Coliier St. United Church! 1 Sid. S1101?)-\-k ha=l new potzltoes for ?_dinner last Sattzldz-._\', due from his garclen plot at I{en1pu11fc1(1':C'I~TiIl. The 1. were plzmtczi on .-\p1il 15111. , .Z___ | Ensiggn A. Bar1'oot, Lu cliargu of .tl3c Salvation Army work hero for ftho past two years, is 1novix=.g Lo - Pmrry Sound this week end, where he will be stationed. He will be suc- L'OL'(lC(l here by Adjutant F. Watkins, {who comes from B'racohr1'age. r I A pretty wedding` was soleninized at Bellefair United Church, Toronto. on Friday evening` last, when E.lvz1 Thelma Heald, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heald, became the bride of William Gardner .-\ddi;0n. younger son of Mrs Addison and the late T. D. Addison. Rev. S. 3.. Beach officiated. The bride, who \v.'..~ given in marriage by her father, nora- a gown of ivory satin with short lace jacquette, and veil of tulle and lace, and carried a sh0`.\'e1` of butter- y` and lily-of-the-valley. Clara Harvie. `1 '.,,` .\;.-> in a frock of pale ,blue crepe with matching turban and arm bouquet of Columbia roses, `.'`:.., brideslnzlid. The groom \va.~' support- ed by his brother, Mr. Davis T. .`.d dison. The ushers were Mr. Frank Lowry, Toronto, and Mr. Gordon U. Heald, brother of the bride. A re ception xvas held a1'te1'wa1d.' at the home of the bride`s parents, and later the bride and groom left on 9. motor trip. On their return they will re.~'i(ie in Toronto. ; llillllb uuiciubmg. ine D1`l(I(:, \\'h0 W11.-` `given away by her father. w re a -white szeorgete gown with white ac- co.<. and czirried a bouquet of _\'c-Ilow ro.~'e:< and baby ; breath. I`Iis.= Stella Stove]. cousin of the bride, was her only attendant. wearing: 21 blue _:o'.\'n with white acce.=.=orie:= and = carried a bouquet of pink ro:~'e.= and [bz1b_v :< breath. The groom ; brother, 31:. Geo. J.shbury. was best `man. i After the ceremony 21 \\'c-dding` break- `fast was served at the home of the bride. Later the happy couple left ion a motor trip to -,an:1da. : The marriage of Miss Wilhelmina ,Stove1. only daugh ter of Mr. and .\Ir:<. Kenneth Stove], of Detroit, and M1`. Thos. As`nbu1'_v, youn,c:c.<'. .-`con `of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .-\.=h- `bury. of Viminiu. took place Wed- ne. afternoon. June 7th. at six !o c-lock, in Trinity Memorial Church. ! Detroit, with the Rev. Benedict Wil- E liams officiatixlg. The bride, who '11.: `2`i\`en 8.\\'R\' hv 11-1` 'F9H1a1- u'.'|\-.' :- ur \ u.~pi'2L. LU .-\m0.< .\llll1', OI 1258,1118, ` \\'21.~' . in St. .\Iar\".< Church `N:- i11or'iii11g' at Dean Sxvoeney oiciatiusr. The hr}-Jr.-, who \\'2tS attired in vomm-ntionel white \\'iL1`. owing veil fz1]iin2' from a bmidezul Bf oraifge blossoms, was attt-ndo(l by her si er. I\Ii.=.< Leona Cl`.'211`lE1LLLi1. who wore a costume of maize _e':-orgette with white accessor- ies. The groom was supported by 7.30. '.~.'ith .the brother of the bride. Mr. Eriv.-in Cav21naug'h. "A wedding` breakfast was .'~:er\'ed at the home of the bride'.< pz1r011t.<. and in the evening` `the happy couple were showered by employ:-es of the Shoe Factory. *.v.`.th ' whom the Groom is zlssociatr-(1. at the home of Mr, and U: rim D..:..~1`. nmnn aw u'ro0m 15 zlssoclatr-(1. the lhomre of Mr. and 1115. Geo. Pringrle on Owen St. M1`. and Mrs. Miller a will make their home in Ba1'1`ie. In `. family Miss I A4` \Y.v B.-\XTTNG-.-\t lot 1. Con. 4, Inni"- l. on Friday, June 23rd, Charles i Benjamin Wray Banting, son of I Dalton and Pearl Banting, aged 15 years. Funeral on Sunday after- noon. Interment at Ivy. FERGUSO\'-In Barrie, on Sunday, June 25th. A,r:nr=s Ferguson, age 85 years. Funeral on Tuesday froin G. G. Smith & Co. s chapel. Interment at St Paul's Cemetery, Innisl. | BOWMAN FAMILY REUNION v--zum only to the claims which they then shall haw nml and will not be 1-e.=pon.-ib1e to : others. -- ' ' -I<\- the p1'e.~:encc of the immedi;1te mily and friends. the 1narriag'e of Veronica Cuv-anuu.g'h, daug Mr. and .\lr.~'. Patrick Ca\'a11a1;:h. Vc.~`1))`a. to .-\m0.< )Ii`111', of Barrie, ls . in Q9 \Im-x-2 r1n....:. E181` LOCAL NEWS HEAR CAPT. PHILPOTT JUNE 30. MILLER-CAVANAUGH ASHBURY---STOVEL ADDlSON-l-ZEALD DEATHS 1. 17 tons of bituminous, which must be of highest grade; clean, free from all foreign matter and slacks, and screened over a bar screen 01' not. less than four-inch openings. 230 f.('H1< Pnr-nhnnfaa :ar\rl 1115.3, ou pt.-1` CUIIL. 01 until. | 3. 100 tons bituminous stckcr coal, one and one-half inch nut,_ pea and slack size; ash content 5 to 8 per cent.; fusion point 2550-2770 de- grees; non-caking or non-coki'ng. 4. 15 tons stoe size anthracite. Tenders are for more or less, and close at 12 o clock noon on July 12th, 1933, to be addressed to A. H Goodall, chairman of committee. 1 nuv.~..~+ nu nniv +m,1r... "`\I\" ........_ Tenders will be received by the Property gnd Supply Committee of the Barrf'e Board of Education for the 1933-34 supply of coal for Pub lic Schools and Collegiate Institute, as follows : Culu W11 others. IUFS Lllull J.UUf'lIlL'1l UIJBHlHgS. > 2. 230 tons Pocahontas slack, and Scotch or Welsh zmthracltc screen- ings, 50 per cent. of each. R, 100 `fnn: I'\ifnI*nnnn afr-L-nv I pouau, Cnal1'l112J.I`| ox commntee. Lowest or any tend:-1' not necc:-.<=.u= 11y accepted, \ Under the economic system now c.\'1: no country can prosper in 1.~to1at1o'n.-Prince of Wales. ODDF TEMPLE MondaygW'Jiily 3 REFRESHMENTS Phone 86 I J MINISTER OF HIGI-IVVAYS OF ONTARIO HEAR THE ANSWERS TO MESSRS. HEPBURN AND NIXON TENDERS FOR COAL ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS offer surprising economies. O RETURN FARES from BARRIE To Jasper Park . . . . . $81.60 To Vancouver, Victoria. Portland, Seattle . . . . . . . . $103.35 From Vancouver or Prince Rupert to Skagway. Alaska and return, $75.00 (including meals and berth on steamer). Full details from any Canadian `National Agni! 1--as CANADIAN NATIONAL . -. vv nnunwaulc I FICCS We repair Typewriters, Adding Ma chines and Cash Regizters. A T Y nrnnrr 1-77 I vs . \~-cw...` Hon. Leo];.)-8l"c_l ` Macaulay TVIINIQTI-`I? OF` I-H(`.lJ_`.'\/AVQ ll` (\ R I T A D In NOW IS THE TIME TO FILL YOUR BINS WITH THE BEST COAL Summer Coal Prices AUSPICES JUNIOR CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION POCAHONT COKE . . . . . VVEIISI-I GOBBLES VVEL SI-I BLOVVER EGG COAL . . . . . . . . . . STOVE COAL . . . . . . . NUT COAL . . . . . . . . . PEA COAL . . . . . . . . . . BUCKVVI-IE.-\T CO.-\L Free Dancing for all attending Meeting 10 p.m. to -- Al IIA\I)L` n In AE"Fl~r\ I\r~ ..-. .-\..... J. G. SCOTT TYPEWRI TER and Office Supplies At Wholesale Prices W- ..-.`-:.. 'r.._......:._..- A I TRAVEL BY RAIL A1, I\.\ x 3 o LVIADILKD Ur IVIILLUU Y One of Toronto s Leading Dance Orchestra's ,, ,3 ..---..._..., ...-~....,, ... .. Al. KAY S 8 MASTERS OF MELODY n nF 1'0:-nnl-n : I n-"Kn.-y Tl-....... f\u..L....n. READING ANTI-IRACITE COAL - COKE - WOOD COLLIER STREET, BARRIE I .l`AS SPEAKER : 8.00 P.M. Barrie Citizens Band (Si_mcoe For- esters) will give a concert 111 Queen s Park to-night (Thurs`day) at 8.15. Good program. Chittick Motor Sale; 1932 FORD V-8 SEDAN 1931 FORD TUDOR 1928 FORD TUDOR 1930 CREV. COACH 1929 CHEV. COUPE 1928 CHEV. COUPE 1928 CHEV. COACH 1930 FORD Lt. Delivery Truck. comrom, S/\FE1"Y, Low cos1 This is the year for that long dreamed-of trip to the Pacific Coast, Alaska, or a mountain vacation at Jasper in the Cana- dian Rockies. New low fares economies. ToJnsperPnrk $103.35 berth Used Cars THURSD AY, JUNE .$16.00 . 11.75 .$l2.00 . 12.00 See Our Church Bulletin Board J u11e July $14.00 $14.25 . 14.2-3 ]'-L50 . 1-_..()l) 14.25 . 11.7-7') 122.00 JASPER ALASKA Pacic Coast EVERYONE WELCOME BARRIE `Barrie, Ont. $],(;i.0.0 11.75 4236 10.25 Sunday, July 2, 1933 ll a.m.--WOI~iSHIP--7 p.m. _-\ SERVICE FOR THE AGED .Qnnr1n\,' T7vnnnn- NOTICE TO CREDITORS . OTHERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Tifn Garage v.J\AAl\.|.l_y, val Lo, 1001) i\I0minp;--I{r.-\'. E. E. Long`. Anthem: '|`e Dnum -Durl1<.-_v Bxick Soloists: 3Ii.<.< Victoria Strange, .\Ir.~=. H. _-\2'n1s1_x`o114`. Mr. S W. Moore, Mr. A. Monkman Solo: The Ninety and Nine f`-.-n-n...~ REV. 1`). E. LONG, B..-L, B.D. Minister E. SHUTER, A.E.I.C. Builder and Contractor Plans. Spc-cimtions, E.=timates AH-m...+:....,. .....1 'r)-..-:_.- -u.u_, uI.n.\.uu.u.Auua, 1;.`L.AlHilLt3h Alterations and Repairs 55 Worsley St. Phone 1338 .4. Dlhltvlblh FUR int) Sunday Evening. Our Church School at 10 : \/\I-Q 1...: \ Ill lLlJ..l..ll`1,o fl-Jest ]ini.11_* used. Workma,nsh1p and parts thoroughly guaranteed B1'akcs1-elined. z1dj11.s r- ed. :11` 1n-1r-v of` huillg. -l'2{)Q+ ]`;1\`:1\1D 1Il`V(\41 104 Tifn St., Al1aV1;c1`.-"L.1e V-.." .su5-s sc- 3. A GUA RA NTEED _1y1cg mans. L4v\.--u-..."7;\\. A._ LA. nuns. Anthem: Lord of Heaven -P.Jssi Soloists: Mrs. H. J. Heath, Mr W. Lambmf. Anthem: The Day is Past and Over" --M:-uks Soloists: .\Ii.<.-= Victoria Stmrgc, Mr. S. W. Moore. EV-;Ii".YBODY WELCOME RINGS supplied and Fitted VALVES Ground. BEARINGS Adjusted 4-Cylinder Cars $10.00 6-Cylinder Cars $12.50 Sunday, July 2, 1933 I)/.. L` 17 1%.... ,- v --_-u-anr t PHONES 445, 1 443 Exe gy T. W. W. Evans, Tl... Q...I:..:......- L _` .-1`. Esten & Esten, Barrie, Solicitors for Executors. r.. 1.u.\u, Minister ' 1. W. W. Lvans, Thexr Solicitors --bamp1un >1, Long. -RJs_si [. .LV 1111: --C-ampiun nun- For SaIe---E.\'t1'a large tomato plants in bloom; b(: plants at low price.'~:.; special to gardeners. E. V. Babcock, corm.-1' Cook and Cod1'ir.gto;: Sts. Phonr: 3653'. ` :, unt. Executors. U.\r\ Herein AND J.u\\'1.~:, wno 1: ser1ou; 111. E .\Iondu_v nig'ht :s toumamc-nt; 21; the Allzmdale bo\vIin_g' club was won by a rink composed of W. B. Webb, A. Malcomson and V. Knight, skip. The club is holding an open tourzw.-' ment on Wednesday, July 5th. ` The Y.P.S_ of I -Lam `Rand H11...-nu! !A|landale News} Lucsuay. Mr. and M1-.~:. Art Osborne have 1`ctLll'11Cd from Homepayne, where they :1zu'c been 1'01` the past few months. Mr. Gordon Iirly, of Monutiou, .\'.I':., . Sunday with Mr. mull _\h.<. J. Clemmens. ' .`.Ir_<, Ed. Huxtable, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Chm. I.cwi.~:, who is seriously ill. . Monduv ni9'ht :.- fnllrnnnxr-nr ma e'..,.| \ Mr. K, .\IcLc-nnan, of Toronto, vis- ited his :si.~'ter.s at St1'2LthzLvg:11 on Tuesday. Mr Lint? "\|'x-_` AH .-~1~n\--an 1--~--A mum on wec1ne.;(1ay, July 5th. l The Y.P.S, Essa Road Church` presentc,-d their play The Rcd-Hcu ed Stepcl11'l(l" at Crown Hill ,<.r;a1'd-an party on 'l`L1c.~:(lay lllj.,{`l1t, June .:Tth. They also have an c-11_4".Lg ;1':t'*11t at ST.'l'0U(l on July 4th. I D'Ambrosio--Stunden ` Quietly at the mzmsc. Williznn St, I on Satu1'(l2i_\' (:\"21i!1;.:'. Hazel May, .5l(l- est; (lZ'l11fl`l1l('l` of Mr. mid .\l:'.<. Alex.` St.m(lci-n. \\ ll.< united in n]zll'!`.;l`1'C` by ] lh.-1'. N. 1!. D. Sinclair to l":zL;15l ll. D .~\mbro. son 01" Mr. and )i1';<. : D'.~\mbro.-io, Gowan St. .\Ii.~.< lvtay Stundun. . of the bride. was hrirlt.-.~ mz1id. while the fzroom \"'1.~ .~up- ported by M1". Car. .\l;n'rioLL. of* Barrie. .-\t'te1-the cermnony `.1 l'vc(`.1)-' ` `Lion was held at the home of the ` bide. 23 3lzu`cu.< St.. with in1n1<.-dizxte friend.< and rela1i\'e.~` present. The; happy couple will snortly take up; I residenc:- in Allandale. Allandale People in Highway Accidents On Sunday last Mr, F. D0bhO}l S: car was badly 'Ll21l`l1l.1'U(l when it tookl to the ditch near Thornhill and the uccup:mt.< were se\'e1el;\' shaken up. A blow-out which made the car-' :<\\'er\'e \\`21.< the cuu.~:e of the accidellt, and Mr. Dob;-on was forced to ;~_te;-r` it into the ditch rather than collide with other c:n'.<. as the tmic was` con- ga-steal at that particular point. Othc-r.< in the car were M1`.~'. H. John-` son and three children, who were on their way to spend a holiday with! Mrs. Johnson s mother. On Wednesday morning while c_vcling' to Toronto, Ralph Thon1.<.on,; son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson, CLnnb,nr`Tan(l St`, was tossed from his wheel and received a fractured a:`n1. He was takon fn Hm w'D.~+m... r:r\- : nuclil uuu 1`eCel\'e(1 Iractured a:m. taken to the Western Ho.s-i pital, where the break was set, and, that evening` was able to leave for his? aunt ; home in the city. Mrs. Agnes Ferguson .-\ very old resident of this county` passed away on Sunday last, in the`; person of Mrs. .-`rgnes Fergtlson. The; deceased was formerly Agnes Wal-I: lace and was born at Belfast, Ire- land, 0ight_\'-\'e years ago. She came; to Canada sixty years ago and six' years later married Jas. Ferguson,l who predeceased her in 1919. They; settled on the 14th conce/sion of In-. nisl and later came to reside in Al-l landz}?:. wheae Mr. Ferguson enteredi the employ of the G.T.R. She is gur-1 vi\'e by ve sons, Jasper, The Port-, no-p T-Tnn+... Hm. |~-Ur " For Ra-nt;--Eight-roomed house, all conveniences, at 52 Innisi St., Bar- rie. Phona 955. `l. ' U 31.-n'.< Doubles A.---C. Geo. .\Ic)Iil1in, .-\1Ia11du1< P. Hurst and E. Bartley, ` II.`-11`; T)nnhIn_~ D 11-- i.:unes U0llUl\.'.~`--.\li.~`.-'L'.< B. Gu.v*.~1 and V. Green, Allandale, defeated .\Il.~'>'L`.~' J. and N. Dunbar, (3-2. | .\Ii.\'ed Doubles--.\Irs. Brookes nndi 311-. Phillips, Barrie. (iL'i.`CE1tt`(i `.Ii.<.s-i Firman and M. Hzllllla, (3-3. (3-2. `. Allandale Takes Two Krn (ltiilfoyle ('(`iL`bl'21i('(i his in! day last l*`ri by Cwhurrhill to six hits and sixteen b:itl.ers. making .-\1i21ll(illl` to tory. ln the first innings Churchill. collected three hits to score their two: runs. but from then on they nn',:hti just as well have left their ba'..~ at! home. Allandale tied the score in the. second on :1 walk to St. Clair and 21 home run by )1. Stransman. The tally remained this way until the. 5th. when the Allandale batters again broke loose and paraded the bases in every remaining innings. In a batting sense. .\Iorry Straus- man was in :1 class by himself. In" all he had three hits in four times: at bat, including a home run, I th-i re.stricti2i_u'; striking` ouL; it possible for} score an easy H-2 Vic-` a triple and a single, and drove in! ve runs. W. Bell. E. Marshall and K. Guilfoyle secured two hits each. appear as of lower classication than , Thursclay on acco`/':.L of one of 1.L1r.": schedules conflict somewhat. Post-` ponements are some times ne tl1ing:~.,j if the reason is sound. but the Sim-` cor League should not perm(t them to allow players to participate in other, league games. It makes this leagur the Georgiagi Bay group, which it decidedly is not. The Barrie Rangers are the first team to take action in putting: a stop to his. When Mine-- sing` asked for a posponement last Q`1`=.'.'l('.~. Iangrc-rs rcfu.sed and put in 21 claim for the grame by (iefauit '.'.l'.cr .\illh`.\'il1_L'.' did not show up. The' R21ll_L'.'|'i'.~` look to have a justifiable` case. _' There should also be some way 01 penalizing` a team which fads. to sl*o-.v up for an engageineiit withow letting` their opponents know. New l.o.'::l1 did not keep their date wxcli l`.:=.ngers on llonday night, yet from reliable information it is learned, they knew as far back as SaLurd.'i_v` that they would not be playing the game. Taking the gameby default` is not a suicicnt punishment in a case of this kind.` Suspensibn or a ne should be tacked on. 1` ten or aoutn Klver. Roy of l`oront6,:-3 and Walter of Allzmdale. .-\.11ot':xe1"1 son, Cecil. died of inuenza in Eng- land in 15918 while .~.e1'\'ing' his cuun- l try with tlw 177m B/attalion c.r<;.1`. f The fun:-ml . conducted by *1 Rex`. X. II. D. Sinclair, took plac-ct` ( 1 from the chapel of G. G. Smith 6: Co. on 'l`uv.<(lay, with interment at St.` Paul's, lnni. The pall-hr.-arers we\:e; J. .\I_Vle.~', O. Peters, J. Hunter. C. J.` Seitz, A. 1{en(lric" and K. .-\nton. I 1`l1o; from out of town attenc'ingI , the funorzxl lmside the sons, `_ Mr. and M1'.<. A. Walker and ` Edna Walker, Mr. and Mrs. B. A.`,. Fr>1'g'L1son, 311'. and I\I1x<. R. C. Fer-`, 5:u.~:on. Mr. and Mrs. G. Biggs. 311-. ( and .\l1'.<. A. Moffatt, all of C0l(l\`.'z.Le1'; )I1'.<. J. Ferguson. Orillia; mm. A.` Fm~_:1z. little Current; .\Ir.~. Cook Fem-1211131; .\Ii.<.< E. Pallingr. Holly. J Tennis Matches at Allandale .-\1lan scored four points out of . :1 hr)< _-.4-M. .'.. .1..- .~L1'2u_'_'.: :1 follows : .\Icn'.~' E rio, defea \TI-nt.`- C ...,.-. ....L.~.. .u.L. .|.`cL5ubU1l ellteretli Port- age. Hunt.<\'ille; Arthur of BrcnL,j Fred of South River. Roy Toront6,g .-\H;1nnln .\nnr`-mu ....u.uucuv.: auuxuu .LUul` points ( i :1 pos. . in their rst m: in the York-Si1m'oe I.c-a9:ur> 21 me Barrie Club on \\'cdnesda_\` noon. Oniy one z-vent went to sets. all the ot1ici'.~: being won i stmizriit st`-ts. 'l`!m ;.-r\\In.- .--~- .1._ nurst and 1;`. Hartley, 6-2, 6-0. .\Icn`.< Doubles B.---Dr. Smith ;: U1`. Phillhs. Bu1'1'iu. dufcated | C1emmen.< and J. \Vz11I\\'in. 6-2, 2 6-0. U`U. I-zuiics' Sing.1es--.\I1s.< B. .-Xllandalc, defeated .\Iis:.< Ii. 6-1. nv 01021 .-\lI21n 1 ilik E '1. I.:u1ics` DoL1blu.<--.\IissL-.< Ga fld GYOCII. ,-\H:n1:ln1r. .1.-6'1 (I: IE ll. REV. Louis PICKERING mmsnn ' Sillgles sated M. Sixnglcs .. 11.. 11;,-ms def:-:1 Auutlb, d. nunter. L; . udrick _-\nton.' mt weside v. -2113` Miss`, . Mr. and Mr; R ,\ < .-\--1J1'. mmtn. Bar-`l . Hanna, 43-4, 6-0. : B.--Hz11'o]d HI.(iu'{:,` L-at:-d P. Hunt. F5--1,' l out I ma".che.< )0 T f`-\<;'nn n- ` -C. Ridaell and dzllv rln+`n,-qml` Smith. A! I /E Luueu .1110 defea.ted` 9 (:_n Gar-' Notice is hereby grin.-n pm*. to The Trustee Act. that all ureditoiw and others having: vizxinls ag`aiIi.~'t the estate of Mary Cz1.<. late of zhe Town of Barrie, deceased, who died on the 10th day of June, 1933, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undei'.=.igned on or be- fore the 28th defy of July, 1933, aftc.-1' which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate, v--zurd only the of the\' then :imH 1\'i\'.. ... I c.aun`tyi , 111 me; m. es 1 cf" Y |'n Ryan, M1`.-5. Shannon, Mrs. Kennedyi and Mrs. Peck (skip), journeyed to` Schombe1'g' on Tuesday and were sufcessful in wining second prize. On Wednesday a mixed 1-ink composed of Mrs. Ryan, M1'.=.. Kennedy, R. Mal- comson and A. Malcoinson (skip),! went to Bviec-ton. wliero tl1ey__`.`.'on second prize. A men s 1-ink com- posed of )Ie.<. A. Sinclair. H. Hook, L. Vair and W. H. Ke.nnedy,, attended the Collingwood to111'1121-| ment and 0211110 home with secuml; prize. . _\+ +1. n1nn'. 1..,...1 A ladies rink, consisting of M1's.% ;Tl1e 1`SlJ game will be played at Al- . July 6th, with total jinside. The fan.-:-. l10\\`(..'\ O1`, are . _ the trip to Aurora ale 21. to do l time to rally round. __ ..... ..-...... Arrangelnents for the play-eifl series between Allandale and Aurora acrosse teams were completed at az- executive meeting Holiday afternoo.:. i landale Mbnday, July 3rd, with the` return game at Aurora on I`l1ursCla.;.', guals on the two games to count. The Allandale team will be l*.an,licappeu' ina:smucl1 as the second game will not only be away from home. but will also be p.'a_ve(l ht: behind the team and are con(lem.;.' pinning ulfll` hopes on the boys .-.r'. only ~\ll1llll1[. .' the series. but beili g'aine.s. 'l`l1ose who can po slbly maiu to lend moral support. Ll(,'.~`(.`l'\`05 support and `he t-Jail. now 1;; 113:2` f ",T}1('.\' have three games yet to pig , first 01 thus: will be :1_~Iai11.~t Fem1e11s' | Thu .-\1Iandal<- softball team husl - now won ei_-`ht .~:trz1i_2'nL league f.`.'::lI1L:` Iwithout 21 loss and are practic-..i1;c . of 21 plzxy-o' position. aIt21oL`.g'h tlu,-_v are not yet om of the '0' JJ5 lhej om-ntLef1'o_v F1'ida_\' Iligllt, L30t.h. and the rest me at nomc. next Tuesday night, July 4th. Tim other two are postponed gzunes v.i\..1 1 Stroud and the S:ignaIler.<, which xvii! ibe 1)la_\'(.-(1 at the earliest convenient! i dates. \'il.`L'. 01' lsi*(n\' with from [they Sz}Lu1'dri_\ ;that wou1d.not l:`z\m0. tne dcfzzalt 5 i 1.13 suicient nunisnmmat u.-: 9i IBOWLERS BRING HOME I, 1 THREE SECOND PRIZES I : y1Lm:. At the men's lava] tournzlnyent 021* \Vec1110s(1z1y night, F. W. Pouchs,-r s rink won rst p_ri7:e \\'i.h 2 wins and` 21 plus of 1.`). W. Little and )Iux'm_v;, Mills were his as.~'i. H-.1i'1`_\'L .~\1'1; rink with 2 \\'ins zuui 21 plus of 11, won second prize. He` was assisted by R. A. Stephem and W. Webb. \ i I I I ' \\'Z1. EISSISI1 '1`!-.n D. w. went). I The Barrio lmlios are holding 21' tournamr,-nt for lzuli-5 2'inl(;< only on] 'l`Lfc:s(lz1_\'. July A1t.h_. when 2`. large at! tendancc is e.\'p<,-ctc - The 1'e52:ula1` mi.\'e tou1'nz1menl` will he held I'ni.< Friday ow-ni11_2;. l ,_..._..._....._____-__j I I l Barrie Businesstollegel PHONES 445. 1442 I `J. Con.stab1(.- with two `:1 bet batter for Churchill. Qnnvn hxv :r\\`\:1\nv- . UC>L L)aLL(.`1' 101' pnurt Score by innings: ,Churchil1 0 O0 i.-\]lz1nda1e .... ..0 2 0 0 TV\N\v\:ur\v WI/.I\. J .-niumiulc . ..U L: U U Z '5 5 4 X --14 Un1pi1`es--McQL1a1(l and Bottom, 01 (Camp Borden. I .-\llz1n(lule`s habitual late start was zxgain in evidence at Camp Borden on VMonday nigwht i11 their game with the' i Sig`nalle1'.<. With the score 6-1` against; them at the end of the 5th, they went to work in the sixth, push- iing our four runs and rive more in. {the seventh to take 21 con1mandmg'; ile-ad. During this onslaught Austin )'lc.Knigl1t. :' trenchant bat played an` important part; when he Zlrove out 21 double and triple with team maLe.s on the 1-L1i1ways. The nal score was l l3 tn '7 and i: u "l"-Jlv .'nA:....4-:A.. all . uu we 1'Lt11\\z1)'s. 1118 rmal '.\'a:':| `.13 to 7 and is at fair il1(llL'z1tl0l1 oi, lthe play. In the early . '.'ne' `sigllzlll- .`1`s looked the best until their` pitching blew up in tne (ith. On thel other hand .-\llandz1le s pitching im-l |proved as the game progressed andl 11.01` the last four inning's Guilfoylel lhad the camp team well tamed. Both lteams turned in ne elding with iML-Knight, St1'ann1-an and Mar- rshdll supplying` the features for the; winners. ' I u - singles. were Bell, E. Mars \\ 111116115. .-\.l1anclale`batte1's 19 timc-.<, comprising one home one triple, six dou Those We M0.-:t of the others Score bv innimr: - all and Guilfoyle. I . connected safely: `. L111,` ble:< tng and eleven three hits secured two I-'li:.| 9 i J i i .uu.:L ux tne otners Score by innings : Allandale 1 0 l Signallers ....2 0 1 T`nmn1'1-n_Qn-.-rr+ .'1L'.~. 1w.11g`01`s rcluscct and puc_ in dcf21u}L'.'..'.cr The `R21n_;-r-r.< ---- I Several matters need stmiglltcnlxxg ut 1n the northern section of thnl 1g11zu1e1':' U 1 Cumpire-Sc1`gt.- LIIL` 0 Le nu. In the lu`.~tat<- of William Reive, Sen- ior. deceased. All per. hu\'in: claims agziiiist the Estate of Williani Reive. senior`. late of the Townsliip of Innisl. in the County of Simcoe, Gentlcnizm deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of April. 1933, are hexeb_\ notied to send in to the lll1dL`1'Slj.',.hF`(2 c.\'(-uutors of the last will of the mid deceased on or before the 15i`h (lay of July. 1933. full pa1ticula;'.< oi their claim.<. lmme(liatel_v after UK. said date the said executors will r,li:< I tribute the 2l.~'.\'C`tS of the sairl :le ceased, l`l2l\'lll}_" regard only to the claims of which thcy shzlll then have notice. to the e.\'clu. of all others and they will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice for the zxssets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Brzulford this 20th lag; of June, 1933. Thus. Gilmoqr Reiva and Robl. Boyes, Churchill, Ont. I-`u......o....- SPORT NOTES hits nu,.1H .L;5U .-Major The jNo1~thern Adva1_1_c_ UUl- Dight. [mg zx \,uc\' )'Uztu. _~'.0u1'l1 on l11g,`n- 1` way 27, collided with l~Idw2u'(l Bam- 3 roll, of Oak\`ill(.-. just north of the ill C.P.]?.. track at )1i Both cars sq were badly \l21111u.":c(l, but none of 5", the occupam.< were hurt. Haddon ex v.'a.< accuznpztniul by Neil .\lcGiuni.~:, 0`z1l.~'o of Jolm St. A cl1z11'_ of rock- Ll less (lx"i\'i11g' wz1.< lafel ug'ain.<,t H`c1(l(l0I1 |and he will appear in `police qourt 21` Friday morning. 11 ------- labout 55 sat down The tl1i1'l2i_nm1al plcnic and rcmnon of the Bowman family \\`u.< hel-.l in St. Vincont s Park last Fridzly '.1ftt-1'- noon, 21 large crowd atten(lI11;_-'. Me1nbe1'.< were 1)l'CsClit from Sta;;11tr, Midland, Ba1'1'ie, lnnisl, Toronto and Weyburn, Sask. The afternoon vc;1.< . in rengwing acquaintance. .-.n(l 1'1-ientlships and in playing ball and pitching` l1o1'sesho"s. In the evening to a well-I'ille(l table p1'epa1'e(l by the ladies of the 1'z1mil;.'. Election of oicers was lnld `and re. in the old ofcers ocing 1'etLn'ned. It was decided to hold the reumon in Barrn-.- agam next year . The annual Sproule-Lemlox Ic- union picnic will be held in Innisl Park (Sth Line, lunsl) on Saturday. lJu1y 8th. E Miss Railton, V.0. Nurse, leaves on `her holidays this week end. Miss ` Chalmers will be in charge of the work from July 1st to August 1`7.'.n. Her phone number is 494. About 2u.m. Sunday morning Jae. 1:}, H:1 of John St., Barrie, driv- ing 21 Chev rozuI. south hign- Wm` 27. c0'1li \\'I'1}1 }~'.rlwm-rl Rmxr. Page E:h_*_