Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Jun 1933, p. 7

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I {Women is Page _ ,______--_.-.__..__ _j. - PICNIC DAYS ARE HERE ONCE MORE uuueu eggs. Another salad that is popular at picnics is that made from salmon after this recipe and served with cu- cumbers.: IK....l.I_.I Q_l___..__ Q_I_J 1 1..."..- L! L'Llllll)U1'S.I 2/[oulded Salmon Salad--1 large tin sa'x{`i_'._'=11, 1 envelope gelatine, 2 table- spoons cold water, 2 egg yolks, 2 small teaspoons salt, 2 taespoon mus- tard, a few grains cayenne pepper, 1`.-'_ tablespoons melted butter, `$4 cup milk, '2 tablespoons vinegar. Sank Irr:-l:1f.inp in nnlrl wn`r.m- fnv .1 1Tll1K, L . LZXDICSPOOIIS V1l'l(7g'3.l'. Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. ;\Iix beaten egg yolks with salt, mustard, cayenne, butter and milk. Cook in a double boiler until thick. Add salmon that has been (lrainetl and flaxed, also the gelatinc, and lastly the Vinegar. Turn into mould and chill. 'I"la:~ nnln .-.1,-. kn r~r\1v1vn:] ... n ,.~.n.l Llilblu L ' Cocoa Cake--2 eggs, 1 cup brown sugar, `ii cup butter, -1 table; cocoa, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon \'L`'.llll2l. 1,; t0z1. salt, 1 teaspoon baking pownlm-, 1 level teaspoon soda, 21,; cups flour. Beat eggs well, add su,r.;ar and beat to_2:el.l1er till light. Melt buttex and cocoa t0geti1e1' and add to mix ture. Add milk and vanilla (to sour milk add a few drops of lemon juice before u. .\Iix baking powder and soda t0_`.{Ctl1Cl` and sift with our. Turn into two layer cake tins and bake in a moderate oven. Icing and Filling-1 cup brown sug'a1', `,3; cup butter, 3 tablespoon.= cocoa, 6 table.~:poon:~: milk. Dissolve sugar with milk and melt cocoa and butter top;et.l1ei'. Turn cocoa and butter into Su. .'2ll` and boil quickly for about 1 minutes. -`;(::i`. well till it tui'n.<, to a thick paste Stir in 1 tea;~:poon vanilla. Spread a little between i..yur.< and 1mna.'.(lcr ova: cake. HlUI.llll ZLIIU Unlll. This can also be served as 21 sand wich lling. And here is a cake that goes well with coffee and puts the finishing` touch to an out-of-door feast 2 Pl\-nl\- I`_l._ 0 r\r\n(\-:1 1 nun 1`...-\...... (By Harold S. W'ood) in-rn-`.< :1 road I like to travel Sim: the busy day is through, .u the sun is always friendly 1 11-,.:; pkies are always blue. . :i:- rmltl that leads me homeward , urn; Ll!` little children gay, I th their b1'00hT.'~f of happy laughter .-3 2, .- putty cares away. COLLIER STREET Y.P.S. THE ROAD TO HOME .. -L.L:La UL HHUL1 Cilll blllg, ixu;>p_v t31oL1,{:ht soar onwaru r c;1pLiw.- soul Lakes wing`. : qui(-kly on before me little place I Know, Hm; )'u1'0st gems of heaven 1.-iy bri;,"ntncss here below. LU uuu, I VVh(:1'e th CH .1 f-':~..\i p:1th\va_V holds more gladness -.1rf. 01' minn .'-nn CULTIVATE POISE FIRST PRIZE ESSAY IN UPPER SCHOOL W. C. T. U. CONTEST (By Isabel McQuay) Liquor might have defenders, but no de1'ence.-Abraham Lincoln. nnn nc` Hm ..q.,_n+m.+ ...n,...+:m.,. can I l1U UULUIICU. ---1XU1'ELIl2:l.II1 1411100111. One of the greatest questions fac ling the dazed world of to-day, and `either 21 direct or indirect cause 01' the dep1'es.sion, about which we are so concerned, is the liquor problem Whether we ignore or ackiiowledge this fact is up to ourselves. .\'ever theless, it still confronts us and we are continually haunted and perplex ed by the fruits that follow in its` train. I 1+ in nv\1'x- Ln" ...... 4-1... 1:,...,.,. 1.- l Lfilllla It is only too true that liquor has defenders, since, if this were not the case, we should have no dilliculty in abolishing its use as a beverage, Only a short time ago we turned on our radios and heard the liquor ques tion discussed in detail by our American neighbors. After many in-- lluencing speeches and much debating! we saw the defenders triun1ph._ But we do not have to leave home to nd defenders of liquor. What_ about Canada 2 And what about ourl own province, so dear to most of us? } Have we not too often seen its re ` suits`! Again let us come nearer home. What about our town, our neighbors, and ourselves ? If we delve deeply we will certainly nd that liquor does not lack supporters, or, in other words, those who are playing with its poisonous fangs. After nding` f.l1:1t limmr ha: (in piayulg Wlb its pU1SOI10uS Iangs. After nding that liquor has de fenders, we must consider its oppon- ents. Most of our churches and so- cieties are working industriously for its curtailment, although I am Very sorry to admit that some are oering weak opposition to its vast army 01 . supporters. Did you ever softly ap~ proach the subject of the use of liquor in your conversations with various friends and acquaintances ? If you do this and watch their ac tions day by day, you will not have the sightest difculty in discerning the defender from the opposer." What dnfpnnp rlrm: limmr wl-n'r-la iel we ue1eI1(1Cl"' Irom tne "oppose_1'. ' I What defence does liquor, which IS I an alcoholic beverage, offer `.7 I have searched and searched in vain for an answer to this question. When l i I I i and innocent children are forced to go half-clothed and starving into the streets--what defence is this ? When quarrels arise, homes are broken up and our shelters lled with homeless forsaken children-what defence is this ? Practically every day we pick up our newspaper and read about an intoxicated motorist smashing his car, if not that of a fellow motorist and causing su"ering and death Th-is involves sorrow and grief on the part of those who were not in the least way responsible for the hap- pening. Truly this is- the sting of liquor. Convicts are continually be ing found guilty of committing crimes under the inuence of al cohol. Our gaols, prisons and re- formatories are lled to overowing and it is we--you and I-who are paying for their maintenance by the taxes which are thrust upon us. It has been argued that the sale of liquor provides a source of revenue for the Government. It is true that millions upon millions of dollars entei our liquor stores annually, and that this is handed over ungrudging by the 'feeble-minded folk who are busy snatching the bubbles of the world But the Government is forced to pay out this money `again to provide institutions to accommodate those persons who have felt the sting of that for which they gambled. So what is _9:aine(l ? Nothing but sor : row. .`~:ufl'erin,2' and millions of wreck ml livc-.<. `('1-. fathers and mothers come home drunk r ..n....'.).... .L_L ,,..',,, I I IUUD UUCHDIUIIS. fl.U.l' l`.'55i1y prlze In 1930 and agam 1n Central Young People s Society" last reyzulnr meeting -of the spring term on Monday night was in the form of a social evening. Following the devotional period, which was taken by Dr. A. Perkins, the rest of the time \\'a.< taken up with games` and contest, which were in charge of `NI-i-:<. W. L. Beaver and M1`. Victor Ihown. A light lunch was served at the close of the evening. And ii`:0Ll_ .;`i1 I may think my efforts Thmu:;'; the day have been in vain, And I've made a incss of living, The1's,- by faith I.-0n1e.~: back again. '.I her(- dark gloom is cliasecl with !:iu_:hte1', llorliiui L'nou_g'ht are chased with glee, And I i'w1_. well. mighty thankgul That my iifc belongs to me. _. ,-w LHU EHIUHHIS. Since liquor is z1_<.1'c, and alcohol < and (`]11ll1}.l'Cd into ' 1: food. It ant;-1'5 and mixr-s with it unite. It is not ;.-`roxvth or st1'e1`.;:t the lives of those l+..:..n.... 1:`... J LUHCU IS lnls .' Because it is difculty to nd 4' least one logical reason for the use of liquor, if I were you, my friend, l believe that I would be determined to devote my time and talents to some more worthy and pro1iLab.e| CZIIISC. (`U H\(,'.`'. We con.=i t.hat animals belong to a cIa.<.s' infenor to the human race Yet these creaturegs often rli. more mmmon sense than some of their supe1'i01's. For instance, did V011 (-V01` nmof an infnvinnfml `1n1-_vn ') mun` common than of_' you cxer meet an intoxicated horse `I You lzxugh at the idea. Then, by logical 1'ea: when a person uses liquor he makes himself lower than the zminmls. Qinnn 1.2....-... :,. ..... ..y..-1__y: 1, 11L;1\u>7, H\ (` organs of 1 us qui<:kI_v vast sums for what i and (lzuu,-er urn ....h M Note : Miss MCQII-ay was the win- L'zu1.~'L'. I net of two provincial prizes on prev- 1ous occasxons. Her essay won rst nrizn in 1920 and nrmm m 1052`) `_CEN'I'RAL Y.P.S. VVUII I 1932. |1-`INE SHOWING or GREENS I ' AT SATURDAY S MARKET; ---- I Green vegetables in vast profusioni made a. remarkable 5-howing for this| time of year at the market Satu1'duy.: New head lettuce, crisp and tendelgl was selling at 10c a head, leaf let-` tuce 3 for 10; aspa1'ag'us 3 for 25c',| spinach 20c a 6 qt. basket; radishes` and green onions: :'3r- :1 ]'n1nr-In nv `II At the meeting of tne Banio branch of the Women's Institute `.0 be In-M in Collier St. United Church to-ni0r1'0\\' afternoon at 3 o'clock, Llle roll call will be answered by each m. :'::lw1' g`i\'ing' in brief anecdote of her wedding day. The speaker for the occasion will be M1_`s. J. M. 1`ercivz1l, of Addison, Ont. .sp1u21c11 ZUC E1 0 qt green onions for 10c; parsley i barb 5c :1 bunch 25c. {\ uh. .. $5.... ..L` Only a few of the winter veg: tables were offered and sold \'e1'_va cheaply with the exception of pota~5 toes. Pzu'snip.< were 10c 21 ba;ket;! turnips 100 a basket; cabbage 50 each; potatoes $1 :1 bag`. A small! quantity of apples was noticed: -iusscts sold as low as 15c 21 (5 qt. basket, and Delxcious at 25c and 35:" l a basket. 'l`1an IlI\I`\`In*r\:] r,\.. ,......... ...._u .-, I ` auc. I In 'l)"db'KCl.. ' i 1110 deman_d for eggs was goon. , J`\\'o farm \\'1vos who .~'lm1`r; 21 stand disposed of over 75 dozen br,-twc-en; thcn1 and got the top price, 15c a` d0z., for all of th<.:m. Others sold at 14c and 150 for selects and 2 doz. for 25 where the eggs were 5111411 er in Riz. Spring chieken:< \\`e1e more plenti- ful than the previous week, but; the price remained the szune, .33c and 35c 21 lb. Yearlin,n,'.~: were 18c to 20 :1 lb. Those who have butter to sell were still asking and getting` 25c a lb. When more than one pound was purchased by a customer the price quoted was 2 lbs. for 450. Finumvintr ninnfc {`n:~ hn.l/Hnm nun price qu0LC(l was 2. IDS. I01` -100. Flowering plants for bedcling; pur- poses such as pansies, 1"o1`g.-,'ct-me-nots and English daisies, were oflercrl at 20c 21 box; petunias 15c 21 box; asters, zinnias and mgwigolds 15c a1 box; foliage plants, gerraniums and other plants suitable for window boxes, ranged in price from 10c.to 25 each. Darwin tulips sold at 20 a doz. zuu. ' ' The wisdom of man is not sufficient to warrant him in advising God.-- Mary Baker Eddy. 1 I Wh:if,r>vm` nrlvinn vnn crivn `kn: Advice Many receive advice; only the wise prot by it.~--Pub1ius Syrus. AQ`rnr-able :1(lvim= is snldnm n:n+`n1 a }--j-- | GEMS FROM LlFE'S SCRAP-BOOK| IIIICUIIL Uy lL.*`I'UUlIU5 Dyufus. Agreeable advlce is seldom useful advice.--Char1es Reade. I (1.-and nmn-u-,.'l `aura .. .~..:,.n 1/r.... Mary uuxur many. Whatever advlce you glve, bei short.-Ho'1`ace. rm... n-\vnn"r\'rv4' mm. Imcmm -H- H I . The regular weekly meeting of the Collier St. Young People's Society, held on Monday evening, was in charge of Walter Coutts, of the Chri-'*'inn ICn(1<-zwor Department, who gavL,' ne talk on recreational per iods 61 young people. As most oi the meeting xvas alloted to the speak er, the other activities of the even- ing were short. The devotional per- iod was taken by Jas. Cameron, and Jack Johnson sang: sevm'al Scotch songs. I .suun..-r1u'ruce. I The greatest trust between man and man is the trust of giving counse}.- l Bacon. 1 Ha Jan M... 4-..1.,. ...u..:... :. -,..._-. I He.who can take advice is some}, times superior to him who can. give it.---Von Kuebel. TI...-1.1-. am-......1,. I.-- .... ..G`.....L. 1.1.--- n;.---Von 1\uCDel. Harsh counsels have no effect; they are like hammers which are always repulsed by the anvi1.-Helvetius. uv1ce.--una.1'1es 11.62108. Good counsel has no pr1ce---Maz- whi. ` The Northern Advance mun; 1'uu1sneS' bunch or 3 bunch; rhu- bunche for j Willow plantations started from - twigs taken from England some 1 years ago are to provide cricket, bats- : in Australia. I JUST IMAGINE A. A. 33lI']'F, I Folloxving the Napoleonic Wars, Only 195 native born Canadians there came a period of great demo- received immigration visas for admis- cratie progress and then an era of sion to the United States during reaction. Apparently history is re- March, a decrease of 94 per C(:li.. peating itself, with half Europe un- from the 3,155 for the same month :1 der dictatorship.-London Free Press. year before. As the days grow wanner, the whole family becomes picnic-minded. Motlicr begins to search out the re- cipes that produce the best kind of food for 21 day's outing. This usual- ly includes a good salad recipe, an other one for cake or pie, and the old standby, lling for sandwiches. Tlnn mncf. c:1f.i:f'2r-fnvv ninnin tuner- Manager *F:>r 30 cents by linking an anyone" ca.ll (station-to-station) after 8.30 p.m., local time. See list of rates in from of directory. you cm telephone about - _. m. mm-- ma Mines Page Sevan. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933. OIU SIIIIIUU) , Jllllllg .[Ul' S3.H(1\VlCHS. The most satisfactoiy picnic, espec ially for the men folks, is one that offers at least one hot dish cooked! in the open. A combination of` potato .-alad served with hot dogs and rolls, rzuli. and green onions, top- ped off with coffee and cake or pie` is hard to beat, especially if the salad is made after the following recipe : - M:rfl'In pnfnl-n gala:-I K hrnv nn. IUUILIU 2 Martha's Potato Salad-6 new po- tatoes boiled, skinned and cooled (lice and marinate in lemon juice. Chop three green `onions and one cucumber. Add dressing (boiled salad dressing) and mix. Line salad bowl and garnish with nely chop ped parsley, radish roses and hard boiled eggs. Annmr :n1qri H1211`. i: nnm11rn- nl 4 Cultivate the happy knack of drop- ping your hands naturally in your lap, or on the arm of your chair and let them rest there. Your hair, necklace, bracelet, etc., do not require constant attention. Haven t you too found it trying` to watch the rest.le. movement of hands. when` they could so easily be calm, cool 1ne.<. of charm. Hands are most expre.4.-Ive, but they nee(l_ attention. Before re tiring wash them repzularly in warm water followed by cold; dry thor- ough and then rub well in warm olive oil. This will keep the kin soft and fine grained and prevent the nails from becoming brittle. Mas- sage the hands frequently. It will repay you.

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