- 2-1. BRITISH PLANES IPASS OVER BARRIE Ila.` 1;L.< 30_\'.~' and Gi1'].< '.~'--.\'r). 1, Swim `.25 Ya k,. ix; G0 .<-1-on(l.~`. 20 In )i`.'1: for Style. 20; Xt . 90- \'n I IT"II'](\1 .:.u---u'1`UCK ac. vs. Queens. Juni0r 13-Halfway at St_ Vince.-nt~. 18-.-Xllandale at Queens. 19--Ha]fway at .-\Handai0_ u QL_\H3. .:.u; .\0. -`E. 1$:1c}~ .\'r>_ -I. U1`l(101`\\`2lU.`1' Pilmgr, . Jump from 10 ft. Toxvei`. points 100. . ]3n_\'.-- and Girls un ls` w. 1, Swim 100 yzu'd.' Free ,._,, _ ,, I n.n'u..+, ~~ ` .. .1-'). I Bo_v.< and 1 , Swim \'n -7 .\u_ ;. um- L'1z(Ir:r'\'z1to:' 20 .<(-c0n : w r_: r.B0l'd(=.I1 from ` T2.u..... ...,`... puzuceu mum nunI1;:\.-11. Burr1r_- \`.'m`3 on the :2 n]nnn.- \..11.',.L. .--...... I; .\U` Total ; H! Gi)`].< -) R V.. .,... _....,...\,\... Weeds Should Be Cut .~\1d.C21\':1n:1:_v'l1 wuntuxl U.) know who \\'2:.< 1~::. for cutting" the \\`es` zwound the town, as he had ~`;\z-2111 complaints. His \\'or. .<.'1id the Board of Wo1'k.< . attend to this and he t`~oI'-rh-: .-\1d. Tuck could put mcr to work. ..`.....A.:_._..J ._ _-, A \ \JlKl.` Lulu! 1` 1-] 2: Y:11' (7:*nw] point : No. ~ \'n I . Pm-Ll Gi1`I.< over 1.~. 1m-n<. Fm. Rm- ` -). .3\\H2l points 200. `Is umivr 12 \7....,l; f'unu~| I.` Lltlulrl ('zu`d.= C! = for S2 ' Swim. 0: VI` u. nu-I L the pn; will \(' Rm-}~ II. .55}; Tutu; .vLunu.uA uu.u:lJCl \\'L`1`l: glV11 z)_v Mujm' J. Truman William.-, .112 Harm` Shzmnon and .\Ii.<.< Um-i.~ (`an nillg. The following madc .~:ho1't con- gwatulatory a(lt11`:.<. Jurhrc: \Vi.~'- mcr. John .\Iac1\'z1y. G-7-o. C. Brown, it-V`. Sinclair. of IC.~'.~z1 Road P)'k.*` byterizm Church ami I:Io of the Synod, and rcpre.~cntin_g' am- P-1'e. ~:b_vtcr_\'; )I1'.~' Rooke. on behalf of t}](. W..\I.S.. and Mr. Iirhmlmi Hzmiy for the choir. 1:21:40 badly A womzm. giving her name as Mrs. Maria Angela Tessellio. of Guelph, en1crerl.\larl(len s jewelry . in Orillia on \Nc-(lw1e.-clay and is alleged to have stolen 10 rings valued at $245. After she lr.-ft thv ; the attendam 1m'.<. the ring and in- formed the police, who followed the woman. She W:-1.: ax`re. a~ rllp was entering a bus and will appear before Magistrate Jelfs in Orillia pulzce court on Friday_ An effort is being ]z:nnc]vd to .-em. Irene Storc-_v, noted _-\I}and:1l`:: ath- lete, to the British Em})ir(- nice: in Eng'I:md c-2u'1_v in :\l1LU:'t_ .\Ii.<.s Stun-y rt,-ccntly won the 220 yard dash in Toronto, |)reakim: the old record She is an all-round athlete and has a .~`pi-Iidid chance of winning` fu1".}~.e1 honors. The committee in Ch2l.1`{:,`x: of . t]10>f: to SPIN! to ihz: 31'i`.i. 'I'nI:u'. are z:n:\'iou.< that .\I:'..: Start-_\ `should go, but no funds arv avail- \'...,,4:._.._ -4` :..; , . 1 - - v1 iI|JlL' I .-\. n1cc-ting: o1` int<.-1~c. r3itizr_-ns of Ba1'z'ir:- and .-\]I:md:1I(- will be held in the Y.M.C..~\. on Friday cw.-ninyz -.1`. c-i_L'hL 0`:-lock to see what can be (low to r:~.i: the nc-L-e;:;~ ry $300. It i.~ .=u5.-'_;zc-. that the .~:m`\'ice clubs, tin. town r.-ounci}. and pc1":1:1p.= other 01`- gz1niz2`.tion.< be approached and Z1-`k(:d to help. VV`.1`zzte\`cr is done, 2l('LiOT. must be quick. :-1': the pany leave on July 20th for Engrland. Come 20 the meeting at the Y on Friclay nisrht to dis:cu:<.< the matter, zmy\\'ay_ Juvene July ]6--St. Vincents 20-Queens at St. L110 pr:..~'emnt1on 2u1(I1'e.<.~'. \\'hiIc .\Ir.<. M`:-.L. Str;\'<:n.'-'on. one of the OM(:.s1 mexnbers of St, .-\nd1-ew ;\: Church, 1)1`C'.~`-1114-(1 Dr. Shortt with the ;:own. )lr.~n W. A. McConkcy, on behalf of the Lzulio-.~' Aid, p1'e.~'r.-ntx-ri I\Ir.' Short: with a beautiful bouquet 01* 1I.w.<<.-.<. Dr. Short replied on his own be-huh` and that of .\I2'.<. Shortt. \T1`l nn\~nkn1~ 1 ._..'...... L_. WOMAN Ate-(-I-USED OF THEFT OF RINGS FROM ORILLIA STORE u_n.u1':a1.'1 un1l1'C.r1 m Lanatltl. The church was lled to c21pucit_\', showillg the cong'reg'ation ;< 1'e: for their pastor. M-1'_ J. A. Ma('Lu1`en, chairman of the Board of I\'Ia'na5:e1'.-, p1`;-. and Col. Alex. Cmvun made ' . ntution 1d(I1'('.<. \\'hilc .\Ir.<. .F(`,I. .Qfrx\'n\1:nx1 nu: n4` +`.~-. air! 4 mm Luau 01 .\12'.~'. bnc .\Iu. number Shzmnolx I f'ollo\\.'ing: 2'1'atulatm-v .'llhh'x MAY . RI.-\`_ Dr. J. S. ShOl".T., pastor 01' St. .-\n(h'cw':< P1=e.~'byterian Chuxch. was duly honored by the members of his cong'1'cg'a'..i0n on Monday night when he was prc.~:ente(l with 21 Geneva pulpit gown in 1-ecogjnition of his 1`(-l I I cent appointment as .\Iode2'at0;- of the G,enc-ral .-\.~:sembly of the Pro. b_vt.e1'ian Church in Canada. 'Th.. r-]'nn~:-In u--:. GI].-.rl 47.. LL15- {eevc B.'z1i1' wzmtvd to know wimt auihority the town c11,<;"i11ec-1' had to collect money. All such money should be paid in to the town t\:ea.<- u.~'&:,~r. 'I`hin}.;.< \\'ex'c going` too [0030 and the.1'c .~:]1ou! be an audit of .m- tnxrn nn:rinn;.1~ .- In-\nL-,. ".`!\.r.... .4 ---- J _\lr.\'. .`*S}m1'1'1 I{(e111<:111l)(,*`:'s.- \\'i1h .Fl<)\\'(`l'.\` 211 Gz1tl1e:'- ' ing in St . .-\nd1'e\\' "s. DR. 1. s. snoim 1) PRESENTED WITH PULPIT sown unu _\\:u.L:, \H.:1._:; Lzuu\\I1 Out U1'O11g'l'I the top of the cm`, but received only minor cuts, while the d1`i\":1- 1`0cuiV'ed 2-. L-zushc.-d chest and bmkcn 2`:7b.=.. Mr. .\IcCandlc-s;< was 21tt:I1d9d by Dr. McCa1luJn, of Churchill, was happen- ed to be passing: Later he \\`u.<: re- moved to the RV. H0. ii, \'. h(1`c he D1]. `-41 :|\\':m. UlU\ Cu 10 L116 -11 u\\'ay- I 'tii his wife and L\'.'o s. were proceeding to home in l\'irklunrl Lake after \':.~i:ing the for1nur .~: brother at Allis- ton. About a. hall` mile north of Crown Hill .\IcC-untlless i. alleged to llZl\'c p21.~`.-u..-(l another nortltbound car and in some way lo.~t control of ni.~: car. 'l'h<.- car .~tl o the shoulder of lll(,:(J1(l into a si.\:-1"oot ditch, turned over .~:c\`eral times. rolled up :1 t\\'ci\`c-foot ombunl-zmem and broke off :1 telephone polo. Continuing on the car tore up a wire fence and broke out two ])0:"L.~?, coming to a stop somv twenty-ve to thirty iket further on in a eld of oats. '\.l)`< `ll-pnntl A -Int 4'!-'n rlv LLLIVLHULV U. _\Ir.<. )1:-Czxmll" Verna and Jlarjory, aged two _Vcu1's, \\'e1'._:, ton of Hm . xv hi}? m 21 new 01 outs. < and two Iz1L1g'hz':1`.~:. one and thrown out {.11 'oug'h var-m'x-an 1. ..1~.- Alhm .\IcCundless, age 3.`, of 83 .`1L'1';L`j\iu S1,. iii)-klund Lake. was fatally injured Iz1. evening \\'1:m1 he 10.51, conrrol of his car near C1-own P 31} and turned over in the .-oath dizch ti11'o'v:im_r himself and ` "ec othw occupants out into a field. .\1'cC2av.ui1u.-_~.~ was 'E1kO1`. to the RV. Hospital .~:utfc-ring from internal in- juzi-'_.< and died s;;u`!y Sunday mom- 1`d'~ KIRKLAND LAKE MAN DIES AFTER MOTOR ACCIDENT ' SEND IRENE STOREY TO BRITISH EMPIRE MFE'I| (1,. A!d_ Jay wanted to know why the r<;-sident.< on some streets were chz1:rg'od for oi1im_.':. while others were given the oil free. He had paid his share for oil on his street. He no.;:ced that Virtoriu St. had been oiled and a.~kud :11. the oicc of th( Barrio Fuel & Supply Co. if` 111 oil w21.< paid for and wzts told that it was not. .-\Id_ Tuck said that Mr. Brcnnzm had paid thc L0\\']] c11g.rim2er for oil- ITIU at Allandale. Vincents. Th.c em__rine.s of both cars are com~ pletely demolished, and thn bodic~' al- so budly smashed up. The damage to the two cars is e:~'timated at about $1.000. [Ilium-.... .n...,....n.l l..,,4'...... vu .,_:- 1-UUU I\'ling=r appeared before ;\Iu;:is- tratc JefT.< the same afternoon on :1 clmrgc of recklc-.~':' dri\ in{_r, but was granted an adjournmc-nt until Tl:':rs- day. July 26th. A severe electric storm passed over Bzxrrie last night r`.Tl(] con'~Edr.:r- able rain fell, but so far as we know little damage \va;< donu- Lucncu LUjzUH1UI`. I\Ir. iabcock \\'zL.~; pinned in the front :`ui1L, up ug'uin. the :'t(:\:l'llL_' \\'l1L'Cl. Hr was unable to mow.-, hi; llCil(l being tln'oug'h the \\'in(l.:'hic-ltl. Both Babock and l\'linge1' were given i-st aid by a passing doctor and later 1'Cl'll(J\'L`(l to the R.V. Hosipzzxl. where they \V<:2'e attended by Dr. Nor- man I{og'<.-1-.-'. Babcock was found to be .sL1fl"e1'ng from 2: broken wrist, fracbured ribs, Iaccration.s 01" the abdomcn, as well as chest and head injurie.<. lilingr.-1' was treated for fracturecl ribs an(l minor cuts, but was able to leave the hospital that after- noon. u` is .-r 1) p e n d .t l I I l duly UU1. Tlus year the Department of Cl10lnlSl1`_V, Ontario Agricultural Col lege, in co-operation with the North Simcoe ag;ricult.ural office, has a very important eld test 01 rates of fer- tilizing on the grounds of Mr. J. H. Giffen at Elmvale. Professor Henry G Bell, under whose cliarge this work falls. e.\'pl'ained :Ll1`at this test was one of nearly 200 tests car- ried on with potatoes '.hroui__-jhout the province The object of these tests is to nd out the best fertilizer anai_;;sis for various soils and crops and to as- certain the most protable rates at which Lliese can be used- Owing to unfavorable weather the attendance was not be expected, but the group of 20 practical potato g'rower.~' present found the program cxtreinely inter- esting. The tests were fully e.\'plain- ed by R. J. Bryden, eldman 01 the Department of Chemistry, and the group studied the relatixe g1`un.:. of the crops now in p1'0g`1`e.-:s. .\l:iny questions were asked reg`ardlng cul- tural methods and (liscus.~:ions of La- taitions of crops and feeding of son, as \vell as proper fertility l)21lLIIlCx., took up a considerable amount of the time. Prof. Bell pointed out that the Simcoe tests, which total fourteen, covering not only pota-zoes, but the general run of L'l'O}').~ grown on the farms of this section, along; v.'.th those comluct:-l in the other counties of this province, ha\'r,- reached a tot-.-..' 01' nearly 1,200 farms and app;-a.\h mately 4,000 plots_ Largest Po`ato County The potato work in Simeoe has been r:. emphasized. and l.1i]:`: is well, since the latest records show _that this county is by far the lam,`- Iest potato g:ro\\`ix1g` county of the pro- I\'lI1(.`(:, averaging over 10,000 acres, I l I I l with a production of 1,0&EJ.7.'" 3 bush- els recently. The average yields ob- tained by different treatments in Sim- coe county for the pa. four _\car.~ bring on: some ix1te1'estii1;_,r facts. B) actual measurement they are as fol- lows: No fertilizer, 102. lJu~I'.'cl..<; 2-1245, 2-10 bushels; 0-1`. .-1-5, 3:22 bushels; 4-8-10. 270 bushels; 4-8-6. 266 bushels; 2-8-10, 292 busliels. When it is reme'mbered that the a\'erag`c rate of fertilizing \\'us 750 lbs. per acre, it will be readily ~:-en that all of these applications return- ed a satisfactory prot. Three stand out.' i_;rou:mently, namely, 0-12-1.3, 2-8-10 and -l-.3-1(). It would appear since the pliospliate-potzL.`si1 1".-:`.:li'.;'.-1'.*~ havegiven the largest yield, and _gin(_-(; j1;1_< y')\'(-n :1 lw .-r.'.v so luI'g`e as might- V. Babcock. local market dencr, re. on Codrington SL., was se1'iou.~:1_\' injured lust; '1`l`.u1'. when he wz1.~: mot head on near St. Puul s Clmrr-`h. lmvi lw -. I'.`II'1`.'r- luQ..H.. on }ii'gi:'wa_v 1], 1'oundc the cuive a! St_ Paul s and went into the \ve.~'r ditch. He then brought his -2:1` out of the ditch and shot rigzht ZICI`-').`.~' to the (:u. side of the pavement, direct- ly in front of the Buick .~'u(ia11 being driven north by Mr. 32li)Cl'\(1k. The two cars met headon and the force of the impact. threw the two cars in- to the <:u.~`t ditch with thc c2'.,":in.:.< locked togetlier. \\`2L: seat, uguiiist to being` Rnfh Rzlhnr-1: um: i.'nn..-m- .-- .. \\il1JU' -\ I- I 1xling`er, who \\'a_~' procccdii1g .:`f.'l.lU'l .:|uLu .:.-O-LU n'.1.< g'1\'CI1 21 1:1`; u\`Cl'lg,'t yield than 4-S-10, that (Continued on page four) um: \\il:' met nCi1( Church. 1nm.~:], sedan driven by . \l`| n [In \ V anu \\ilS [U10 : ing. Rn:-v.-. Rhuiuu LOCAL MARKET GARDENER BADLY INJURED IN CRASH lJlT(,`.I'(.`S1'illg' Field Meets at ]:`ar1ns of J. J.-L (;`ri'c11 and E. Silrxpsoll. Two i11tcu.-sting eld day meetings of f2mnc1's of North Simcoe were held at the farms of J. H_ Giffcn, \\`e.~'L of llnwule, and Eric Simpson, n01't1`.ez1:`t; of Elmvalc. on Friday last, July (5th. 'l`]1L- l`r.-in H... - V ` " POTATO AND GRAIN GRUWERS EXAMINE PLOTS UNDER TEST Aug. 2-3 Queen s Park uu near bi. ruurs by 21 I211-gc: Lusallc A. Ii. K1ng.e1', Tonna- % Established ' in the Year 1847 Eight._ 1 `u nu.-1.: an. Lllt` uunx uu\'1~"u I.-l1zl.L Z:.;.`}' were not. .-\.1(l. Tuck . he knew the zuxtount. The 1-cave l'L trOI`lCd that tlmy didn t want any more guess work; they wanted the bills so Lhc;v \`\`0ul know exactly where they V` L` at. ' \\ 21$ 1 about uue L0 clean matr,er;<, up Pavisg was held up again on Mon- day night. " The special coniiaiiuce ap pointed to go into the matter and de- cide wheiher to proceed with Collie-1' St. or not, were asswrccl by the town engineer that the street. could be paved for 45 cents D01` square yard. On the advice of the town soliciioz, it was decided to have another peti- tion .~ig'ncd by the 1'csident~` on the street. Chief Stewart worked all day Monday, but only got 36 out of to sign, two or three short 01' the required number. A by-1-aw couln not be passed and it was decided to close down on all paving until the petition was sufficiently si9;ncd_ Want All Arronnfc In pv:L1L1Ull was sulnclelluy s1F.','nC(1_ Want All Accounts In Reeve Blair asked if all am-o'.u11s for oil purchased and v1'L1."`utd were 1'21. The clerk zxd\'i<>d that ::..;.' \\' n vn n ni- .\.. Ll 1; extending 4-V1,, .~` 111 u\ \.'L'ul'll LU lILlllL'ilIl 5 found the plzuw in u \` (-omlitirm, wixh blood .<:` --.-;r_vtl1in_ John Smith, ugv J`!. O'Donnell. 24. \\`(,-re 211'r., ofccrs near the shack. :ItI'\lllJ :1n_\'thin.' 10 (lo '51 r-nnrh'Hnn The town count-il s holidays for July at least appear to be shot :.:.- pieces, as two meeting'_< have already been held and there will be another one to clean matte1's_ Paviiz '.\`a.s' helrl nn no-:n'n nn l\|.~n-.- . Wzxlic-1' Duncan. bn-ttor kno\.\':~ -1.<| I)z13:u." local .w;unp hztbitoc. ' 1:; beaten up and 21>-.<:1u1t-ml by .<(-vonll drtmlxcn h0bU1.. ~ on T11<~. ni_<:'nt at his slulck back 01' Bru 531.. I`.I'.'X3` '.h~ r:1i`.\v:1_v r1'z1(-ks. Du1w:..n wa.< found walking: on Bradford LL. 4.30 o'ci-w}: \\ -1111`-.~l:;y mcrn-' I:n:' fr (`v)11. W. l\ u_\'m+r_ Tim mzw \';:x.< b:u{I).' vut about the 11-;u.', . [. ., ,) . _, .1. 9. , REEVE ASKS CHECK UP Some Pay for ()ili11g, Some Du Nut, CL-1i1.~w ul Much Tlll J*`cvli11g'. Collier St. P1'opc1't_\' Uxvncrs As] to Sign .A\11n1Tl1o1' Petition. Paving Again Held W Up By Town Councii {$1. LXXXVIII. No.20. ,7 DAGO" DUNCAN ASSAULTED (Continued on paste ve) 3. ..u \ IHJ 111` condition. hl\fUl\'y I Em mtithmru mmme BAKERY ENTERED `nu ::uHU`'_ `_ J? 4111!) " til ):np:micd by Chic-1' Stew; to Dunc2m`.< ..`n;1ck 21 nl-..-.. in .. .. LL L'LlllL|ll > .-:z;lL'ki kl \` d:. `.\'I1h .<:n(.\m'(,-d -M ;'.S.-3. Kiwams Karnival & Dance nu` H . l\ El_\'H()l'_ .-.1 on-r the: Ix-1' on v In. um... U\l.'l' IIH` J the nose. hurl bvrm ,, . f` .._ .._ `. .\ .. and Pa; -. by 1..L but cl:-mud :it'n 1)tmc2ur'= :u'.d`tor.: and th v L'UIl(.llIl0l1. Dago" \vas taken to tho L10`-pitzi` and zutemied by Dr. l`yre1'. but \vu- abh. to Ic-a\~o I211`-1` in the morning: Smith and O'Donnell \\'cI`c taken to the lockup and zxppczwcd box`-. `c.~ .\I:1g'i. Jc-'.< the snnw m01'nin_: on a ch:n'_Ev of beiI15_' drunk in 1`. public place. Both pleaded 2`uiiLy um} \\'01'c semenccd to ten days in the x-nnntv mm]. ELIIH {HQ} In the up \\'1t.h .1 nu,-.; pmxuu U) ]){1\'-" r.I17.z1I)eth E tm~2-u would be not.` 11:` fr the 1 1 keep of otlrs-1' . for which town is 1'n.<.ponsib1c. Rem.-\'e Blair r0mimle(l the spck man of HM` dc-le<:z1t.ion that tho 1" dont.< must u..<.~un`.c' the fuli (.2).-~ sen-n L'X'.'.`Z1 feet and the curbin '1` R1:1I'n gnitl `n nn.lnm~+n,.,l mu-. zmn woum llK(` 21 5111111211` Job. R. Richardson. another Fli7.z'.l;-iii St. n,-. said he had Seen :1 rate- payor for 30 _ve::i1's and t1`avoll<-!'.< had told him that of all the road from Bram-britlgze to Owen Sound, Eliza- beth St. \va.< the worst piece of 1-ozxd. lHu didn't think l-Iliznh--`H Q4 ..n_ nu-.-u: on nun uu: \\ Ufbl. pI('L'0 OI 1-0230. Hv think Elizuh-,-th St_ re- ceived thr-con.~`id0I`z1tio11 it .~'huuld, He urged that when thr` . bop nuvmi :1 pe-rmanent job be made. as laying a pavement that would only last two 01- t.h1'c(. yc-arr \va.< the nzo.-'t expensive. 1-; \1'nr.~I13v\ .-Hz} vlnuv n..4L.`..,._ .l-..`_. I 11:`. I.o'.'.`v '.\'z1n1L-(1 to know why thv same could not be done foy 21 con- m"-1-- pm`:-n1`,-11t. "'50 (I:*pL1t}'-l`C-"\`~ .<::i! `Stat the county council would not n1e.-t u_L'z1in until .\'ovcmbe1'. .-\ m:'.\'c:i- in-pl:u- pzu'en1ent could be laid mu`. but -.1 cnnc1'ctL- paw-ment could not. : Mr. T.m\~.-. -.~-ml fhnv u-mm) .... rm. [Hill concrete paw-ment could Mr. Lowe .=:1id they would ra.i~1eI wait until they could get a perman- ent road. He didn t see \\'11_\' t;2-.-_\' couldn't czxpitalizo the county ::::.::: for ax 1o11gm- period and nmkw :1 ri_:_~'m job \'.'1*.-n t1`.L-_v were at it. His \\'or. .\Iz1_\'o1' (`:`:1i:r pui;t1-:1 out that only 21 poriirm of tho uou1`.t;.' 5.-':`:2'z: zLy~p1"r*rl to T.!iz21hot':: St. Tho fnwn H-.|\' ` n+n - ~.. ..n.n.4.. ;.;. .. LL";Jl H1 LU xuzzzzxrwtt`. DI. 1 town pays into tftu ('()unty cw-1'.\' 3`. about $4,200 for My.-}1\\'z1,\'_< and 2 }v:u'k "half of t`:1i.<. $2.100.fo:".1`.v 2 kvup of county connecting: links. Lhe <'0unt_\' rebate was c21pitz1Ii7.0(l ' :1 1mtj.:' period to p:\\'r~ Elizabeth thvru lw not.'~`n:' fv` town is l'n C - v . .~.;__.~ Ll.) nu .~']10!1I' on county c0m:-:-<'t- in.-4' links to the .-`z1ti; of the Count_\' enfzineer. The x*e. on Elizabeth St. wantrscl a punnur.cnt job. They know what Owen St. is likc. and would like . job. R. Rir'hm`d. nnnrhzw l<`lio-..l~...~`n ( U. 7, feet, 1'], LLJUL. D(`[)l1t)"I:tl:\' M21('Lal`cI1 z1 that: an z1.2':`r-umr.-nt had been entxmcd into with the county \\'lw1'L-b_\' the town wzxs to lay :1 1nix(erI-in-pl:1c-.- pzxxw-zm-zit`. thv co;mt_\' :0 pay for the centre 20 feet by \\`ithho1 1:2` 21IH`.1l:I1 re.-.bz1te to the town. with `)r1'l'H)`.?` nn'H Hun .--..';I on 9 l\ :. \\L`l\` .\t.`l|'.(THL' county gz1oI- Thn mu.-n A deputation of Elizabeth St. resi- dents appeared bc-fore council Mon- day 1u'g'ht asking` that :1 2'. -foot mm- c1'<.-h;- pavement with curb be laid on that street from High St_ to Boy.< St.. and 2'. 20-foot pavemem v.'_.'t from Boys St. to Ann St. .-\.< I-?!iza- bath St. a county connecting` link. thw delegation further asked that the tovrn or county bear the cost of the cc-x1trc 20 feet, also one-third of `...u- Jcost of extra seven feet, the 1-e.~:i,ient. on z,-ither side of the . to br...!' one-third. A petition . hf. ` 90 per or.-nt_ of the re; \\':1.< p1`c. (1 W 1m..,, ..- -.mI.,\-....... cm p1L'.~U11LL`u. C. W. Lowe, as . fo) 111., delegation, said the re;~:idc'nt.< or Eiizabc-tli St. were not in fa.\'or )1 this mixed-in-place pzwcinem. .-.m< \\':1mcd 21 c0r1(-.n`:t<,- roari. Hv ,<:ifrI hr. umIer.< tood that the county wouk pay for the cmltre 20 feet. and h: tliought the town should :-1.<.~'umc- .11: s H4 n..,. L:..J -2 A7, WANT coucnm { PAVEMENT on ELIZABETH ST.| Rev. Mr. Doe said he was born in Bermuda and lived there a consider- able part of his life, and knew seme- tlxinp: of the business man s problems. He knew something` of what service clubs such as Kiwanis and Rotary were doing and commended this work. He had some ne pictures of sce.ne.<. in Bernmda and would appreciate the o-pportuni-zy of giving an illustrated taik soiim time to the club. l )~l(a::'::1im1 :1 r C011n(-il Ask That 21 Permanent Job Be Made. luv. \V,._-\.. E. Doe, ne\\'l3-ii~.duc~_i,d pastor of Burton Ava-. United Church, addressing" the I\'i\\'zmis Club on Honday night, ch2u'acte1'izcl the church as a society of i'riend.<.iip with common allegiance. For busi- ne.~:.~: men the church offers the great- est, op-poi-unity for maintaining a ;;.o:'.~i; or equilibrium of life. We all know how difficult it is to keep an even balance of life ti`-.e.se days. and the church brings us in touch with the ner things, and leads as to discover where nality is. If for no other reason the church is worthwhle in giving` perspective or balance to life. ' CHURCH HELPS MAINTAIN EQUILIBRIUM OF LIFE. xpenslve. Hus \\'or. sand that putting (l0\\'1`. I <,'.\L.`zL Icct anu the curmng`, Bluin said 110 umlerstood that none)` 1`0<'ci\'od from the county to be spent c0nr.-:-<'t- HnL'< fn Hun .--AH;-Fr.,.+7nn A1` 4'. rzuauu LU Lm: t0\'-.`n. \\'m1 :u| umil the mid 20 fvvt is paidl I CUUllLy . .ilUl' The police are fu1'tl`.m- i11vc~sti,:21t- mg the zxssault on Dum-:u1 and in all m~ohubih't_\' the :1ll<`~:c '-..=. will be brought to justice within t.l1.- um" fow d:1y.~', unL'.1'(:L(: roan. no >':1:(1 hr.- would 0 he- : town .11: *-third of tine other` .~'r*'." :1 permanent rozu1.< \\':1.-` expen.~i\'c. zxml the people had to pay for tlwlll. Eartll rozuls were luml to lim-1) in shape_ The council had tI'lu(l to rlo the best for all re.~7ident.<. The resi- dents on . 511`-<-ts lmtl potit:on- ed fO1- u chezlpcr paveme-nt, but it` was 21 (]Ll .`.<`.lO!`. \\ l1Ctl101` it wa.< c'm.-:Lp- er 01- not. --us cc \,u..`.Aux; \\.'U.:LllU1` III cm.-:1p- or Deput3'--Reeve )Iuc.I.zu'e11 said the "o'_::zyil should z1pp1'c-ciute the dek-;."z1~ tion from EH /.z1be1h St. coming and ;ell`mg' them vchnt tit;-_\' wanted. .\'n ;vm- \\'&lI`1t`(1 to force :1 pzlui-xnexlt on them lthat they did mot, \\'z1:\.t. ff would have bgen hvttavr if , of other streets had come before t council before council hurl got so (I.'.-(`!` in 0 the n:1'.`in:r_ permanent 1'0z1d.~' peonle had to n.n- +'...- +1.... t'0liag`e- The Bztrriu H01'ti(:uIt'.n':1l Soc-iu_v .< rst \\'n'n flow-or will '00 held on S::tu)' of this week, Jul}: 14. B1'o\vn & C0. l1z1`n.- l plzu-ml two \\'in(lo\v;< at the of tlm Socicty for this . lintrics must be in place by 10 ;1.m., when jL1(l."iz:;: will begin. TllL`l'L` is no entry fvgx: zuul no 1)1'lZ(.".~ will be u.\\';11'(l Tlu; ul:'~.-' uru as follows : - p`._..`. ,,.' ,.,. . ,. l l W. E. Dl.m'czm, 25 ned $10 and costs . mg on :1 L'hZ1l`,`. ,'('.' of i . -,3, -H1 xvhmo.-` n..:... , [WINDOW FLOWER S}:l3`W ON SATURDAY. JULY 1-1 ".\ne1'e ne remained tlll 1912. During this time he took unim- portant step and married Eleanor Dutchcr, of Thornton, whom he had knotxn 3.11 his life. In 15:12 Dr. and Mrs. Simpson moved to Ihnvale, where he practiced till 1918. \`\'1'.(-:`. they came to Baltric. Since coming to B2l]'1'i(.` he has taken an active En- terest in community affztiixs, educa- tional, churc-h, fratermnl and sporting, A public speaker of no mean :'1ii- ity, Dr. Simpson s political c=.u'cer startod in 1923 when he xvas ch...w:n as Lberazl candidate for Centre Sim- uov in 1119 provincial eh:cti~on.-' of that .'~:a1'. His 0 ononts. xverx-` C. E. \V: ight. Con. and G. H. Mur- dock, 1' F'_ Thu nmme .~`.~~- -I The \Vc. B:1ko1',\' shop on Eliza- bort St. \\'z1.< entered sonw time Jur- ing th,. night of July 10th and 21 qumitity of cskimo pic.-'. cakes and othr-r cooked anicles stolen. The. 1`.\(r:fn\- u--.2: I-u-nl-nu nun Lu..- }[ (up. *nv] L-`IUD uc euLe1'ea ioronto L:11\'e!'.s`it_y and graduated from the Facui1;_\' 91' Medicine in 1907, with the dcg'1'e.- 0: .`,I.B. F03' almo.~.t a. _ 1' foilowiiig` nis. -,;1`acluation he pi-ucticed at L110 Vic-to1'ia Mines near Suclhury, but in 1908 hun_'-; up his shingle at Strcud, where he remained till 1912. i D:n'inn- fhic vimn i1n +.m1,. ....~=m `cu. mat nme. Graduating` with Junior Le2n';.i1xf_.,' and .\Iat1*iculat.ion in 1900, Le0x.a.i`d took a Model School course and then taught school for two yezus at Mount P1ez1.`~:2mt School near `Iris home. In 1902 hp mum-ml 'l`m.,m+n 1'...'... ..:.... l DI`. L. J. Simpson, who was .~".'.'oi'n in as )Iinis;er of Education in the Hepburn Govern:::cnt on i'SL:~;.s and will hereafter be known as Honourable, is a native son of Sim- coe County. in Innisl tow-nship, on July 30th, 1882, the youiigest son" of the late Mr. and i\Ir.<. Ja2m=2L= Simpson, who were pioneers of the district The new Minister of Educzv tion rst attended school. Lit S.S_ .'o; 9, Innistl, where J. A. Corbett wielded the birch. On complctin;_a his public school course, Lcn" at- tended the Bzmie Collegiate I11s;itui-3, then at the east end of the t0\\"_l1, where the late T_ H. Rcdditt wai;'=. principal. The writer of this slcetch, `who attended Collegiate at the sanie time, can vouch that Len had -some ideas of his own about education even at that time. (!....,l...s:..n. . I-lo W215 horn on 21 f:11`2;7i' near I`h01'r.ton_._. rtuuafzlllt acnool `Ins home. In 1903 he entered Toronto L':1i~n::-.s:t_y amt grraduated from Hm F51!-nH.' .n' J%{HdN.bFiiI [biAEB# , JENNETT SIMPSON. "T "5-.';1.~: F~`.\\'o1-n in as .\[inis1`(:3f nf Edtusz-111011 fur O111zu'.io on T1Lusc1a_\'. L')`l.~ . `)1 . Specimen 1'0 \/'94 nf' `nix Barrie, Ontario, Thursday: uuu.` ha: L'.\[)L.`ll.\I\'(, . {UH} had ' '01`al Caner D21\'em-nf. hm if uuzm LUUl`\Ull zu`Lu'1L'.~` stolen. In. .--.v<'v\, !`'L"i.~`t(`1' \\'u.< broken open. but did not. contain any money. Entry \\':x.< made by forcing a window. u 'a1'1ct.ie.~`. .~`\veL t }wu.< with uu' rug; I ; \c.~p1z1 51., wu., Saturday mum- illcgal con.~'ump- . on Friday night. \.u..~.~ 1), 1,)u_\..\ unu ul1`l.~' In _\'0a1`.<--.\'0. 1. Swim 21:-)'o.~'.~ th-A B513 . '20: N0. 2. Swim 100 _vm`(i.~' in 1 n1inut-=-. 40 scond. 1.3; .\'o. 3, Dix`: Low Bozml. 3 di\'r- for .=tyIn. 15: N0. 4, Div; from 20 ft. To\\'c1', 15; No. Plunge Lmdr.-rwatc-1' 50 ft.,_1u; No. 45, Float 30 . 10; .\'o. 7 Remove person from \v:ur.-1` (up `ud- der), 15. Total points 100. " E\'0nt.'< for 'W0rh1r.-. July l{~`.';1. all .~'\\'i1n1nin_{' except .-\cro.<< the Thy. KIWANIS SOFTBALL SCHEDULES Intermediate July 13-St Vincents vs. Brock St, 16-.-\Ilzmda1e \';~', Queen:-1 19-St. Vincents v.~'_ .-\ll:11)(3:1Iru. 20---B'rock St. Qur:r:n.~. Junior `July Points will be 21\\'al' in the W-v 11e. affe=1'no0n ('omp<.-titi at the .-Xllamlnlc \-.'l~:n`f in r-\'um.~` a.~: ll.~u;*(l br,-loxv. Po.<.~'ibIe point>` in each cl 100. Th,. boy and girl t:-1kin__r `mt; l1ig'he.~'t :xg:y;1'u;_"zm.- in tln: \\' t-vent.-2 will rm.-: i\'r.- zx med-.11. I-Iv.-nt< f0)` ll]? \\'-PL` will tlhnunv in 1l\n m:iL'\'. r U.~.lDl(3 ])O!l]lZ.~` H] C t:-1 the \\'c<:l~: will u})p(.-:11` in I P1`0('l(A!1(".' rr-rfi:-at-.:..~ \......- .. uu_`- um: uu`1.~ Ull(l`.`)` 1-\ _\'z~:u'.<.--.\'0. j'Z1)'(l.~ Style in 1 minute. 50 . :13; .\'0. 2. Swim ).':n'(l.~' Crawl Stxyko |f01' style. 20; .\'n. 3. Swim '35 y:1x(l.~ Back St1`ok.. for .~'t_Vlr-, 20; .\'o_ -1, Pltmgzu Llmlc:-'1'\\':1'.m' 30 fact. 15; .\'~., 5. Swim 15mi1~.'.1tc.-.< L'OI1`_lI`I11-3l,l.~`l_\'. 1: ): .\'n (S. Dive from 10 ft. T0'\'cz', 10. Total points 100. Cln.<.< :3. Boys and 1. \v`q;1)`C__\'n 1 Q...:.`. -1 n - u;1.1'rel rous. The {light will 1'-311121511 at Camp Borden until F1'i(l`d}'. whom they: `ro- turn to 'I`r<.-nton. ' AQuAT1c-EoMP1:Tmos IN THE KIWANIS PLAYGROUND LEAGUE Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 2-3 JUl' me WL-GK \\'lH m the pi Prociency. certicate-.< will 21.\\'211'(lO(i to the compc.-tito1`s makin denite attempt to imp2'0\'c- th . and 1-cpom .<:un<,- to in.~'tru<- C121.-'.< 1. 3 :`.l1(i Girls unrlt:-r _V(tu!'.~'--i`:\'(.`nt .\o. 1, Swim I0 ya points -30: .\'o 2. Dive from 1 -) Board or Dock. 5; No 3. Si ./`v-an-Y Q-...\lv, -):' rt*,..,u - - - .V '.J. `I a points ` C121): A`. While the Furies \'i. Owen Sound. .-`u`.'eraI Royal Canadian Air Force planes put on 21 short dis131z1_v of stunt ying`, which was t'ev.LL12ud by 21 parachute jump from :1 height of approximately 1.500 for-t_ When the three ghting` pl:my~ turned from Owen Sound they , some in(h'(':.v.Lion of why Gruat B ..ain need not worry about her air (10- fences whvn they gave a half hour di. of 21-,robati(`.< to a lzL1';{e aud- ience of vi.~:ito1':-' am] army men '.'.`h_o with bated breath \\'1YCi1(.-(i t.h<. .~'k_\' manoeuvres. The high-powered Brit- ` [sh planes, which are capable of 1`a,-z1ch- ing` 21 speed of over 200 mi!e:- an hour, went t.hroug'h :1 ser1e.< of imm- ation f1i,r:ht.<, power dives, loops and bz1.rre1 rolls. l`l~,. rl:,..!.L ...:n ,,,,, ' A _\ Lu :'-- Strokn. ')-'.- \ 111: uirecuy `[0 Liamp Borden. The ye2`.'<, who liml no. liner. pick- ed, con:~:iste(l entirely of m<-ni from C Flight in No, 1 Squadron of the Furies. were as follows; `Nine Com mzxnrler Pirie, Flying` Oflicey J. W. D011Z1l(lI Flieht-Lieut_ F. H. Rus- sell Stacey, Flyin_ar Ocer J_ G-. S. Chatterton and Pilot Ofcer F. H. Dixon. Nom, had been in Czlllaldzl before. The ight also have their own N.C.O.s and me('hunic.~`, who ' travel in the transport plane About 2.30 the saline afternoon the three planes took off together {oi Owen Sound, where they were to pay tribute to the-mother of Col. W. A. Bishop, Czmada s war ace. O\\'in,-1: to the violent thunder ;~'torm.<. they were unable to go through xxitli ffzo av;-1'onz1utical li.~:play ])l?.T1T1C4 l am`; 1-0-, t.urn<~l to <':mi'p in le.<.< than hali :1: hour \'clll|'l)` I \\'U t)[:`.l:l` ])1`c111(`.~` an ! E1 1z`.1Li:x- port craft of the Royal Canadian .-\33' 'F01ce ua1'ryin_<.r mechanics and bu}:- gage, did not pass over Banie, but ew directly to Camp Borden. in \\'(`}'(-" 11% `Fniin\\':- `NiI1r-- r`n-H .~cueuu1e(| to pass over `he town. and `~`.'l'1eH nally three speck< ap1)02:2",-d Izv the sky 0ve1';\'bod_\' \`.'a.< c1`z1ning' 21:.-ck: seconds later as the ghtimcc rmxcn1ne~: in prsrfect V-f01'mati0n circled ?.\\'.'c-- over the town and then headrrd I`,-1` czalnvp. 'l"wo r) tn;1' plane: :-1n'l t2`Lh. - 1:01-t c1':1f1. or u. Wnxml m.n...a.-..... \:.. \,lUZL`!`.:~` OI Ud.l`l`iL` lookout for the plant-.<, which ~: :~ ched11led to `he town. tvhen nallv H1rpr- chm-L; -,n~nn-...,. L`1..~'. 1)1':`\l1L'S0I In Kznd over . in Cz1I1z1(Iz1, thn-9 Hm`-."ke1~ FI.u'1c.=," piloied` by n`:e1nE,-121' of thv R0321! .-\*= Force. London. Iixlgland. umlcx` \".'n C0mn`.an.d0r Pirica, p:.`.: .%C-d ow,-1 Baum: about 10 :.1.n~. \\r'v:dr.e.<(121\~' on ' , _ 7. '.x~-,n-- 6~r\ I`. -1~-~ 5` Give \Vo1'1(1vr1 11l ]_)ispl;1_\' of! Stunt .\I:111 at Cz1111pJ-m` I zwuulu Ut: pzuu H1 [0 UIC ISOWII toe town enginee1".< books. '1hg-r. be . check made on thingw` clerk .~'z1id the town :11 would bv in town next wuck em could go over the books. ' n1:-untimc he would check u} tin cn_'.rinee1'. \xr, 1 an II .. ._