Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Feb 1934, p. 3

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LAST wmsx AT THE I am. LEGISLATURE! \'\ |.'.l U L33` H en ry. The great public service enterprise known as the I-Iydro-Electric System, or simply as "Hydro, while operated and administered by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario acting in the capacity of trustee, with the Govern- ment of Ontario acting as banker, is the property of If/oe people of the associated H yd r0 mzmicipalizfies. Hydro-Electric power is distributed, through the agency of the Hydro munici- palities, to the citizens who ,use this low cost electric service. The Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.) is an organization con- stituted to represent its member municipalities-the owners of Hydro-and to make representations to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the O.M.E.A., held in the City of Toronto - _ f'\-._,.L._.. 11 1na1 .. D.-Ll:a:6-17 (rs.-v\ov\:O-O-Ln: uynn nnninfarl Q-A r-nnnr-r nnrl Aiccnnaindfn [XL 3. IIICCLUIS U1 L.llC LaACbuL1VC \.vULI.LI.l.u.Ll.CC UL u.u; \./.171-1.u1.x., 11\.Au 1.11. Lu \Jn._y \JL J.uLv1Auv on October 31, 1933, a Publicity Committee was appointed to collect and disseminate information in respect to Hydro facts. At a subsequent meeting, held on November 30, 193 3 , the Executive Committee individually endorsed and unanimously passed the following WHEREAS, from time to time, state- ments have been made and published with respect to the Hydro System of Ontario that are not in accordance with the facts, and which, if allowed to go unanswered, tend to create doubts in the minds of the public, and more particularly that section of the public which is not sullieiently interested. or will not take the time. to lool; into matters carelull}' enough to wcure the information for themselves; A.\'l) \\"HF.P.l{AS the Municipalities of Ontario are the owners of the l*lydro S) in which they have an investment of some /[H'(`( [mm/red mi//iom of:/011ar.\'; and .1n_\'thing which would create Lli\`t1'LlSt in the minds" of the people as to the proper and ef riuit-nt conduct of this great Public Utility \\'0LllLl tend to impair the value of the investxnenr of the Municipalities` in the l'l_\'(lro System: In pursuance of this Resolution, the Publicity Committee of the O.M.E.A. will publish informative statements which will set forth, clearly and simply, What Hydro ownership has done for the people of this Province. The facts about Hydro speak for themselves. President, C. A. MAGUIRE Toronto Secrefary-Trmsurer, T. J. HANNIGAN Guelph Vice-l rrsidcnts, T. \V. MCFARLAND London, Jos. GIBBONS, JAMES SIMPSON Toronto, F. B1m"r1; Chatham BROCKVILLE-W. B. Reynolds CHESI.EY-C. J. Halliday GALT-I-I. O. Hawke GUELPH--J. W. Oakes I`IAMlLTON---\W. D. Black LINDSAY--A. K. Gregory MIDLAND-David Hurrie OSHAWA--Frank L. Mason OTTA\VA-_]. Allen PETERBORO--Gordon Matthews ST. CATI-IARINES-Dr. W. J. Chapman ST. THOMAS--E. E. Scgcr WALKERVILLE--W. R. Woollatt WATERLOO-W. Hendrson WINGHAM-W. H. Gurney Chairman, Controller James Simpson, Toronto Frank L. Mason, Oshawa T. \V. McFarland, London . E1 ])(30pIe. \\'(3 are I:11L'uu1'u;_': u by the pro;:1'(:s.~' now being` 11l21(l 3 Lo- '~"z11'(l tl1- 1'r:c0\`f2ly of l)L1.~:ine;~`.~< and imlu.<`1'y." said Dr. Bruce. I t.ru. tint. this tendency will be contiimmll at zm 21(`(`L'l(.'l`1t(`(l rate and that ihc ltimv is not far (listant wl1m1 our (-ountiry will uf_:uin be well on The | 1-,-zui LU cmluringz p1'o. Iclief umrn1`plo_V1n payments by ltlw Dominion and the p1'0\'inci-ul _:'m'vnm1(-nt.' will he continuvd, Lhc 1'un '0 be us(e(l in p1'0\'ir,1in;;' work in ortlc-1' that time (li_ of (liz- ect relief may be g'ra(lu-ally l'Il`.`Lz1llC(l. Prm'inciu1 gzovcmincnts mm now plan-I nin;,-` _<.;`rcz1t01' unifo-rmity of `he com- pany lu`-.\' \-."h.icl1 \\'a.~: (llSCLlSS( (i at the 1`('("(`l1t irm:1'-1)ro\'incial c0nt'0rm1(-0 at Ott2w.'21. whilt: 1'r3l'c1'ence \\'z1s H12l(i(' to the fo1`tl1c0ming' centennial c.:l(-bm- {ions 01' the city of Tow1:or.to. oouuu. As people. 1 1'. :CO\`(3l 13 tcndonc ..4- 4-11 ..,.,...I....n+rnI AVALD. IJILILVU, \\llU \\Ifl'T ill L'Ull|]l?|:IllLU` by l'('])l'('..~'Clli'.Z1tl\"L` :1i fmm `iliwl militia. l`(:_Q`lll1(:ni.}>T. St,-\'c.i'al imp01't:m . pm.-cu.~ of lngi:-| lution worn 1'01-oczist in tlin speech, including` the cxt.0nsi()i1 of UN` .\i02L~ gagoJ's' and Pur(:l1a. lit.-lir.-`L AM. to give furtilicr as .;:mc- to tlm;-v; who find t-hC]T`l;~,'(.`i\'(,`.~` in `n:mcia.l clilli cultit.-.<; .\'Ll]')('l'\'i.\'lO'I'l of 111171002115] operations and living` c0nditi0n.< in lumber czznips; legislatioii to p'1'0\'i\'l(.' f01'])llbiiC.2ltl0l1 and 1'(?.,"l:=.tl`:lti0l1 of `a -L-s for bus and mm-I; tl"l.ll.s'])0l`l.d- tion; pi'o\'inciul control of the :li.<`ii-i- bution of milk, vouplcd with ('-)llll')Ui- sory pasLeu1'izz1Li0n by llllllliL'i]):11i'L1~.'.~. and certain 1-cagulaons as to the in- spection and g;radi:1g of agricultural products under the department of agriculture. An inrlil-uHnn \'.".\< n'\'.pn lax` ag1'1cu11.un,-. I An indication was given by his] honor -that work in the -construction and maintenance of highways will be` Llndertakcn dLm'ing' the coming S8:.L on :1 1a~1'ger scale than Dl'GV'l.il0(l l;a.~t year, with a View to pro\'idin:2; ;~veate1- eld of employmunt. Spvcial aid to counties and townships by the` Federal and provincial 5.>'0\'e1-nm-':nL.a towartl labor <-(wsts in such ('.0n:;i;iu.-1 tion will be crm.ti11~uc(l in i'onm;i ycaw. His honor 1-efc-1're(l to the loss of ;~`~r~\'<,~i'z11 mmnbm:~'. of the A.<.~embiy . 1h; lust sL.<. t.l1e1'o ll`d.`f.lllj., been ve up until the opening. uml `six with the (loath of Dr. Geoisre V.` Hli('0l11`t. ('.on;'c\1".'z1ti\': member 1%;-I |Pui':1.' Sound. I HA /1 .. .~...\.~.1,. u'n -n-n mu-nuvnn-r .'l Resolution regarding Publicity. don, l vativc . "red of! PUBLICITY COMMITTEE : `CHI ; lli`.l('i." LU U | |'cllllIL`.\l.l,`(| con. and p1'0}xzL:u.tiun and 5:,`2une, for which inc1'ez1. itics have boon pvrovidod. Th.- authoritit-s h.'1\ <,e ;1..<. in 1'. i1\_!.," of 1u1__r'r- _<:un1u in .\'0rth< {nun uni r.1un., fn Churn-. :4 Touch.in;; on the work of the past yezxr, his honor : that it \\".1s gzru i- lfying to learn of the p1'0g'1'L-ss 1nudc) . 1;-n nnuninrr nn -Int] nvrnlxtlin-I W111!`- ]11_`_',` U1 ('Ul(1 2~'LUlilf;`(3 Iulu c'.:lu.Lu.1 11:1. .- - iw: pl-.wt< is ~11aY1iIx1.;' the ."ann<:1- to p1;1cu-_- p::s1.~.l:able }`1'o(1Lu<-is on th:- mm`- k(-t Ln thu best advantage. Co-ope1'- atirm has been a::2'u11g`cd wilfn LHC` Fcedc '22] Depzi11tn1cn`L of .-\;1;1ic.u1tu1'e to in`m'm.'c he q`.'.:;1it;.' 01' beef cattlv and L0 inc1'<`;1.~'(> the yield of dairy` (`O 2 \',\.w... ...n..I.. In Mu. nnh-:1 :IItv L0 lnCl.'(`il,Fl.` l.lL` _VllflU U1 Ur'.'lll.`. '.'|}" Yrmnp; 1xl*0})l1' in Uln: nlml (ll: l.l"lL'l`.> are taking` -.1 l<'ne11 ` ter(~~'t in the edu- (-21`.ion:1l ::<' i\'i1,io.' of the 01\.tm'.0 De- pa1tm<=n1: of Education. the zntt0n ant.-0 at the short cou1`.~'r-s in 21g`!`ic11l- lure and home t.-cononz-'3 l)ein::,' the llarp;e.st on t1L`.(`O)`(l. l As an c:\'i(lence of Llw t1'(-,n(l of in- (lu. Llie opcrzLti011's of 1:.`ne Hydro- Eloctric Commission a o1'(l valuable and reliable info1'mzLti011, as in Dc- cembc-1' the acmal punk lozul, .inc1u(1- ' (~ur1'iL-(l bv the .l 4'~,. I ...-~ 1;w_: <-.-.~.ml:11'\' gm-\\'c1'. \ ICL. . W: lm-:1liLi' .- gr0uml.~' i`.1Il tary tradition and procedure, the fth and last session of the fteenth le; lature of the province was opened on Wednesday, Jan. 31st, by the Hun. Hex'bex't A. Bruce, Lieutenant- Governor. Crowded 1.-'a1lerie.< \vi;~ nesseci `the historic ceremony, Lin- our of the Ch2lh1bC)' being: cro\\'d(:d with beautifully gown:- women. 1'01 the first time in the history of mi. Ir.-g'is1a.tu1'e, the openin_: (:en,-mony \\'21.~r hi-oadcast. From former yea.1'.~', the C:l'(.`l)10h}' \\'zzs ei1z1ng:0d in one 1'e.~'pect, his imnoi escorting Mrs, Bruce to the chanzbn-;, w1ivre.a;< in fomu-1' 0])*l1i1LL1`.: both his }1m;r>i' and )'I1'. J'h'Lu.-e \*.t_-1'<- e.<<-orteii 1..- I.>......:r... r'..,,.....,. C l.r...\.... 'I`:.,. Su1'roundc by B1'iti.~;h pa1'liame;i I |\VZ1.lUU." `,LK,'|l`.."\ l'L"cL\'Il"L| Lll" ll-lj,{! '. point in the 11i>'to1'y of the C0mm1.~.- sion. {um} smsvix,-es \\'e1?c uxtcndud lzutf _vc21r by the addition of 2,300 ('11 t.0m<*1`.~'. and fu1thL-1' loans \`.'(`2'c` !:Zl(iL tn l'u2"mr,-r.< to enable them to 1n. A;lurt1i('21l r-quipmr-nt. ;\'<>inLm-1'u;) Inn h:I< 1-.11-an ulm-u in m]nr`:ninn.v] .<;-r- EXECUTIVE : OFFICERS : 1EZ1.TIl U1 l/UL` pL`U;.',1'Ub 1l!il.uL.' Lg up and extendinys mar- the prozlucts of Ontzulo ` `nm-u -vi\'o>n tn Hw 1) 21(1- ZICL` ` w h01' . ..V,.. L. THEREFORE BE .IT RESOLVED: -- THAT The Executive Committee of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association endorses the report of the Publicity Committee; THAT we believe, with them, that the time is now opportune to carry out the repeated requests and suggestions which have been made from time to time by our Association; THAT :1 camp-.1ign of publicity be CIll`t'iCLi on so that the people of Ontario, who have been respon- sible for the outstanding success of this grunt Public Utility during its twenty-ve years of existence, shall be given from time to time all necessary infor- mation :19 to the sidministration and opcr-.i_ti0n of the Hydro System and its branches in all parts of Ontario . . . . . 5,`. IH'clll|U._'.\l.l,`H All .11 m f 113011 h1m-nnqnrl f'::. :1 lJ_\ .','HIll.'I' Prim-n Minis bG.hil](l the 1\`I1's. BI`Ut (*. rt: in a I'M-.' rornutu nave been ch,-.:ud on nv. 2 Ll1)]i'.`in{`(.*)`\`.L nifn .I, .4 .\\ LI. The Northex-11 Adxumze 'r~'1\I:n u_ -`Hid cu in... .\.\ l\l|l kl! ..,~_,uu \\| loans maria 51.110111 to \'<) intm-1'L1}) educzuional .< r- .. 6.` I H -tfii AI` LUC =t1'a1 p: 5".v'1nI ':ll|U 1(1- uL:\'u:1upeu. } The Welfare Department, his honor Hvmnied nut. a(!\`an(:ed the cause of ;social amelioration and eLv1i.\tr_d co- 01]`.-'l'E!t;l)I1 in hv}')ful war] to a 130.21- :-nz,-.n.1u!.l.. .1... 111111 ~.nn. v\IIr\- ULJ`\"l l'UH lll H|';}lU.I \\LLl*. LU cl `_'UA'.l' |mendzxblt- (1L'} .'l'('(`. Increasing nun".- uhc".< of 1'z1milie.< izzwc invoked L110 21:`- 'si.<-t:1'.1(-r' of the Mothr.-1`.<' A11o\\'zn1cc and tin` Old .~\g:- I ensions, and speuial Zlf'['.`1V.`i0h has hm)-n 1`equi~1'e(i for 112 In-z~:l.< of ex-se1'\'i(-<: men. T.hc T. & NO. Railway maintained its ;~,u1-wcu durinv: t1! past year with an operat- ing` su1"n]u;< and present inrligatiorxs inspire full condence in nhe future of this un(1e1't.aking`. T`)nnHnu- u'H`h H11`: nvnvinr-n c nnw .=v1n~.~:tio11 of Ontario fish are bem-g dvvcloped. T110 \VnH*'n1~p T)n`nn1'1.n1nnf, hi< hn-urn` '1*HU.RSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 19-3-1. n...-..=.--... - .- _'.'K'?U' Zlf4'(P. .`\\' [U Lll`. HL _` 000,000 iozm. Dr. Bruw .~z1id: \_v .'i..- ;.m>m;xt . of this loan 71 notziblri (lmnovnshation of the fin- zunc-ial . of Ontario \\'.1.< af- l'm`(lo(l. Moving and secondinfe; the motion lf'n:' :1(l0}.\ti011 of Main speech from Lne |Tl11`0Y1(` fvll to the lat 0.1". two of `L";'.=.~ _v0L1ii;:`u. mombc.-r.< of the House io tin p<-i';~nn,< of .~\i't.1~u1' Ellis, South Ot1;:i\'.':i. zmd Dr, H_ J. Davis. l7J;i. Fil- :_~'in. Mr. I'Z1Ii.< ;<(-orrrd the Liberzils for !m\'in_2` (li. their former ieadc:-, W. E. N. Sincziir, l\'.C., but `he 0\-r- ed Mr_ Sinclair his admiwxtion for l1z1\'iii_9_' had the cou1'z1g'o of his cun- \'iu`i0'n.< in putti1`._9: tlw \\'elfz11'e of the people fllliill of his own political am- bitions. I-l_\'(li'o critics, M1`. Ellis said, were still u1t:icki1i.r ti .-u .7;i'e:1tu. ai- sct of '.!hc- province, but in dealing U1 l.I!I>i l,l!|(ll'l.-I'lKlI|`L,". Doalingz` with the p1'ovinc0 s navt cial position. Dr. Bruce S1'. 1t(`(l that p"b`.i.' :1(-r.`0m1t.< will indiczLe the ! .T(S.000 . for the lzust nancial Iycar,.whi ch he termed :1 much bot- wnm .l`..u .. nn-1.I.1...,\,J -u x . \), ygar, 11K` llL'). .ll.'|' ' 1 W ` ' 111 hzw hm "Ll. IHUCH DC '(1c1'ed .u+ (PM 0 C0` .., with a comparison of rates. he pOiI'.`; ed to the greatly reduced cost 31 power to lnunicipalitiwes and rulm .sec.`ions than exi.~`ted` prior to ado, Lion of Hyd-1'0. W1` nnxric nwxrlh-1'r-cl H1111 1.110 L"i'h( U011 01 nyu-1'0. Dr. Davis p)`0(1iL'.t0(I that the glad- ing of `hogs would _ be done as on the rail and not on the hoof. Many farniem felt. he suicl. shut i1 was practically impossible to gmd-: prropcrly n the hoot and that the.-'-` is not su'1(:icnt given 1'01` select 110g: for the production 1-isks the 1'z1rinci.~ take. He also :ul\'ocz11;0(1 thle gradin_.: n r' hnr-ma huf'm-n if wmnhnx \I:r.iiui Lillll. 1'18 EH50 ZlU.\`UL'd`LL (l LINE` 512/1.ULll,. of bacon before it re21c11c-s wcnid` n1a1'kev`Ls so that the farmer would bv `I paid accordin;: to quality z`m~d wouid! thus get the top p1`i~L-0 which is gen- erally five to twenty shillings 'nigI:.-rx Ithan the farmer usually gets. -- I Stroud defeated Barrie in A s1:up;:y p;z1.1ne of hockey at S`1uud last `.\'v.:'x. it was 1: clean g,-,'z1n1u throug'nou`- only two pcnntlit,-.< being` l1.L1::L:~i E out, Keeley and Lou being .<-nt mi in the last pm-ionl. . Llnvrl W.n\,'nn]1i< \\'i:h 1`\'.'n n-nn1< anal Lloyd Reynolds \\'iLh tvvo goals and G. Hunter and 11, .\':-vl:1nd.~ with one each were the .<(-on-2-.< for Stmucx, while Byrne, licrr and Lee were t`..;; goa1g;ct7te1's 1'01` Ba.1'riv. The ta-am. lxvcre well 1n.:1tch(:d and the cruwd \\21.~ I111 lzlllf 1d..\'|. ])&`l'1Ui`.. kept in suspensu until the 121.31,. .Qh-n.11r1_.Cnn1 .Tnh1\iH', dn+`nn.-:- FACTS ABOUT I-IYDRO-N0. 1 of a series of oicial m-mozuzcemyenfs by 17/)? Ontario Mzuzicipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.), representing the Mzmicipulitics IL /J0 own I/ac Hydro-Electric System of Onfario. KBPL LII EUSPCIISU UHLH UH.` 111.51,. Stroud--Goal, Jobbitt; deform-,| Sloan and Reid; 1'01'\\'a1'ds, G_ Hunter, ' L, Rcy'n0l-(ls, R. Ncelztntls; subs, J). Smythe, T. rGue; NLc]z1n(Is 12.~ Small. T)n.u.-. f`...l f`2H. ,lnl`,\n,.,. Y)...-.., Barrie Goal, Gill; defence, Byrn-.~ and Keeley; 1'o1'\\'zL1'(Is, l\'er1', Lee and: Umy; subs, M cDun;1gh, 'l`h0n1pson 1111.! f Robertson, : STROUD 4, BARRIE 3 u 11 d `[0 11t\\\'.4<]1Ll;)'.*I' . (nut; J Han <:on. the law": nfw-1'.~' 0!" Lhls pm `\"i11_u" and hzul been 21.~'. that the |C1'1mmz1l (`ode had not been \ 1o1:1`.(2c.. But I sairl that as soon as Lhc House ztssmnblml T \\`ould ask it:: din-ctiun `that the matter should lw . to :1 ('0m.mi`t,er-. Th(`1'Of0)`(`. I move lthat Lino 1\1zLtto.r bv .submi`tLud to the c0n1n1i'-t.x-<- on In-5:311] bills. V Won't Wait for Charges I must point out that no o\'1(lrnce .01` any :1fTida\'it 1111;: been . [to this Hou:<-. .~\n while it in cus- i t01]1Z1:1`)' 'fm' 5_"o\'v-:'nmwnt.< to wait umil ..l......~..-.. 1....-,. I.` .|\ .\-HL. \\'n don": COMMITTEE IS NAMED TO PROBE MCCAUGHRIN CHARGE Complete investigation of the claim of ex-'1\'Iz1gi. Daniel .\'IcCaug~h1*in, of (;:.lliz1. but an attempt \\':1s made to buy `him out of his oice will be conducted by the uolnmittoe on It-gal _bi1L< 01' the Ontario ].l.!_L'iSlilLLli`L' us 3 ;.1'csul*` of :1 motion pruseiltutl by ;Pn~mi01' Hrnv and r:u'ri<~(l by the L1,` 1\V\ \l. .. ]C1'i1ni11z1l (`od Lh that mat ('0m..mi`1 that Liar mat 3.-nn1n\i'. Luz rn V }Ul Lam . _ E And ...~ i". `; :u~nr'_v 2un1 tthat he would move for Ihe investi- {gation, he put it 1'i_:ht up to the Op- `position to prove if fhey could tlmi lthr wens z1nytl1inf4' w1`o11y; with ti`. [wh-ole M('Cau_2m'in zL1`1`a11_2't.'111L:11=t by `which the Orilli;-. 111-a.g'i.s't1`at-0 \\`:x.< `L. receive an 21110\\'21nC0 fmm his . 501- in lieu of a retiring 1)01l.s`i()l`x. Th`. P\-nm3m- uwnnwinr-ll Hm: Hnn.-`P SDI H1 ucu 0.]. 21 1'(?El.1'lHg [)\,'IlaJUl1. The Premier 1'0mind(-d thue I-I0u.-*e `that the Opposition had b1'oL1g'h~t no `charges in connection with the EVIL C:1ug'h1'in a.`air to the oor of 11.: `House and the only claims .<() fur 'n1udu hml ]J('I`H mz1<`!<- in thu <-u`.unn.:, Int` 4|. .u...L-.. \J'L'UL'3,'l. I): I'll ! top l'oll0\\'-ed m LiuL1tc)1ant-(};0\' uv'nn u'r.1'n -. /- i.l lL`Hl1L'1' `Housv on "I`1.. . U1 Lilli `UL|.'.`:. Caii Globe Representative H0wo\'m'. hv t`r.z1` h-~ d.d not 1)1`0p<:.~w 10 \\'-.1it for (-.1ic.i'g`c.~'. but Iwould ask forr an immediato i'nVe;Li- '_;`z1ti0n. and if the uitlzivit imuiv by McC21u;:111'i11 \\'a.s not. siibtwiitriml by -any member of the O1)po.-;itiun the G0ve1'mnr_-nt wmlid .<<,-mi the copy which appoan-ti in thv Globn rm` Line =(-ommittet- .~` consim1<~1`nti0n. ' Mr. McC1't*z1 111111-.')LH1C(|(i ai"uy ml- ijourmnent of tho Hou that 3'1-] _`-`.'u . of the Globe would im- :mediately be sixpouimod to produce lthc McCz1u_u'h1'in z1fTidu\'ii. :1 copy of w.h-ic`h that n0\\'spzi})c1' mi :-lisiiml 1.1.-t Dccovinbc-1` uccc-mpa11_ving' its c.\ posuro of the situation. Tnhus tho Prime ;VIiniste1' plucui squm'el_\' on he Opp0.~`iti0!! the onus of 1'u\'(.-a1in_L' to t`u- ('o;m:1itt<-in the bz1;'i.< of H10 McC:u1:li-1'i11 t'Im1'_;'r.-.~'. I .\n in:-i:lnn+ lIl\\\'\1| `.4: Win 511 r-niinn l . . 0| LIN` .VlL'\rZlllf4ll'l An im.-idt_-nt l`11m<- 1 of the publiv in Down` T3|~nn13nr hr-run in 1-Ix !J(lVCHlH`l l)l':_`,i|ll, ;*1'rmnm1t. of 0m- ; 21 })oHc_e 1nz1;1'i. `; "I intimutvd : 6.. 11:! . ...n.... Ottawu. Feb, (i~-\Nh or nah `u.--re is to be a general election H55 1 vo:u'-vnm1 it is not plzm-nod--tho Con- i.~'e1\`z1tive pzul`_\- p!'01)0sr3.~`. to prepa1*s;- ifor it, and 12..-vZm]< 01' mganlzation I , ` , . ._ . . n.IIh\\`ll I':H11`I1< YR.- ,Ul ilIl_\ il.|ll\l(l\lL II.L:~ uu,,u .~uu.....v.,\. '10 ,t0ma:ry <:h:11`:e.< 1`,z1\'(- Ir.`-H n:ui;:, we rlrm. =p1-opose to w:1i`~. H` the ;11(121\'iL IS `not fm'th(-01nin_L' from any momhvr oi ithc House, the `G.0\'m'mn<-nt will ~=r>w.i thn cnpy which appoarc-(1 in one `Globe for `.7110 co1mnitt,e(-`.< c0n;~'ldora- tion. -DIIfuI\'II1)\' T-Trn\vv n1 n1 inn .\`(N ()l1(lL'LLl ition." ) Premier H(~nr_\"s motion, S(.`UOl`.(l\.kl by Hon. C`h:u-1o.< Mn-Crca, guxr: 1he `legal committxw full power to sum 5111011 and examinc: any \\ itn0ssc.~`. u .. (ray. I1 ll \\ ~`.z11(l bllzu 1,114-xv \\z\> -in uu `nnimous (l(-nlmul that Gm1e1'ai .\I.L- Rae be in c]1'.1r}_r'u M` the 01'g'uni2.21tin.1. `1 position \\'.hic.h he 11-as no` :1u'n-ml la) z.1'('~0.pt so far. ` W. E N_ Sincl:1i1', KC. 1)mpu.md to the Leg` lntu-rv an 2un0ndmz:nL '0 the l.1u:di<-a.tu`n- Act to provide that at.- l1.;On!.~` for (livorcc shall be b1`ou;.I;11t and o. I in Han 1-nnnhv 3n whi.-n H19- ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION I L.ons.< 101' (ll\'O`]'L'C Shall De u1`ouy;nL mm ied m the County 111 \\'hi:'n the 1-iamtx` resides." HOLD CAUCUS ON ELECTION uy. It '21.: <.z1i(l that 1,hm'n- ' ~ 41.... r: cALIF'tiRNIA SU7I[lV\EP. New low round trip fares now in effect (approximately 20% under previous fares) offer choice of Fouling, both ways via Vancouver. both ways via Chi- cago. or going one way, return- ing the other. Choice of lines beyond Chicago. Reduced sleep- ing car fares. Tickets good to return within 12 months. CANADIAN NATIONAL Summer's most alluring charms await your coming . . . refreshing breezes . . . sunkissed beaches . . . ideal golf, riding, bathing . . . 1 XCKCIS goow months. FLIZWLIDA * K99? `bk `. 1f0rnm//"xiv sfafenzmi uml zmzn`/.) I`/3/"s nczusfm/Iur for flu`//.wr s/:1/cmuuts /2)` //JL 1 );/2. ic/'/3* Committee. `Lacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters- urg, Palm Beach,Miami. Con- vement connections are made for all Florida points via Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars from any agent .'\rZll(j. ,ll'l`lIl l`l1uI_`.',l:.~. `m 1112- u1.(-ntion 1 Don-:`11)-:-1' last," `.11; in rulzttion to `chv re~ ,. h....: .1 11. ."`-mu-luv-Ir. ill. l-flv tatt-nu- _Page 'l"hrex=1 u x,z1u_: zdm H:p:y had

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