Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Mar 1934, p. 6

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Collingwood town council passed a rseolubion That. all men-, or members of their families, who are on relief, if found opreating a car without the consent of reilef officer, shall be cut off immediately. ll 1'l.'.L(.'1 J ...Otta\'.'u ...T.ond f`|..n..,... 1` 11.1.` Buy I Police Depa.1'tmen't;: Salary, Police MzLg`ist;1'ate .... Salary, Chief of Police . Salary, Constable Case ....... .. lsalary, Constable Rayner Salary, extra `constables .... .. Salary, Asst. no Magistrate u Uniforms .................................. .. g Telephone; [ Liveries ...... .. 3 Contingenci-cs .. Fire Brigade : Salary, Fire Chief ....... Telephone, Fire Chief . x Insurance on men `Brigade ........ -....,.. 1Contingen~cies . I 1 -`J _ Fire Fighting Equipment : 1 Supplies ................................. .....S !Fi1`e truck mai.nte.nan:ce Fire alarm system Fire truck Hydran `. lcntal 2 :87 hy(lr:1nl;s at $35 ` 30 h_vd11z1nt;' at 3 `h_vdr:mt.< at $20 ` Extra hydrants .......... .. imx RATE 44 mILLs, g INCREASE 3 -POINTS] I rlrc man an , Fuel . ......... | Suppl.i(-54 ; Czu`ctz1ko1- Electric ligrhnt . : Water ruues * Teleph-onxes Insurance Repairs 1 ` l|l."aLll'U.[1CC .VVa?e1' rates *E`.lectric lights . `.\Izu'kct clerk `-,1\l ` . An l171rSllCCOSFfL11 attempt \\`as made by robbers to crack open lm safe in the office of Young & Young, fuel dealers, Orillia, last week. The safe was found in a battered condition on the sidewalk in front of the office,. bu.'.`. not opened. The till in the office was ried, but they found only a` few coppers. 1:. [ Public \\'o1'ks and Sewers : ,'l`o\'.'n work .............................. ..$l( s(`0unt1.' work ................. ... ` R. J. Lee: ` Salary ............. .. 1 Help i Town Team 2 `- Maintenance ........................ ..- | Street Lig;11tin.g: 464 <);'dina1'_\' lighf at $9 . _23 300 \\'a?. cs at $25 ..... .. 41 200 \\'2Ltts at $22 . ` 15 100 wat`L:< at $17 P.O. Gore ligh-tix1:_g` .... .. . `Mon-uImn1. 1loodli_;`ht.~' ..... . Markets and ` Fuel ` In E Prniting; and .-\(lvc1-tising : 1 V0tt:1's lists ........... .......... .. xF`i1w.:1cia1 ; fAudifo1's report .Taxcs and assessn1en't Stamps Stallone)` . ` Cheques .......... .. . Miscellaneous Salaries : :C`lL-rk and trua. ECIL-1'k .< assistzxnts .... .. i Page .Au(1i`a0rs :FIlr:.c1;ion.< ...... ....... .. .. `Law co.~:t.~: and dam.1_Qc In ce1-c::t on loans Discount on prepayment o fnvl-4 l.iL\ 5 .... ?Um'0l]t:cI:1l>l:, ta 0 Qn,...nI r1\~nYI`~ - `LJHL'(_)]|l,`UL4l|Hl.` |.ll.\l.' ...'. Special G1`an?.s`: Sick C`h.il(lrcn s Hospital S..-\. Hvscue Home .... .. `Ar:1'i(-ul1;u1'a1 Society L f\ \' 1 ".>.\'L`.5.`U1' ........... .. "Fax collector When the careta.ker of the .-\lli:~'ton school went into the building on Sun-ll day n'ig;liIt., he found two boys and two girls, of well known f21l`lllll('>'. in the, school. On various 0L'('zLsion.< a pane of glass was found broken to r.-'e(`L" an entrance, and the boys admitted being responsible. No court avian was taken by the board, but the boys and girls were warnml that Lheir future bGl1Z1\'lOlll` would be closely wa" ched. V.\J..\. . .. .. R.V. Hospital `.,'an.'ul1zLn L<:}_-;10n 'I\..u.Z. I`..n.l 7.717") 1" h2lH(L Allandalc Band " |;(?\'llf>} I ColIt:r_viat(: In. Public S(;'n:ools ....... .. Separate School .... .. .mn\ \' nf' Sinwrur DU]Jill'ilLlZ DCHUUI Coun y of SIn~.<-or Public I.il)r:u`y ..... .. :u`k.~' (I l`\..l....\4..... . ..n.. ..,.n (Co-ntinued from page mm) Fire Hall and Supplies : `W1 _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ 7 A _ 9: am .\ILsc~(~]I2111cou.<. : (`.oll(-('tm .~' lmml ` 'I')'ca.~:un.-1' .4 bond . ` LVI lL_VU 1' .' Con-tin}. v v \V 'l 0t:11 I 10 Y 1100 ....... .. -H)! to Y 1.300 .... .. 1501 Lu Y 21300 .. 2I`.()1 to Y 3000 .. 3001 to Y .'i."}()() .. 32.30! '4; Y -I.`'()() I501 10 Y 5.'()0 7.'HH f:\ V "JIIHI A large barn, 70x30 foot, on tho Pu.y0tt;c farm in Tiny tO\\ TlSlll})S, was destroyed by re recently, t0g`(.*Ll1(:1` wi*`.h 16 tons of hay, straw, a thesh- ing machine and all tho farm imple- ments. All the stock with the excep-i tion of six little pigs xvere .=ave(l. The cause of the re is unvknown. . 8:101 U101 U1` 5 ` hon ldxpundit un \' I00 X 700 \' ')`.I\I U I h; H r Y `.W"!) . 7 .\' 22x00 .. Xvl ll)() .... ..V:mkI X 5700 X (33500 .. .. X H200 . Win X S).'{(H) X. f!!)()() . X SW11`) .. V Parks : chill smm YIZIUU r ::700 1I`IlIl| 75:100. (IHIHA :ou p Many farmers in the district report, that cattle feed is _ccet`in5:; scarce,` and unless spring: sets in early it will be a serious problem. Several car- loads of oats and barley have been shipped in from outsitlo p0in`s (luring the past few weeks. The N01-`rheru Advance 00 00 00 00 nn n ur: : "$10000 . 2312 $2000 00 $123.12 '10` ' $3000 ooi t - I m$l200 1nnn 800 150 $ 950 00: 100 Orillia Oddfeliows and Rebekahs last week celebrated the thirty-eighth annivers-.n'y of the institution of '72 n: `.':l. Lodge No. 320, when at splendid program was arranged and an enjoyable evening spent. Mrs. NI.` Mills, of Barrie, gave an in. ad-1 dress along Rebekah lines. and H. G. Robertson, also of Barrive, brought; the greetings of 'G.mnd Lo(l5:e and` spoke on the activities of the order.` ...$30-15 900 an $4045- _1o5o (560 00 250 ()0 /I80 00 130 00 an (H1 ou UU 125 00 175 00 150 00 .31.) UU 400 00. 200 00 500 Of\ Oo A by-1aw has been in .rodu('.e(I in: Orillia town council llmitinyr the; length of speeches made by mem`oers.. Drive on Warble Fy Planned in Ontario All OVC1` Onfyario fa1'me1`.< are Lilli- ing . to eliminate the Wl`iJlC Fly, report oliicials of the Canatliun Co-operat?ve Wool G1'o\\'e1's, who aw `workin.g with g`1"0ups of live .'~.`lI()Cl{ `men in an effort to check this pu.~:L, which is responsible for a loss: of `half a million dollars in `hides almie land probably ve times as much in gretarcling milk and beef p1'odL1ct.7on. 1-. A Fair uestion Buy At Home Remember Do you visit the stores in Barrie and make enquiries before you purchase out of town? The Dollar spent in town may work for you again but a dollar spent elsewhere never does Just give the local merchants a chance to supply your daily needs and special purchases Himt n`.'v1' 200.000 cattle will be treated this spring. cALIFRwA THURSDAY, MARCH 22, .1334. suhma w -.0 " ............. ..1-:- pm-111.. C A N A D ' A N $ 5 5:: `7:};t~:r%*. A T I 0 L W 1 '0 w 6700 .. `.\' (1'.'()1 to \V -V 0 1 ...... ..P .<.<;m W 7101 m w R: .... ..1 n`rr:-' um! orth '.I_\' New low round trip fares now in effect (approximately 20% under previous fares) offer choice of routing, both ways via Vancouver. both ways via Chi- cago. or going one way, return- ing the other. Choice of lines beyond Chicago. Reduced sleep- ing car fares. Tickets good to return within 12 months. Pa so `~-" 1 Lllllllllb awau. yuul CUIHII . . . refreshing breezes . . . sunkissed beaches . . . ideal golf, riding. bathing . . . FL"mnA iacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters- urg, Palm Beach, Mmmi. Con- venient connecuons are made for all Florida points via Detroit or Buffalo. V 7 vv Sumrnex- s most alluring charms await your coming . _ _ refreshinn hrPP7P= Full particulars from any agent The folIowin;z' lehters are omitted th 1`oug'h0ut---~G, I, Q, MM, MW. YY..I.\LL.....-..l I 5.- nnn l`.........Jv.\ I` A 1 to A 9999 .................... ..'1`orontc AA 1 to AF 300 ...... .. F0-rt E-sir: AF 301 to AM 300 ....Weilz1nd AH 301 to AP 700 .. .Du~m1vil1c AP 701 to AT 999 .. -.....Simccc AU 1 to AK 100 ...... . .'.l`i:l1sonburg ..Aylmc1' AX 101 to AY 600 . . t. Thomas AY 601 to AZ 999 .. D D B 1 to B 9999 .......................... ..Toro11Lo BA 1 to BD 600 .St. T11om.1.s BD 601 to BH 400 . -..Leamin-g'to BH 401 to BK 400 ...... ..I{i`ngsvill~: BK 401 to BK 999 .....Sandwic'h BL 1 '40 BN 200 ..... .. .`vVin/gthanl BN 201 to BP 400 BP 401 to BS 200 BS 201 to BT 4100 13'!` 401 to BZ -100 .. ..... ..Gueiph BZ -101 to B /. 999 C`. DIJLJU 2011 t 1 -101t Motor License Numbers 7934 Medonlio council at its meeting last week passed :1 resolution that the council will pay no more relief bills after March 31st. La C 1 '40 C 9995) ......................... ..Toron`.,o CA 1 to CA 900 ....St. Mary C.-\ 901 to CF 900 ................... ..SJ.rnia CF 901 to CP 200 .... ..Srt.C atharines CP 201 to CV 500 .... ..Niaga1'a Falls CV 501 to CZ 500 .....G-alt .c`hener CZ 501 to CZ 993) . n IJ D 1 to D .`).`).`)9 .......... .. DA 1 to DK 500 ...... .. DR 501 to DP 800 . DP 801 to DS 4100 DS 401 to DU 900 .. DU 901 to DW 900 DW 901 to U/J zwu .. DZ 401 to DZ 9.09 If In V 1 E \V 171K" 0 I` I`; FF` UT! 1" FC TF1 D1` [U11 FJ 301 t FL 301 L`\' "H! < -J1. JV T\' 1.11.) OUJ. l/U I-{H 201 to H0 201 {C H0 801 it: HR 701 U: HS (301 `o HU 401 to HVV 1 to uh I`) .\ TFO K 1 to K 5000 ....... .. K 5001 to K 009.`) .. K.-\ 1 to KB 200 KB 201 to KB 33 KB 331 to KB 760 . KB 761 to KC 70. KC 71 to KC 999 .. Ifh 1 Ln ICT7 K Penet:mg s tax rate tliis yeaf will be sigihtly over 67 mills for public school supporters and 60 and a frac- tion mills for separate school sup- porters. Taxcs may be paid in foul instzilmcns, in May, July, Septem- ber and November_ 1\.L') {UL U) l\\; [U ............... ...lJ1'_\Ll.L,'I| .... ..Fovt Francis KD 1 to KF 500 ....... ..Fo:1'i William KF 501 to KJ 999 .... "Port A1't':'xur KK 1 to KK 100 ............. ..Sc.h-1"eibcr KK 1.01 to KK 900 .......... ..Coch`r2.n<: KK 901 1.0 KL 500 ...I1'oquoi:< Falls KL 501 to K.\' 800 ......... ..Timmin.`< K.\' 801 `0 KP 300 ...Kirk1zL.1d Lake KP 301 to KR 3300 ...Ne\\' Li.~'k(.-:11`d KR 301_t0 KR 900 ................ ..Cnbi1]1` KR 901 to KLV100 Suult `to. .\Izn'i<~ KL7 401 to KL (300 .__B!`Ll(*r) `.Iin<.-.< KU (301 to KC 99!) ....... ..'l'?`.(..~/:`z1l0n KV ] to KV 390 ....... ..Bliml Hi\'m' KV 301 no KV .'30() ...Rich. [.2111-:li'.1`;1` KV 501 to KV 999 ............C(m: B213` KW 1 to KW 300 .... ..Litt1c Currr-n KW 30] to KW :130...)I:.mitowzmim: Y.'\\,' ('01 on 1.'\\7 (lllfl L`.-nunniu uAv\4E,AI\luu u, ;, `gt, 4u4u, `um. U-nlettered 1 no 500 .... ..Toronto 1 L LU LX1) .:.\IU J\. 331 70` .. to KF .... .. . `[31. 1 4-,. TIL 1nn L: I. I to I. 2000 ........ .. . 3001 {O L 11999 .. L.-\ 1 to LA (300 LA 601 to LB 2.00 . LP: 20] U) IX` 991 Th 1 .,\ lh -7Q. l\H ` K W I. \' - 1 to E 9999 ...................... ..Toronto A 1 `-0 EA 000 ...Kincardinc A 901 to ER 900 ........ ..Brampt0n E 901 to EK 300 .... ..Orang'0\'111e K 301 to EM 999 .. ..Newma.1"{et N 1 to ES 300 . . . . . . . . . ..Ba:`1'ie S 301 to EV 100 ............... ..O1'il1ia V 101 to EV 600 .... ..G~1`:1v0nIhu1`sl; V 601 to EW 500 .... ..B1'aceb1'i(1g'e 501 to RX 200 ....... ..HLm1;svi11e X 201 to EY 200 ......An1he1-stburg Y 201 to EZ 700 Ridg'c~to'\vz1 .... ..D1'e.~:den 7. 701 to EX 099 I1` 1 t0 J 099.`) ......... .. A 1 Lo JT 800 .... .. T 801 to JV 100 . V 101 to JVV 05'!) X 1 to JZ 300 .... .. Z 501 to JZ )`J3 I -.l.- l 7001 R201 I LU 2001' (\F.I\! flllk 90C Chief Robt. Marsdcm, of the Chris -tian Island reserve, told the ;\Ii(1`.zm(lT Kiwanis Club lab`. week that thew} .....,. 'I\l\ nvnln.-. 1-...upIn1v.n ...Mnnn- "`\r\` 3001 3001 ` J001 I w (i`3(H 7301 I'll 701 on1 1 LU 3001 l U) 101 v)UL L (381 1 Ln T 7000 ` I 4-,. 11 Q- LU 1'10 HU 4-A IIXV O 200 4.` n I'.` J.\.I\\"aI`llS KJIUD 121.`-\ \`\"(3L`K `VIIZLL Ul(`. l"`i was no undue hzvrdship among the` Indians on tghe Island. They received . a grant of $1,000 from the Govern-'= ment, and any who would work could ` make money cutting wood and bo]ts.i T 3000 4,. '1` I Q I J S 3000 ..... _. to S 9995! T 1 `J IIUU ..` to O 095).`) L0 1\ H = .3u....u 1.0 K`.V 999 L'\ I U) l\'1V :7 KX 100 -0 K7. {H I 1` C 3000 ......... .` [H N 9000 ` to N (>990 V V 400 0 V 1000 `0 V 3000 1) V .9000 10 V 9000 .` to \' 9999 Y " 1 .nJu FZ 999 % `J IUJU 1` 8200 P nsmr _. n I A. Elm-lick, of Toronto. and J. Crockart, of Aurora, last week pur-1; cfnased 25 horses in the Elmvale dis-g Lrict. The highest price paid was? $165 to Mr. McLean, of Dalsvfon, and` B11-. French got $300 for 21 team of greys. n 3200 11 ".")f` 1V1 swim `I\\` W `.3000 \U '7`?! M0! II nnvmwm ` S000 9000. (HIGH 3 mm '.1;;u / 1 4100 .... ..Sm1tI. .\ Falls .`!0.`?...Cz11'1eL0n Pl;L(.'(e nnn f\6-4n.-v.. 7200 mm!) ' C ZUU ...DLl.l l'}I\'Ull J 99!) North 33`; In Pu-;~' vuo IU .O1*illia s tax rate was set at 52 iinills, an increase of 11.-'2 mills over` last year. The increase is due to` school estimates being hig.he1- and $1,500 is asked for oiling streets. L.'HIU!l\ MIC ....Lmd.=.a_v ...Petc1'ho1'ou;:h .......... ..H;1\'elock 1).'\|'4'!1 ..... ..W'r:-stun ...H2m1i!*. ..................Su1bLu y Stuns`-on F:1'.l.< \'n1'H\ H.:\.' . V\' L`:-` U1] Calnpbt.-Hf<)1'd .Keewatin .... ..Kenora ............. ..D1'ydcn ....Fo:1'i .Sc.h-ve ib c 1' . D T111111n: .. I: d.\\ EL \1'np1`io1' ..Rc-nfrew ..Pemb yoke Campbellfard ......... ..\J U] (5 l)il'\v' Little Cux')'(sn` Wan ito wzm in 1.: I~I.~:pzmoia ..Chap]<>au 1 Q11r]}un'xr T) .Tor0n10 .Dre;~:den .PctroHa W a11acobu1'{.1' Strathroy ...Wz1t1 o1':1 Lis`o\v0l ..Mil5:on C ... .. .1 AVLIILUH .Ov.c.-n Sound VIC-:1fJ1`d 0].!11Q'\\'()O(1 \'v'ou(1b1'i:1-re TT.!A A .......... .K2ncardinc ...Brampton ...Orang'0\'1l1o ...Newma.r' `D.-. ..\. P` .....Toron to . xitchlemer ..St1`atfo1`d `Ii? crhell ...-Clinton ...Goderic11 "Hal-1-iston ...I{inca1'dine IV U\)(lUl'lH_`., U ...Un1on\'i.i0 District News .....Chz1`hzzm ....'l`i1hur;; alkvrville ...W:1lkm*\'i'n1c-. .... ..\ Vind-.u'r T nn:`r\I\ "P.r21ntf0rrl T).,`.: . ...'l`o`1'on. o ,7m0m':1l0 T-CA-nu ...Hz1mi1t0n ...'I`o1'onto 0+` .n..n ...'I`0.1`o:'.Lo \X7n V I A11 -`J11-ll)l\.-Llu ...Su .....l7l'-.'IlL'UL' ...Chatham The Ladies Aid of Orillia P1-es:-' byterian Church pesented Rev. J. A. Mclnnis, the pa. with :1 beautiful pulpit robe 3.. a 1`11(!CtiI1r_'J,` of the So- ciety last week. Fl0wer.< \\'('2`(} pre-`; sentcd to Mrs. Mclrmis.

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