V01. LXXXVII. N 0. 43. BANQUET A SUCCESS L F. A. Lu;~:hlc_v, South Simcoe agri- cultural representativc, and E. Ii. Hampson, who worked together m at- 1'an;;'ing details of the bam_xuct and program, acted as u'hai1'mL11. Mr. H. 1-". Lefcvre was called um.-B. program, acteu as C;11uu`uu.u. Mr. H. l=l_ Lefevre upon to present the trophy to Prof. \V. J. Squirrell on benalf of the Royal `vVi1i- ter Fair, who in turn made the ,2";- sentation to Mr. Cassin. Mr. L: fevre said this was the third yea. .1; had come to Simcoe County to pre- sent. the trophy, and he was beg`ir.- zning to think it was to be an annuai occurrence for all time. It had been decided that the same person could not win the trophy only once in tfnree years. Mr. Gilfen, who won Ii. last year, had the l)0.~ potatoes at the Royal Winter Fair this year again, but he was not eligible, and as Mr. Cassin's potatoes were next best, it was decid<.-(l to make the award to him. Referring,-` to economic condi- tions Mr. Lefevre said that the de pression was bad in the cities. in Montreal many are on the \`c1g,c of starvation, and in New Yolk the greater part of the citizens do not get enough to eat. This depression is like a sick man who gets too .1uc.h }loctoring'; the world is sick and .. there would set,-n1 to be too inucn in- erference. hf people would just keep cool and go about lihcil l,>u.<- ness, it would be better. 'i_`r.L man who is learning` to _L;'row better pota- toes is doin3.,}' more to rii,-:ht the ihs 01' the world than l1lO>l. of u:.: S`.xuri)(:` '.. The Pota.~,`h Company `\\ l.~'.il to d`. everything po.\-tible to assist the grower.:. Prof. Squirrell, in pa-esu:ii:1m; the trophy, said that Mi. Cassia had made Alliston fainou.-. He \\`.Ls a ~-in-nnnu cl1n\\'inU` 0lll:l1'l0 llU\\' l,O in trophy, 511111 ma: Au. \,u.:m;L nuu pioneer in showing,` On Lzu'i0 grow potatoes, and how to ]!'xz1l`kut them. 11`. r`-...-,_;n in an-m)t1i1u' the gold them, Mr. Cilnbill, in z1cc,-lmng gold watch, t11anke-(1 the donors, but the honor still bcl()n}_';L-d to Mr_ Gi1'1'en. At the Royal l*`ui1' then. \\';~rc some :|',nl.`llIlr`II DH 0329 nhreel '1`. C. H-ammond received .ac\'(`.1`c head injuries as the result of an acci- dent Friday night when the cup in which he was riding left the icy 1'uu.(l- way and went into the ditch. Ham- mond was coming to Barrie in a ` Czulillzic .\ (`(i1l11 owned by Chas. Haw kins, Barrie, and driven by Ralph Skinner, Owen St. Skinner was pro- eQ(s_i1im:: east on the Angus road through a. heavy storm when nc lost control of the car on the icy road. Hammond who was sitting beside him, was badly cut about the head by y- ing glass, which necessitated ms re- moval to the R.V. Hospital. Skinner escaped with a shaking up. . -"`-"i" 1 INJURED WHEN CAR DITLHED} .K0yEl1 l`illL' I.rllL:1'\. \\I.'ll_' av \f.m.`.mIn-u nu page 3 3 mjibgm gmmngg \L On Monday morning in local police court John Scanlon and Cliff Robin- son appeared before Magistrate Jeffs on charges under the L.C.A., the former for being drunk 1n a public place and the latter for being drunn in charge of a car. The two were ar- rested on Saturday, Dec. 16th, by Chief Stewart and were detained in custody over Sunday. Appealing in police court Monday inorningr, J. R Boys, their counsel, asked for an ad journment until Wednesday, Dec. 28, in order to produce more n1aLe1".-a. evidence. In connection with Robin- son, who was charged with a ;no.r(~ serious ollence, Mr, Boys a.si;e(i that he be allowed his 1'ree(lom over Christ- mas, as bail was not fOl.'l}l1COlYliI15- Crown Attorney Evans, ho\\'e\'er, did not consider that the man should ue allowed to go witliout bail. As an indulgence of the court, Magistrate J e's thought that the man should be shown some con. at Christ- mas time and allowed him to go on his own recognizance till Dec, 25th. Potash C01111)-a11y P1-e;sc11ts J_`1'0phy to J. '1`. Ua.'ssi11, 19233 \Vim1er. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IS QLl{\\l1'I\I' D` `euacnon RUMORS IN rm: mwnsmps Nmninmions `mu be Held" on b`1.'i(1ay, Electlons ` J-a111m1.-y lst. ; $6,512.61, 5 1' levy. 1 1 Friday, December 22nd, is nomin- ation day in the townships, when the statements of the 1933 councils will be presented and decisions ll`l.`t(lC 8.2: to whether there shall be a cl1:ui;,,r: in the 1934 c0lmcil.4 or not I lnmsfil Finances in Good Shape The nancial statement 01 Iniiisi townsihip, printed at the .`m\'anee ofce this \\'ee.k, shows that the'l township is in better shape than a year ago. ance at the Including cash and bal first of the year 01 receipts totalled $111, 1 002.83. Expenditures totalled $105, 476.74, leaving a bank balance 01 $5,526:69. -Bank loans total $15,000 compared with $6,000 a year ago, but the 1933 county levy 01' $32,734.30 paid, whereas a year ago there wa: owing $14,339 on the 1932 county 1 The total on the collector` roll is $77,370.24, and of this $40, -179.00 is paid, leaving a balance dut from the collector of $36,bfJ1.2-V1. Asszets over liabilities are given as $2($,709.1S). Ratepayers will meet in Stroud Co1n1nunit_v Hall on Friday for Iioininations. lt is rumored iha` ex-Reeve A. L. Webb may 1L`, ,.'.ll1 eon- tcst the rccveship, opposing` Reeve C. W. Henry. Fred Peacocn ma) -:l.~'u decide to run again, Election Likely in Essa Essex nancial statement, being primed at the .-\.(l\'ance, ~'liu\\`.s the to\\`n. to be in better .<.l:upe than a year ago. General 1'eeeipt.' and bank loans total $72,Ii(5l.T!l and e.x- .1.lIt..- (`:1 "U" n'.' l...` in. -u _\'L,`iL1` 'd.`b'U. uk:1u:1u.1 1\:n;I:1yLa culu $ 72,ti(51.`TS> penditu1'c:: $51,787.07, lg-axing 2: credit bzliallcc of $20,87 [.`"2, but tin: .1933 county levy 01' `l8,8A}3.00 ha; not yet been paid. 01' S-1-3,(i2:3.nJ. 1'-xv:-< fur Hl.".Z-1 $941 000 11:15 h(-P11 1zlXL.`.~: 101' L:)~_n';, -).:.-1,UUU nun UUUII L',OllL`l,`lL(.`(l. ;-\.,sets are given as $73,- :)"!~l.{)-L and llzll)llltl(.`;i $.}o`,7-lE).~'15, leuvin}.;` it SLl1'plLl>`. 01' S1(3,:375.09, lmliuatioils are that there will be an election in Esszx, as W. J, C. Bouko has imlicated ulmt no will zxgziiu c0nte.<.t Lhe ree\'e's seat, and Councillor Bluekstock, it is under- stood, \\'1ll not seek re-election. .+. new clerk will have to be appointed to take the place 01.` W. M. Dll1\\0.)(l_V, the new she1'i'. Talk of Electi0n in Vespra There is talk of an election in \"<.-spin, and Reeve Down is \\:ll;ng to retire should DepL1Ly-lieew. W. . Downe_\,' '\\'l.>`l1 to step up. l`:2\`~llev`.<- , Alex. Wilson may be in the field . 1l.j..,"LLl11, and i11 that; czwe l\ ,t:\:\'e Dmun 1 will oppose him. Should there be an /-lm-liun (`mIn(~ill01's Hieklint: anu I (IL-pLlty-1'ccVe's 50111.. In F103, Dc1)L11;y-Reu\-*0 Gr-c c011si(lc1'i1LQ' standing for oppositioll Lo Reeve Do\vnoy_ Tinv will m-ohublv have \\`1l1 mm. bnoulu Ll1L.`l'U uc an election, Councillors Hicklin}; Bixmiu will be in the eld for the (IL-pL1t:.'-1'ucvc s scat. In Fin.-_ D(-nutv-Reeve Gum-111u=.\' '..< opposition L0 ueevo UU\\`Ill'y_ Tiny will probably an cloc- Lion and OX-l{e(:\'c Robbins will op- pose Reeve .-\.~;. We liuve l10:u'(l little election mil: in Oro and there will probably on an ucclulnzltioii. In Orillia. t;o\\'nsl1i1_) Reeve Drink- \\'ut01- will zzgaiii be in the clu. His old opponent, Wm. JOl\1l>l.0ll(.`, is an`- iously tliinking of coming out a_g'ain. Deputy-Ruu\'c Bz11'(l is retiring owing to ill hoaltli. .~\llw1't l{0l)i`rt.<, ztgxe 28, Elm 42:1- tem-ml to :20 lays in the L-nunty gaol by .\l21_:i: Jefl's on Fi'idn_v m(;1'n- ing` for being: drunk in :1 public place. No evidence was ofl`e1'e in the L'u,.~'(,'. but before sentence \\'z1.' passed Chief Stewart, who laid the ci1.11'g'e, told the court that the accused had been panhaiitlling on the streets and with the money he received was buy- ing rubbing alcohol and ma.k1ng,' a nuisance of himself on the streets. Roberts gave his address as North Bay and pleaded guilty to the cnmrge. A ne of $10 or 20 days was imposed, _ but the accused took the gaol term.i Champion Potato Growers Are Honored at Aliiston PANHANDLER GETS 20 DAYS JI'll\ll ID SHOWN BY COURT U1 . $24,000 been urn n'i\'r\n :|< S72,- `cuI1la\\' HOUSE AND LOT BRING $379 AI 1 TOWN TAX SALE T. Only '_l71m-<* Out of ".[. hiL'ty P1r0p<>:'1`iv.< Sold at Ad- j0L11-1u- S1110. Only t n1-ee 1)zu'c0ls out of thirty were sold at the :1 541:. of lands in zu'1'ezu'.- for taxes on Mon day. 'l`l101'c \\'L1'0 quite 9. number pr:-.s<:'nt, but bidding` was slow. A lnf` zmul hnucn :11` '77 Nfsn-.ln Axrn \.l(l_\(. l.Il\.'1\,' `\\l.lk7 KILKILU U. ILLKIIIUULV A lot amd house at 77 Maple Ave. \\'zL.< sold to St and StO\\`8.]`L I01` $379.06, the amount of taxes and co. G_ F. Thompson b1d in lots 54 and 55, Alfred St. E., for {$10.95 each, the amount owing. A total of $401.02 was realized from the saw. AH H~:. n4-Ia.-.n ru:~:\r\r\\>+:r\:~ vivl-1` ,. .-. n u- . klrrrg (llhriatmaa `Gin All .. 1 /I/_ ' V ' \ /1 \.\\\"\\\\.\=`a` nl: ,/////A r,kUL.U4 \\'ilS J.'l,'ZLilZL'(l LIUTII LUC Salt. All t'n(.- other p1`ope1ci0s, whicn are vucant1ot.~', with tin: exccptirm of two, will 1'e\'e1L to the town unless re- \\'i`{`~.i1\. A year. 1 Value of l 1.'oduci11g QL.a11ty 1v rodu(-,1's Stressed by Sp TEN APPLICATIONS FOR MOTHERS ALLO\VANCE The Mothc.-r;~" .-\llo\\'zmce Board met in the Couxt Hou.'~:c on .\Iond:Ly, when ten uppllcations \\'m'e cons1dc1- til] 01' lzhrwn 1'\'.'n u-ru-n 1-nF:1unrl \\ HUI; LUH Ll})[)llL'Zll/IUIIS \\'L"1'L` CUI|S1(lC1' ed. 01' l;hc. two \\'r>1'c 1'efuse(l. Members present were H15. L. Iiunny, C01ling_'\.\'o0(1; Mrs. J. C. Mc- Uullon, ;\Iid1LL11d; .\l1'.<. F. G. Evans, Orillia; 'l`h0s, .\IcI{ni_u;ht, Cookstown; D. H. Coleman and J. '1`, Simpson, .:n')'i(a_ Ace Builr,-y i struggle for life, vr.-llous \`1t:1!Zt;.' (:21 U. I1. iz11'1'i(.-. 9 . g The Seasonis Greetzngs E ' ' | A I I I I I `aw Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, December 21, 19.3.: ONCE AGAIN the Spzxit n`F (In-lei-nwnu en: fr. 9 U.\\_,l`. :\\r:\1;\.' Lm: C,})iL`.b of Cln-i. calls to all that is ljest in us to Isr- get the in. aml sordid thin_<.,"s of life and to think upon the kii1(lii(:ss- and L1n. associat- ed with the day. What a blessing-: it would be for the \\'O1'l(l if the other (lays of the y(.:11' were tinged with the 1,-low of Cl`l1'lSt1TiZ1Ei : Let us try to spread the spii-it of the day as fat as pn-. in Merry Greet- ing` and in Kindly Wish. and yet probably never ln-fora have we had such o1mmtuniLie.~4 as we 2L`'8 to-(lay for putting imo practical form the gene)`- ous iinpul.<<-s that Christ- m:v..~: inspires, llany oi` tho.<(' lo`: t'oz' tunaln than 0lll`_\l'l\`-I`, t,ln~ou_u'h no fault of their own, nd themselves in IN`.-"(l of t;l1o.<- t.hinv_r.- that make for CO111f01't and happiness at this l.'e.'ti\'o . Oppoi-tunity beckons us 1`o1'\'.'a1`(l to .1 happy zulventure in l1(`l])fL!ll](`.`~`.~`-. May we add to our own joy and honor Clu'iSt111uF by helping: those in need. Our smallest e`o1'ts will be of value and will 5. `eatly help. May we all -those who give and those who 1'eC(-i\'0-(l0 our part to make this a. time of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men. , L'd.I1H.UH. J5 ILU 11192111 I1UIlOl', DUE EU nave ' `hat honor come to Simcoe County for the third time in succession is worthy of more than mere n1er.'-ion. The 11eccssary plant food to make soil conditions just right Is om: of the things needed in growing .,ham- pion potatoes, and the Potash Com- pany of (Janada five years ago offer- ed a special trophy at the Royal Win- ter Fair to growers in Camula ;:;hi'mt ing; the best half bushel or puzatoes 'T`hn n1'r*-:r`-nf.nf.inn nf' FL I extend most sincere and hearty good wishes to all our citizens for a Merry Christmas and a New Year of Happi- TIDQQ IS lllil|`\lll_`.," 2|. h'.'I()l(` 2, and only 121;` mur- :-zm pull him tlnuugn. is making` 2: 1`.-;-roic ~. nrlrl nnln 1-5`. M... INCREASE 0F TW1} ` coumv PENSIDNERS Ni11etee11 Added. but le.-1th '13_al{es 12; Three Move, `. Two Cancelled. :7`: - . . A- v.;al"cf -19 `pens1oners'wcrc- ado- ed to the Simcoe County old 2-.g`e ension list at the mectin" 3f the D is board on Tuesday, whlle 17 were struck off the list. . uu mu. um... Sixteen new appiicaiions were dealt with, and of these 1-1 were re- commended and two refused. Fem were accepted from outside coL1ntie.<. Twelve went off the list. through death since the h1. mr-.eLin two were cancelled and three tran.=:'fer1'e(1 to other counties. Twelve applietl for increase in pension and at these eight were g'rzmted. Vl`L, A,...,1 , , . - I ,5. ..___ The appliczmts g1'z111tc(l pux;-.xon:~: were as f01.1ow;~': Stayner 1, Mi(ll.m(l 1, Orillia 8, Collingwood 2, Victoria Harbor 2, Alliston 3, Tecun`.:;r.-t.1 1. Mcdowto 1 COLDWATER CAD! TO 'I.'.5.KE; OVER{ M'cCAUGHRIN`S JOB lllg hill. Ulibb llilll. ULISIIUJ. U1 pUs.2lLOCS The presentation of t`r.i~ trophy r. gold watch, is made each year at a banquet sponsored by the company, co-Qigemlizig with some local org'a11i- .`:...1.L H..\ T).`4..\-!. fin..- It is szxid that Magistlutu 1l0\\'l1`(l Gown`, 0l' C0l(l\\':1t<;-1', has mu,-n noti ml by the \l(:]`J2\)`l.11lL`l1l; to act 3.1 1n:1_L},`ist1'uLc for Orillia, >`l`.c(:ut:(llnf.; .\Iz1g'ist1'utc Daniel .\1<-Cau;.v;h1'i , ;.r'nu t('l'.ll(.`l'(!(l his 1'osi;:m1Liox1 some \\'-.l.;~'..~. 111:0. M.:CaL1_g'l11'i11, l10\\'c\'m', rc- :~'cin(le(l hig; 1`!-. and whc.-the)` he will be z1llu\\'z(l to Continm: ..~' :1 Inattrrr 1'01` the (lepzuimcnt to (lccnlc. J. F. CRAIG, Mayor. PRIZES FOR BEST DISPLAK AT SATURDAY S MARKET The Ontario Dcpzu'tmL-nu of Agni- oulturc is 0lfc`1'i11g 14 prizes at the Cl1l`ia`t.ll1iLa lllill`Kl)u on S:Ll;u11l:.1y, Dec. 1'. .3rd, for we best display of Iztrxn land ;._';u1'dc-11 produce. Tue judging will be und-31' Lnc (liq-<:ct.io11 of S. L. PLL-g;c, z1g;i'iLultu1'a11` 1`opu.:cntative. Lxlliblta will be judged as follows (1) Quality, TU points; (2) Effective zuul uLLruct1\`e umpiuy (Ontario iurm grollucts only), 30 points. Regulations 1. Opull to any bonudc i'urmcr or ;._,a'LiL`nc1'. No entry fee. . Di.~;pi.1y. 1nu.sL be ready fox Jitugiizg not, inter mun 9.00 a.m. B. 0111; Oi1Lzuio1J1o(lucts to be ex `nibitcd (fruit, V't:gcLz).bi(:.>', honey, maple proclucts, dairy products, eggs, iiicut`. and poulLry)_ 4. Any or all Iarm products may c0n.~:LiLutu an exhibit. 5. One exhibit to each faimcr. (3. Products muat be 1`auseu 01 grown by i'zu'u1or cxiiibitiiig. '7 l<`.\'hi`.:i`.: to h(- 21l`1':.1}1Q`Cd 01' d1` grown U) iZLl'lllU).` L-.xmuu.iu;5. 7. lxhibit to be u1'1".u1ged d`1'c.~::s- ed by mcmbcis 01' i'ami1y of 1'.z1'nie1' exhibiting. Prize money will be divided as 1'01- lows: lat, $10; 2nd, $6; 3rd, $3; 4th, :52; 10 DUZUS of $1 cacli. l`.mh 4-xv`nihir.nm i.- ilwyrmi `m bu readv 4th, :52; w 01 -)1. cucn. Each cx'nibito.r is usrgcu to be ready for judging bc.t'o1'u 5) o clock, and should any article he sold It Is su;,- gcstud it be tagged with pLu'chz1 namc and u1`1'z11\gcd L0 mold g.111Lll _iudgn1g is coxnplctctl. ANIMAL LIFE IN `NOW cnnsmvme ALGUNHUIN PARK l Mzu'l; liobinsun at l'1\\'u11is Icils lmw \\u1\'(:s arc C0ut.1'o1Jcd. llark Rol)in. fol muny'5ea.1's connected with .-\l_g`onquin Park as ranger and superinitendent apeakiiig at liiwzmis on Monday evening, said wolves in the forest presen.*e are now almost under complete control. For many years wolves lmd played havoc with deer and Otaher animals, one wolf killing` as many as 2.3 deer in a yea.r. Poisoning was tried, but the trouble was that other animals got the poison and then crawled mto their hole and died. It was felt to be an unis-po1't.sn1un method of killing. H in not `rl1r- in`r.m1`r.irm tn extermin- D`: an un~.s-puu..sxuu.u ul't,`uuUu UL nuuug. It is not the intention to extermin- at the wolf, because it is 11-;1L for 21 purpose, but it is nece_.sa1'_v to keep wolves under control. A wolf till the years or over will not (les'troy many aniinuls, but an old male well` will kill every chance, and 21 sillglc \\ oil has been known to kill seven deer in an hour. When the snow is deep, Kvith a crust that carries the wolves, the deer have no chance. The method of attack is by grabbing the new: of the deer and sucking the blood. Tn Hui: clsiI1 Hun \vnH" i< lmf To grow the champmn potatoes of Czmaclu is no mean honor, but to have `1'1n+. hnunr r-mnp fn Qinu-nn (innnh: we U001` anu sucm11g um; uwou. In this s1au;_:hter the wolf is but fullling the law of nature. Silcmly before the fcnmlc gives birth, the male stamexl out to kill to provide for the o'sp1'ing. l`1n-no v(-:11`: :1.,n'n, Mr. Rnh.11: said. the olrsprmg. Three yczlrs u_q'o, 311'. Robinson he with 1!. number of the bcgst 1`21112'(:1`z went to the north end of the park and (icci(lu(l to t.-\:pe1`imL-ni. with mun-no 'l`hr. nwnzn-v \viI`(- 34 nf' 2.l.Il(l (lL)Cl(ll, (l LU L`.\l)l;'1llHL'Hh \\ 1l.H snares. The ordinary wire is of little use, as :1 wolf will snap it like cord. They sent to Montreal for some special cable wire, \\'hici1 Lost 12c per foot, and this held any \\'o1`f. One ranger got 20 wolves by .\,i1cu1'i]1g' in this way. The first year J26 were snared, the next year (33, aiiu last year 43, and this year so {an only three have been snared. - La.st';.'ez11', late in the spring`, ve old females were taken and a number of old males. Had these been zxllowed to breed, it would l1J.\`c meant 30 or 40 extra` \\'0l\'e.s this year. Two years ago the department de- cided to put `grained experts on :19 ran_e`e1';~:, with the idea of conselving animal life as much as possible, '1he: men have co-ope.rate(1 in every way, with the result; that, wolves in the district are now pretty well under control. l'IIelllgEl`lCG 0'1 Dears M1`. Robinson told an an`-.u:~in;1_ sto-1'_V to illustrate the intolliufcmc of a mother bear. Finding` her c-abs in dun32;o1' from the attack of 21 1.1`.o.~'c, she entricc-(1 the moose a\\`:1_v. L'..un re- turned to hor cubs and took them rip;ht througxh a fzmn yztrd. `.;n0\\ing they would not be mol(:. l}ea1'.<._. h0\\'(,'\'(`,1', have become .a nui.~'zmc4; in the park. 1.11: -'|; ya-:11` when Lac girls camp opened up :1 lwa1' took po.s'se.= sion, first (.`Z1.1`l`_ViH`, ,` of!` u sat-k of Hour and :1 sack of HL1f`.,`Z1Y`. About, 12 o'clock the same nip'h1. the bear 1'0- turncd and could not be drtven t\\I'l\IV 'l`hn nrnnn un-n~.nn-.-n- I'_.1`I` 1.H(l ll >"d,CK O1 h'Uf.,"i!.!'. :\UULub La o clock 541110 ni:'hL 1'e :u\':1y. The camp manz1L`cr Cu11C(1 I\`Ir. Robinson, who sent :1 man to shoot; the boat, and there was no more trouble for the . Bozws also kill many young` fawn, Lucy sleep on the grround. As on p1'r.~\'io11s OC('{1.'~iiO11s, Mr. Rob- inson'.< talk \\'u.< much enjoyed by 511] p1`09m`..t. H0 \\'as introduced by Dr. N. P,o;:crs, and W. S. Moore cxtcn(l- ,.,l "1\r. l-1/\n\11,-rv A4-` +1\n nink S, B. Sinc-l:1i1', M.A_, Ph.D., one of the best known 0(1uCELLi0Iizl1i5'LS in Ontario, author of many of the text books used to-day, and chief inspec- tor of auxiliary classes, died at his home in Toronto on Wednesday. He Iwas 78 years of age_ JV. l\',0"..','C1`S, an W. D. lV'lU()l`(.`, U.KLLl'l(l` ed the thanks of the club. The club will m<.~e`.; on Fliday nigrht at 6.15, and after the lune.-lleon Christmas cheer parcels will be de- livered `to some 1100 children. Intelligence of Bears T?nh1'n fnhl nn :1 C01111('il In 1)l11.'(:hi.1.\'()`VVO0d When Out at $3 Cord from W . Ilfatton. MEN GET $1 PER CORD TOWN MEN T0 cum TWO HuNnRn$`%A % comns or wool) zuuun. On Friday night the Potash Com~ pany and the Alliston Potato G1`u\v- ers .-\ssociz1tion co-operator} in `d. ban- quet in the dining hall 01' Knox C'hurch, Alliston, when M1`. J. '1`. Cas- sin was p1'0SO11t(.`(l with i;l'1r> Potaslx Company trophy. Mr. J. H, (1`ill m, Elmvulc, had the best potatoes at the Royal Winter Fair, but the Lropliy czumot bu z1\vzu'de1 to the zzmic ex- hibitor two years in SllCCC:3n1Ul`l, and Mr. Ca.<.siii s potatoes were a(ljL1uged the next. best. Mrs, Giflcn, hUWOVC1`, was remembered by the P0 tu.si1 Com- pany and was the recipient of a handsome carving set. .\l\nu1- 'nr..n lnintli-I-Ii nnrl eivic in- At . ~:pcc-ial meeting` of the town council on .\lo11dz1y night, the unem- ployment problem was pa1'Liall_v solved when an ugreeinciit was en- tered into with W. S_ Hutton to take 200 co1'd.~:. 01' wood at $3 per cord, on condition that town men he employ- ed to cut the wood, the men to re- ceive $1 per cord cut. Tf. \\ :|l alnr-izlml in ~.n....m.r,\ - 1511)` '.l.`\\'o Acres of Land to E11la1.*ugu Ag1'icu1tu1'a1 l zu'l{ 1 1'0pe1'1I_V. cu-nu .1); per c01`(1 cur. It \\'as also decided to purchase 2'. strip 01' land south 01' the Agricul tu1'a1Pzu`k, comprising; about two acres, for $150. Agreement with Hat`-`.0n Whe1'ea.< the party of the rst part (N. S. Hutton) zLg`1'ee.$ to hire certain men of the town of .BL1.1'l'iC, now unemployed, for the 1)ll1'1)0Q of cutting; wood on the property h\.'1'6iI1- after described. I`1m4- Hm r\n\v+x- Ar +1..` n... ......4 bl.J.LUL' (l(.`Sl31'll)L (l. That the party of the first part agwees to hire all cit;i7.ens of the tom: of Barrie sent to him by the town 1'01` the purpose of cutting; wood on the east and west halves of lot 29. concession (3, E3521 township, and to pay each person so employed the sum of $1 for every cord of wood cut by him, Dun.~:.1n,I L....-...,\.. .L.`._..:. ...'l.... nnn H1111, Provided, however, tiiat when 200 rords 01' wood have been cut by the said emp1o_\'ec.<, M1`. Hutton will be under no 1'u1Lhcr obligation to hire any furthc.i' persons or to continue such payments. `Anti +110 nnviwr 11+` +1111 c-or-nnrl navi- bblllll 1J?.L_ylllL HlzS. `And the party of the second part (the Town of Barrie) agrees `-.0 pur- chase from the party of the first pamt all wood cut by the pe1'.'~:ons so em- ployed by M1`. Hatton as above men- tioned up to 200 cords, and to pay therefor the sum of $3 per cord on or before November 1st, 1934. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that the wood shall be mixed wood and of good quality, unn shall be piled at or near the propert.v above `described, at` a pofnt' 'o'I'iV*`ii-' ient of accc;~:s to motor vehicles, 1110 shall be tun ported from such pomt at the expen.<(,- of the 1 ,0\\`l1 of Bar- mp " Elli. In committee the matter was fully discussed. Ald. Shannon said he had inspected the property and was satis- ed that the proposition was sound and in the intere.~:t of the `cowll. F..xtencl Agricultural Park In committee the offer of Wm. Adamson to sell a strip of property south of the .-\5_>'1'iculturu1 Park for $150 \\'z1;~: also (ll.s'CL1Ss(.'(l, and it was ag`1'eed that this pi-opeity wzxs needed to en-l2u'g'e the park as the race track should be moved further south. home years ago Mr, Ad-amson uslietl 33-100 for this property. The lzmd 1; an irrexxular .-trip between B1'uri1'o1'(l -.m.l Eccles sti-es.-t.<, of about two acres, ex- tending south to Bunke-1"s Creek. Ladders and Net for Fire Dept. 'I`l1n nwnitnv ni' n1-nx-irlinrv in:-Hr-r The1nattu1' of p1'o\'iding better equipment for the Fire D(-pnmn-.-nt was brougzht up by Clminnzu`. DL[).- Reeve 1\I:u`I_.zu'en, and he \\':.L.~` z1u'.nu-r- izcd to procure prices on Izul(lt.-12; and not for the next meeting 01' council. John C1`o. wrote askin_;; per1ni.<:- sion to remove tree in front of his property 111. McDonz11d St., it was incon\'eni<.-nt to get in and out of hi:~: d1'i\'L.-waxy. A committee (`Um- posed of Ald. Tuck, Dou1:;z:1 zuui Cavanagh was appointed to looks mto the matter. 1),. M..;.+.....-l mm. ...:..,m mum; inn CHO !ll2lLLUl'. toy Mustulml was given pemn-ission to erect a sigll in front of morn on Cla])p0rt(m St. l`n\\'n I<`.nrri'v1r1r`-1- T7, 0 T\ :\\v. \\`:1S \JJil])1)l.I'LUH. Ob. Town I E. O. I{:\\v.son \ inst1'L1c-ted to yeport at next meet on the numbL-1', location and comlxt 01' the z11`cu\\'zLys on tile main also to rm_)ort on places where 1'~ \\'-ate-1' runs onto sidewa1k;<, and gest; as to remedying` c0n(li1`ionH. All nlm-fml mr-mhmw nf the 15 HILIIUSUIIIL` L'il.L'V1Il`g,' h'L`.I./. < About'011e hundred and sixty in- i vited guc~.;ts sat down to :1 su1npLuo`-.15 banquet served by he Womsn .~: In-' stitute of Alliston. .-\n1on_q those present: were Dr. G. 1. ()hr..st.ie, president of O.A.C., who \`'d.S the guest; speaker; H. l_.efe\'re, mzu1ag;er of the Canadian Poiusll Lon1pany, who made the presentzxtion; E. ii. Hampson, Ontario repre.sentative, who a.rra11ged the banquet; A. H. Martin, Director of Crops and `Mar- kets, who represented the Ontario Government; Warden W. J_ Cunn.ng- 1`In gf Simcoe; Warden E. R. (..u11- j r1i<'ghafn, Dufferin; J_ T. Sunpsou, ` l\l.P.; Earl Rowe, M.P.; J. E. Jam1e- ` son U.P.P.; J. H. Mitc`1el'., Mayor ex ' Alliston, who welcomed the guests; Dr. I2obt_ Harcourt and Prof. W. J. Squirrel}, 0..-\.C.; the '.1QricL:1l;u;zLl re-presentz1Li\'e;< of Sixmoe. Du1'1`er1n and York; .se\'eral cl'.a1up1o11.xhi}) win- ners at the l{o;s'z1l VVl1`.\L.\,`l' Fair, and representative potato g1':)\`.'ers through the county and central On- tario. n I 1 I I _ n..._u. CV` g`C.~.'I1 L0 romeclylng (.'0Ilu'.I1uu>. All elected members of the 1934 council were present. PRICES FOR FOWL BETTER AT TO-DAY S MARKET 'l`he1'0 \\'z1.~: El ne dispkxy of tur- keys, geese, ducks and chickens at the market *.h~i.=z momingx, and prices \\'f.`1`() con.~:i(I(.-1'ably better than on Sattlrduy. Thr: attcndzmce was all that could be tlesiretl and trading was fzxirlgl brisk. ']`L1;`l(c_\'.< were selling; at from 19c to 25 a ll)., only a. 1.'(,-\_\' vvry choice one b1'i11,u-`ills: the latter price, l.`l1(3 avc1'a;,-'<: being` around 20. Guest: and ducks were more plentiful and hz11'dm' to dispose of, bringxing from 14 to 1G(: 1:. lb. Chick:-n.~: \\1.1-c the best :~:ellc1`s and easily disposed of at 15c and 10c a lb. Wliolcsai-e buyer's were on hand and bought larg'c quzmtitics of all kinds. Eggs were not so plentiful and found ready sale at from 28c to 350 a. dozen. Butter remained unchan - ed at 25c a lb. There was litte farm or garden vegetables, nor was there any great demand. c<..:......l--.'...:n kn n `kin mrn-lznf UIIUILVU any BLUGU UCIIIGIIU. Saturday` will be a big market, when prizes will be awarded for the best display of farm and garden pro~ ducts. Established ` in the Year- 1847 Eight Page was )1't meetmg cation comlxtion st.; I001 cir]rI\vnH(.`~', zmd sun'- ` Olde: Paper in the Countv