Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Mar 1934, p. 1

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\V., L. and G. Cotnnlissiou Had L\l0m.-_\f .l<];n'ma1'l for Rcsm'\'o1a'. lCraig said : I was excecdin9;1y s111'priscd to hear the letter purporting to come from the Co1nmi. read at the council on Monday night. becau.~:c there had been no meeting of the Commission to aI.110rizu the writing of such :1 k-t:tcr. HY \l'n: mm-n .:un~n1-1"-ml in see that of such letter. l I \\'zgs more .~:m`p1'i.~'e(l to see I Mr. Hinds had .~i_2'ne the letter. as 1 he hurl :L::1'ee in the oflice of 3.11`. Boys, the `own solicitor. to wait un- til M1'_ B0}.'.< liaul seen if (lfll(Ell1`LU`L'.i to meet the cost of the work could be i:<. witlio~u (leluy. The zu':.;'uin-nt.< p1'e: in the letter, that the council, in `he per- sons of the ree\'<,- and 1ny.<-c-if, wen obstructing" the walk, is un rue. The council mzule :u'1 z1ii;_-'e1nen*-.5 with the relief denpartment to make use of un- employed men in mhe labor of the work and at the lneoting; on Feb. 5th had the I`,`,'l`00mCI1`t with the 1'el1 oicer signed. We offered to provide he money by the is:~:ue of debentures nf nrnnn Oh VIILL. The zu-gument that the work was required as :1 measuvse to "1lfO. ,'llZ).1`(l the health of the comm1mi~`y was never mentioned in the di. 1'01 the undertaking` of the work of erect- ing` it new 1"e.'~:e1'\`oi1' 0 replace the old one at the foot of _\Iary St. The a1'p:ument that was used had to do with g'eJ` a larger supply of water during the summer. The talk 01 this work being done from a. health standipoinrt is simply intended to make the work appea.;- absolutely necessary to the rpubljc. The ador.that was . noticeable in the water in some parts : of the .'nown was overcome by clean- - ing out the reservoir on the hill. _Frequ-ent tests of the water by {he R'E%vAL%lJ`E`ILJ0`LLARj 21 f0r1nm- Premier of (I21: 10 the JLHITJ1 1...4:o..,. 3.. 4-. The town council have not yet been able to stiike the tax rum for tru- year. 11' :he Water, Li}.-`ht and Ga= Co111111i.~:sio11 hands over the surplus of $8,000 from the Waterworks De- partmcnt. as requested, it hopee to lceep the me down to at least 4% mills. A committee composed of Lne mayor and the two reeves will ll.(;`{:u the nance commitiee of the Board of Education in an effort to have the school (.*.s'tl'll1Z).tGS pared down. Tax Collector Busy Reeve Blair gave a short report or the work of the new tax collector. Up to the end of February he luv.) made 214- calls and had 165 inter- views. Ar1'ea1`:; of taxes paid during January and February amounted to $7,478.07, compared with $-'l,94(S III the Sa.l l1(: period in 1933. The col- lector had made 2!) collections amounting` to $538.34. lhe reeu; felt tiaut the collector was doing grad work, but as yet wa.~: do1n_L7 prelim- inary work, and better 1`CSL'ltn` would be seen as time goes on. Ask for 99-Year Lease The .<.ec"ut21.ry 01' `.he Barrie .'-\g'ri- cultural Arena Limited a( hissed than he had been in.~'trucLed by resolutxoz passed by the (li1`ec'z0rs of the Barri." Agricultural Arena Limited to ask council to 1l'l`21l1lJ a le'.1.~'e for 9!) years on the land in the Agricultural Par--3., rlesig'na'ted as :1 site ft); the erection of the proposed new arena. The dir- ectors were anxious to get started as soon as possible and would lil;L the matter :1 tended to. An -1 1-nunlnfinn fn +lxi- n. -`P.-\.n+ l`\:\r \\'il1z1.\'i< .ld11<::11io11 .Boz.n'CL to 111')" and 1 -.110 Down Estilnai cs. TUCK WANTS A mwu coumm STILL wnrsmne 1 mm TAX RATE Urz11'bz1g(* Collection. W. Li\'ingsto11 .\1)p1'o\'uJ. WRATHYUYF LETTER l Llll.` HlU.LLL`l' El. l/L`Il(.lC(1 IO. As a resolution to this e ect hac been passed at a previous council meeting, Hhe mayor and clerk were authorized to execute such .'-1 lease. Asks Reconsideration of Grant The secretary of the Barrie Agri cultural Socieiy wrc-te that at .. meeting of the nance committee of the society. it was decided to ask council thaf recons1(lerat.ion be given the matter of cutting down the an- nual grant. The society has Ca.l`1`l(.... on in tie town for many years, bu`r have never been able to make veijx much money, and what has been made has been spent in impxoveme-n".: to the Agricuhural Park and in `uh: interes of a bigjqei` exhibition. Durn,~; the pa.~L year the society Opt.`- atcd at 21 loss and with the grant cut to $200, as has been auggertecl, the committee feel that there is not inucn use of pro\'i(ling a new agricultu:-.' arena for that purpose when i..'\a< possibility is that enou5_;- h fu2.d.~ rm- nn lm . in i'>lI:H'I(`(` the 1311: pOSSlUlllL)' IS Uilllb l.`l1ULl,'H l`Ji.C.` "l!l` not be sec-urcrl L0 {mzmce the full fair. The BzLrriu 4-xhibmon `is pun 1y :1 local cnterp1'i. Ll`-`.(l the beneis to the town at large are conside1`ab`c. There is no one making money 117 of i`, and any pr0f':1.~: made .`,`l) t0\Vd.l': improvement 01' g1'ound. vtc. l'L:* Barrie fair has improved won(le1'1'7`.1` J during the past few ycau: am. 1211:. comm-it.tcr.- ft-1.-I, along with many nut (Continued on page {we} laboratories in Toronto have proven the water #0 be almost chemically pure. No (langcr to the health of the people exists. 'l"nr- Pnhlin UtiI`itio< An mrovidcd the people exists. The Public Utilities Au? piwovidcd that the Commission shall pay ovcy to Lhe t1~easu1'c1' of the i.o\vn the moneys on hzmd that are not rt:quired. At .1-an II1I`|\`!l nf Hun vnnu H1m'r- \vn:< nvr1' nzmu Ll!d.L um: HUL LI:quu1:u. :\L -`ihe close of the year there was over $8,600, la.1*;:r,-ly p1`o`..< in 1933. The council foc.-1:4 that this money should be paid over to the town and if the Commission finds it nccc-s;~:a1'y to un- clcifzxke a work that should last foi fovty or fty yeztrs and that in the meantime the :~:urplu.s on hand should be applic,-(1 on the reduction of `.-he tax rate at 21. time when it is parti- cularly dillicult for so many ho pay the 1Zl.XC:~ , (lcbontures will be issued. 'I`l1n lnvorn i4 tho vomllt of the lzxxes, (lCDCn1'.lI1`OS W111 oe lssueu. The large surplus is the result of the \-cute)` rates remaining` as they were many years back. There ha: been no redu in reeenvt years. Pre\'iou.~: to 1928 the debentures of the Waterworks Department amo=.mt- ed to $7,300 a. year. In 1928 `uhe cost of the purchase of the water works plant was completed and the follo\vin_cc year, with the same xvah-I rn*te.<. tlu-re was :1 prot of (we: $4.000, wllich the Commi.'~`ion of that date handed to ~the town. For the last three years the payment for de- bemturcs amounted to $1,370 yearly, which \Vllll1 the rates prevailing in 1928, would give a prot of over $6,000. This momey should be re turned to the people and the Public Utilities Act provides a way for its re`Iurn. ..-.. .. IV . . __,u __ >L L._`____ nu 4141.1: If the Commission will not listen to reason and follow the direction of the Utilities Aclt, then it will be known by the ratepayers when they get .their tax bills that the rate will be about two mills greater than it would have been had the been reasonable. Established `in the Year. 1847 Eight Page TRUCK 'd.l1lUl.lllL U1 l'L`\'UllLl'C llU\\ Ulll nuuu. do) . by _\'()m` annual . de- livered to council in January last. Should you require fumls `o ca,1`2*_', on the perma.nent \\"01'l\a' contemplat- ed, `(L71 application for :~11no1mt 1n1.;'ln,- bv made to council. Tlw council could procure who amount required by the l.~j.\ LlL` of dcbentu1'0s sp1`ca(l over :1 term of ye:u'.<, as has boon lone in the pzxst. "1.`n.,m- I\'\nI\\l\(\xI AF nnnnr-H `In- Plan of G-ets Cl(`H\`('l'l'(l LHU lUHU\\lIl`,L 1\.'\,l.vL`l, \\HlLH \\':x< road in council : To the .\Ia_\'o1` and .-\1d0rmun of the 'l`o\\'n 01' B-.u-rie: mu` .u.... u; ......u. . I\l:1y it ])1('(L~'l.` your nonom'n`.e body to (M1 to your :1 tention some of the r<~pm't.~' and con. that were the cause of the commis si0n'.~' z1<"iun in p1'0po. the con- . of 21 cum-rm.-te n:se1`\'0i1 to replace e.\'i. t.z111k.<:u1(lpipi11_<:. We will call your attention to `aim report of Dr. Ben'_\`, of the P1`o\'.n- cial Board of Health. in which he points out .~ze\'m-:11 items Ihzlt youl commission had to get :1 1'01ned_\' for. ((`nnHnnruI nn murre MK) POLICE FINES WERE I Ir:u'r IN F` In his report for February, Chic. Stewart records a total of 41 offences, winh $30 collected in nes and costs. rl-1.1.- `:._L -1 An-._...,.< ....... D.nu.-1...... \| lil -you Lu|I\`\w.:u lll uupa uuu vvuvu. The list of offences are: Burglzugv 1. invv. :u'. 1, coimnitted for trial; theft 3. one convicted and two awaiting trial; theft by entry 1, committed; breach of H.T.A. 1. awaiting trial; breach of dog by-law 13. all awaiting trial; petty com- plaints 21, all attended '00. Broad was weitzhcd d`.n'in2' the plamts 21, an atrcenueu w. Bread was weighed during month and found to be 0.1:. 1.1551011 nun LU .;'L'L El 1'|_`llllfU_\` (Continued on page six) IVLD VVLKL LIGHT IN FEBRUARY Mayor and Reeve .7`u:vLLs<;<.?. oi. 'i`ry111}_: `.<:- limdcr the L7ud(:1'1;1l @1133 imtitlbmm Ammtuce MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY STARS AT KJWANIS ON MONDAY 1: King Clancy, Hupp;;" D211.` am. .-\n(l_y" Blair, and other Maple Lea! hockey stars, will be gue5:..~, of tin? Bar ic liiwzxliis Ciub at .v1OI1(1Zl_V ( n- ing .a meeting. Winning; teams in we town zmd c,hu1`c:h hockey lua._-.,=`ucs wi also he invitt.- and the trophies pm sen `ed by the Toronto stu-1.). --\1: Wlnndzlvu nmrmHnu' F1}: v~r-nL' \-.. DUll`UU Uy UYU LUIUHLU bLi'l..J. At Mondays meeting this vseuk, ru port; were given by the c'n...1`n1cu 0 the \".u'ious c.0m'miL.necs on ucti\'itir2 plzmn-ed for the yezu`, \\'l1ic`:. :,4hu\\'<.-4 most 01' the comn1ittcc.~.' functionzzxz cf<:iu11tly. T1-4 ('hi`.HI-L u'n\-'r- nn inlr-`.~n<.`.'.: UlllCll.`llLl_y. Les. Chiivtick gave an inLcrc.~:L:;..- uucoullt of his recent trip to Florziiu. where he \'i::itc(I a I{iwani.s' Club 1;`. St. I ctc1'; there being,` 47 Visitor present. Dr. Bill Lewis also ....I` about his jaunt to Cluvclalld, xvhcru L`11:.- weather \\'2L.i even \\'orsc than 5:1 R-1|-\-:n LIN` \\ L'i Bawrxe. zuenanamsmoue NOT GUILTY or ! MANSLAUGHTER I X01" Hold .R0spn11sil)lv rm 1)Cz1th of Clms. F$11111'l1 :1: Midhurst. "Not, guilty was the \'ve1'(1ict 01 ul J.-My in the case of Herben: Arm- . of StzL_`,'n0r, chzu'g'0d wit.-1 l11ll1S-lzlllfmlltcl` when Cluu'1e< Evevtonl Smith, of Entevp1`ise, was killed at .\'Iidhurst as nhe 1-r-sult 01' a truck driven by .-\rmst1'0.11g c1`21s}1in}.;' into 21 Lruin 0:1 the night of February o'L'n. St;u'ting a" 10 z1.m. on \Vedncs the case wont to the jury at 3.L5, and it took `nhem over two hou1`.< to zn`ri\'e at the \`L`1'!1`iCI. The zxccu. as deeply 1`velie\`ed when he hezurd the verdict. Tu .4 . 4L ,. Lnc \`\:1`ul(,'lS. Justice Je rc_v, the trial judge, ad- d1'c.<.~:i11g,' A1'mst1'ong', said : Thv iH"\ hn\'(I fnlzrvn n inner nun-_ V01. LXXXVIII. N0. 2. uu:.~>:ill_',' .~u'i11sE1'0]1g', S2Ll(1Z The jury have taken a most mer- ciful View of your case. I have no quarrel with it. It has been a rathci 'roub'Iesome case. T.hey \\-"Ju~ld have been amply justied in nding; you guilty on your own stzitc-ment that you did not see tha" train that night: and could give no iczuson for run-' ning into it. 'I`h0y have accepted thzit ;~:tuL0meni: and said tslmt you are not guilty cluii-god. But some- thing` occurred thzu: night that has not been devolopccl in the evidence. iY'ou are lucky and for your sake I am very glad. So far as I knon` you have led a clean life. Let bhis hr: :1 111;.-nn fn vnn 'I'ln.\-A L. n ,]r...l _\uu x1zL\'c ieu a ciean 1110. Let bms be a ie.<. to you. '1'hc.1'e is a dead man in this case. .-\rmst1'ong', and he is no)` here to tell the tale. You and you alone know what .happened that inight. It may very well be that all that did happen mliut `night will re- mziin with you and rest upon you. You are '1`...-min. +,. H... 4.....- 1.1:. I -..,1 1.: suixdi : 5&1 3 I 110-`pt: the verdict of not ;;ui1'y in this cz1.'~:c will not be an encour- z1g'c111e11t to other people to kill on I"hr- hiQ'h\\':1\', ']`h;1f' 1'; Han nwv nnm l'cL,`. ,'L'I]1(?11L to 0Ln0'1' people to R111 "he 11i_:1'11\\`:1).'. That is the only com nu-nt I \\'i.~"h to make. The toll of human life on the hit,-,'h\\'z1y< of O1`.- 'tai`i0 has been llD1)aiii11_;'. l'i'.c1`e may have been specizxl Cil'CUn1'.StaY1C'O-S in this czt.-'0 that led you `o nd this man not fzuilty, and so for his sakrr I am \'(:1_\' grlzul. I hope the mlinru of the jury in this cztso on his u\\')`- story will no he an cr.coLn'agen1(.-in to other people to drive on tIh(,' high- \\'zL_v.~: without keeping: :1 ])1`0})(31' look out. br-(-z1u. death zmd -`1'ag'cdy such as 0ccu1')`e(1 on the night on which ` this unfortunate man met his (1.-?z1t']` V (ii. fpnnfinllnll nn nnnu fnnu-\ RARRIE MAN FINED FOR RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS x.xn.u-,, sun p1'0])01't_V inc] chains tak _L':1)':12'n and .-\1t110Ll;1'h his counsel. ' the box to .1 n.-nun! LU .\Ill(`I(1 HIS SUM. "110 IS Ullly 11. .\I1'. Hammond poin`ed out that it could have been settled if Gibson had been st1'aig11tfor\\'ard when the police approached him, Instead of protecting` the boy. For hat he wili have to suffer the penalty. He sut; gested that the penalty be light. it uvm: mm nf thvnsp onyx: where evnn .T.1"Ll`I'l. J J... XX 's1;;3iu.s $8 costs gesnea t.na.t me penalty De ugwm; was one of those cases where a modest ne is '! ma\'v \T..,-.:.4u~..L:. T I !mn...~nA n G: Open \\'zu'fz11'L= \\':L.~= xlv-elm`-'.-(1 1 t'.\\'0(:n the town council zmdt Water, I4i.:"nt u'.1('1 Gas Commi.<.~f om Ho'ndz1;,' night when u. Ictteu` fr` ~I`m- ln11:A.- )-mu! in rrnnm-H m'ml~ m1`_4t.'u. (Continued on page four) \\' I bu: 1suu1ur_L"e(1." to tho Jury, H15 Lo1'd.~hip UL` LH.l.AlH1Lil Ul as uctiviti ..-' ylm\\'c(l XI: . l'......+:,..~- !'H"8\'\' | Empused a. ne of iTi1u trial of .\ir.s. .\I:.11'y Ann Mc- Ewcn, charged \\'it.i1 11.1`.-on in comics- `ion with u ru at, 189 B1`.ulfor(l St. on the uftuz-n~oo~n of Feb. 9th, 5ta.1'ted on Wednesday zxftt.-rlwon at the As. sizes. Grey Hamilton, ]{.C., prosecut~ ed, while the ac.cu.scd is bcim: defend- ed by C. Samim.<, of Toronrto, X9 1-i1i.~ nmnwninn-`.~ ;1- rnncf my L. az111um.<, 01 Lurunuuu. At this 1noming".~: . most dam:1g'ing; e\'idcncu '21.; gi\'un by Miss .'-kn'n-LL Quancc, who with imr fatller and 1>1*othe1', \\' living` at Mrs. l\/Igl I .~' homt-. 01110115 tfm-re th_e Lime \\`c1`u hr. McC0omb, Mr. Rosa, Mr. Kc-1'1` aild Mrs. Mclu'\\'cn s twb small chilclre-`n. . I:. r\n-In./-1. .--uh} _-hm -.1:-+n-.|H\r <.-nu! Miss Q11an<:(~, Ciuwu \\'it-- m-ss, Tvlls Story or J:`i.1'c on .131-:u1fu.1'Cl til`. amau cnlmre-.n. Miss Quzmcc said .~;hc actually saw .\1r;~'_ )IcE\\'c11's .~:tzu'ting; a re in MI_:. `.\IcC0omb`;< 100111 and in 311`. {osefs room on thesecoznd oor. Wh:-re else did you see re ?" in the cellar way; it was s;ra1'tet1 in a loose board in the cel-12u'\vay. \Nifnn_~c cnirl :hr2 nlcn Hmo I`hI .3` I Wit;11c. said she also .:'a\\` the 1`_e bu:-niI1}_," in the attic, but did not Sc-_e i: set. ,9 Iic.-gzwdillg the re in the cel1a.;:' \\`a_\', she was behind .\I1'.~,'. )`IcEwen \\'h<.-n it was set. 13,....,.,... +,m uruz] (~:H.mn min.nn.c Ulll &U.U'llU1:l.`y Hl'O'Jll. \\ llL'l| U. h.'LLL'. llU|H "he latter rczul in council a(.'CLl>'C(l that bmly oi tryin_e,' to block Lue Wate1'wor s Dvepartment from pro- ceeding` with 1he con. of the proposed $15,000 extension work. The Water, Light and Gas Com- mission in its nimcial report of the Wa1;er\\'o`rl:s Die-partn1en' for 1933, submitted to council on Feb. oth. .snowe a . of SS,(S2`.!.2(i alter meeting all X]_)0T1(lll}l.l`l'L`.3, including `he annual debenturve payment. This 5l1`l'plL1S, 2l( L`O1'(llll'f.-I to the Public Utilities Act, See. :14, Chap. 249, R.S.O. 1927, should be turn-ed over to the town. 'I"hc.Wate1`, Light and Gas Co1n~mi.ion, l1o\\'e\'~e'1'. without. consulting the town council. set aside $7,500 of this surplus to construct a new re. and O'(.l1Cl'\\'l\'C in1p1'ove the wa er systein. Mics rs, Proctor and Re(lfern, \\'a.l .Cl'\\ 0l l{S engineers, wt,-i`e cztlled upon to (lt"`b'._--lmlllt.` the Jxeeds of ho town anal iad'\ -L-(l. a new reservoir costing some $13,000. l,.a.<'t neck `lhe nance committee of the town council, after ;.7;oing; into the matter of . `be tax rate for the year, cor-4i it good busi- ness to take this .s'urplu.- of $8,629.29 from `.he Waterwor's Departnicnt for t'hi.~; year's current CX])Lmses., and as the proposed extension to the V\ 1t(31`\\'()il\':1 S)'St(`l1l would be capital expendi`ure. to issue (lL`l)()lll}Ll1'L`.i lfor` same. This would enable counrsil to lower the tax rate by two mills. The i'ollo\\'in}: letter was sent to the Water, Liglit and Gas C0ll1IX1lS' einn - \\'J`n(.`H IE \\'21S seL. Between ten and fteen minutes elap. from the time the res were st-1 till the time the ulunn was sent FSAW MRS`"M6W%E%N* f`B%l]Rk1'0N AVENUE " I SETTIN3 FIRES CHURCH REDPENS I SAYS WHNESS :?I. *%_*?*ft3: .'\'Iis.< Quzmce said .4 McE\\'c11 1.113.. .'~:hc was into trouble over it, 2 ...An'l.-I 4-a.`|1 lIl[U L1 UUUI` would tell. \\,'i{rnn:.-.~ |W`0|.U.(l LE1]. Witness referred to a (ronwrsa- {ion .~,'hu had \\'i1vl1 M1*.~:_ Mclwell rc- ;,-zm!i:1r,';a11in-;:L1rzL11ce nolicy. Mrs. 'I\`IcE\\'c'11 asked her how long" after a fire before she could collect the i11.~'u1'v.x1cc money, to \x"nich she said slxty days. Mrs. ML-Ewen `:he'n aaid that sin could get along 01: pension money she xvas r<.-cci\'ing' `J11 the in _~;urz1.nce money \\'z1.< paid. '.\ H` Jun hm! nvnu nhsnrvprl \vus paw. Asked if 5110 had ever observed inliammubl-c.< in the h0L1>:c from Lhc Monduy till 1"1'i(luy, witness said that 311-5. .\IcI~Z\u-n goL .-om.` g`a>o1ine and coal oil from 1101' brotlxcr, and ask- ed her to sprixrklc .<.0mc in `ac-r mum, but she refused. Mrs. McE\\'en nhen ious rooms upstairs. N11": Mr-T`.u-4'-n {rind fr: n'.`(\'r~nf 10118 1001115 u`psLa.u:s. 4 M.1`s_ McE\\`cn tried to p'.`cvc-nt :1'c'i send in th-(- alarm. The zlccusc-(I told .hc1' that she \\`z1nt(.-(1 the fire to burn f-.1' half an l1ou.- before the abmn .~`uh0u1d be sent 111. \K'H-n._.,. ,qi.I H.-Mr uvhnn H1-:\` nun.-. I from going` out the from doo; X7` I ."|H0ul(l DC 50111) 111. Witm.-.~'.~' .~aii that when rsan ques- ioned about the first, she denied all kno\\'1ed5g`e about it, but on Suzidag, nighl`. she told her story to 1101` futlmx and liltul` to Chief Stmx`-art (Wu L`u.'.l.nv uFin\-xmnnn '\`T1'.:.- (\nnnnn emu IZII-if)` IO L,l1l(.`I DI(`\\`ill'L On F1'i(1u_\' afternoon l\`Ii;s~.-' Quance said she he-u1'd `.1 conversation betwccn Mrs. McE\ven and Mrs. Lm'kin. Thu latter said, I 401d you, Mary, noL to set the res in different places, but all in one spot. Rnmu nf' rhn f'nrnihn'(- hm? hm`)! EM`). 111 Ull 25]_)UL.' Some of the furniture had been removed from .\`I1~.'~:. )1:-Ii\\'er."s 10 M15. Larkin .< home three or four week: prior to the 'e, \\"1tnc.~'s said. He: !'uthvr and M1`. l\'(:!`1' n1m'r:d Lhn furniture in 1101- brothc-r':~: track. 011 Sn .u1'(la_\' after the rt: .~.h<. su.\\' ;VIr:<. Larkin and 311.4. fI.-I'.'\'.`<:1'. removing: all id:-11ti{iczxti(m m2u'k.~-: from the fu2'nitu2L- at '.\lr.<. I-a.1'kin`.~:. `rm; furniture \\'u.~: umlvr .~'uizurL-. C1'o.<.\'-exzunin:-d, ;\Ii.<.< Qua-.nce said she wzxit-ed until Sunday night; beforu ielling her .~:to1'y becu` se she was f1`ight<-In-d. of the tin`;-2:15 made by ;\I1-.4, .\IcEwen. r`:-'\l'n]Il \V -uH1n\- nil-1)1n nf Town Council Demands $8,600 Surplus From The Waterworks Departmer_1_t [Al 1'5, _\lCl'_4\\'I1. | Oswald W_ Quance, .z1bhc1' 01 Anna, said he was in the Public Li- i)1'1l.1`_\' at the time 01` he re. Two 01- Lhn-<: \\'eL-ks prior hr: h(}1]')'L`(1 to curl (Continued on page four) TRUE BILLS IN FOUR CRIMINAL CASES AT ASSIZES l The Spring` .~\ssizc;; openul in Bar- ric on Tu(:s a1'tr,~i'n~ooii with Jus- tice Nicol Je rc_v presiding` and Grey HumiL'on, K.C., of Toronto. as spec- ial Crown p1`oi The Gruml Jury i)1`O11_L`hL in tru bii`,.= in 1.110 four (-riminzxl (`ll.4L'.~' on the .ln . - '1']-un nnn_1'in-\- nu ihni nf UHIS m1.n(.- Lulu` ('l'll]lll12ll ('i|.~L'.~ UH mu: - docket. The non-jury -z that of I-hmna B1'i]Iin_L'<-.1`, Orilliu, r.-.\'~-cutrix of he estate of the late Roy Bri11i1=_<:cr, O1'i11iuin~. 21:41-11:, .x5.~'zxin. J. W_ Price and Hugh R. Tu(lnm_)<:. Ori- lia, for $5,000 dama;';e.<, was tr2m.'~:- fox-M-(1 to the next non-jury session in May. Wn\' V: I-Tm-lmvt .-\rm Sim`- In May. Rex Hnrb<>1t .-\l.`.`..~'t!'(`v1`.').l', Stag"- ner, c.1mrg'erl wimh mans1zLu_<.:'nte1- m c.o1mec*t'ion with the (loath of Cha.1'1es Evelrton Smith \\"hon :1 truck (h'ivr:r. by Armstrong crashed into a freigh: train at Midhmst on Feb. 8th. Dis- posed of, accused not guilty. Dov vc Mm-v Ann .VI(:E\\eT1. B211`- posed oi. accused not g`u11T.y. Rex vs. ;\Iz11'_\' Ann '.\`IcE\\en, 1-ie, c.1m1'g'ed with arson arisillg` out of :1 re at 189 Bradford St., on WA}. 0441 OI 21 11 PC I Feb. 9th. Dnv 1vn |1"eD. utm. Rex vs. Emiille and Alma LaRo: Midland, charged wit}i arson in con- nnmton with a re at their residence on Jan_ 31st. pm. `VD mm. nn1.:+`mv ('1n'.1inn~wnnd_ Jan. 31st. Rex vs. John Halifax, Coilingwood, charged with carnal kn\owlr.:dg'e. ']`11.r~ Grand .Tm'v \\'a.'; comnosed Of: charged mm carnal Knowmuge. Th-o G1-nndJu1*_v was composed of : J as. Bmack, Nottzuvusaga (chairman); Jo-s, Harvey, W. Gwillimbury; John W. Gibson. S'tayner; Chas. S. East- wood, Orillia; Henry McCuaig, Om: Fred Robinson, Tay; Lorne W. Doo- little, Orillia; Ernest Polkinghomn; Tay; Geo_ Hamilton. Adjala; Chas. Thurlow, Fltos; Heber Wildnson, , Essa; Thos. Sfephens, Innisl; Rbt. ` mulconxson, Barrie. The Oldest Paper in the Countv >13a.rrie, Olltar-10, Thurs March 8, 1934 she told .\I1's. g'oin_v to get and that she The con;;rcgzL.i0x1 of Ul.]1`Lu:l .~\\ e. I..'11itm". \ .;'imu_-xi are agzuii \\(;1":'alppil1't: their chums noim,-, Litter .'.-ei11g.,-' .i- I paiied and deL'o1'uted fOi.i.(7\\'1i:_Lf. L... fire in NO\'L`1l1bL:l` last. Tilt` (, \i'.1le`L has the :ippez11`zmce of :1 ne\\' mun... inside, witih new pipe o"g'zu1 am- e\'eryLning` ;~'-'hli1i1:g', and be-5. of all, `\'eryLi.i11g paid 101; `i.he dedication of the bL1iiding,' `mi: `Held on Sundzig.` last, with iev. iud. Iiidieott, D.l)., LL.D., as .s]Je<.i'.1i speaker, and arge (.`011_*._ ,'1`C`: .'lLi()11.~ -.1 - t0ll(ii11g't`i1U morliing and evening.-` .~`C1`\`i<.'C. T110 co`n.g1m-gatioii of E5SZ\ Road Pi'e.sbyLe.1'ia11 Cnurcii \\'i1.hi'.'e\`. their s`C1'\'iccs for the day in urdvi tha`. tzhey miglit \\'or.s'hip with the-h nei`gh'bo-rs. K(.`fOi1`e11CC was made zit both services to this ne ge.-,1;ure and also to the kindly way in \\hich the minis.:e1' and cong'reguti10>1i-, of i'}.~1.21 Road Church had taken the Buiton A\'e_ Ohureh people in when \\'it.hou1. a church home. Rev. N. R. D. Sin- c1ai.r took part in the sci'vieo.< on Sun- rlnv A +;hVn'!) nl-' (nun-nilv .n4' ... nu,-_ unurcn people 111 when xv] N D sen ict-.< day. A ting'e of sorrow was fest`-,_ tvhat owing to illness Rev. Wall, the pastor, was unable " fend the dedication scwices. "-ghnl-91 11111`. \I'n(- 4'11:-n.~:lu\.l I uuliu me (le(1lCZLlI.lO11 SCYVICCS. "~Sp,ecia,1 music was fu1`l1iS`i1`.(i by the choir, assisted by Mr, T. . Cochrane. of To'von'i,o, as oi-gzmist; M1`. Ha1'1'_y Mortbn and Mr. J. B. Hu1'dic:, also 01 '!`o1vo'i1~ to, as soloists. . At the morn-ing service, following, the opu11in<,_; uxei'cise.~:, the oiciuls 01 the c.-`hum-`h. :\1C.\'.~$l`.~'. Wm. Rusk, J. E. ' Mo=.'rison, W. J. Blair and J, Patton, ;J1'e:sc11t(-(1 the keys of the c-hui'c.h to Dr inrlir-mi \\"i1n I'::(-ni\'rui Hmm :n preaunu-u Lne Keys 01 me c-nurc.n DO Dr Eiitlicott, who rcgeeived them in the name of "he Un-itnd Church of Canada. Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair read the Scripture 1e$on. D1; Endicott took for his mo:`nin~g tlieme the U12- cl1z1:1wgenc:.< of God. COY1(litl`OI1S are c.l1ang;ing; we have made vast pro- psress in the eld of .~:(-izmr.-0, imlustigx`. medicine, (.16., but God has not nhatnged. We still mm-(l Him. and Hz; needs us. It is only as we seek Him that we can make true p1`og1-ess. Af `H10 r>\'nhinn- anrvimn hr Vmli:-n~I-I Dr. Endi<-011 is S}_m1i an I)(3di(:u`.im1 Sm-\'1<'(|s on Sund-.1y. Ill:/LL U can 11121.50 l.l'LlC [)1'0g!'(.`Sn'. At the evening; scrvicv Dr. I1n1i(-r>tL spoke on C`hri.=t Seeking the Lost ?'.|.L'n.'r his thr-mn 1'1-nm H20 Hn-nu um-. S[)UKe on unr1:=t oeezung we post fakng his theme from the three par- ables told by JesL1s, the lost coin, the lost, sheep, and the lost son. lf 'CIh1'ist Came to seek hhe lost, are we among` the lost ? In the _sto.1'y told `by Jesus of the woman and the lost coin, it was a perfectly _9:ood coin, an(l_if,s lostness consisted of that the woman did not have it. That is the icragedy to-day. It is not that we have gone bad; there 11r_-vex` was a finer g'eneration of young" people than we `have to-day, but so many are lost to the purposes of the Kinngdom, lost because God cannot usr them in his se1'\'. ce. What p:-1'centae,e of his congregation can any minister of the _<.;'o:spel really count on ? If n n11'n1':1r:v hurl HHV `nnv mm-`i nf' Hwn UL I./Ht` ;l)5.\]Jl2l l'L'iLll_V CU-Llllla UJI I ll 21 lninister had fty per cen"-. of the c'0ng11`eg`uti0n solidly behind him so that he could depend on them at all times, he would be the happiest man in Canada. Can he (j.ount_on ten per cent. `. l`hi.~: is the . issue of the life of any cihurch. People will',e'i\'e anyt`hing' but service. When God has found hem there will be no more problems. I 'l`l1rm Jt- fnlrl nlmnnf `r.l1n lnrl UEIIIIJIELLC Lllli L`.`{I)CIl(.llLl.U.`U UJ. il. Lllill` . . 01' money on perman- ent imp1-ovemen`s. The consensus 01' Opinion of council is that in tlu-.59 trying times this expIe.n(litL11`e should be spr;-ml over 21 period of ye-ar.<, and tha` the funds on hand should be paid over to the t1'ezLsux`er of Lhe town 21.5 p1`()\'id(:\l by Stattltes. Pun-.-1mn' fr) Rnr- .141 of iho P-11)- ]HlUl`l3 [)l'UUl(.`Hl>T. Then Jc-. told about the lost! sheep. It Inst i:.< \\':1_\'. So peopie get o' the muck. They have mi.::sc(I their way. We see the 11e1p1essne.<;-' of g1'o\'e1`mne11t.3 and of neople, as in Germany, RLISSZI, China, and in our own counry. WI11211; is \vr0~ng ? ']`he_\' have some`ho\\' missed the way. WK`: need to get back to the fold, and God is s<>eking after the lost. Tn 411,. 4-.-CIA A4` 4-vl-`n 1n.-`- Innv u unu uuuu-L_y. vv'I|LI.u 4.3 n;u-u Jesus then told of the lost: bog`. Jesus did not condemn the boy. He had .%). l1l])Z1tlll_V' for him. God intends that we be happy. The boy was starved at he:u c_an(l decided to ,L'0 to a far country in search of happiness. The home \\'a:< still there. l1owe\'e1'_ and the futrlier waitin-g for him to return. The elder bl`()t-i101` was ah- most piitiful of all. If those in the Christizm Church were not oniy in it, bu" inte1`e: in tzhose outside, we would have to build lz11'1`e1' (:*l1u1`cl1e.=. If we are true to Him, we would be s\\'e(-ping the home for the lost coin, I01` like the ;~'rl1ep=l1(-1`(l . the lost ,- sheep, or like `he l":it.he1- waiting for 9 the lost son. If those about us are Lost, othe1`;< : but they may be found if we do our part. F`nlln\\'inn' `l1n nvun in 0' <(\`i'\'i('rI .'1 it lULlll(l ll (V (H) UH)` `NHL. Following` `he. evening" . an orI,:'z1n recital \vn.< _sri\`(~n by Mr. '1, C. COC`l1l`Zl.l1C, and .\Ia. Gerald Ban-;<, Toronto, one of (`zma .< _\'oLiii;re. 01'g'a1ii. .\Ir. J B. Plurtlie and Mr. Harry Norton emm'ibu`e(l solos. T-lie \lerli('ator_V services will be continued for the next three Su-n- On Sunday next ROY. S. M. Beadh, of Toronto. a former pas or, will be the speaker. On Sunday, .VIz1re'l1 18th, Re\'_ A. J. Paul. who was pastor when the organ destroyed by re \\"as installed, will be the speak- er and will dedicate lhe new organ. On Sunday, 1\'Iz1reh 25th, Rev. R. D. Sinclair, of Essa Road Presbyter- ian C'hurc'h. will be the speaker. The Win-One Club of Burton Ave. United Church wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr, Garrett of the Capitol Theatre for the success of their recent bene- t picture, One Mv.n s Journey. Mr. Garrett did everything possible ` to make the benet a. success and dthe club treasury was substantially en-1` riched as a result. ' CLUB EXTENDS THANKS E. c. DEHRYWOULD nan? TARIFF AND u1. The quolum of PL'I`l:'i J11.\' Conxlnitlu .~:lutL- -Lo be held in the Court Hcuac on .\:1:u'ch 1-lih has been (:xtn-.1d<:(`. an extra day 10 includc the 151:1. l"1vL c;1. 110m Bzu`1'iL- are to be incalwl. LU-)4} 2 Hon. Pesidc-nt, Ixlayor J. F. Craig; Hon. Vic-(2-Px'0. -I. '1`. Simpson, .\l.P., and D1`. L_ J. Sin1p.~:on, M.} .1`._ 1211. Past Pi'0>iidL'l1'(, Ed. Shuter; Presi- dent, E. Sncpheul; 1.~t Vice- Prcsidolit, T. J_ Wi1]ia1r.~; 2nd Vice- Pn-.~.idcn . A. F. .`I2u._;`u11'c; Sr.-u1'ct:.u'y, A. E. A1l:u1; T1L21SU.1`L`1`, T. J. Win- us," C..aix'1nun, \-.'i1u}(: bvoard, O. E. :$,..u.k; Sc-1'g(`a11t-z1t-Arms, R. Smith`, 220110 C0`J..I11d.I1(1L`l' and PL-n.~'i011v.~: Ad- \'ocz1L,-, Ed. Shuler. P1'osi T. Shcpln-rd and End. Shu1..-1* lCd\`L SL\1u1'dziy to '.1t1'ond the Canzuii-an Legion Dominion conven- Lion 11:1; Ott-.1\'.'<.i. These two rcpi-c5011.`. all the L)!'LlI1L`hCS of th(.` Legioxi i1`. i'.m: di. 'l`lu. ;\v|r\\1I\\\ n(' T.3..np:In1.- pnnn\1Hl... muuu-11, Lzmzuuun Lugzoxl: mm 111 mu: u Legion Hu`:] .\1oml:1y, Feb. 26:11, the follomng otccrs were elected 1'01 H1224 - Sz1.\'s 1*]<-mmlnicr CO11'lj`Ul'()1I('(,` (;irT1'cz11.cs1T L`z1l211n11'_\f E\'a~1' .I{no\\'11. It is understood that you con-I template the expenditure of a ccn-I n1 n1nn(n\-' m1 1w-1'n1>n`1- E. C. D1'u.1'_\'. Ontmio, .~'1_)(:;'.`.< -Wan-1n;-r-; rwl J. T. E. SHEPHERD HEADS BARRIE c$RANCH OF CANADIAN LEGION ' Luuux. UH34 I U". UIlL:H`lU, >`p(:;i`.\1.1',: LU UH. uuin.i -Fairing-r;~' annl J.1'.iic: ln.<`.iLL.ue in LA.- Legion Hall Tl1L`.<(l2l_V 11ig.>;ht, deeslared '.hat the only solution to our present economic (lifliculties was to revalue the (loillar and let down the tarill walls, thtus starting` ini`.'crnationzLl trade. Re;-,m1'(li1:g the Imperizil Con- ference ag`reements_. it was the great- esrl calamity in the world. Britain had hoped that the Conference woulu result in free trade within the Em- pire, but Canada would not agree. Ilhe resuli` is that Britain is going to be self-supporting` insofar as food products are concerned, and them will be no Inarket for Canada. \Yn T\\-`nu ; cnl\1'r>r-1' xrn: Clnilrl :lh(l At the annual meeting of` I_3aLl`1:iO B1'u:u-11, C2madiz1n Legion: held In `one: Imrinn Hsl \lnml:w, FEM). 9.6211. the \\'1l1 DC marxet 101' \,u.112u1a. All Dru1y s subject was Gould and Prices. 'I`ouc.hing' on conditions and the cause, in 1926 the value of farn: produors in Canada was 126 billion dollars; in 1932 this dropped to 40 billion. The gwioss income of a farmer in 1926 \V"c).'S$1,500; in 1933 it was 9076. Yet expenses have gone up. In 1923 municipal tz1xe.~. in Ontario amounted to 23 million, in 1931 they rose ro 31 million. The prices of what the f21.l`m(`.1` has to buy has not come down in pro portion to what he sehls. Tziking 100 the .:J`an(lzu'(l. food (h'o'ppe(l to 64, fuel to 91, rents to 94, clothing` to 62; all others to 96. Some say there is over-produc.lion, and in the United States they are paying 1'a1'me1's not to grow \\'ll0Zll 1-oi.-n hnrr: H` this is 90. nu nns-n ru- -z in \\'ll()Zll or corn or raise hogs. If this is so, why try to improve farming` meth- ods? The population of the woriu is i11c1`ez1sinv;r, and yet the production of main has dropped from 16 billion bushels, the a\'c-mfre from 1925 .20 1929, to 13 billion, the average from 192?) to 1931. 'l`l1n fnml w-rnxiu-umrnf.< OF tilt` from 192:) to 1951. The food 1-eqLxir,mr*nt.< of the` `world \'zu'_V ac:-0:-ding` to the p1`o; ity of `.110 pc-ople. T110 m'.`v1`e pros- pe1`0u:: the citizens are, the more food is consumed, and that is the trouble [Continued on page ve: Mayor Voices His Disapproval Inte1'vie\\`ed Lu:-, the lethal 5011)`: to the town counml by the Wa.te1', Light and Gus Commission on Mvondzly night, His \Vo1's11ip .\`Ia;'o1' `Craig said T \\'n~': r~\'r'nodi11Q`1\` s111'nrisc(1 [O\\`I1 })1`()\'1(1C\l Dy -LiLLUl.tfS. Pur.suan' to Sec. -14 of the Pub- lic Utilities Act R.S.O. 1927, Chap. 245?. I am (U1',`1_'tL'd to request you to pay ow.-1' to tho t1'c21.\'u=.'c1' of the Cow] ])0!':lti0l1 01' the Tom. of Barrie the -amount of 1'0\'em.1vc now on hand as ' l l...n..,..I .1.-.nu,.II 1' Tnr.IInn\IV Inn}-

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