Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Mar 1934, p. 5

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uruxg, wno Mr. and I in St2L.\I1-'_`7' C funeml of Rixlchurt. '1 m....:+., .. ... w (100 into my las: week) D Mrs. C. Parker returned from tho- 'Collimgwood lmospital on Monday and Ls convalcscing nicely at her home,l her many friends will be glad to know. A . ....A.... . I` - ; U1 5 uoI11e_ Sympathy is extended to Mrs.. J. McKinley in the death of her n_1oth`ez', ,Mrs, Cameron, in Barrie, 1lhis week. 4 A Social in aid nf` +11-m Qnmluu ; yru:g1`e55.1~ug . 1a.vorao1y. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ronald, Mnrs. Walter Frzvlick, Ronald Orchard and M13 and L\'Ir.s. McEwen were in Men- fonrd on Saturday ahtending the 01'- chard-Ja.mieso.n wedtlin-9;. Cong'raLu- `lations are extended to Andrew and his bride, who, after 21 short trip, will reside on "be old hnrwaostonxl, , . Miss Ann-e Orchard and Mrs. F1-ed C'ha:p-pel are in the Barrie h\o`sp.ita1, ,where they unde~1'\ven.; serious oper- Yatiomsr. _At time of writing they are] } pr0:g'ressi`ng faxorably. ` M)`. and M']`, A T?mmM V`/Tm: .`)2L` 111*" K` ' the day.` \ U SI hi1lip.~ I'nL-nhf \ L'.\` the win e Wilson I .x.. H (Too late for 1:15: ].S_ (j_ p,,,.1(,,,. 1-n+m..m,1 4-..,m. I1 I13.` an d 1 I .V. r('-mo. l`.nn~.. hCl\'CI~' `a-1 "~' Muyt-(1 and Stroud a-` 'hornt \(:2_\` exciting. The St Han -.xv1'nnnw. ... LLI, czfzgxe-Hufam 1 LHUZK and `EETREAZ L U L. L place In )`'``/\1` "1 il moths: 1\x'. . .. ELSL \ `sell m, uu;u;.u,- nan U11 .uon- . nu-otinp: will bf! \Iond:1_\' in the hall. at Knox Church on Sun- > > . for 1 1 _ n. ms.` (nu Wi1 u: mnv LlX\.' ':U s is L-.\'ten m1un1t;y. 1Jill'U`U. iL1l\l .5l1C(. On Sex Lxulzty ;'v'alte1' Bannon '`-gstL11'e. .-\_ sh 12);; he 1'oux1 ve cattle \-.1 4-: .,.,. ..v- +1. MINESING week. I Boll ): ucrs 1n b`1'ot}:.' . L. in this 5 1 __'l_`__1e Northern ., u; L :. 1 ml pI_'I1:.L;:; \` ;1~ min 3111!`. down. He put up some and \\1;=11I; to look for {in On llomiay, July 10th, he accolnpzmicd WaIte,- ] Constable Bczuty tn l`o;~m noon L"n<.-y \`i. Swii't'< shown F1'idzLy and Snttln He said he .1'ec0gni7. ' I CH I-hr. r|-\u.\- ..r..... 4', .. an d tv. Y: nvl: 11 n I\'\ . Qt >be xx \1vvv\ \4l/ ntun .p;ro\ -.- tzoud tum ,.u .n the order Toronto, `nn Ln Allis: . nuns) L M` `I >mp1'izLLe. ' weepesl; family mpahy A3 U L.A] v1 Wed H."L' HOT Buiihvz ,.. . .\-. llL.`C the DLIH` 1\u_yiU Thorn- The 1101-.~.o may be old .fz-Lshioned, but you seldom see one getting` pull-_ ed out of :1 s11o\\'d1'ift.~-SaL1it S`e.` mun . \\'ElLCll u, onunn, anu no suppeug in six times behind the defence and made twc-lve punts on close--in shots. Then F. Rooke 1'0us(,-11 the hopes the Kitties and stmted scoring. The other high sc were E_ Smith of the Kitties and Ineson of the lei- rers. Jack Cz11nero:11, L. Judd and Os- `1/-\.\vI1 1-. n1` .\.,. L r\\A l._..I ,.L [\_,1J.1IlUJ.'Ull, d. l( Judd. C. Hood. r:`r\\'1`:nv:4 T1 I Friday night, March 11th, the jun- ior basketball schedule came to an end with the Terriers defeaiing the Stripped Kitties by 17-11. These junior teams have been so evenly matched all season that it was usual- ly a lucky basket that won the game, but Friday night E. Orborn`-e s Ter- riers and C. Smi~h ..s' Kitties played such good basketball it makes us wonder why about half of the :1 we-ren t out for the junior team this year. All through the season the junior inateriul fo-1' nexi. year looked bad, but 1-"riday night Ted lne-son. Jim Stcpliens, lil. Osborne, G_ Smith, 12`. Smith. F. liooke and Jack Cam- eron pl'()\'C`(l tluxt \\'e1`e all xviong; and that `hey will help make a real junior next year. The gamr: . oil` in the true 'l`e1'1`ie1' epirit, \"ith `l1'.:m a little too. farm. 9: the g'(;ntl<,-y liitties, but .' in the game the l{it`io.-I b('Cll110 more like kats and L0:~'.'-:(l ba.~:k<,t for bzisi-:v'L witli the quicl: sL'.L1'aing Tc-i'1`im`s. The Stl`l})C(l liittios had one fault, Llicy watch G_ Smith, and he slippr'd ill] six times lwhiml lzlw til -f'.l":1{`l'\ nnrll and Cameron, bo-mc nil 9:0`. singles on foul :~'hoi.<. The gramu ended with the TC1'1 i`l'a five points up I{itties--E. Smith, F, Rooke, J. |CzJ.me1'0n, J. ']`(:r1`_\`, M. Smith, L l Int]/I F` T~Tnn/I 'uun:r xugu .~:l:u1'c1's \\'Cn: 1u_ ammn OI UiL5:KL`T4S. There were quite a few fouls for both teams, but this was to be ex- pected, as Barrie s opponents. were mvueh huskier. In the first half the game was quite slow, but was much faster in the second. Mabel Riehzu'dson did most of the scoring` for Banrie. Trenton had a very tall :f-o'rward who did most of `he scoring for them, and Marian Vair was her check. C`hris.tine Seitz was put in to guard hey at half time and she played very well. Barrie line-up-M. Richardson, B. ` Simmons, M. Foster, D. McKnight, R. Scott, H. Crew, M_ Vair M. Webb, (7. Sriitz. 1 1 4 I zulu sue pmyeu C. Scitz. ll`UUIh Ba.1~rie played Trenton at '7 13.111. The nal score was 23-18 in favor OJ Trenton, and as the score i11`dic.:.`ce.~, the game was Very close, with only one point difference in the score a` catch rest. With two minutes time left 5:0 play the score was 19-18 for Trenton, but after this they managed to break away and gain two inure bzLs.ker.s. 'r`l1r\'\I/\ ...n..A ._i_.u.- _ 1- n v - Junior Girls Lose to Trenton Last Friday ni_9;ht the junior basketball team went to 'l`o1'om:o to take pvairlz in the play-os of the CO.S.S.A. As only three junior teanza were represented instead of four, there was only one junior gmne On Fa-iday night and the winners played uhe other juniors the following after- noon. UllL.' iLll` co11d1ti( n..,.1.- ~..- COLLEGHE) 9. :o;o;o;o;a;o;o;<~;o;o;o; Advanc-e UIU. \J. FLUUU. Te1'1`1or:<-E. O.=.bo1'm,-. I. Ir Stephens, G, Smith, Jowett. TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, in commemorating the 30th anniversary of The Bank of Toronto, the genera} manager said: "No other bank has built on a deeper and more solid and enduring foundation than The Bank of Toronto. The interests of clients have always been safeguarded by the stable, conservative policies of The Bank of Toronto. The Bank has built on solid ground and it has built well. Weathermg every Ineson, 4+ W55 Clarksorz. h"J"3Ll .1y. I He and Clifford Brown have been} n0ig'hbov1'.< and f-rien foy 21 number` of ye-:L1's. Brown haul sun-L1z'c(i {xx-il'. trruck when he sta1'.`ud to `lmul cz1'.tl<.>.5 .\ C-J11`.-..:A1. y.1m+n..~......11.,.. .,1... I GRAY COACH LINES Naw is the Time E9 Travel $235221;/z :}1cL[. $55" We have Special Low Rates Good to Return within 60 Days from sale of ticket, to Any Tawn or City in the United States CAMERON & ELLIS Get in touch with your Barrie ` Agent for Rates etc. -DEPENDABLE FUELS- Phones 33 and 748 M. D. Cubitt-Nichms KILLARNEY DUSTLESS POCAHONTAS $ 1 2.00 DONNER HANNA COKE $ 13.00 THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY TRY A TON AND BE CONVINCED -ALSO-- LEHIGI-I VALLEY ANTI-IRACITE WELSH ANTHRACITE RED JACKET LUMP w.`uL'h wueu no suuvuu U) mun czL.:|<.~.; A. Ga1b1'ai`.h, pl10to_s;r:L;Jl1<>1'. 1(1.-n-f led xpuhotogwzxplls taken by him on` July 27th. Dcftanco coL1nsel 0bj(:cu.cr.l `to these pict=LLre.-; on grounds of the; late date. Kenneth Sidail, 011gin~-1' for mu `, Hig`h\'.'z1y D(~pt., i(l(}I1iiL`(l plan of lots? 15 and 16, co11c<-;<. -1, ;VIo:don e,: sho\\'m~,<.>; lovntion of .t'cnc'-.~. _ r CnH.- \\'n..,u.1,.-~ ...`,l '..m.,`..... FUEL SPECIALS storm, conservative alike in prosperity anti. depression, it has expanded along sound banking lines--establishing branches throughout Canada, with corres- pondents in all parts of the would, widening its services, yet standing always for stability and safety. The Bank of Toronto offers you experienced, eicient and friendly service in every phase of bank- ing. You are invited to make use of its strength and stability. Enuwfizzg` `aundafion I935 Phone 6 2 Ba.rrie ix `\ \\ ix ,;u;.;, 111 mu: ruuu, \\'jtnQ5 Witness said on Sunday he and pyjdm his father went back `o the pasLu.'rc . home` eld and made a fuirthey inrve: -a- tin-Dug tion, but found nothin~g: new. Abai` i-Quid a monf-h later while down at the ..m mile 0 he saw two tracks on the north side momj, of the road, running` west from hi.'~J|theft farm. The y;1'a.ss in these two :.1acks'the jg} was (lead and had apparently been marks: inzulc by 21 truck some timr: previous- .y. D 111!` (`iiH rn-1] H1~n\uvn I1-n~n '1-unnvui C 1'0: ; \\ luuuu1y1n'g we ouncr IOL11`. 1 Cross-c\'mniner1 by W. A. Boys,` winess said in all his (-xaminut,i`on he never saw any marks left by lat L21] or truck. On Saturday morning .1: said :he was down at the eld about an hour looking for the <:u'L,l<.- 41.1" examining the open fence near tfwr jog in the road, \K,H'nncc crab} nn Qnnllcnv kn nnr . (Continued from Daze one) Within an hour Constable Beatty and Chief Wrigiht, ofrMidland, were out to his place and they examined the eld, after which they drove to Banrie. He and Constable Be.i:t;,' drove to Toronto on July 10111 and in company with In-spectoy Guirnetc, they went. to the stockyzmrds, also to Canada Packers and Swift.<. At Swifts he was shown Friday and Sat- u1'day s hides. Two men would er. the hides out and `])lZ`.(.'(3 them in pile with the hui; up. '[`he sixteenth hide was Oil a g`rey roan heifer wnzcli he recognized as hz1\'in;,: belonged to him. He did not look at any more as he would not be so positive in identifyingrz the other four. (Tl'nQQ-o"-\'I1ninnIl In: I .\ T.nv< I THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1934_ ]his statement. had sold cattle to him,` .-.-.-.--.-.-...... ...... .. . ......... .. u but was unable to locate him. He: u as 41 Ann ntgc 01' and .:tn I a.a.v.n.La..I-I A. \I.I.v `THEFT or CATTLE ! \. 3 cu On L lzxrg, `IUII 0]. .LUHL"'.`. i \Va\'e1`le_\`, .~ui(l br0wn' his t1'u(`.k lzlsfc .~'LImn1et{ sick. \Vitm.-as said `uhzui Brown 1'et111'n;:(] hhe `1v\\1 ('10 4'nu `*1-\r\ n-. AF! \u_\. cds|1ic1' in the .-Loci. the Royal l:$:1nl<. To- to I1u\'i21`_-.1` ('21.~'}1<'(l :1 A_ Gr:Lh:m1 on July ) July 8th, `. down to the 1:. ~\ 4' .. ' \l 1.)`! \I\\ [in ' I01 S\\`1l'ts . -.'-)I1.:ua.. KLIILI .: `nail ~+ )\Vl1 LU bile from L110 &l()`.`.:v and _\ Jnnin` U1 to 1'0 load of _`,.;c U]. ` Lighcd :- than foul ll LU * red c U Lt bU r.11H\`uM- Irom noron 0 zum ": :\\`aitc(i in the \'f1lap;<> while Brown` `went to Hou(len'.< and got 2:. m:m-. C'1i"0rd Brown then drove him to B1`u('o B`1u\\'n`s, frmn_.\\'11e1'(.- he \\'lm 1- homv. The accu.~'cd p0si'iv`cly dc- tliud on-r In-imv nr~:n- Rnnnnn'< um.- .!.:.1l`l'l`(', LU 2l(`L (`p[. IQ llI1f.I` him nis nzunv \vu.< M:-.x\\'cIl, Cold\vate1'. Aft er paying hi mom.-y, .\Iu.\'\\'e1l drovu rxway. 41: `hit } ..-.L-t`-.-9- ...l.`... u|unL.'_\', _\1il..\\\'l.`ll (11'0\`L'. At; the bu.-L1kIu.~t Labia, he and B`1'o\\'n (lvCi(1(.`(l Lo tuku tho out ~1c to Toronto. The-_\` first went to Cum.:1;x I z1cku1'.< and nztlly sold them .0 S\\'i1't.<, the money being paid to him. Ht.` paid l$1`o\\'n his $100 and 21150 .;'.l-3 fb1' t.'m- trip. \\'iLm.-.<.-1 said they drove Lo I-Il1n\'u]v from 'l`o1'ono I"; \\'nif;ul `ll fhn r-'H-urn '11:! l).. uuuwmug xucauon or ICl`lL"-.~. Cecil Rolls, B1 .-]1.21L_l (lrivun his SL111` `*`r,.;."l11lL> he was \Vit ]U5S on July Rth truck, paying: 111111 312 1'0-1' the us it, and told him he had been route on nht` Tth \""1l1 :1 luau cattle for Mr. Grahzws C2'o. 1\'-.:.< B1'0\\.`n had b()HO\`.'C([ }=' .n.. ( Hun ~ L. .. L suit] truck 1-1 ~ m uuuw. Lnc uccusuu posl Jvmy (ic- bx-ing n0zu- Bannozfs pus turc eld or 1'(3n1o\`in;,:` any cattle. I (`li`Ol`(i Bn)'.\'n. Hmn nvtln 1- :ll'l`ll mu: 110111 or 1-un1o\`1n;.; came. (`litl"o1`d Brown. the 0`t,ho.1' uccust-: man, said he luul lived in the no,rt;l\crn l })2ll'I' 01' Sinu-ow Uoumq; all his lit: l Hr haul lmml (lr1ving,: for Kt-lls fo Ronw time and b0l`l`0\\'0(l his truck 0- , ll`.L: n1't':l fn u~n+ .. vsiuiv. +`.... l `lo`. Witn<:.<.< suul he haul `own money and borrowed wan sun to 1(.`zl\'U D110 (:21. Artur unloading them, the hu \\'0ul like V:-ry much L (-attiv and wuulxl take $17 -`I Brown. .~\ft:.-2' going owtsich ed the man "150 for them ..A ' ...I .,. . vru I -)1-AU gum {.,"zl.\`c It I 7 \I.'\.\'\\'<.-11. 'I`lu.- SW) 5121;` for breakfast : I.\\ U \HL< mound .- v.l\n) .y. .. - `1`.L` Ll".lCK \\ and i'a.ci`ng John A. jo: c11n'ou1 ' :.x-nu:-{r_.... ...-.; nu. I Cross-exzunined, \\'i'mess said he ,saw \vhei'e the 621-1111 had bee-n dug`, )up, as it` a car had spurned up the learth about 16 feet west of the rail !fence off in ?he ditch. He also found la box of buckshot gligthter n-ear these in -alrks. 1 he huu'l had ap'paL'ent.ly been made by ;sing.lo wheels. I Fred Windruvm, who liveis Op1)O.:ll3C }the Bzmno-n pasture, said he had to yrun home hzircl on tile Friday night ;to escape a heavy downpour of ram. {The next m-01-ninp; there \\`e1'e many Ipuddles on the road. On July 1st he ,sa\\` :\ car pzu'ke(l in `she ditch mu.` % the jog: in the road. The people were sliiixg in the river that CJ`0SsuS ` llll`OUgl`l the p}.L.~'.lLlI~l'C eld. ` The next. \viLne.~:.<, Jack l-loudan, o! ,l5lo.<, .~lll(l that B-1'O\\`1`l left at imire 21: hi; [)ll'\'L` early in June and calla.-(l 101' `her x`-'it.l1 l{Lll'.< l:1'ucl~Z. but he could not `1`('(.`illl who (lay_ (l`l1211`lC:5Holltlzlll, cattle buye-1', oi Fios, suixl he and Cliil. J1.-`0\\'n st')p jwi zit \'ulte1' 13:umon".< In June to pin`: ii l:/. l1...l nu! and a cigarette. pru.~.c(:uL10n. I Percy Waplcs, of Vasey, 1';1`l0'1'.st \\'itnL-s.<, for the defence, said that onl Fri 11.i5,-#11`), July 7th, while coming home from Port McNico~11, he wem.` !th1oug,'11 a heavy rain storm. He .would pz1.s.s within a qua1'te:1' of a of Bam1~on s farm. On Saturady morning after hearing of `uhe al1c,;ed ltheft. he e.\'a.mine(l blm m-nnnd n.-nu nuullnllg zu.Le-1' ncarmg 01 me al1r:,;ed (theft, the ground n.-an the jog in the road, but saw .no tread marks. I ,~. - - VVn(J`.'HU 2LI'l'l\'k'(l ill .11! ")1l.`Lllll' H\`1(l the bzlrs \\-ow up. but .-`nuwul ux-1 dence of recently hz1\'iI1.:` lm-:1 knuck- ed down. Ho t'oHo\\'vd cuttlv 1.r;1<-ks in the ditch bctv.'o(~11 1111- {once unu road eus`\.\'2ml. The 1'o1lo\\'ing Tues- day, accompanied by In.-pm-tm Gurnett, he made mensv1'u-n1m11.~: on the road and inquin-d throu_;".1out the counnry if anyone had .<-on tho cut` tle_. He also took Bznmon and EI('-_ Leod to Toronto. They got war-` rants for the z1x'x'o. of (Emhum and: Brown in (`o1d\va'(-1'. Gmluun m.-Lde`; no statement and accompanied him to Midland, \\'-here he was locked up. In the evonin-;,:' they wont to \V:2\ c1'-' Icy and go: hold of Brown. who :11. matle`-Ii)` .~ and \\~;~.. i l V gap. JHC 1T121l`K.`~.` appeared to be and family made by dual wheels. ithneir home Robt. Burke, county constable,?CuT_e.d bf Elmvalc, said he rsl; heard of the- t1:" g 15 3 theft on July 11th when he drove to l 0T5 home- Bannonis with the Elmvale Creamery' S'.mpa'Ul truck. Mr, Bannon told him of `he 1- loss of his cattle and after going` Mm C2113 down to the pasture eld, wiinessl 50? said he observed trucks to the south I School W111. land east of `the jog in the `road. ; t}.1e_U'n3 This concluded the case for the `;em"'g' ` prosecution. ' 't"Cnd' 13:-vi-v W()1Nlna n+` Xfnrmn 4.1.- cl. L I Y`~~ 'cLL:L`1ut:uL-5 to orucxs in one (11st.r.tc1:. gunaipvpel in the Barrie I Inspetor Gurnett said that on July , where !0tl1. accompanied by others, he vis-fatior1Is._At i`ed Swifts and here saw a cer'.ain}prog'ress17ng' hide which was identied by Bannon` and McLeod. He was present when Graiiam and Brown were arrested. VVitness said that on July 13th, in the company wi`.h Constable Beatty, 'ne`chard-Jamieson visited the scene of the alleged theftlations and di: certain ti'2lCl{:. com 4` inig out of '-:he 9;ra.=.s, from east to!will old `homestead. west, about 30 or 40 yards from the; Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong, Jr., gap. The marks appeared to be and family, moved on Monday from home in die village to the farm Burke. constable, I Occupiefl by. his fth.r' W` film Elmvalc strong going; to reside in `Him torm- v,V H1nf'+ nn Tnlxv 11-1. ..,.1..m L,. ,i.....,. L. u on s hrmw {ms sualzemeni". new solo cattle to mm, locate him. He} was also unable to trace down any= accidents to trucks in the district. ; I Thqnnfnv C111-nnff cub} +lan+ nu Tulu U \`'l'.() \.\|{L`(l ztttle to sell, vzxrd Lunnm: . |.,.u..~`n4- , L (.'L`l.LUHS, S referred 1. H" In... . lH.|1.l\D. LI1(' on made by 21 Chap mm, 01' July 24th ht `A1714 Lu. ` I n: 11> 1011} These ` Jinn . .3 uuu uu1LU\VL'll v.`J.Ul \1't:.-2' going otntsidu In an $150 2 zxccvpt. 'l":w ,~'c1'uI1;: :m|r- \vn.~ \Iv.\'u'nH \.u.~.uz. '.||\I 1 oad near ks. The m n .1 n L . ~ . u1`Uu;.-;:1 HI u_\' u1':1v.:u1 1%. J. \\:Lm, bookk-:` said he i.~'sI.1cd 21 ch.-quu A ,\ IL`:--yhauu :\\\ 1: . u_\ .1 - t1'ack.~. s0uLhe lo.` 7 any Cd.LL-10 I`( .. cattle 1'0 1.'1(,`:'. Witmn .-' {L'(l Bannon if h sell. not Brown. 1n< nf' \`-7 ll. DU \\"LlS ])l'L"'(`nW '-in-law ccunu-(1 04: : to the man mum-d .=`~ranger would not t and drove -.1\\'z1.\'. mxuxuug L111 would say Lire would ' by u .s1ig_},'11` 1 l'4-L r QLUU, 1021. On [mm 00 w .- n (H I 1IlJ $100. $100, n.. 1.. nu, nu and obs: and on nu \` 4 wu; m:a,1' The marks by an ordm Uh 1)LU`\\ ll. l of Wycb-xidgo, frmn Buy-.`.'11 on Inn ..,,: L. L)l.U\\Il swp 1 .~; cattle to gel}. I .-n14.!,, rm. ::.~. I1. :1. Ulilllillll (H the time 1lt`(`Ll.<('.i hurry to get u\\:1_\' (`. Hnh|I'H t-'-1 1-. Nil 1 A5 ( dual L'3l1,..I L1. uzuu, smu cxamnicd the vehicle nczu` extendurl in In .~.r..... 4.` \\ IJH L cattle Hwn u. . UL` IUEHI 5 to sell 170 for ;-(en AA` Llu 1U1' I $60 01' 3100 fr` I. ,.L.. n`.` LUIICU AIU could no unhnnl 21 HQ i broke I 4-}... . Hkl Ill: 1' bold irom < V: I3... ` illlu czlttlu L Grznham wantc-d to know what he 1\VOU]d ch:u'p;u to take who cattle to `Toronto and witness said he gured $15 would be plenty. 'I`he_v then ch-ow to 'l`o1'onoto. On 1:h~e way Home from the city they stopped at 21 hot-dog s`und and Graham paid him thv 3115. He <'o1`1'obo1'zLted G1'aham s evidence about going to Elmvale and _s:(-ttin:_-' the mare. On _TII1\' '7`7n:l In. v.'nn.1 L- 2-1! lIUX'l')v LU ELUL il\\Il C. I'l21Id1`itch, ( yards much 01 1 ronto, to.-tifn-(1 1 cheque [up A. .- 7t;`1 for .>`. .l1.(i!). Do-nvnir-I':\] (`nu _=;uLun;; me | On July 22nd ho visi1ed the eld with his father and saw the two skid Inzmks 1`(.-I'<-I'M-(1 to and said they r'm'!(l not !~.:wo been m:1dr: by :1 dual wheel. r'uI'1(1 rim nnvo been made by dual C1'oss-ex:1min<~d Brown said he was not v.'a1'nod before si_9:nin~g' :1 JL9-i mont. 111'-n. 01 l.(;1M; Thornton last ` 11.. I2n....m ('nn;:x'z1tL1Intio11.< to M1`. and Mrs.` Gordon Slmls\\'el1 on the zm`1'i\'21l of :1` littlu (l:uLu'h'01' Sun.duy morning . The Y.P.S. met for their literzugv `In:--ti11g' in the O1`z1n5.>,'3 Hall 011 Mon- day. The hvld m,-XI . ,\Innrl:1\' in Hun In-HI m -. vv. .\1-\\n1au1:I .~`(.`1`\'I('(`.`s` I0!` S1::;<.'21_\':1)'(-: John s 11 21,111.; St. Pt-It-1- .< lmvu not been ablv to have: a s(.'r\'ic(- for st-\'(2r:11 \\'eek:< o\\'in,r.,>' to tilt` "vmdition of `.110 1`oz1(l.<. but ser- viw will I)(- hold 'tI`.('1`(.` at 3 p.m.; S1. Jam~.~" at 7.30 }).m. ;\[i(l\\'(,-ck . at St, John's on `\7\'2rIm-.< at 8 13,171., Good Eyiday. R nun . Cu Y`l..A.,,.` 1'! ' ..... . |.'JU !l.llI. \\'mIm-.<<]u:.' Friday, 94 g>.m.; St. I otm-`:<. Good F1`i(L;y at 10.30 21.111. St. James 3 p.m. A radionstation with a. tower 1,022 feet tall, said to be the highest in the world. has .=t.u'tod b1'0:1(]Pn in mu nun, sum to be the highest i st.11'ted b1'oz1clca>ttrin,; 1' Budapest. no I and ,uuu LULh`lx'l. L Ll1 I1('| 31.1`. zmri .\I1`;s. family, of Alliston. \ f1`i(-n(l.< last Sundajr. M1`. Mervyn Corbc Bank sta`, '_[`oront.o, \ ton over the week 1 .\Ii.<.< D0~1`i.< Purno]! days at time of Wu` \y._.. [ ...,u. T.....: W. '.u1'.\', pzmeoruxl, In barrle, 1ll1Is week. :1 social in aid of the Sunday b `School will be held 111 the basxement fof the Unmted Churroh on Friday 1 ` evening. All 1n-tclrestcd are invited no I `-.LbtL`I`l(l. ' Ibhrananl mm 13 r()\\ u. Const-ab`:~ Bv~:1'.`._\' mid he m:ul<- :1 thomm.-:'n im.w.:.~'Li;-,`;1*.3(1x of 1"-- id(-n`it_\'v and \'.'lwr(-:1l)out.< of {'10. mzm named` Maxwell, who Graham haul said in .\.`|}'. \ I ; formerly `kt 17:- 1116 W 0111114`. U11 l`uesdu.y.. mg, 111 11:10 torment m `Dmon Came I (`I1/-1-r..I 4 ., l'U.`HH four 1\I\yv(n xuau uL'1'(3 eral took ` any-X \|'n . I. L1lUl'JlC0n la. Mr, Rus mzldu :1 })L1.\. .``Iondu\'. C .u l\HU\V. A group of young people from C-I!.ll.l'2`.l (Lurch, Barrie, took clmrge of the service on Sunday evening in the United Church, while Rev. Mr. Cruse was supplying` for Rev. Pick- ering, wlro is 111. Mrs. Geo_ -Crawford were on Sutu-rtlay attending the 1-he 1z1tter s sister, Ma's. The sympathy of the com- mimity is e.\'ten(lc(l to l\Ir.~:. Crawi`o~rd in her be-re-avemu::1t. Death of Mrs, Armstrong Mrs, A. Arinsbrong, S11, passed away on Friday morning after a few days illness i'rom pneumonia. S-he lxzul been in fziilimr l1n:\lH1 +`m. um ` m .. LL"-\' years 111 the V11- `lugu. She was of a quiet and retir- ing (.$[)0.\'iLjO}l, devoted to her home and church, and was seldom :1b.:ont . from her place at service when health pe1'mitt0d. She was also :1 loyal m"m'u(-r of the L.1di(>s AM. To her . fzunily is In"-ft Um tv.-:1d(.-1` n;uz'ie.~ "-1" 1 Iot`i:15: an-1 (levoted \wfu and mother. 8111*`. hi ' u -.-n |- nu. nu-n. ...._,o uuncaa uum pneumonia. she failing` health for the past year, but wzL.< able to be abuu. the `nou.e un`il Sunday, when .-he `was stnitzkeli. Mrs. A1`InsL1'0n~g' cinuc to tuhis commu-nity from Osprey tn\\'nsh~ip when 21 bride nearly fLy four _\L`H`.< 21,{. .`0. and had lived on ithc farm where she died with the `o..\'m~ntio=1 of :1 ("ow years in the vi]- la `c. quiet di.spo.~'iLi0n, to church. and \'.'n.~ .~..1.i.\m 1)lLl(.'L` l\lHL'ill'. IUIVUUVU, L or foy S\\"I1`L (f:mz1{im1. a.1'0und .11 u.m., F1-ida_\', J1 bought tiw cattle from U" men. Th('1'c was 21 1:1 w11i.`e-1'z1c<:d . and L`. Hercfords, bosidc two h which one \\'ns :1 rozm color. Gmhan1 .>`J.{5 :1 cwt. 1'm_- $3."5 for two of the .~t.- was the only buy he mud.- John Dunlop, Tor-onto. -1 S\vii't.<, t<. to hzlving ve rattle on l1i(l:L;~.'. b)`0ug;h' in by (im`w.:un and H .1 \\'n1n In\nL'L*m-....u-f

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