Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jan 1934, p. 5

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and small seeds. Soils-~Dii fcrent soil types, prin- ~ , cmles of tillage and c.11`.i\'ution. M` Fertilizers and .VI2lI1L11`CS---AnZ1'.V~`i< of ba1'n'_;zI.1'(1 manure and commmt-mi fe:1'ti1ize1's, their value and care; g1`n-:c11 manures. n.-..:n....1-n_'I"hn nice and place for The Northern `.`.Iu:-k]c~: and t`.1r- `rum-t< of N11`. or 21 fmv days. is . parental Urn. Houston ,1 ....,1 .1 Mrs._ s pent Thos. J- goinzl |\' \ I`|`\/I \1k\3\,1\ g \ : ehd Vne-r ` fnlll sited hzidy equipment. Genera1-A discusslon group muet- E.`- ing will be held each day to bring `out the problems that are most im- 'portant in the commtmity. !;l\ ll. ' .?}?f: l A pretty New Year's Day \vedd.n,; was solemnized in Trinity Churcii, Barrie, \\~.`ne`n Nina Godfreyda Bi1`d,5 daughter of Captain and 1\I;'._ EL..- tace E, 'G\odfrey Bird, became the bride of Mr. Ricliard Jo`-hn Cro`.;.,1ey, son of Mrs. Crossley and the late George Orossley, of Oakville. The cc-remony was performed by Vener- able Archdeacon A. R. Beverley, and Miss Edith Creswicke played the \\ ed- ding music. The c'hurc.11 was decorat- i and with m'm'Q=rr>.o11s and narciss` bvi ISLUH I and up. ` Advan r-o j 3 bod f ow (1111_g` muslc. 1110 Cll`L|l'L'.lJ. \\'u,:. ,uuuu.au-I ed with everg=reens and na1'c1ss' by the Oh-.1nce`1 Guild. 'l`Xn lm-{An n-irnn n n1nvrn--(- hvl the Uh-.1nce`1 uuuu. 1 The bride, _<.,-'i\`en in 1na1~ri-a1,-e by| her father, were a long g1'acefu1| gown of cream suede lace, the beuiceq I n1i.{hv.:d in cape etfect, and the bug` brain fallim-.1 from the waist. Her bridal veil had a cap 01' net with :1` 3wreath of orange blossoms and Shel n-_n-1-{m1 :1 hnnnnnf. nf vnllnw xmesl Iwreavn 01 orange mossoms mlu sue C`d.1`1`lf:d -.1 bouquet of yellow uses and bonvardis. Her attendants. were: her sister, Miss Isabel Bird, and Miss` Nora Crossley, sister of the gr-.:on1. The former was gownecl in green ve1- ` vet and the latter in red velvet, and they wore 1mLtchin-g hats and shoes, and carxuietl wreaths of holly and mistletoe. The groom was supponted by Mr. Hug-h Denison, of Oakvllle,` and the ushers were M1-_ Perey Plum- mer, Mr. Maurice Estcn, Mr. J. R.` Boys, Barrie, and Mr. Eyque 1*. Jarvis, `N Toronto. ` A 1-nnnunn menu lnltl nl Hun 3u`.mn `ioronw. A reception was held at the mmol. of the bv1'i(le s pzu'ents, where Mrs. Bird, 1-.1o`thc1' of the b1=ide, recelved in 21 gown of black velvet and lace with c01`sa_<}_;e of red roses. Mrs. Cro`.~g1(--.y, mother of the g`1'oon1, wore grey czhiifon with grey hat and cor- sage. of red roses. 'Nm Mannv nmmle left on :1 motor tile and open ditch-es. Weeds-Ident.ication. control, the` Sec-ds Act. l 1..,m-+ mu} Fnng'u.< Disezxs S---Pl'LL`.- Sage. OI 1'80. T0585. ` The happy couple left motor` trip and on their return will taku up; residence at Oakville. : ------- I The mzvrriage of Miss Gertrude; Do1=ot1*y Pugsley to Mr, Cameron? lhlllltcl l.ob1a.\\', Toronto, \\'1]..\ sol-` emnied at the home of the bride si parents, Cookstvown, on New Year s} Day, Rev. J. A. Leeco officiating.` The `home of Mr. and M1 Pugsleyi was att1`activel_\` docorutn-(I with ever-- greens and :11`; i10\V'e1'.$ for the oc-` casion, xvhic-h :1L~.'0 111`d1`k(2(i the num- vci`sz11'y of the ma1'1`i2Lg'0 of the bride's pzu-outs and the birthday of the g1'oom s mother, Mrs. M. R. | Hunter, Bradfo~rd_ "l`.hn `m-ido, who was 9*i\'on in inzu`-i l E : SUM, , :m:1 uunner, 1:rau1o~m_ , The bride, who was given in n;ar-` ri-age by her 1'ather, (2I1t(31L`(i the room to the music of the \&'c(l(lin{_," march,` played by Mrs, Theotlore )IcMii1a1.. She wore a gwuc-oful gown of ice-pink" taffeta, which W21: 1-1:1(i:3 on 10r1g,I close tting lines. She cz11'1`ied ai shiower bouquet of Pernet roses, lily-1 of-th-e -valley and n1-.1idcnu1mi1- fern. . I `Tie: hm~i< T)nnninu'_ vnnsin of the: I01-tn-e -vauey zuiu m'.11ue11`11a11- 1U1'll. Miss Doris. Dunning, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and wore a gown of lettuce green crepe \vith pic- ture hut in the same color and car- ried a bouquet of Jo-hanna. Hill roses \Zl.1l(l. maideniha.ir fern. Mr. Byron Loblaw was his bro oher s groolnsman. During the signing of the reg;isLer l"rs. Irvin;-; W. Walker, aunt of the - Ale. sang All Joy Be T-hine. Following` the c-eremony a recep- tion was held for the fty relatives present, Mrs_ Pu-g'sley receiving` in a smart gown of moss crepe in emerald tones with eorsage of Talisman roses and violets. Mrs, Lobluw, mother of the g'1'oom, wore I" semblc of black triple sheer and cut ` velvet with hat to match. Her bou- quet was` of buttery roses and \'l0- lets. Later Mr. and Mrs. Loblaw left for 21 short trip, the bride travel- ling in El. frock of rust wool crepe with liar of the same material and ,. seal L-oat. 'l`l1(_~j.' will live on the L:.l~:e- VI. r(- Ito-ad in i\'ew Toronto. 3 l 21 handsome on-` Mr. John A1'msL1-ong, of Montreal. and M1`, Herman A1`n1.~'t1'on;:\ of Tim-, `mins, were Chl'i.sU`ll2l.~` \'isito1's uL H1011` Lnsann 'lnn..,. 1111115, \\'(3 Hi home here. M .r:,.n nome nere. M1-_ .G,eo. .'-\. Elliott spent the` Ch1`i.et_n1z1.s holitluys with frientls 21 Id 1'elati\'e.< in 'J`o1'onto_ .\I1's. Iirnc-. Irxcin and f2unil_\' spvn C1n'i::t111us witlx her };z\1'(:nt.<, N11`. and `iv -. 3.11 at Beeton. IL is rep01u-(1 that the t1'ILllTAO}1iC\.`\.`.` i!:;ppe<?. 1_.e SH} axml 3'7 lyelow during, the past week. 'N1(=1~n is-. ruinrz iwr"`(-.4 01' i('t: 011 ulu pu:-. \\L'L`l\. There is him} int-`.~.c.< of Kempenfeldt H:u;\~' in fmnt 0.` the b.'t.1:1 i,hu1lun pmpc1't;.'. , T'hr,- I1`\\`in family spent Cuhristmas \\'i`h thuir father in Bzu'1'ie. _ Mr. A. Loucock 5-pent Christnxus: at `Fred Elliott's, `.7 .. T\rI\- and Th-a Tlnx-fnn \Nn|~nit-1| And 'l<`1'e(l lul!1ott's_ `I . Mr_ and .\`Ir::. Burton Wzlrnicu and family :=pL-nt Ch1'istma.< with the form- er's p:11'(2nt.~' at I.zm.~:u1g, Ont. ` rot. moulds, etc. Bacte`:io1og'y-Benecial and hzu'm- ful bacteria. W1-|1ifu and Verretzlbles--Suitublu Miss Annie JOV11`l]`\.0-I1 \'ibitCd friends lieu: during tlili? holiday. Mans, Conncll, of .~\Histon, has re- turnc-d home aJ'tm' \'i.~:iting with friends in Thornton . Lorne and Aileen Corbett, of Ivy, spent a few (lays 1`CCCH1;i_V with their g'1'an(i1)zm-nts, Mr_ and .VI1`s. .-\nd1'0w Coirbett. D T T`!'_I!'|- u1.;:n+ H11: N1-\\' VI-5l.1".< Uon'beT,1:. B. J. Bzxry spent the New Y(:zL1"s week cnd in Barrie with his ma-t11er. A/In ..n.l RI-_~ T\ I1cut'-\1l T-`.h\hi:-L nf \\'(5CK \.`l'1(l 111 l5Zl!'l`10 \\"l[H HIS ]])L".allltl`. M1`. and I\l1-s. RLISSOH I-Tlphick, of. 'l`1'0n1.'on. spent ChI.1'ist:'nas with the l:1t1;m"s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDo`nu1(l. Mrs. McD0'na1(l retu,1'n- ed home with them for 8. visit_ T\/|'.\-~_- T W I-Tnrn-u Q x,!:iH'n.o' \Vif.h eti home with them 101` V1S1E_ Mrs. J. H. Henry is 'viSiti'l'1-g` with her (laughter, iV`Irs. E. Davis at Ivy Miss K. Shzxrpc spent the week end with frion(ls in Hamilton. A nin .h..u- nl` rsnnnlxx in HHQ Vi('iT|- mun 1non(1s In nammun. A number of people in this vicin- ity aro sufTering- from severe coldsn It is probable that the majority of `nose are due to the chz1'ng`~eab1e wea- t'hm- we are now enduring. 1 Yn n . reccntly issued by Hon D1`, J. D, Mo11teibl1, Ministur of Y.n"~'w for Ontario. it is stated that ~:m!c_\"*wnt in the province has 1m- p1`0\'0d by uppmximatoly 25 ney .cnt. this fzl owr the correspo11ding' period n 3` 1 0'1") WEDDINGS CROSSLEY--BIRD LOBLAW--PUGSLEY BIG BAY POINT Fruits and Veg'et21l)les--Sllitublu varieties for the locality, planting, cultivating, spragvingr and stor1'in.2', Farm Management--.-\ detailed study of the indivkluals own farm, vsitlz -.1 View to cutting down cost of operation and eliminating losses so far as is: possible; simple l"m'm ac- '.E51;IToN VGIVOL, 'd.llLl| : \ 1' ex-Ly ' R. ` ue Nam ELECTRIC The Royal Bank 6; ganada General Statement Capital Stock Paid up. Reserve Fund... ..... . Paid . . . Resex'veFund...... . . . . . . . . . .. Balance of Prots carried forward . Dividends Unclaimed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dividend No. 185 (nt 8% per annum). payable lat December.l933 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Deposits not eating interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3 Deposits bear ng interest, including interest accrued to date of Statem_ent._. . . . . ._. bearfng including Interest accrueu to Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due to other Banks in Canada` . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farm Conveniie.nces--Farm water systems, rope splicing and hclter 1112;}:- mg, belt lacing, handling of too` .5, handy annm-n1-A discussion ninet- Notes of the Bank in circulation. . ... ... , . . . ... .-.. Advances under the Finance Act. . . . . . . . . Bills Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Liabilities not included in the foregoing. . Letters of Credit Outstanding. . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . Gold and Subsidiary Coin on hand. . . Dominion Notes on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves. . . . . . . . . United States and other Foreign Currencies. . . . Notes of other Canadian Banks . . . . . . . . . . ............. Chequesonother Banks. . A . . .... Balances due by other Banks in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion and Provincial Government Securities (not exceeding market value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Municigal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial ubiic Securities other than Cana- dian (not exceeding market value; . ` . ` . . . . . ... Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks (not exceeding market value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks and other Securities of a sufcicnt marketable value to cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans else- where than in Canada on Bonds. Dehentures and Stocks and other Securities of a sufficient mar- ketablevaluetocover. . Current Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebate of lnterest) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5216.349.-534-36 Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada (less rebate of interest) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts . . . . . . . . . 95.337313-73 Non-Current Loans. after providing for estimated loss 4,032,843.75 Bank Premises at not more than cost, less amounts written off. . . Real Estate other than Bank Premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . Mortgza on on Real Estate sold by the Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... Llabili of Custom: . undc_r_ L_et_ters of Credit as per contra. . . . .. \\;nI ..u...... v...... ._... 7. ,,,, , iortgta Eater; under Letters contra . . . Shares of and Loans to \ ontroilcd Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Deposit with the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fund.. Other Assets not included in the foregoing. . . . . ...... .. .. ... .. .. ... . . . fieposlt the 0 Other AUUI. lUI\b' hr.-l.\ I urn To In SHAREHOLDERS. Tm; ROYAL BANK or CANADA: We have examined the above Statement of Li_a_13ilitig It several of the Important branches. We hung obtained all the information and explanations that we have require: opinion the ixnnsactions of the Bank. which have come under our notice, have bet powers of ne Bank` The above statement is in our opinion progveriy drawn up so : the true conditir-n of the Bank as at 30th November, 1933. an it is as shown b the Bank utter giving eect to the transfer by the Directors of $15,000,000 from to reimburse the inner reserves of the Bunk and to provide reserves which they c Montreal. Cmndx. 23rd December. 1933. Balance of Prot and Loss Account, 301:]: November. 19.\'2...". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prots for the year ended 30th November. 1933...... .. l\.l fl\\JI'l\ll\ll'4l} no l'\JluA4\Jvvu- Dividend No. 182 at 10% per annum. . . .... ... Dividend No. 183 at 8 9 per nnnum . .. . .. ._ ...` per annum . .. . ... ....-` Dividend No. 184 at 8 per annum Dividend No. 185 It 8% Contribution to Oiceu` Pennlon Fund. . . . ... . . ... .. Appropriation for Bank Premlnen . . . . , . . . . . . . . Reserve for Dominion Government Taxes ... .. ... . .. Balance of Profit and Lou carried forward. . . . ... . . ... Next to Capitol Theatre Phone 1508 TANNER S E1ECTRlC\`| n. S. HOLT, President Montreal. 23rd December. 1933. Jan. 1`? to GRAVENHURST - HUNTSVILLE and all towns on line of T. & N.O. Rly. and beyond Cochrane to Hea|'st_ ATTRACTION-HUNTSVlLI..E, OF` TH ....- .--_, _. _ __, H. S. HOLT. President lances Banks and Ba Canada. Mr. P2 'I`oronto_ VT`. 1) n Cei1i-a-Mlle Round Trip Bargain Fares For Fares, Return Limits, Train A_.4:o-lCA1T NOTE-The Royal Bank of Cannda (France) has been incorporated under the luv: of France to conduct the business of the Bank in Paris, and the nuts nnd lhbllitiu o! The Royal Bunk of Canada (F'rn.nce) are included in the above General Statement. " ""' "` M. W. WILSON. Refrigeration, Sales and Service General Wiring and Contracting. APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: -1.-l-...l Mg. II ) at [I01 nor nnnnrn A Happy and Prosperous New Year to our many Customers and Friends R/loved to New Quarters Corner Elizabeth and Maple Sts. . urton s Old Stand res, Limits, Train Sefvice, Apply no ncurcal. CANADIAN NATIONAL PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE Dnvnv n..np an (`,Av.unA- orom;u_ M1`. and .VIrs. Jo a couple of days week. N/T::u \7:n-nn Witt LIABILITIES SVILLE, Ont.. JAN. 12-1 OF THE SNOWS ASSETS From BARRIE t of Liabilities and Assets at 30th November, 1933, hank of Canada. at Head Office and with the _:erti_ed "4 30th November, 1933 service, Apply to Nearest Agen _- 4 ~--uIl'\m'l A I 520.000.000.00 1,383,604.18 521.383.604.18 12.7-15.75 450,463,265. 841398.81 Miss Verna Wice returned to her school duties in SL11`ld1"idfI(3 on Tues- day_ 7`. Prof. -.n~.d M1's5_ Donald Cowan and` 314.117.860.37 48,`J22,$.H.75 3,000,000.00 21.713.830.99 `Jan. 13 to vuuu use-r 20,313,902.13 __?_____._ .~$:8ll,0`)lT2 18.334.821.80 2,314.09 vs--. _ GRAVENHURST HUNTSVILLE NORTH BAY $2,975,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 310,000.00 $1,106,954.95 3,901,649.23 $875,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700.000.00 :-1 3-14-CARNIVAL M. WILSON, Genus} Mannger Prof. and 1\'Irs, and family, of Cl1icz1_ spent the .\'(r\\' Y'.`m' with the 1'0-1`1ne1".~' fathm` and b:'o`che2's here. Mu -Jnrl My-<, Rm\'m:~n .\H:m and THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1934 M. W. WILSON. General Manager l,U:),ooo.7|. $729,160,476.-I4 -z-z-ji- 535.000.000.00 22,096.349.93 557.096.349.93 600.448.360.81 29.349.801.14 255,089.91 57,985.74 22.052.888.91 ...:._.:___. (-1141 man 47!. .14 8361.411 .645. $81.754,026.l1 69.945.189.10 106.850.615.53 Il`l,U.)'J.7u $729,260.-$76.44 T 316.119.392.39 17.015.987.02 2,424,277.85 883,009.27 22.052.888.91 6,328,639.58 1,500,000.00 464,635.98 JANUARY 8th to FEBRUARY 2nd, 1934 24,l98,073.9O 11.970.905.82 28.771.273.71 32.981.561.27 _s_5,oss.so4.1s _s5_.o6a,so.g._ -j-:---- --(T-1) l)`.'0Cl1Cl'S IH:11'5. M1`. and Mrs. B0\\'m:m children returned home after spendng 21 week in t :Z_.__.__?___ The Barrie Short Cmirses Col. the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, Ontario. Mr. J_ Slack, of Toronto. s'p(~nt 21 day visit;i'nvg witl` Jas. Sil1el.~;\\'0ll, 1\'Iiss Emma Quail is spendin_q :1 few xweel:;~: with .\I1':<. J. Ki.<. at E(l;3.".\l`. The .-\lg\\'zu1 Club will meet at. )'I1'.~. Sam. Le.=t;ei".< on Jan. 9th at 2.30 pm. All the inembers are on the lunch and ]n'og;1*-am committee, . Mr nn(l Mrs. McNalib. oi Guthrie , ' Mr. and Mrs. McNabb. ,. Christ-mas with Mr. and lVI1`s, T. also Mr. and Mrs. Benham, of Faguan at Coulson. Clowes, spent Christmas with '.\'Ir.az1d Twhure -has been no service at Mrs. W. Hutchinson_ `.'o.st 010 for the past month on ac-, Mr. Alf. She1.<\\'e11 and 1':1mi1._v'.counL of the bad roads. All interested are invited to attend Tickets good aolna Nov. 1 5 to Feb. 28 . Return limit, Atari] 30. Stop overs allowed at a lintcrmediute points. Full information front any Always Use ticket agent. Camzdian National Telegraph: and Express F3" ___/'/' Agriculture-n Barrie Legion Hall Home Economics---Library Hall [1's. Hutchinson_ , 1':1mi1_\". -:....- `T :o:o:z:o:o rnxcqpojoxu-c1o;<:4:ux>o4-1 - `Jr. Farmers and iiomemakers 0:902:32: 029}; ,.:. no;o2o:a1o:o;o:o;n ago; 330:0 I ~--~--- --- -----.-.......~ I P'a.1`ke1' Kc-lccy is visiting in to_ John Reynolds spent Lple in the city last `T W F` 7 Zn ` Cmwwhi EVEEEN PLAYGROUND .J~_. . ! Reduced Fares to "my-?,_ _f3 .'..` .3." . . . ..--.nu-n n r ~-:!'.::wT`.'.` 'f, ,___|I',',`J Canaei iaa 1m__ af:IV%i;t,a_%_gV;a; ESME. Full /*`~ WEST 0126 KNOCK 2 EIOCK. _ _ 3 g--Compos1t1ou, Hm. nf Fnmls. on 01 [()('`u.\, all r.-lasses vi AGRICULTURAL COURSE IN I3-ARRIE, JAN_ 8 TO FEB. 12 Live Stock--'l`hc breeds, rogist1'.1- tion, care and manag'L:ment of all classes of farm :minm1.<, practical work in judging; live .~,t0ck. wnmk and For-(Iin~-Co:m)ositim;, mun mm on Sunday the clty. I v I unnr uv v--.-.-, Tum Winter into Summer! Come to Canadn`s Ever reen Play round on the Sunny aci- c ust. Spend bnlmy dams out of doors riding, golng, h` - ing. motoring. LOW rail fares and special win- ter rates at hotels both contri- bute to the economy of a holiday in this sunny Canadian Play- ground on the Pacic coast. 5 to Feb. 28 Donn-n limit. Anril Stop VICTORIA, B.C. - alsoo H Sgfttle, Wash. '\ "` 7,. _ c.............- good some Nov. 1 3 to run. my A ril /; / / SHORT COURSES AT UHTHOFF AND FOREST HOME A SUCC:.SS The short courses in Sheep IIus bamlry and Woollen Handic1'a1't hel_1 at Uhthoff and Forest Home L3St week were well attemled in suite of the zero`weathe~r. '1`houg`~l1 the roads were blocked and the te1npe1'-.1tur<= down to 46 below, fty u.tten(led the Uhtho' course on \Vedn-es(luy zmd T'hur:~:(lay and 32 the Forest Home course on Friday and Saturday. Onc- boylrode 12 miles on horseback to at tmu _ Uuy 1: tend. Ini- tend. Intense interest was taken by thu boys and girls and the progmm .-.tzu'ted will be carried on. Spillxnng when-1.5 and looms, ancient and lnodern were demonstrated, and all were ezlger to learn how to operate one-. T--u 'v,.H'm-,1 m-nmotker for to learn now 120 0pu1';.LLc um.-. Jus, 'l`el1'o~1'(1, sheep p1-`omoter Ontario, was in charge of the boys course, assisted by J. F. Nelles, Bar- ric, while the girls 11L111dic1'a.1't pro- .......m \r:|q u'n r-h:m'0`(> Of RIPS L. y,L.uu Ha.) All e..w.t,e .. _.___,_ Stavert. On the last evening at both places interesting programs were given, um- sisting of motion pictures by Ivir. Nelles. songs, . and dz1.ncc.; by club members. About 180 attended. The membership of the U-hL.ho' and I<`ore.s't Home Sheep Club now totals 90 and a busy year is planned. work m Juugxng 11w: :Lu\ Feeds and Feeding--C storage and p.1'epa1'ation balzmc-ed rations for stock. Dnn1-1~v,__pvnn1`.i(':1] 1)-1`CC Judging from the interest being taken in Lhe Short Courses to start in Buniie on Uonday, there will be 21. large atten(lzmce. The Juuiov: Farmers will meet in the Legiun xlull and will be in cliar-ge of S, L_ Page, us. by N. W. I-larrison. of limo. The Economics Class will meet in the Library Hall and will be in charge of Miss Ethel J. Cowan, of Drum -Jo, and Miss Edythe Pelly, R.N., Fo- ronto. rm. nnlivcos will contlnwe till Feb. The courses will continue `Znd, and subjects of interest only will be taken up. .I.V.L.L.I.V .I:nJ.L.u ur Mrs. D. Mac-Nabb, of Edenvale suiYer.;-(1 a slight stroke a few days zrgo while visiting her daughter, 1\ Ir.~:. C111'man Downey, and is conn;.d t.- he; bed. up nnd Mrs. Durnford spent t}.r New Year in 1 enetang_ Ur, and Mrs. G. R. Lame u daug;hte1' Shirely, 01' Lucerne-in-Q `mac, visited over the New Year .v .\Ir. and 311-5. Geo. G. Johnston. 'I`1m .:1n:-Hrrn n:1..s'se(1 o quietly bed. Mr. and Mrs. ti. Year in Penetang_ Mn 1...! Viv: G. an Mrs. Ueo. Lx. .Jomxswn. 'l`h<.~ ulection passed off quietly ` .\Ion although a large vote w polled. (1one'ratu1ations are extended `Walter Downey on Demg L3lL`l.u 'ree\'e. It is the r. time that t, H-cvc. hu.~: come to this patxt 1...: tmvns-hip. I 1 `\i.. \7\ nI`rr>I' Fmlick visited ov SHORT COURSES NEXT WEEK poucu. Co11g'ratu1at;ions zu Downey I....nx~r. H` < Hun ygt ft_t0wn$p 3h:. VVaHcr Fwahck ovx LL Chxmnnas and New Ybark no days ith her n1other and brother Txvnton, 11.. .m.l \/l'v_- Rwnm of Barri Pou1t1'y~-Practica1 b1`ceding', cull- ing, feeding, incubating`, ho-using, killing and dressing, egg czm(lli;;g and treatment of (liseases. T\nh-\rin(7`_(l:H`P of mill; and Cl'(`ill1'., M1; and NI1`s. Swan, of Barri-e. .,.H-211`, .\Z<:\\` Yez11"s Day with their || .\I1'.<. .\I. lonald. I Stewart L_ Page, Agricultural Representative, N. Simcoe. the gm-ls 11L111u1c1'a.1L gm-; m chzm'g'c of Mrs. B. MINESING . 11.. ,.\Y..1..1-\ nr ' L-ours.-.~ LU Dhcllh Lay, there `ce. n go Harrison. as the vn L. _._ ...l.....,.n-\ n-l~' to_ m bemg e1euLcu` ' Hvnn th l`.hC Lluilu the 1'1-:-cnds. \ The C.G.I.T. enjoyed a jolly skat-` `ingr pzwty at the urink Thursday after- 130011, cold .11`. and Mrs. Angus Warnica were New Yezu"s guests of Toronto 1'1-fiends. 'l`I..- r` r`11'1` cn~1'nUnr` n inllv _-:kn1`.- or ulsease. Dai1'ying-Care of separators, milk testing`. mom C1'ons--G1`ain.~', roots, clovrzm, Florence Robertson, of Toronto, visited at her home here on Satur- day. 13;... W T. Ni:-`hnl -i: nnnn`0d to` (my. Rev. W. L. the `house this cold_ V `.m- -111 pl 7\'I1-c noon. 1\ I,--. and Mrs. H, C_ Black and T01`- re,-.v cc, of '1`no1'nton, and M1`. and Mrs. Angus M-o1*1vison and daugllter, of Newmarket. were New Year s guests at Ben, Web`-) s. rm. nm'+mI r-`1I`l1'I|"\ vnnho` nrwnnin at .15:-n, weon/s. 'I`h.c: United C`hu1'ch young people held their Ch1'is:tmas social at the parsonage last Wednesday evening. 'I`hc-.y enjoyed :1. variety of games un- til 12 o ccIc-ck, followed by candy and `:1'1'1p]eS, everyone having` a most on- IJ(\_vab1f: time. `Dr \\vn: In-nvnrxrl \\1H`11`I drmn 1`r>D'YP`['. J(\} ahlf: time. 1 It was learned with deep reg'1'et t 'l".u\.~'(lay inomning of the vezy sudden I dr_atl; of Mr. Wm. Good1'e`.%ol\\', at iv.i=l\ home on the 9th concession. On < Mon< .:iy Mr, Gooclfollow was ap1)a1`- 2 c-ntly in his usual health. when about 1 :1 o c`;oel< he remairked about not . feeling well and that he would lie down for 21 little rve`: He , ' 11p-.=ed `into unconsciousness anti al- 1 `.houg'h a doctor and trainetl nurse were quickly in attendance, he pass- ei` :-w.'ay quietly about 3 a.m. on 'i`11e.-`(I-iy. His passing will be deeply meurnecl by :1 lairge circle of friends and 2xcquz:.intzxnce.< th'roug"nout lnnis- fil l:O`\'l1'Sl1lp. 'l"`.\e suddenly bereaved '.\'ii,"e, two sons and 21. (laughter have the . of the community in 1l`r\i`I- nv-vnw tr.cn- soy-ro\v_ l`h W.I\I.S. of the United Church met at Mrs. Bert W1'ig;.ht s on Wed- nesday. Dec_ 27t.h. .`~\fte1- the open ing exercises, a fteen minute prayer service was conducted by H. R. Olrchard. Mrs. W. L, Nehol conduct- u(i the election of ofce-rs, which re- .-nI1-n.-l in Han cnvnn `nH"`II-O1\ hninn` 1'0 at the election 01 omcews, wmuu pc- . in the same `o"1ce1`s being` to tu1'ne(1. The Scripture was read by .\`Ir.:. I"ro(l P.ob;~1`t.son, the devotional lvv:1ll(-1;, The Touch of His Hand, 1; _v ;\'1- st. 0. Black, and the third chap- ter of the stud_v book was revi~cwed by 1\lis:~: M. Beelby. The date of the Januzwy mating` is chang'cd to Wed ' nesalay 1110 2-lth, on aceount of the l"i'(,-. convention in I`."i(l12m(l, to which Mrs. Bert \Vri_;"nt \\`z1;< ap- pointed a (lelcgrate. A social will be lwld on Tuesdzly, Jan, flth. at the p2n`. as :1 means of '1"ui_ing .~;o'n:u e.\;pr,-nse fu`n(1.<. l JLIIJ'.'J...".\u AL I-I .Lv\1 .5. )1-.1.;te1' Donald Craig` and Mr. Phil Nmvman left for school in Toronto On \'e\v You1.< Day Rev. W. and Mrs. Ncxnnzm and fmnilv were guests of .`-Ir. and .\I1x<. A, Jury. Mr. W, F1`>`..~e1', of` Spu`.':'o'.'.' !-::ke, is \'.si`.i\ng his f1'ie~n(ls. Nli;-.5 M. C~rai;:. of Elrnvulu, vis- iting` Mr. and Mm. T. C. C-wig. Servimas on Sunday are. at 11. Jo41m s 11 z1.m., St, P0t01"s 3 11.111. Service at Knox Church at 7.30` JUIINI p.m. Twin FY Miss F. C1'o\vt.he.r, who has been staying` at the rectory for the holi- days, left for Toronto on Monday. ` Mr Ed Vnllink snrmt tho wank rmdl testing`. Field C1`ops--Grain.~', potatoes, rotation of crops, SOCJ cleaning and gfratling, ju(l}_-'in.; grain and small seeds. q,.:1___ni(m-nnf soil tVI)l'S. (lays, 1811'. I0)` Lororlw uu muuuzxg Mr. Ed, Vollick spent the week ( with friends in Barrie. The Ch1`i.~:tmas tree and concert 21!. the school was a great success, and he teacher and pupils dose:-vr: gzreat credit for the way they took their parts. Mi<.~ Fvnlvn Shzmahan and Mrs. parts. Miss Evelyn Shanahan Jos. Dumond, of B1'ent\\'oo(1, Ch1'istmz1s with Mr. and ;VI1`.~'. '1 Smith. `Mu Dulna RM] hnnnnnml wi 5111 11:11. Mr, Ralph Bell happonocl wiL:. 1m'.' in .-\ng'L1:< last week wh he s'1ippe(l on some in: and f heavily, bruising 1~.im.<(-H" badly, The man who said we xvoru goi to hd\'(.` a g`reon Ch1'i:tm:-1.< \\'21.< \'C much out this year. Miss Black and Mr. Ne-` visit t'1'ic'nds ht.-re la; \\'r>rrk. Mrs Flora Bantin-g'.Ilu and E1` of Toronto, spent (hv'i:~:t1na:< with 1 f'n1'mer ;< mother and f':1thcr, .\Ir. :1 .\I1'. J. Dobson. 1>,..~.. Qna n{` l`nn-nnfn i< .\11'. J. uooson. Ross Smith, of 'l`ou-onto, ing: the holiday umlt-,r thr- roof. I \ 1.T..m~.v Mmv Vnnv `In :1 Tho bund:1_\' School C111`ist1n:Ls mm-_ cert was 21 L:1'eat success. The (--\'.-n- ing being` ne, quite a largrc nun.bL-L` g`utho\=r3(l and tho c~hi1d1'c.-n went t'm`ou;2'h t;`m-ir drills \\'0ndm'1'uHy well. Santa Claus 2u'1'i\'o(l ju.~~t in time to _L-`ivv the (-hildrun t`n0i1' pm-.<(*11t.< 011' the tree. '[".\n .~:-11/\r\1 r~nnrIn1*f In-`(I `H ".`I`n*| Ul'i\l1Q'f' hall was :\l.\,`() 21 auccum. I Sm*r_v to report that Mrs. Hous I hzul 21 nusL_\' 13111, stx'ikin;1'hL-1' head : being` unconscious when picked VV-1, hope for a speedy recovery, Mr.<. Legzget is (aoxvned to her 1 and is under the (loct01"s care. XII... \UrnmH'\-nrl Qlunv cnnhf n UN: IIWJO. _ The school concert held In OY21l1Q'\" Hall was also 21 success. Qnm-xv fn vnnnvf H1511 . NH`. Hm].- mm ls unuer EHO (l0L'l.U*1'S 1'2,u't.'. .\Ii.x'.< \V1'1mifred Shaw spent :1 (lays with the 1\'I1.<, Elson at ` Station \I,m.l.n,- T-In 1:! wnq vnfinn` U1(*. tn1'(`.(: \\'el1 Ilucu men. Visitors in the village over the wunk x.-ml \vevre: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Joslin and family, of Harrxlton. at M1`. Jos1in s; 1\/Iiss Viola. Stdne, of To- ronto, with Wr:<. Stone; Miss Annie -md Miss Esther Leigh, Misses Orma and Verna Johnston, Mr. Lester Clarke, Miss Marjorie Gmham. Mr. Hz1r1'i. Miss Myra Rid, Miss Ber- lthu C1'uw'fo1'd. 111.... An'n:n (`I-n-lrn nf .Tm'1'nH'..~:_ Is D1'ain~:1-,;'e-'Ihe use place ditches. Wnml:_Trlnni-3cation. the Station .\lo:1dz1_v. Jan. 1st. was voting day In the village for trustees, Wm. (`1a\\'fm-rl. M1`. Joslin and M1`, Jordon \\'m'o clectorl. Con;t1'z1tula.tions to tl1r-. tln'ec well tted men. v.'..:+nm. in Han villnmp nvm` tho, for :1 fr-w weeks. - Qute :1 number of tho shwmon have moved their shanties out on the ice. The cold wozrther has frozen the lake ovm` and tho i(.'(! is quite . but. no luck is 1'0po1'ted as yet. FT-r-. H. (`mwford spmt :1 few duys *"ith ht-1' f';1thc-1'. H. J. P:1cL.':u'd. -if Siuzmtjx B:1_\'_ `In -m.` \1.~.: `.1111-k]('.<()'I1 nnd son. thu C1'u\\"Io1`(1. .`.Ii.<.< Annin .F`1:u*ke, of Jar1'att.~:, IS the grucst of .`.-T1`.<. A_ H. C1'a\\"['n1'd for fow wee`-.:s. Onfn n nnm}\m' of tho .'.l'1'. (Int; .".'. .u n`f' '!`o1'0zato. :u'0 M1-.4. Hou. for pot. A Happy New Y(-211' to all. CRA_GI-IUIiS'1' ,1 r`I..-:... ....,l H! HAwKEToN: STROUD Nichol is conned to week with'&1eavy UTOPIA - Ina ct and Fung'u.~: DlSClS(3$---Pl'2L~T-1 tical control methods. of smuts, s:cw.>. `Rnr-+cwin1no'v--Be1]C('1Z\1

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