Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1934, p. 8

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5.. Ar, Jan, I4,_ 1934 11 a.m.-Life s Greatest Goal. 2 p.m.-Crusaders Bible Class. 3 p.m.--Chu1-ch School. 7 p.m.-Overcoming Testing Ex- periclices." Luuuwmg lL1I1(1S mm })1'c1mSes, 111111101) : i That part of Lot Number One (.1) gun the East side of John Strcu (now `Maple Avenue) and south of Ross \SiJ1`COt, in said 'l`o\\'.n 01' Barrie, ac- i(.`01'(liI'lg` to Rog'ist01'cd Plan Iwumbei isevcntccn, as more particul:u'i) de- `scribed in I{eg'i.ste1'c(l ]1l.x`i;l`LlmOI1i2 Number 13269 for Bz11`1'ic, Lo,;eLhcr with the 1`i;,rht of way and riglu to re- tain .s<:wer and drain pipes as parti- cularly described in said Registered ,In,st1`umcnt Number 18265) for B.u'1'io_ 'T`i1n1'n it Quill fn kn nu-..nin.1 r-. (...v.) llUCl;'5bil.l'l1y UCUUPL/l`.'ll. ' Quote prlce per page for 300 copxes. I J '1` mmpgnxr r~1m.1z Banting. All persons having claims agamst the estate of Jo.hn James Duncan Banting, late of the Town of Barrie, lin the County of Simcoe, Govc-rnor .01` Simcoe County Gaol, deceased, who died 011 or about the 'I`\\'<.-my I fourth day of November, 1.133, are ,hereby notied to send in to the 1121-` gdersigned on 01' before the Eigh-. teenth day of Jz111ua1`_v, 1334, full par-i ticulars of their claims duly veried. ; J 4 Immedi:1teI\" :1ft:m- Hm um Inna iln the estate of John Jame; Duncan I 'ucu1zu.'5 u`; L1lUl1' Cllunls, uuiy verinea. Im_med1at_ely after the said last` ,ment1one_d (late, the assets of the said ; |estate w_1ll be . distributed amongst} ithe parties ent1tled_ thereto, .1aviI`.g;3| ,rega1'd_oz1ly to claims 01 wl:.ic1i th'> 1unde1's1g'ncd shall then have notice, to 1 |the exclusion of all others. and the` 1L111(le1'sig'11ed will not be liable to any . `person 01' whose claim the undc1'- `signed shall not then have notice for gthe assets so distributed or any pan 3 thereof I huh! 11" 'T`n..,...+.. 4.1-.'- 17:1.-n.i...u_l IBARRIE CURLING AND ATHLETIC. CLUB | . The annual meeting of hhe sh-.u'e-i 110l(le1' of the Ia1;x'iu C.Ll1`1i11g,`VdI1Li, A1:h1e r/1-c Club. L1m:1ted, W11] be ELM` in the Rink 'prem1se.s., Clapperton {on Wednesday evenmg, Ju11ua.ry :4, 11934, at.8 o <'lock, tor t_`11e`pu1'po;ye iof recelvngg the report 01 me Duet} ltors for the past year, electing a `Board o1'1Dix'cto1`1s bfo:1_' the ensu.;.g year, an( genera usmess. Barrie, Jalruary 12, 1934, I I P. Love, President. Alex. Brownlee, Sec y.l I . . ` i Barrie Umon Cemetery; Annual N1nn!:nn The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Barrie Union Cemete 1" Co. will be held in the Police Court Chambe1x<, Barrie, on the e\'onin.r of ,.\l0n January 15th, 1934, at 8 ;o clock, for the purpose of electing` E directors and the tra.n.<,action of .`,`z:1 I-l oral business, including the 1`OVibl011 of bv-laws. ! All lot owners are sha.reholde;.: , Thos_ Nash, President. J. W. Ness, Sec.-Trcas. C _.._______ !n_y ma ouuL'1wrs, | Shilton, WzL"..bridge & Ault, 100} `Mcliinnon Bldg., 1.`) My-imda E... To | ronto 2, Ont. ` J I .. ;:1o-&, zu. 1z.UU O'Cl0L'I( 110011. at L110 g QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIF I by W. A. ML-.Conkcy, Auctonccz, the following lands and prcxnises, 11znm~1y': i D1't Lot Nnmhr-1' (hm (Ii The Hurt House String: Quz.2'L~-:z=_= will gzive the rst of the series of concerts sponsored by the Ban-13 Czmadizm Concert: Asso-ciation in *"e Oddfellows Hall to-nig`ht ; u1u1.`uuJ. I I Dated at Toronto, this Fifteenth yday of December, 1933. Percy E. Ault, Administrator of the Estate I , of the Deceased. `RV mg ;n1:..:+m.;. I man: u_\, puuuc uucuon 011 ` SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 I 193-1, 211; 12.00 o clock at the OUEEN S HOTFI, rzApmp I I I 1' L 01 _By his Solicitors, I Shiltrm \Nn".}n ) I THE BARRIE AGRICULTURAL` ARENA LIMITED I. sauu apply (.0 Stewart 8: Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Mo!-l:gageo a Sohcitors. Dated December 28, 1938. 1_0ns : 50 lb. paper to be used. Page size to be 21 and 40 cms. 8 point type_ "l`n ho nnf Inn in 1G nv R9. 115nm: an TENDERS FOR PRINTING "Mortgage Sale NOTICE TO CREDI TORS puuu. L_ypu_ . ~ be put; up 111 16 or 32 page sec- It is unde1*st.ood that at a mc-c-Li.-zg of the directors 01' the Barrie Agri- oultuiul .-\renz1_. Limited, on Tuesday, Architect Thompson was instructed to prepare new plans for a building to cost $30,000. J. T. SHIPSON, Clerk, Simcoe County. Annual Meeting 5. J. H. Bennett, Preside-1|! A. F, A. Malcomson, ` Sec.-Treas. A square piece of wood with a castor at each corner is useful as a stand for 21 pail when scrubbing a oor. It can be moved about easily and saves `having to get up and down each time the pail has to be moved. Jan. 16-31 co..m.' . Y.$9.75 Feb. 1-14 . . . . . .. 9.78 Feb. 15-28 . . . . . .. 9.80 Mar. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.83 Mar. 16-31 . . . . . . .. 9.85 Apr. 1-15 . . . . . .. 9.88 Apr. 16-30 . . . . . . . 9.90 COURSES--Sho1'tlmnd, Stenog1`;L1:-hic, Primary, plete Office Trainmg. J?:1t(-]>:1.\'m's are ol'I'm'u(l APr0|>:1_\'1n(~nt Rovoipts 011 `I934 taxes dl11']l.l;_`,'Hl(% rnmnlus ul' .J2u1uur_\', [l1`(-,ln'11a1'y, .\l&ll.'(`/ll and .:\] )HI :11 fhv 'l nl|0\\ |ng d1s<-0un1'.s': SPECIAL-Machine Course. RATES--$15.00 per month, wltn 10 per cent, discount when six months tuition is paid on entering. runny nun.-n... A... _. . . _ . . _ _ __ Jan. 16-31 . 39.66 Feb. 1-14 . . . . . .. 9.63 Feb. 15-28 . . . . . .. 9.65 Mar. 1-15 9.68 Mar. 16-31 . . . . . .. 9.70 Apr. 115 . . . . . .. 9.73 Apr. 16-30 . . . . . .. 9.75 Larger Amounts Women s Canadian Club, Public Library Hall, Thur:da'-:. Jc?`.u.'1`._\` 18, 8.15 p.m. Speaker, Count Nimulas Ignatie , on Canada as I Know It. CHITTICKT MOTOR SALES INNISFIE. L13ma.-coNsE3vAT1vE ASSO: NEW 1934 1 1'0])uy11'Ie111` Rcveipts 11121) be obfained at the oicvc OF The T.1'Ci1S111'(,`]`. .\ll vlxuqllcs payzlblu to the To\\';1 L`rcasu1-01'. 1 r(-p'a_\'me111` Rex-cipts must be pm-se111`o(1 xvith tax bill. m: ()i_' bcforv Jlnw 27111, ].`)I3__. ; -no-- A. . - ANNUAL MEETING Grange Hail, Etroud FREDAY, JANUARY 12th ...;1.u . L. S. J. REYNOLDS, President. .' Winter Term, Tuesday January 2nd SAVE v Pnernvf`. __..,_,. CALL, WRTE OR PHONE FOR 'FURTHER INFORMATION ELECTION OF OFFICERS GI1I.\'ER.-XL BL'SI.\'ISS SPEAKERS--W. EARL ROWE, M.P.; J. T. SIMPSON, M.P. ALL ARE WELCOME I l'.Il7`\fI\I(\I no rs, W. H. Martin, of Stroud, \\"'...r.l paying his subscription this ueek, z~c-- minded us that he was now :1 54-yea1 subscrlber to the Advance. TO APPLY ON FIRST INETALMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100 .16-31 cost ...$9.75 $24.38 $48.75 $95 a. 24.44 48.88 97 . 24.50 49.00 95 I`. 24.57 49.13 98 .". 24.63 49.25 95 f. 24.69 49.38 95 .". .. 24.75 49.50 95 TO APPLY ON SECOND INS'_.?.`ALMENT nun A.-. A..- __ TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1934 NOW ON DISPLAY liahra `gnu iuletihe rpvtinga A1nWor-1_ts ` A..W. Smith, Tr;3asu1 er, Town of Barrie. PHONE 491 .$9.60 . . . . . . 54.07 cI'.i 24.13 48.25 24.19 48.38 24.25 48.50 24.32 48.63 24.38 48.75 ` at the Same Rates All those interested in Christian Science are co1'dia1I_v invited to at tend the service held eve.`-`y Sur.da;.' morning at 11 o'clock in the Amen ~nn T-Intdl suppxy -comes I1'0I1'1 Java. In an 0th-io coal mining region one abandoned mine is now a. pr-otabl mushroom farm. The cinchoina hree which yield: quinine is a native of South America, but t>o-day 97 per cent. of the world : supply -comes from Java. T71 am flih-in I-nn'| mininnr 1-AAcrin'n nun THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1334. 1 $:B.0_6 V $24.00 nA nr-I W. REDFERN, Secretary. Accountancy, COC- $100.00 $1130.00 IHU1'llHlg db `.811 Hotel. ` $975`) 97.75 98.00 93.25 98.50 98.75 99.00 ' $96.00 I\.'! (3 L` Sunday, January 14, 1934 11 a.m.-Why Pray ? the lbt f a serics of S01'l11OT1o on Prayer." Anthem: Dear Lord and F4th(.r" -Fletcher. /5 N . IV . 1 u TAX COLLLECTOR WANTED ...v-.. vvun nu-nunan. Thursday, J ..1rv1ua;'vy 1 1th. A1" a nun Owing to the severe weather, the annual meetingz; of the Barrie Conservative Association called for last Thursday night, was post- -poned for two weeks, and will be held in the ' D!\l lt`l! (`l\lln'r f`l,!AllI'Il5lIC Collier sz. Um Churchj F. FOSTER, Sr., President. Barrie E.iberal-Cmnservative The annual meeting of the Sharcholdel` phone Company. Limited, will be held in Stroud, on Wedncsd:1_v, Jantlary 17th, 1934, 2 pose of electing directors and other business. EJECAL NEWS A `FULL ATTENDANCE REQUESTED, J.wJl:H, 1:109. A, W. Smith, Town Clerk. ANNUAL MEETING Iaughley, O2'_;anist iv Knox. Choirmaster .4c`.'3A\ ll ;R|NG- MINISTER Sl1a1'cl1o1de1`s of the Stroud Tele- the Community Hall,_ nesduy, at 2 p.m._. for the pur- (Hun:-4-nu-.~ 1)V\I] /`#1: ... L..,.3n.,. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. '7 p.m.-Treasures New and 01:." Anthem: The Sun of Rig'htccu.s- ncss (Dawson) The Mid-Week Meeting is held on Wednesday evenings at 8 o clock. Vl\I.,. .....'....\...- ..In..LI,.n -Rn. vs V" .... .. Ill man u Lu us run, P0lL`l.(-21?`. EOURT CHAMBERS . =-\\.I\, Secretary. Telepgbne Co. Ltd. er coat, 1 sell very Nance, Bar- Associatiean Wlandaie News` L v.`:')UU L"dCIl. I The trial was heard in County Court before Judge Wismer on Dec 12th last, when Mrs. Barnes sues; for $20,000 on behalf of herself and; `six children. She alleged that hex; _ husband was wilfully shot by 1\Irs.i Cadeziu, and as a result she was ICU ; ` without visible means of support, and lwithout means of supp0rtin.j:, main l r taining, educating` and otlierwisc pru- 1 0 viding for her children, all under 21 `- years of age. 1- Nlrc (`nrlr-nn iu ninw unvviv U` :1 H rr.- l 1 Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Little and the Misses Culross left T-uesday n1orni1.g.; for Lakcland, Florida, where they W111 I spend the remainder of the winter. I NT)`, and 7\"T1'L' W I-T T`nw?.u- lug-` apenu DUB remalnuer OI Elle wmuer. | Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Tayior re-' turned to their home in Cochmne 0:. Monday after a week s visit with M~rs. H. Ardell. ` M4 Amzm... A..,1nn :n r..m...:.-.., ..l monua.y. | Mrs. M. Bluney, of Coldwater, re-` turned Monday after visiting` with hci mother, Mrs. Collins, Cumberland St.` I NT!` (3 nnvln. nf' C1-nvnnhrn-:+ Iinul REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. 13.13. % Minister 1 Lloyd Tufford, Organist and Choxr-- master. ixlluuuer, LUIS. puuuls, uumoerlana bf.` Mr, (J, Doyle, of Gravcnhurst, has taken the afternoon shift on thc gates at the Essa Road crossing. The w>nnir:< tn the `Rm-trm Axn . Vl'1'S. 1'1. 1`Ll'(1`eLl. _ MISS Audrey Ardell IS spcndms 3 week wlth frlends 1n W1ndsor_ J W (`-:nn.n}\nn 1-1:4-111-n...l in L... \\ UCK \\'lLll .l.l'lL"HUS In VVIUQSOI`. Miss Campbell returned to hex` honw in Winnipeg` this morning. St. Gr->.nn~Q'e s A.V.'P,A hm! Hmi: H:Ullll" H! VV1IlIllp(.`_g' E1115 1}] St. Geo'rg'e s A.Y.P.A. first meeting of the new Monday. NT:-< WT Rlnnnv nf' (".nL EELLCS ELL UHU ILSSLI. 11021.0 Cl'0SSlI1g. The repzxirs to the Burtovn A\ c. United Chu-rch are nearing compie tion. Mr. Rusk has the main part of the building finished and expects to have the basement ready for Sunday School 111 two weeks. It will be some , time before the church is ready L'o1'| use,- as the organ is just being` in- stalled. ....:.u. l\\.r|A\l The Ladies Presbyterian nuzvl election of ofcer~ at the home of Mrs. B_ Reyn-olds Wed11e::.i:1y afternoon. The reports for the year were read and balances were four--.\ quite satisfactory. The officers in- stalled were as follows: P-11es1d;n., Mrs, J. Barron; Vice-President, l`.Iis~ L. LTaLclie1'; 2nd Vice-Presitlent, 1`v1rs J. P. McMillan; Secretary, Mrs. H. Ardell; Treasurer, Mrs. B. Green; Flower Convener, Mrs, \V. Peck, Week of Prayer A week of prayer is being solemn- ized at `clue l:Issn Road Presbyt*r7':n Churvh this week. Starting` Monday, Bmton Ave. Y.P.S. `had charge of the meeting. On Tue.<(la.y Rev, N, R. D. Sinclair was in charge. On Wed nesdzty Dr. Lennox was in charicgn, followed by Mr. Sinclair again to- ni_.:ht. Dr_ Shortt, of St. Andr-:`.\".~._. will address the Friday meejng. The two comrzegzrtioxis, Purton Ave. and Esszi Road. will hold joint Com- munion Sunday moming; Hockey in Allandale . uuu-ca Aid run: of - Essa Read The Allandale lads from the kn-.-e-' high stage to the old boys are ;.-:.~t- ing a chance at hockey this yenr. In all there are eight teams being as gaiiized in ward six, tliree in tn; midget and three in the senior church league. Burton A\'e., St, Geo1'g;e's and Essa Road. the Y..\I.C..-\. in the T--.\ 1`. League and the newly organized S0n= inf l<`.no`lm.rl f`r>.'\n1 Riuirln .~` .- .-. Ch-urch -held their .1n- , l I His Honor Judge Wismer in 3' judgmen handed out last ween, awarded Mrs. Harvey Barnes and! family $9,000 in her $20,000 actionl against Mrs. Rose Cadeau for thel loss of :1 husband and father, Harvey E Barnc-;<, fatally injured on Augusti 8th last when shot by Mrs. Cadeau I ']`\\'n-1'.`nirrI< nf' tho :1\\':n-N in +n hr. _\"`L'Zll'5 UL iLg(.'. 1 Mrs. Cadeau is no xv sez'\'ix.g :1 1;l.rcu } year t}.(.`1'111 in Kingston penitenti'.u_;.g having being found guilty of man [ s1zu1g'hter in connection with Hzu`v<.;w B-.u'nes death. J. R. Boys acted Ia) i the plantiffs and Frank Regan, ul `Toronto, for the defendant, 1.L"cl.gLlJL' auu bill.` H(:'\\`l.\ Orgzllllzeu D011 of England team. Beside $1.; :-c i eight players from this enu of the, town are with the Barrie Colts anal once with Camp Borden, i Barrie juniors will play their home} game With Orillia on Friday night ml .|Oril1ia, game to start at 8 o clock. I ....u....,\..., ........=,., ... \.l \....W... The pvri1nzu~y election fox n..'~.v members of the Boards will be held this Sunday. Please bring` a pcncll. 1x 1 . 1 - ,, , n : -j_ | MRS. HARVEY BARNES ! IS AWARDED $9,000; I ouu lilbf, \\'lll:ll >'llUL uy lVu'S. paaeau 'l`\\'o-thirds of the award is to be' paid to the \\'ido\v_. Mrs. Barnes, and} one-third to the children of the plain- tiff mentioned in the pleadings, ir equal shares, The six children, Harry Melville, Rodney Mtlrray, Harold Francis, illelbourne Carl, Gloria Jean and I-larlancl Dean Barnes, will g`e?| I I $500 each. '[`l'\r\ 4unl uuuuu -. `l\,\.....I L. r`1.\.. .1.` `C, D. STEWART, Secretary. R_ A. SUTHERLAND, Prnai. Road Ladies `Aid 1.5 mo1'111w_._,". .A. had t-hcii new year oni an 11, President. BARRIE`. 7, ORILLIA 1 N `lA'`` M`i"8 The annual general meeting; of` , The Ba1'rie Ciolts, stung by the do- .s:h~a1*e'n-o~1(lers of the Barrie Agricul- , feat at the hands of Midland, took tural Arena Limited will he held at 1|t.'h-e ICC Monday against Orillia with the P0500 C-0l11`1', Bil1 l'iU, 011% 01- \a do or die spirit. The Barrie team ` Weclnesday, the 24th day ol.'JzL11uai,.', _ skated so fast and baekchecked so!1934, at 2.30 p.m., for the ])l1l'])(::`-: ` (310501), that the 0,-1.113;; beam didxtlof receiving the Raoport of Dl1e('to: .` , know w.het.he1' they were going o1';an(l Financial Statement, Election: of `coining. The Colts were out to win Dir0ctor.< for vhe ensuing` year, Gen- and at no stage of the game were they rmation of By-laws, and to trans.it1 hard pressed. The score xvus 7 to 1 `such other business as may come in . 1 The locals counted two goals in Lllg love the 11100tin$- ~ `1'St |)01`i0(l, one in the second, andi All new sub: who have no; four in the third. 'yet obtained tln,-ir stock L:e1'tilicat,e5 . `D1.n.- um nivzxn ..+ 4-1.,` ..+....4. Ac .1... ...-n .-..n...~..-om! 4,. .l.. i an ..1 nu-.1` 1.. Hock:-`:3; News .u.-u;,',uL: \\ 1111101`. | Senior Church League to j ~l!Bzu'1'1c Hockey Club trophy. U. ll", auu LUIS. d. 1. DUIIPSUII, '_'lJl:' Ix ..., Tuesday `evening, Jan_ 10:11, at 6 o clock. Following a short busi- ness session, cards will be p'1a;yeo and a social evening enjoyed. lI0ll1' ill U118 r.m1'(1. ' ` Play was even at the start of `she-` j.,i1.ll l0 and play \\'us very fast. Tm.` 1second line for Barrie, Arnott, Scott and Coulson came on against the` 4home team s second line and ``didn't` take 10113.1` to show, Coul.~:o11 Oscoreui from a scramble at the side of L11; net, poking the puck past Arthur in to the corner. Arnott; got a.n0th(:1" his second time out, taking` the puck at the blue line and stickhamllingl his way riglit in on the net. 1; \v-.13". a nice play and received 21 big` i1'm(ii from the crowd. i Winn .-.\,.,\..,l +`......... .... .. 1)......:- In it survey made by the Field I-lusl);md1'y Division of the Dominion Experimental l<`z11'ms, data weze uni-` lcctcd on the 0p(-ration 01' 246 two- plougth tructonl in l*las*te1'n Canada in 1930. It \\'z1s found that the zwu ` agro tutal overliezul cost per 1'.ra.cLur was $126.18 per year. Hzul t.hu.se tractors been used only 30 (lays in 21- ycar the overhead been $4.20 per tractor per day, 1e ; 1)a'u's remaining the same. Actu:11l_,',' ho\\'c-vm', the tractors were used an average of 52.4 days per year, the bost; of drawbar work amovuntng L0 $2.40 for overhead, $2.84 for fuel, 40 cents for oil and 6 cents fUL' grease, or a total of $5.70 per tun-, hour day for a two-p1ough tractor, not including lre wages of the operator. cost would havc : I !J..l'Ulll MP8 Cl'U\VU. | The second frame saw Barrie sit-. ting` back, content with two-mun rushes. Orillia got their only 1211!}; in the rsl. half of this f'1'a`1ne, bmith scoring` from a scramble whvi-le Barrio-,' was a. man short. Two of the red- heads, Reynolds and Stzransman, com- bined for the prettiest play of the` c\`e11ing'. Reynolds carried the puck; to the Orillia defence and then slip-i aped 2 perfect pass to Stransnm.1, who didn t gssive A1't11vurs a chance. E I T`1\'+[lCIf1 n+' n1...~:.m. .a,.+-m....:..,. 1-xn/.1 .. iwuo uiuuu 5.-:1ve A1-t.m.L'rs chance. Instead of playing; defensive hockey in the nal frmne, the Colts wen; out to keep the home tezun in their own end of the rink. They succeed-| ed to the extent of four goals, tl".!'.;`I of which were scored on nice 1)as.-;- ing plays. Coulson got his second goal on a pass 1'.1'on1 Reynolds, 2v.;`.d Kennedy counted when he faked -.1 Ipass and vcent in himself. Strans man got his second on a pass from Kennedy and .~\.rnott got his second assisted by liaslmer. I l7;ll `Claw-1: 1'1n\\' nninml-1 n{-` Hm iJ.bblbI.l. (1 uy J.\d.S1lI11'. ` uste1" Clark, new coach of the, lColts, supplied a g:enera1 upset f0ll the fans when he ;~; czu'ted Hooper Lnl goal, Kennedy on defence, Reynolds} at left \\`ing;, Arnott at 1'ig'h1; and} [Stevenson at centre. Scott, Coulson,` Reynolds and Arn-ott were the l1an;l_' `men, each taking 21 turns at cen*tru.. .wing' and defence when occasion do : mzmded. Tin. \l7-..A.1.... ..A' vIV...._..1.. , r t ....\.-5\. -. Boys under 15 years. Thirty 1 tutu games : Tn.-. 1n /3 4.- N ~n,, . 1 ` !OPERATlNG COSTS OF TRACTOR REDUCED BY INCREASED USE ' u1u.uuuu. I Ernie Wortley of Toronto :rcfere.u nand kept the game in order, callimzl lplays and he sztw them and leavin-,_ ,no chance for Haring` tempers. _ 1 R91`)-7n_, :{`_n-11 Unnnn... .\'..L' ` .. Y |..v \.-uuu..\. 1..u1 uctxulg, utlllpclh. : Bar1'ie--4G.oa1, Hooper; defem.-:=, Kennedy and K215111101`; centre, Sim`-1 fonson; wings, Reynolds and Arnott: ]z11tcr11atcs, St'a.nsman, Scott, C::u1- uson, Livingstone, Haynes. l r\.,,-n- A u . . ~ ~ _....D H . . . ..., ....._,.u..z. ! O1'illia-Goa1, Arthurs; defence! }Lo\\'1'ie and Gilmore; centre, Curran,} j\\'i1Lg's, Rcnton and Smith; a1ter11a*:\..< {.\Ii1le1', Lee, Ieid, Henderson. ` 7 : I u I Chief Stewart on Saturday placed four panhandlcrs under arrest as they were busy at their fourth game oi billiards. On Saturday morning` the four pan-handled up and down the main street and collected about $1.50 each, and then made for the pool room and wexe just'completing` than fourth game when the chief 211`i`IY(.`(`l. They were kept in the lockup ovel the week and and ordered to move on. Citizens are warned not to give money to pa11ha:r1d1ers who beg; 10.11. door to door. um. acuuca . Jan. 12-6 to 7, Burton vs. l)Ia,ry's, Essa Trinity; 7 to 8, tral vs. Collier, Baptist Georg'e s. . Jan 10 1: +n I7 r~,.n:,... ... J.1.'.uuT.y.. Jan. 26-6 to 7, St. Mzu'y s us. Col- lier, Burton vs. Central; 7 to 8, Eamx vs. Baptist, Trinity vs_ St, Gcorg'e s I I Feb, 2- fn '7 I`1~ini+u u.- 1>.....4.-.. . xs. Dapmst, 11'1n11;y St, Gco1`g'e ` Feb. 2-6 to 7, Trinity vs. Burton,` Essa vs. St. Mary s; 7 to 8, b;.` 1Geo1~gc s vs. Central, Baptist Lal- Ler. ` I L`n1. f\ I,` L, 1- n1_- -. .|.`UU` J--D IO tist, Collier vs. jMary s Vs. Centr :Georg`c s. E Fnh 1r:_n +n .1 no J Man-y s. Vuh iuu1'_\,'S. Feb. 10-10 to 11, Burton vs. T1': n- iity; 11 to 12, Essa vs. St. Mary .~;. Play-olfs to be a1'rzu1g'ed. Both Mid;-;et and Senior Churcu Leag.;'ucs will count on a poixr systcin, 21 win counts 2 points, Lie one point. Second and third tezimr: play 01T ii not. more than four points .scpura`.u; them. Winner of this ganw to meet.` luugun; numer ` i\.xI:u1 ge5. ` Jan_ 19--(5 to 7, Ge0rge s, Central vs, 8, Burton vs. Essa, } l`1'inity.. a Jan `)(:__r: +.. '7 Q+ 1 L-upL1sL ` Feb. 2 Baptist `tral vs. I l$ssa_ L1'Lll-DiL]_)1}1.*a`E. Jan. 20-10 to 11, Central-Bapt1s" Essa; 11 to 12, St. Ma.1'y s vs.| A Trinity. I i Jam. 27-10 to 11, Burton vs. C211- t1'a1-Baptist; 11 to 12, Essa vs. 1`rir.-[ xty, ; Fnh :21n 4-A 11 1,1111!`-r\- _., 1` ---~ I A full-time man Tax Collector for the Town of Barrie. Salary one hundred dollars per month. Agne- ment may be terminated by either party by giving two weeks notice in writing`. Applications, stating quah cations, will be received by the un (1e1'sig`n0(l up till noon on Monday, January 15th, 1934. A I n--ilk Town (`lavi- o. .uu1'y's; J. t1'L1I-Bzmtist. 1 Jun -)n_' ` _..._,.- u.-uu\.;. ;.u _yv.;u.Ln ' Jan. 13--l0 to 11 a.m., Burton vs.* S. .\Ia1'y s; 11 to 12, Trinity vs, Gen- t1'L1I-Bzmtist. ` CHURCH LEAGUE SCHEDULES -y. Feb. 3-10 to 11, Burton vs. Ess.1,' .1 to 12, Centrz11-Baptist vs. `:.'t.i [an-y s. .' D. 1 lG--G to 7, St, Mary s vs. 31:.` .- s, Collier vs_ Trinity; 7 to L vs. Burton, Central vs. 1'3... . 23--(3 to 7. Burton vs. Coliir.-1",? t vs. St, Mary's; 7 to 8, Con-i s. Tvinity, St. George s \`.:.5 9-6 to 7, Trinity vs, .5211)- Jollier Essa; 7 to S. St. Central, Burton VS. pt. Boys under 18 years 1-) Il'\A,_ 11 n Midget 1r Senior _ Thg=,__ 91'the_1_'n__Advzu1vc, ._.-.. ...-......._,. _ .~-~. ~. -.__.C, W 1. - - _ ~ - -~ Remember to bring in your Cum .- a-Meal Box. Collier V5. 5 , Baptist; '7 St, Wax-y s V play for l`cn(lu1`s will be received, S021lU(l,l `2|and mm*kc(l 'l`c:1dc1's for Print`ing'," "1-; by the llI1(lC1`a`lg11C(l up until 12 o'clock `l*noon, January 22nd, 1934, for the I l printing of the 1\ linu1<,-5 of the County . 5'-*" ` of Simcoe for the Jan.uzu`y, June and I , ti_ons: '3 50 H1 nm1m- tn ho nqrnrl Novgmbcr Sessions, 1934, and ac-l cording to the 1'o`llox\'ing specic-(1-_ ` I .___. I [Of Residential Property In the f0wn' I of Barrie, in the County of i. i Simcoe. l Under and by virtuu of the powers _of sale COI1tz1nf`(i in :1 Certain morn-I Igagc, which will be produced at the .`ti1`!1`C of sale, them: will be o`c1'cd for ,`sale by public auction .1 SATURDAY IANHADV ~)n lUL"L' L~.'l`(.` IIIUUI/lllg. . i new yet are 1`cqL1c-stud to do so at once to Jqu:x.1it'y them to '.\tl2un(l and \'0t\' at said meeting. I H Rnnnnft pp-e-:Crl...n.` t\\"L`I| UL}, The said property will be offered for sale subject to a. '-reserved bnl. Terms 2 '[`nn nnr r-ani n4 H-no I-n11-_ xur sun: SLLUJCCE no a -reserved Did. ? Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- 'chase money at the time of Sale and the balance within thirty days them- after. For further terms and particular of sale apply to c Slnlunrf R. qC4:u.vnI'C ,1um,1'u1ucul. l\umD(.`l' _1.:szo:1 101` J5.L1'1'l<)_ There is said to be erected on said lands 2. comfortable one and one-hall` `storey brick veneer dwelling house, centrally located on said Maple Avenue. 'l"k.. nn:r` .........,....4.-. ..-:n 1.... -n.v. i UOIIS. . I . ' I I To be dclwered \v1thm s-1x weeks after the receipt of the copy. Q Lowest or any other tender not I necessztrily accepted. QI1nf,r\ `n1-inn 1101- nun-n 4'rn- flfln I Members of the Women's (ion.-`mu vative Association an: invited to `~i-old their January meeting at `.-he "')1n~ 0% and Mrs. J. '1`. Simpson, `Tun- . 'T'11uri':1v'.:\vmIins'r Inn 1-ir.'n

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