Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Mar 1934, p. 7

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A well attended W.C.T.U_ meeting was `held at Mrs. David Bisl1op s on ;\londay z1f`.e1-noon. Mrs. Ballzxnty-ne .. presided and lVI1<.<. ClLI11Cl'0I1 read the Scripture lesson and offered a very impressive prayer. Numerous plans were; discussed and 21 birtlicluy party was arranged to be held at Mrs. J. F, Wildman`s on Monday, April 2nd. There were several \'isit0r.=s prc-.sent and one member added to lnlie roll. Mrs. H. L. Hall (nee Audrey Clifton) gave a. delig`ht1'ul vocal solo, which was much zipprceiutecl. The hostess served afternoon tea and a. social half hour was enjoyed. A vote of tslmnks was `ende1"ed the l1os'te.<.< foi lemling; l1e-,- home for the meetiug_ VVD Il()l(* the ln-mvinrv and n1n.H'in.7 llHL\llL`H L'-1'L ZLIllUU SULIUU. . Ci1e'-sc is too important a _e;ood product not L0 merit (1C]ibC1'iliv(,' in- clusion in meals. As a 111(32): . sub- stitute, 01' to carry on as nmzit does in a meal where the latter is lightly 17(`,p1`CsCl1'i(.'d, cheese is of \'c:-;: ,,n:aL value. So count quite m__r;L1lai*1y on iiitmu-.'tii1_u' and '.'z12'i<,- uscd of (`i1eu.~e as a nutritious part of rt.-g`uiar mea1S_ \l/`r. .'u,.'lu.l,. ,.,\.v.r. r]:.>:`1r\< kn`... 1~~r m0zus_ We incluzh; some di.~:*11e.< hmu that give cheese r \'zu'ying impor`an.':_~- some times on the side of 11-axor, some times on that 01' . lmuzrishxllent. \I......s..Ll.. ...-..! PL...-.. (`-..-.-..wnl-. l'.l)Llll`lSHlHUIlb. Vegetable and Cheese Casserole-- 1 cu}: cooked or canned \'ug`et-zxhlcs, |1`,. cups . milk, 1 cup aoft wbrcgul crumbs, 1.; cup melted butter, 2 pmlentocs cl1opp<> 1.`: tzmlespcons Cl10ppu(1 onion, 1`, cu1;.~: ch0(2. 3-5 teaspoon sulg `,5 1L-u. ])c})pc1`, dash 01 1)21])1`lk:1, 2-3 cgI,r;.<, 1 L:11)1<:s})o0x1 chopped `parsley. Pmn- ' milk nvnr Hm hread cnoppeu `parsley. Pour scal(lin:__>,' milk over the bread crum-b.<. Add butter, piment00.<. pars Icy, onion, g'rcutc(l cheese and 50:1- sonings. 'l`l1c'n add the \vcl1-bL-a:-z.-n Put the \'cg_"<>t:1blos in 21 well- g`1`easc(l 10211` pan and pour the milk zuul Cl1vC(L`a`L` mixture over tliom. Baku. about 50 llllll`UtL`.\' in a .~'l0\\' oven of 350 F., umil the loaf is firm. Will .~'0)'\'c six. Cheese CustaI_'d-2Z cups bread ('1'u1nb. 1 (up f.."l`1l.lt'(l (`hr--so, 2 cups hot milk. 2 l.1l.l)l(`:~])()()ll>` lmttvr, m<-lL- cd, 1 It'1l.<]H)()I\ .-`alt, ls 'vu~vpoo11 say- cnmr, :3 (-p,';;'s. .\lL\' l)1'(*u(l crumlis mid clieesve. .~\(l(l milk, but`w1' uml .<<':L. Add eggs, well beau-n. Turn into 2:. liai- turi,- buking.r (li.~'l~.; ()\,'t`.-11-poucli until rm. r~L:....... pnFAk-__1 mm hnilml vimx cup cheese, Szulua rum In l)utt(\1', :ul(l thv 05:}.-;.< with Lhv milk. and cook . \\"man m-urly thlok vnoug,-"h, add salt and W0l`CCStCl`S*11i1`C sauce mm the P0I P01`v ycratcd cheese. Just allow the (`hecsu -to molt_ The mi.\:tu1`e should be of the con. of thin st-1'zm1bled Qmvx-rx nn toast. 0)` cm.ckc1's. I\IWlI`\\ t`OY1Sl. 01 m1r1su-zuuuu cg rs. Serve on toast If no couple really got ma1'1'ied un- til they \\'o1'0 actually propzuml n- ancially for the 1'espon.sil)ilitir-s oi wedlock, niinety-ve per cent. of Lin couples who are pairing oil` to mate vigould have to change their plans and ...4,mmin .-zimmle. I When in need of used parts, cal. the Barrie Auto Wreckers. 47 Bay- eld St. Phone 420. one, And nuuyzht 1;: hczml save all the b1).'(lr} sweet sound. TJn,L-In-I.- '.\/Til'lu\- DON T WASTE OLD CHEESE ll'."llLlLllg' 1101' IIOIHL` 101` CHO meeLmg`_ We note the b1'e\\'in_9,` and maltinz mdu;~:trie.s: 0fl'~e1' prizes at county fair. to en-courztge the farmers in growing malting barley, and call it the funn- e1"s best paying crop. But there is less barley used to produce beer than is commonly suypposed. For example, bhe Bureau of Industrial Alcohol in its latest table shows that one huxhel of b11l`l0_V will produce about 5:16 one- half pint drinks of beer. Tfhis dis- pels fihe claim that the return of beer to Canada will reduce in anv '9 marked the surplus of grain 't'hz1t is depressing the market. would nave `emain smgvle. COLLIER STREET Y.P.S. CUT FLOWERS lonely gzxnlcn, wherc H C SOUHCI. -Ruddxck Millur. \1UIlU\"U- Wome11"s cause to-day was To use to the fullest advantage, which we now have, our se1'\'ices to the home, the state, and to humanity. lf wo- men do believe in this cause, they mus. try and live up to certain stand ards. First, women must pause and consider the privileges they now have and make full use of them, especially with regard to the use OJ the franchise. Secondly, there must be more concentration. Women LOO often unde-1'take more than they can physically do. It is much better to undertake two or three jobs and do them well, Uhan to spread all ovei. Women should cultivate a sense 01 humor, not. llippancy; it he-lups to make a balance and sanity in our lives. Some are so concentrated on what they are trying to do in their groups that they become stern and get too serious looking`. "ls. Thele a Woman s Cause '10- (luy; ll .~;0, W'hz1l. is 1'. `.` '\'\'.`..) til -subject (llSCLLS.\,'(;d an we Women`: Czmudian Club Monday night; by Miss Winnil'red liydd, of ;\`lo11t1'eul, president 01' the NzLtiona1 Council 01 Women, and a delegate to the Inter- national Council at Vienna zuul a member of the Canadian deleg`ation to the Disz).1'1n.LmenL Coni'e)'ence at Geneva. \Afn..,m-`.. ,.......,. L.` .I.... -4--> , (mu toward youth. Some believe Llzut youth should be giouped in o1'g2u1iza- Lions of their own, while others be- lieve that the body politic made up of all clauses and ages should get the young` people to amend all the organ- izations in the community. Youth must be bi-ouglit in touch winh zige and experience, but our big` problem is how to direct the boys and g`i1`l.~' in the community. Too ofien the young people do not get the sym- pathy they should, pa1'ticu1zu'1y at this time, when they are unable to find employment. The Scaiidanavian countries consider it 21. social liuzurd not to find employment for their youth. Thousands of boys and gn'i.~: are coming: out of our schools and ii is going to be a long time before they are ub.s01'bed by in(lust1'y. They need guidamce and a sympathetic ut- Itibude. 0-. .,- - W..- ..... ..,,, One of womens g`reatest respon- Slbllltlcs is to foster a. right attitude Lastly, Miss. Kydd rexerred to the dual re.s1=pons1'bility in our nationalism and internationalisln. In 1932, the speakcr said, she was privileged to rep.re. Canada at the International Arms Conference at Geneva. Al thought the Conference was not. re- cognized as a total success, a num- bcr of interesting things developed and it `caught people many lessons. We in Canada can build up a spirit of nationalsim among our people by welding together the women of the I.1rba.n and rural centres. We mus` get away from this ag` waving; and con. ourselves as a part of this great world. If we are to build up a national consciousness we 1nu:'L avoid political and sectarian (liscu.~:- uinnc 'l"hnn `rnn \\'r- rnnu-4~ ]l:'II'Y\ 1-n w0MAN .s CAUSE ' V WAS DiSCUSSED AT A CANADIAN CLUB | !7VBmen 19 Page_`|! uvmu punuczu emu :<.ectar1z1n (11scu.~:- ssions. Then too we 1nust lc-urn to ,cultivate into1'nut.ionzL1 good Inunnevss and greet our fo~reig'11 neig'hbo.1'.< as b1'0thu1's and . We should x~'tu their background and tin.-i1` problcnxs. 'l"h:`- Quit} Tine Txvvrhl ;T\ nlnginrr In the daily b1'0a by the M'.u'ketin_{; Bozml of the D of .-\_;`ricultu1`c, the use 01' On1;z1.rio- growii rhuba.rb \\'z1.~v .~:t'.'e.s.~'ed the 0-her day zmd a few hints: on pre- paring; this delirious product will be `.`.';lCOn1e. Don't be zL'f1`ai(l to blend Il2L\'0i':<. Some times :1 little 01' this uml a lit: le of that can be co mbine(l to ;>;00(l z1(l\':111t'.Lge \\"h(-11 there is not e.noug'h of any one vzuriety of fruit :1\'z1il'.1ble to make up the desired quantity of jam or preserve. Rhu- barb combines well with other f1'uit.<. It adds juice and bulk but not. ll21i\ 0l' to the frui".< with which it is used. DL..L..|-L f`n......r..n 1 ...`....6- 15-1.. H4 15 l.|5L U- Rhubarb Consel've--1 quart (ve cup1'uI.+) cut; rhubarb, 2 cups sugzu-, 2 cups . mi. juice 01 1 0)`iLn1;:`(', 1 cup c`1mppc(l walnut nu.-ats.` F111` 1'11! )~h1|}\:n`h 1'n urn-,1 nin.-nu ux-zun;:u, 1 cup cvzmppcu wzunun m(.-ans. Cut `.'hc lThllbZL1'b in .'~'mu.11 pieces, put in kettle with sttgczur, lot stzmd for 30 minutes 01' more, then boil un- `-H soft and tender; add r:u'. cut in small pieces and boil unfil thick, sLi1'1*in}.=,' often. Add the 0r:u1g_-'0 juice and boil for :1 fm.\' minutes lo11gm'. Aikcr 1'L`l11()\'iI1f.:' from the re add thv \`.`:L1nu" nu-z1t.< Rhubarb Jam--'1 lbs. rhubarb, 1 lbs, . gxmzxtecl rind and juice 0: 1 Irxmmm p1'UUll.'lIl5. These, said Miss Kydd 1n closing, i1'1'<:s;;L~<'ti\'e of clatss, color, creed or qr-\.' nw: nnv nnn 1-nmnxnn nan.-n 1 wmun. If p0s;~1ib1(1 select .' rhu- barb buc:u1; of its color. Wipe and cut into inch i(`I)1.`,`ti`l.'\', discarding am 10115.: . bu rotuin pink skin as Fnv :1: nor iimir-, (`.nvr~.1' \\'i1'.h sup`: ' lU|lf.`_' ll`Ill}l;S, UL . 1`|`L1llH }lHH\ 5I\Hl il.h' far as pos: Coven` \\'it;h su_::zu' and let stand o\'01'11ig1'1t. Add lemon rind and juice, brin: to boiling pont and cook gently one hour. 'l`;n`n into s` 9,`la. and cover with hot melted pzn'a in. 1U.~_ .~u_:_'u.I 1 lemon. Y4` V\I\u. If your Chamois: leather gloves have lost most; of their color, this can be 1`c\'i\'0d. Soak some oumnge pool in water for a day, and then add this to the \\'zu'n1 water which is to make the soapy lather for the yxloves. This orange water will give the gloves bhe coxrrect yellow tint. W.hrm Phnmvniu lnntilmr vrlvnvps mm LHU g'1UVCS `UHC L'UlI'l'lflLl.. _VCllUW DUEL. When cham-ois lealihcr gloves are very dirty they will come clean` much more quickly if a little olive oil is added to the soapy water. LU SUIHC 1211', lU!1(. ly }_L'il.l'(lUIL, VVHUIL the sun 15 ShiL(l0\\'(.'(l by Lhr; tree-tops all day long. Where .hzL1'mony and `happiness are 0110 FOR R-HUBARB HlNTS WASHING GLOVES [III 21.1] I)1'UUZ1DUlEy \\'J.H UU OUU. Gzxrden \'eg'etables 1'omained uu cl1z111:,_>`c-(1, with prices as f0ho\\'.s: Cal`- bage 8c `uo 15c each; coin)-y 15 a bunch; pa1~mips 25:; bz1;~tkc-L; carrot 20c basket; beets 20c bus-I~:ct; Union: 250 and 35c basket; Spy apples 25c basket, Canada Reds 35c basket and I{u. 250 21 ba. Potatoes were up -.1 little at $1.15 and $1.25 a banr On Hm nu1=:Mr- n1m'krf t`nm'r\ \\`:)_.~` 0n'us were onereu an we ztuu um. I Bu`.:'ter took a jump from 28c to 30 9. lb. The majority of the stullhold ems, 11-mvevcr, were only asking 28c 2; lb., but next week the z1V'c1".v.gc price] in all probability will be 30c. I C-,1`:-rl r-In vrxo-of-,1l\l:> 1'n`*lH5l in ml llll ume aw .>1.1o anu aL.:.a Lug. On the out;sid nmrkct there was :1 good supply of wood. sclllng froln $4.50 to 558 a load. In `he (ii'(; \_`.sC(i m-ea`c line, beef and lamb rcnnztined the : but park was up to 15c and 17c a lb. uIs[)Oa'lI1|g 01 nms p1`0(1ucI;_ Poultry was very scarce and L\:) a re; -.111; fzu`me1's had 1it:Ic- (lifculty in di:;posing,' of tIhr:i-1' birds. Chic-k<:n took a slight rise in p1'ic~\e and were gumg at 20a to 22 :1 1b., whibc the oldm bi1'(Is were offered at lbc and 16. p..~.,... +,m1, .. :..m.` amp `tn sznn I St. And1ew .s Girl Guides are look- ing forward to Thursday evening, when eleven recruits will bee0mc| Gui The meetings up `no date have been greatly enjoyed and much enthusizisin has been shown. After thi.~_: meeting the girls will start on `.l1eir Second Class work, and new recruits are always welcome. A re- port of the enrolment and open meet-I ing, which is to be this (1`l1u1~slz1y) evening, will be found in next weeivsit iecnn poseu 01 my noon. I `Eggs were quite plend:ii'L11 ami found ready sale at anywhere from 3'/c to 45c a dozen. These prices are the same as last week, but. indi- cations are that they may be .11igl1we.x next week. Although the supply was heavy, :there was a good demand and stal1ho1(le'1'.= had little troubLe 1n (ii.:p0siI1g 01' this pr0duct_ ` pnnlfvv \\'5l< \'(\1`\7 f`}11'(`l'3 and 2`;:\ H l5l.lL. Those to be enrolled are: ;\la.1'y .-\.yer.~;f, Margztret Boldt, Winnifled Denault, Muriel Drake, Lois Hamil- ton, l{z1th]eL:n Ha.1'dy, Betty Hatton, l\Ia1'y McCLu1ig, Jean Ivlorrison, Vel- ma Ravel], Elsie Smith. | The Christian Fellowshiip Group, with Walter Couits as leader, pre- sented a very successful prog'ru.m on Mo11(luyni;:`nt. Jack Johnson read the Scripture lesson and Miss Vera Baldwin contributed 21 very appro- priate vocal solo, wi:=h her own ac- conipaniment on the guitar. The topic of the evening` was taken by Mr. J. 15. Thompson, who chose as his . What. (`he Sztcrznnwents Mean to Me. He very clearly and ::ruplV1i- L-ally explained the meaning of the Sacranient. of Baptism and of the Lord s Supper in El way that could not but be helpful to everyone pres- ent. The famners market on Saturday nnnimg was ocne of the bes` this year due to the extremely mile weather 1'1` here were plenty of buyers on hand and most of the produce was dis posed of by noon. `F`:-mo`: wm-9 nnifn nlr-nt1'H'nl n.11d pass Poinfs and Slg'1`]illli1l'. . At our meeting last Friday Iligllt we held tests for I{im .~; Game, Coin No Sig- nalling test was granted, but a num- ber of Scouts passed the other two. Their names will be announced next week. We played three games, Home and Rider. Alphabet Game and Scout s Nose Game. The first pro- vided some riotous fun, the second also great fun with some resourceful ncss thrown in, and the last: was a test to see how good we are at re- cognizing the odor of well known kitchen supplies, cinnamon, cloves, coffee and onions. ' r'\r\ I-Z1--.+ nix} Iinuwn` 1,m+....,\ ,.l CUTLCU H.110. 0XllUJlS_ ` The usual rst aid lecture was given and then we opened our camp- re with 21 ;;;ene1'a.1 (1iscus:eio11 of scout hobbies. A very important announce- ment was made, namely, that Boy Scout Apple Day is on April 7th. Be p1'ep2n'ed to enjoy a big luscious Scout apple, or two if your capacity p-:.rmits ! The sun falls \\arm, the southern winds awake ; The air s0:0".]1c.s upwards with '4 steamy shiver ; Each dip of the road is now a cry- stal lake, And every rut a little dancing 1"Zv02'. 'L"m'ou_:h gzrcat soft clouds that. sun- fll` {\17DYh.Df] I I I LH4I'UU_L'Il `L','l`L3'clb SULL UIUUUS ullFcLl- SUM` der overhead The deep blue sky breaks as pearlyl blue as summer ; Out of a cleft beside the 1'i\'m";~'. bed F1a})s the black crow, the first (le-I IIIUYC newcomer. T n I11 r\rr\ u n There is no o\'(31'p1'0(IL1cti0n of any- thing` so long as there are people in the world who want hat thing, bat cannot get it.--Hom'y Ford. owe it to yourself to see: the NEW EACH SECOND BARRIE TROOP Why put up with kitchen drudgery and the petty, wearing worries of that hateful old stove, when the new and modern BEACH Ranges are so easily available--designecl. to give you perfect service with economy, and long years of satis- factory and reliable results. Beautiful in design and nish and with the sound inbuilt" qualities that really count. It will be a pleasure to explain their advanced features. y Amid the (rlamgour of the city s street, SATURDAY MARKET GiRL GUIDES IN MARCH RANGES vSCOUTS AND GUIDES ; --Lampm an. The Northern Advance `MAYOR CRAIG PHONES % GREETINGS TO TORONTO] I } A long` (listzmcc telephone n1o.s.~.`ag`r: Tuesday morning` last from Mayor Craig` on behzvlf of the citizens of Barrio to Ma_\'o.1` W. J. Stow `t. of `Toronto, conveyed 10-ul f(:lic1t:1tio 71;~` | to Mr. Stewart and to the people of` All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone '53 tlllllu UILU l7l2.l.lL';;_. ,'ULl),' UL MIL` Clbyh street, The busy plying of indusLry s loom, There is a. spot; where noise and nature meet, A spot whence comes the soft, sweet scent of bloom. Fresh as the morn, the fragrant owers Lend, A touch 01' color to the drab um.` 8'1`?-Y 3 And heavy-laden toilcrs as hey \\L::1d Look on them, and are spiriL-bo1`n0 1'I'u\`!II' Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Counter Check Books In Barrie Northern Advance % EN VELGPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER. LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS Low Prices and Good VVorkmanship Quality The Best Exp HIGH the PLATES Patmnize Home Industry COL. THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY % -1- - . Ontario Department of Agriculture Ministe r I lbhe Queen City on ;'.1;- 0C(`d:iO11 of 1511c |c0mp1etion of To1`ont0 .~' one hun- dredth year of co1'1)01`u te c.\;i.'t(.-nco, whirh brguzlxx on '.\Iz1:'<:`n (31711. 193-'1. T\f....,.,, f...~.n- n 1r\'I'\r\' 11;;-`nhlrxn .-n11 THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1934. j u\`.'!]Il'H U(,`.`ilH UH .\12l'.'(.'|l UJH. 127-)-I. 1\Ia_Vo1- C1':1i;1"s long` distance call \va.<. one of scores that were received bv 'l`01'tmto :< <-him" 1 l_.`Z'i.\`t-1':LtP from |r-iii:-.4 and to\\'nu= all ox`:-1' "He coun~ `try. It was (widen: from Z\'Izxy0r LETTERI-IEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATI-IY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS ETHEE preclate lVl3y0.1' K;1'Z1l ,"S H1(.`L\,S21_`. ,'(.` ZlI1(l -<` 5-`1`(-o1i11.`.'>` and good wishes of Barrie were heartily reciqarocated on 'r~,-n'm.H.' of Toronto_ 'l`1`111,h in itself is a \'c:1'y ne thing, 1:2": :1? tan m:m_\' ;:::no11~: make :1 izubii. of Lc.-Hin~: I110 truth only when if. hurts somebody else. I St(:w:n't s reply that he groalt-y ap- prec1ated Mayor C1'a1g";< me;~,sag'o and H` --`rr-n1i1`m'.~' mu] good Wishes of STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS James B. Fairbairn Deputy Min ste Page Seven Chinese Rarebit-1 vup boiled rice, 4 \\'(-11 bl'z1tl`I1 o',:g's, 4 1.z1u1o. ~ qilk, 23 L:1h1e. l)utL:~1', 1% tea- \. salt. .1 L('zl.<[)()011 Worc~. shin: .~`2\u<`x*. `.~ i(!:L.\]J00l1 pt-p])(-1', 1 cheese, ! rive in l)uttm'. Small, dry pieces of cheese can be used to g`i\ c u piqnant touch of 1la\o;' to a dish of vc-getab1r:s-just g'1'z1`c<: over the top of 22. casserole and .~:p1'inklud with paprika; or gwzttc the cheese and m`c~1'. ii` in an Uti1C1'\\'i{~fC nished c.1'ean1c(l sauce. {`ln..,-n L- +nn Inunnud-nn+ n n-nnzl

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