Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 May 1934, p. 7

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1 Women s Page 1.: a.. |\L4: Minister et," said M1`. Robinson. The f_-`1`0\x'or:< are recommending` the esablishment of minimum p1'i(`e.= based on _27r1':ules and minimmn ratc:< 0 for labor in all factowies with zmni-`p mum prices for the trade for tihel (-`mL-h..;l m-nrlnr-t mu] :1 (*m*.1.m11ed t 1{ing's`on to I`cm1,1uk(: 2121- c<.`11.'::=1'z;-R11 .0 '1 e pr1c':.= IO1' me E1"duL' wr uuul ni. product and :1 controlled spread between produce-1` and con- .=um and lrrgislntion requiring the` LETTERHEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATI-IY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS %THEE lnot weig'h*. to be plainly marked on .(~:1ch CO11t%Ll11C1'. He said the sugges- {lions may seem radical but the farm- or is growing` weary of being boot- ,n(l aromul while calmers indulge in ,price wars. | Ri1-'rn- r-nmnlninfx \\'m'(`. vmcetl at ,pr1ce I Bit'~e1- complaints were voiced at the chain store practicc:< of using fresh fruits and vegetables as loss- 1c;1(1e1';'.. STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES coupons CHURCH FORMS James B. Fairbairn Deputy Min stev The Painswick branch of the W 0- men s Institute are cc1eb`r.ating' their tt.-11th ill1ITi\'(?l`>Tl1`_V` at the Grange Hui] on May 30th at 2 p.m., in the form of an opun meeting`. Mrs. J. 1-1. ShUL1l`C)`, of tho clerpzutlnont, will ad- dress the meeting`. The BLL1`l'iU b*1`an=ch will be ,<;'ue.~:ts on this occas- inn Pace Seven THURSDAY MAY 24, 1934. And : lon. M-1's. Shearer will `a-kc for her topic My Rmponsibility to the Commun- ity and Our Boys and Girls. 'I'hn In--Ant-11 xvi" hn hnnnwvri hv h}1\'- lty and "uur boys anu Ul1`lS. The branch will be honored by hm - ing; iVI'r.s. Mitcliell, the first president of the b1`Z1'lTLl1, ziml ex.-\`e1'z1l other pzisi p1`esident.<, to whom is extended a liearty in\`itut.ion to come and join witli `.he lwancli on t.h'i.< lmppy or casioii. There will be 2; (]ll(}.~`1.-lO`.1 d1'a\vei'. which Mrs. She2u'ei' will con- duct, on question.~: from her loctLu'v or a.n_vtlLiny2: pertziining to `.4110 work of the Institute. A dainty lunch will be serVe(l by `.he Painswick b-i'::17cl1, as well 21:; u birtliday cake. which niarks, the im,e.1'- esting` event. Everyone is welcome to come to this meeting and enjoy the afternoon with the branch. PRESBYTERIAL Y.P. GATHERING A cost e11t`.n1.~:iast.ic ga chering 1'ep-1'c- sonting the Young Peoples" Societies of o\'c.1' .~:c\'untee11 coxmm-5 in Simcoe Presvbytery took part. on May 15th, in the School of .\I0t'.110d:3, held in Collier St. UniLcdChu1'ch School Hall. \ l.nnn1H'u1 _nnn.:,u- urn; <.n-VP-(I AF-` 111111. I A bountiful .~:upp-L;1' was sun-'e(1, af- ter whicrh B011 Steers, the I 1'csb_vtc1'- ial prc; _g`u\'o a brief . 01' the outstanding` z1(:ti\'itiL-.< for the coming Inonths. calling` on lliiss B. .\'ox'1'i.<, of Toronto, to _2'i\'c fu1'1he1' details of the Biennial Conference to be held at .\'0)'t11 I-lay next. October. \ (-11 4\\~ In nn\!\I-n1I4 -.1 :1 rhvr. ' \\ 1`It D0 .ne1u at .\0)'tn J`iZ1_V I1L'Xl- ucwucr. A short humorous` ad(l1'cs.s \\'a:~: givien by Rev. .\I.'_ Lind, vice-prc. dent; of the Toronto Confu-r011-cc. z1'1"t`.,-1' which the g1';1t.h0rimJ; \\`it..1d1'e\\'11t0 ve goL1ps. Cons-tidc1`ing' the short Lime at their di.~'posa1, cztczh group later reported In-may wort.h-while re- commendations, and excellent new p1'0g1'21n1 sL1,<:g,'e. After 21. vote of z\.pp1'(rciution to the o'1cc1`s of tnc Toronto (.`nf<-rence, "Rev. Mr. Smith, of Pcnetzmgr. b1'ou:.ht the cw211ing Lo 2-. close. The 1'eg*ula1' meeting of Centrzxl L'11i`te(l W..\l.S. \\'a.~` held on Tl1L1l.'5(lLl_' afternoon at the pzwsorlztgze, Mary St. the p1'e. .\I`1':~_'. F. A(lz11n.<, pre. ing. The Scripture lesson the 1`.~`\ few verse.' of Luke 10, was read, and an 'n1spi1~ing devotional p`e`1`iod led by Mrs. Adams, assisted by Hrs, L Pickeringz`, .\I1`.<. C. .\IcLezLn, .\I2'.<. Kennctly, .\Ir.~:. Brown, '.\Ir.<. Dilwm'th a.n(l'l\IT.~:. W. ob'mson. The .~:ub_j,-ct was Lz1b01\,-rs in G0 .~: Vineyard." A very 2L[)])10p1`lil.tC (luvt was sung: h_\ Mrs. T. C. Devine and .VI.1'.~:. R. 1:01- .u..nu It was too bad i!1de(,d .-he was busy to-day, And hadn't a moment to stop on way, More time she would Imve to give others, she d say- 'T`n_n1 n rrnul ' HISUII. I The 1ni.<. pap01*.< \\'e'1'c on :.h< medical work of the W..\I.S. in C:m~ ada, as 1'epo1't<-d in the zumual report Six new 1m.-n1bm-.4 \\'01`0 \\'C1('0?`n*.`(1. N a nvnn:-f.u| H1n1~.- \\'iH hm n trnnll bl.\ n.C\V In(.`H1LM`1'.` \\'(.`l"..` \\L'H'UfH'.'H. It is (.`.'\'D(`L'tx.`(l L}1eu- will be :1 good z1ttcn(1um'c of t.hi.< g`1`oup at the div- i. meeting` at Guthrie on May ROH1 l.\'1UH2l 30th. `,1; cup (.'.()l'Il`:`-|.'d.1'L':1. `x \.\,'iL.\[JUUll mun. l Cove,-whole be:-tin-.4 with su;_":11` and let stand for .several hours to extract juice. If the b(-rrics are cm they need stumi only 1: to 1 hour. Strain berries from the _|l1iL'(`. To the juice add \\`:.1te1' to make 1 .: - i I -1` 11-..}. t1`il1I1 DC!`1'1(?a` 11'U1u L-HU _| 1 cups of liquid. Combine c01';1st;11`ch and : with :1 Httlu of the liquid t smooth panic. .\M to thn ~- -1 n.. \ .. xmn \\'1EE`. 1| Hulk` U1 LIIL nu: liquid. B1'in;'.` to :1 boil boi`zin1_v' water until cl: minutes. Add berries, into com ake pastry. 1 quart . 1 cup sL1gzu', 1,4 cup c.o1'n:'.tzL1'(r11, `,4 tUd..s'1)00n salt. Cn\'r\.. whnha b(!1`l`i('n' su-_":11` bmczu` spout; of -.-' uh: rlvil thv fact. is she rliv;-I and fault ! from view, I all that she left when living w-.1.~: through s a mount~a.in of things she intc1.d ed to do- 'I'n_1~n nu-1-nu! V greatest sucmss would this \vo- msm have bcen-- 'l`o-morrow ! world would lmw known her as best it had seon-- 'l`n_m n I`\`I\ um I Each morning shc d stack up tin letters sho d write- To-morrow ! And think of the people s,he d with de1ig'~ht-- 'T`n.n1 nvvrnv I 91` FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE a = (11-iw` CENTRAL w.wfs. Dilrlc. :\ll(l L0 L.".I` 11-.:n1.:u.' Brmy: boll um`. cnok on A until clear (10 to 1. 5. cool and pom . -tlnbn nnrfvv T0-MORROW ________._. :1 little butter under the the c.1`c:1n1ju2r. This pre- ;>.- 011 the 1:\1)1oclut'n z1i't:*1-tlxc as been poured out. lsalt. .\li.\. to forn} :1 1H2J.l'1}:,"-0L(l IJLILILLS \\'L`I'(3 ZUC, W`I111C 111 punsics were 25c 21 basket. Geran- iums and otilmer bedding plants rang; ed from 10c to 25c, according: to sim- and variety. Some garden seeds : g'1a.ds were offered for sale on tin market. L`n.,.-.~. urn...` \rr|+`v1`(\'rI r\ A1II1fI` An Ha. .|.l'BSIl C}.Ll'l'0I.3' \\'C1`l.' DC 21 DU.IlCll_ All win`;c-`r ve_g;ctab1es such as 1)`.1l`:~- nips, onions, carrots. squash, tlLl`1Up.~', beets and cab`b:J.g`e were unchanged in ` price. pH'.nrr-nnf'. nlsmnfvz warp ncrnin :1 117:. puc . Sett.ng-out plants were again 21 big.- feature of the market. Celery and! tomato plants were 20c a. flat, cab-` bage plants 20 a dozen and cauli | ower plants 25c dozen. Aster a.nu' 111u1-igpold plants were 20c, wlhile tin | n::n\~iu< \\'.'-rn Qr n hncnf`. anvnn. The lIl'cJ.l'l&UD. Eggs were 1'a,thier a drug on the market, as the demand was very n1-uch over-supplied. No change in, price was noted, the smaller eg'g.~:; selling` at 15c to 17c a dozen and` . at 18c to 20c a dozen. I ` ( 1 t .& I -< Chicken and fowl were very scarce. but the demand at this time of year, is not very great. The yeavlings were bringing 18c to 20c 21. 1b., and the older birds 1-lc to 16c. Butter was unchan~g'ed at 25c 3. lb. mu. A..,..-_.\,1 ..m.,+ ,1:m.1...-m1 `,m C \V'zlS L|llCIllIl`gUu ilk LDC it 1U. No dressed meat was displayed. be- ing now practically off the mzukez except for the occu.=iona1 quzwter 0. spring lamb. I Satu1'day s market was the biggest% of the spring season as far as pro~ duce was concerned. The towrn hall was gaily decked with owers and! froshened up by a fine display 015 home-grown vegetables. 1 Tamra nnnn1'.1'+n'p.< of hznmp-m*nwn! ll()lILbgl'U\\`Il VBg`tL'd.|.M(iS. Large quantities of home-grown aspa.rag?us sold at 3 bundhes for 26. radishes and green onions wvere pricu at 50 a bunch or 3 for 101:; head lu- tuce 10c each; watercress 5c :1 bunch; rhubarb 3 bun-chcs for 25:; fresh carrot.< were 5c :1 bunch_ A1] V:V'\"I`\\` "1...-,.+uInYnn .-n..'n r\ . n...` . . . . 3 1210 100d value of cheese and `otma a(lvanLa_<.,-'e.s commend it higimly for everyday meals. (`Hanna Tn=c+_I +nh1r>-\-nnnn hxel. U\'(.'J.')'UU.y 11163.15. Cheese Toast-1 tablespoon bLaL~ tel`, 1 tz1b1es.poo:1 110111`, `,4 t0ZlSpuU1': .~'a'l't, 1 cup milk, 511 cup grated cheese, 2 eggs 6 slices toast, Mnlf Hun hn+fnv nrlrl Hnx Hnur nil: CHCCSL`, L CggS U SUCU5 LUEISL. Melt the butter add the llour asu. cook until blended and smooth, stir- ring con.~:.zmtly. Add the salt, ; in the milk gradually, and cook over `not \\'iltCl` until the mixture thickens, continuing: to stir (luring the cookmo. Add the cheese, stir until it is melt- ed, then zuld it little of the hot mix mire to the .::lightly beaten egg` y3lk.t~:.' Return to the double boiler and cook for two minutes .~.ti1ri11g` constzmlly. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites and serve at once on hot, lightly but- tered tozxst. Bacon makes Ll. deliciou.< uccompanin1ent. Cacsornln nu: sninnrlw .-an:-I Cl1nn:e FLOWERS BRIGHTEN UP | THE SATURDAY MARKE'l`i Ll.L'CUll|1)U.IlllllUHL- Casserole of Spinach and Cheese with I_.emon-2 tablespoons chopped 1722151;-_\', 4 tabll.-. butter, 3 cg;g.~:, 11-- runs nwilk 1 fnnznnnn r._ 1-`- 1}il1'b1L'_\', -1 LilU1`L_`.h1JUUH.5 U .lLLUl', O U,`:',`b'>,, 1],: cups milk, 1 tea:~:p00n salt, `.2 tczupoon paprika, _]u1cc, 1 cup choe.se cut in small pmces, 2 cups cooked or cmmcd . ach. (``.-..'|- 4.1. . `W\I\ -3 tc-.aspo~on onion` The u.c11. , Cook the parsley with the butt-: for two of threc minutes and com-, binc with the eggs, which have been bcair.-n with the milk. Add thn` '~:alt.f paprike. onion juice, the c.11co. cut in small 1)iece:~`, and the s})i:`:'.1(-'11} which has been chopped. Turn Lhis. mL\'ture into a greased casserole zmd bake for half an hour in a mode1'utc- Ty. ,_1nu- I\\'r\V\ 0031 +l\ -)r:n Alnmu-An. I7 UEIJSB J.U].' llilll. llll H0111` 111 21 I]'l0(lC1'ZlIl:" 1;: ::1o1\' oven, 325 to 350 degrees F. Sc1'\'<.: hot \\'it.`*. . 01' ;~:ect1on.= 01 lemon. I`L......., !`...._..nL;_.. 1 ,. IUIHUII. Cheesa Croquettes-`,-3 cup mmute tapioca. `,~tez1.-;poo11sa1t, 2 cups .<(::Ll(iod milk, 1 cup g,'rate-(1 cheese,` ne crcml (:1'umb.<, 1 (2g:g`, 1 1:1h1:~- ;~poon water. Add the tupioczt zmd the salt to tiw . milk and cook over hot \\'at01' until the tapioca is clear, stir- lriw-` f'rr>nImnH\' Add Han rrvnfnal \\il'.l.`l' LlllLll L/IIU l.Zl[)lUL'il IS ClL`il!', SEN`- Ylllf." fl'0(]L1()llU,\'. Add the gratcil ('hr(.`(>`,(`5, mix well and continue heat-` ing until the oheesc is melted. Cool. the mixture and shape into cm quottes or bulls. Roll in the ni- })l7`11(l (*.1`umb.< and dip in the which lias been beaten slightly 2: diluted with the water. Roll ag':i~ t1`:iL' c1`uml);< and fvy in deep fat [(`I'H\`]' 1\1V' Of .` '-'1'rn"~- rw r~".`1r1 OT m(\nm.~' V011 I WV f'rv~d?mrt.11~m WW1 :1 `*1"(v- Mnnf fond t]`.i< W-.'n'. (7v`. ' 1 " ~v:.~-v"?m". ho-`t 1`n.=n1`:= will be oh- '~~v-J from complete plant for 4 wmr~.d.< N-r hundred &qum'e foot i.~ :l])[ivd in early spring` and then later ROSES MUST BE V`./ELL FED l'l`._' "U. :15` " 'wir*nr*r-d Nswv`. 1: fund ..n -1- CHEESE DISHES ":l~`uI`(' U1 .~`Lu'I'I'~.< lll I( ("l ' NW1` onioyml by t`1r- rw ""1dr`YV`1'. For crvnn1~+ nn~v1~ 4-n nan Tt nun grown I zLs1e`cp. 01. 2.56 ! '1-l_1e case was presented by BI. M. `p1.icL_( }Ro-bu1son,_of Buztlingon, on behalf uf rad I the Ontarlo Gm:-wers Market Coun.-11 i z}nd_ a nuxlybey of other vegetable and ,1. 251.. trur. assoclatnoms 'I`:i1.. II1\I)Il-I\ ... .u...l,. LI...L ...L..~ He quoted a atatement made nay .-the cost accountant of Associated, Quality Canners Ltd. that there is` a. price Will` on ainongst. czm=11e1's, who try to get the bu. of the ledge. `sbuying in`te'rests. Mr. Robinson chu1'g'url and depzu'tmenI:a1 stores have dc-I mzmded lower priced jam so that they can undersell the small .s:o'1es. A11 1':.+ vnnnv n1nnnl'u:-hn-nnv.~ :<`nuIJnrl that. chain l um }_17U\VC).'S. Mr. Robinson said the p1i_<.>;h'.. or 1the n1a.rkc.t garden-or and horticul- = ourist is serious. Many of the dim- |cu.1ties can be traced to the manner `in which distribution is disturbed by certain organizations, such as chain] |storos and the manufactvurers of_ canned goods and jams. At a `1'ccc11't conference of Ontario cannors andv growers, it was urged that a joimi committee of canners and g`rowor;~: bei appointed to meet wiuh the .'\linis.`er .of Ag'riculture and point out; the need 01' joint: action by Ontario and i Qucb;-c. 'l`..... l:'..1l. I ? Mr. Robinson outlined three im- portamt points--the practices of the `cwnnin-g c0n1panie:5 and jam manu- fa.c:u1`c1's, chain .~:torc m(3. th0(l.s, auul `the .sct-up o1'1.h.- fcrt.i1ize1- companies. The nlisrhf. nf hhn inrh1 rm: - kg u.:U. ' Two Evlls I I I I `MONOPOLY, WATERED STOCK I CHARGED AGAINST CANNERS ` Boldly asserting that large canning concerns attempt to make prots on . heavily wastered stock and dead fac- Itories carried at a high appraisal lvalue and demanding an investiga- tion of the can and fertilizer }monopoly, the vegetable and fruit . growers of Ontario placed their views 'before the Price Spreads Con1mit`.ee. They asserted that men have worked gin the canning factories for 32 hours straight at 20 cents an hour and have Ibcen discharged because they were i asleep. l 'l`.hn ("SR9 '21: nrnunnfnrl kw `J \T Lruxn u5suc1am.ULns_ l The change was made tlmt when the dump duty was appbied against 10LL'lg'l1 \`<;;.-getublcs that the canning` ~conce1'ns did not play the game with the growers. ; M)`, 'Rn}1inmn`n uni!` rhn nliu-`Iv nr' LIKLU .3UL'Ll1J U]. LHU LU!'L-lllZB)_` CUlnpiUl'CS. The plight of the in(lu_~:L'i'y can be charged against two evils; ltat, `the collective and o`1'g`u.nize(l e1l'01't.: of the canners. dlSt1`lbLll~O1'S and chain swres no chisel down the price, and, secondly, the 01`ga11.iZed eifou ion the part of those who sell ma- 1l< tn xrrnxvrn-1 fn n1<.n'h+-,\in ur- luu uuu pouu U1. L-uum: VVHU cull lllilrl t4erial.~: to growem-s to maintain price a.greemcnts. This is best exemplied by an alleged st:m:n1ent of a general. ,1nu11ag;c1- 01' a cunning company who `in1'ovr'med some gro\\'er.s tllat; me company pron1oe1' who 110-ads the con.pany had issued orders that the! C011) ration had to show a. prot 01 a million dollars for the year. \Nlmt comp;u1y was '.`.huL `. uskuu D. 3.1. l{em1c-(ly, M.l ., Peace liivc-1'. Czm:uiiz111 Ca1'1x.L-1'5," rt`.-piiecl MLI I Robimon. ` down. um.-_\, can unuc1'seu the Small .sIO'1CS. At rs/c many manul'acturea's shaded their prices and cut the price to ;fro\vers. Then they commenced buy ing and importing cheap jam pulps. They used these c-heap pulps as :1 club to t.he grower They they cut down the size of glass containers and soon the co1n~ bined demands from the large chain buyers Lo out still further in the price were followed by fu-Ither adul- teratio us. "FLA A4` 1 5 1,0 forge price-.5. F l l She was going to be all that a moxtal should be-- To-morrow ! No one should be kinder or braver] +1.... .-.1..,. , Aa ucuu. LHU puunc 15 IHOYO 01' `Car ` In~2'1:1a-(I-r1.` .-`:1i(l Mi`. Rnbimun. ' To just what extent does the 1.10- vfzu-:;x! set-.;;; of (":1nzxr.lia.n Czumc1'.~', Limitc-cl, Int:-1' in .0 the picture 1" uslcvrl M1`. iobinson. i We 1'econ1men(I a study of I.l'.L st1'uc+.u~re and the number of `(Ix-ml` "fact0-x'i(:>: `Milt are being carried at a high appai. value. In all price .negotiatio11s we are told by Ca.na I Canne1';~: they are losing money. bu their annual statement does not sup iport that story. E".ther they lie (.01 }t.he f.."}`0\\L`l'.~' or their .~'*hz11`eh01(le'1`.>' 0.1%.` \ being ; ki(1de(l. } '; Mzuak Senn, M.P.. ask:-d if ``n;*;,_` ,cam1c1'.~: will tak; all tic .u11;uLoe., JE 1;;'ro\\'e-1' })l`0dLlCC.~3 under contract. Vn H1r\\' mun zhnf `:lwnn1 n ,-yl u 1 1 w.:1"cu.Luns. 1 The use of sugar was done away` with in many cases and the _~:ub | tution of sugar syrups wihh lower] taxes and costs were adopted. ` (71111 .~\1m1n mn wns n nn- 1 LELXCS 21IlU CUSC-S \V3I'e 1.00 Apple pulp wa..~*. used. pies, worms, rot and all, instead 01 sclcctczl apples, mzu1L11'z1c".urc of 17') : ptecl. Cull up- were used for {lo apple products all u.dul`.c-rutio11. Hints Fraud 4- . `.~tu` vs: `I ` . 1 1 v " ` Mr. Robinson said: H P I e y A 1 w 7 1 '.<`.uud:.' of the can monopoly. \\ 2U.'US, 1V1.f. Claim Monopoly The truth should come out and at `he szune time some of t.he \'.'a:er! boiled out of their stoe , he said. I Dealing with the can industry, We suggest a Some interesting facts would unquestion- ably be uncovered, incluthinug a. con- Xlition whereby every czmmerr mustl nz z1.~'.~ 'lI:- :.;:-.1 1n n than 10 p<.-1-cent. ul .,i is used. The public (Il':V|.'Hb(l 'rl ' -"Uri W11 I . It is :1 tails. I win hLud.< ybu low; `propo:-ition . A. .\'I_ Ed- wards, M.P. (`lnlm Nlnnnnnlu :;.;,1'u\\L*'1' p1'UuLlCu.~3 unucr (1011 No. they c'.u1s'hut`.'}*c any time. The grow;-1- is 'delivr~r up to the contract `. `the canner is not forced 1 {p N I } 'l'r_v baking your rhubarb if t' `\ | oven is hcutctl anyway. Put in 11:.` ~ I-zn't.`nen baking` dish and .sp'1'i'nk1e gen- 'c1`ousl_v with sugar. If baked S1O\\'1). ML `nus :1 rich red color. F n.. :+ ;.. .. D1....L.....1. .. wuows : ` 2 cups diced rhubarb. l', table. spoons flour, 1 cup sugm`. 1 yolk` pinch of salt. \H\' {Nomi rhllhzlrh n()l`l\- nnrl | U1` um I follows : 0 .nI1l\ B ut `applications of 2 pounds per hundred |square feet. are made at interva1.~ six to 1,-igixt weeks. It is best to foi- low the (li1'0('ti0ns which 1111- includ- ..! .. ...,.1` 1..-..-.. A4` n'lon+ `Fl\l\r` uylofz-11 `}_)HlL'LH U1 SHIL. .\1ix dvicn.-d 1`hubzu*b, flour and sug.-:zu' and let stand one hour, then cook until thick. Add .<'.1lt. Pour over b(-uton 0_-:11` yolk and rvturn 10 doublu boilm' to cook :1 few minutcs. l0\V me (1l1'(`(`U011S \\'IllCI1 1ll`L` 1l1t,'|ll(l- mi in each bag of plant food which you purchase. '5 Zl F1011 1`L`U UUJ.|)1'o ` use it in a Rhubarb Cream :1. pa . BAKED RHUBARB ..u a nuuvl ` . ..;z:t in many 1111115, -cent. um- 2.1.111.-J '.f 1",, n..m;,. :~ \`I\-\Ir\ The Northern Advance l`(.`111 OH 22.1 ; bound, to `uotul, but to accept contract for a c.o.d_ basis. NW7 . n11nvrrn c.o.u_ oasis." We charge flint certain fertilizer ma.nufactu1'e1's are party to a. price fixing structure which has for its. purpose the maintenance of prices that permit of an exorbitant, margin or prot as far as the _g'a1'(im.<:!.-` and fruit g'ro\vers of that section of Onta.1'io west of 21 line drzzwn fmw A friend who was troubled and \vea1-y, she knew Would be glad of a liftr-and '.\al1~J needed it, too; Some time': would call and sen- what she could do--- T`n_vn r\ |v\~n1I1 l Order Your Stationery Business F orms and Counter Check Books In Barrie All Orders Will Receive Ppopmt Attention--Phone 53 ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS Northern Advance Low Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best HEAP HIGH the PLATES Patronize Ha e Industry 3-year supply on a COL. THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY Ontario Department of Agriculture .u__-\.\__ um PAINSWICK INSTITUTE TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY

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