Page Two VVUIVLJIILV Associate Coroner, County of Simcoo Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Oice Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. EY,__N-`OSE AND TI-LROAT SPECIALIST Orillin, Ontario lwill be at the Queen's Hotel, Barth, Every Snturdny. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint ment. unm 1 AL; DUKULUN Post Ofce Square Telephone 580 Above Express Oice 1 HJHJEAKLD 1. CI 82A Dunlap St. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionlc Treatments. ' Massage and Corrective Adjustmentl Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Office Rates Rensonalalc THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1934. G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Motor Ambulance In Connection Open day and night. Morgue and- Chnpel in connection Established 1869 D---:- DI.-_- Q9 \_A [Phone 82.c ` LICBIISECI CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESI THERAPISTS CL RDA l`I....In.. BL--- Alll DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN Aacnniafn nnrnnnr (`Anni-u A3 C1... J. H. N. SMITH. M.D. PHYSICIAN A.N'D SURGEON '42.... :1 n.....l.-... m w..; .: n The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Snot-in] nffanf-inn n1n+n+..:... DR. WALTER H. WOODROW I71-,1 r\Av\ \v\o\:uv- .--.. ._..___ . GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed nnnbxm rvrnnq am: nnnrzr Ir DETTIG Dfch MISS BEULAH SCOTT Tn:-n.-.9-.. Q5 DL.._.. DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON I'll..- Q .... Ilcn 'T'_l..._L.. UKULK Barrio Branch IQ DEV" ALI CI` 30 Million Dollars 36; Lx}iiii;j; 13;ii.} %7-s U'l` Ihakll .| Phone 23 :3 Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. 3")! Bani. 3.`. Nnrthern Ahuanrr Printers in Barrie since 1847. DOWN PHONE 53 The I-Ioove: I-Iedline en- ables you to clean better and more easily--ondatb est days, in darkest coo nets, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleauer equipped with the Hedlite. Liberal LL16 llchhutv. z4:u\-.I.nn allowance far old electric cleaners. Telephone fox no-obligation Home Trhl without delay. That there is not the co-operation between the town council zmd the other public bodies 01' the town `.l.a* .should exist, is quite Ll:])])2l.l`(,`l]`I-. The Water and Light Co1mni.~e.~vion and the lBoard of Education, to be >`uX`0, arc lclectctl by the people and no. un(lc1' it'll`: control of the council in any I I way, but that is no l'02l>'0ll why there should no bc co-opcrzxtion lll work 1 iing out p1'ol)1oms nIi'cctn1g' the citi- Ern-.n.~ nl' Hun 4-nu-n ISUULILU llU. UU ('U'(. ling` out lzens 01' the town. I`11.r. nr\I)r|n:"< 1 This in news indeed! Now, foralimited time you can get one of the new Hoovers-- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed Hoover-complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced--and more elli- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning Iction, Positive Agitation, the only eective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. LUHD U1 LlIL' LU\\ ll. The council s main function is to provide money to caxrry on he busi- I1`.`C\ of the town. The Board 01 Education looks after the scl1ool.~;, but, I look to the town council for `she need- | fed money. The Water, Liglit and` Gas Connni.~:.sion lms. CliLl`fJ`(' of the ~\vzite1', gas and light and set celazzin rates \`.'l1l(. l1 consulners must pay. The Parks Commission and the Library Bozml are n1a.1w.;:ed by appointed _0flice1`.~; and doc-i(lie on the levy re- jquired each 'y;e2L~:\.- While these bodies are all sep'a1`1 .e, yet tliey are iiiterlinketl with the town council, as they are spending the people's money, just as `like coun- . cil does. I`l.._ 4 nr\v1\'u 1.11 Gm ! ` 5+ r\\r\:~4 THE TOWN COUNCIL AND TIIEI UTILITIES COMMISSION i (ill (lU(.`.\'. ' | The town council nds it most. difeult during these tlllllri to proxidc : money fo:1-_ all ".'he spending` bodies and carry on lts own pro;;'ram 01' street mztintenzznce, re protection, police p1'Otl0(ItlOl1, relief, etc. The council has been inakin-_e` an hones" effort to keep down expen-ditures to the low- est level to help the taxpayers, and it is only fair tha" all the spending lbodies should do the same. Before the estimates for the year are ar- rived at the proper course would b ito ge` all the spending; bodies to- 3 getlwr` and cliseuss the expen.(litu1'e.: for the year in a friendly way. I; this were done, we believe that co11~ siderablr: saving could be made. This is a lime when co-operaiion is need- ed ii the burd-an on the taxpayers is to be lessened. nu 117: 1- u. `hi-1`( made this possible ? -ben`ure payments have been decreas- -V .4`. n..v.n.uvu, The Water, Light and Gas Commis- `sion sho\\'e(l a surplus of over $8,000 in the operation of "he waterworks s3`. for 1933. This is commend- able, but is it not the citizens who The de- ing for the last ve years, yet there lm.~: been no deci-ea: in the rate charged to consumers. The town council pays Lhousand_- of dollars to the \\ a.t.erwo1*k.=. depzirtment eve; y year for rental of hydrzznrt-_;. many of which are not opened during the year. When :he town council asked _for this surplus for 1933, it asked only what is coming to it. The \Vater, Light and Gas Commission, h0\\'e\'v1`, without consuliin-g the coun- cil, embarks on permanent improve ment to the waterworks system, in- tending to use the 1933 surplus iv" well as mortgage the future .~:u1'plu.<:s. Tlnrx r-nun:-i.l rlrm< nnf nlwinr-t tn Hw- ' VVCH "d5 l1lUl'L`C ,'a.gO [DC lLlLLU.'C >IUl'])H.l.`..b. The council does not object to thi- p-roposcd improvenient, bu`: as it. is capital expenditure, main!-ains that it ishould be paid for by issiiiiig (la-benv `t-urcs. This is 1`(`.`2lSOI1able and i.i`n.: commi.<.=,ion .<~hou1(l co-operate in doing what is best; for the good of the tuwn as a whole. `EXPECT LXTTLE REDUCTION IN FEDERAL TAXATION ', The finzuicial picture of Canada for the fiscal ya-211' ending` March 3 , 1934, will slliow consi(lemblc.- improve- ment over its predecessor, bui it is unlikely to be sufliciently clzeerful Lo \\'a1'1 z1nt, the Governinvent making` any ,extensive 1'e(luc`.ioi. in federal taxes `d`u1'ing` the next twelve months. (:n\'u'-I'hh1rn1f` n{T-`:1-inlq \vl1n hnvn hnrni uurulg, DUU IICXL L\\'U1\'U lllUlll.1l. G0ve1'nment officials who have been questioned say t:l1-at, as ye`:, they can `not state the outlook in regurtl Lo taxation for the comings; fiscal year. '1`a.xpuye1-s should not expect any re- duetion in their income tax rates, nor is it likely that housewives will en- ljoy much of d. reduction, if any, up- .on the p1'c. food taxes, notably the |two cents per pound on su;.:ar_ l`lwrn i< f.l1i< -nr-niirnrrimr :l.l1!Y'l|`*, I) Ulli.lIl;.'{[`U. De.~:pitu the fact that 'the income tax 1`at(,-s were i'z1i. and the exemp- tions lowered, tfhis brzmch of the revenue is somewhat behind that of a year ago. This is accounted for by hhn In\\'m~ inr-mun: mirm-cl Hwrnnmhmif. u _yuu.r ugc the lower Hm. ;nr\|Ir\`vn S/oort time only UHU l\.'\\ U! JHLZUHILKS (.'iLll|'l.`Ll LlllUU.}:',lllULl|1 bllw coun"'ry. 'l`h+ lower scale of ex- emptions has not offset the drop in the ir-aming`.~' of the noople. Excise Taxes Up It is in excise taxes `.hu.t the Nut- ionul Rovemie I)cpu1't.lm.~11l; is making a l)0tbc1' showin_::. In this brzxnch the ixirrezisi: to dam: is more than eiglitecn millions. The <:xporLaLion of liquor to the United States and the `taxes imposed U101-con has l)1-ought; about this fuvoral,)lo 1'csL1lt. Premier R. 13. Bennett has 1'o1na1'ko(l in connection with the trzule in alcoholic liquors we had pracLicully 21 `monopoly as 0111 i-ommotlities complied with 'lIhe rcgu~ lations, while the com-modit.ies of otlim-. countries did not. l\/Innnu.l~.:ln 4`!-`A nvnnn,I4n.u,.:- 4'1. 4'... uunm-, CUunT,l'l0S um HOE." Mca.n\v:l1i1c the expendi'tm'es for the fiscal year have been fourteen: million lower t.ha`n in the previous year. Tho Cnvr-rum-mn+. nfT`minI.s1 rpnnri lower man 111 unc prevnous year. The Government oicial-s report that the economic recovery is con- t'inuin`g. The official index of com- modity prices in January was hi.gl1cz than in Decne'mbo.r and showed an in- crease of 10`/.; `per cent. over then rzrnrn M Jnnvlinrv, 19222 CICRSC OI LU`/2 D61` CENT-. gure of January, 1933. ,` . ,_ _ , , , W , . Published at 123 Dunlap St. I xrrie. every Thursday @112 Nnrtlpern A1`mz;nr2 D..I.Il-l.-..l .0 `I9 ! l\....ln... Q! I .--2- ..,_.... Tl. .... J- M. D. MORRISON. Iv.d`u-. and Publisher The Northern Advance IS 'LLCL'ULlIlLL'(l lUl' Uy ; ca.1'11~a.-(1 tI11'ou.g`J1o11t e Hun nnnnln s';:.DlTOE%32 AL $4.95 1 sep'ara`.c, 3 ; I A s1xrg'g,`r:::tion was lmulu in thc: House of Coxmmons that but: 'l`1'L-.1 , Czmal, or 'l`1vcu1st Water-\\`uy, bv Inma- ed uvur to the I ro\'im:<: oi` Ontzuio for the use 0.1 the Hyd1`0-ICl<:(tt1`ic, or \\'l`.zlLu\`c.1' use can bu mzulu of it. Mrillions hzxne 1):.-::n spuxt on i`, bu` thu 1'utu1'n.s from `\"hd1.L`\'l,`l' z1n;.,-`lo we \\'i.s'h to viuw it. l'.z1v(- ncvcr rum-ix:-(J u.nythi~ng \\'0rt11--.\'l1iin. 'i'lu; yyruxxn izzl govclwmcnt l1li_L',`l1I utilizu `it ful power ;L:.d.LoL1r1'. zutzuuuun, bL.L LL .. - i~ M lhnn/\` lA\'I W'hen Uhe pligl1L of l.h.- px'ima1'\ producer begins :0 ll)`l[Jll1_`,,"U upon ' poclu.-ts 01' the town and city folk, the |la1`.<.-r lJ\,`:.L'lil to app1'i_-ciate `hat their `wcli-bei::g (lepends on aj.3:i`icL1l4..;i'e. Ica1'11s that his operations are con- trztcted or expamlcd by the chan<.:'in;_-,' T h bllsillcss man, no inatter \\'l1::t his ` 1'(.-\'cI1uc:~: of the p1'ima1'_',` p1'oduccr.. Urban Canada is just acquirinog this k11o\\'l0dg'e. And so there is an in- creasing movement to bring about a mo1`.- complete umle1'sta11ding' and mo:r<: sy1npa`uhc`;ic co-operation be- tween urban and rural. ClZLS;x`l`". Every person in Canada is afl`<.~c:ed by the efforts of the million p1'ima:`j` procluceus of the Dominion to secure fair prices. If p1'in1-ary __)!`0(luctiovn `splicre of acidvity may be, finally- in (lnnnrln f'm'lc 1-n wxl-nu-n +'-n'.- nu-,.n.~ ; L`U:L:- mon(.*_v L-\'L:1')' _. ~ hkcly that Quucx1 .< I";'l1U1US(.`d over the : luuuuuwxa UL hut: .uUHulHU'l1 LU . in Canada fails to r0tu1'n fair price: to those engzLg'ed in Lg,'l`iCLl1tL1l`C and l~.orticult.t.1.1'r_-, thi~: couiitry will be ruin- ed beyond po.~'sibi1it_\~' of 1'0(.`C\'(,'1'_\'. It, will go into bzmkrup`cy.--Coun.- | Life, -' B.C. j , in their nancial budgets. r I 3 1 :1 u .- I With this iHSL1(.` The :\dvance : a series of articles on refcre;~:tz1t.ion in Simcoe County, which . prove interesting. The forests of Canada are being`: depleted, and the only way to assure a supply of timber for the future is by reforesta- tion. Over :'hree-quurter.s' 01' the land area of Canada is unsuitztblie for sur:cc.~'. zLg;'ict1ltu1'al production and less than seven per cent, is at present used for that purpose. Of. the non- griculi;ura1 area, nearly one-1: half is; capable of {J:ro\\'ing' 1'o`rest;s' If protected zmd inanaged to that`: end. L'ndc1- normal conditions the provin- t ciai governmen`t..4'derivu a direct 1`e\'- d enue of about $115,000,000 anmlailygrg from the forests in the form of`;`_ royalties, st.u1npag'e bonu. rentalsl` and other cliu-1'_gve;<, and is a big item] ' The 111-, direct revenue derived tl1rcu:g,'h pro-3 per:'_\', income, sales, custoins and] other taxes from the indus1;rie.s en-I gaged in the manufacture of forest products exceeds the direct revenue. These indirect ta.\'e.s are shared by the municipal, provincial and federal g'o\'ermncnts.. I lion. Geo-rge S. Henry, P1imc- 1171*.- istor and Treasurer, 1'orecz1: d. sur- plus of $215,000 for the cuncnt s- cal year. There is fzxinh and oxptin` ism in the air, he said, and despite the blue ruin talk and pes. at the oppo;ition, the province of On- Lairo is ound and sizable. The present Leg'i.slz1ture \\'a.s: elect ed on O.tobor 30th, 1929, and the I FIFH1' in n\-nu~\-nun 11-1]] gxtgun u..r.ooer bum}, 1929, and gm-I 1 1 session now 111 )2-o_<.rrc. ml] be the law`. , Conf1'o11 cL1`(I by the most severe dep1'e;~:-sion the world has ever known during the past three years, the Henry Government has e.`fectL=d mo.'<.t d1'as:ic economies to meet "Te-:11. ly reduced revenues. So efrecti-.'e hm -e been thesf: CCUn0n1iL*.\ that an estimated deut of 11ezLr1_\' $3,000,- 000 for the 1:1 : scal year has been com'e1't0d to 21 surplus of nezL1'ly half 21 l11i]1iO1]. T110 D`()H('\7 nf :-nnnnnn: cuu\t:1'u.'u w a surplus 01 nezL1'1y halt The policy of economy will be continued, and with :1 reduc- tion in the size of the House from 112 to 90 members, and possible sur pluses above what; estiniztted from some of the 1'e\'emie-bezu`i11g:; (l(.`1):l."i ` l manta, irt is predicted `that the sur- plus for the year will be in e.' of "llmt L'SLln1zLtt:(l. The . is of the Government ill` I reducing oi- e.\'pendiLu1'es dun in; 19323 by over $5,000,000, and capital expemliture by $0,000,000, has been a big: factor in (x..li2it;Li`1il`.f." the high stumling 01' the p=ro\'inc.e. .-\t p1'.e.~'ent about half of the proviii. cial debt is repw1'c.ser1u-(1 by . m- ve.~tments and revenue-producing, realizable z1,sse1s, and no naew tax- ation will be inLr0(luce(l this _\'e:u'. Premier H(TI1l'\' H)-I|",I\I I-< <:.nn1u'ni uuuu um uv ll1Ll'0(lUCL`(L Lm:` Hcm'_\,' to-day ls . than ever, and t.1oug'ht1'ul citizens, of [which ``c are m:u15' in Ontario, W11. tlvimk well before pluciilxg; 1\'1itc-Eu.-h H4-pburn in ci1'.1.1`g,'c of the E.Llr2li"n ui tlm provmce. Thrift offer ' 0116 study tn-e guaranneeu l!JlE11ySlS as ' pn'n.ted on bags or fothfr containvars 7- C- I so that you know 0 w at value the FU-NE, ' feeds are for your specic purpose, ' RAL e ,- ` . 41 Elizabeth St, `}'.f3,..`i+ +.71 .:";.i ..'7.1."`;`i.`.`_ Wm` `" AMBULAM l Dominion of Canada L1`-cz`..s`L1ry bills to the umoum of $15,000,000 were sold by public tender on 'J`ucs(lay at \\'1l1z1t is hr,-li0\'(:(l to be the 10\\'(-st m- lerest rate on r(.~cord for Camullan s.ho,rL-te1'n1 zumcinzg. The bills were in two se1'iL-s. $2,485,000 for tIn'c<: lm'0nt3l1s at 2.85 per ccnt., and $12,- 550,000 for oilrht mon.`h.< at 3.12 per cent. ,'l`e.n(lurs were called on Satur- (luy and opunerl on '1`L1es(luy and re- vezxllcd u sulmtzxmizxl o\'c1'sul).~;c1'ipLi011 from lmnks, i`n.s=u.ran(-c oompzmics and large iI1dust1'lul clorporations. ` -nun 8.130 as comp Keeds of the same Do not nd yourself with 9. g'old-' brick feed, money spent and no value in return. Oat feeds a'na.lysed in the lzLbo1`ato-rics of the Dominion! Expc1'in1ontal Fzwms have had rzmgc from 4 to 14 per cent. of pro- tein and from 10 to 30 per cent_ of bre, meat meals of from 40 to 65 per cent. protein and phrosphoric acid from 19 to 20 per cent. TIhere- fove, do not buy your feeds blindly but study the guaranteed analysis nrrind-pd rm ham: or nf.'hc=_m r-on-fzain-,-me PREMIER HENRY S BUDGET SPEECH lb Ll .\jll Hon. D1`. Robb, who, in addition to his own work, "has taken over the duties of `nhe late Hon, D1`. Monteith, points out that it is the aim of his idepartment to do away with direct lrclief wherever possible. Hence the BA.RR.IS'l`ERS, SOLICITORS NOT- ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, Et(. 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 BARRIE, ONT. A nu I`,..4L_. ` I\\ Ia. nuu.-u......-.. . GORDON LONGMAN IBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.-LRY ` ETC. : u...__.. ... I ..._.. V G. R. Foot;-- HOOVER CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 405. MONEY TO LOAN DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN Ml ____ .. Tnmnl. Rlyln Rn--in RADE.NHURST&HAMMOND ` BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC naunnu On Inn.-u nl l,nun:nt Rafa: ` STEWART & STEWART `BARRJSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- , XRIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS Ila..-" 5.. 1...... 2.. ...... .n--.. n. I \_[\lI.`.lD 1-lJDLlL\J CY: \I\JLV V LJLIILVLILJJ ` Money to loan in any sums at [ lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie `D. M. Stewart C. D. Stews 15ilIEIT:1EI.1!cI$ Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyzmcers /Ioney to loan at lowest current rates. Ofce: Isl Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. H : W Wefnn N[ H m!:1 .Pn I [Solicitor for obtaining probate of .vi11, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary Gon- veyancer, etc. MnNT`."V 'T`n `LOAN .l5}iN.l1J.'.11:1i I DAJUQBLILIVD, ouu1u4J.u.n.o, uL\..; Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Oice, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. BOYS & BOYS BARRJSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC. C)NVEYANCI-SR8, ET . nA.._-.. ... I .._._ _. Im.....o |'!.o-. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. `In the premises formerly occupied by I the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys Lib. Witb Hedlite-- Only u. r. Mcuuanu. n.A. Successor to Creawlcke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY T0 LOAN ()1... Dn-- ulna`: nail`:- 1 L \Jn Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. LVLULVEAI J. U LI\JILJ.\ Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. lV1U1Vl1:l LU LIUALV Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. MUNAI `1'U Launn Ofce: Ron Block, Barrio. FOSTER & McCARTHY . . _ . ..._.. ;~r\`-v/\1rnr\`l`\( 1 \v zsuunecn a:_ rnonu AMBULANCE SERVICE ALEXANDER COVVAN BARRISTER n... 49.... ,.k+..:~nnn- n.-nku en 32., untrue. rnone MONEY TO L0 D. F. McCUAlG. B.A. and-snaps` 4n f`ann.nxrInI(n :5 F Balance Mam`/oly THE CANADIAN BANK | || | OF COMMERCE veyancer, cw. MONEY .TO LOAN ..... Ml ____ .. Tgmnln R ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS . :v\ I1-:n-11 f`:un~+ nlr Business Directory LLOYD NERAL DIRECTOR I'lL-_. T. A. McCarthy I TRIBE. Stewart Ie M. H. Esten Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund rosy-- Phona 2 1 8 >\7Tf"`IF YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS A hmm: in Canada: is pre- furulwle-. In 21 (Ir:-.uIn-(:21sl|c in Spain. ) ' '. . . ml. II. is (why only In tlrerun, of u m-,w }I(" `A, trf hllying n`:-.w [lf)SHl?S?~.- unis, or of taking :1 plt,-usznnl, vm-znlinn. Cztslhm in Spain vanrmt I... a.....I...l 6",... l....,-...,. ..... Ureams or Plans In-, l,rm|<-cl for lmrm-,5 in Canacla, but, .s'u.:;ings can. A Cun'zulian iank of Cnnlnuzrm-, .su\'i1'|;_{:+ ac; (..`()llHl is n|'H:n lhs: diITcr- emu: ])(`.l.Wf;(:ll a dream and a plan. Dr:zun;-s buy nothing. Planrwrl szwings do. You will be welcomed at any one of the 800 h ranch as of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce. sanctioning of :1 program of public works. Dr. Robb is quite r;L_*'n`r.. This direct relief business breeds lazi- ness, and depend:-ncy on others, that is not c0nc1L1(-ix.-(~ to s-:-1f-respect.-- Guelph Mercury. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Rn!-I':n P.-an.-I. rnxmuuuv zuvu aumunum Ofce 51 Dunlop St. West of I`.O. Square, Second Floor) ' Residence: 144 Maple Avenue ` mm... 7oo. rnxolblam AJVU aununum Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Office and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.80 I IVIIDD 1:. #148 Toronto St. DR. E. G. TURNBULL ' Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Omce and Residence-Corner Elisa bert and Bradford_ s., Barrie. Phone Ofce Hours: 9-10 a..m., 1-3 p.m., "LR n,m DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURJGEON8 Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Oice Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases.