Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1934, p. 4

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Ontario products arv hm-mni.:;, inc-roasimzly pop-ulzur on `}~.<- I-Inr:!i. and other European mark<-Ls," Hon. `T. L. Kcnnedly, Ontario .\'[ini. :)f Ag`1'icu1t'urc, told m-cmbt-rs of '.I.L :Fruit Growers Association in cm.- vention recently. a Tho imnrnvornnnf 1`n .. ~.l.`n. ...`.I W55 GRAY COACH LINES Naw is me Time ta Travel M. D. Cubitt-Nicholls Clarkson Hotel Phone 62 Es Z11 :-/2 evd.-I 3;; Any Town or City if) the United States CAMERON & ELLIS Get in touch with your Barrie Agent for Rates etc. KILLARNEY DUSTLESS POCAHONTAS $12.00 cu uy t:xpu~m:nuIs U1 a. I||C\\' [)zu'Ly. ; S-econd-To require cm:-4litor.< to` scale down the capital sum of debts due or marturing and to 1'L~(Iuc:e- the` ru to of interest. I \.. mm.-n...1.-. H... nwu H. .4 `Isa! THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY TRY A TON AND BE CONVINCED A'l'(Cf\ We have Special Low Rates Good to Return within 60 Days from sale mi: ticket, to LEHIGH VALLEY'ANTHRAGITE WELSH ANTHRACITE RED JACKET LUMP FUEL SPECIALS DONNER HANNA COKE $12.50 Consult with this friendly bank regarding these and other services affecting market activities. Our long experience and stability will be of real value in your business plans and transactions. information, available through our branch system and daily contact with Dominion business interests; infor- mation on foreign and domestic markets furnished by means of branches and agents in Canada and correspondents throughout the world. Lonsfimzflive Semiice . n.A.1JJ _ALs5: l'LlLl.` U1. lHlaUl'U-`la. As .rogar(l the first, it is not the' srystem that is wronrg, bun`. men's l1<.a-1'15. Are we willing: to live ac-" cm-chin-2,` to the standards 0!` the old p:0p_hct..< who wroife What doth the Lord require of thee but to do just- ly, to love m-ercy, and to walk` humbly before thy God, or of Him who said: The rst zmd grrc-area`? com- mandment is, Thou shalt lovv the Lord with all thy `hezu't. and the: second is like Lmvto it, 'I`hou shalt lovve thy neighbor as thy::-lf." Au nrH'rnv'H`z Han ennnmrl hI'I\I'\n<:-,1] THURSDAY, FEBRUAR1 15, 193-1. I932 we act 3 Thu :m'n~uul |11!`Cf2in';!_` of W<-,. Sir -5 or County L.O.L. was held in I -Eurrix-J last week. with :1 50011 2l.t`.r!I]nl.1ll('u. 'l`lu: m<.-nlbership comn1ittm- )`f)[)Ovl"'L-Z1! an i n(:)'ou. of 75 during: `hv past! year, and the various (-omnn'tt;ees 1'..:port.(l incz'cus interost. County? E\I:2..=u-r W_ H. Mzzys p1'r:sirl<>d and :_r:xv::.` :1 most instruu`.iw.- add`1'0s.~' Omr-mt: \\'nv\n ..1..,.+n,1 X`UV'(f Lily Il(`3'l-}.{`IlU0'I' Z15 'CHy.`4(':IT." As regzards the second proposal, that creditors reduce the capital debt and ue inrterest rate. Life insur- ance has become an iinportant moans 01" savinfr. and many h:i*~'e their sav- ings for the last fty yea1'.< in\'cst<.(l in life in.~:1n`z1ncc to make pi'0\'i. fu-1 their dept-n(iem;s. ]I1~.~'[H`.'1`xl('(- com- pa.nio.~: have mh<-.i-r 1'(x' im'e. ii. municipzll and g'o\'oi'mm`nt bonds` and r. niort;:ug`c.<. II` tho vuluL- of ti1(.-so \\'m`r~. roducr-d by :Lrl)itmi'y Zlvt 0! }4`0\'('i`lIii1A?l11. L]1Qr(..A iiiijtt. be im- puirnionf of lifn iT1SllI`Zln('(- mmpzinii.- hiHi 'v to nuv thnir ('i:iiin: ` nnliwv In Ll'UZbbll|U'llb LU): .10, Ii1.'.lL1'0 physical inspections. ICig'h.i ichickenpox were reported (1 1 month. Members present: Trustee `tin, Tliump. Mcliinnon Hzvnnuimi. bobmn. Bryson. tllllfi Smih. f ORCI COUNCIL ~ Om r'u=..1n:'ii `r`f (ii; `in: 'J on Feb. 5th, xvith all 12110 : 1m.>. 4 C()lH!)'!uf1iL`1tiiOI`l.< \.\'01'<- from Him. W. F`illi:1\ ~'(ln, .'~ I?_g;_:_Fo11r uul. wnzu. we give Ln-ar C0m1t.<. 'I`he service clubs are indebted to Leighton and Normam Clarke for Sir Joseph F`Iavel.1e, who is a busy mat, coming to Barrie. The speaker said he had known the Carke boys all their lives, and had known their; father, and their g`randfathm'.'. \v`r._'. ` .s'houldn rt he come to Bur.-ir: wi-<;n :l.~`h d. WEST SIMCOE L.O.L_ MEETS ! IN BARRIE, ELECT OFFlCERS[ [)ZLll'YI1l?'Y]'7 U] 111- ) IUSUTZIHIT` ('0H1})1UH 2.1n~lity to pay their p0]i1'_\' ('I:1im< full, and this would hr: :1 rval ha .<:'l.1p. Then trust cmnpunio:-. untn ed with tho 0sa`at, of (lm-<-:s.~:ml p SONS. very often can 011]`: 3)1\` n-1|-,nn.n-o +4. n`l\IYI/\ .1. .n. sons. omen only may the ez11`ninIp:s to some who are l-gwmlont on 1.`hi.<, zmd iinpairlnmit to such in- comes would be S(.`l`l01l.~'. 'l'hvo ten ('-han`~err.-(l b2Lnk.< nv.*x *.~`.~:z1 ily hold chief position as (`1`I`,(llt()X'S and hold from 21 billion to 21 billion and 2: quarter d~olla.1's of the ])(30plo".< `purtmc-nt l`.:ul utloptml an 6-hour (lug nuim OL unnn1e1'r:e. .-\._L:`1'1cLl1;1tl`z1l (`ol- lrluv, l`i(.`f_,", R. -{ohin.<,on, 'l`1`r-u.~11:';v D<.-pu:vh`nnnt, D. 1'`. .`l<'C ll_.','. Han` Bonnn-3' and .\'vil Seaton. l C. H. Fuller'c-n wrote tzhat the (it- ba. for all work du1'ing' \\'int:`r. 'l'ho Bank of Commerce \v1'ot that _ and on which mm,_\- :1. 4..-?`-he ln'z1n<.-h at Hziwkestone xvoulrl on.\' pcn dent. Lowering of mmitai sum or interc:,1 rarsc would con::,t.itu-to a .~:crio`u.=. loss to many who cannot af-' ford to s-u`e.r furtJh< r. There is no service fairer disc1han';red than thf given by the banks of Canada. There is p1`otoci.ion for the 11!-N0!` with :1 few tlollams as well ax for H10 one u" ith millions, Dim. Tnmnnl. ....3..) L. .71 1' be open for bu. on TL1L`: (la_V:~ anilv Tl1Ll1`.<(l2l_VS. The r,li\'1. 1'eg,'ist.1'ar roportecxl there had been 27 births. 10 lnar i rages and 1G rlcziths regis-to ed during l the year_ The auditors reported on 1:2-ea. s . books to year 1933 Zhat t=he_v hadi found e\'0r_vtl1ing' correct and in! nvrlnv 'l`la{.. um . ..,.n.w.+n,l ..,. ,.,.._ _ \\lLll II1llllOTlS_ Sir Joseph said he mzul<- `.ho<=e sta-teinenits br-cause tliere \\'L~? a fool-` i.-h notion tho" the 1'i(.~`h li-ip:`,`.ln'o\\':< zu'e' the only people to be hurt by l'C`(lU(`-I my debts owin-5: and intr-1- rate. What when is the ronnetly for our o\'er-bor1`o\\'ed position '. it is 21 very; big` problem and getting: back to normal will be :1 slow painful bu. 11055. It is necessary for each one of us to carry on with sustainr-rl ef'fo1*`. -1.==1'n`;v common sense and willing to u1-<)p::1ul.:~. The most` humhle can heir) by fostering: the spirit of good fellowship and kindly deeds. There are opportunities for servicze ail? zrroumd us and it is not what we get: but what we give thzu` count.<. 'i`l`hr`- Rvrxxir-n nlnlmc urn inrlnluinrl 4'- 'VI:HLlUH I"3CCTLI.ly. The improvement in ,.::1lity and` the better pack plays an ilnportun ` part, The improved vxymrt `1-:1"--| greatly ben-ottod the hmnv mu.rl\.r-_. and `-.h(-, dctpartnlcnts is sm-king t. develop both, he said_ Vnn must nlwavs rt-um-mh:-.. if ml {Continued from maze one) . u .1 .. . n - Reid. (`,0]1i'~,_-`I ,pp, -}:u'1'i(-; (X; , S'1.:1_\'1u-r: C,` Willi:xm.-=. }:Lr- ', Wm. .\I2u1.~-I C. 'I'rr-,usurer,? wwil, C. Mar _x_~ [ne|.1JculI\ ux. \.uuxuu:u.'c,-, .-x_L', x'1L'Llul[l`il! Loi- li'p:n(le|1tH9.`,-""v Rol2in.'~:0n, 'F1'-2151111. i_`Dc})'.u`tn1(:nt, .1 . T`.TcC`L::1i_;j. H{1l'\". .` !Bonnn;' Scaton. `pr`L`(`.~'.'~711`~|x C_ H. F_uI]e17'c-n the (-mcijto,-_,~iparn1r311t nnd an b-hour dug :1 for I Thur RLIHL: (VF PI11I11DS'1`n uvm-n+n H n 1 .~. nnnn!n .. ,.,mu_,.L_ ` \J.\Il|llAl. .-ml })e1`-lT 1t4`15 the[Bz1nk 4 '-nnv1:lnI\I~ 2 19912 When Rod Soars 0 In his zuitlress befo1_'e the Ori`-..`.3.a F branch of the Fc- of Young Canada C0nse1'\'zu`:i\'c Clubs, Hon `J Mr. FinI_uysop d(,-;~;cribed the Lmfor `I tgnzxte s1t}1z}t1o1: brought about by gilrcct rchei as.z1b01111I1z1l)1_(:, detest- , hble and dc,g"rad1n~g."' It 15 mzxkmg Q men lose Lhci-:' .-elf-respect and in- dependence. and 1 am in t`av;vr of 321- [ting uxvay from it and promoting; as `much work as po.~:. he said auxlid`, applause. ` ~ ., , ALL 7th YEAR B.C.I. I STUDENTS TO PAY! (continued from name one) Emery 1. Nelson, of New Lowd also applied for a positioz` on 1"- pubic schlool stat? should Liure b- vacan-cy, mud Miss Muriel T11-ompuo for the })OSitl0Tl of school aux`: should thwc be :1 vacancy, rm...-+.` Tn.~.n..-...,.,-. A ru/\ P ('5 ISIIUUJU LI1Ll'L` UL` El VZICELTICY, Co'u.irt;s Insurance Ag'en('y wv_-c.'..- asking that they be given a fair slmr of the insurance carried. nn n1n`:r\v\ nu` 'r`....r.+..,.. Mn. (1CVOI0p DOIJH, l'l(` S21l(l_ ` You must always l"(?llH`lHb(`1' it Is} the rst class product that <-. j condence, and by irnprm'ing _\'(:lu i output at home and abroad you !1'2'.v-3| done much to win grcutnr x_vr`<). - for tho industry." On motion 01' 'I`1-ustve.~; I\IcKiunon- and Dobson, Trustee F`. Pam ---n`.u wz,-3 E appointed to revprescn.'t the board at` {me convention of Associated High School Boards of Ontarlo at I{in.g Edwa1'd Hotel, Torozlbc, 0* March lsr and 2nd, and Trustee : `hwompson as alternate. 'I`FIlQ`f'.ru:> Tlwnwxwncnn urnc nnnnir. A `UL L-110 lI1SLll'i|.I1CC czu'1'1e(1. I 5 1ll`U`IIl1)>}`UlL ELS 21lL(:"1'I1a.E(:`. l Trustee Thompson was appoir...d vcie-cl1ai1'ma`n of the board to act 3:`- the absncc of Chuinnan McMzu'tin. I Principals Reports ` I I : Co1legiae-'1`hc total en-rolmcn 'fo~1- Ja.n`um'_v was 663; avcmgu at uemlanco 615.68. Academic Classnc (mrolmc-ht 512, zwera.g'e at.tr=nu:.nce |477.89. or 93.33 per cen". Cun.1'ne1'- {cial C1a;.~.~(2S, e-m'01n1ent 151. 21\'cra.g' ` 137.79, 01- 91.24 per cent. ` I T 1'inr'n ni' >WL1`DQ .Qr-11nn'I:F'.n--n`, LeJl.l.`l, U1` ? l.L`l PCT (181112. Prince of "Wales Schoo1-Em-o`- mcnt 503. :we1'ag'e Lt~(_`nd`LI'LL`(' 432, lponny bank (1e'po.<`its $114.88. I Vir-tn)-in Rr-I1..n1_.F`n vnlnwrnwf -I II I lpcluly uallh (l(;"pUS`lDS $1141.66. 5 Victoria Sc.huo]---Em'oImcnt -`VJ: ' `).\'(.`1'i1.g'(,` attendance 380, penny balm` 3 : 133.44, ` . . T::..... m.:.......,1 o,.'......1 : ..-4...-.., .po.1u. 1 I School Nurso--.`vIzu1(~ 46 vislts `.[ :.wc.hools, im'~:`p0ct(3(I 967 pupi1.<. R `commended 50 1'0-admissio`. ..s. or(le~1'r.-I Lr0zLtmc'11t. for 26, nuuivc 83 speciafg [physical Iiigim (.'21S\'.~' uzf c1urin_ the 4 r III ......`|.,...,. ...-..\-.._A,. r'rV._.._;,, -\.r xv King Edward Sch0o1-Itm1'oln'.c2.t 1 280, :1\'r.~rz1g'e 246.9, penny bcmix ` , $47.09. 1 ' King Gco~rg'c- School Em-olmentr` E 20, m'e1'ag2;0 17.88, penny ham`! . $3.75 1 momn. I | Trustees Mc1\`I;u-` M(*.Ixinn'on_. Sprott, \ Hzvnnmmi. Dnb R!`\`.<.`. Knin-n~1 V ! CoInmunica.tion:< presented `from Hon. Finl-.zy;~:on, Sick Chil- `dren s Hospital, H_v Poxn, Co1n1ni.<.<;ir;n, Depu 3.` Ministzr of H09 }pita1s, J. T. Simpson. C. H. Fu1Ic1'to1., [Bank of Commerrze. _.'-\_g'x'icL1l;1t1'ul Co}- Qlpcrl I-Inn` T? Pnlxn '[`.-r.......m [u111:lll[)1Uyl1i-ODE meme: Uo1mmtLee. The va.1*i`ous accounts before the councll were ordered pzud and coun- ,cil adjourned to meet on Harcuh 5t;:. E W `R 'l`nrHn.~m.-. r` i 1uur.~u21_\'s. 1` roportegxl` |thm`o N registe- * ` THO nnrH+n1-c 1-nnn~.~4-nzl A11 final` ...._-..1. VH3. .`\'m'rmu1 'I`homa.s', New Lowell; A. C_ Culham, Stuyncr, and 'l'. J. Wil- lizuns, Barrie, were ammintc :1 com mittec to look after ruilrmui L1-:1n: `nation for the July 12 (,~_-]<.-bmt'o ,. each lodge to celebrate \\'hr-r(- It .=:e.<: t. LUULH a.nn1Ve1`S211`y. The clerk was instructed to sr.-ndi stadtenmnt of relief to secretary of` Unemployment Relief Commitiee. ']`J'In van-i`nn-a (Ir-1-nI1n4-:u L.n4',...A 41... pd.:5SUu. | The rccvc was ins:'.1'uctL-d to send `:1 con4g.ratu1at;o1'y me:\~:age to mayor `of Toronto on the occasion of t;h.:.1 ' r100th ann'ive1's211`y. ` Thf` {`]O1'1( '9: 1'r\c1*I-nr-for} 1-n .-r....1 y LUU _yca,1:_ ` u-ea. ` had 1 in * order. 'I`l1is was accepted as : ; i tory. I A hu_Inu,- +n ..m.+:...\. ...`.-..: : I.u1y. ! A by-law to con-firm appoi11tn1c1.t` land providse for 1'emun0ration of jtownship ofccrs for the year w.~.si passed. ! 'P`]'1n 1r'un\'n u-.._. S.-.r.'....,.4.,.,I `PK - .. 1 Hlmm ii Mit`. ` ii 1. ,A.o`E_A\--__ ,, no but: |lll!l:l \:8H 80 3 L0 0111]!` LWO 19-` '('7'`' In after eating. VVE!:At. o. plea.e:unl`11N* (`U- spu-ation to take! And how good it is N pas` 58 the system! Unlike a lxxming (lose '.\'}1z11'0h0l(l nodt-which is but tfninn-)rarv rvlinf nnnim +n J Shula. J1 3 5 "I\'@`i5a;,k_ of Magnesia u U) uxeclz on 1\v1a1`Cnl`1 am. W. B. Tudhope, CI-erk. l 1uL 1' `. L \132;I;L 1u'l'_ m:<:1'vI;:1r_\', `I . J. Wil|i:m1~=. riv-; C. I3`in. Ser:r(:t:n'_v, .\I;u'..~- bridgro. New Lr)\\'011; 'l'rr-usurcl`. N. 0. 'I'homa.', Nr-w Ixm-vll, shall, John Bmvmnn, Bztrrn-: C. 1.-" Lt.-cturmn Harry Lon-g, C(lim:\mr:1Z; C_ 2nd Lecturer, S. N. Hurst, Bar- no. ;u1"uL Uy -`pi)U,UUU,UUU, and to make Up t!1r- (lncit-Ilcy betwc-on in ch:u::r>.< on `(his in\'est.monL and tl.c (\`i(l('I](l w3L111~n. it would haw` to Ilmlku an annual demand on t.hr* ta.-; lpuyru of morn tzhzm $1,000,000. 4 Joined by 17 Lil):-r:Lls, thn Govern- ment rlafn-a1.(~l the motion My 21 mn- jurity of 72. ' `H5 itht` U\|'J LvH(` (lIZlIllZlf_"L' um-0 mvt 0 1' g'rz1vu 1. ci11de1'.< (`.\'c<,-llont. ute11. in place of pots are not 1" - cmnmendcd. but when l1S\.'(1 :hou1: HUM.` \Vl`lZ ll broken c1'o(-k 1:- I5 ` `r.-ave zm outlet for \\'z`.tc1' at Iuas rmv V n n`: half inch at tho bottom. Wl1en '.'|'.` \'lH"'.lJ ' Can; 01' r>f`::c1 I | { 1 x 1)r)ttiv1-_u' i-`. is well to remove a po':*.?\;.-`. [ of the old soil -5.11. ;-oovts. Plants or ('uti1`0:s should be rmly set, ca-we be- ` (-xm'(~i.~'-(1 that `ho ro0~c.:~ are not injurwl. \Vhon competed. the mi! _ br- o110~1:nH' inch hr-low t'::( 4 X 1` L`n.I1U. _ Miss Pearl both. who has 1`csig`11ud lfrom A1110 Undo:-hill shoe factory. 112.3 accepted a position in To2-onto ant` left for the city on \V0(lnw.-. ` T\`rl'x~1 Mn.)'\' P:u'h'irimn nf (`mnwnl ! 1\Irs. R. C1-easy, of North Bay. is visi`tin:g' with lmr duug'hvte4x-, Mrs. V. FL`l1.I'lO. I\/Tin. T) ..... "1 Y All. uvhn L....~ ..,.-..... .l L'L`'lL 101' L110 L'lLy OH \`VC(llN.`.\'(l'}.lY. 1\`fis. ~) Mary Pzu't1'idg'c, of Crown Hill, spent the week `end with 1\ [r.s.> J. J. Jznmieson, Bayeld S,f.. Mr. T. McPhuil, of the Bank of Conunercc, has been t1 -nsaferrred to B0 \\'manv1'11`e_ NT...-. 'T\L.\.......,..... f\ I"Il.....-1......... I 4 I i uuxrg, Miss Margaret Howe returned to | Torronto Saturday following a lengdzy 1 i1Ln-ess. l "M113. T T.'-.. on. A4` 'KT.'.......... Y7|..1I.. x--n-xun. V\IHli'lHi l1\HH', :\:x)l`l'L2l. l'lU~ ;_v'r<-.~<. and u~:ulin.-; ('.('.l*`. .~"Lun1}; speaker, (It:n1und(-(1 that U11. Dommio.-*; take over Lhc L -xistillg comp2uH'cs am; ;(-unuu-I all :1lul4.' Lo in:;1u':> them `.<(:l\':-.<. D-n-I:;2'm`u' that vi-'~\'n-11 hi:='.| n < M` zrn. un--Qnul ....-nu. ihh iY\H1`IT`|l'{- hnuinncu uv-up Mar. |....1 um'1:u.: 0| tmr m'..'1.Li:1l <' `)zH1_V L-art. ed b(.-L\\'e<:n Lhvm $684,000 in 1931, he \\'ni,<,:'lu:d uu'uin. thv pr:-. :\'. +1. unx1ec<*.<.~':u'il_'; in1'po. bultlv-us LII thv pr)licy`1ml(k:r.< Hon. E. H. l`nm!L:.<, fmzmce mun. ter, in opposing; the . saul that I L`DU\\ lH'cUlVlll`U_ Mrs. 'Dhompson, of [`il.<-anburg, is` visiting with Rev. and Mms. E. E.5 Long, TV Ga Ma Hrs: `-01- Wnxtvn 1-nfrnsn or] .'-n 5 > X SERVICE CLUBS HEAR SIR J OS. FLAVELLE_ 1\/Iiszzt J. Knox, of Niagara. Falls, ` lLl1ll'Ub'5. spent !the week end with Mr_ and Mrs. A. Knvox, Worsley St. I F`. Pvnn Inaf \vnnL- in \'nu': I LU!) l'.\}_JI cnm 1'01. [lVLvl'S A. l\[l`UX, VVOTSIC /y DU. l E. Ryan spe-nit last week in Nev: York. In 3:110 care and culture of 1101;. ~ planrts the H01-Liculturral Division of the Domimon Dcp`a1`tment of .~\. | culture says the best. time to sk.{".` house plants is in the ear`:y spring .GC1`Z1l l`iLl`.l1, begonias, Coleus and sin: liiitl` plants that have become un~ `shapely should be cut back at this Etime. Plan-ts rarely mood re-potting .du1'in the winter months. Over 1po.`.ing` is to be avoided. F1o\vci'iu~g plants: iwvcl to bu ;~oo~t-bound to HOWCI gfrc-cly. .-\ pic:-n of` in\'!.`l'1L(`(1' cro.-L. !0\ <'1' the (lrainzitzu hole will`. :1 s'1n".Il| .. .1 L..n1A.. . . I un-\..uu..4- AP .......1. In an cH'm't to 1'(.-move LLb1l. ~.`(`.`~I E21` 4()nrt.2uio zlxvmco procz-o(li11_:.;, - `tor-` xlney-Genera} W. H. Price iI1!0n(1s in-' `troducving amendm0nrt.< to tho Dnvorco . n c n ..I 41-11 111 H10 nfnwn T.nn`Ir:]n&|1vr> zfr.-. , ._.___j_.__ A number of 1'amilio.< from I-Jul-1 Eluml are cxpecn.-(l to )`(3zLch Brzull'0nl Hlbmz`, .`.l:u'<'.h 24th and will settle onf :n:.'n'.~:l1 land. About 200 autos \\'1;'1'C" I '1)1`0pl1'L (l last summer and divided in- '0 .10 (l(fl`(' plots, on which houses will be c:rccted_ 1 VVOULD NATIONIZE j INSURANCE C-'_.`."x/{PAP-IlE>I` A l1i.llUUC`l' ilzuul expo ;:1bou, I :n::1r 1 lz}n }1)mpa1'L-(1 : `?I) In ')l`|1I- n!n' I ` No c1'(:(liL .\'(-opt to 'Lho. over eighty. zu-r-on1pa.1i(.~(l by thzir g'ra11d- pz1.renvts. rcad>: u. . in an Ora.n;.,-'c- .\'i110 p"l'z1('(~ of bu.~:.inc-.~.<. TIIIL ough; `to hit zx few. E 'cl.llU. UIH5 UUC|l`EL` d.U5UlllL(_'. i Recent complaints from the bench- rin this 1-e_:m'd has prompted the AL I -t.omey-GcnerzL1 to take this wtep, rzhex-0 boinp: num::r0u.< .<-tnt1ne11'..< of `c`0l]u:<.i0n~. pe1'juv_\* and 2-. _-_n-1101-21], :stz1g`n-;:etti11_u' in somv In-:Luim_-'.~'. I During the war Gl'(,`21t Britain spent $1,250,000 in Canzulu on mum- tions and supplies, and from 1914 to 1920 the United S\'..atr~.: spent l:1r,r.>:e sums in the purchase of timber limits, pa.per mills, m1'ninp,', ("..('. Money came easy and people stzu~t<-(l g amb-- ling on the stock market, but before they were thTo:ug'h most ])(`u})lC found they got nothing for .~'omethin, Flzzny bou~g'ht autos who <-,o.1ldn" pay their taxes. A million tlollzirs is spent every day on gas, tries, otc.. for autos bought between 1914 and 1929, costing a hundred million Radical Proposals The red signwls were ig'no1'ed.i Nations and citizens talked and spc-nt. , Now it is time they looked and tall-:- ed less. 'T`um. In-non] nv-nnncnlc l-|n1'n `hnnn: `FARMING UN.DER DIFFICULTIFS} ; lilll Elll|`JLlll'lll!f [U `-the rs't days of ,low.ing one of over 27 `month 01" Door-mb "0c01mmi(` life of rlhcr ( ( `t`.`.rr Czmadizm 'I`1'ad(2 I |wil1 be a cvte(1 for the n1.- Inn:-+ illl U`l}ll`Ul' lUC`2'.llLl(`,`S. l | The Government, it is saicl, in-E temls apporintin-;_' an equ.iv_1l0nt to 21 lKin_: s Pl'0Cl;0'Y, \\'l1`0 aqns in Engzlandi `in (ll\'0`lCC cas:;-;:. 'l`l1i:< ofcial would` latt.cnv(l all chses and watch them \v1'L`;i `:1 \"lC\`.' to cletcrming efforts `-0 evadel l't"nc Act. If c-virlence of collusion is shown, he would 1`ecom'm0nd zmnu} l men witiltin the next six l`l 10`T1'tl1S be-l tween 5_7,'1'z111nin;: of the decree ni.-ii] l and the decrree absolute. `D.-u.nn+ nnvvn-.l...'n.4.- {`..nn-\ l-Ln kn.-.,.L w IASK AMENDMENT OF DIVORCE ACT ` `bl'Ul1UL"l.ll)_.', illll(`!l(l!llCXl`L`.\' l/U LIN` Ul\'01`\'l` iAct in the Ontnvio LC}'. ,`l.:?lI1`Lli'C, ~Tl1'll{- in: dircccly at collu._~ion, })c`2'ju1`y arul ])1'0fCSI~`lOI`x21l co1'1'<,'.tpon(le'ncc rack: ~:.` l`l1o Go\'<-rnment inay also include: lin its axncml`n1u:1`t.s hlic ; of` \V. E. N. Sinclail`, l{.C.. Liberal, S.{ Ontario, who .-.cek<- to lll\ (`: divorcel actions `wicd w'hc1'e the litigants 11-: ]s~ide and pre\'em: them being hear * in 0-t`l1~c-1' localities. ! 'T`lun f'1nu-n..nyn.~.v\4- 44- `In .l..!,J I.-. I l l On Hu- Personals P8:I'TlNG PLANTS HHH [Hi umlcr `um I-... The N91-fhern Advance .. mum. 1n.sI;ruu'.1w.- add1'0s.~'. Omvers xvoro clmrtnd um! in. for the r*n~: _vt:z1r :L.: l'r)lIm\'.=:` I.I".(`.M., W. Hurry T.f:x_=.'.' Anton] Mills; W.C.M., G00, livid. (.`,()l1'~,-T wood; D.C.M., D. Knapp, I}:u'ri-; (`:hz1pl:zin, lay Martin, Rev. Secretary, '1`. J. luv-3 rip; C_ Fin, .Qnr-wd-,n-u \RI l\\ \v.... ` r:n..uing' yq |'Xll` [J1 l\Zl\ )l`l'L21 PM " L` .I..... lllLAlL\- U`) `. , t-hr` \nn I I T4 3 At the J amurry C0ll:'1`t of honor `I n1ee.1a"ng of [`ri1`.iLy Guides, plans were rmadc fan` 2L torboggan party, \whic.h was held -on SzLu1`d1y aftemoon, J an. 20=th, buthind the old high schoul, 1\vv11c:1'c 22 of the g,'i1'1s enjoyed an uhouar of tobvogzumlirug and later rc- ` turned 40 the Parish Hall for supper. T110 IC.11idn:< nf ']`i`I"I|if'.V swn nhnnrr bLl1'1J.U(1 :10 U18 1 `.1`1Sn. 113.11 1'c'r supper. :G.uides of '1`rinvity are changr gin}: tlmirr ties from the blue, which ghzwe been wo.--11 so 10119;, to sczu-let 'a.'nd black, \\"l1i.-h have been adupta,-J fits rhc company colors. The ladies of the local u-.:soci;L*-io.n have kimily offeared to make: the ties for the girls. The ,2-,'ir]s \\'*h0 joined the Guides in the fall are wov1 kim_g' lmrd at Jhcir lsccovnwl c1z1.~`.s wo`1'k now, zund a few 0+ `|'t11.c.1n -have almost completed it. E ()\\"in in 1'.`-1n T.nv*.+un <|!I'\ri!'rI< in l,ll.L'-H1 'lH.l.VU ZLLIIIUDL CU'IllplLT(.`(l IE. 1 Owing` to 12110 L0l`;'t(,`.!1 services in ;,t`.1c Pu.ri;~:11 Hall on Wednesday even- `ing, the Guides are holding: tl`mL.' n1ee-timrs on '["hursdays at 7.1:"). 1 The big task of boy iea(le1's in to\\m's and L-iti<~.< to-day is 1:0 tcuch boys that they must work if our .civi1izatio.n is to 1am, acco'r(1i`ng' to ._D1'. Ci1'L1'1(`.~ '[`. Cunrelly, C`l11`at0`1` 01' `U110 Ontario Museum, who recently .~',)o`iu- at the zumual 111eeti`np; of Line ,Boy Sc0u.`s Association -of Onvtario. I T cnn HM-in Tm-`no :.vnnn+ (`mun 1955. Two broad proposals have been: made to help us out of our r?,1`OlIb1\`.\`; in Canada_ I t:`:..... rm. ..1.....,:.... H. ,..m:+..1:...:,.| ,DUv\' OUU`U.b t\.S.`;"UCl2Ll/lUIl `U1. L)I1'LH.l`lU. l I see little lmnpe, except from scout`. training, for boys of cities and towm: who gu"o\\' up wit]1 pavements linsetad of .fIhe z=.~."l}'z11_1tzL;-;<,-s of living, J11 the cou'n*|;1'_V, ; D1`. Cu1'relly. =W~hr>n you li\'<.- in the country _\`u.1 `i learn to use what is at hand, but `he ,u\'I'r:1_2:- vity [Jcl`. is so llclpless that `our 1l'.f-(- shows the need 01 training :in \\"h;.l 1ning"< are outrsitlc of pun.-- nm-nvt;'< and : and hL1ilrlimt-:>'." '[`lm`t the wo~r] is calling` for lo_\.-_!- `ms 01' hig`h c.hzu'acto1' and :1 1"`! .~:1)i1'i.' of .<('!'\'iL`C; that thv Boy Sc:nr.L movement is p1`0duci11g; thu kind 2:)- quirml. uml tlm`t in its (`O'J`Cs Sr.`o'1'- ing is only on the rst step of `.11: I2).d(h-1', was `Um : (1oc1z11`ati031 of Lani` ; BI(~di.<}o<,-. Govc1'n`o1`-Gem::';;1 and ` Chief Scout for the Dominit n of \r'." Zealand, :11 :1 Smut 1`:1ll_\' at .~\m};- ;1a.ml. 5 Thu part -3115: Br)_\' Scouts a1'c`3;'.:L;; `iug in bring'in!:` the youth of 1mi..1 `LOf.`,'(.`th()1' 1.: ax.-`aim noted in the 1`f'p02t `of 21 \'is'it of :1 troop of S\:u1J.`;s 1'1`-.m'; .th(- no1't}1-.An1 l)or(!(-1'.~' of Inrha to :11- tond the bi}`thdd_\' cc-lohmtion of `tlw ;\Iaharajah of I{:1sh)nir at Spx-i:1z1g2u'. The troop comnm-i. Buddhists, Mu `ha.n1me(lz1ns and Ch:1'i.~:i;i2Ln.\.`, and it is `noted as a welcome fact. that t;'.1c;,' all eat and work and play to;;-c>t11cr without any religious prejudices 111- jte1'fering' with their bz'otherlxoo 1 BENEFIT OF SCOUT TRAINING I a The old-fashioned girl had :1 gxood memory if she could remember her rst kiss, but nowadays 21 wonlan .1u('k,y if she 1*ememb.:r.< her first hus- I band. . GIRL GUIDES =SCOUTS AND cuxmzs In addition to experienced counsel, specic services include eicient: col- lection facilities: reliable credit %EI-IIND every service rendered by The Bank of Toronto to business clients, is its unchanging policy of stable yet progressive bank- ing. Directed by a management intimately acquainted with modern business probIems--and possessing over three quarters of a century s cumulative ei(perience--The Bank of Toronto is well equipped to serve Canadian business men. "BA.N KPT(5RON`I'O 11: u2u1a.ua._ I Firsb-To abandon the capitalistic` system as we have known it and sub- stiturbe for it radical changes sug'g'e.~:t- I ed by exponenms of a new party. . K1-1-nnd:'T`n wxnllvirn r-3-mHf.nv< :~n

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