`VF Wamen XL TO US A CHILD 1S BORN LHU \VVJlA\| u .11 again When breaks t T1'!`V'71 A >to1'o at C1n'i.~:tmz-\.~` time is so Ecstatically gay, With mistletoe and holly \\'1'ez1ths .__Qu_it`e proudly holding sway, Wrhile toys of c\'e1'_\' size and hue Intrigue t.`n(-. youthful hr:'.11't. And bows of c1'im:~0n ribbon lenu A touch of pretty art. I like 21 street at C1n`i; time, Its ever-changing throng Of eager people hurrying: Their mmiy ways along`; To the r'hi1d1'<.-n'.< t`:u-~-.< shine, And hear them shout '.m cry, As in :1 jin,;'1in:: sleigh thnir friend, Old Santa. Claus, rides by. Dl`lguv-< I think it is #110 one Which shone in distant B(-th1c1' At birth of Go s own Son. --C ':a1'a Bc1'n'h2u` H1 ("11`I`.1l`\ rm Sc5_uc.: L. Above :1 snow-< The star \\n0. 1 b1`ight- T Hnini: x1`. N 911 And then. at dark. blow. \Vhen all the lax 1 . .1-.,. ,-1`-.; H `WOMEN'S 1 BORN tilno into play ri1n(> I (`rivo Hm f:nn`i1_\` an un- vxgm-1'od troztf \\'i1h our \ tempting vukos. d<~1i(:o11s L pies and \\'110'|<*. rolls and })ism1i r.<. 'Ym1 |l provlninn Hm.'s`(~ good things just` like lmmomado. J70:-:11v.s<~ \\'(`-1 only use `rho ]n11'vs1 of? ing1'edim1`rs. 5 ; 3annisier s Ch:11'1ge your b-.11 1 I Hq_r__pe Bakery _ .. ...-_-.. 1--r To us who look with anxious gaze On coming lonely, burdened days--- To us who cower deep in shame, I I Unable e en to speak His name-- Tn nc Hm `r.nmn`r,pd_ who withm CHRISTMAS SCENE MULCASTER s'r. - INSTITUTE NEWS I 2`. child is born . 1 ; the light of Christnlas the Beehonx f\l1 E nu'11 Qnn, nanu 1.< ht 5' until I l 7-clad hill. l:n".\4` u'\'I\' _,; .`vll'5. I'{."Lll'5Ull| . and Mrs. Harry ni :-.(-count of the` held recently at` Z"i.hc1' and F.-rrls mom of correct 1 was very 1nte1'- 1n zmd f\I1'.<. B0111- for the uftcrnoo... will be at the nn `l)..,....n nvu Tnn I '8. L uc1'n'nzuuu.. 1 . Canada Lutherzm.: THURSDAY, . 22, 1932. still. nd I cool winds SUNSHINE CLUB RAISED l $73 AT BAZAAR AND TEA! | The twelve little girls who com- pose the Sunshine Club will be able lto spread more joy and happiness to the needy than ever before as the result of the successful bazaar tin clwb `held at the Queen s Hotel `natur- (Iay afternoon. The reading room of the hotel had been appropriately de- corated for the occasion with gar- lands of tinsel. Gifts were displayecl on various tables, wvhich were readily disposed of to the many Ipatrons \\ l`lu| lattended the sale. Tea was served] during` the afternoon at cliainiily` arranged tables set in the lounge 1'0-om. A erackliw,-; :,,v'rate re helped to create the cheery LllJlN(). or the C`l1i'i.stn1as .~'(*'.x.. B0111 the sales tables and the tea were . by the _\;()un;;' lll'l11l')C`l'S, who are fast la-urnin_g' the lesson of . for others. a I 'l\l... Ink 3.. ,... ..~,._...I -1' 4.1. .r..: i the Oh Eve ht Izulen \\'(`1'O (- l moon them. their small the ho czxmllc ml Hm |UbllU1'S. ! I The club is composed of the 1'ol~; `lowing little _2'i1'ls: Leah Lowe. presr. ;(lent; Betty Simp.~:.on, 1'eeo1`(l1ng` set `|1'ctu1'y; I\ [z1rgz11'eL Boldt, t2'easu1'e:, l\ Iai'_V i\'leCuaig', Helen Bell, I\Ia1'y Stephens, Irene Smith, Ire-ne Dy-' ment, Lnvinizi Mo att, Beth Szu-v jeant, Adene Seugrain and Joan! Pa1't1'idp;e. This group of twelve` un(le1' the direction of Mrs. Thos. Lowe, are dispensing` .hzLmpers to `needy families, assisting` the Victorian `Order and p~rovirhn~g a C.ln'istmas` treat for the old `ladies in the Anlagh Home. ` Tho vpvv cnnn n4` Q'7Qi , an `increase over the money raised by .~\1`(1ug`I1 1`1`01Y]C. i The very substzmtlal sum of $73; \vas realized by the bazaar)`, which is] this club last year. All but $25 of! this will be spent in Chrisunas. cheer. The sum retained is to pro-| vide .~:r2\'cra1 layettcs for needy: I mothers. i I --------- HOW OUR CHRISTMAS E CUSTOMS ORIGINATEDI I T I` The 1-eg'u1ar iiieetiug of the Cundles ' \ om(m"s lnstitute was he71(l at the ' home of Mrs. (`.hu<. Milli`-1' on Dec. 3 13th, with 15 inembeis n.1.(i one '.'I.:i- ~ tor press.-n1;. M-is: Fe1'1'Z.< grave a )>i:mu 5010 V01`)? 131021-'>`1Y11'1.\', .`.lr;<. Pt,-'.x1`son ` read current e\'ent.<. Harry! Ottuwuy gave 11 gum; the district nleetine` at; Allamlale. L\li;,s.,-.5 L"i. Fe-1`r1s' gave it (lemon. table setting, which esting. )I1'.=:. Pearson rose \'.'ere hostesses for The next meeting home of Mrs. Wallace Brown on Jan. 10tl . The president would like every` member present and wishes all 21' Elappy Christmas and New Year. i . j._ I Christinus is so surrounded by 10- : |p:end1'y and symbols that it is inter-' cstinp; to know how some of the cus-i toms we ob.~:e1'vc at this seasoli ovri-i ginated. The Candle in the Window Yunvv 1I(\n\Ir\ I\(I'I\ iv. n H44-1,. ..I'|1.~....~ guiuteu. Many years ago, in :1 little vi1lap;e in Ireland. 21 shoem`ake1' drezmned that God visited him and told him that the Christ Child would come to see him the night before Ch1`istma.s. He made 21 beautiful pair of shoes as a gift for Him. and when evening` came, - he placed them in his shop \\`in(1`ov.`:! and put :1 li',;hte(l candle beside them to gruide the Christ Child to his door. As he \':ait0d :1 woman and a barefoot boys, with 1`zLp,'g`e(l ann torn . clothing, came to his shop. They` iwere Cold. tired and hungry. The imother aske for shoes for the boy... Nowlie2`e in the shop could :1 pair be found to fit him. Finally, torn be-' tween his desire to help ltihe ;poor `boy and to keep the precious shoes for the Christ Child. he took the: beautiful shoes from the window.. They fitted the boy perfectly. Thei slioeinzlker with :1 smile told him he- eoulrl have them. Well done, thou good and 1'z_1ithful servant, said :1 voice. Sll.l'] )il'i: the man looked. about. the voice came from the boy;' the Stm.n_Q'oi' \\'a< the Christ Child.; .~\.< long as he lived the shoeinzikei" phiced 21 lighted candle in his window on (`hristmzis live. and so has sprung up this old custoin. The `Christmas Stocking ' Olin tmtlitioii as to how the old? hulifi. of ll:lll`J'iYl{.`.' up sto(-hin5.;`s on` S (`hi'i.~'Lm:1 ~' li`.\' o1`ig`inuted is that in; +`.r. \'r-'\\` -Inn 4 livnl] n l.-inrl i Yl..1l`. _\7\`2l.l' -')UU LHCIT.` HVGH E1 KING` he:u't<>(I bishop known as Nicho]u>:.1Ctc' ' E H devoted his entire life to doing __Dressed turkeys, geese, ducks and good and was a special friend of4'-mCkC`T1 held 910 C0T1t1`9 Of the 3t(0. c-hil(1:2'(2n. Nicholzts was in 21 quzLn([a.r_viillthongh trading: was none too b1'i, to know how he could help a poori Only one outside buyer \vz1.< p1'u.<(-nt but \.`.1._\. proud n0b1Cm.(m_ Qmund he had t11im:s pretty much his Chri. Eve .\Iicho1as saw the o1d'0'11 `V2133 T111`1\'0.\'5 \'\":1`0 >`01f1 dt noblomzln sitting: by his open 1'e- frqm 156 t0 32C In the .'-1"3I`.01'111 1`-:11 place and decided to drop :1 purse hem?! T1`0m 130 to 300- CVDOW- !s"`~"J-`T0 of gold down the chimney, so tha@'01`0 0`01`f-` at 15C 1b.. but not in P the noblomzm would not know wnere :*3I101'i11 dC'mE1Y`x 130 t0 l5<:.E :4 ,...m,. 4`.....~. 1+ 1-....\n.\...-.,l H-.0. .-..,.,\!crm`inr rvhh-lrr-n.~ I5'u- fn 1Q - rnnl Pnu-I Lalltf HUUll`H1}.lIl \\ULlHl IIUL l\IlU\\' .it came from. It happened th [of the nobhm:m .~' (l`z1u<,*,'htcr: hung` up h<-r I'z1thm".< ; hearth to dry and the |p11l`SC 1 to thvm. No one know from the gift hzul come, but it w beginning-; of this old custom. The Christmas Tree T`l.nn.. nu. I\`\r\v|1v 1.n..n+.`(`n' I [He \.nl'lSIl"I1ElS tree Tiil`1`l,' are many beautiful legemlsi conneetr-d with the origin of the ri itree as the tree of the Christ C`ni1d.i [as for instance the 1e_g'eml 01' the' iiiis. who rescued 21 child about to be offered as 21 sacrice under :1 an-....I nu]: +..nn in ,..~.I..|\....Hnn A4` 4-kn U) U!) UliCl'l.`(l 215 ll. S?l('.l'lllCU Ull(lL`l' ll _u`1`<-at oak tree, in (.'(.`ll`l_H'l1i..lOll of the,1 Sun God Thor. The 1i1is.'ioi1a1'y` st,-i /.<-(l the axe and chopped down the 1` 10:11:. As: the tree fell `Z1 voun-g` r` i,1'e(- miraculously zippezired behind it.`1T The mi.s'sion:Lry said to the people, s( lloi'<~ is the living; tree with no stain of blood upon it. See how it points to the sky. Call it the Tree of the Christ Child. 'l`o Martin Luther also is given the honor of originating` the idea of v the Chri.~;tmus tree. On 8. Christinas p he was travelling over 21 snow f()11`(2st country. 'l`lhe trees covn.-re(l with mow, with the_ and stars .~rliini`m.:' down upon`; He was so enthralled \viti1'\ : beauty that he cut 21 A , small, r tee, and it into`-` house, coveretl the lmtm-hes with can-(lies, which he ligzlited. It is (-lz1im- `Ii ml that from this attempt of Martin j Luther to (lescribe a beautiful Hone : sprung: the custom of the Ch.ristinas tree. ] f`lu-p4- in u-n4`nm~.-ul +n um 'l`hn '1`:-nn tree. l Chri.' is 1'efe1~1'od to as The Tree. of Life, and the Ch1'istmz1s tree as} the sign, symbol and 1'ep2'cscnta.tion; of The Tree of Life. I { r _ ` I mung. When emepty1n:1,:' :1 feztthe-r bed or pillows, when a generous space is ripped open, sew the opened space to the same space in clean or new tick and work feathers back to the one to be lled~-eithe1` bed or pillows--1` zvnd one will not -have the unpleasant It is not true that love makes all experience of having feathers y all things easy; it makes us choose the ovet. most difcult.-George Elliott. During the year there were 258 --Herbert H. Hines. A birtlls and 136 deaths in Orillin. 1 l`;\'(l 0l`lfJ.`1l lULC`(1 IS Ult m 300 there lived a kind-It 1n:..1.n.. 1........m. M. \~ .zm1.... KC 1m 1101} l{n()\\.' xvnerey that onm 1's (l`:1ug'htcrs hzul; .~2".< by the; {I fell in-, 3 whom} 3, \\':Is thL:' A11] ,...,.+..... I 1.-_ Ti. COLLIER CHURCH MISSION BAND I Seldom have we noted Such :1 dis- play of fowl, g'z1,1'r1a:11 aml 1".u'n1 pm- duct.< as _'.:'1`r-(-ted t:':m.~:u zxttc-Ildinp; Sat.- ; urd`ay s m'1.1`ket. The market building! `.\'u..s tuxe I to mum:-itv. whnln nnrx .3 Lame 5 no czn_)ac1I;y, Lmany trucks, autos. isleighs men ; etc. . ..\_.u ALCIL ... ..... ...1..1..i11,1. 50,1110 1,11e 11-111, 111113111-(1119 1191,11 5 I31'1C3- 1ove1'looke when the C~h1'1stmzJ.s11st --------- |\vas being` made out. Or perhaps the " A CHRISTMAS 1:-RAYER gchildren have some one they want to . 1'<'meml)e1` whom they had not thought "W1, 01,011 111111-C 0111- t,1-11115111-9,; 111111 0111-3 of before. Cln`i.~:tmus fax-'o1's for the "| gifts 1 ~ 1Cl11*ist1}m:' table made _of various 1`A,11d some of gt 1.1 gold '1colo1 c_-(1 g;umd1'op.s: are 1nexvp_e11sive, I A1111 501110 1,-, f1-11;1};111L-C11ge_ ,coler1 ul and su_ch _]olly.l1ttle th1ng'.~: to 1lA.n1d some is mV1.1.]1 ; !mzLke 01' receive. Wltll the aid of `-`Fm. some has ('.0m0 from plenty ;_toot_hpicks _:md whole cloves, the nlsome from joy, 1quzL1ntest httle gures can be made. 0 Aml some from deepest so1'ro\\' of the A .`- .`i1Yl}' (l0C01`1\tC b0X 01' 1311050 W0U1(l '5 S011}_ , be a suitable gift for child. llOStCa'$, or lBut Thou. O God, (lost know the gift, even :1 whole family. All one needs (3! is love iis the 1[hate1`i:1ls and a little i1nugi11-,- '5` ur led e of eace, our romi-so of" tl0n~ ' he D"<`9-`S is Quite ~lmPl0-I ' O D gogod will D lThcse.little gures make cute littlel lAccept "the gift and all the life Welgift-9 fol` the C-l1ll(l1`0Y1 3 St0CkingE"-9| i lmina. I 3150- l ',,L'll(.'l'Zll (l(,`H1'dH(l; (IU('H . (-hicl{(-n,<, 15c to `I100 to 12. At: 12 0 (' `still la1`_-.;'.- qL1antiti(-.< 11 ; fa1`mc-.1's took their birrl '[fo1' :1 better nmrkct . day.) n..u..... :.. r .uu._,., } i Butter \\':1.< in fair demand at 25c} 1b., while eggs were rathc:1' scarce, the L \p1'ic0 rmnui11ing rm at 5. ;;(-. to -10c} ;2'. dozen. ` E The (li.4p1a_v of frc-. killed 1n0at:<; ,`\\'as ewrzptionally lame, pork, becf and mutton selling at (30. and 8c a 1b..` lamb at Sc and 133C and baby bed utf 10c and ]5c. 'I`he1'(~ \\'as com:i .'wood for sale, selling` at $5 to per` `loud, according` to quality. `IN _;._L-,_ _. _ ,, .., , 1 - v A ._,, _- F Potatoes were scarct: mud in du-i gmzmd at 15c 21 peck. Apples were 211-; so in demand at 20c to 250 a basket.` Home bzLkin.g'. umncd fruit amli (`In-L-hug nnx-nlna \I'n1-n .~}.'vnl..n,.,! 2! 50 Ill (lUH]'cLH(l Z11 ZUC LO Z.v')(' Uil5KC`T/.' Christins novelties \\'e1'o displayed ini several ; and many purchases} I made. I \rn..~.+..Mm. mm .......,1,... ....,`.1..,.4._| l!I1ll(lC. I Vegetables were. in fair prices. BIG CHRISTMAS MARKET llgll bl`il(llll}J \VZlS HOUU COO D` pm \\ c1`c >'01( 15 22 11).. : Choice o erc-(1 no ml 1: 15c to 18c, and . `n 101- .\4.- 10 n n1n..1- 4'r\I*A; The annual meeting of Collier St. United Church Mission Band was: held on Monday. Reports for the _\,'em' shvowed that 1932 l1a.(l been the best year since union. Fourteen new members joined and $138 was sent to the P1'sbyterial '[`rea,.:u1'er, to- gzether was :1 halo of Christmas gift; valued at $16. The allocation for the year was $105. The book on Korea. \va.< an intere. study undl. the zittenclance \\'a..< most ;:mtify1ng:.i Hugh Black. Betty _,Simpson. Gl:L(l_VsI Williams, Tom ..\rmstron~g:, Audrey Sarjeant, Donald Mills. Mac Mills, .Tm-1: T?-~m. nnrl Jnvl-c G:u'1'e'L1; had laH(` g bring. '.H.1\l.'l:. L UL` H} to czmaclty, I1n1r.'- ..n+n. 2 gold, 2 1'ra=.1kincense, 5 myrrh hag come plenty, m `IOV, and gzarden products! demand at the usual` L mm .~_-\'c-ran; 'rls home. hoping`. to-day ('I`hur:<-I narxer. ounumg, whole outside \\'ag`on.< and .<{~ J`nu.1 11~r\:\-; I 2 a.;_.-,u1I.\ emu, fowl, wood,` Irom Ll1K'X1' nm. (.`uSDOm(:l`>'. 'l"1w use 01' the Christmzis \\'re21th is believed to be `r.1`z1('z\b1e to the pagan ;_](-uston1 of (lm-0-mtimvt bL1i1(1ings uind ipiacc-s of woship at the feast whlch gtook place at the same time as our Chri.-tma.<. The wrczith is not used ' a to such :1 grrcnt extent in Europe as ?- in Canada, a1t'h0u_9:h (ir3c01'ati0ns with (1wie\'e1'p,'recns are much used. n_ A L n THINGS VVORTH KNOWING ABOUT THE CHRISTMASTIDE Good I\'.in:.: Wcnccslz1u.~', of Carol `fame, was a King of Bohemia. . . Tnnnvcnn n'nm- 1-r-'n:nrI an nfTm' nl'l Wllllams, 10m :-U'11S1',1'OY1`g, nuurcgy Mills, Jncl: R'1m.<:1y and Jack G:ur1'et,t full zittclulztncc, and mzmy only miss- ed on: meetin_:. The 1*. four me already life l`nUn}l)(:l`.~` and the lust x"-2 will 1'r.-ceivc lift iClnl)0l`>'.lllD corti- cate.~; and pins at the J11Illl21l`_\ nwci; ing: Betty Simpson, }Iug'h lack and Ba1`l)z11`z\ L nder1111l sold the grunt- (;.~'t numucr of cards. 'T`kn Fnllnnvivur am,-mv: xvnrn n|n(',i`.- `HLIHC, \\'d5 21 l\lIlg U1. l)UllL`Hlli:l- Tennyson oncc 1'efu;~:ed an ofYe.1' of 1,000 for a short set. of \'Cl`SOS for ' Ch1'ist1nz1.: (`z11'd.~'. The Eve Epiphany, or '[`\vc1f1;h `Niglxt (J:11mu.1'_v 6) is to the children of R01m> \\"mtt (`,`.n".=tm:1..~' is to us. Stru`\' is said to bu used for deem`- ..Hnn In (I ....L- .wnnx..~ nu {"`nm'.-`nx-141 ZKLIUI day `.3 A la [H3215 l eleventh centur tween the . lnysterzr 1)1a_vs of The tl11'k(:}' .h':\ the 'fa\*01'it(: bin menu, the peacoc 3+:1L'h1n' if: xnr-n r 5 There is a1\\'a_vs the 12Lst-minute gift `for some one who may have been when C~h1'istmzJ.s list l1Iir\r~4 In,-n... nunln nn+ n n.-u.L...v. 4.1." ]l To keep the color from running in` your dainty embrosidesred handker- lchiefs, put them, before w`z1'shing, in a pa.il of lulkewa.rm \va,~ter, in which you have mixed thoroughly :1 table-1 spoon of turpewfaine. ` We must not take the faults 01' our youth into our old age; for old age brings its own defecb&-Goethe. THE LAST-M I NUTE GIFT r':::-'01:` o1`i_g`ir11z1tu in tin, ntm_', being: sun_;; be- ;'n(?.< of tho mmlclc and '3 the period. 3: lms not always been bird on the Christmas .-2u:0(-k, in L1.1\L`ic1`1t times, urn on the festive bozu'd.| :1 .. I-\\ n fr. 1" 11 vi uhu 1| :- L- > m1...< on (Jh1`i.~:`.,11m.~: of the stable of `.1'1-'Iv1l1lL>' 15 I0 ll.\',. I Miss Eliza Anderson. Suttolfs old- est resident, ])d.\'$Od a\\`;1y rm Sun(1`z1_v `East. She was in her 10(`tl1 _ne:12'. Until 21 few _\`(.-zu`s -1510 she was quite, active, and on hr,-1` 100th biri,1nlz1j;[ ~`dzm(-ed with , There I-xists in all of us a certain amount of native vanity, in that we feel that our judgment in matters affect- ing our own requirements is superior to that of a stranger. And this is quite in order and absolutely justied. We know the requirements of our own business as to quantity required; we have, by experience annd actual practice, con- cluded that 21 certain grade, color or quality suits our pur- pose best. Unable ecu DU SPUHK I115 Hil.lIll':'--' ' To us, the tempted, who withm Still feel the throb of inbred sin-- To us, .\oru lzulen and (listressed, He comes, our comfort, joy zmd rest, To all ea1*th s \\'ea:'y, str.uqgl:in;: me.n, The wor1(l's_ sole Hope seems born `H'1'1ll'n Sa;tisfa+z:tmn in Seleatimn In Printing ,Wc have made our choice, and usually know pretty well what we want and how \ve want it. Co-operation in securing this can best be obtained from the home printer, for it is his desire; in fact, his duty, to see to it- that he uecures for you just what you want, and that he carries this regularly in stock. In the printing, also, your wishes can be carried out by consultation and co-operation. The carpctbagg'er, however, will always try to sell many times your ordinary requirements; he will most likely try to work off a job lot of paper. And as for style of work, since there is no chance to consult, and as no proof is submitted, the customer must take it as supplied, regard- less of his own ideas. Therefore, in order to get what you want, and when you want it, in the matter of your printing requirements, consult with THE NORTHERN ADVANCE PHONE 53 Whether you be a man or woman you will never do anything in Ems world without courage. It is ti...- imeatest quality of the mind next to honor. 153129 Seven` (;.~'t or cams. The fo1low1ng' ofcers were ed for 1933 : D.-nohinnf Fnhl \Nn`.+u- \'ir-(-- ed I01` 1506 : President. Enid \Ne1t(:; Vice-P1'c:I don. Donald Mills; Sccr0t:11'_v, Ba.1`.m:':v. Underhill: '1`1'easu1'e1`, Jack Gzmrrett; Pianist, Mr.<. I\. C1&11'kL: Leadem`, Mrs. '1`. Sinclair, 3lr.~'. 1.-. Clarke.