Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jan 1934, p. 4

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A Unique Service Rendered by tn: Honpital for Sick Children. 'I'....-._A.._ to help support that Lnsutuuon. Last year showed a great increase in the number of patients treated. The revenues fell far short or the actual cost. Public benevolence must make up the difference Contribu- tions of any amount are received with gratitude. and every donation is acknowledged by mail and pub- ushed In The Evening Telegram Send care or the secretary-Treasurer. Hospital for Sick Children. 67 Col- leze street. Toronto 2. ixe patents. As the Hospital takes xn children '1-nrn even` comer of Om-nrlo. non- Hospital 101' SICK um: lege I;i}.\IIA` \ his leisurely and lovely city, more typical of Old-World restfulness than Canudizm bustle, located in the heart of Canada's evergreen playground, is becom- `Inn vnurn and more the Mecca of playground, lS m-,cmu- ing more and more Canadians who, flying; from the austerities of the northern winter, have discovered that the Dominion offers climatic amenities for which in other years it was thought that Florida or California were the only solutions. West of the Rockies and warm- `ed by the Japan current, Vancou- ver Island presents some amazing contrasts with the rest of the Dominion. Winter climatic con- ditions are such that there are hundreds of hours of warm sun- shine with ideal temperature. minimum rainfall and conditions` at once restful and health-giving.-,. . Canadian enterprise has been quick to see the advziiilaucas ol'ior- l ed by Victoria for those wlin seek 1 summer facilities and S|)()X'l.\` iu1'- I inn Han nm-mal \\'in.(-r num'|xs.`: Iilclllukib uuu .~..\..... ing the normal n1 The city b0i1Sl.S one of xhu t'm.:.~~. ` hostelries of the Domilxinn. 1.31;; Empress Hotel, ovorlun`.-:u.- Hm; lnnpr \harbor and 1v.~.-:- uiod umex, nu-..\.n..... Inner \harbor 1v;.---.- lawns; social centre and , I 'I nterested = itoria, City of All-Year Summer Three years usu, we tiosplun for Sick Children. Toronto-the pxonuex hospital In Canada for chllur.-u only ---tent'.a.t:lvely started a servure L0 bu known as "The Parent=' P.~rsnn:\I Sorvlce " 1'h1.o. vnnnns that the Hosmzul St`! 4, 1934 h_zL('.- Miss Betty Black spent the week end \'.'it>h friends in Richmond Hill. Miss Ruth Smith, ofJ`o1'o11to. usu- od with zhvr pzm-nts, Nfr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, for .\'c\\' Yo:u"s. Bill .\l:nlvmnson uttmuivd the Older Bo_\'.<' l`m`li:unvnt. hold at St, An- dn-\\".~: L.`ullc_-.:v. .-\ux'm'u. .115 \\'>.-}&. Miss l`v:n'l Loth spvnt the holiday with t'rix-udr: in Gux-lph. Mr. G-vu. Uslmrmn of 'l`or0;.L0, spvnt .\'u-\\` \'u:n".< 11!. his lmmu in Lmxn. .\h'_ 1*I11_~.,-`vxxv l)o_\`m, of Orillin. was in xuwn for thv holiday. .\lr. Ruxwll .\lvl.:11'vn, nf Guam`--- town, spullt Nmv \'u:u"s.\\ith I'riund.~' 1'n x,ll'l';n\ Mr. and .``I1's, VV-.u`ren `vvilgar spexlt New Year s in Toronto, 'Hl I>;Ll'1`lU. M1`. -Cm). Tu Sat.u1'd:1y :1t'tox' in \\"vston. \I. II...-1.`! lll VV {`SlUIl. Miss H:u':'ivt I'lzn`t.11:1.~` rot1n'nvd to Dtlntmon. \v'l\m=u shv will 1`o. 1101' tum-hing dutics. \H 1nH:| \InRialn\ nl` 'I'n|-nnfn Lwuwnng uunc& Bliss Stolhl )Iclulc. 01' W`0|w)ntxL \\':1s at her home on I mu`t;n\g' St, mm)- tho holiday. \T. \l.\.\ IJ..,\.s.l|u.CA..~.\ ml 'I`.n-uni.` Km` no11u:1_\`. .\Iis< Mao l3ro:1 of 'l`orm1tn, and Bliss M. Slm.kuspe:u', of \Vu~.'t0I1. spent .\'o\\' Yo:u".< at the homo of Mr. and Mrs J. 'l'0mlinson. Blake St. Mrs. J. Curtis rotunlcd home Wod- Ilusday after 1). visit with her dz1ug'h- ber in Toronto. Ja`s.Cmne1`on. John Lane; Chas. Newton and Miss Esther Howe loft 'l`uc-.<(lay for Guelph, \vl1e1'v they will continue their studies at 0..-\.C. '\T..~ T7 \1,.T4`..n`l~n\-n n6` Tn-ll.:\I':] gconnnuc Lnmr Stllles at U..~\.\,. Hrs. E. ;\IcEac11m'n. of .VIc:1fo1'd, spent New Yea1".< with her sister, .\I1'.< V. D. B0L1'dSl1. Qwen St. N` ..~ T \....`.~+.m.un~ nf` T2:-nnnlu-Linn I .ur.<,_ v. U. 1592111131111. U\\'en cu. | Hrs, J. A1'mst1`ong, of B1jaccb1'idgc. visited with her m0thm', .\'Irs. C1if.on.. over the holiday. ` lllknzl T$-..nnnk ,.v-unnf \ nxx- `V:-xv`; Service" This means that the H.0S1)l!.ul aside a graduate nurse. watt) hex stenographetz for the exclusxve ns< of the parents, in order than Lh('\ mizht have a direct and mnm.m- Lnc nouuay. Alhcd Liscumb spent New Y;-.u".< with friends in Lind.=a_v_ D1`. and .VIrs. Alvin Perkins apent the week end with the latter s par- ents, Rn-\~, and Mrs. Curscadden, in I Torr. nto. "\l'.. and \T1-_- \\"n1 pns1\'r I n?` u 101'(.l1[0. M1-_ and Mrs. Wm. Bo: Orillia visited with their 50:; Beaver, over the week end. I `.H.-.- \Tm-mmrifp CnHn.:r` lsezxver, tne weex cnu. .`[i.~':' )Iarguerite GEl1121_'.!.1`:`, of 3Io1'risto\\*n, .\'.Y., spvent the C~1.1'i.~i- mas and New Year's holidays '.`.'ith he1'pa1-e1`.t:<, M1`. and .\I1'.=;. 1`.. J. Gz111z1~:chcr. -- . 4. n vw n `.',,_L'_ u-.-uu.,u- . )Ir_ and .\Irs. D. Emms. of I\'c1'th Bay. spent the New Yezu".< `nliclay in town. 1Tx~ T?` T T:`.\'v!'\r\ nf' I"n`.'.~.w . x_-31.. M1`. E. J, Byrnc. of '{'o1'c-' }E0\\"l1_ [in town over the week end. LIBERAL GETS EAST KENT SEAT BY ACCLAMATXON l l 1 Douglas M. Campbell, Liberal-1 ro- gres. nominee, who was the only candidate nominated for the by-.,lec tion on January 10th, gets the East Kent seat by acclaination. Last fall the Liberals and Progressives clamor- ed for having the vacancy lled. Premier Henry. thinking it (lC.~'i!`d.blx. to have Mitchell Hepburn, the op- position leader. in the House, offered him an acclamation in East Kent. but he refused, and this brought up the question of a by-election. As the riding at present constituted pa=ses out of existence at dissolution. and in \'l0\\' of the expense to the pro- vince and to the candidates for one session of the House, and a general election only some 1n0TItl'lS away. the Governlnent decided that there would be no advantage in contesting` the seat. tivitles. These include golf on superb full length courses, tennis and swimming in the great salt. quarters for varied sporting: ac-` water pool at the Crystal Gar- dens. At. Christmas the pagean- try of an Olde English Yuletide" is observed every year at the Eni- press with Bringing: in the Yule Log", Boar's Head ffarol" and :1 ' ball on Christnias Night following dinner. There is speeizxlly select- ed music every evening durinz: Christmas week and the New Year s live Ball is 21 famous in- stitution at the Empress. From November 1 to the following April 1 30 there are special low rates in ` force. . nrL...+ hm; cnnr-i:IH\' drnwn mm-R L1i'I) |.v Ll! ,-nhe 1:2. `Y. \ ' . .u 1., Personals however. shows how wortn-\\`1`.ne un- experiment has proved. Fhere are thousands or letters. intensely human documents. from parents. A pla_v- Wfight. would consider it a rich field. is comnms ready-made blocks :1 assorted emotions (or the nxalmxg or drama.s-love, plty. longmg. an:;.cL_.'. fem`. ram}. tape. exaltzation mm g:`:1.i- tude all cmmmod betwwn us nanny-.A 'l`u:ulin. ruturnvd homo {tor :1 h0lid:1_\' with 1`riu~11ds Chamber of Commerce Trophy; Victoria Rotary Cup for ladies best gross; and the inter-district team match for the Matson Tro- phy. The E. W. Beatty Trc`phy event is divided into classes for both ladies and men. Dinner dan- ces us well as other delightful entrarminmeni are given every evening at. the I-Znipress during the (-.mimmit.iun, with the presentation ni` ])l'i /.155`. (ll. u (jrzixicl Ball on 0105- inp, ni;.'hl,. - .\Im.rin;: is always 1L delightful - fnrm of c-mertzxininem. in ViCt0I`iZl. . 'l`l .. r.\........- \Iu1-Juno flu-inn \vinr1_ GOODWILL EXCHANGE or PULPITS I 1 Next Sunday will be the goodwill; oxcliangc of pulpits in Barri-2. Thisl cxcliungc is in connection with the wr-n1: n1 nrnvr`-r, \\'hi('.h commences. [WlTHTHE.CHURCHES `-l.~\d_il` F, H. Watkin. Next Sunday will be the goodwill This week of prayer, which commences Monday evening; and lasting till Fri- day. "he exhange of services on Sunday will be held in the evening, with the exception of Central and Cl:1pp(`rton St. Baptist Cliurc-hes, wi;.icl1 will hold their p:odwil1 exchange at. the morning` service_ l"ullnwing are the changes in pul- pils: St. .~\mlre\\"s Presbyterian, Rev. l. lil. Long; l`lssa Road Pl`\'. .-\d_it, 1*`. H. Watkin; Centml United, .l. .\'. Rex; Rm , Si ration .\'\|l'lt. 'l`ln- \vm~`.< oi prayer which (unn- nn-m-~~~ l\lmida_\' ni:.,-`lit, will he held in he \':iIinu.< ('l`.l1l'(`il(`.'<, lit-g:i1i1iiiig' at 8 p.m. 'l`ln- reg_';11l:11' minis1.v1' of the \`l`lll'(`ll wlu-re the .~ is being`; held will preside. while the visiting; minister will deliver the :1ddres.;_ loll<)\\'in;e; is :1 list of the clnirelies and the speaker for the e\'enin_s.,-' : .\lomla_v--St. l`i(-lcei'in5.;`. ll. (`.arhig:; Regular Bap`.'isL, ll. D. Sinclair; (`itadel, Dr. .~\i':n_v J. i(`\`> J. H. Gaz'bi32:. `-\ l`1ll10>`(l:l)'~ C(illl(`l' Sh. D1`, Shortt. 'l`hm's Baptist, l.. Lone`. l"riday~-(`lapperton J. S. l`l. St. I ixuys-r-r-In 1uInI_I'I" EEDIIIFE AT l{.-\. W. l\'. .att_\'; (`ollier St United,. Clapperton . lapli.-~l, Rev. Louis Pielcerin-g`; Sal-. S., .~\ndrew`s, Rev. Louis 'l`u e.sda_v-- Salvation Army Cit.ul('l, Rev. Raptist, I . ______. | William James Goodfellow, one of EInnisl s most respected citizens, died .suddenly at his home, lot 23, con- cession 8, on Tuesday. Thougii he :had been in poor health for some ,time, his passing was most unexpect- ,ed. He had been work1m_z; as usual :most of the day and was seized with ya stroke. Mr. Goodf-ell-ow was bolrn Lon the farm where he died, 65 years .ago, and `had lived there practically .all his life. Since young 1nanhocI.l he lhad taken an active part in church and community . life. He was a member of the session of Stxouud United Church and had been super- intendent of the Sunday School for a number of years. He had also served as school trustee for many `years, and it was mainly throug'l1 his `activities that the Trustees and Rate- gpayers Association was organized. }About 38 years ago Mr. Goodlellow fmarried Miss Susan Wairnic-a, who isivrvives, with two sons, Roy at home and Ward living` nearby, and a dangli- ter, Mrs. W_ O. Jacks, Hamilton, Two `brothers and two sisters also survive, : . . Goodfellow. Barrie; Allan W. of Saskatoon; Mrs. J. E. Lucas, Le- lfroy, and Miss Mary Goodfeilow, iBarrie. The funeral was held on lwednesday, service being con(lucte(l {at the family -residence by Rev, Louis '1 icl(-elring, of Barrie, |Rev. Butt, of Churchill. ,A. W. Goodfellow, Barrie. inient at Sixth Line Ce-Inetery. assisted by Pall-beare'1's jwere Messrs. Selby and Edward Carr, lWm. Warnica, Innisl; John Ferris, `Aurora; Wm. J. Ferris, Bradford, and hier- KL. oi` v.>n1-,~ in! llln` cl`.urvlu~.<. at Si l`l1.- timt bvin:.';' lm (.'l1I1l'(il1CRI| the . \'lm1.ln\- Rf ~\nrl1'(`\\"s. Rov. l.m'.1s' and M10 s.p(`z1KL`l' 101' Lm! l.`\`L`lHll_L," : ;\Im1d:1_\' St. Louis` I 'l`m_~.s Citmlol,` ` S.% I WW... 1.... Dun-n1-nu R-n\Hu+ "{'.,.\r WATCH-NIGHT SERVICE AT CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 1o]1o\\'in_:1' the ro.,r1;L11ar evening 5813-` vice at Centrzzl United Church on; Sunday. a Watch-Night Service was con(luctr~rl in Lhe Sunday Sdxool 1'oom.<. \\`hi('h I:1.~`1;G(1 until nhe ringing` in of the Now Year. The service was` \':ul! attended. I i THURSDAY, JANUARY % -1Kl` :11 At the conclusion of the 1`eg;u1a1'}a- I cvcliing` . the choir gave 21 45- 11 minute caixiuia entitled Come Y: to [4 cti1](-hc-1n. uftuy which Rev Louis H Pickoriiigr 1-z- in -(L si11g~.song' of Uld. t fainiiiar hymns. The congreg`-ation`;f *.~.\'t :.i.<: in the Sunday Schcolg `l`0()m.~` for a social fellowship period,` when \'i11i011S members of the church _u`uvc. .+ho1't talks on phases of Lire C';n-ist.ian 1-v1i_:::ion as revealed to Lizeni. A remarkable feature was that :he majority of these talks were given` by the young people. This period in-i` ' so consisted of songs and prayer, and 5 at the conclusion refneshments were! ct-|'\'!3\l'; In an (~,nmmzunmem. III vu.'LuruL. r- fzxnmus .\I:|1:L}1aL drive, wind- : fur milr-.~: thx-nu;;h some of the (:24! ::<:mw.`y in "nnudzt, offers -ilinins In zunuirls which make fuxsatly imnrn:-,.inn:\1l_v famous. Mm turn munf. mhr~2' \\'u1'th\'.'hile uls :`:~--n-`|~in;: I-u,\nnd Vicmria. Ihv 'l:nim~ uf Ihl`I1im|)l`iSt. If `.:hu`l 5'-1| lrip i~. d..-.~4i1'ed, there :1".-,"-;1v run by p;L1u1`.iz1I 3-. ~9 r.\;-n \'-,\v-.nnn.. x.` I At 11.30 the Watch-Night Senicei cmmnc-need, at which M1`, Pickettingil 9'a'.'v 21 New Year s message. Thel sc1w'icce was brought to a C105 : at r1"){\`) ` .\1u_\'o1' Ste\\'art s popularity in place: outside Toronto has a pleasing 1~c~fi in the notable falling oif in zmti-'i'01'onto press comment in re- run-nt _\ea1'.<.--'1`e1eg*ra.m. | I .-\n airplane ride will end 3. com- mon (-ol(l_. . a specialist. So will :1 paiar-liufn if it cloo;=.n t open.--Hali- .'2i:. Hmmld. l uu u_y hr! W .~:n ml 5` .:.II 1.10. \ `Tun I T ._`:ll LIU. ""r'iI'ir` Ru . ...` .. . 1...- The Norjchern A dV.`1I`.('.(`. On the morning,` after Christmas, at the home of his daugihter, l\'I1`s. J. 1). Hutton, Barrie, Mr. S. J. MacDonald passed away suddenly. Although in delicate `health and failing strengtli for some months, Mr. MacDonald, accompanied by his daughter Marion, ihad been able to come from 'l.`o1'onto Fland enjoy Christmas festivities with -lhis family His sudden passing: to the ` 0 Hip:-her Life was like a translation 5 Absent from the body; present with J the Lord, and as the poet Long- L fellow says : ll: 'l`here is no death; what seems so L , is transition ; Y1 This life of molrtal breath 0 Is but a suburb of the Life 1. . Elysium. 9 Whose portal we call Death ! j The late Mr. MacDonald was born 1` April 6th. 1856. in Malton. Ontario, and came as a small ehild to the vil- `en CO\'( l'$ The nurse lzx clmrge ol 1...: 5:1-\.w. is naturally immensely pogular with the children. They look so her for name from home. To the parents SAMUEL JAMES MacDONALD For #26 C52 /a mz .9 Sake Toronto, UL-ruin An open letter to every motonst in Ontario We have learned to think of Christmas as the children s festival --the tlme when ch1'1d-hopes and happmess are htted lugh in every home in dry, town, and village. D~ r~L...........n 4-uric .9 \,'I>I`\' n1'1`r--n n of 1cv roads and slmpery home in city, and village. But Christmas-tide is very often a season of icy slippery streets, when driving becomes diieult and dangerous, and cars slide and slip over the treacherous surface. It is the time when accidents and fatalities can happen without warning ~- unless drivers realize the imperative need for added care and extra caution. Throughout the province to-day, thousands of children :2 re eagerly anticipating the coming of Christmas, and the joy of the days to follow when the presents and pleasures of that day will living renewed happiness and enjoynient. It I, nnv Fnnlr nF rlriving or from anv neglect or some simple happiness and enjoyment. If, by any fault of driving or any neglect rule of safety, you were to deprive one of these children of health and strenfrth, even of life itself--what a responsibility would be yours! For tl., children's sake, this appeal is made to you, and to every motorist in Ontario: that throughout this winter, you undertake to drive carefully, cautiously, sanely, and safely, lest one child- s life be lost, or one little form crippled or torn? Don t let any home in (\--A....:.-. I. ,:....im..,.ri Iw mrrmv and sadness this Christmas-tide be lost, little torm Cflpple or turn . 1Juu L ILL cuxy um... Ontario be darkened by sorrow and sadness Christmas-tide because YOU did not drive carefully enough. This is an Ol)_]Ct1V worth the eort --and its cost 18 only a little more care as you drive. iurmm ....,: vs-\r\t-a +1. rnnQIr`lPrn1'P mnmrists of Ontario are reallzmg th. H1314.-`r' Wth. They 100K :0 ner Au: news from home. also. she is a very real person. t1~.o'2g;h they may never have seen hex um`; some write to her after um: _-1.'.`.c.rc\. nrn hump, Neither do the `J rm. l lage of Ivy, where his father was one I of the rst school teachers. The ( family settled on the land now occu- ( nied by I. F, Lennox and G. L. 1 Davis, w-h-ere seven brigght, hag.-py`l brothers and sisters grew up, adding much to the social and intellectual 1 life of the village. On Dec. 1st, j 1888, Mr. MacDonald was united in . 'na1'ria;z'e to l\ Ia1`;ca1`et J. McNaul1, A (laughter of another grrand old pinn- em` family of Ivy. Settling soon after on a farm on the tenth conces- :~`.im1 of Essa, a family of ve were; _ born, and g`1'owing up, entered intc' ' all the inte1'e::ts and activities of the Licommunity. M1`. MacDonald was an _ <\arnest and loyal suppolter of the Prr-,:~:byte1'ian Chu1.'ch, an elder at Ivy _ for many yea.1-.= and a member of ltho Board of Manage1's_ "" " " ' `"5--~`~ vvnn l-xvnlzr`-i1 in `till ? I50211`(.l U1 .\V.l(L1|a_c3\,:a_ The family `circle was broken in | 1918 by the sad death of Clare, the; second son, and again in 1020 xthc-ni Cecil. the eldext. was taken. Thu. on Jan. 4th, 1926, the mother was vullcd away, the remaining meml,-e1"s h_`in3_' 'L\*In'.=_ J. D. Hatton, Barrie; Nllssl Barrie i.iberal-Censervative Ann V-vwrg.-.-- --_:_.._> Owing.-,` Lu Llu-, :;uevm-n \ve.',1ther, the annual meeting of the Barrie Con.s`c-rvu.tivn A:;:;m-iutimn 1-a1lc(l for last Thursday night, \va.s post- poned for two wuet-,|<;a, an-(1 will be held in the ' om um: (`OIIRT CHAMBERS l.l\.lL l.\JUl\ 1 \ll!$AVlA.I.|.al\nJ Thursday, January 11th.. ATD DIN :1th-to1l or me open rouu. that this gratifying improvement is maintained during a days of winter, as well as throughout the coming year, ' make this resolution, if for no other reason than for V sake: to protect life and health by driving with care hy observing the simple rules of the road, and by 5' Vour mott>o as you clrive along the highways and the 'n ,.`. A FULL A'l"l'l'INl)ANClC REQUESTED, F. FOSTER, Sn, President. C, D. S To The Electors of Vespra Twp--- Please accept my vlwarty appfeciation for your loyal suppolt at the polls on Jan~ua1'y 1st in .e1cctmg me Deputy-Rccw: for 19.3.4, I z1: I will do my best to fu1'1;her the lute.-re;~:ts of the town.-zlxin ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS unTnn \/FHICLES BRANCH boy. successfully treated {r- 1m3m.ue Paralysis. who thought ) gmgly of home while in the Hosp'..:11 and of hi: Rnzniml friends when di urc you 1 wxu uu uI_y uuuu vv .....,..... .,..`. ...-......, as :1 whole. Wisxhing you one and all a Happy and Pro;~:p(:rou.~t New Yea,-_ l"_`x_`\ `HIV I IVIILIV I kl!" I II\2l Ilvr MOTOR VEHICLES AN NUAL 9 `551 `- ONTARIO I:_'kI'l" f\: L. 7l'|\I1' i|.Il`II \\Hl UU ucnu All vnnv POI JCE COURT CHAMBERS Asssociaiian / // // // THURSDAY, JANUIXRY 4, 1934. \1'm'vsn*r of Hiizlnm I'll close now" An institution that 15 not. content to heal only. but Ieels tor the dis- tressed parents to the extent of set.- ting aside a graduate nurse and her stenographer solely {or the purpose of lightening their anxiety. must. awaken in the hearts of all a desire ROY N. HICKLING Marion and Bruce, of Toronto. An older brother, A1ex., resides in La.- comb, Alberta, and three sisters, Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. I. F. `Lennox, all of Toronto. TTVLA .l.'..........1 ...._._._.A,. ....\.. 'L,I.'l -5. LL- `L4\.AIxrv.\, uu. u;. J.vLvIAvv- The funeral service was held at the Home of Mr. J. D. Hatton on Friday Dec. 28th, when the Rev. Dr. ShorLL, of St. Andrew s Church, paid tribube to the sterling charactezistics of the (lecctascd zmd spoke of what we owe to his g'cnm'atio:1, who ,v_r:.xve so much n4` h-n.r. \'411n(\u in }\nHrHnrr 1111 run` LU um of true }country. I luuulluxy. After prayers the funeral p1'oc(.ed- ed to Ivy Pm-: Church and C0111(3t01'V. where interment took place. n-onducted by the minister, T?m- `Hr, Pnrnell. ])l'c1(.'(,`. l'UJl(lLl(.'LLtU. U_\ UHU n1uunL~<:L, Rev. Mr. Purncll. In spite of the intense cold and 3.1- most impassable Toads, many old `friends and nei_<:hbo1':= gathered to pay 91.`-W31.` 1:v~'1 `f`:'7.bUtr\ nf` vosnect and 'o.~'tem`n to one V."-*0 had fought :1 wood srht. had kept the faith, and _ 11`o\'.`1-(sting in that hallowed spot, flawaits the gloriouc resurrection morning. STEWART, Secretary. 3n(3l"d.LlUil, \\HU gatvt: EU HILKUH values 111 budding up our anxxety. must awaken help support that Institution. year

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