Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1934, p. 1

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@133 Nmvtithmm Exhnmmcf 1:`, .Jzm1L';<, Tuck, Jay. uuuu1u_',`_ His Woiship Muy01' Craig` e.\`pluin- ed the situation. 'l`ende1's had been called and Lhe lowest tender on plans submitted was $70,000. The qL.e;<- tion was \\'hL-ther Barrie was in 3 position to raise sufficient mourzy to build 21 $70,000 building`, 01' to erect a building co.~:ting` $35,000, whch was available. The meeting` was called to give the (lirectors of the Barrie .-\_.-;ri cultuiul Arena some direction \'.h:1: \\';;__< ht-.L in lH= lln'l1n His xvn-l~3 nt,u1uH1;.; man. we I)uu(1mg' would be just as the plans .<-}':0\'.'n. T`;*.:: direc- tors haul the zu`cl1itL-ct who prepared those plum ask for tn:-nders, and the lowczt tender \\':xs $70,000. All wiii agree that this is out of the ques- tion. 1....` IUl_..,.., IN- I . I I/[U1 Legal Matters Completed W, A_ Boys, K.C., sahl he wash".- terested as a small shareliolder, but m21inl_\' as 5=oli(:it01` for the compan_\~. Letter.< patent \\'e1'e m-cc-. other matte1'.~: needed adjustment. All of these haul been attended to and ever_vthing' is now in shape to pro- ceed. It was encouraging` to sec such :1 g'athe1'ing, sliowing that the eiti'zen.< were interested in getting a building. What the di1`eet01's would like to know now wa.~:, if they would ( Zu'1`_V on and erect a building` for the Barrie .-\g1'icultL11`z11 Society only, or consider a rink also. Personally, M`, Boys felt the plans could be alterer and many tliings cut out, saving eon '~,i(l'-1 able. Q T7.` :11 .......,....,.a..- .1 M.-. ; . cu1LL:1:u .-\l`L`I121. (1 but to be (lone. said he haul in mind \\'Ol1\' for unemployed town. ny ._. r n. pi'z1cucuL)lU to erect a buil with- in the bounclaries oi` the money avail- able, $35,000. The meeting was also strongly in 1a\ or of using local men and mu`.c1'i:1l for the erection of the buildin:,-'_ I-H: \m'n._`..:.\ 11..."... n.,.:,, , v `,lll"liU)U.'. S. Underhill suggested that tin n1eetir.~g' be polled to see if there '11: any po.<; of raising` :v.(ld1ti0..a' funds, but there was no 1'e;3p0nse_ Couldn t Support $70,000 Building A. A. Smith, int.cre. in sport, srziicl that Barrie could not support 3. $70,000 building. To pay -3 per cent. on the investment :1 revenue rf $3,500 a yezzr would have to be niad-3. He thought, however, that 21 suitanve lmlding' could be erected for $35,000. 111 1927 or 1928, when building: cost more than it does to-(lay, Aurora built :1 rink with an ice . 130x80, dressing` rooms, shower baths, band room, referee s room, .~'r.-zlting` fox 1,200, and able to accommodate 600 more, for $17,000. If Barrie had a. building twice as good there would he no kick. Huntsville built a. rink for $10500, all complete. Mr_ Smith 11n_e'e(l tihat the ice surrzice be not re- duced, but he felt certain that a building` good enough for Barrie could be erected for $35,000. 1+ .....~ mm-,..1 1." no A 12.`... .m.: -----....,./ -1ruu,uuu 4`-1. \JJ.J.Ll 10 Good Enollgh. The police court chamber was packed to capacity on Friday 11i'-ghr to di.scL1.<.~: the building of 21 rink, and the unanimous opinion was that the di1'(.`L'tO1`::' of the Barrie Ag1'icultu1`al Arena Limited proceed as soon as p1'acticubie to erect building monev ami}- L\.lfuL-,ti11g' to J,)i.s'(-uss Matter 'i`hi.11ksV_$35,000 Arena is t1,....I lj`...,......1. DC (3l'C(.'1C(l I01` -D 5),UUU. It was moved by VV. A. 1 .=ocon<}<-(1 by S. Undo:-lzill, 370.000 proposition be not 0 ed. C2n'1`ie(l, t`f`nn4-1'.-.nz~./I nu vsurrr-u - The town council held the inaug`ural meeting for 193-1 on Monday, with all members present. At 11 v..m. council zLs;~:emb1e(l when the oath 01 office \\'a.a s_I,1bsc1`ibe~d to and u strik- ing committee appointed to .:.rrun,,: tlhe stztndjxig committees for tlu: you`. With one exception, the c:hai1'r.1er. of the v;Lriou.~; committees zue tin; suuxc as in 1933. Dep.-Reeve MacLa1Cn wished to be relieved from the chan -nyanship of the Water zuul Light Committee, and Ald. VViles takes ..is place. in hie in-nnrun-ul -.rl.lpn;~: u+ `l1r\ M1-_ Frank Foster, foreman of the Allzmdale C .12. 9110115 for the past 14 )'L.`.l.3, has been promoted 1' (~- man of the car dopa2'tmcn.t of the Leasidc shops, Toronto, and assumes his new duties on Tuesday next. Mr. Fo. r:::me to Barrie from Ottawa, u-`nun . Ian 11-an rg-/\1`Ir\1In1 ('nm\.u..n .'.. I-Kn 1` U$LrUl' ','l'.lli(! LU 13'cll'l'lC LIUIH \JLlz'(L\\Ll, \\'l1(3l`0 he was general formnzin in the G.1`zmd Trunk shops. Hr-. is consider- ed one of the best mechanics in the employ of the C..\I.R., and -his pro- motion is not surprisiiig. During` the time he has been in Bzlrrie M1`. Foster has taken an u(:`Li\`,.~ inte1'cs:.t in community life. He s on the Board of Education, and was chairinan when the addition was made to the Collegiate. A1` present he is a member of the Water and Light Commission and was (il]2.li1'- man last year. As he is not inoving his family for the present, he will continue to act -on -the Commission. Mr, Foster was also president of tae BS2)1::1g'1`ie Conservative Association for 1 3. "ll/Tu TU `Danna: tun-.-mun A49 41-... U00. Mr. W. Bailey, foreman of the shops at Long Point, near Montreal, takes Mr. Foster s place as foreman of the Allandale shops. FOREMAN FRANK FOSTER WILL GO TO LEASIDE ARENA nmscmns URGED T0 PROCEED wnn BUILDING LZll'1'lL`.(l, (Continued on page Position of Directors 17.1-nnnf'1' 1\1u .110 no` 1 1z11'_g`e1' il'(-Mzn-< in the Year 1847 Established C1'U'clSUU. l.~hi.? _v(.'LlL`. ' 0. IS_ Peter, 1'ep1'e.~:e11ting: the A. landale Band, wrote u.~1 .. grant be made Lo tTm,- .-\1lu11dz1le Bauuil this yuan`. Lighting for Open Rink Costs $20 a Month The W-aLer and l..i_ Cun1111i.<.;:i<);1 W`l_`0L(: zul\'isin;: that the liglltizxg of the open air rink in the Ag,-`1'iculLLx1-a} Park would cost about $20 pm month, this all going to the 01113411) lvdro. .53 . D, B(}21.`l`dSl11 and T. \V. \\ i1Im-.\ Eight Page`. u'ucuuI1 \'.n:u His worslup the need of `non in in 1)U.y .\ cunt ., tnat .1 , 011`Le1't41:1- gix) 10".: and J fnnf .1 Will Again Allow 1)is<:uunt of 6% 0.11 1)1',3piL_\f111(3l1L of Ye211"s 1`ak0s. v . D, Bezvlxlsall and T. \V. WiHc1`.~ \\"'r5-tc uppIyi11_~.;' for the positioll of tax collector .}10ul(l council decide to en n-u ()'r- .n l1u) g'bl}: , U `U 1113. Thc county cicrk '.ul\'i.-ml 01' :21; admi.<\'i0n to the ILV, I-Ios1)it:1 . of 11 indigent patients. Q:-n11 Rwm zmkml fnv Hun nan n? Council VViJl be Guests of l\'i\\`21nis Ululz, ;\[o11daLy, Jan. 15th. lI1(llgL'IlL pzuluubs. Scott, Bros. 21.51-(l!(1 for the use of the town _u'1`z1(lc1' for their ice `.i;u'- vcsc. _- J. E. M:u']in;:'. Allzimlzilo, z1(1\'i.~(,(i that on Dec, 1st he fell on the icy walk at the corner 01' Bzildwin and CzL1-r_;iin-.- SL.<., injLu`in_2' his In-ft hip, thigh and shoulder, 11u(tu.~. In. remaining` in bed for t\\o \\'cui\.<, 10;: mg 20 (lays work. $107."0. He i1n`i\ ed `.:ha.1'.'he be reimbursed for loss o;_ time and wages. I f`.\..L.' . BOY HIT IN EYE BY PELLET FROM AN AIR RIFLE V n L) .- 0;! Like i. :4.` Douglas I{in_<.v;, age 12, Oxwn was struck just b01u\\' tin` lklft by 21 pellet form an air riv in hands of Joe C_zu`uso, Worsley on\~3; iday_ Ywiig Caruso ;_:ot an air ride for Christmas and \\'as pluying' with it in the yard when, it is stated. he \v.1.< called insulting names by the Kiiig boy, who was passilig by. lm mediatcly young Caruso reloaded his rie and taking" aim at his tornmnier fty feet away, pulled the tl'i:g,`(31. The BB. struck young King" about an inch below the left eye, tearing away the skin, but did not penetmte the flesh. Had it struck an inch higher up it would have impaired the boy's eyesight. rn.:..: Q6-nuvnu-L Inna- 5.) nnnzl -and couucu T0 HIRE ! FULL-TIME TAX % CULLESTOR boy 51 Uycsngnu. Chief Stewart was callc-(1 and in' .yesti5,rz1bo(l. The rie used by young Caruso is of heavy material, ta.kin,.' aln -V the strength of :1 man to pull bac e lever. Pellets made of bl`rJ.`:S are u sed. and it is a dangerous wea- pon in the hands of a boy 12 yeazsl of mze. uuu n noun. (Continued on page four) The Board of Education cleanr.-cl up the business for 1933 at `.1 mac..- ing held Monday 114i_r__v,`h c, wxth it bum "quounn present. There was liitlc; bu. on the doc-kot_ Tho vnnnvf n#` ````|\ D......A..J.. * uu.~mcs.~: 011 um: (10cKCt_ The report of the Property ami Supply Committee recommeml .1 i that a cz1r1o'.1d of buclcxxliezit cuhe be purcliased imme(li'.1tc-ly for Prince u." Wales School, and that T. Hcn.~.,:1-. be paid $25 for extra ('2111:takin;:', Em.` he haul to give 2-1-hour ser\"ice 1'0; nearly two months; that three x: exti11g`uisl1e1'sl be pu-rciia;;cd~ to con- fomi with requirements of the fire n1ar.~;l1al`s report; that Mr. John Wil- son, architect, be asked to meet Llle board in regard to plans and speci- cations for re escape in King` Ed ward School; that: E, Moyer s tender for re gangs in the Collegiate, at $7.75, be accepted, and they be in- stalled one on rst, second and third floors; that estimate of c0.~:t co'..~r ing` ceiling of boiler room in King Edward School with non~inIla.n1n1al;le material as per re 1nursli:1i s 1'E},)01`.. be ol)ta..:-;d; `oliat Crown patent for the old Collcgiatc be .5CCLll'U(l at Cusl of S25. Principal A. R. Girdwood advised that the coal supply at: the Co11e<-'i.iL<: \\'0.u1d liavc to be replenished within two \\'cok.s. The coal being used \\::.~ Lhc bust f.`\'C1` haul, as there was no (liiCl.llL_\' in guttillg steam up. Mr. Girdwood also thzmkud the board for ('011. shown in letting: till : ., i`.a\'.`> Dc:-;111bu1' Ch-L`(]1.l(. S pil}'{liJi`_ on -the 21st. T,.L.. ":`-1&4 uu:$uu1g year. The superinbemlent, foremzm and ofce sta` wepe granted two \V9(`.`g(a holidays with pay in 1933, and it. \\ 21.: decided to continue. this and also give all other employees who rlmvc been with the Commission-1'01` a year (:1 more one week's holidays with pay this year. Miss Park, who has bC(..' on the omce staff for some 1.3 years was .g'ra.n1.ed one miont'h .< leave of "absence. 'l`ia,. .....++.... IKJ` A..o.\...:..`. ._.__: ".lUh'L'IlLZL'. The matter of exLen.sion and im- [J1'0\'0m4ent; to the \vate1'works sysu-1.1 was discu.cd, but no final agrcc ment reached. 11' :11'rangcmenLs can be made to have the work (lone as .1 1`Cli~cl' measure, the Commission will nrnr-r`-ml SCHOOL BGARD 5 BLEANS up ALL 1933 BUSINESS, '.l'1'11.s'1' i`l1I-ov 1, ---_. __ . _ . .. "Vo1. LXXXVII. No. 46. LUU UHK $25. P1-inn? At the inaugu-rzxl meeting of the Water, Light and Gus Commission, C. C. Hinds was elected chairniun for .thc ensuing year. The oLL:e; members are Frank Foster, S1., and Mayor J. F. Craig. M1-_ Foster is `poi resigning from the Commission for the present at 1-east, as his family 1:~. to remain in Barrie for some mon.1;.~,. As chairman for 1933, Mr. Foster ex. pressed his appreciation to the other members for co-operation given dui ing the year. Mr, W. A. Ncsbihl was 1'0-engaged as secretary for the ensuing year. The qnnm-inf-imurinnf +'n1-onau-: and UH ' I John \Vi1s0I1, ;u'ci1itect, Culling- wood, 21d\`isv(1 in 1`cgzu'd to plans and l.~`:)<.-cicutions for lH`nnn<-rl Fn-n nu- lnvuu, uuxmru 111 u:gzu'u L'O pl: .`-`])(. L`iL`1l.tiO11.\`f01' proposed cape in King Edwzml School. fee would be per cent. of vmnplctcd work, .... ... Trustee Goodall to Take Holiday l`ru.~;tcc A. H. Goodall, chairman of the 1 mpc1`t_V and Supply Commi` Lee. z1;<.l leave of al)scncc for tlm'_o months; as he would be out of to\\.'..| The 1'uqu<.-.'t was gmntetl. ` School Attendance High The 1'(m01'ts of tho xn'inr-inul {Zn school Attendance High 1'e1;01't,s of the 1)ri11cipuLs 1'01 Dccomhrw . hi5.:'h uttendzmce. C0116!` :1t*+-\mnlrn11'r- nnun-um nr\._ uucvmuer sn0\\'(:-(1 mgxn zlttendzmcc. Colle`,-;iz1tc'--.-`wzltlmnic coursts, en- ~-:>}mcnt',fo1- month 517, ave.rag`e at- tumimm 4.59.17; Commercial course, m1mln1cnt for month 152, z1\'c2'.1;,-x: 1-13.2s Five days wen: lo.~t my `u-zxcm-1'.< (lu1`ing' the month 0`.`. z1cc0unL of iH.nn<< nnt] :\HmuHnu- {`nn...~-.1. ,.l . .>}..O_ Vctorizt Sch`v00l Em*o1mc-nt ~110, z1\'('1`:1_<.:\; ztttt:-ndancc 381.4. P1'in`ce of Wales Schoo1--Enro1- mont. 501. av01`z1g`e uttcntlano 459. l{in<,:' George School--En1'o1mcnt 21, 1l\'L`1'1_L`_'(,` ztttomlzlnce 19.34. Rupert of the Pom1_V Bank as to the \\`(`(`1\ ]_\' ])(`1`C(tHt2L_Q'(E of pupils dc- po. (lurin_u' Svptombr-1' and Oc- tul):-1' _ .-\llun(Izxls'~ -'12 per cunt. and Barrio 18 per cent. LL'll`L'l. [LC proceed. u';u'1u'1'.~` uunng me momn accoum of ill,n0.~:s and z1tte11(li11_r.~,' func-1'aL\ oi 1'f:111i\'CS. I{in.;' El\\':11` Sc'noo1---Em'0l\m0nt for month 281, -.n'erag'(.~ nttelulallcm.-`l 9.49, R 5-3 ONE NEIW CHAIRMAN . 242.5 \7, In the 1'. round of the annual t`-.\`0-round comhvtition for tho Bar:-it:~' Orillia Cup, ])11\}'(`(1 this week, Barrio was down 16 shots. The totzu SLOTL was 109 to 93. - Games at Barrie Rnvrin ni-:1`?-'~ OBARRIE CURLERS LOSE FIRST ROUND TO ORlLLl1\, LIEYTIE: Barrie C`. H..R(-oi1)_v ...... .. R. W:1](`0m. .... D1`. Shortrt ......... .. W. H. Kennedy 1 Kllel 8 A. A. Smith ....... ..10 S. Meredith. ...... ..12 G. O. Cameron...11 A. J. Simon ....... ..11 C; C. HINDS CHAXRMAN W. L. AND G. COMMISSION Gamea at Orillia H11 10 PT A W- Goodzl H M0111 l1.s" . :u;\I|||l17 .14` 4-\1)so11<-0. )1- p1-opo.~;cd re I Acsctlu LU pxzuls Elhul 1\\'a1' that Hal cos: of UH 1Jll- l.'J'l'.`L."(l)'IHUll'L UL HIIXVOUIIES GIT taxes du'1'ing the months of J zmuzu` _,', T'~;~brua1'y, March, April and Septem .fc`1', and that in reukoni;1<,;' tl.c nnmnllnf n!` rHm....m+ Hm .1..o./. He` .\.. . .t Llfllll H. A. Ranc:y...... D, H. McG1l1.... \X7 'I"n Ala f\I'\n u, n. mculu. W. 'I`udh~ope . McKaughan . U1'I_l11I1 Dr. Harvic .... ..1 W. C. .G.oor;:c 1 A. C. Ha.1'ris....: Wainwright Asks for ` Lczlve of I6 Omllia ~Tn|-1,-in -.... ,.-.......... kc Some 1c'c cil did 11 un.~..1-. summer 1:1`. As a ma e men i'ou1 e the sun` ment did r\ n.` vnulnlin vtv I VIIU lllLl.lIlL'llJ.l.llL_y. Since it is our wish to try `L0 taro- vide work for those who are L11luli1- 1)1oyc(i, it should be our lll1'.`x`.f.'(llLn'.L,C] c0nc(-1'11 to plan work that will be L..:'C ful. It shoultl not be enougth to pw-l vidc some work, but ravhor work that will be worth while, The men them selves will feel better to know that what they are doing` is work of some permanent value. I I Rnmn Innv uvnnrlnv \\'l1\r Han r'n|`.n_ may wonder why the coun- did not o'ri;_;'inate work during; tr season for the unemployed. matter 01' fact, most of the found some einployment during summer months. The Govern did not decid-e to share in any public works until late in the fall l As soon as council learned that. the` G,overn1nent would assist in some] form of public work, application was made for approval oi` certain \VUl`l.{S! that would have helped. Our request I [Jl:1IllE.LllUllh Villllb . was granted. The works to be un- -dertaken consisted of certain pa.-i-1-_:, together with work on the prom. =d a.g'rir:u1t1:1'al buiidixw. The exccm.~3.-;- ally severe weather early in Novem ber p1'0\`cntCd the carrying on of \\l:1CUIIlU 101` L110 nrsc tune, Last year at the inaugural inecting I took occasion to point out the ser- ious problem the council had to lace as a result, of the depression, t3.;1`. had thrown so many of our citi.:en~` out oi` work. We were faced by Lhe irecessity .01` helping; those in need at a time when the ratepayers gen- erally were less able to bear the addi- tional burden. :"-.t that time we \."ere Iortullate in having the Central Re- lie1' Committee, with sufficient f`~1?1(l$ raised by general subscription, to look after the immediate T].(50\i5 of the unemployed until about the 1`i'_~t of May. The work of the commit`.- tee was carried out in a very wre- fiuv} and satisfactory manner. lhis yeu.r, while the number requiring help is not so large, we have no way` of takin-,j; czire of the cost of the llCL'(.`.\'.- sary as. except by the funds 1'aised by council. The `X})UIl(.Jlv'.l)\` by the council of a larg'er sum than wa.-a required last year will be neces sary. It is possible that the govern naezit will not contribute any portion al'1';<,1' .\l;u`cl1. Should this happen. the burden will fallpthe l1CU.\'l\.1' on the municipality. I .\'3nr-n ii. la n1n- \\'i.~l1 tn 11-v in 2-.n-n, Ciizi1';.,-ml with .stealing' a quantity of Sti-aw, im_v:11*.I.l potatoes-whiie un- dor .~`eiu1'e and in the lawful posses sion of the bailiff, Daniel S, Kciuu-y, of 1 i1oIp:+t. wa.~: climiisscd in police cou-1t Vv'edncs(la"_\',~* morning by Magis tr-ate Jcffs. Commenting` on the (-.r..~.vc his \\'o1'ship said he really couldrt see that this was a. case to take up the time of a judge and jury in Lin,- high-er court, _ I{:\I1h(x\7 \vi`1n \\'nc 1-r-rn`n;n1nn(i 1|` UV\'Jll"b", To Emplpy Full Time Collector Following a 1'u1l di.~tcu. on t.;:-. mrollection, it was decided to d.dVc1- u ggse for 21 full-time tax collcctor. 5;`-. airy o'c'rcd to be $100 per n10ntl.. either party having the p1`i\'ilL;.- of te1'mina.t'mg z1;g;rec1nent on two wec-'ns -notice. Dnnvrn `Dlnh. .1. .. .L-A-.',\. 4.- 21.. first \\'itnc.~:.< to be called. Ho told t.`.i<- court that the Kunney pi'opc2't_;, lHg1ll'l1' L'.UL1.l'L, Kennoy, who was 1'cprcsonLc(l W. A. Boys, I{.C., clrzctcd to be tricd by judge and jury, the case only '0'.- ing` a p1'climinzn'_v hca1'ing`. C1`0\\`1l At'Lo)'ncy F_ `G, Evans, K.C., zissistui by 17. Hunnnond, p1'o.~'ecut0d_ W. P. (`lnt(-, Elinvale, tax collcctui lfor thv town.-hip of 13105, was we ; not 1.-1, c0nccs. }, had t(12\'()S u\\':n:' for thu your 1931, part of 1932 un'l all of 19313. On the 9th of October he wont to Kenney s place, \\"hicli i. about a mile and :1 qu:u'te1- f.om Plm-l1)st.oii, and seized a. quantzity of }.:'oo(l.-= and chattels. The next (lay ho mz1(lL l`.`i`:e <-opit-,.< of the inventory or list of _L'o3(ls . One of tl1C:'L' he posted up on the house and one he ,<::x\'c Lo 1~.o.<. (,`z1vuo'11-zu1.g-h. the bailiil`. wliilo t`:1.~ tl`.l]`4l hn k(`Dt him- self. The list contained 21 quzmtity of hay and strzxxv in the barn, nizmurc in the yard, a cement lLl'0Ll_Q,`l1, one bag` of potatoes placed in the house, one binder, one riding` plow zmd :1 number 01' log:.<. '[`l1o. wore the goods he inndo :1 :~`oizu1'e 01', Ho tric-.1 to get in touch with M1`. kenncy, but was unable to do so. He th-on rc- hn-nnll l'Ili|V'/A l"`V] in Man ` czumluaue 12111611 to be CIQCLCLI. We we1<.um_e p2u'ticu1ar1y the three new members. AM. James has s(-;1`\'cd before. Ald. Hodg-es and Ald. Jay we welcome for the first time, T.:1<+- vn-_n- -34- Hnn innnn-nm.l I`\\t1~Q` . .. ucxluunlcn OI un-e uo-uncn: It is my privilege at this time to offer you my very sincere C0ll.{J,'1`ill.u- lations on your election to the coun cil for 1934. It must be 21 source of satisfaction to those members 0; the council of last year to know that there have been so few cliaxigcs in the personnel. No "member of council who o ered liiimself :15 a cmtlidate failed to be elected. ' \A7u urnlanrnn n-.u.~h'nnirn-lxr +l'\n LT \, :r\ [l"'l]l`lI II! V` `` 7'..`il Ill l".U "`\'( !lZll`.'.` )7 ceivcd a phone call from Kenney my i"s-- he xv.-inlw- to pay his ta:\'o,~=. he following! (lay he got in touch whl. the hnilill, who came 10 his of`r-e anti rr-I.-r-i\'(- :1 copy of the i11'\='nLo1'} and :=ub. he turned the li.~t< over to him. He also hanrled him .1 \\':l`1l'2l!lL. .-'i_s.':ne h_\' D. H. Coic<.2...... In his :1b<<'nce Patrick Rose, 01 l l:r~lp::to:i. \m.< left to r.ru:m1 Lhrr .<(-i'/.i- :n'ticle.<. The next witm-.=.< to he called vcas Thos. Cuv:1nug'l1, I-l'.il1sd:1le, baili` oi the fth Di\'i. Court. He claimed that on Oct, 11th (`lute called him up ; he had made the seizure and wanted him to take possession. He imnie(liv.tel_\' left for Elmvale. \\`.he1'e he secured the distress war- rant and :1 list of the seized a1't`ic'u:s signed by Clute. When he -.1r1'ivul at the Kenney farm he found the mow three~parts lled with straw, about 3 tons of may in the barn, over three years accumulation of mzmurr. in the barnyard, and one bag of go- Gentlemen of the Council: T+, 3c vrnr mvhrilannn n+ Ha: Charge Mayor Craig s-Wblnaugural Ba:r[rie, Ontario, Thursday`, T of Stealing Own Chattels Dismissed In closing` may I bcspeak your. regular and punctual attendance at] our council and committee rnecztings. The citizens of Barrie have placed In our hands the mallagenlent of `the z1'ai1's of the town during this year. This is a task worthy of our bust powers. ' I 7\;T.n ` nvh-Vacs +`.~.n 1'|n1'\n ...u..:,.1. r 1: must. (.'EL1'l1(3SEly souclteu. i I 'llUllL'C. Reeve Blair drew attention to ihc increase in the zunount ._ of unpaid taxes year by year. 11131927 the ar rears amounted to $60,478; in 193;): ` it \vas'$7.3,000; in 1931, $104,000, and in 1933 it was $121,669. l"h..s year it is iinp,-e1`utive that the cuun~ 'cil go after taxes, as the bunk doc.- not want to lend any more money till the amount owing reducud. The rec-ve tI10u{:,"n c it 11(i\'i;'21b1C Lu employ a full-time man to qzliec.` small amounts weekly or n1onLIii;- from those behind. Tixerc won at least seven applications now 1'61` SULII a position, and it \\'z1.~'. \\'iort.11 giving a trial. LJCIUU, If the arrears of taxes were col lecred the town would be in 3 ve:_, enviable elondition nancially. Our debenture debt is small compared \\'itl1 other towns and our well; in all ' depa-rtbments is being carried on eeo:.- }on~.ical'l.-3~` an(l well_ Last year we appealed to the othci bodies, for whom we have to levy, to endeavor to make their requi1'emenLs as low as possible. With their cu op(:1'a cion the council was able -.0 make a substantial reduction in Line tax ratr,-. To maintain this reduc-;~(l rate the hearty co-ope1'ation of the various bodies drawing from the le\';-.' is most earnestly solicited. I ln ('ln-. n-9` Wmv T lirlunnnlr x'r\1*.- 1 yu wcL:>. ! 1`vIa.;._f express the hope, which I and su1e' lies near the heart of each Of 11?, 'O`1:1f', `H14: tin-na nf` 1*()+1y: mu nun: uus ueau: Lne near: OI earn of us, `shat the signs of retummg prosperity, \\'hl(:.h are now ztpparcm. may soon bring in the dawn -;i'- brig'hte1' days and that the close of this year will see us xv ;-ll on the way to assured 1)-riosperity. uuuuiug 111 we near iuturr-_ The bearing of those in need I 1'- ing ijh-e trying times through xvii: v we are passing is worthy of all cm. nlondation. They .ha_ve shown most 1'e1nar1 rest-raint and respect, 10]` law and order. I believe they Jw_`.v.- done so because they 1'e_aa]ize-:1 mm. the council and others have been :r_y ing to help them.` I ~reg1`et vciy much, that there are a few pU1's'J:..i, who are unable to offer any co:.st;-;u~- tive suggestions, and who seiiisi-::; trade on the anxiety and wo1~rie;< of the une1n}Jloyed_ and_t1'y to pe1'. Uhem tllat the council could hr-`ya them far mo1'e,v-`i_1' the meinbers ww - willing to do so. Such statemvmt; are.m-.i~`.1`ea(li'n:.; and untiuie. Our un- e1npl'o'yed_a1'e too sane and too `wor- thy to_ be _deceiv0d in this `.'-.'21;,'. The." `question of the cnllm-mm nl tatoes in the house. The binder `nut! been taken to an adjacent farm and left in a bush, the plow was also there, and :he found 6 or 7 logs also on this adjacent farm which gave evi- dence of recent removal. He gave Mr. Kemicy a list of the ..1'ti:Ie.: seized. He never saw M1`. Rose am] \\'.-1-.~ nuv.-v h-..,L- -my 4-11.. 42.... .. :v.:i/.L:u. nu never saw J11`. K050 am`! \va.< new-1' back at the farm z1;.;aIn until DCC`C`ll`.l)L'l'. when l'1(:1'C(,`()l\ (.`Ll word that Kvzmey was taliing the __~'oo(l.< and selling: them. On this oc- casion, which was about Doc. 13121, he saw f1`e.~:h wag-`on tracks la-a\'i.`._u the barn. F0ll0\\'lT1l,' them out onto the mad and up to the 5th concu- sion where Mr, H. Quinnell was pro cceding along with a load of hav and . hc had secured the hay a r I{cnncy s. Ho instructed him to 1`:-~ turn it. He also followed tracks to the harm of Loftus, where in; found it quantity of str-.i\v. The bag. of potatoes. was also missing`. Ho also ; a number of m'tic1c.< fm intcicst, which action was taken` In a civil case, and on his way to court he b1'ou,r:ht his 01-ig'innI copy of the invcntory and l`.:.1nded it to M1`. Hem: moind. He had 11l."\'(, l' s'c-on it sim-;. About a week ago M13 Clute ,g'a\'c him his copy, but he left it at home. Hr-nrv Onirmnl Inf 1'7 ,.nn..,..._:.... my Lu [JC.(1(_)CC1V0(l 111 mus Tl1e.,' question the collection oi outstzintliiig taxes is one th'.Lt mu.~,t be given our very best and most earnest c'onsiderati'on. While l.ll\: amount is large, we must l`i.'mL'miJ(,l tvhat it is the accumuvlation of the l.1.~L three or four years, when comlitzom have made it increasingly diieuit 1": the `ratepayers to pay. Du1'i;1g; L;-.. past year an earnest effort was n11lilL' to reduce the amount. The 1'csulL has not been so good as we expeet ed. Other methods should now be tried, T4` LL . .......... .. ,n. any paving operatiors 2111.1 U!'L1\'C1 able de1ajFs... over xv,-xich the cu.:n--ii mud no control, niatic 1i; 1mpo.<..~:ib;c ;;\I go on with the work of [no Elg,L;Jl l' tural building. It is hoped now L2 1: some work may be done on Lin building in the futurr-_ Tho `n:-.\1'ihnr n+` 4-Ian;-, in I`II\ J ms copy, out no mm 1:; at home. Henry Quinncl, lot 17, conues. 4, Flos, a nei:l1bo1' of Kenney. ~.;.2 he met M1`. Ca\'z111a',;'l1 on Dec. 13Lh as he was preceding` along the roz. with 21 load of hay. He clzvi1nr:(,l In: bought tllf` Fnay from Kenney for .;-$3 a load. He haul already removed t\'.o loads l)r-fn1-o being.-` met by Cavanag.-h. The third load he ret111'ne(l and had not got any since. He also got (1 drill on thw .\'Ianning' place, an ud- ioininsr fz1'1'm_ for mhi.-h l1n mm: ".-. uuu Ull l/H!` .`\l&lHH~Hl1.',' ]')lE1C(. , joinm_2' tzrrm, for which he pmd Norbert Loftus told Hm r-run-f + In his _inaugural add1'es< at the opening` of the evening meeting, Hi. Worship Mayor Craig; stwssed the necessity of providing work of a wort -while nature for the unenlplug.-' ed and reducing` the a1`1'ea1's of tax<. 0\V]l"l'f-' _;umm_u- u1'1`n1, 101' wnlcn he pmd ;.3. Norbert Loftus told the court that he {01} at couple of jag`s of : It \`.':1s ;_-;i\'en to him by I\'enne_v in the latter part of September. He wu:~I told by KC-11ney s b1'ot;he`1'-in-lzuv to 1`em0\'e M10 . in December. Ii: had done some \\'m'k for Kenney hint summer for which he was to get the . \\'hene\'e1' he wanted it, ` Wm. .\iIcDona1d, I{em1ey s broth:- in-law, told the court that be under- .'~'to0d he could have some of the straw. He got three loads pmor to any seizure being made. I W A Rnvz r~n11*ncn1 1-`nu TA'nv\\\:Vw` Lllly SCIZLITC oeing` made. said this was no case to send the accused up for trial. There was no evidence to sliow that Kenney had removed or stolen anything. He claimed that the seizure was aban- doned. 11' a seizure is made it mu.<'r. be watched. If it is left for even I . . ` W. A. Boys, counsel for Kenney, one night, according to law it is im- mediately abandoned and no further j seizure can be made. The Crown' vu. 1\U.~.(: dntl he received 5 011 `hi; nx-.. re. rassion . ~,;.d ed or son xvns re. It` 1`(-uchml I 21 can of < tents on lowed, \ miles um um; . W. J'.. .I.. L: L1`. , 1'. L}, \`.,1c;k1_, mcmb:u1' 01 the L4 ;'1. for South Ontarlo, \\'u.s', 1':-j::L::(1 as House Leader at it cztucus mi,-ctin;_:_' of mbcla) n1-c1nbe1'n' on Satu1'du;y. It is .:t.'lt\.'xi that out of the ten members presunc, only onc--Sinclz1ir himselJ --p1'o`cc'=t~ ed 11:: 111.4. 1' u ti-:m. nl` `mm .- l1'L`\\'. W. E, N. Sinclair, I{.C., (leposed `House leader, \\ as rst elected to the Legislature in 1911, and twelve years later was elected party leader. He was one 01 the severest critics of the Drury Government in the House and declared the Liberals would st ml alone, and though prepared to wel- come any former Progressives to the fold, would make no arr2mg'emem.s with tlmt party. A rm prohibitior.- ist, he had time after time refused to consider any change in the policy of his party. He still believes the Liberal paity should not have .1 liquor plank in its platform for Liie next election_ n.,.r..\.'4,\ 1.:,. 1'--Arr ' `-`LIId.h H UII." T219 Llb(.`l'L'L1 .\I.P.P. s dc-thron.,(l 1M1`. Si11c]:J.i1- in order that Liley mignt co-operate with the Ni.\:0n-led P1. g1e.< in 1)1'esenti11g Ll unite-(I op- `.)O:`i1.iO11 to the Henry Government this session. Four members of the Lbe*1'a.1 party were not at the meet ing, W. J. B`rag;g', Dunham; S. Q. 'f\-.'c-ed,.S. Wellington; W. J. McKay, S, Bruce, and T_ P. Murray, S. Ren- frew. 1X7 L` \Y c1:_.,1_:, 1' /-< u in. (ion. .\.l'<-(;uil)b;1n Mzulc H:Il>'(>. L<-:1d(-1' by Vote 01. 3) 10 1. cu u;,'un1.~L mac u'zm. 01 ic;1L.1 to Dr. G, A. ML-Quibball. Asked by the press What happen- ed 1 as he left the nlcc-ting, Mr. Sizv Clair ruplitxl, I \-'e been Lh1'0x\`n out '---that s all. '72". I .k,_...\1 1: 1-) n :. ,x..u7 7 v `~.`.1p. uu.\;I. U1L'CLl0I1_ Despite his removal from the House lezxdersliip, Mr, Sinclair hit.` no intention of 1'esigning'lii.~: seat in the House, or of retiring from pull tics. 1 will contest the riding" of South Ontzuio again if I get the nomination, and I think I will get it all riglit," he said. 7\ lI' .Q1'n:-l-,n'\- \k-1: nlnnt-nrl |\1-\"r\\. ..J` an an-cu. The t1'euu*':er wa_s also zLuthor*i2;u(i to advertise that 21 discount 01' 6 per cent. per zumum would be allow- ed un. p.repaymenrt of amounts on- taxes zmL1a1`,', `N&~'~hr11:11'v_ `Maw-h .~\m'H and .Qnn .rrAnw mu 1'1gI1I.., 111.: S:ll(l. Mr. Sinclair \\a.< elected ma;.'01- of O.:ha\\'a in 1910, 1911 and again in 1915. In 1932 Oshawa was l1:-1\'inf.," zi haul Lime and Mr. Sinclair \Vas urged to take the 1933 mayoralty. He 21. .- cepted and \va.~: given an acclamatiun. 'l`l1i;< year he \\'i.<,l1e(l to retire, but was practically forced to accept the mayoralty again and was given an ac- clamation. LIBERAL cAucuT ousrs smcuum `THOUGHT GASOLINE COAL I OIL, EXPLOSION FOLLOW`: g'l'ULHlU; \z`fLllllllk'll \\il.\ l'[.`lllU\'Hlg SUIHC lmy which he had bought, and L-oftuua haul securocl some strzuv in exclmngro for work. He claimed that not n thing` was under sci /.u1'e \\'hr;n thin in1'o`1'mz1tion was laid. f`...-urn ,\+-+nu-nnu T."u-nnz 1'\I\\I'nv' . had not pro\'<:n that 1 _ mey re-1nC.';~d :mything' The potz1to(:s, which \v(.1'e vuluelc-. p`robab1_\` froze in the ground; Quinnell was runuoving some hnv u'1n'r-31 hn hnrl hnnn-hf and I.n{'1.;. llllUl'lllllLlUll E15 lillll. Crown .-\ttm'ne_v l ho\\`e\u1 thought that the . was good. Clute went out their with good in- tentions of making` -.1 proper seizure and posted Cavanasrh. who trier] to locate Kenney. The farm was never intentionally abandoned. The mat ter was delayed because another seizure was going` on. Apparently Kenney thought he was going` to get something` out of these c.l1atte1.=:. Logs had been pulled away and a binder and plow removed to an ad joining farni. Therefore, evidence ` had come out that certain things had been removed Finance and Asessment Blair. )`l2u~Ln1'en, Cavzmagn, D0lI_8_'2l_. Rubertsoll, Stewart, Jay, Public Works and Sewers Tack, Blair, .1acI-zuen. Dou_2'aI1, Shzmnon, HoLlg'(:.,<, Gill, Wilcs, Poucher. Fire and Police Shannon, Cz1\'zu1:1g'l1, Jame.~:, St.-\\.'art, Gill, l'ouch<>;_ Markets. and Parks Dougzzlll, Tuck, Robr3r`tson, Hmlgo.~', Wiles, Jay. Printing, Reception and . Advertising St.=\\'u:-t, Mz1cI.2u'0n, C;1\ n11ag}1, .Imn-es, Gill, Jay. V`/atep and Light \Vi1U. _~f, Blmr, Tuck, Robertson, Ho(1g'c.<,, Poucher. Relief and Transportation i-ii. Hi.'1i'.' .T:n\1n.- .'!h-nan.-u. [K E Gill, STANDING COMMITTEES TOWN COUNCIL 1934 First .\'z1mcLl on Each Com- lnittcu is Chz).i1*:nan IICI RY Blair, '7 .'l:l', dlltl LHELL Ill l'(.`L.`K0ll111g' C..C amount of discount the date of p-.x'_,'- ment, by instalment be con. .13. June 27, 1934. ` Wants Larger Grant for Band Mr- A SL1},-`g, leader of the Barrie `Band, appeared before c0u11eil'a1nd urged that if possible A larger grant than that given 121.51: year to the ban.) be made. Last year the band gave 14 band concerts and lled 15 en- g`ug'eim.n11t.~, \`'i1iL'l1 was 21 eredit:1l.l0 showing. The boys needed some 0.1- co111*ag(*n1r:11t and it would be up- preciated if the grant could oe,;.-.- creased t.l1i.: ;:::1r. ' D W. `Pi-for, 1'mn':><(xniinn- H10 r\

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