Ii11ic.< 5 Low<.11 3 I ` 1 l`.\'l1 Hull `-1 `Dn 1 of the \'2\ 1 alphabetical < , Tliursday, November 29, 1934 n1m:.< :91, .t11nv- VP -1 3351, Folio '2, Oro Staticm `Z51, l help.~:tr3:= D L1_Lb_\ Shaw pton Stz1_\`- 1717. 11 21;}. I01! uLLh 179 n L:;, 'l1{..` '\x')..||`.H.~'.~`l()ll('1' ZUHI 101' 'L!1L` DUil1_l UJ. Education. Electors will also be given an opportunity to vote on the question 01' dayligzlu .s'.1v111g' for July and August. nn hnnv Hm nn\\ (1,d for 110l]1iI\- )OH 145. ,'d.lIl: Co11in:_v'\vno` `rown H111 18 Cundlc3.< n..1;.+,..\ Lv',)l. L2UL.'. Lillicrap H1, llim-A H. mp. Q4-no-I,-.n il1'1UU.`. I ordev jus '\ Ll I`: `REVIEW or YEAR S I wonx, GH|LDREN S AiD SOCIETY VV01'k h1c1'easiug ouch \7e:.u .56 Planted in Foster l-I0111es. HON. E. DRURY SE-`EARS \v`.+ \. The work of the Chi1d1'en"s Aid" `Society 01' the County 01' Simcoe for the year was reviewed at the annual meeting on '1`hu1'sday night last. The reports presented showed that the work is increasing year by year, no` doubt, in a measure, due to the; economic conditions we are }_)L1Sn`il1gi through. l Who nhim-f. 01' the Children's Aid. through. I (`he object oi` the Child1'en s V -Society is to cure for ne,t:lected chi1- L dren, to see that every child gets -.11 ` start in life in the proper environ- ~ lj inent. Children are made wards oiil` the Society only after it is denite-`:0 ly determined that they are neglected '1 or in environment that is detrimental to their well being. One 01' the im- " ` portant functions of the Society is E to place wards in suitable foster homes, and this phase of the work ` was stressed by the president in the ` report of the board. For some years `. now the county council has nanced the Society, apart from endowinents 1 and generous gifts from various or- 5 ganizations and individuals. Some" idea of the magnitude of the work may be gleaned from the 1033 coun- ty nancial statement, which shows I that nearly $17,000 was paid to the v Chil'dren s Aid Society. Board's Report The report of the board, presented by President F. Hammond, said in navi: - anu August. One hour was allowed for 11omin7 ating cululidutcs for the Vzu'iou.~' oiccs, and the 1'ol1owing' names \VC,"L'. .~_\!.r.nLtoI,l : For .\1a_vor--J. F. Craig, W. J. Blair, H. G. Robertson, Geo. Shan- non, Wm. Rusk. Vnv I-. nr-v:-k__H C. {f)1)(l'tSO11. G013- *]part : '" `The work of the board has been 3 "carried on in a very smooth and efii- cien manner during the year. hasty consideration of one not Iain- iliar with the work might suggest that the cost of operating` the Society is very hgh. Indeed, it is much high- er than we would wish, but we nd that there are so many more cases 0 deal with during these years of dii '_c-ulty that, even with the exercise of jtl},9`fut1nost.economy, we are notable E0 1'1t"of` ai'1'ything"fron1 the usual amount necessary for operatioxr There are more cases than ever in which children have to be taken by us, and more cases in which tempor- ary maintenance is allowed. in order to tide over some families temporar ily. I`hr mu-r m" the children while they A \\'11'll bawniius anu .L0Ll.l.' ' 1 A. H. Richardson, Director of For- gestry for the province, gave the Ki wanis Club some facts about lum- ibering on the Angus Plains in the iearly days. Mr. Richardson is well iacquainted with Simcoe County as : he did the pioneer work in connection iwith the establishing of the forest'r_ work at Midhurst, Hendrie and An ` ` ` " -- ing a we maintainngz." eve-` `;el'l iareas. ily. - The care of the theyl. are in our cha1;<,>'e is one of the \'c1';;; important features of the work, and I we feel that the care given the.se,( children can hardly be improved upon. i While they are in the Shelter they , are in CllZ11'g('.' of Miss Burneld, the matron, and her capable assistants, K and the result of her careful atten- `_ tion to duty can be seen by anyon-:'I who \`sits the She`.-lter. A good many i E 5 l of our children are in boar(lin;.-;` home.-; tln'ou;.:l1m:.t the ';o\.\"- illnl county. Tm-.~:c are u1'n( .r;,' the :upc'."vi. of our 12' ii-.-al oiiiccr. arc inspected. 1'e_;-'ularl_\' and `.<;1_r~. at u 11:}.-"x" . A11 imlicatioii 01' the ztmounl` oi \\'ork alone 1); the So.-Self.` can be (Continued on page seven) `County Tax Sales '! Realize $10,976 .A. and Other O1'gu111z21- tions Active in Good VV01-k, purty worm (llsposml 01 at me 2111- _io-.u'no(l tux sale for the County ofw Simcoc o11'l`uc.;d:1_\' afternoon. Thz,-E L'Ol,Il1l ._\' council c`.1z1mbo1'.~. were \`. (.-lli lled at the z1(ljou1'ne sale, but Lllel buying; \\'us not Very l1ezrc_\'. The 2: .. parcels sold brougrht $2,0SlfS.TT. of`: \\'hicl'=. ve were . for costs onl:.`.l "l"he biggest l)uj.'c.-1'.~' were 311`. T.` .-\dui1', of Glencairn, with 7 1)211'cel and H. N. Di,u`nz1m, 'l'o1'o11to, witlx; 1 `.1vVVI An :1d(iitionu1 '23 parcels of pro- (lI_ of at the ad- irmrnnd hm 5:110 County Of fed to v$lU,2Mh.1L, mzuxc up \.L.` 1 lows: IC:<. $1,080.53, _-\(1,i:1la $197.04.: F103 $835.58, Innisl $1,`237.4S,; .\Iatch(:(iu. $7-10.07. Merione $2,501.- 79. Orillia Twp. . .'21, Oro, $102. 75, Sum`.-idnle $1.0-113.59, .\I0tta\\'z1;sz1:z`.] $252.13, T213` $686.25. Tr:cums'eth! $188.80, Tiny $4-1.90, To:<. |$3-18.25, \r"espra -'\j60-1.05, B1'z1(1fo1-(H [S411.01, Coldwater $`24~l.10, Victorml `Harbor $2.25. I MAJOR T. J. VVILLEAMS I NEW LEGION PRESIDEN1 P.:u-ric branch, Czumdirzn Lc::`.011. elected oic-er.< for the c,-nsuinc _vez11 at :1 well attended mr.-ntingr Wednes-` (lay niyrht. as follows : ` Hon. P1'e: .\`Ia_\'or-elect W. J. Blair; Hon. 1st V'ice-President. J. l . Simpson, .\I.P.; Hon. 2nd Vice-P1~.:. o..,..:.:m.+ \'Yn1'n1` '1`, .T. VVi1li:1m;~': Hon. Dr. L. J. blmpaon, .u.r..L. 1 ' W:1reham; Executive. Inna nu "Vnrlnnerln\' no(` 191:`. Wm. Husk. Fov lioew,---~-H. G. llobcrtson, don Longman, R. E. Tuck, C. 3).` (3`tz:\'.':L)'t I). 1*`. .\IucLu1'e11. IL. h.-mn+n,I)..nun I` U .Qfn\v:n'I`,

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