GRAHAM-BRUWN i FREED on CHARGE} . or CATTLETHEFT] ._,uLu . s]1i1mno1'ing' spiic feet ! cup of re wheat E L\, n u. . \..;u.\. on page four) l 2 tracks ' he ax '1 SPORTSMAN URGES LOCAL ANGLERS T0 URGANIZE lHL'2,L|lb v1 l~.1'>1.'1`.1ng.;, gL11l1L' 11511 21110 pronuxing good spoztswunship. The Feduruon of AJHHCIS E a body COH1p0nUd 01 sonle fty local as- sorkmionsihroughout twe province orgalzeml b)` chizens interesLed in angling. The local ussociatiolls l1]d;\L' recommendations `.0 the 1<`ede1-ution 21. to local contons and these are studied and nlany of then1 passed on to the (lovernnlent Conservation of Fish 1W1ere axe ceriain factors necesaary to conserve or preserve sh in ou1 lakes and streams. Fish must 1.-ave proper food; there n1ust be the pro- per u1uer, and there n1usL be the Droper conditions for sh to 1'e_r,ro- duce. Wnn.l (`nu ("|: nn~n.:~nl-o A4 :r\|\\n4-11;-':v Dr. A1'i;hur James, 1)i1SL 1)1`(`>`idc11t. 0.. the Toronto .-\11j.j,`1C1'.< .'-\..~.uc1z1t.1u:., and lmzul 01' the 1*`-cdcration of An- glers of the province, gave at most in- formative and intorcstitlg talk 4. Kiwanis on 310ml` \-' evening` on sl and angling.-'. He .-'1.'.1'O. `Inc valux. of at local .-\11gn,-m .-\s_~uciz11.io11 as :1 meams of p;c.<.:1`.`ii1g;;` gmnu fish and nrrm1nins>- -rnml k`l\(nI` Dr. A. B. Jauncs. head of 1711. .\m_;`lc1's' ,\s.s'uL.-iu1'1o11, at l{i\\'a11is. UUCU. Food for s.`l1 consists of sometliing, othver than \Vl13.:'(- we can see. On the surface of lakes and streams is at vc-1:;etable plankton, upon which the lower "form of life exists. Down about ten feet is the animal plzmk- ton. upon which certain l\'ll`l(l.~,' oi` sh lexist, minnows, crabs`, etc. These in turn supply the ziecea-.<-.113" food for the game sh. Thus if food (,`0n(ll- lions are not right, gzunc sh ceL`'. exist. Then certain sh, such as the nlaskijiolige. like warin \\'ate1'9 \\'l1ile white sh like cold xvznei. If the water area is all C:\'p0.~1:(l, he .-4.1 have no place to hide the .spu\\'n and there can be no reproduction, or if there is an o\" ~.5upply of the trash sh it is imposa ble for the .;z1me sh to exist. Tn Han nninlauhifnrl narrinn: flinrn to exist. In the uninhabited negions there is a perfect balance of nature, but with the opening up of the country this condition has been deranged. Some of the 1'acto1'.~: that contribute to this unbalancing and depleting` the game fish are: T)m"nrnst:11:inn. If forests were ALLANDALE BANKER { CALLED SUDDENLY nsn are: Deforestation. If forests preserved at the heads of streams and lakes it would greatly favor the piieservation of sh. The drainage of swamps and the diversion of streams is also a great detriment. Poluvtion of streams from mines and gas plants kill the food necessary foi sh and spoils the spawning beds. Illegal shing is another contributory factor. There is a type who will noz obey the laws. There is a size limit set, but many disrega1'd this. A speckled trout will not spawn till three years old, and a ,;pecklecl tiout under seven in<:he.< should not be taken. Dynainiting, S1)(3`d.1`11lg' and dip `nCi;llll_`.'; help to deplete our game sh. Imerferiiig with water levels; is a serious factor. A look opened may in one day kill tzlae\\'n of millions of sh. In the ,~:pi'ing' when the wafer is liigli many _L:'a1ne sh go far to sliallow water to .~:pa\\'n, and when the v.'at<>'. i.~; lo\\'.~r'e the . is left on rlry land to (ll:-. 'l`li.r,- in'.1'oduci.ion of 1ll1(l( .:Sll`Ll.l)lC .~:`pecies: : as carp is often detrimental. This is done by liriiijqingx l`.ll1l`l`l{) \\`.5 from one ])l2J.l'l` to another. I(`.~~nHnnarl nn nntrn z'\'p` IMRS. SARAH McKEE \GOES T0 HER REST With the passing: of .\'I2'.<. Sarah G. E. McK'ee in North Bay on Satur-luy last, the province lost a noted W.C.T.L'. \vo1'l:er and lemler. Mrs. McKee was the widow of the late Rev. Thos_ `.VIcI{e-0, for many _w-ars Public School Inspr-01:01` for South Simcoe, and la`e1- the Parry Sound district. The i'a.1nil;v lived in Barrie for a number of _vears, where de- ceasorl was held in z:fl"c:c-tionzite esteem by all who knew her. She had marked rher ninety-secoml birthday on January 2151: 135`, and had retain- ed full 1)o.=.= sion of all her faculties up to the time of her death. and had only been conned to her bed for a short `line. ;\I1`;~`. Mr-live xvas known throughout the Dominion for her work in the intere:~:t.~ of t4.-mperzmce. Vunm -11,. 'Jn'n n{' nirrlilnr-H fn HM flint`- Fm-mm` Ba1'1'i(e R6-si(1m1 r and VV.C.'.L`U. Lr~z1(1m', D103: at North Bay. '1"1'0m 'm- am: 01 r3l;!J1Ur'-I1 LU LIN.` LHHL` of her death, when she held the o")(-r.- of honorary prz-. of the Ontario W.C.T.U.. ;~'nr.: had grivcn her time and talr.-ht '0 tho fL11'`.';ux(;v. of the prohibition cause. She had travelled from the At1zm`ic to the Paciv in tho intore. of this work, and had thrice a`tc-nded world con- .vCntion.'; in Scotland. `Inn +n fhn Inca nf 2 downt- 1vc~!mon:; m ucomana. Left to mourn the loss of :1 devot- ed mother are: Hrs. S_nz1ldin_9' (Dell) of New York Ci`y; Dr. Jas. McKee, Elk Lake; Dr. Fred, 'I`homas, John and Miss: Maud, all of North Bay. A son, Col. Harry McKee. died at Elk Lake about a year ago. II`n1nnw.1'| can-xrir-.n um: 110]!` :19. the Elk Lake about year ago. Funeral service was held at the family residence. North Bay. on Tuesday, March 27th, and intermc-r.t. 3n T\Trn~H-1 Rnv, '1 uesoay, 1V1'd.I`C in North Bay. 101'. (Continued on page "We! In the 1n cC*1`est.~ 01 wlllpurunlcu. `hr-. of C-i`,1`ht(:r-I1 to the time .. r1r\I\`1 knhl Hm I-T. .\fndvl:1n(1 Sh'i<-km1 \\'i1h Heart Am-k at .\I`:m](~ Loaf G:a1'd0.n.s. Established in the Year 1847 }`;H-,{`I|= I-I;u'<]d .\I<>du1um1, 1nz1m1g'L-1' of the .\l1:md:\1<- bralu-11 of the Bank of To- ronto. (liod suddenly as the result of a ham`: attack just as ho wzls about to untm` tin: .\I:\pl(`~ Loaf Ga1`d0ns,To- ronto. Sut.u1'day night to \\'itnes.< ho s(`('(md 5.-'unu~ of tho National Ho(-k.~A_\` T n-urnn nl:1v-n` Tn H10 .'1f`m`- S(`('0n(\ OT [I10 .\i1Il0l1d! l'lU('t\x'_\ L(`{1f.','ll(` plu_v-o' .<-erios. In the af`cr- n-oon .\Ir. .\Iodol:m with Mr. C. N. Sto\\':11't. hml motored to Toronto and appozu~.~ -\'c~Hont. he-.1111. .-\ftm pa1'kin.t the car they p1`oce(-dc-(1 to Maple Leaf Gimiens, and as t,1n,~_v \\'m`0 ontm~in.1' the door 1111 .\Iodo1u;ul si5.v:11o(l and .<\vz1yed and would haw- fullun had ho not boon c2u1;:'n` by .....-A l\V\n no-n~ TI. '41; r-In-1-{rill fn some 0110 near. no \\'us CzI.1'1'1uu LU Happy Day's dru_<.: store nezuby. whore ho (had before modxml at';cn~ ' tion could be brouglit. Mr, Modclzmd was born in '1`ovm.m 6?. yvur.< ::.r0. :1 son of Mr. and .\'Ir.-. ']"n-o~:. .\I'0(!<-lzmd. '.10\\' 1~o. in Ins \ ` /~..1 Ll. .A....e..,l H.` H-,1v11.'IIHr 0'1 .f."U. I! run U1 .\l|'. gun`. .\1v> re. .}`.~' .-\n-.;'~`.'.~'. (`nl. Hp .<`:u't-d his hzmklnjg <'zm~m' in 1905, workings: nn 0 ~an_-:e- ville and other On-tario towns. In 1912 he joined the Bank of 'l`01`0ntn as` teller in \Vi1mine<,:, where he re- mained for fourteen years, and was transferred to Transcona as branch manag`er. Four years ago he came to Allandalo, where he had since re- sided. In his younger days Mr. Mode- land had been a noted athlete, being interested in lacrosse, baseball, soccer and 1=ug'b_v, and in 1927 he was hon- nvzuidont of the Transconal and 1`1l5D)', mm 111 1:12;. no was nun-| lorary presldent of iih-0 Transcona `baseball team, winners of the Maui toba championship. an in um-vhyod hv his \\'1d0\\'. onv toba champlonsmp, He 1s survxved by his widow, son and two daug'h~tors, also his pm`- .4\\ `I1 nu L..\.`..... V- . u`m:tinur=d on page ve} I Jud,<;'(: \\"is1'11e1' .[<`1nds that E\'i(lcn<-e $.01` Strong Enough. D(`(`H 'zmp,`11 u_\` xvus cz11'1'ied to .4.-...- mu!- ' COUNCIL ORDERS LOCATION | OF NEW ARENA. C..-lANGE.D At: a special mecfing oi the town council on \Nedm=..~td2\_V a1't'-11,001: 1'umlution was` pas.--.11 '}`:`.;1 1...; ...: actors 01' the ;uni\- _-'\,5ncLi1u1`c.' Arena Ltd. be i11.st1'ucted to const Lice he now arena inside the race track portion of the Agricultural Park." nu , 1,1,1 L. L .1 . , _ , . _ __ -_ _._, Plans: were completed to build tii... arena at the corner of Eccles and IClizzib`:h streets, but the town coun- cil was notied tnat the H1;.'h\Vay De- partment had taken over the ixmdl from Schomberg to Barrie and will make it a Ki115;"s highway. The council have urged that the new high- way enter Barrie by way of Essa st. B2-.lLl\\'in, Innisl and Eceles Sta. to l`jliz:1br>'.l1 St. If this is done a come of the Ag1`ieultu1'z1l Park at Eccics zmtl Elizabeth SL5. will be 1"L*ql.1l1'(,'(i for the l1ig'h\v21y_, over whic`z\ the (le- partmen. will have control. Ti...-: new (levelopment may (iZl.'.`.oC som-e little delay in getting the new 'Ib'uh\ ;f'.\\'l't`-(1 TAY TOWNSHIP suEs MIDLAND 1 FOR $2,500.00 \5'UlI`1'(: XILLIU CIUI L urn-na stzu'tcd_ A complicated 21.50 wa: ll-"illti is. County Court; on Wednesday, wner. the Township of 'I'z1y b1'0u-,yht actioi. to 1`eco\'e1- `ihe sum 01' $2,500 fro`.-:1 the Town of Midland. It a`ppC21l .~ that in 1931 certain 1'2Ll1\\'d._V assess- nw::.t.s of the C.X. and C.P. Rz1il\vay~` Iizul been `.1-ansfe`1'ed from the to\vn- ship of Tay to the town of Midland and the villztgc of Port l\`I(.`.\;lC0, and the equalization committee` of the County Council, with 1'eprese11tzLti\'e:' from the three in e1'e. pz11'tie.\. u;:1`ee(l Uhat Midland and Port MC Nicoll svhrould pay to '1".1y :1 sum 01 $3,100 per year till such time as :1 new equalizafion was made. All pa1'tie.< agreed that this \\`u.s 21 fail` udju.~'tn1ent. No by-law, howe\'e1', '\\'&1.S :*\'L-2` pax connning` it, but J. T. Simrpson, coun`y clelk. identied a re- solution passed at the January se.'<.3ion in 1931 recommending` to the equali- zation committee `hat this be done. At Han Tlrnn one-.~n'n AF Han I|I\I`I`I/Vt` . . . I Claums .-\g1'00n10.n1' Made 111 119231 '11:-11. Lzmds VV(n.'0 Transferrecl. ZElLlOll (.'0lllll`JlEILC(:` 7llE`LC LIIIS DC ([0119. At the June sesson of the council, 1931. said the clerk, 21 report of 1-116.- equalization committee wens adopted as follows: That the equalizod assess ment of Tay be $1,-'19-1,000, instead of $1,817,000; Midland, $5.213,000, in; of 34.701000. and Port .\I('- Nicoll $41-1,000 instczld of $344,000, and a by-law was passml con1'ming.;| tl1(e;<(- zLssess1ne11ts 21: 1 basis for l;1x~l Lion in 1932. l 1`I.~.1-..`.. X\7ll..-.n n`1\111r n6` I:/llw I11] U01`. 111 12101. Ralph Wilson, clerk of Midland. said he was 'pi'esent a` the .1_9.`31 January session of the county coun- `uil, when rep1'esentati\'es of the three municipalities met and an ag`1'eement \\'a.< 1'<~zLche(l \vhe2~cby Midland \vz1.< to pay Tay $2,500 and Port .\IcNico1l Lu pay $600 21 your till 21 new equa1i`/.a- tion was made. This xvas put in \\.--t- ing and si, ned by the th1'(*e 1'C(2\-_, . Tile 215:remn'ent, howe\'r>1', \\':L< never acted upon by Midland as there was no ;1y:1' 01- b_v-law 01` 1'e. 01`. lllu in his ofce. No part of the money \\'us paid to Tm`, l)l. CaLl:`(;` he ...,.,I Jl.nL AL.-. ....J,.... .-..unn+ nun, Vlji. LXXXVIII. `No. 5. . UIJUKI U) ULIKIICLIIKI CL.` I/KLULC \\(.Lh Tay. lmcattse 11nc1c:r.<'ood that the ag`1-cement \\'z\.< ram-ollrrcl by the cqnzxlization com- mittec. T U hunk. 1_- nun-n.. nf` '\H.H-nu} mxttec. J, I1. I`.or:bu(-k, 1U{l)'O)- of I\Iidl;mr1| in 1931, said he n0\'m' .<:m' thv u_Q'1'c-e- mom`. but undoz'.~:tood "hat such an :`.g`)`<:rm1()11t had been made. He r.'noug'ht that `the 1)-.u'tia1 cqua1izaion made that year affccfod the a._n.:r=Ju- |\ 4- uqreo1nont wzL;< mane emu s1;:11(.`u u. Clerk Wilson, rvczxllcd. said that` only Blayor Roebuck and he had p0\\'(.-1' to sign for the town of Mid- land. 1 'l`1~n.. Dn++,... r`n1\I1'\',1`nn\'r: n+` 'l'-,nv mont_ J. B. Hzmly, reevc of .\Iid1z1.nd 111 1931, said he was p1'(:sc11t when the uqreolncnt made and si;1'ne;1 it. (.101-I: \\."i1<-nn 1'nr':IHml, U151`: uanm 'l`l`:os. Potter, of Tuy in 1H31.snk1tha` an agremnentlnui bvun nuuh-and Jgned by wch Tay \\'a,~` to get $3,100, of \\"ni('h llidlzmrl \\'u.< to pay $2.500 and Port .\Ic.\'ic0'1Y $600. and the latter had paid `-h<- cnnn \\u.~ Lu J 8600. D.W. ....) AL. hnuu. I Cnr1'_v, reeve of Ta\' in l931.l ~-ml 1:110 oqualizzttion committee had` wquesetd `.0 see Tay s assessnmnt ml]. and it was agreed that the t,own.~..ip was paying` $3,S00mo1- than it. should. At a conference of 1-e1)1'(`. of the three i11ter;sLod n1unicipz1Ii'ies an agreement as above wus 1'en.ched_ f\ Qn~.i+h nnnn:n1 `fnv 'T`-JV Insn- 1'(`Z`L('HC(l_ O. Smith, counsel for Tay, main- tained that there was an agi'em`.10nt uto1'0(1 into as evidence of defence \'.'i`n(-s. agzroe. He cnnsidei-ed that Ta) was CI'l`tiL1(`d to this nionoy. :1.- Vhcro is no doubt that .\'Iid1and en :2 ml into the a_2'ruen10nt. G. S. Du(li,~_\', cnunsr-1 for .\Iid1an(l. maintained `that the claims made by Tay were never recogwiized by the town of .\ Iid1and. and asked for a dis- mi-'. with costs. UL `xnmnu Tu.-In-n W;C1\1nI' znill Ihni v.m-~.-zu \\`1:.n COSES. His honor Judge '\Visme1' said Lhat it \vz1.< L1I1f0!"`uY`l1tC that there had to be :1 law suit to settle the matter. One difuu1`y \\'as that there wa.:~: no written a.g'reement, as this ag'reement had disappozwed. Ho\\'e\'er, as the u.r1`ee1nent had not been conrmed cuts and a sister. A Ma.=vcm'c sor- vioe was hold 21* t`:(~ fnmilv residence. 72 William St., on. T-m=dav evening. Interment took nlarh ""angevi11e on Wednesdav Albert A. Graham, ago 44, r.:'.u cession 4, ML-dovnte township, 'L.1( Clifl`m'<|, .-\. lxowvn, agu 26, t1', of Waverley, (f`l1J.l`g'C(l with 110 theft of fin: l1(_-at of mttlr: from T1105, and Walter Bunnon, 1'zLrm<.-rs, con- cession 4, Modonte. on July 7. 1983. 'w0,1'(:i'ou1n(lnol' guilty` by Judg~ Wi.~:m `ms-1, '1`lmrs(la),' ul't.e1`noor wlum evidence \\'z1.~: p1'oduce by defence tlmd; Andrew Ritchie, Elm- valcz, sa\\"z1 second truck loaded '.`.'iI;i1 L' in (,lz2111a.1n s yard on the morn- ing of July 7th_ 'llnn 1-nun \vn< rl1' lnI(- 'l`l1IH.~.- !MccAuaHRIN PROBE ; mum: N0 wanna Fi1u1ing of the Cu1m.1'111 <'w -\d0])1`ed b\' :1 \ ore of 53 to 11. On Friday last `the 1\IcCnug'.h.1'in in- vestigation was closed when the Leg- jislzrture by a vote of 53 to 11, adopted the report 01' `Jhe Legal Bills Committee, which found that there had been no tvsaic-king or \\'rc:;_o;- doing: of any kind in com.-neeion mm the (li:=1ni.~'sa1 of 3Iw_:ist:'z1te Dun. l\1(' C21L11'h`1`i1'l, oi` Orillia, and the a.ppoim- znunt of 1VIz1g_'ist1':1te 3GI0\'Cl'. .~\t`or`ne;~ Grzuneml Price and Hon. Wm Ll<`inIr_c- son, who were 21-c:u 01' 0'u1'in3: 2'. bribe to MrcCaug'nrin, did not vote when the House (`.i\'ided. Y`1~n J!` ' .- rnnvli . .1 L" 4-71. \\J|UAl LHU l'l`ULl.\LI (`.l\lUL'U. The division was cau.~.ud by tin. unlc-mlmc-rm. of P1'0;_;'1'essi\'c Leader H:m'_,' .\ i;;o.. that T.hi.< House con- (lonms the methmls. 4.-xn.plo_\-,1! to 1)x'iI1g about the removal of Daniel MC: C:u1g:hri11, form-.1' police 2m1;;'1.<`L1-;at. 0" O1'i1]ia. -.u u.` ,,. non. Liberal Board of Strategy Blamed lhrzi. Cl1'.>'. I\`I:-C1021. i'r~p]_\'inj.',` to cri- ticisni oflcred by Mu`. Nixon and House I.ibe:*al Louder D1`. .\[cQuib- ban, said the Liberal org'zLnizei'. Ha.r1'y Johnston, thought only of how he could use lVIcCa.u;I;ln-in to injure the Conservative party. This case, he said, \\'a.5; intended to be 3. political bombshell; as such it was hoped it would do political dmnagxe to the Gox-'~ eirnrmenvt of the (lay. Unfo1'tu`11a*Je~ly for those who constructed the bomb and lit the fuse, it g'1'ew to be amotller of these political duds fathc1'e(l by the board of st.ratogy. l\'lv \'ln("\'r-n hnliir-\'nrl `hut Wlr-- u 3 l I I l Lll`U UUELIVU. U1 SlIl`il`bCgy. Mr. McCr0a believed that Mc- Caug'lnin was more si~n~nel`c1;:ai11st than simiing: After makins: this bar- gain with his successor, 1VI(:CaL1gl`u'in contacired with a man who some times acted a his legal adviser, Mu`. Har- wcy, an -outstanding; Liberal. Ha=rve: put the flea in Da11 ;~: car. He tool; l`.l.` to Ga.-0. :\lr:Lean's 0ii'ir'.(: in O1`liii"- and then word was son` to l'i;11`r_`,' J ohnsvton in Toirointo. J olmston went to Orillia and drafted a declaration or affidavit, and Dan sigrned ii Next morning; J0l1l1S`t0`TL and Dan came to Toronto and instead of going to tha- Parliament Builclings, they went to the Globe office. While the e\`iden~c(: doesn t say so, I think Dan had qualms of conscieiice at this stage. I iniagrine he `old Jolmston and tht. others that; pe1`hap:< he had better see- the oicials of the .`-\ttorney-Genera1`.: Departmeni. and try and make a bet ter settlement than the one o"'ere(l. So he leaves the affidavit with John- ston and goes to see Deputy A1 ton-ney-General Bayly and lays down the t`.`1'l1lS on which he will retire from the bench. He didn : say anything` about t1`a"1c:kin_g-: 01- wrongdoing: at that in- to`1'vie\\', said 311'. McCrea, All he \\'ante(l \\'a.< to get more mo1'.c;;. hen he found he couldn t ilnpos-2 his `-(:1'm> on M1`. Bayly, he went do\\'nt0\\'n, got hold of J0lm: am`. the two \\'r~nt to the Globe_ 1l 11-) ~ nnl>`nu-nnuudr. that T1...` WT" LIIL` L\\'U \\'!'XlL uU LIIU \1lUUL`,_ It \\`d.:~ unfoi-`niiiatc tlia`; Dan. Mc- Cuugrhrin 1i to the . noth- in_2's of hi pohticul czimnies and found him.~.clf in this position. He \\`:1;< u;<,C-(1 as it 1001 to a(1\';1n<:c other in'te1'ests and not his own, l<-ci;12`r2d KL`. McCi'ea. Mr, McC).'ca e::pre:<.<(?(l .~:ymp;Lthy \\'i`.,h the fornicr police 1HZl_",i.~'l1`ht-3. One man I am sorry for in this whole case is Daniel .\icCa11;z'hri1i. I nm'e1' saw him until he came into the committee room. Hc imprr.-ssed nm as :1 mm`. who '.\'ant(-d to do what \\':1.< 1'i_<.:'lii. Ho in1pi'e.a Inc as :1 man who thou_Q'ht ho had 21 c'zL1)uci`}' for the job. but ihe m'i(lmice .'\'u-' nvei-\\'heiining'-ly ztgziiiist him. 'I\`I'u \Y\vnn 1-\\nr.<`~.'\4] Mu \'\14\v1rv\r.\I in `JV(?I'\\`HUlIllllgy Zl_`.`.'," Hiln. ' Mr. Nlxon p1`ote.~:to the m2m'ne1' 111 which 3IcCz1ug'111'111 had b0l.`i1 (I1. pd, \4\dn I doubt \\*hc.-tlwer the ministclrs ff...-I very proud of the 'ncth0d.< used to .--nm0\`e this 0fT1ciz1l, said the P1`o*:re.~:- . 1ea(lc1'. The methods used :12- not in the public int01'e.'<'. I do not a2'1'e<,- with the nding` of the commit- tee that `ho1`e was no ba112ori-ng or h`af'cking' `in oic-9. From the mi- dencc I submit that there \v;1;~: hzu"-91`- ing bet\\'ecn G0\'C1' and .VIcC:1u_Q'h1-in." \T\- \'1'\-nv nnnfnrl ` lf`. n`f' mg 01 July '(m_ The <.'a.<(: \\'zLs dislnisscd 1213c ThLu.~.- day ztfturnuolx zxftvy two and :1 'n;:1'1 days of hearing`. Altogether therv were t\\'enty-eight \\'i:`ne.~'sc-5 11(2.12(. fourteen for the Crown and i.C>1v ..s`1na.r four the (lefencc, \\`hic`n included oiccrs and oi<:ia1s and m111)]o_'yuv.+ U! the Swift Czlllzuliml packing house .. Toronto. 1 un\\\\\\.`\|\J:r\I\i nn Mn nncn UL lulg UCL\\'L`L`Il L1")\ L31` iLlHl -\lL'LvZlLl_V,'lll'lll. | Mr. `.\'ixon quoted sc tion 1.63 of `the Criminal Code to show, he said. how pc-ri1o11.~'1y close `his skat-es to the code. This section (101113 wxth o7e1~in5: bzihos oy re\varr1.< for offices of C-mohtment umlor the Crown. \x?:H`..A.1 LT.:,..!.:n..-nan (I"mn.~. Q4 O1 ('1HUll1lHL`llL LlXl(l(`1' LHU L:1'U\\Il. Wi1f~1'e(1 Hoig";1in_9;ton (Crm.<._. St. Da\'id.<) upheld the action of hv Legal Bills Committee in repoming its m1ins1~.< to the Huu.=-r. McC':1ug+.1-in .< action \'ru.< :1 case of bi ting` the h.'md that fed you, Mr. I-Ieighington al- lnged. `Du \fnf\n1n1m-.n A.-u.1nun,I Ln `VIII! nn Dy, McQuibban declared he `had no quzu'1'e1 with the resignat.ion 01 tm: Onllna matrxs`, only In the manner in \\"hic.h it was handled. wrum ..4-+...,.+:m. ...1.:...1. um x.,...m...1c.. `U1 \\"l1lC.l1 IE \\'Z1S HELTIUIEG. The attention whitrh the honorabi=3 minister of lands and forests gavr: to the case showed i*. would hare been bu-ttnr handled by the attomoy-_2`e::- m-:11. If there has boon no t1`ufck- inrz. i` is presumed tlmt the honor- able n1ini. of lands and fore.=.t.-s i< |n 5;-ood traic ofcer at any rate." h_v ('311n:il. :1` h" lnv-law i` would have no offcct. His honor doubted if according to bhe Municipal Act. Midland would be allowed to pay $2,500 for this purpose. He would reserve judgment in order `that `no might give t`v- `matter further r.on _.:1`_.. - rwf H Baie, Ontario, 'fhu1~sday March 29, 1934 G. rosnzn AGAIN HEADS JUNIOR; , CONSERVAT|VESj The first zmnual nlecting of the Junior Co11se1'\'a.ti\`c Club of B;L1'1'ic was huld on Momlay ~.~\'u1rin::, xxm.-u Gozfdo-11 Foser was re-ulcctccl L`..\.' preident. The n1eLting \\'a.< mirl; well attended and coIrsi(l01`z1b`ic en tnusiasm was nmnifest. .\- +3-H H.-1 n4` (\"::-.ux`- 4'.-.. +3-.1. tx- .vL.L'.; EV. .`\. LiU_yS, 1\.L., illlil L-Ilkf vund-idate cho.~u.n for Cc-ntix: Simcuu; President, Gordon Fo.<.t<:r; 1.~:.'L Vice Pr;-siden', Miss Olive J0im.'~:to;x; 2m: \"i('.c-P1.'cside1`1t, John Hody" '; irrd Vice-P1~3:'7s11t, lliss Betty N1.-llc.~t; R:-- o1`ding' Sec1'cta1`y, Mrs. F1`:mk C1ui:;", Cor1'csponding Secretary, VVa.]I\\.'m 1:`is ncr; Tl'(_il$Ll1'0'1', Jack Coleman-., Wn1`r? T?nnvnQrn1+nH\7r>a nrn - \V:n-1! R ,B. .n\.i 'l.'01`OJ1.'tO. 1411 coininenting on the case Hi. Honor Judge Wismer pointed out that the case was 1 very serious one It \\'z1.~x talus 'LheJ't of cattle and thc penalty is 21 .=e'.'ere one. His Hone`: said there was no doubt in his mind that the cattle were stolen, and in opinion those taken to Toronto by tin accused men were siolen from thc B:Lnnon.~:. The qu-estion is, how dial the zLccuse(l men procure the cattle `? The defence maintains that the 211'- cused purchased ihem from -.1 man nzuncd .\IzLx\\'e11 early in the morning p-a_v'ing' $150, and nL'terwzu'ds the man disappears, after which the cattle \\"U)'<: taken to Toronto by the ac- cused. These circmxnismnces are strongly open to suspicion and critic- ;QH1 A`.'hlll.`l; l1Ld..`Ll1'L,l', dil.C]\ \.xUlL'lllZl.l!, Ward Rep1'ese11tatives are : \ Vm'(l 1. Miss Dora Rowe and Bill Sucli`c; W'a1`d. 2, Maisie Cubit-Nich0ls and Eu. Ines-on; Ward 3, Miss .~\1uI2`(~y l<`c.~~;x;~ and Ruevbcn Hatvltl; Wzml 4, Mi. Molly Powell and Fred :\1l(l\:1'L011; Ward 5, Miss Nada-no Dollery and Normaxl Johnston; \V-ard 6. Nli. Flor encu Miller and Archio .\Izu;~lml.: Painswick, Boyd Arnold. pvn:l:lnn+ Wnc1'.'n~ l.l1nhvL'n:l H10 Inrnf. l.'Z.1ll1S\\"lCK, D0) (l :11'l10l(.l. President Foster tiianked the meet- ing for the honor again bc. ow him and ass-L11`e(l the members that he would do his part in making am Junior Con`se1vati\'0 Club 21 live or- ganization. Nfv _T _T Kin:-1:: \\'i\n n'|."I'l`.l\it1i I'm- {. ,":l.ILlZEl`LlU!l. Mr. J. J. Marks, who occupied un- chzu1' (lu:`m_u' the election of ofcers, co'ng3ratL11ate(l the club on the se]e(:-- tiorn of the exeutive and gave somr good practiezll advice. He urged bizm11 to go 2L1"-ey 1n:',\' memhr:1'.<. Tin _voun_g' people Lo-(lay have a great deztl of influence and are an inspira- tion to 2: czLn(lidat(- in an elem-tion. F`ifIy-oa1e per cent. of the population of Canada is under 25 yr-an: 01' zxge, so that the inuence of the ymmfg people cannot be over estimated. T-Ti< \vnv `Mnvnv (7rni0'. (-n.mi pC`UplL` (.'bUlIl'ULz UU U\ U1` UBLIIIIELLUU. His \vo1'.~vh~ip Mayor Ci'z1i.`:. (-211106. upon to spve-21k, said hv was iIhh;<.., pleased to see the young` people !:2.L= ing` such an interest in the (]uL`.~t()Il~ of L116 day and organizing. We aim. fozuwiate to-day, he poinx-d out, in having` such men as Hon. R. B. B.;n- nett and Hon. Goo. S. Henry at the head of our _2`o`.'ermnents in ;;uch times as these. He was in a position to know something of what -our g'o\'~ ernments are doing in these t1'yim.:' tinv3s.' "His wm`3.hip wished the club every success during` the year Maurice .-\1e.\:andc1', age 56, of Toronto. was ned $10 and $1.50 costs by ;VIag'ist1-ate Jeffs Satunlag. morning for driving` a cur without :1 pe1'mi~t. Accused pleaded guilty and no evidence \\'as oe1'ed on either 17..m.1.- r:....;-(man 90 rd` 19!: NT-'n\L-. 91:10. Frank G1-ossmzm, 29, of 126 Mark ham S., Toronvto, was fined $10 in tra"1c court Saturday m-orning on :1 charge of not having a chau"cr s ii~ cense. The charge was laid by Trafc Oicm Hodgson, who caught the accused on hi:;`n\\'ay 11 in OH). _\ (I11-1'|'1\'n nI' vIn]n\\ 1'lIH\' 1'\':111 Em` accu. on ;n\\'uy L1 in uru. A chztrge of unlu\\'1'u11y trzm. ing fowl was (1isIi1iss~e(l zigzlinst Solo- mon Suloskey. Toronto, by .\ Izx;:i.<- tra` e J L-'s Saturday n1or`;.in:,'. The cha1'::e \\'u:< laid by Trz1f c Officer Thompson. \`.":`.o said that on .\Ia.1`c'n 13th in 1nni.a~1 he stopped a truck, of which the accused was an occupant, and claimed ownership. In the back of the truck he found three empty chicken crates and one crate contain- ing: six hens. He: z1. the z1ccu.etl `o produce :1 permit and he replied ne did not know it was 11eee. to have one. He also failed to produce 21 book or record from whom he had pLm:1ia.~: the fowl. l`hi< mwirlr-non \\':1.< eorroborated bf.` pLn'<:l121.~:<:(l the Iowl. This evidence \\'as corroborated by Oicc,-1' R. Hodgson. who \\`zL.< with Thompson at the time of the arrest. Tn dnfpnnn Snlnskev said he had` l'hom1)son the time OI izne u1'1'e.sL. I, In defence Suloskey had tried to get it permit at the Parlia- ment Bui1din.g's, Toronto, but was sent from one v:f:".:t to another with- out any sati.~'fac`ri0n. A letter \\'d>` sent to ;\Iag:ist1`ate Jeffs from the de- pa1`1;men' statim: fhat the accuse(l had attempted to ])Ll1'('i1Z1.$e :1 license. )'Iz1;::i. Je'.~` said tha" in View of the letter he had received he \\'u.< goilig to ,L'i\*e the accused the benet of the doubt and di.=mi. the case. He said that Suluskcy had 1)(_-en at the Parliament`. Buildings on the 12th and il]`]"211`4i1Uj.' they had sen` him from nm. win-1':-.* m nn-31'hm- and he bx-czime nc \`. l'."T`,` confused_ `m'T1{o Oldest Paper in the Oountv At this reinove of txventy ce11t.u1'T-gs the Cross is no stark elegzzxic of piti- less doom. It was once upreared on a small space where ig'11o1`z1nt men poured out their vials of wrath into the foul . of cruel \`(:11_L,"0iLT1(`(" anti desolation. To-(lay `he C1'0.<.< l.~' :1 :~:i_:n of _u'1'ace and symol of redemp- tion. It ll`d.S been t1`ZlI1SfO1'l1lO(l. A tniracle has happened in history. Our own civilization boars \v1tne: to `lie fact. Ancient prophecies, which once were like dark suyiiigs upon :1 hzirp. have been lifted into victorious ex- pression: Hc m21ke`:h the wrath of men to praise Him. This is the Divine mystery of the Cross. I take, 0 Cross, thy shadow For my abiding place ; I 21.~`l\' no other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face : Content to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss. " .,1' , ... Q-`I... .,_\,an.._ II'__ _1____ -11 11.- r`..- -~ MY 3101')? all t`.*.2(f':.` A DIVINE MYSTERY TRAFFIC COURT HS 1lli.l.ILLJ.USl/. i:'.L of Oiculs for `me .. -, . :I`\\\ 1)<.-x..v. may mm sun nun .L1U1u . to 111-"ltlley and he . I`4Z.ll'l 1\.U\\'L`, 1{.C., and Lhc ' \77,.,. n.w4-nu . IUZJ. I.'L(.`.`lU'x_`H Hon. Gcu. Hmlry, J. Var] Rnv . J . liowo, The Cro\\'n s case, continued 11 '- honor, (lepencled largely on tire inari\.~. diseo\'e1'e(l at the corner by the joy, as s`ho\vn in the evidence and mhicli mznrks were 1-efe1'red to and described by the ofcers. He \\'2L.\` satised that the ofcers (iiE~('0\'(`1`(`('i ]11L1l'k:>. but as this is a busy corner they must. be pz1rticu1a.1' in zipplying: them to our vehicle. They m.ig'ht have been made by Kells truck. `K/iiinnqansl `Fnv H10 (`infnn(-0 oxmn When I went up to `I\7azarc~`?l1, A pilgrim of the spring;- When I \\e2`.t up to )\'z1z-.u\-th The earth \\'as blossoming! '1 . the bluc 1'10\\'e1' of ,he 11: Bcsidc 21 .:l'.cphe~1`d s 1'0} '! Along the hillsides stony track. [ fouml the marxgoldi The iris misc-(1 :1 : Oi` bcz1uL_\' at my feet! The puppy \\:`..< :1 Among the c0o.`i21g' wheat! DEMANDS OF LEGION CONVENTIGN MET BY GUVERMENT `When I went I I marked how With bligllting I hvnn`.h Vv l[ll UllgJlLlllg ULLBL illlu \\llJ1l.'1l`lI5 brezxnh L`po*n the l1z1llo\`.ud town ! The y-oars that l)Lli'lL`(l Babylon Were Ll1'ifLin\g,' to elface 'l.`l\e st<:ps_o1` 3lz11`)"s_Ilgz1\'u11l3* Son, H15 (l\\'cllmg,' and H15 iacc Y But s`il1 1 read His perxnanencu By signs that never dim; With all their amt.-iem eloqul.-new 'l`l1L'- lilies spoke of Him! --Dzmicl I-len(lL:1'.~;on `\'o1'u1'21ns LSa11ish'(-Vd GoV mcnt ],)oing the Square Tlling. _e1:i11g of 1'etu1'11cr.i 111011 o\'(.=1' held The annual c0m'e11ti011 of the Cu11- ad1a11 1.1-wion 11:.-Id 111 Ottawa ihlr; month xx; ' the most i111p1'essivc ga z1.,L11:i111;j to Sg.-\l:`.j. I Shutcr. .\Ie111|1e1'.< of P'.11'*.ia.111e111, Ll 50551011, attended mzmy of the meet- i11g.<, and 111iniste1s and gove.1'11111o11 1111111be1`.s a.<.su1'(,-d U.1r: Leg'i:o11 that pracitcally every 1ema11d made \\'oL:1d| be gra11te(l by another .'~'Cssi0n of Pa1'1iz1111c11t. H1`. Shu er 11:1d 1,`11u 1101101 01' be-i11g c`110. as O11ta1'io'.~, 1'ep1`e. on the c0111111iLtec to 111-1.-pa1'c 11e.~:1olutio11s. P1'0bl1*`.1`_.~' z1'ccti11g__,-' the 1' ...,..\ . .1. . will {n -1 unha uvnv 1` men \\' di.~:cu.<.~:e(l in a sane way. The C0|1(`C-!1.<,U.s' of opinion wzls that the G0\'01"nmcnt \va.~: doing e\`c1`ythiI1;; possible for the returned men. 1);`.;` the Pemions Commission came in fo: considerable c1`itici.m1, and the Gov ermne-nit has promised that :1 commis- ...I.~. \1~: Irv. nnnnhnrl flan` uwin rnnln l l the l en.~:1ons bOlllllllSSl0ll Callie lll 1U. sion will be appointed that will meet the \\`i.~:hes of the veterans. Unemployment Relief The committee on unem~ploymen7 recommended that the Federal and Provincial Giovernments be urged to immediately promote a progiram 01 n(.`L`C>`. public works, maintenance and development, of sufficient ex- tent and character to absorb all able- bodied unemployed persons at a scale of \\'a;:e.< that will ensure de- cent living condition.<,; that free inedi- cal. ; dental and optical treat- ment for all recipients of unemploy- ment relicf and their families be given; that all ex-service men, when in need of relief, be looked after by the Federal Go\'ernment, and not need to apply to `the municipalities; `the the benets of pensioners relief be ma(le available without discrimination to all pen.~'oner.< formr-rly member. of His ;\Iaje; s forces and now resident in Canada \lI.... \I..Ara.n' Allnwanrn m L'zma(1a._ War Veterans Allowance It \\'u.< ;-ccom:ncm!c(1 that the Go`: ernment be 1-equated to make the foowing amendment `.0 the Act: Who-use H1.r- allowzmce maid to t`0Ho\\'1ng` amendment `.0 me .-u.-1.: Whereas the allowzmce paid widows of veterans ceu.=,<:.-. t.\\'el\'e months after the dca`h of the veteran; that these paymens shall be continued to the widow during he: Life-time, or until she re-ma1".~'ie:~:, pro vided the marriage was ceiebrateu prior to May, 1930; that \\'he:'eas pay~ ment of me allowance ceases when the recipient is maintained at the ex~ pense of the department. as an in- mate of any institution, that such pay- ments be made to dependents du.v.'in, : such time. . nn 1: I 'I"..-_L_...__n. Dy hens urucx. Witnesses: for the defence exam ined these marks and after a lapse of time they mig'h't: have become dimmed The ofcars also did not nd them until several days after the allegeu *heft took place. He must in ordel to be Siltl.~'0(l that the accu.'~'e(i are the pzu'tie;< who took the cut le out of the pasttlre. be convincxd beyond a reasonable doubt tha` the nw.rl~..- were those made by l{0lL<' truck. Tlm m-hlrm-4 nf` tho m-r~n. as `..n 3u\.u Luuvo free Medical Treatment 11; \\`a.< recommended that exibting v`e;:'uIations be so amended as `.0 pro- vide for free medical treatment for -1H nwn who `haw; .:er\'0d in the Can- adian fo1`ce.~: in an acttlal thezxtre of lwzw, or V. 1'0 ]')1`C-\\ E11` 1`esider1`.s and In_ .4 ,... ....,.... 4`,...~..\ THE LILIES OF THE FIELD T\\'L`1\`Q o'(2n(lc-r.< of tnhr: dog: by-X-rm were summoned to court t'a\.i.: morn- ing` for allowing their (logs to run loose. Six of 'hc. paid a ne of $1 plus $1 co.=t.- each. ve cases xvcre \\ it,1ulra\vn because they were harboring: (logs abzmdom-rl my other, avul thu dogs 211'-0 now in the pound a\\'aitinf.: dispo.-`:11. Ono party de- ~; royml their (log and the case xvas w ithd 1'21 \\'n. i\I1':~'. Patricia Larkin. pz`.hni;~:t and tea cup reader, '.\'u;< (-ommit`ee(l for trial at the next court of comprcten I jurisdiction by .\Iag'istra'e Jeffs in police court this afternoon on charges of arson and conspiracy which arose out of the re at `he home of Mrs .\Ic-Ewen, Bradford St.., on Feb, 9t`.. The only Witnesses called by the Crown were Chief Stewart, Miss Anna Quance, Penetang St., and Howard Norris, Camp Bou'den_ Crown Attorney Evans prosecuted, while Madame I.a1*kin was 1-L-prese-nted by Cecil Finlayson and W. F. Woodliffe, Toronto. 1|/I'...-.:..+..n+ Ina`: 1-M-`near! mm1i:-a- Toronto. Magiswate Jeffs refused applica- tion "or bail, but referred the defence counsel to the county jud;'e_ 1.4.-gion in 1 was gam- 11:.-l(l in I . .4. Ira c..- H.` COMMITTED FOR TRIAL uz v-.\..\. 1...` (Continued up to Nazzlrc-t`h time came down, .1. .4 ..n.1 udtknuinx HL` Cillllt UU\\ l1, st and \\`i1;hermg were EHOSC n1-uue Dy 1\c1L.~ L-1'l.lL'.X\. The C\`l(l(l1L'() of the accused as in the transaciton with Maznvell is sup- plemented by the \\'itnc. .VI1's. G-1'uh:1m, but her st.zxtr:men?.~', s'.Li(l his` honor. .~th0ul(l not he accepted. as sh. \\':1. the wife of one of the zu:cLi.~`c(l. The witness named Ritchie appeu.n: to him to be a 1`Cspe(`tc(l man and interestetl and to have no inter:-. in ::i\`i;\.g;` :'.ii1iUl]1('llt.\` for 01` ::'_":1i1L `hr (".re.\\'!i. His e\'i(lonce is that he ; :1 second truck as he was on his W113` to the mill. l`hzi` evidence is the real tuirning pomt, in his mind. as to how the ('2l.\`(` . he If the stzvement is true it will (`xii roborate the uccuseds story and 1:: will liuve to :l(`('e}3l. their e\'idence. in face of thu` `e\'i(lem-e of :1 l\.' < .- \