Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Mar 1934, p. 3

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Ii. Prices Roasonable You 1l nd our Phone 53 5.6 iiiiiig 1mm Ill) Million Dollars st.1'aLior11 Plot. 1:. 15593 t L-rt Scott wzls in.~'*.1".1mr_- suading-' the council to about sen.-n :1(`1~;< of .'.n1a11st.1'ezm1_. '\'I:u1`c 1`. was built. and the water 1 .,. . v\(~-) uuu-. uuu mu. I\4.\-wt village, g`:`a\'ity :-'upp`1_\'ing,' the sure fo,1- the . At that the whole \va.`.`e2'.-=`m:d at this s was e0\'ere.d with t1'ees. the : was pure, and mom-, than eien-t 1'01` the villugrr need, b `ime went. on the timbey `.\`2L` cattle \'~.'e1'e zLll;0\\'ed to ,;.;;,`.:7.e the urea and in some 1-gezzrs was frequent S1`:Ol'1}ZLQ_`L.-.s` oi `wait the dry seasons. The climax ca 1921, when, due pa. 1}.` to spring 1'ai11s, the \va'L.`1' b`.Lal hu(l':y pollutecl by the rim-oft the.:'e now ban-en hills, that the i of the community was In 1922, 1zu'g'e1;; tlnouzi the u of H. M. Aitken and '1`. A. kmiluu \ ..vuu .... .-,u...u. ....w.......,\..;. .4`; AV. of the municipalities derive ...ei1` water supply from hills and slopes fun by Sp1`ln'g`;~`, \`.'l1i'el1 are frequently vlrv:r~n("`nt 0'! the foresl cover of the , area for t;l1eir ow. i\'earl_V every community owns a eommunitv 'mrl< or z1\L,-"rieull:ui'al g`1'oun(l.~', \\'l1e1'e plan tations of trees on the mun: 1'em<.:te sections make the :`.rev. much more.` pal L:-like. l Simeoe County pio\'i<`.e.< excellent exzun-ples oi" pi~;u1Lzuio,1.< \\"1lci1 fulfil Lwo 02` 111010 pui'=po.~,e.< ou lim (l ab One of the most ll1l(.'l'L=.~ ' ol` t3:.~. is t.l`.e Beeto'n Wz1t.:i.. Demon- Ix! .1 . n . I) > nu;-\.w.,uv...1 Lu.) u. LLAA\., b....-.._, tittlly L11`-':".`.lt(`(l to any a;;f1icultural purpose, but have the type of soil which is actually 1)1'ef1'l`(1 by many species of forest ~t1'ees. \Vl1ie:n such a1'ca.s are located along a main route! of travel, 021' near a `own 01; villagc-,] they are ideal for (lemon`s`br21tio41i pur-' ]_)'0lSCS. 11` land is very ligiit it Ire- quemly clevc-lop.< into blow-.=zm(l wiicn the g'round cover is removed or wonn off by cattle and bccoincs a serious menace to good agricultural soils and 1'oa(l\\`ays, entailing` large expentliltuc-1's. 01` its l'11 1l0V'?J.]., /or cvcn the purcluming; of land l'o.; a new road in . instances. Sonic H m - - u-.~ 1 u u-LL. mzm, an area 01` :1p1)mximaf.\.-'1y . llundred acres, c(.n1p1'ising' uimo.~'t t whole watershed. xvas pu1`(:h:1w, fenced to exclude cu.`-1.10, and 1 I'0x'c. under Mn: . i:?i0n of L Ontario Fo2'e.stry B1'zm.vc:h. In t last: few years, since thv new `1 area. cover began to e.\'ert it.~ bu cial insuence, the water h.'1.< 1-e_u;'1i ed its pristine pu2i`._\' and an ab nz an-t flow has been ma.intainc(1_ THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1934_ The 111uni-cipzzlities of 1\1i(ilZLl1(] and Coldwdatcrv have .al.~:o p)'0I-vtml Lin: . . ` . lands \\'h1ch fu1'm.~'-11 '.h<.-1;- xxzm-r u1\- ply by rc1'orestinp; them. 'l"m: Fon- orablc William 1in1ay.~:on and o1d\\'at0r, `H,-.<[)<-(rli\'\-Iy, ..`L..l 3.. 1...... Steve-`n.5, of C A.1..\..,` \\`o1'e in.-=t1`umex1rtal in have these pro- jects carried 1.'h1'~ou::l1. 1.11-_ 1"ini'.1;;- A)`v\.vL.u-.5, v... Vvu..--nu-v..., .\,.1;\.... (This is the third of a series 0.1" seven articles on Rcfolrestation 1n3 Simcoe County, prepa.1'ed by the On- tario Forestry Bmnch, which will ap- pear in The Advance from week to week). \.,_, .-..,......., Dcmonstration furosits are small pieces of waste land varying in size from two to one `hu-ndred acres, and ,pur`chasqed, in most ex-. pressly for the pL11'pO of tree p"u1L- ing. A number of municipalities in Simcoe County have established such plots, among: which awe che tomis oi Barrie and Midland, the \:i':lug'e< of A-ngus, Beeton, Coldwater and Hills- iiae, and the to\\'nships of Essa, 1:1- nisl, Oro, Suvrmid-ale and Vespra. Stecrp hillsides, sandy, rocky and g`mvelly Str-et~c`l1o.~: are, as 21 rule, -'..\1.. ...` _..2L,\.X A.,_ ._.._. ._....f....IA......I Demonstration Forests in Simcoe County. (By A.S.L.B.) I'\....._....L..._L3.... ...A A... ...... ...-...'l` Reforestation in Simcoe Co. ARTI CLE I11. The N01`-thern Advance c0Ifu1'-(iam yipcd to the . u I Northern Advance -..- ,.-.. time Axis st1'L:x:11 \v..Lc1' ` sum- 1., but usl Luke 0\ ur ."1-.Li;i$. ll\.ul\- ..... uxn. w.....,-. E Nearly every person who has travel- iled along` Yon_<._1'e .~,treet ren1ewber:~l `this plan alien. lt was tln-ou:_,>'h like L-tl o1'.`.;~; of Allen Hutchin. and G. C. Allen tliat this plot was set out in 1923. The Vospra plot, of about 40 acres, cstabislled on the come) \\"l1e1'(\ the >:i(l-road to .VIi(li1u1'. vil< lage leaves the l1ig`l1way, is also emlendid-ly located. but is raixhcr over- Sl1lLlO\\'Cd by tlhv plzmtatioxh` sur- `.'oumlin_~.r .\1icll1.u1*st nursery. We must not Iorg:-t that the prim ary object of all these dcmons.ra- tion fore;~'t:< is the actual pvoduviion of comm0.1'cia1 timber, and the I53.-'. and On) plots are ideally .~ituatcrl for this purpose, since they are both in the CUl1tr': 01` bu 1`ea(lil_v e.\'tem1e(.l to includz: Sulli- cien-tz land to make a forest \Vl1lCIl1 will u llarge sand areas, and can, tl1e1'0f:'01'c, I . -..,.... I/\J .. J\lA\.J\l 'be renily \\'o1 t,h while logging in the future. The Essa plot, which lies innn~edia.te1_\' east. of Baxter, \\'a.< .\"LfL\`1('(l `,In'ou_L},'h the instrumentzllity 0.1` `.110 late Charles Denney, who VHS re-eve at that time. Morley Beath, 't1cq,m13'-ree\'e of Ore township, was Lime mun ),'e.sp0nsi})le for the es ab~ ::..;n of the 01-0 area, on whxeh . H}(),()0C u`r*e.' have been plant- ..,. 1 non p'`'-``- ' ' I The villagnes of Ang'us, Beeton andli !Hi1l.sdale and the township of Innis-. i have plambed trees on the little-1 used sections of their community parks, thus, not only increasing the beauty of their recreation g'round.=,,' but also estzxblisliing; nefcieir wind- breaks for sports and gatl1~e1'i11_-g`s of all kinds. In the case of the Angus_ park, the school children thomsel`.*e. planted nhe trees on Arbor Day, provision for which is mad~z.- .h.`,q.Ll`-L` Ontario Department of Education, ` From the point of View of public- ity hhe Innisl to\\nvsl1'ip den1on.~'*.1'a- `tiun forest, located at the comer 01' {he l{i:`..,v",< lli_L:'l1`.'~. 3' No. .11 and th:- s(:'.'e111J1 conce.K~`i0n road, 0cc11piC.~: 1110 best sltz` of zwjr in the coum';_V. 1 Nearly who t1'aV:l- 1 1 1 ul sine-0 192$), The 1211-gc. dc-n1on. 1.1'uc`..: in the county lmvc l)(f011 1`(:l'0v)`('.~"Lc(l by bhc Boy Sc,-outs. One is located on who Camp BO`1'(lt.`!l plaixis, about half a mile west of the Village of Angus, an-cl may be sec-.11 from We C.I\'.lI. .. lug... train which runs between Allzlndziie i1:'.\!l'BCOllll1_L',`\\`()O(l, and the ohlior is situated on H. S. Wilson s i'a1'm which ` 1. .1 \V uA4\.|Utv'd\A uu ..-. .9. n mu... .1 ...;u. u-nun. wzisag liver on the south side of .ln~ <`ount_\' road but\\'-on Ba1`1`i0.m SLu_vne1'. l.`his \v'zx.< zm arca of al- most; pure blow-. compri;~:ing 1.l;ouL :uu'<- \\"I1i<'E1 Lilo l 1'ovin:i;L] Boy SLou`.`< Association] leased in 1930 for the ])Ll1'])0rL` of planting, hm: immudiu -iy \\'w.-t of the .\ 4,1tu- and many t1':u'r:llm~.< along; this route` Correct. Wedding S tattonery The demonstration forest owned! by the Lownvship of Sunmidale and 10-! acted on the diagonal road` between! Glencairn and New Lowell, furniihesi the best. example of xxnhat refo1'e.stu-i tion can do in arresting; the ad\1m~cc' of blow-sand. On the northwest side! of this road is an area of light sand` which had drifted across the right-E of-way in such -deep ridges as to, make the road impassable. In 1.)22 Allen Hutcihin-sown, who was the agri-E cultural representative at Barrie at that time, and T. H. Burrows, the` towniship clerk, p the town- ship to purchase the land an-d apply, to the Ontuiro `Forestry Branch fo' reforcst it. This was done in that` year and the movemenh`. of the sand: has been completely stopped, in spite` of the fact that the area was not pro- ` perly fenced and cattle retarded the grownh of the trees for the rst few | years. rn1_- ._sn,,,,. 1'` A , n . v I son was also resp-onvsible for havtxi-g ;the small plots of land which were left on the corners when the -highway` between Barrie and Orillia was un- pruved, plamtcd with various species of tmees. --......-.-.... ....,..t,r..... \ 5'; Not a member of the Oppositiomg 0 includivng Liberal House Leader Mc t; Quibban and Progressive Leader? ;Nixon, would take the challenge} 9` laid down by Mr. Finlayson in askmg ' . whethe1- they approved of Mr. Hep- E bu.rn s absu remarks. Dr. Mc- I Quibbzm wczxkly replied that he did: i_nnt write M. Hepburn s statemenis;_ l.noit.hcr did the latte-r write his_ -. 1.7., `r7L',,1,,, _,, 1 nedy, 1\'Iini. of .~\(,:'1'i(`u] t111'0, izxdi cated a board of t'.1n`C0 would .-h.1't~ ly be appointed. The c11z1irm;m, (701.1 Kennedy indicated. would have :1 full-timo position, thcz other two mCmber.~: pm` dicm z1110\\'anr::.~. Tm fee umler the bill would lye nm` inal, -he .~:aid. An appropiration 02" $3,000,000` under `nhe Northern Developmwt Act is made in tho resolution of don, `Wm, Fi111:1;.'sur'.. 1\`Iini;~ut'e1- of La'n .~: and Forests, who stated that since ,-`tit czmne into force in .1912 there has been $63,000,000 2lp])1`O] )]'i- zLt(.-(1 umlcr this fund. . .1 'v~1II- IV .- \VL\ u u.u...; u... .-\1`L!`.u1- Ellis. Consewative mem- ber for South Ottzlmt. made 21 spun.- ed utack on Provincial Liberal Lewd- er Hepburn durin-5.: the (Ix,-bznto on ..l 41... l._AL... .1. `1Ar\ `l D>Al~. nun. mu.-. \v\. ttnu EUIII5` iln i':a*.'( :1 ] )Z11`d(i(`. of (lislnisscd Ci\`li; servants if he is returned to p0\\`c1'." )1`); FinIa_\=. defended M1`. G1':.V' as an outstanding meinber of Eizv Hydro staff, and probably the f1`L`Z1'u~ est eng'inee1' in Hydro in-utters on" the; continrent. He did not imagine t.Z:;.`. 3 the good thinking people of the pin Vince would :1pp:'0vt,- of it. neither (.1-:1 he believe that mvinbers of the hp position would ap`p1'ovu of i`. 'l`I... `.\:I :11. I,\._J ....1 11:1! _. .. . .: The Mill: Control Bill pus: tllrough committee stage of ` -Iou.<( (l1.1'in:' 'u'..icl1 Hon. T. L. K .-\;:`1'icultu1`0. in 1 n . . u,_;14.~_--V a \ the exuberance of his own vcrbo.-:I:.;.'," said Mr. Ellis, (1ecIa1.'in`g that ho had been `astonished that any lezzdcr 01 :1 `responsible 132111;.` in Ontario . `.mL-21t(:n . aciion. Mr. VI`-is also cn2z]I(,-:1g<:(rl I r0g;'1`a;<- ' `r ._ ` 1 I'M . . . . . I "Mr. Hepburn 1s lncbrmtrxl `n ' 1 u... - :-..~ (ll.V\I \uu..-,..>.,\u . ;uh.u.- sive Loader Nixon to stair: his .<".'u::d in regard to the Hepburn L1t`:e1';u.<-L-.4 in 1'eg;a1'd to aboIis11in.g-'t11`e Detpat-I menu`, of A_r:1'i('L1ltum. but ;V11'_ .\'i:-: declinvd 0 .'~'t:11L- his views on many of Liv mz1Ltm.~: ]n'r`.<(`nt0(l. : ..\.....-. mp ...,w-1 mm; v....,_ 5 Mr. Finlayson dC]'l!iC(1 a s`aten1cntvF made by Mr. Nixon hut M1`. Gaby had pc-pared an attack on Mr. Hap: Iburn in a three-page pvanlrphlet, bu-`3 that the pamphlet had been is=.1cd in reply to He.]1bumn attacks 01* Hydro. ur'l11__'_ ,,_,,L -0 ___,1~ 3,, . n - Here's one detail of the wedding that need not worry you a partlcle For our announcements and=invita tions are correct !TH*EL WEEK WITH T 1 THE LEGISLATURE A stinging attack upon 0pp0:`li}lOl`. members of the Legislature \vas made by Hon. Wm. Finlayson, Min--E I ister of Lands and Forests, in tnel budget debate, for following the lead- lersthip of Provincial Libeial Lead-or ilepburn and a policy of if-returned ` !to-power to re wh-olesale civil scrl lvzmts and members of the }Iydro-i |Electric Pow-er COl11`1]]lSl011 .~t;l`.! `isuch ugly, malicious ;.tate.1nenl;s 21.55 ;are being made by Mr. Hepburn, the? ..\Iinister \\'a.rned, would ultimately -lead -to F. A. Gaby, chief Hydro an ; iginecr, who Mr, Hepburn dIelc1a.red :`\vould lead ax parade of di.<.nissc-(l `employee of the Governrment, leav-| ing the Hydro and entering some, commercial enterprise. 70-4. .. ....-..-L.~.. -1` 1.- n.-.-..._:L:-.. I .._yu.u. 1 | This sort of malicious talk by. ` Mr. Hepburn is 1 the Lxbvrull party, said Mr. Finlaylson. This? 100842. wilt! L211}: t.hu.: Wu are going are \'x`11.`.(ilill'.',` with i1:tm'c: lw ~.':ziy in '.\*bi(-.l1 tho trees lmvo tzxkon `mill and are now .-:l1elterin:.: the . i&').l1l]) r at `oh-0 COll`nU1Ull(`(` of `.`r.e Pine :1:i'.l Nottz1\\':1.' rivers. If a municipality owns 21 ;~'u1`...1'o:u` pitrco of land, 01- is able to purcnz)..<(: it. the estziblishinent 01' :1 sbration forest afl`or(ls an (3X(`l.`iix"l1i. opportunity to utilize men on it-lieu". The municipality must 1'. see t. nut the land is fenced to exclude cattle and agree to grive it friendly ]))`0t(_-c- tion, then the FO1'0.~ti`y Branch will supply the trees free and prov:ue teclinical supervision for plan1i1:,';` the art-:1. Very little attention is we-, quired after the trees are so . on , but they must be gxuzwded against the danger from g`)`.'\.:~s res. The Bar ` rie p1o-`- has been partly wiped outf by fire anrl about fteen acres of the Dceton plot was burned in IJ30, but lm.~: _.'inc(~ been 1'(`,TIiZH'lt(.`(i. Not only does such an unclertakingr pro-. vide employment, but the land iui made productive, and in mzmy (z-.1:-sg 11 blot on the countrysidve, an -e_\`:--l rr-.irlent..< z1i.:l `.ou1'i;:t.' zili`-~.e.' is converted into a" vr-rdzmt stretch of \\'O`0('iii1.l1(i, \\".hich is :1 benet and pride to the community. ti:-`noni- "'1 ..u..uu_v . i Public Accounts Comunittee held i their initial iiieetingr under the chair- ;manship of Hon. W_ D, Black, Con- lservzttive member for .'-\(lding'ton, V when i:. \'.'eLs ruled `olmt matters per- ` C:I.ll1l1l_!L' to other years than 1933 will , not be (list-L1.~'.'~`e lleth Lil:e-1'31 Lead- ;C1' McQuibbzu1 and N. O. Hipel, Liberal, South Waterloo, sought to Ubiing in m21'Lte1`.= pertaiiiing` to other w "`yL-211's. tl:-.- l`o1'm.cr in 1-eg.'a1'd to fin- !` zui-cine` of the Liquor Control Board, and the latter in reg':1r(l to road "on- tracts. Legislation givinwg municipalities powe' to license and control lending lib1'a1-ies with a View to banmiiig cir- culation of objectionable books \`. ill.. be brought in by the Government,` 7 H-on. Wm . Finlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, imdinated \\"l1`11 a. ` ii similar bill was before the House, in- ": hroduced by Fred G. McBrien, Con~ l,se1'vative, Brocton. Mr. Finlayson in-' '3 formed Mr_ McBrien the Govern- ment planned legislation which will go furtzlicr than the McBrien bill, A... ..._____J...,_,l I A` 1 4 l -..........b v. \,vu.yu.;.uuuwu Ll.L\J\\(l'A3 :1. u i I 3 l Mark Vaughan, Conservative memjv ber for Welland, also speaking in the ` ` budget debate, made reference to I the case of Magistrate McCaugh-rin, ` of Orillia, in quoting from Samuel P3pys diary, and using the refer-` en*cc in \v.hi<:h Pepys w-as cvon. ed to divide 350 with one Ba.rl'ow' who had preceded him in the posi-! 3` lion. Mr. Vaughan while 1-e1'errin J ; to this section failed to be pe1'nn`.!:j ` i to bring in the point of 1\Iugist1`L`.e`1 -l\ [cC`au_<.;':l11'i11 having been p1`0N l(lu. 1,[ J in an o1'igina.l unde1'stand.1n-g, w1t- a. ; retirin~g or cvompassi-0-nate allowzm-.` l 1' am! .`|..L:..... ... . .... - - -- "I i n 1'ikim.;' . cord of grrain '= maintained, and it is n-oteworhhy, in Canadian Grain Successes Information reetmtly .\'(.`('L1)'(`(i from the prize \\'inne1'.: at the Intei'nzmt'0n :1] Haj: and Grain Show, huhi in C`hiva:-"o in D0('(`i11i)(`i` last, reveais Lhc fzxct that in. the hard red spring: wheat class, the most impo`1`t- ant c]z1.<~: in the show, all of the prizes were won with \'z1`1'ieti<-s of w Ieat ori_2'inatt-(1 and (i<:\'(-lopml hy Lhr Dominion Expm-in1rmt.al Fzu'n'..:. 'I`he)'0 were l;hirt'y-fi\'e awar in all. 'l'\\'m1ty-e.i`g'ht exhilvi o1`.~: won with Re- wzu'd. ; with Marquir: and (mi: .\ li)i1 Garnet. 'l`h11:< is Cz1n:u!a s proud 1-0.. exhibition successes deed, that the Dominion Experimental 1 F:mn.< have ('0nt1`ibut0d so ma`m'ia1ly toward this ous`tandin~g' triumph. Reducing Farm Power Costs Farm po\.\'e-_- I.'().`ts mag: be z`n:i:z"ed by making: needed repairs and adjus*L- went.-' on t:'a:'to1'.~'. by using` proper hitches and operation with an optim- um load. .Hor. labor costs may be 1'mlm'r.-ti by il1\'i1=L" l1:1i'11o;<'< and im- plements in pe:!":ct zidjiwtnirsnt. by using proper hitches and io:.i by economical feeding: and by uszng mostly young` horses raiaml or. ti`.-: farm. Sheep Killing Costs '1`h:- (lzmmge (lone by ma1`audin;g (logs to .-`neep ll0':k.~` in Old Ont:rio- has been c. by R. W. Wade, Provincial Live Shock Colmnissioner, as at least $20,000. This is Lne amount of money which municipal- i r.i<:.~: t`nrou:._;'lmut the provln-cc 'n.ve haul `.0 pay on in compensation ior sheep klllcd. Provincial aml mumci- pal 1'(.-;;`L1l;:ti011.'~: ;\ern`.it tlm favmel \\`l10>'<,- llocl(.< l*.m'- lnsen 1'z1\'z1;_,-*e to a.m)l;c for <-mnpl;-n.~`:1tir)n and .~:')ttlC- ment is made by mutual 2L!,`l`COll`1`ut 01' tl'.1'oL;g'h a p1'o\`inciul expert. There is little that can be (lone. in preventing such sla.ugl1tc~1`:<, anthol- ities agree. The vicious sheep killers l1a\'0 found z1C('(*.~'..< to the most tight- ly (~n(-lo.-wr-(l pens and pastures. '1:`.ey work at. night. work noiselessly nd leave only :1 short trail of blood be hind_ \l ..uuu-u\.,_ uuuu mu; AILLJJIIUII uiu. An amendment to the Pavmb1'o~l ` Act, introduced by Attorney-G.enera.l W. H. Price, prevents pawning of navai or military medals, decoratims or orders, and also provides a ne -of not less than $20 for infraction of the Act. H. J. Davis, Conservative, Elgin, introduced legislation which aims to make Remembrance Day, Nov. 11, 9. legz holiday, and which will oom- pel every municipality to observe the holiday. "' 'r\ 1.. . -. THE CANADIAN BANK OF (COMMERCE Ha.1*1'i.ston, Ont.. took one protec- ` tive stop when they pas.-cgl :1 b_V-aw last week raising" the license fee tor Alsatizm d0_C'_'.~`, the brcr-(1 blzmmed for `the mz1_io1'it_v of . from $7 ` to $17. hoping-r to 1'.'.-du(-<- tho number "in the 1n\\'n. Farm News rage '.l'hre{ As a Confidential friznd . . . Capiia] Paid Up Reserve Fund Your banker, too, is a professional n1an--a member of a profession that works as much as any other in the public interest, protecting the depositor against loss and employing his liquid surplus for the general advancement of the country. Each member of the staff of The Canadian Bank of Commerce is bound by professional oath to treat your affairs condentially. Make use of his services, placing him on the same friendly pro- fessional footing as your family lawyer or physician. The family lawyer, the family physician of many years standing, are people in whose judgment you place condence, and who treat your affairs as a matter of confidence.

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