Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Mar 1934, p. 7

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Ontario Department of Agriculture 1.: H. --.4` lllinister r1 .' g;1.1dc=.*.(:'. 2 ,. .~'.`1m 1ia1 gxz. interest at ;.':1'0\\'in_s:' t"`-i!i_e that will .~:er\'c him `well in adult life, So says Mrs. John I\Ic.`-\I1is'te1`, of Sc:11'sdai\e. N.Y.. who h;1:< had iahe ex- perience of e1L1istiii;.v; 200 1119 y young g'ardener.s! from the tender age of ve years upward in a junior garden show and judging their en`:.rio..~:. LETTERI-IEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATI-IY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS ETHEE Garden-ing`-c`on1ingr in contact with mother ca1\`;h-is a g'1'<:at characte-' l)11i](1L"l', says M1's_ M~cA11iste1`. .__...__. '!`vuLn 1n IESOI .Is 3. V'e1'y um: unxng, but far `.00 many ])C1'.\011S make a habit of telling the truth only when .it hurts somebody else. '1`vuLh in itsef is a very ne thing, ..4 +5. `nn mcmw hn'|'xn11Q n1nL4= :1 James B. Fairbairn Deputy Min ste STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS uuu ELUU ("Iis taugflxt in schools, but needs some native tact). Yet narow in her mind as in her shoe. Give the rst place then to t.he noblt:-r phrase, And leave the lesser word for lc:s.~'e';' 111-n1'ea Page Seven THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1934. jA. The on Thursday, Maren om, mm 0. good attendance. Roll call was answered by stlggestions on How to hum-or a ihusbam , which brought out some novel ways. - xvw 17' Pnnr-`nrk u':w(: 21 na.Der on The monthly meeting` of the Shroud W.I. was `hcicl in the Commuuiiy Hall Thursday, March 8th, with a n-nnr] n++nndnnr-:2, Roll provouking. Lunch was served by- four lrizsh hostesses. .____:____. The Ma.1'ch meeting of the W.M.S. of Collier S1. United Church \\'a.s held ,... w..:.1`.m Mm-oh 9th. Aftc-:1` prayer of Collier 51. L`n1Leu emu-cu was mu. on Friday, March 9th. prayer 5 several `reports were presented, and 1 the pesident, Mrs. Malcomson. read a ` lcxvteor of thanks for clothing, from a 1 minister in Kincaid, Sask. Mrs. c. I M. G. Smith read a paper on Christian Stewardship and Mrs. W_ P. Graham gave the Watch Tower report. ` Miss King read an enlightening article _on uhhe efforts of the liquor interests (F0 create new customers among our voung people. .\'I.rs. Long's group was in c.ha.rg:e of the program. After de- votional exercises led by Mrs. lrisl` and Miss Partridge, Mrs. Long gave an intensely interesting` talk on re- ligious and social problems facing our missionaries in China to-(lay. Solos by Mrs. Swanson and Miss Walls were much enjoyed_ The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Hickling` and the benediction hv 1:110 n1``$.'ldeI1t. STROUD WOMEN S IN STITUTE by Mrs. rxlcmuxy, by the president. .- be The pc1l'ecL \'.' mu~. grow brave of heart ` And broad of 30161 to p'1211.' hm` troubled nn 1-: ___._. "Pu; on your green, St. Patrick says, Let all the world avaxv; And ;~:.ho\\' its emerald huos once more For good auld h'e1and s sake !" So .\I:u'c.h has nobly acquiesced, And loyally is seen, In spring-time :_~`a1.1'1nent.~: once ag-.1111 .~\-wearin of the green '. A total of 169 \'i.~'it.~: were lnuue -during the m0nv"h, and -15 cases were cz~.r'rivri, 22 of \\'i1`iCi1.\\'L.`O czu-ried on into Uztrch. There were six medical cases, foul-si1rg_vicu1, fouiteen pre- natal patients and ve mat.ei'nit;y cases under m11'. cure and suner vision. Nineteen free be(1. nu1'.<- :...... -u;ei`4: wm-n mmle. and 32 Visits vision. Nmeteen I1`C(E Uc(1.~nu: nun.`- ing visits were made, made to .\Ictmpo1itun policyholders, for \\'hich the company pays the act~ ual cost per visit. Four baby clinics were held at flhe ("11_,.1Lnu rmm -) tn .1 20 on Friduvs. COLLEIR ST. CHURCH uzu Cum. Shelter with u (One Hundred Y:`m's Old I\1zu'ch 1934). .54). One htlndrod `(`:l1`>' ago to-day our city .~tood. buil. on 1:11: bay ; Its rulers men who stood for right, And for their c0unt1'_\' oft would ght. W i`h s1:eadfzL.~'t (.'}'(.` zmd easy mien, No g'reater men were ever seen. Than those who gzuzu-drrd L-Evie laws Qmd ever kept its lawful cause. _b. .*'-\ The future city, peaceful lay, And simple p1UiL passed the day. No hurried fomi, and ceaseless roar, But happy `.iine.= in t,hirty-fou1`. And those who lived on untilled id.11(i VVm'e known to be 21 valiant band . God bless the pioneers who braved The humdships, and our future saved. Women 19 Page Give us thaL grand word woman once agam, And let s haw. (tone with 1a;1y; onc s n +nwrv1 Withou' their \\'ozu`_v way to mill And grain from land so hard to till, The people in our future city, Would only be objects of pity. "l\'Im~e fhqste, less speed, is seldom 88-11`; $113 let us live more slow.and plain ; use thrifty, in thirty-four, And keep the wolf outside the door. --Estelle Westneyl No`e: Miss Westney formerly lived at; Allandale and attended school ham and in Barrie.) Allamlale zmu zuu there and m Barrie.) V.O.N. FEBRURARY REPORT `LU (M) l what to 53. and act . nun-'Iu4 in pzul. l in life's \\ U bL`L: pen'1'eu. `an (10 praise. baby clmlus new `cu. um.- from 2 to 4.30 on Fridays. total attendance of 51. j. SAINT PATRICK TORONTO The Centennial City 8 term Full of fine force, strong, beautifull 4-.1... WOMAN "--E`1la Wheeler Wilcox} say, g`~1'z1cc in each tone r-I: - . ,..u.:n.. `nn+\ Vludy skilled in what drulna. While each day 1"ill.\ 1934). \`l\!| l'\' I At noon on Tuesday the members of the Pai'11:s\v'ick Women s lnsvtitutc enterzaincd their local school teach-er ianxi the 23 pupils to a chicken din~ HEP. PAINSWICK W.I. ENTERTAINS I TEACHER AND HER PUPlLS| [ (Let. `me p-1'u.'ident, Mrs. Ha.`1"ker, wel- comed'th,e guests in 21. few well chosen words, and M1's_ A. ".'v;~v .01`;- g'ra.tulated `dhe `.eachu.1' and 11.49;. on being` the winners of the school shield at the School Fair last fall. \ii_-_- l`..nmn..- 1v(xI\I:./; +11nI1]I:I1n- -L... run 01 um: 1U1'CL`, >.I.,Lung,, m;au..uu.| and rm, I Fm: 101' the noblest use of tongue or nun - lo hill: DUJJUU1 .L"oLU.` 1aa'.. Liz]-Ill. 3115.5 L`um`.ing' 1'ep1'Lcci, tha.nkin.g' ihe mcmbcus 01' the 1n.~tit.utc for their kimlnc;~;s and im;c1'c.~:t in the school. Leslie Jack in a very manly way, seconded the t.ha.nks made by his teacher. .\ #4,... n ...'u.-..,..u-,.. `L... 4.1.- ,.,.L..1....` Leacxler. After a ~.'ing'-song` by the scl10lars_. the guests departed to take up their .s.Luln:.s ugztixl at the school. I`nHrnvi1.,n'1'.hp :Hnn.m- `H112 n.-n-:11 .s.Lmn:.s ugzun ilb mic scnom. | Fol1owi1.g the dinner the usual re_guizur xnvonrthly meeting; of the branch was held, with th.irt.y mem- bers gnd. ve visitors presenii. Aftei the usual bushless had been dispo:se(l of, in which plans regardin-g the com- iiig fe.sbi'-5211 wexre discussed, also the disposing of a quilt, 21 Very in.s";ruc~ tive program was given on sideline-.< of zxgricultune. Mrs. B. Wamica gave very useful i11fm'ma.ion on accredited herds and the imrpection ofitlhe 3211110 in relzttion Lo tubercul \[`w\' .T 14`nvo.cf-on rrnum nn nrlrlman UJ. `um: :.E.LlH(! in reizuion LO L1.1De1'Cl1iGSI.<. M J. Forester gave an addrcss on Petrsian Lambs, an industry wnich is just in its infancy in Camatla, but well worth while considering in these tmcs when almost every line 01' busi- ness is 0\'~c1'c`1`o\\'dcd. .\'l1'.~:. 1 Syke s topic xvas g'ardeni1ig zm-ci she Very ab-ly explained the L)lzu1ti.11g, czuc and sale of zispzniagus. i\I)`.\` FHW] Knrmn (rnvn :lH I1\ \'Hi'\.' uw.I1L1.11g, CZLIL` emu :.sAl(,` OI Mrs, Fred Kemp gave some very new ideas on garden novelties, tell- ing of many new va1`io.ies of fruit and vegetables of value to the gar- dener. 'I`lnn mnnnnn. ..',m.-"1 ....:I- +1.,` 'l\`4'll.UIn The meetm-g` closed with the .~:ing- mg of the National Arlmhcnn. Now that spring is here, salads s1ouJ.d* appear more fh'equeuLtl,`y on the daily menu, to act as a spxuug Lonic. Here are some stlggestiorzs for inexpensive salzuls: Rnnn gala:-l hrec=:na_1 fnnannnn (Ur lIl'(:'.\'[)(.'ll.Sl\'C SIIIEIUS: Boiled Salad D!'essing-l teaspoon sultz, 112 tea.sp`-oons mustzxrd, 2 table- spoons sug'a1', 2 tz1bIwcspoons our, 1 egg`, 1 cup milk or water, 2 table- .~',1.`v`)`Ol`. shortening, 1-3 cuvp cider vine- gar. WHY (Irv h1rvw-(H.-nfu in vn_:mu `nr.I`f gar. Mix dry iI1g'1'(: in upper part of double boiler. Add be`-aten egg and milk or water. Add vinegar, cook over boiling` water, s'irring con- stantly until thick. Remove f1`{)l`.`. heat, add shortening, strain and thin with milk if necessary. If no egg is available, increase our to 3 to 4 tablespoons. R212 A G 4 Lamesipoons. Salads l. Learn to use salad at least` once a week. If possible, serve onei uncooked vegetable or fruit each day. Children over o.ur yea.1`s of age can safely eat: raw foods. Sand- wiches of g1`zn`ed fresh vegetables can be served to the youmger chu- (Iron. 0 `l_I.....\ .....L-,u..'n1~ (Irv nnnl rum i\r\\ -.4`: `um mu. .......-.....- _...- ., pen ; And 0-new ;-. word for Iztckeys. One suggests The Mobhur, Wife, and Sietar ! One the dame Whos~c costly robe, 1nz1j,'hv.p, gives her Han 'n:1mP. 2. Have materials as cool as pos- sible, f`1`esl1ly prepared and evenly slm'od(le(l, chopped or cubed. A good flavor is developed by ma1'inating' \'Og`(3t2ll)l0S. separately, and then com- bining` just before s(1x'\`ing`. If let- luce is used it .~:l\ould be crisp and sm'\'e(l in the leaf 01- shredded. fl T720 c11rv.l1 (rsn'n;`l1nv: nu trvnfnt . S(:l'\ L`ll Hl MIL` [CH1 U1` SIll'B(l(lU(1. 3. Use such ga.1'nis`hes as grated raw carrot or beet, hard cooked egg sliced or the yolk sieved, cress, par- sley or green pepper, cheese grated, slicd or in a paste used as a stu`in,.3;, chopped cocoanunf, sliced o1'ang:es, :~11iccr.1 rzomatces and cucumbers, etc- A Pn.`rnf.n and rminn, _~'hrr\rM.~d Nll('{ (l wUlll`d.L'Jl:S uuu CU.Ul.llIl.UU1.', ULLL. 4. Potato and ,onion, :!'n1`e(1dd ' cabiuage, chopped beet and onion, to- ` matoes in season, hard cooked eggs stuffed, combinax-ions of cooked vege- tables. Apple and celery in season, prepared jelly powder witzh sliced banana, diced apples and orange, sections, prepared jelly powder with the addition of the juice of one lemon, apples with dare or raisin,` cooked prun'es or gs stuffed with: cheese mixture or baanzm, dates stu'(-d witrh cheese 01' peanuts. ST. PATRICK WENT TO IRELAND 1500 YEARS AC-C Dowm)atrick, the o1(l~wo1'ld town in (`.0unt_v Down, \-.'.l1(:1'e l1'cx:In(l s 13.-zt mm .~':u'nt was bm`i(~d, will be more lvlmn c`.' the moot-a of ])ll. ,'1`ll1`l.\` from all nzuts of tho o1u'tl1. \\'h()n :1 mom orial scheme. which should appeal 1 . the nn:~v.rim1tion of all lovels of Le- lund. 11:15 been brou_e;ht to fl-ui"ion. On the spot \vl1oru St. Pat1'ick .~ Fust a'l1uv`("r1 ;~too 1,500 _v ago, an in`- p(.`.'-?lI`.}: memm-ial `to `.110 womlerftz \'.'ork of St, Pzltick in Iroluml is to br- x-I'r)ctC(l. The present Parish Churcr. of Szuxl is to be m /.r,-l to tl1(- gxrounrl and on ?.l1(- site :1 beautiful new (:hu1~(`lx in the ancient Irish style will l\.*n n~. \\Ul'X`\ U1 DL, I'll. b lm erected. l`1\n A nr;_-H n nu orecteu. The .-\po. of Ireland first AU}. foot on Irish soil in 432 A.D., as 2-. C1n'i. missionztry at Saul on L`.`.(`. .-imrvs of Su'an;_rford Lough, and his body rests inside the precincts or Down Cz1hhecl1'a1. The o1~ig'1na.1 c.nL1rch, \\'hi('h he founded at Saul, was deA stvoynd by the Danes. On 1\\'o 11.t.er o(-(':1. :1 \\'a.< again do. The building now to be removed was built. 150 y(`i11`.~i ago. SALADS AS SPRING TONIC The Monday night meeting` of the I Y.P.S. was conducted by Miss Vera Baldwin, in the absence of Miss Mary Robinson, the Missionary vice- president. Miss Edna West very cap- ably led in a. short devotional period. Current events from near and far were given by Mix L. Robinson, fol- lowing which a trio composed of Miggps W. C'|flh(!'r't. V. Baldwan and lowmg wmcn 1:210 cornposea 01 ' Misses W. Culbcft, V. G. Caldwell, sang very pleasingly. Rev. Mu: Garbig, the guest speaker, presented a thoroughly worth wlule mi;io:`.;1"j` `.".' `~.v".rr'-`norscd the name. Om: word upon its own .'~:L1'er.g'th leana nnd rests : COLLIER STREErY.P.S. Does everybody know what Boy Scout Apple Day is, and why it is held ? It is simply Lhis: Boy Scouts get l1`.()J'c heal.hy fun and il1.:`t'1`L1CUO`)l at camp than zmywhem 015;. and we must have money for camp. One of our vhicf mcams of cumiixg; t)ius- moncy is by selling` the very besii 1 Apple Day I | a.pplcs we can get, ggrown in the Sim- coe apple dis1rict.~:. We sell them for 5 cents `each. We try to give everybody in Barrie a chance to buy nnn H' vnn thin]: Hxnxr .urn \\ nvf.h UVUl`yL)ULly LU. J)l.1.'J.'1U 2L CIIZLILUU LU uuy one. 11' you think they are wortli more than a. nickel, or you would likc to give more, we do not objact I We want to earn money for camp and no wzmt to advertise Oiitmio-g1'o\\'11 `apples as 21 good turn to the apple indu.~;t*ry and the Barrie 1nercham.s wh-o sell them. n . nu.nHnn- ln.,4- TI`:-{Ann 1I'n~ ng 0111' meeting last Friday was, as usual, well atxended. After inspec- tion the new pa.t1ol leaders were pre- se:1t:e(l with their hat bzulgcs and their bu"Lton.h'ole badg`Os. T"ne Lynx Patrol received their flag and shouidcrkn-ot..~=. The Lynx color is violet, the 0w1 s blue and the Bull- do.g s blwe and brown. \\"H-0 .`1(.'ll E11911]. ` . "|`hr- T.\rnv Pnh-nl `w>rnnrf.I-rl :1 my rnl} o.o.g's mwe anu nrown. ; The Lynx Patrol rerportod a pa 1'01 ' meeting at the P.L. s house, \\'1n':1`c` b-hey practiced signalling and com-l pass points. I During the patrol comets. period, bhue A.b`.M., who is also {he troop Lreasu~1'er, inst'ructe(l the new scribes` in 111:`-.1'ki11g.;, the dues and ilftclldalluul in the patrol books, 'l`lm 'l`,l._ (trnnn lcearlm-l took: m the patrm oooxs, | The T.L. (troop leader) took cvha1'g-e 01' a number of games and then the troop squatted a.-round the re and listened to a fine talk on Sc011t; s `health and encluralxce g'iV on by D1`. R. Burns. This talk was} given as part of the second class x-stii aid work. I111`-1.r\`n1 rum. nnn11\F|--sn cncann n1`! ma wo~rK. - Durinig`, our campre sesstion D1`. 2: Burns entertained us with a talk! .1b-out wzu'-tin1e scouting`, in whiczh he [ i11L1stvatc(1 the necessity for a war scout Lo possnss a good grnc1'al1 knowledge, i11itia,`.i\'c, cndu`i`ancc, al kn-owicdge -of first aid and sig'na`.ling;,, and :1, high standard of moral train-5 ing. These qualities and abilities are ; 01' course taught; and practiced in} our scoui moveme-nt, and they help; to make for better citizcvn.s`nip, which? is the aim of scouting. I The pT. = xvovn in: `rn mp-6 ii IS me mm 01 scuuung. - The P.L. s were instructed to gwe-1` their patrols busy making adve1*..i.sing' posters for Apple Day. How m-r thn tr=..`.:: wh?c`h were p`0sI;e1's 101' Appu: uuy. Herc are the tests wlch were passed on ;\Iaa'c'r1 2nd: Kim s Game, Bob McCuaig'; Compass Points, Har- old Hull, Perry Ryan and Scott Duu- i bar. . l \ I i About 70 Guides, Guidesrs and Rangers attended the Guide meeting, ast. Thursday evening for the first en- rolment of St. .'~\ndrew s Company \\'vh01J Mss 1{atzl1l<;en iM(c1\rIaiit1on, of Winnipeg`, Dominion trainer and 01`- ganizer, was present. This was an open meeting and a good numocv of' parents and friends of the guides were present. For opening the Guides were drawn up in three liorseshoe form- .'i-tgtans, St. .-`xndrew s Company form- ing the inner horseshoe, then Trin- ity Company, and Alland-rue and the. Rangers 21 third. After inspec:ion,, Miss Mzrrion Scott, who \V1li be cap tain of the new company, introduced Miss M<:I\Iahon and asked for 1101 comments `regarding the inspection. Mi McMahon conipiimonted the compzmi~s on their sinzut appeurzmce and pointed out :1 number of details which go to inake .i1u dif'Yerenco be tween an ordinary compa:i;c and an extra. smart one. T? nuu~.1n~i (-11 + 58 n{' Hun -n nu- (Enid...- Ulbe `.\`()1'u Llpuu lLh uu n .~.uu,..5,w. .\....... and rests ; 5`T.he other minccs tiptou. Who wuuld 1m extra SHH.l1'I: UIIU. Envrolment of the new Guides was taken by the Distric` Commissioxae-r,i Miss Jane Simpson, the Guides beingi broug*ht up for -em'o1ment by )Iis.se:~i Mzu'g`a1'et and Edith Hubbard. After en'ro1men'1', Miss Mc1\Iaho~n uddes.sed the G.uides. S`he pointed out the SCl`i0USI1eS.$ of the promise each re-I cruit had just made, and how `rhis pronii.~:es is not an ea.~:;.' one to keep, ine1u as it does the L-en Guide` Lawn. She t."he'n men ioned different instzmces of Guides who haul lived up to their promise and law under the mosi; difcult Ci1`CLllnSt1I.Y:C(:.<, say-! ing she hoped `hat this would be `.1111 in.~:pi:'::tio1i to thein. .-\`.!c.udz11<: Company then directed an zu-ti\'e gzune, :1fL':1` which 'I`ri.iit_V Company gave an outline of `he work for the second class `eat. The meet inf: eiosed with :;o11;_:7:s and L-.1p:=. nu 1.`.-him. Mix N14-'\`T-.|.h.n11 mlrh'-s.<- Inga` cxoseu w1L:n so1v,_::s anu u.up~.~. On I"ri(lay Miss Mc.\`IzLh0n ad(l1'css- ed a meeting of `the Local A~'ocia-. ?ion at thc home of I\Ii.<;~: Simpson in tlfe :11'tcm()(m. Tea \\'as 5:-1'\'ed by xnmnbm-:4 of the cxccuti\'<,-. Miss Mc- 'L\Ia`n-ur il1:"}`.~C('tl?d Ovendcn Company F1`i and condL1L-.tc-(1.a Guidcra Clans in the evening. She cum : to us from C01lin_2'\\.'o0d and went; on '-c N01-'11 Bay. On 'I`hu`1x=;(1ay, Feb, 23rd. Trinity` Company had an enrolment, when Grace Payne and Irene Smith, two former Brownies, were emolled into bhe Guides. (`tn `:\/[av-n11 `Inf n1(xv(\~11 nf ffkfx Qmninr bhe uuiacs. 011 March 1st, eleven 01' `Che Senior Guides wrote an examination on the Child Nurse Badge, which was set and marked by Mrs. W. Rt-id. The girls have been preparinir for this test for the past two months and made a. very fine showing`. 'T`i1r\ 'nr=\v `rod and black Lies of Trin- SECOND BARRIE TROOP E`. T1110 snowmg. 1 The new red and black Lies : it-y company made their first public appearance at the open meeting at St. Andrew's -on Thursday last. We wish to take tihis opportunity of thanking the members of our As- sociation who so willingly gave their time to make f?.h.ese ties for us. `with interesting incidents frmn sionary life. GIRL GUID.ES PSCGUTS AN!) GUEBES The Northern Advance out novel ways. 5-,` Mrs. F. Peacock gave paper 'u'eland and Irish Cus`-oms, and Mrs. John Hunter gave a. helpful paper on Ways of cooking` n1u1'pl1ies. Mrs. Wallace Latimer favored with a solo, "VS/.hen I`1'i. Eyes are Smili11`g', and Mrs. 0. R. Black gave a l`.um01'0us Irish 1`e:1 on Being Clinieked. There was also 21 contest on Mak- ing Your Will, which proved mirth T.nn('.h ii If you wish to foitii y youm child Mzigrainst _a fu:h111'e dep1'e.:.ion, let him _ : dig to h1s heart s content in a garden eiof his own. Even 21 window box 01 3 `; a tin can garden on a ton-ement roof. Pgif carefully tended and c11cri. by EDIG FOR CHARACTER, I SAYS WOMAN GARDENER Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Counter Check Books 1 n Barrie All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone 53 ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS Northern Advance HEAP HI@H the PLATES Low Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best Patronize Home Industry COL. `THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY Well i

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