ovising` Tim 0. who (Ie. m (mtitlmi to - or that tln` .. Lu...-. 1.n,... so rt,-\`I;' `he aha .3.-nu 1 cw\:1z1aLLm- 'L'.lHlL'l' Mon. 11. 11.` "`J"" "" Ste-\':,~n.< lzas l)L'L'I`. ma-.l some _g`1'Lc.: bereavement anc l`l."\'!*lI\l.lO!l;`. It w:1.~` . \\'l:::1'cl . . oflicc 1 4 01' the I1n`pu`riz'.l Tobacco C0.l mg that make 3 made as high as $142,000 a year in ` ' p salary and ;))`0t.:. while the tobamol hfe and A lgwowers are s(]Ll`:('ZC(l (lawn to `me chance lpoin-L where tl1e'rI`* is no prot. * Ed. Coombs, ol' Bradfortl. and lJ'ur::1< :' \\'u2' of the c0unt.y, "intro- duverl Earl Iowe, wlvmn he had known since boyhood. The cnndi Mayor Craig, he had also known for umzmy years and wax ; 11:35 would make a good 1'cpre.~'m1tz1ti\`c- m' the Lcg'i.' Record of Conservatives is Record of Dominion's Progress 5 Earl Rowe, the pop-ulur memlic; Toronto, May 7th, 1934. [fox E-jnncoe-Dufl`cri11 in Lnc D0l`.lll`.lul' H0u. .=.z1il he \va.= L'l'.-.d to learn that] a Young Conservative (.l:z'e) \\'a;~' to` _ *"--- '-- ~'... , be 0,-g-an;zp(1 in ],mj_,~1_ '[hC. you,-,_. millions is loaned to fZ1l'lH-'1'.~' at :1 in! people would nd that as they _,tu(1iL(1 ` rate to help them ca1'r_\' on. and .4`:-:.iii the record of the C0n.<-`~1'\'utiV`0 Dar`: lggt b9i1Clli1`?`i`(` `J10 t'l]1<> *l"`l)t. Sior`-v b _it was lEn1~:ed cl0.~'.ely \'.'iLl1 the l1ist01':l' mi lo-* l-" in tli` `- `nu N-0- hill" Iof the Dominion of Cnnmla. Hc"3b', and it if `vllt 0Hl.\' 1`11ll`~"-1) ill 1)` urged them to read that ,-to;-`V ;1,~,(lCanada that has paid :1 r'l`llt on ll`H- (7 they \\'ou]_d be proud of 1_,]1(3i1- choig lll1\`CSbmCl`lt last year. Tlltr ]`.<'.r' Cllplf: ` l - . . . . V of party, When g1v;-at issues were ;.`, ` mdezbtetlncss 01 Ontaria 2:`. l(';~'.< tmm S stake. p:u'ty lines \\'c.-re forgrottcn, and in 111) l)1`0"i7l'0 l the D"ml`|l01`-. H men with `.'i. (-rz-operatctl. hone M- He PbuI`n'S ReC1`d 1? we have the L1l;m-a1_Con,ervati\ve What are Mr. Ht,-pburn'.~` qu:1l1- tl party. Read well the story of Li-,\ cations to become Prime )Iini. of i ti early t`alnsportati0n p1`obl(.~m, \\"1cni_071t31`i`0 7 H0 filllill '00 Ulkt` 21 Mil? '31 ,th(_- East and the \VQ_' \v(\3.-- })1'()ugj1[lln td1C L(3?,`l.'\`l2\l?l11`C, l.l10ll_!l'll OlTPl`(`(l ll to_'.:ether by :1 band of steel. and the; 50317 `Vlth0`U'f 0DI30> l0~ lll 1-`ll? U ,Na.t.i0nz1l Policy, when im-.`eriul L1-;-,. I House of Commxms he sat Lnnl.>1~ Mi. it (litions were laid. Such men a.~,KlT1.`~." for f0111` .V 0`3-`v hut l'11ll`l 1' C lCz1rtw1`i.L"l1t, Brown and Mzu-l)0n:il.l| 511l D`Yt m.V m021~"U1`<` 01' "<`"1`W'~` will :1l'\\':1_V:$ be remmnibere(l. 'l`l1.)sel N|0W ll` -*3y_S llff `V511 1" U`-" ~ I `who read the history of Cz'.n:1 lil'L'_, l3`-`11(ltl11~1'c.`< m _Ornt':11'i0 l Iv' 'I' ll! ` ` ~_Vcars1'ron1 now will nd that the. C'l~'- W11) dldlllt ll *1`) -"0" `1'!1!n.=~' 3 .Conscr'\'utiv<- pztrty will zxgzxiii clmli-:'g'1t OT-1\\'a? 'l'l\f-re are If-2.000 les S .up Sir lloln-rt Borden durin:v' Lll` I111 U10 Cl\'ll >'<'Wl('f` 111 0119-\`~! `Wu, 3 `war. who .=21\'e(l the (lay, and I'lo:1 R. l _\\'h(` M11 l{l11. .' \\'1>` in I'0l1't1'0l. '~`'iTr J B BC-nm-tt_ who .9Z).\"(,`(l C;1l'.2l.l:1 in :1"vl -*'2l\'lN- .' 01' tflillt hlillluh `crisis. llis ]1C}'_`,'0`l;li1ll ll1`_',-" of the trz1(le7im"l1.V- M1 . H`5l7l 1l1' -`'51.\'`' `W 1 3.'1:\`I'(-mnr\n1'< \\':i< l.`\4* l`.`.l`]`1< :.|;'i` c l Q`OlY`lQ` to nnv 100 hm` r-mil: nl' Llw S4 uzu ul;'b[)L'l'2l.l/U illl(l Illillly U"l LHUITI` ltLn'nwd to Faciaism. Hi1t,m'i.~'m anal: ` S0\,'i"H. I-`.urop(: is controlled LJ-(ii-l_V` 3 by four or ve (xt21t0I`S. It is gram} ;to know the g'1`zn1d old I`.1`itI.-"h Em- ipire has stood like a rock 2*. 21 tom- }m; ;~`(`Zl, as she `..'.L.= :~t.m(l n` `times of stress m the pn.~`,. HM `g'reu.t men united in a common. ;:1;` ; \', M; . Lhc country. What do we find in Czmzuln `. M1` King` has 1;:horml to (i(:f<,-at tlw train- ` :l'_"2.'="."7 H1.\' 211111 is n1edg'm1 to lbl`(1f_-,i1.Lc` thoxv :\.j"2'r*('n`.r..-nt if (>\'01' he gusts int` pO\\'\"1'. .`h'. Hr-plmrn. who \\'ouI(I be I 1`mn- .\`Ii11E-'tm' 0*` Om:-11'i0. bZ1('kS mm` up. Hv \v:n'n< the people not to be lmu n;'.ti":`i.~Li(`, that Um a}_I;1'<-mnen:.' ; may not last long". ` IL is the tluty of H20 c~I(,-t-tors of (`wv.1.rv Sm-on to (:]( (`t M)`. (',T:1ri_sz on` Jll`1" 19th. not l)ocau.<(r he is 21 gnzod frH')\\', but more br-('m1,~'e ho is. })2l.('}\ fol` I-Inn. G. S. Henry, who has given h<:mr- h`:1'lm'!1ip. Opponents point to` tho E`-IL-`w ulvbl; 0!" H10 p1'ov`im',.". True H i.- \. .. 7v m:!Hm-` hue no` cm. 10: _,.. I too r]2`(i";`i.~L ` 1:L. SW10 1 ...n,. 1nn,I,u. `THURSDAY MAY 24, 1934. 14:1: `RALLY AND -DANCE I 5 BY CONSERVATIVES Evil`. l'1'\.'[JUlll'Il, ELI` \\'(,`U 115 `\ll'. l\i . that the 1932 trade z1g'rur3.111e11' . 3did not put one cent into the pockets of the :)lT'(iU(`C`)`.~'. 311'. Joe Hzu"1'i.<,l '1'01'ont.o. L1I1.i\\'Cl`L'(1 this in Em House the otzlior day M101: E: .'.iov.'o how prices of hogs and other farm pro- ducts had advzmced since the agree- ments, compared with prices in the United States. In the i1ii1)o1'Lant'1eg- islation now before the House is the ne\'.' Bank Act and amenciments to the Bank Act, and the I\'zitu2':1l Pl'0(1'l.lCt$ Ma1'l(e.ting" Act. It is the] aim to see Iifmt t1`:.- p1'0(lu~cer gets :L fair:-1' shui'(- foy hi. labor. The pixie-1 -111-nn/I ...-.mm.+, 1.1,... 1: IT I in: 15 L'1I;'L;Ut:u. ` J. T_ Simpson , J. T. Simpson said he reg'1'et.tcd that his at Ottawa would pre- vent his taking as active 21 part in the election as he would like. {afor- ring to Mr. Hepbum s record in the House, on March 14th, 1932, he ask- ed for an adjournment of the House while he maclvo his charge zxg:1i;1s.t Lho ing for his full forty minutes. Prom ier Bennett refutes the chztrges and xm;mbc1`.' on both >ldCS challemzed his .~'taton1ent.<. M1`. Hepburn cointinu- ally 1na.l i1'1'o':i)o11sil)lo stntcincnts \\`hi('i1 he (:21n t provc-_ Dr. Simpson is trying to justify hi: \`otin~_'. for the bot:-1` bill, but the real reason, as told by Liberals who know. wa.'< that at that cau(:u;< thm` rcfli-1 rm! ;to the election in 1926 and :x:`:1in in 192.`), so it was (lccided to vote "for `it H1 ..;:..- hope Lhat they mfgiit ;:;21i:`. r Sun Life Insurance Company, tall. l'.n`.` I ` (Continued ffom page one) ibe taken care of. If expenditures are cut the workers are affeuzed. Deputatiqns of Cor1se`1*\'atives and Liberals have been {going to me Go\'cnnmc:nt fo- grants to ca1";,r' on .publric works and improve roads, and they have been `getting it, and now many of 11119111 criticize the Govern- ment for spending money. True the Govc1-lnnent is spending` money, but iii; just.i:;(1 for this .`1l;'5 been th-3 "means of saving the mL1nicipu1ii'.ies and keeping` many people from giving DD. ` Rofei'ring' briey to the election ca.mpaig`n, Mayor Caiig said he was meeting` \v`Lt.l1 n1ere encouragment every (lay and fell` condent thzit the Conseirvatti\'"es of Ceutve Simcoe and the province would win with hand- some majorities. It was essential blurb all co-operate and Irmisll and li.~m~ict was giving` ne loacliership in `that; respect_ I Cr-n C .Tn nn;-hun in In-h-nrlnninrr `I V uuul. 1't:Sp\:'UL_ Geo. G.. Johnston in iii-troducing J. 1` '1`. Simpson. said that Ontario had the 'be. Prime Minister of any p`ro\'in~co, and he hac the best Cabin-ct. Centre Sin1(`0'0 C0nsc1'va.ti\`cs had the best (:Oll\'C'i1`tiO]1 recently ever held in the- riding, amd now it \\-`as the du.ty of all , to {rot behind M1'.C2'aig and see that he is elected. I '1" C:..___-;._. I.. . M1`. Hepburn, as well as R4.-fc.-m`ing' to 1o'j;is1zLti0n ` irl .`.hnf. H11: 1929 1-1-min :' [.D' 1.')L'1lllL'Ll.-_. \\VH'U 52LV(.`(l bglllillll Ill 21: !c1'isi:<. His nog'otia.tin4g trade-4} `gagroc.-1nent.< \\'a.< tin: 1`.`.c;1:1s at" .-u-wit :2] our nzitionul integrity. The world l'Ia.~~" ;_-cone throrug-,'l1 :1 c1'isi.< tlmt, fuxv mul- ize, \\'l1(-n in 1932 D1`l(.'C.< l`CZL(?l'l('(1 thur llowcrt ebb, cztusing um-1nplo):1nc`.`.,` [and international debts due with noj nation able to pay. (`m1nt1'ir=..= be-` -came despe1'at;e and many 01` them. IlUl'llv'(l xrism anal; l Q.-LA: ..n l.`.. H, .1. . ,1. HI}; .~l"l'Vl( cent of kn . I-.,\m.. lll Ll!'.' x|_\'uI'U. \\"HCl1 l:a' giv- vo. at cost and will moot every. its obligation. IRS millriom in\'ost<=d in our hi_qh-xvays, i all of the g'oo(l roarls in inion are in Ontario. Fifty R~ev_ F. V. Abbott was in Toronto`. last week attending the Synod. | VV. J. T-Tm`hrm1'. and Wm. Elliott \...<-x l1'l\L"lllX:7" . `\('L. 11: [3 int? hilt `Gin 1)1.'iC-Z nttce under Hon, H. H. 'm.,.-.. m..L-.'.m ...... ..! The Northern Advance HXUH. UHL U] L, _ Hydro. \v`,`.'Lch is M an ! u-HI |\`\nn4~ I\ ~' L'UH.L1'UllL`U LJ*(lZ'l_V` ` 11t()1`F. 2.; :1 :h(.- x ll`. 11" 5 1 I 1 I 1 x ( s ..... A-...:,_. 9 z1g'rnen1en't.< > Hzu'1'1:<, n how -1' n .f.hn an".-op. av, L M 1'. UH I-d.l'l`U 1 Eli.` 1ZLll`l.'Ll U0 EZIKU .`(`ll'.' `in :1 `seat opposition. |Housc sat King` years, 10 support any ~cornnm.jc he says - in Ovntzxrio by ftjc pr -1` ,c0n.t. Why didn t he . _at 13.000 in 1-1.1. when King: was in ix . of uiaght (loIl:1r.~ izmnually. I\`l71'. Hepburn i- going to pay 100 per cunt. of the higrhway expenditure. Hn will ;:'-*',>2i E ise z1n_vt1hin_~.\' to gain po\\'er. Ho .'<:u'.~ t,h:1t some threw miilimi {r>l":"1`..< \\':r made smncnhow an :1 .~']u. fun-I "frniii imported 1i(1_uor:<. and his 1-ip"'~.1 ih:I.n(i mun. Mv .ql:|!'i`.i' : "I"! ;.. -l . ~.`| "Hun! nmponou nquor:<. mm Jhzund 1mm, M1`. Sl2lj.."11t. .~:rc-; Hulxzxt Mr. Hepburn {rats that t ilion b:1c'.k. `Mr. Hepburn : hc-.t\\`0(-n 200 gm-:1 3110 } Lliquor have been importr:d_ : What are +.h:- [':\r'f< " On U1 ! ilh \JLL?l\\?l LU!` (`X}.',lIL _\LILA.`~. H ltl;| I :~.i-- $3-2.000 (lv.~=: 10 ~ in a cunt years) and at the same time he, 11a< lwvn ":1iE:1:z' tin: I,?`.w::w1.< 3.1 U : Province of Ontario. _llL1LlI.'l` 1l'Ll.\ L l)l.'(.`ll IHIDU i What are the I v.ct.< ? 1000 wo`1't:1~. of liquor [and only 2!) bmnds-. In the H`0L1>'(` Mr. H- iu gram: of 53 miHinn.~ enn pm\ in(:0.\: to .<::` ba11k1'uptz,-;.'. H~ xvouh`. ,:u1u itswlf to attain pox I It is the duty of t ; OlH.m`i0 to make . t. it. 1'|xr\` 1.. ,.'2 . .. .1 :\L U" at he Imm- for the \'i'1 Of"co1' and Bradforxl. C `la lU.'j)\ HI Ulll('t'. 11.111 in .u!'-' hum-. and .~:zLn<~ ;_-;nvevrvm-11t. Splendid m1tertuinm(-nt t'm'm'.}_I the o\'(>nin;,r was provided by M1` CMS. Joe \Ni1li:m1.< and :-.:.~:i~1..:w9 ` 'I`o1~onto_ Up at Sudbury the oL`:_1'(:2- day Mit- chell Hepburn comp`1:1inr:d that poli- ti(-.iz\ns were fz1rin_t: too well at talu- Ipublic t1'oug'h. and that .-mm- m` them were in the trough up to tlu-ix` C211`S. It would seem tlmt Mitt-'=" has fzu-bd p1~c*f;t.y well him;~'(-11` at t.~ public 'oug:h. He has been :1 zm-m box` at Ottawa for oi,<:jht yo-*1 ~- n min` `.~:x\ Q`)")nl\l'\ [In-. I \, - I. . AN OPEN LETTER TO PEDESTRIAN S : l/U F-ll`-L` H. _ ) power. tho . nuke t:`:mt (H4... ..x,l L. VVill you co-operate? Will you help to stem the tide of needless and suffering by observing the simple rules of safe walk- ing all the difference between safety and the jeopardy of limb? And you parents- will you not give your children a by teaching them the need of care for their own safety? This department is more deeply interested in making the streets and highways of Ontario safe, especially for children, than in any other public duty. The conscientious motorist has been appealed to in many Ways; several of his privileges have been restricted in an effort to make life safe in traic for all. I know that this appeal to the pedestrian will nd ready response among those who walk more often than they drive, and especially in the hearts of firthers and mothers of little children. Last year 2,821 pedestrians were killed or injured in Ontario in automotive accidents. Many of these persons came to grief while violating a simple rule of safety . . . crossing a street between inter- sections . . . crossing diagonally at intersections . . . crossing against traffic signals . . . hitching . . . or coming from behind parked vehicles. Of the total number, 1,107 were children playing in the street. While gures cannot be depended upon to tell the whole truth, last year s accident records leave no room for doubt that there are reckless walkers as well as reckless drivers. Records show that in many of these cases the driver never had 21 chance. Accidents happened while he was doing his best to drive safely! Are motorists right when they say you are more than half to blame Pt At the Town Hall. Penetallgruislmne, on the 26".h day f May. 1934, at the houy of 2.3 p.m.. to hear complaints as `.0 the list of Voters for tl1~'- Town of Pcnetang'uisl1ene. Judge Holmes will be the Re\'i. Omcr.-1` and his Clerk will be W. H. I-Iewson, Esq, whose z1(l(l1`cs.< is Ponc .zu1;1'L1isl1e11e, Ont. JV .5 I L at th 1'09 |Iv\ nun . \`lH'/. , Mr. In )n]y Jy $310,-` impo'nc(I,` .' X. 1H" Llmtl .1. ., . Kl-Ind-U\l3ul-I The sumincr meeting" 0-1' the Stmurl ` 2':'m(:l1 of the VVomen s ln. u" r bu held on Tue. May 29th, in Lm.-i Cort!-nu'nil_\' Hall, at 2.30 o (-lax-`Ia! \"`<~n the _;'u(2. speaker, Mrs. J. E. Shc.a1'L-1', will speak on \V`h_\' he Hmw-m-.1l:(:r ? C hL1'1'chill and linlln l l))'21ll(3llCS ll21\`(3 lwvm invited 1; fcliis meeting, and a ('01`(linl in\-it:1- ` 'tion i< z1l.~ to all Ur: lzu1i(;.< in the ('on11nunit_\' to 21Ltcn(l_ 5 On Monday evening; an entliusizxs-i tic nu-(,-tiny.-; was held in the Commun- itj: Hwll \`.'ll(}-11 an lnni.-l Womcn`:= C0n:~:o1'v:1t.ivc A.<; was forinml with 1,111 1'ollowing' olc-1,-';'.<: Hm1()H1l`j." P1'esi(lL-nt.<, `Mn. Earl : in `-1 - I 1: mm, n..,._:,.....+ .`\l,Ull ' I; and 3.1i_.<.< .T nnn.. J vuI.:un.L:<'. EH!" .u.~. 3". H. .`-.I"=x,. Y. :2: .\..v. I 1'vtl Grown um1Mr.<. IL. Black; Belle F\va`1't, NIi.:'\< `Lazenby l and Mrs. Ruffctt; Lcfroy, 1\'Irs'_ J. illeid and 1\`I1's. Ingram; Clmrr.-hill, *1\ I1`:~7. Robt. Sta-\\'z11'L and M1'<. H 'I'11on1:1.s'; H0`H_\'. MW. Kin;;' and 3.1.. H_ Inugllcml; Hind1n:<, 1\I1'.<. '1`. liw. '\'\:i `I:-. I? Pu Y9Ix(-v-uti\'0-}`r`'.1i:- sentativc: Cook.<.tow1 |zmr! .I:.-`. D:1u~_ Murrr ' zmd .`Ji..~: )' wick, Mrs. D. 1.011` .\'i*7un' IIij.;' Buy Poi v)1'\t' W13.` I7, .II. C` '( [:1 -. -J. l`. \.I\l_L,"; . J. Cook; Vice-P1-~. |Sv!H_VlhL', .\I1'.<. S_ Reynolds \ \ 0 VA - "'- - pur1;o. T. : fn 5 .u.. .3. .1. m;_~,uuu1.-1 px'L'. amt Ispeeches were givc- by Dr. Littlv. |I\I21_vm' C>1':1ig' of Bunic. M1`;~'. J Bow- .v` '1. 01' B2mi_-_, u11dotg'n01`:<. `Pl.-m;< V._ , .~ .-!.:.nH-.- .1.n,. 1.uun1w :1 Cu 21 w 1'0 rd and with I W1 ... `Du l'l:,`. Kl lL`\\ \` \`l.'l`\h \Vl|/I1 J11`. EIHU `H. CmwfO1`d_ Mucih sympathy is (-xtondo` lM1`s. Tlblvy in the loss of Iwr rzoi 1 On. ..~ 51- \. 4\v~'- f...n.,.-1. L ! [(1 \\V .\I1'>'. ronto. I 0.... +1., I IUHLU. IIil\(` HlU\l'll LU L~H't!J1' ('UlLf ! fo:' the summm-. E Much improve-Inc-nt is made to "I villagrn by 1u_vng' a sidewalk down rn 11:11 .-mnnI- `|l\'l|'S. llUIl`y Ill LIN.` - s(--~~=--.- in St. A be held at 7 pm. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS llI\'I'I'\l'! \: Inn. .--.- P\l-\ALxp%II Mr IilH'. NLl{`(.'L'L. M1`. }-hn`lv 4` .u n. .L.l.`L.`i LU K in,;' for t follo\\`in;v' \`.'I(H'(l IIHU SUH frion(i.~: at Irs. P11_:.=1(`y and Lo, have moved 4.1-` 7. eui-urn-\ m. nu I-I.."+`J.7!/'S'.C(.T.'E , I 1r. A tr r .-._....._.... .. ..---..--. MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH L`L`11l|k and \1.. .111. 3Ir< ...l TL STROIUD I mm A . . loynold.-2 `n n*i\'r-zn L` [U55 U .-\i(Iz1n'. f Toronto, is spend- with N11`. and .\Tr.<. A`; the To\vn. Clc1'k`.< Office, ChL:rc.hill, on the 29th day of. 1121)`, 193-1, at the hour of 10 a.m., `.0 hear complaints as to the list of Voters for the 'l'o\\'n. of Innisl. Judge Wismer will be the Rtzvisiiig Oicer and his Clerk will be W. B. Sloan, Esq., whose ad- (lress is Chu1'<-hill, Ont. '(|IZIL. J11: S110 ud , 1.... Y l'u1'(1 ` and 1\'Ir.~'. C. 6 I a . . u .` n nun... . Lhu \v< B (-u\'v1'ton family, of to t.h~ei1' cott: ,` .\ I1'.<. ; P1'(-sidmnt, >. Mr.~:. . Qlunur +n ..u >1`O.~i(1u(] . n.. r: HIUI 5. 1' is(-u<. Han mu; ,. mi Mrs I-T\A ` II ` wnL.<, Mrnt. Soc1'ct:1r_v. >1, )I1'.~'. F. , UH TL` MCKH l At the Pzu~i. Hall, Elmvalc. on tllf: 28th (lay of Hay. 1934 1 at the hour of 10 a.m., to hear complaints as '.o the list of Voters , for the To\\'n.' of Flos. Judg`e Wismt.-1` will be the Revising Ofl"1<-er and his Clerk will be Tl10h]Z1..< E, Smil.h, Esq., whose a(l(lre;,: is Elmvale, Ont. IIZUL `mu 1' clh the tn 0 ; (l'.`ontinuod from pageune) 1` .<}_\` .~t:x*.Ivrl that in 01'd<,-\_- to con- : vict on :1 ch:11'g`e 01' pc1'ju1`y it is not 'eno~u_xrh to prove that the statement comnlaincd of is untrue, but that the evidence must show that the accused lmew that it xvas false or that the ,ci.rc.v.1m.stzmce..~v were such that the in- 'fc1'ence could without a reasonable dofuht be dmwii that the accused km-V t?:.:1t the sizitement was fzilsc. In \'iO`. of the evidence in the case and the law as laid down in the Code and interpreted in the author `:v.~. I :1`u.=`-. find the ;rccu.~u(I not n-nifn I may say again, as I said duning the trial, that no person should make an ai(la\'it or t.lec1zu`ation witlmut fully knowing and unde1'stan(lin~g its crmtmit.-:. and if he does so he need not hr: . if he 11.5 to Inc-~L u ('l1m-gr- 0-1' pr:-1'_iu1'y if any of his .~`l;`;ll.C- ment;: prove to be f:1l:(5. Certain stzxtemems were mad-0 luring the collrsc of ihe trial that would indi- `.1 mr 1. "E lll(`H`- v.\'i.~`t,.< llL`lJ`\\'(`(:l l the :LC('u. and other occupying `public po..iLion.< in his town :1 feeling that is not comluvive to the ]`ll.';l(.'\'} nml ;,:oo 0i'dei' ti`L1.t:sl1oL1l(l 0.\'i. in a ne town like Orillia. Of course, I do not know who is at fault. How- (-\`m`. as the 2lCC1l.<(.'(l. who is quite ll _\'ULlll;". mzin .~Lu1'LEn_g'o11t in life. stat- ed in his evitlence that he (l:-. Lo get into public life 10 .<::rx'<.- the pub- lit` !`- will p-.1.i'don me if I suqgest ~ i: .-u'-(-r\=.=. will be much ;!;1'e;J.'rer uml his .' more valuzxhl-' to the community if he can S(`.1\'O them in such :1 manner as will appear to all the ('itiz<\n.< that ho lms tlrz-i1` wol- farn at lwnrl. and tln'.= can be alone \\ ltl`.ll1f_J.' being` objectionable to pmtion of the c0m1n1wi.ty. As :1 y0'.ns: man without the expo)-icnce of old'm- men in public life, he would hr-, well aclvised not to be too forceful and not to _Q`O to far with new ideas. As refornis are brought about g'1'ad- 1lZ1ll_\' and oftmi young` people think certain clmngzes should be made which older people know by experience have been tried and found unsound. Th: :1:-r-Lism` i< `i.-'r."-"11'_9"~.l." ALI). CRAMP FREED ON PERJURY CHARGE guity. uv 'I"'* dtmre 1wr~1 in ~t`nr:- O1'::;\g:`r- Hall on Friday, May 18th, was 9. great E11 FFHCE Page Five At the '!`uwn Hall. New Lowell, on the 30th (lay of May, 1934 :1`; the hour of 10 a.m., to hear complaints as to the list of Voters for the ']`o\\'n.'~'hip of Sunnidale. Ju(l_':e VVi:~tmey will be the I-Ievisinrr Officer and his Clerk will be 'T`homas F. Burrows, Esq \\`ll0;~`0 ml- (ll'0SS is Stz1;mer. Out. At nhe Court House, Barrie, on the 31st day of May, 1934 at the hour of 10 a.m., and on the 5th day of June, 1934, at the hour of 7.30 p.m., to hear co1uplai'1"s as to the list of Voters for the Town of Barrie. Judgre \Vismr.-r will be the Revising Officer zgid his Clerk will be A. W. Smith, Eq., who:=e a(l is Barrie. nt. At the Town H.111, Ponetanguishen~e, on the 2nd day of June. 1934. at the hour of 2.30 p.n1.. to hear complaints as to`. the list of Voters for the 'l'm\'nship of Tiny. Judge Holmes will be the Re- vising O`i(-or and his Civrk will he Adolphv Doucctc-, Esq.. whose ad(I1'e.=s is Pe1`kin. Ont. 9 "at thrr lmowe of the His .l1`ClSL11`e'l', 311-.~`. 1:. 21. .-\1`nf)l(l; 1`1u\.\1:1 Com.. Mrs. Let) .zmti11_ Hrs. Geo Robertson, M1':~`. Ester) D:~.vi.=. M1'.<. W. Bz111ti11,L;`. J. 19. Baker}. Convent-1-:4 of othr-r coxmnittmxsz toticnl I- \o: Mrs. W. J. .\IcL-:-an; Hmlbiz. .\I:'.~:. F. V. .-\b`.mt.t; Educa- tion, 3'11-.<. Geo. Cm`:-Llthm-s: Lcg'i.~.'1a- `tion. `.\'I1`;<. B. :\IcQuz1y; .-\':1`iCuItu2'r and Czlnadiun IndLI.; .\Ir:<. I~j. Da\'i:<; Home Economics. )I1.. F. 11. Arnold; Relief and Community Ac- ci\'iti0s, M.r. G. L. Davis. The Junior Institute held their A .- 1111211 n1e(-131`?-,' "ml election of ofg. 1: :-< Clr:u'y `m.~'r_ 'l"1- t'nHr)\\'i':1: W'r' -11! ,, . :\l we uourr r at the hour of 10 21 for the ]`o\'.'n. Omen-1' and his C101` Barrie, Ont. d.L bill. IlU`.U' (H IU for the T0\\'n. T?v\'i:imv' Omr-r-r :2 ll`\ Sll|_L .' U] \\'ho; ;1d . 1\`l ~<-to1;, nT1\'(` H be l1iUlH.'S ()1 I nntnrod {ht xed for 1 appeal to 1`nn1n\'r\(] {'1 . \.\IJ 1' L.)l\l I! notice in \vritix1g in duplicate and ; for him at his 41:14 Hlkl.) who RURAL NEWS XHCU ."xl'lH Apph-b;.* .. _\,,.|.i [151. \r\'U(:l$ zwtenulng EDI.` oynuu. W. J. Herbert and Wm. Ellnott ..<- ited frxends 1n G1'a\ c11u1~s1'. lust Sun- day. {X .`\ Pa rL.< I\\\(.ll . AND FUR ! complain t}~:\` (-ntm`(-(I on lh . n4` ....v. n '.l'.-\I{I%I NOTICE xzlmt . . A4` I.,.....:.~.n~ nnnmloin-; n AND F'L'R'l'HI~Il`. 'l'.\KE .\'O'[`I(7F. n.-0 . I I\ U... \',.+, 1' -V I ) nu.) III ALI. COURTS 'D.\'I'I.D at Bnm A XD . U 1'] I .` DiLI\ T`heln1u Grahm u:1';: of Commit : r\nv.]`\ . `LII Anwiz AND F`1'R'I`HER L-. J. ,4-...) .. \r\ 6-! .`\.\l.l I" L Ill be 1n: i< `JHI '\hmi UL !'1(!l.(l (all. lVy UII ;\12,l_\' r)l.`L. ` The Senior Women s In.e`citutc met at the home of .\I1's. H. L. Jenni;-tr last Wednesday aftomoon. .-\1-1'-411;`:--3 ments were made for the entertuiw! mont of the delegates who will .`.L-, tom! the district annual to be held in Ivy in June. Aftcr the vzu'i0u;<, reports had been p:`csente(., the e}.-;:-` tion of ofcers was conducted, t1'~,1:- f0Ho\\'in;{` being elvccted for this y'zu`: "D1-ncitlnnf N11-;' \K7m:](\'U \'rn1`H11" L 11 Town Hall, Brz1(lfo1'(1, on the 26l1 day of Way, 19341 of 10 :1.m.. to hear complaints as to the list of Voters e \'i'lag'e of Bratlfortl. Judjge VVism~ur will be Lhe Revising ` his Clerk will be G. G. Green, Esq.. whose ad(lres.< is .-rl nu`- I\'0TiCE OF SITTXNGS OF REVXSING OFFECERS 1-no the Court hm. n4` 1n Cssntre Silncae IV Y . of the I{c\`isi:2::' Oll'cc:r.~' for thn hcm'i11_g` complains or appeals with reg`;1r:l to the Voter:< u.~'e(l at the election of 21 member of the .-\.~':smnbly pend : Elevctox-zul Dis rict of Centre Simcoe will be held at the .im(>.< zmd places. namely : 4: I_{'1`HR DH. lHil_\' U holding` -n his I1 an n L` -u< fhn; Ionowmg ocmg erecneu 101' 1,111.3 y'u President, Mrs. Wesley 3-Ia1'ti11; 1st Vice-Prmidr\nt, .\'I:';<. H. L. Jen- nc-Lt; 2nd V'icr_~-P11-.<,i(lc11t, .\Ir.~:. G. L. D=avi:~:; Secretary, Mr. Hogg`azLia; 'l'1'casL11'e'i', i`\l1'.~`. 12. H. Arnold; F1o\.vc1' r~,...\ `.\r..~ T/\r\ `n....o.'n.~.- VT.- (`inn ITHI-IR ... 4 L! . . 1111' m_' H174 :11 Vili Hous. , 3'1` "\'=1{{{. .iL"z}i',"'\'x7i .n (wk will hr: A. P. C`/outt<, I V\l`.<. \l\`.'lHH rl hE~ C`lo1~k mdford. Ont. 'I`.-\KI~I .. nh. 'I`.-\K E .\'O I'IC}'T .- 4 hr. \\I\|\ Dr. and Mrs. J. Speears. of 'I`oro1.to, visited with friends here recent/ly. A h1nnH1nn- nf H-\n nvnr-nfh'r> n`F 1:`.r~. .*\ l\ 1`; 0mm _..l. izgers Lisa: Act q Barrio, on the 4th day of June. 15): .- no:1r comp1amt.< (Is to the list of V0t(`!'.4 )1`21. Jud}.>:e Wi. will be the R(2visin;_' 17 \ Y) F`n..64 - TIA" uv\1n. 1111:]!-/\:vr\ 3. `zxdford, on the 5th day of June. hr~:u' <'mnp1:1int.< 21 to the list of V Gv.'i!`.imbu1'_\'. J`.1(l~_,-`(A Holmr-< will I lork will bn Stethum Kneo. {Nut 16th day of .\I:\_\'. A.D., NOTIC1 `x-1>\-:L. ..' .\\J 1 J\_vl +.~'cr1bo,-d xn (`I....1. N 0 TI C E . n6' 61... 1. 1 tcv. W. ;\'e\\'mzm will take servlcesj at St. Pcr.cr s at 11 a..m., St. IV ;u11's 1.30 p.m., St. Jo"nn :s 3 ]).m., and St. James 7.30 p.m., with connmltiox. 1 c1u.;se.< at St. P:;Lc1"'s and St. Ja1m:.<". P1'o. V:11'r_-'zt!~ctw.\Iz11'tin; ls`. Vice-Presitlcllt. GL-1't1'u(lc .Lenr.o:<: 2m1Vice-P1'esidcI1t, Blanche Bunt- ing; Sc-z'1*otm'y. FIvoL\'n I~To_="'.1':1;'t'w.: Tr0z1. Dm'i:.~ 13:11:01`; DI.~'t1`ici nu..,.+,... 'T`1\r\`1\'\l\ r:`...11..m IGUCL LV.l1Co LILALLJJ. Jack Downey is recoveiing from an attack of pneumonia and Jack Fralick, son of Mr. mnd Mr". Walter Fmlick, is in the Barrie hospital \\'it`.1 plr:uro-pneumonia. His condition i. s:'no\\'in3:: ; of imm`ovement. .`\Ii.<.< J-.-`.111 SX`i;_IL`_V, of 1\'Iinr.~::in`." Station, was the guest of Miss Gum, Ronald over the wt-rck tnd. Doug*1u.~` Ronald and Hugh Jor'.m-. stun : the week end Wlt-11 friemis ll`. Toronto. I A severe t1umder; passed ovc: Ifno village on Monday nigiit. but noj '.iZ`7.'1`.."f` is 1'0po1't<>.d. DL DI.I.Y HOL`.\IES. `Home Economics, Kath-Ieen Davis; Community Activltles, Blanche Baut- IYH.` , \'i.`.0`i' on aunuay emu muuuuy. L. W. Armstrong is seriously iil` with pneumonizx at the home of hi.~ sister, M Bei1by_ 1,, A.. Z-. 1_h ....,..... ..2...`... -(Huuu `LUIS. H.111. Mr. and `.VI1`;. Ho`\\'an1 Jory and baby visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Con ;.1`(l during the week end. . | `.\rf1'o.~ T\eT-um (`s-e-r nf F'f|n1vultr- 1:! bunuay. M2`. and Hrs. W. C0105 left 'I`hur_sday for their new home Beatrice. i 1 fun`......+u.lnHnn;. fn '>\rTv and If Mi.~:s M. Ba`k(-,1`, of Su11(1e1'12md, f0r:;.cr school p1'inciple here, \\'zL ~` I \'i.`iLor Sunday and 1VILmday. I W An-wnafvnncr i: ,:m'inn:]v i l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cavana, Mrs.` Cava-na, S15, Mrs. (Capt), Mi-.5 Evelyn Hill, of Orillia; Rev_ F. T. Rhodes and Miss -Grace Hill, of Toy '1-onto, were week end visitors \viti- [l\Ir\s1. Hill. flhl` 7\/Tu--. T-Inu'n'.~.l .Tnr\ :I.ul `uurlng Lne xveex enu. , Miss Mary Cxalg, of Elmvalfe, is" sp.-ndi-ng It few days wlth fi'l(:`1RL1:` here 1 ..NTn1u.I T)r-hnwk~nn nf W."-n1\'.I`.n \ LVLLLU J 3 Sunday. NT- :1` VISILCU. VVIIZI1 J.I'leIlCl5 n`l'B l".3CL`llUly. A meeting of the executive of the O.R.E.C. for township was held in the P1'e.<,byterian Cihuvrch ia..~'L Thrursday evening , to nmkc :u*ram_-;:-- ments for the annual convention u be held at Ivy on 31213 3`.. "N11: goninr VVnmm1 : h1, moi I ! 15c-a~n'1ce. ' Congrzxtulutions to M1`. and Mrs. `David Summers on the bimh of :-,\ 'b;Lby girl on Monday. . Rmvvirvn nt Knox (`.hm~(-.h at 7.30 ncre Miss Mabel P.icha1'dson, of Eixnuxle, visitud _\I:'. and Mrs. Bert Custom 0:. . C. .1.-no . v..,..... -.v._..u-4-4, man of the Eloction (`nnnha .\4` Q1.- any }.;L1'1 monuay. Servxcc at Knox Church at 7.30 form sig i of the xrnn. UHllLl,L'(l IFUHI ZUHU, ?n'tiLlud to be voters 2 t`ni2' (lay from the f`nuul - nnnln I LHHU Uil_\" vc: Courts. of any 1) that the list `rr be .i;~:t..< pr!-p:11'm1fo1~ that .. n 4' CRAIGHURST ill LHL` HUI !L3 Ul LXIU All W'r: 0'.Vnin_r.r. of`f`1cr:1'.: were elected: 1`/XINESING: meet men`. 4.,` ...n..+ th 0 St:1ndm`(l such app-uls must he by {med by the complainant R0v1.<.1n;2; Of {`1co or loft any `.'0t1~` any pers Frnm mm ll'(;`ll1 U10 (IZIUT ZLUU apply, Complain 1`.~m1 r_=ntcrc(l on, . 01' Ln: voters have l\I`\`\ ah,` ,l..4-n 110 who cvhmy : im'in(.-ihlc 1'e. 1034 l."'.'UL' \IU.\` Co11. fred App F1... \v11 .