Simcoe Presbytery United Church Mis. sionary and Maintenance Allocations ! 1 plume un(1 Myra Held to '1'o1'0nt0. Visitors over the week end wcie: .\Iis:~: Viola Stone, of Toronto, at he: home; .\Ii.~:;< Elsie Wilson, of To- ironto, with Mr. and Mrs. Boynton; |\'Ii<< T.nn D~.ri;l:lIn n1` 'l`m..u.+.\ ...:n. \\'UL`l\. I ;\I1's. McCuish and M1`:~:. Jas. Laigial : 21 day in Toronto recently. Miss Bertha Crawford spent the Lwc-ck end with her sister, Mrs. Reg H1121] Kendrick. LIIU \\'L`\.`K. The dance held in the Orange i-19" Fr nzxy, April 21. \\'z1.< :1 gloat suc- :-a:.~.<. Another (lance will hv held i.-' .u.- hall on May 5th. \VlLH AVIFS. VVHL .\n(Ie1'S0n. Congratulations to Mr. and M1';<. D. 'McCuaig, who were recently Inarried. 31' Sim-lair, nf Tnvnnfn wn: .~`nn ."])L`IlL Z1. (lay In ' E inal \h- n n.l M.-p pirc. MiIit2u'y di.' is muintaimrd in .educatona1 imtitutons. From grade land sccon(izu'y schools and universities the govcrmiicnt requires: `A minimum of military training that can be put to practical use at any time. ` In the UT1i\'(`l`.'\`iHr1< \\'.l'|nvn `nil?!-nun usca UJ. LUH aiiu iuty is provided \\_'Itl`l some sort of inilitary qualication, whether for work on the battleeld or behind the lines. Each faetoiy is provided with a `inilitary corner; every village has its defhense1h zi siii-all scale arniory; t 0 W104; 0 the Soviet Union is covered with :1 'net\\'ork 01' shooting circles. Olce, 1'zictory and bank employees hold reg- ular (lrills in \\'('I`.1'll1_;` gas inzi.~'ks. The Arniy Pi'e has 120,000 \ ()lU.l itC(`l` c0r1'espondr.-iit.< who report to it the progress military traiiiiiig IS inal_ iin every corner 01' the SOVIUL lum- pire. `i\h'i.'+m-1. .l:.- .nlZ.... 2.. ...r `W1 ' ` ' Military preparedness is practiced in the Soviet Union on a scale un- known in any other country, says Elias Tobenkin, in Stalin s Ladder. Women and children, as well as the men, are being trained in the use of arms. In the factory, behind the plow ,1n the home, and in the school, the next war" is spoken of as if the enemy were already on the march. , '1`he1-e are (in nnn nnn,... .... u uuuuxy were mreaciy the march. There are 60,000,000 children un- dc-r seventeen years old in the Soviet Union--a population greater than that of either France or England-- and all h:1.<.< thrnnn-h -.1 m;1:+..m- .m.:.: Luau. o1 eimer xvrance England-- pass throu::;h a militzu'y n1oir.`L Indeed, every Russian between the ages of ten and fifty is provided with 1niIii.m'v nnnIi+`u-n+i.m EVERY RUSSIAN IS BEING PREPARED T0 BEAR ARMS; I Since nn.- 1n Ln. uuun. vvu.mL'r ,UH HL'(Xll(,`.\'ilZ.1', )ril 1`.Pth. All the mL-lnburs were cscnt, also .<(.-\'cr21l vi. and e mmnbt-1.< from St. .\Iz1rk'.< Church. Lst Om. Mr. Hz1u_:`hton and two `ug;ht(.-1's 1'mm Sh_ant_\~' Buy wolx: db pr(.-. A bale was packed {Tm L,` white scrttlcn in the West. Aflu. (: meeting rct'1'eshment.< \\'+;1-c rvnrl lkiblllllg U\ \'I (- he-n1i. I [nco the war nearly 50,000 per- : in the United Kingdom, more 1 half of them being` women, lmn-` ` g'rz1x1tud rlivox-cr.<. HA`W}ES1'0I4IE vuu uL'u.11_v at (]ud1'UJ1` 11111- wcrc L1n such military schools. Fifty- ml of them qualied as .~' 211111 1Tt:l(`11111r- n-`|n1.1.-v. L \\'() cl{) ;i]i:u'y of ` the home 11 \\'.-d11c.<:i: ;.nx1.n.-.- --- 1.1.: oak) 1`\7 n um, .L'I1'lLl.\'Il r.mp11'(.* DCl'\'1( (_,` 14-aguc;' J. R. Bowie)`, Canadian LL-gi011;Lici`i- ard Hale, representing; 'l`uberculous V0te1`2m.~; Section, Canadian Legion; Colonel W. G. H. Wood,` Captain C. P. Gilman, U1`. P. B. Mellon, 1':pre-I senting Army and 1\'av_v Veterans in` Canada; Frank G. J. )IcDonagl1, rc- presentmg Canadian P0n. :\S~: sociation of the Great War; Captain? Rev. Sidney E. Lambe1't, Dominion President of the Ainptations :\nSOClZl. tion of the Great War; Captain E. A. Baker, M.C., rcp1'e.~:cnting' the Sir .~\1=1..hu1' Pc-arson Club 01' Blimlg-(l Soldirn-5 and Sailors. and l{ichard' l\'Iyc1'.<, 1'ep1*c.<(.-iiting the Ainptations" A.<.~:ociation of the Great War. The Agreement After full di. it was a_<.:',=`cerl that there would fol` the Il1'e. be no intert'c1'cnce with me existing pro-3 gram, buL it was ag1'cc(l: _ l. l`l1:ll nnv r`rn1QiIls-1*-.)fir\n 11+` -1 Electrical Contragting 7 5 x ; ed with what pan. as wuows: I It was never at any time eon- templated that there should be any discrimination shown toward the re- turned soldier, especially as contrast- be termed the On the contrary, may civilian employee. [.the whole proposal emanated from a _-_ taith1'ull_\`, Jdesire to alford, during this period 01'! 1 di;sln'e;<.=, an opportunity to the return- who 1) ut ed soldier ;~:erved his country who at the moment I 4 . I . nd: himself, through no fault of his own, without either pension or em- ` ployment. as contrasted with seine of ` liis C0llll'2l(l(`.'< who at the moment re- 1 ceive a pension. and at the same time 1 age given employment with the full] . attached to the position. | To this course objection has been taken L); repie;:entz1ti\'(-s of the sev- eral returned soldier oi`5.;'az1i /.a":i<)1i.<~ upon two main groun r.~:t. that itl would, in elfeet, re;~:ult in a violation: of agreement or cOnt1'u('t, and . y I ly, would in. t11KL'l`l as an e.\'ample by; other e1nplo_ver.< with detrimental re-j stilts. ! ----- I , ',I"iw whole position has been tliei subject 01 c;u`ei'u1 review at two con-l ferencc-.<, the fi1':~:t held on March 2:l ' and the ;~:eeon(l on April 15). At. tiiese? c0nf(_-1'em'e.< the i'oI1o\\'ing' were pres.- em rc-p1'e.~:eming their 1*e.~:pecti\'e 01'- gzliiizzitions: }.l21_io1' Joim S. Roper, |I\I.C., l{.C.. Presi(lent, Canadian Leg- ion, Pritish lmpire Service League B0\\'101`. Ca1`1:1di:m IA-srinn: Iii:-I .-. guull, uut. lb was ugrt.-c(1: 1. ].`hat any consi of a general readjustment 01' the rate of pensions should be postponed until` the next .'~:c.~:sio11 of Parliznncnt. | L! Tlmt an zunendmt-nt 12111 be` made to the Income \'"2xr Tax Act pm-` \'i(iin:g' t :1aL p0n.~:ion.< .<`nz11l ho .-:ub_ic<-ti to income `:2 ' 4 LlK`Ll.`Ul_\'. ) In conL]u. 11121)` I (:.\'p1'es.'~:, on; behalf of the Go\'e1'nment. our up-V precizition 101* the 5.-'ene1`0u.< (-0-opera--1 tion we have received from the re- p1'e.~'e11tati\'e.~: 01' the above-named set-5 vice 01`gamzation.'~', and for the fair and 1'e:1.-`onuhle manner in whit,-11 they`. carried on their (1iscu.+. and made their repre;~:entations on behalf of the! members of their .=eveml orgraiiiza-I Lions. i LAUND- Legion Satised - | Satisfaction was expessetl by ofcials of the Canadian Legion at` Mr. l{hode s statement on the pension! situation. I '~'\l,'.. .-.........~,.:.\L.. ;I_- ._..~,,-,,, ,I- l 2 1 mLLlaLl()I]. I "We apprecmte the action of the} Ministe1', speaking` for the Govern- ment. in clearing` up a situation that had caused the ex-.se1`vice men of this. country ;.r,rz1ve concern, said 21 state- ment i.~.\'UC(l by Major Roper, Domin- ion Prc-. of the Canadian Legion, following the )Iiniste1"s pronounce-, mom. i u'l`l.,. ..........._..M__,..; LL . - 1 nucc.<. I The .\Iini.ster .s' statement 1'cgz11'(l-' ing a deadline on May 1 for depend-% cnts is, we un(lor:~'tzm(l, applicable: only to new \\`i\'us and new ch11-| (h'(:n." [ I HIUIIL. ' The announcement that considera- tion of 21 reductlon 1n pensxons has been postponed for at least another year is pa1`t1cuIa1']y grzltlfylng, for itu is the hope of the veterans thaz by then the economic sluation \\'ixI be such as to render :1 pa-n.~:ions cut un-t nece.<.~'zu'_v. I Thn \IiniL1'nv .- -_-}.nn.n:.u-.4- ..r...-.....l V Finance Minister P.i*.odc.` announced` on )Ion(1z1_v that the had withd1'a\\'n its bu(1g'ot proposal with respect to pCl1SiOX1C1`.~`, in the civil ser- vice. Agrceinunt had been reached} between the Administration and the various soldier organization hO11(l:. i\!i'. I?hm!n'.~ Qfnhiinnnf '9: in \anuL1>' sumlur orgzunzzuloll l1C:l(l:3. 111'. Rhodc-'.< statement was, in `part. as follows: If uwnu nnxnua 11+ um. Shoe Repairing Farmers in the Balkans, we rczuI,! are l'ce(linp,` broad to their cow::. The `co\\';<,, of course, furnish their own] 1m1tm'.---Bo1'(lor Cities Star. ` REVISION OF PENSiONS [S DROPPED FOR THIS YEAR Thursday Fri. Saturday Special Bargains 3-Big Day Sale-.` alker 8 to re illill. `there are ..l.-.n+ 4-,. and after n In. nn .~,I.l< LLl.L.`l' .ua;;, a(i f` 4-lw.,-.. . uumaui resources OI me coountry. ` Further, we pledge ourselves to support as cmulidatos for all public lofces only those who have demon- v strzited to our satisfaction that they are sincere in their efforts for the `welfare of both ex-service men and V civilians, as citizens, with the right to ` work and enjoy benets of their labors, with niaximuln protection of their inte1'est;~s. ! (`I `n A11...` 1`lE|`ll/\~4 |LIl(!ll' lmserests." I G. D. Allan, honorary secretary izmd past p1'c. of the Chri.-ztie St. branch, who has lately returned from Ottawa. gave an informative zlddress on the pensions situation. GUEBNEYRANGES .LUuU\\ lllg` IS the resolutlun : That we pledge ourselves to sup- `port any movement \\ l1icl1 11215 for its ~ goal social and economic welfare of producing classes of the country, as opposed to accumulation of wealth [by e.\ p1oitat.ion, both of natural and thuman resources of the coountry. FI.11`tl1er. we nlmlmr n1`n` fn VETERANS ENDORSE SOCIAL WELFARE RESOLUTION With (lelegations from Orillia and Mi(lliu1'.'ion Posts meeting with the Barrie branch ;\`IonLlay night, a resolution carried by repre; of Christie St. Hospital hrzmch and lendorsed by all branches in Toionto last: week, was endorsed here. The following` is the resolution l`lL'll' \\'r\ nlnrlnwx nun-snlx-rm 4-A ........ Another sale of salmon -angling leases is announced in New Bruns- wick for the famous Waters of the UDS`L1(]IIi1('h River which will be leased to the highest bidder at a sale to he held in Fredericton, April 27. The leases will be for ten years from March 1, 1933. Canadian -railway salaries have experienced severe cuts over the past few years. This has ap- plied to officers as well as to workers on the trains and along the lines. The recently issued annual report of the C. P. R. an- nounced that E. W. Beatty, Chair- man and President. of the C. P. R., had instituted a special cut of 15 per cent. for himself and the Com- pany's directors. This makes a. total cut of 25% for them since the decline in earnings began. Nipigon River's famous speck- led trout don t know it yet but the ukase has gone forth that non-residents shall pay only $5.50 for an annual fishing license. or about half the chzuge hitherto. Further, Nipigon guides will offer their services this year for $23.00 a week as $28.00 in 1932. These trout in the Nipigon pools and in those off the islands at its mouth including St. Ignace, run to seven pounds and up. Canadizin Pacific liner Empress of Japan recemly hung up :1 new speed record when she travelled the 2,329 miles from Honolulu to Victoria in four days, eight hours and three minutes, clipping seven hours, 47 minutes from her best previous time for the Voyage and much oimlistancing the best mark for any other Pacific liner except the Empress of Canada. The literary hit of the year has been mzule by Frederic Niven, Canadian author, living` near Nel- son. B.C., whose Airs. Barry has been recently hailed by vauthori- ties as one of the most profound- ly moving books ever Written. Mr. Niven, who thus breaks into the ranks of best sellers. earlier in the century handled baggage and freight for the Canadian Pa- cific Railway at Nelson. H. F. Mathews. general man- ager, Canadian Pacific hotels in western Canada, with headquar- ters at Winnipeg, has been pro- moted general manager of the company's hotel system from coast to coast. with headquarters in Montreal, according to a. re- cent announcement by E. W. Beatty. chairman and president of the railway. It is necessary to go back to the year 1916 to find revenues of the Canadian railways on a level comparable with 1932. The fol- lowing figures show that in 1932 as compared with 1916: Railway Operating Rev- enues. . . . .Decreased 5. 5% Railway Operating Ex- penses . . . .Increased 20.9% Net Revenue from Railway nnrannu Thar-rn;mpd 50,6073. o . .1llUI`Uil.S&.l 1 Net. .1a'i1.w.ay Operating Income .. ..Decreased Railway Property Invest- ment .. .. ..Increased Rate of Return on Invest- ment . . . . . .Decreased Revenue Freight Ton Miles... .. ..Decrea.sed Revenue Passenger Miles .. .. .. .. ..Decreased Actual Gross Ton Miles . ..Dc-creased Pa.y.re1.1 . Engine -and Train Service Employees and Telegraphers . . . . Tnnrnasm LVUI. IIBVUUUU 11'UJ Operations . .2 Railway Tax and '1 Cl(2gI'l11)( .I'3 . . . .Incr-eased 'I`r'a-in. .Z\Ii}.es . . Decreased {BIG and There Om nauwuy .Decreased Accruals . .Inoreased 1 .Decreased u-I-u T'n1vncI'_ Page Three 5.5% 50.6% {135.7% { 52.3% i 34.6% L 69.0% [ 2.3% E 50.3% 17-2% 31.3% 22.8% We put Whole Soles and Rubber Heels on Men's Fine Shoes for $2.25 Ladies Fine Shoes Soled, no nails or stitches to hurt the feet - $1.25 or Fine Half Soles for Men $1.50 Our prices on repairing working Shoes are the lowest possible No need to send to Toronto Keep your money at home ELECTRIC REFRIGERATIOR ALL WORK GUARANTEED The Simcoc P1'(n of tZ.(.- L'1'.it- 5 ed Church at its lnrrr-ting: in O1"iHi::',' 1:15`. week ZlCCL'[)t(.`(l the >'Llf_1`j.,``.<`i( (1 .\Ii.<-H sionary and .\Iz-.intcn:u1ce ulIm"utim1 ofit $32,000, and i.~ .:(.-11din:_-' t'n(`- . tion on to the vzm'ou.< L-hur;r<-.< for`, their cceptum-(I. In nmkingr the up-i] po1'tionm0n .':~ some z1H0wz111(:e has bc-on C made for the possible inzxbility of 1 5,563 65 118 105 300 192 1-10 ".'Q Lu.) U52 On L` illll. 110 200 `I10 190 250 300 1{!!\ Bl 210 404 120 151 1-22 129 (El! Aver. T -1 -1` ' (uuo) 107 203 100 1337 ~Hir Hr) l).L L 1176 11: ` 11'oud. ....... .. T mornton .. 1\illHZ\ Sxngrhmnpton . `itayner . ................ .. 'I`ott(2nh:m1 Uhthoff Victorizx llarbor . Wzu'min. \\"_w-\':|l(` L1! 115 697 958 A1456 own I3) 620 856 2958 512 1241 208 1194 K'\I 1137 U.f.i) 4_13 mm "714 40 1.41)!) 332 13-1 497 020: ; ;I-* .: nt luxullnln un\.Iun;.;L.'I1, IILH, HI \I(,`\\' UL in!` |m'~. (-onrlitnons .L'<~nc-rally it 'na:<' 'h(:(en lowr,-red by $10,000. Following -.11'(,- the (1(`t2li].< 0!` the allocation of H10 \`:n-inn: ("I11\)-n'n'.-- u1uL11H.?1IL so 111211 , [H4 is slightly` in c,-xcr-;<:< For thv past thrr,-c Lion for Simeon Pr nuim.-d 1n1('h;1ng`ed, 1 m'. \nnn lnuvn.-,.,l 1`. 01: L2l'L`L`IllUl'K` Dalston . . . . . . . . .. Elnwale .. ....... .. Guthrie ................... .. Hawkestono . .. Hillsdale Mzmseld Midland I\`Iin(n . New Lowell .\'ottz1\\'u .................... .. Orillizn. St. Pzu1l s . Ponotnnguishono Rznnn Ulll ` AHOu 3 S00 1500 250 900 1000 4500 An OUUU 550 400 200 7300 200 300 100 1200 (:00 500 500 -):n J.0UU 500 500 500 (300 3000 2:0 `I -JUU 400 900 500 100 900 900 3500 900 1100 400 1300 :nn 001! 700 1.30 100 HE ;'1'r3g'z1t1 to ma so that thc: tota AA` In I.\vuI. OUILU1 987.72 178.10 910.00 1-14.20 105.65 163.18 436.512 1024.50 2-11.00 34.85 129.00 5900.00 01.60 203.50 123.50 $163.00 $27!! on I Hv/It/I Paid 493.30 934.33 93.32 335.00 760.00 4126.94 258.34 437.59 2136.93 LUlllL`l' DI. Beoton ........... .. .-Eond Head B1'z1dfo1`(l ..... .. Chn-i. Isla Churchill ..... .. Coldxvuter .... .. Collingrwood . Cookstown F |I(\nl`\1 n \-A -) [ lI.l\[] 112.15 402.28 11!! Tu) 44.11) 100.00 ~xuz...:o 14 (3.52 7.`)! I-7 w~a1*.< the 21110:-a-; -. had 1'03 . n4~ :n \-:n\Iv nl` 41. act the W} I -. |R`\ .. u - .~.\. Shah- 1933 $ 700 1,200 200' 800 950 4500| EDI`: Ei.`.'\l'(l -12.000. "H x... l.UU .100 400 300 600 5000 450 300 l'.'.'. (`lum:o:< Alliston. Knox .. A`.li. We. An2'u;< ..................... .. Barrie, Burton Ave. Central ......... .. Collier St. . Dnnt-nn [(3) 650 am) 3000` rnn l \l-AU -100 1200 1nn `-1 U`) 800 r:nn nuv 500 100 win .lUU 7-`)0 0-n , ` vities \\' _\_'(_-.<}H.z1 Lo\\'n. (.'OUHCl] met April \vinn< ;-rs. 11:1`), \'.'1t}1.z:Il_thv membc1'.< p1'c. practice Commumcat1ou;< were read from citizen < Qntayxo Good "3Oi1(1. J. taught 1 1. Szmpson, Con. Fire and u`a= eyp( C.u. Company of Canada. . Ever The following.-; accounts were pass-`g\.~e1-y}a- ed: R. C. Peacock, supplies for in-`a1 estab` (11.J0t>3y $5.50; Geo. W Crawford `every g( ' I part salary as assessor, $100; VVm."the nuc] glfke, Supplies f01_' iI1(1i_Lj,Cnts,IDu1-jug - .$(:._o;F1'e(l Pratt, supplws for i11di- Union ( .L'CntS. -53.601 T, A{lI`i\'lI11 :11-113:... .. ... 17.1. r -;m... .L); 1`1'(.`(l gents, $3.60; ` for indigents, _~'11Imlioe< f'm- 1' .p.'.-1.uU; vv. .1. polo, s1 <,renL.=, $6.00; J. W. for iml1g'(:nt.<, $6.25; . for i11(li;.3,e11ts. Shannon. . ':n"I. h YY n.1 THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933. lUl' ll](llg'(`.I`lEb', .~'upp]1es 101' 1 Ronald & Co., Q-).1Rn~ \,v 1 4.. nu-u5\.num, QU.. .-J, .uuLU 1'dLL(.'1`.~3On,1 $9.50; Geo. D.! 1'01` indi:;(.-11t.s',1 .$f5().T1; D. H. Coleman. ho. ac- Ir-ount. S-19.13; Wm. J. Colv. :.u1:`.itin<:. $412.50; Gen. G. Johnston. zuulitin_L`, $12.50; M. J. Brennan, .` for im1i;:m1t.<. S-1.50; Barrie IC.\'zm1inm`. l):1]:u1<-,u on print1n_: account, $50.66. The nu(litor.< 1`r:p()1`t \v:1.< zuloptvd. |Ch:1.<. H:1v'ri.< wz1.< nppointo(l \':<-- in- :nnn1-nu :v1 .-.1 ~13 I"~~ 7` ' .,-u\I.12; 1). . |.`E`l2.50; " ` '0; 4 - 1 I ...`. xnn.u|A|4\ll.` L'.`l.lUlb \\il> il(l()})l( Cha.<. specter in place of Geo. E. )Iu.<( 1'c. .-\I'r.`:. .\I<-Nubb. f)2ltlH112l~'t in plzu-r: 01' II. Youn_2;; T. Thomps in ])Izx<:r- of W. J. C.'1mphr:1i zmai Schandlr-:1 in nl:n-r- of W P -{Jill L'.`l.lHlill/L`. ` ' - -' A I Mr. lluyrlic-s original idea was CI`{}3l:QCitc;ll:d sound enough. The ex-enemy ships which he converted into an Australian homo. M national service in 1916 did a l1ig`lily,1.ont0 wit thriving` business while the or(linary|Mi_\.s LCa B1'iti. services to Australia we1*e`M1._ and M suspendetl owing to the war. The H50 01-:1 C.ommonw<,-alth Line was his pet T_ A_ Sm creation, and at the end of the war he persuailed the .-Xustralian Parlia- ment to 9:0 into the shipping business on :1 larue I<(':1l(`,. and hnmrhf. nml hm`I+I :and Jean, l(ay; .\I1s with Mr.~'. uccn x~o. IO)` :.'uuU,UUU. ; This comes of running steamers at` :1 (load loss to _:.-`ratify :1 national son~ timr-nt. and to keep the officials and nu.-xnhr-1-.< of the maritime 1mion.< in clover. For :1 time it may win votes, but it can never pay. mum LU go into me :~zn1ppm;: business large smile, and bougrlit and built a large fleet at top prices and at a`; ruinous cost. Two cargo steamers of less than 10,000 tons were actually home-built at Sydney at a cost of V 573,708. or 81 a ton ! By 1923` the state-owm,-(l eet was t1`ansfer1'e(l to :1 Shipipng Buord, which in ve years in('1'e:1: the losses to .8,000,-;` 000, and now after an intermediateli sale for 1.000,000--of which 1,-_` 100.00 is still 1mpai(l---the fleet `.m.<`( Ibeen 1`(`.' for 500,000. :3 'l`hi.< nnvnnu Ac ........:..,. , -.; V I A ton of talk weighs less than no- thing if it isn t backed by action.- 'I`l~<-odorv Ioosevt-lt. Qnr-n vxnnnln um. ...'I.:.1.. .....L u.-.. I'('U(l()l'(` li00. Snco people are making: such thor- SELLS STEAMSHIP LINES Thor Washers and lroners ; .1` I'L'(l .l`l'2.l.E -53.60; W. ll(Trlhf< K14 VESPRA COUNCIL w. .1. pzxmpnfrll and .\'. I p]:1v.-r- of W. P.-vG.i|1. ljotlrncd to moot in Court :11 In sum \Tn.nln.. `\T..u L1(.LlL, aupp11c.< I01` 111(11- ; W. I. Addi. supplies 5, $19.90; R. C. Peacock, indigxents, $18.99; A. )., supplies for indig'ents, L Cole, supplies for indi-_ ; Hzm'i.<, ;~:upplics: ~, $ ' 75; Mate Pz1tte`r.~:on, in; .rr-nu RQ :'\~ ann T\ | Barrle A. B. Coutts. Clark. ) mct :1 .`-Xssociation, i. I of I L\\Ul.`11 inmtary C11'(:l(fS 01' different` cities, \\'iL'*i \\'orLh\vhiIe pi'izc.< 1'0: the \\'il1I](L']`S. Him: and machine _.{;'un is the primary training" t-hc| soldicr.< receive, but 0thcr;.= arc to quali1'_v as tank opc1atur.~:, gas e.\'pc1*t;< and army aviators. Everv fantnrv in H10 Rnv;,.+ r7..:m. l`be Northern Advance uuluu, .u1.~..\ Lglhlt.` VVJISOH, OI LO- Y41'onto, VIMi. Priddle, of Toronto, with 9 Mr. Mr.~:. Priddle; Mr. Frank Har- 9 rison, of 'l`01'0nt0, with Mr. and Mrs. PT. Stone; Mrs. .\Ioulton, ;\'Iargu1'e` `land of Toronto, with Miss: Me 'Kay; .\I1;~'. Thos. Leigh, of Toronto 5 Wm. Anderson. t (inh(T!`niI1i:IHnn: fn Vfu nu-ml \,`[..~. TN ` ` 111111 1\(.`11(l1`1CK. _ ' Mr. and 1'\11`.<. Frank C1'awfo1'd, 01 Gutl1ri(~. spent a day wtih M1`. and .\I1'.<. I-Im-we Cra.wfo1'd. M1`. and I\/Irs. .1213. Leigh and fan`. ily motored to '1`o1'onto the rs: ct 1 the wcuk. `I 'l`11n ,1 ...n,. L,1.1 2.. .1. n... ...,.._ `v__-- Cor. Elizabetll and Maple Ave.` Phon_c 294, 9103 LU p1`a(:E1C.'1l at time. universities, where military science in its advanced forms is ftaught, the mo note\vo.1'thy feature [of military t1'a:Tniug: is the absence lof (li. between sexes. Girls `in primai-_v and . schools re- ceive training` along sanitation and ,Red Cross lines; women students in the uni\`e1', are trained for all `l.)1'Z1l1(.'l1CS of army service. : For the war training of the adult {population there exist (10,000 `mili- t:u'_v L-n'cie<" throughout the Soviet Union. The o1'g;.'1nization (lll'l.3(l.,lllg' this mass militai'_\' training` i'ln'ni~l1z-< uu; uuL,1\'u.: UJ. :Ll(,'Il El. IHl[lCZ1I'y CITCIB. 5During my ten montlls in the Soviet Union, daily betxvcn four and seven p.m., the .< Lreets of Moscow resound- ed with the tramp of marching men ,zmd women. They were workers, clerks, p1'ofes. people in civilian clothes. but the rillc-.< over 'Ll1C11` :shoulder.< were army rifles. From one end of Ru.-=i. to the other, at the lsame hours, . bands of men land women were undergoing` the same military practice. I'll:-'in'r-4 l'n:~ vln. numlu... .-.4 ...,` union. '1!1e orgmiizzition military trzaininfr i urni~hes: rifles and equipment to each military circle. It provides ii1st1'uctors:, or- ganizes c`z1.<.=e.< and iec-tilrc-.~' and keup.< unbroken connection between civilian companies and regular urrny uni c.< in the (ii.~'t.riet. The citizen ;~'0ldie1'.< make regualr visits to the Red Army bz11'rz1eks. The Bed Army returns this compliment by semling oicers to address these military (,'ll'L l[,`.~'. The citizen soldiers who distin_;'ui. them- we not infrequently taken from their trades and pr01'e.<. and sent to Iiigiit-1' militzlry 1C2`iLi(,'llllL'_~` to 4 he t`.1'ained for command in the Red .-\r1ny. Contests are ur1:1n:_,_>'e(l be-" tween military circles of different , eitie . \\'nri.hwln`ln 1134'/(1: 4'. Hm ;,'u> u.\pcrL.< uuu av1z1to1';<. 2 Every factory in the Soviet Union,` cvery la1'g.`c commercial or profession- ial establishment, every mine or mill, `every government-owned farm forms '-the nucleus 01' such a milit-.1ry circle. 3Du1'in,E mv m0nf,l1.< in f`n(- Q.m;n+ 1uu1Lzu'_\` practice. 1 ig'L11`(-.< for the num}m1' of women in the Sovivt Union who are t1'ai:.iu,-.3; for 1`(;`;. ,'L:]L\l` army .` zrxc Lma\':1i':- able for the })2l.~`L two _vc:'.1`..<. But in the year 15!-`:0 nearly 21 quartr,-1' mil-' lion women L1n(1(:1`,<.r0in<,_-,'; training" in ve thou:-`zmd rifle e.\'pv1`L.~' and mz1<-`nine ;.:`unn-:1'.~. Something -:>\'(-r 10,000 . 2:1 uaur (-in-m' trv. ..a..A..n. vv J.a.JJsJ-I. VJ.` ..I (Too late for 121st wet `The \V/`v'omcn's A11xi1i:u'y .~\1(l2m'.< Church mvt :11; )l1`.~'. Il0bL. Wall-:m' .011 Wv April lY:(.']H})L' prc.~'cn1, visit \'<: L` . mu- \|., u 1. >u 1. the ` _thL- Llll` lll(`(,`LlH}_" l'(`lI'CSi1INClHS \`n, l`l" .-`r-rm- }\Ir.<. _Hi|.I'\`i(,` C1'u\\`forrt . :1 :._.. (iz1_\'.< with i l('1` 'f'.1L1ie1', Mr. H. I :\ck'.u(i, 21?. Shunt_\' Bay. The 1'_oilowing' school t(:a.ChCl`.~` h21\'c 1-eturnc to their .~:chool.<: Annie Le gn `to Mud Luke. I'I.~the1' Leigh to Wood ington, O1-mu and Verna Johnston Lc Huntsville, Hilda Graham to .-\1'g'yle, `.\Iu.1'j01`ie Gmlizini to Atherley, Leslie `Clarke and Myra Reid to Toronto. ViSifi1` n\`nI- Hwn uvnnlr nrul I|vI.|1.. .uL'\,uu1g, wno \\'Cl`C 1`ecem;ly ma1`1';ea. lliss Sinclair, of Toronto, was thcl g'uc: of Miss Agnes McMahon for week. I Nfu. 7\:T..!..!..I_ _.__,l 11, 'r 1- - than bevn ; 31 Elizabeth Sta