Wan4:ed-Work as domestic. Phone 4 on line 3, Barrie. LU Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Mortgageds Solicitars. /\I \ \IlAl\J k.ll..l\/1 . -;George W. `Clark. In w. J. Blair, _ "D nanvrs ' 3-E1ect. i RETURN $3.15 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 19.3. BY-LAW NO. 1823 Notice is hereby given that a.By- law was passed by the Council 0 `the Corporation of the County` ' 'Simcoe on the 25th day of No\'e1n~ .ber, 1932, providing for the guar- anteeing` of payment by the County of Siincoe of the debenvtums of the Town of Collingwood to the amount of $25,000 for unemplojfmenrt Ieilel during; the winter of 1931-32,. and such By-law was 1'eg'iste1'ed in me ' Registry Oice for the Registry Div- ision of the County of Simcoe on Lhe 30th day of .\'ovember, 1932. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or miy part thereof, must be nizuie within three months after the rsmpu'b1iczLt;'on of this notice, i and cannot be inzuie thereaf-ter. . D:i1-mi Hm RHH1 Am. n`? \im,.....im.. .NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF" Y NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Ol- BY-LAW NO. 1825 Notice is hereby given that a By- law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 25th day of Novem- ber, 1932, providing for the guar- anteeing of payment by the County of Simcoe of the debenatures of me Village of Coldwater to the amount '01:` $4,600 for unemployment, and such By-law was reg'iste1`-ed in me Registry Office for the Registry D1`v'- ision of the County of Simcoe on the 30th day of November, 1932. ADV motinn fn nnn-:11 nv emf auxin uuu cannot be made the1*eaf-ter. Dated the 30th day of November. 1932. I vn n. uuuJ\.\.n.. >.J\|\.-\.\.\.\| ....~.\ _--. -77, | Our second Sunday evening h0LlI';` of social fellowship for all yoixirgw people in the church parlors at 8.1.5.` An hour of cheery music, bright sing-f ing and reside chat you will enjoy. A cosy time around the hea11;h. , The quiet talk by Mr. F. VV. Dobsoni VVhite Gift Service in Sundzijyl School, Sunday, Dec. 18th. ` on rv .... ..4. '1`..n y hm. -9n+1. ouul uay OI 1\`ovembe1', 1932. Any motion to quash or set asidw the same, or any part; thereof, must` be made within three months af'.E`1 ' the first publication of this notigc, and cannot be made thereafter. I). 1t('(i H10 .9.nH1 den` nf` \Yn1vnn~.lu- Lulu. uzumot U0 mane tnereaiter. Dated the 30th day.of November. 1932. I T c-- NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1826 | Notice is: hereby given that a 155 - law was passed by the Council of the Corporation 01' the County 01' Simcoe on the 25th day of I\'o\'c;n- bu`, 1932, pro\'i'iing for the gum.- :.lI1tL'Ci!]{., oi" puyms.-11t by the County of Simcoe oi. the debenrtures of the 'I'o\\"n of Midlzmd to the amount of [$75,000 for unemployment relief and such By-law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Divi; of the County of Simcoe on the 30th day of Nox-`ember, 1932. .-\ny motion to qu-.1. or see aside .-';;me, or any part thereof, must ]be made within three mo11thsaf_te2 the rgt publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dntm? Hm fznna Am. nc \'m.m..1\.... NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Oi: BY-LAW NO. 1827 zlnu cannot 00 made tn01'eaIte1'. Dated the 30th (lay of .\'o\'ember 1932. I `IV E` Notice is her. by given that a By- law was pagsed by the Council of the Corporation _of the County of Simcoe on the 20th day of Novem- ber, 1932` providing` for the guar- anteeing of payment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the Town of Orillia to the amount of -$7,000 for the completion of the pur icliase and laying of s_torm se_wers, land such l3;'-]u\\' was reg'1.=te1'ed In the Registry Office for the Registry Div- ision of the County of Simcoe on the 30th clay of l\'o\'embe1', 1932. tn`. mm-:nn +n ,..m.~1~. nu c-AF n:~;.'An OUU1 111) 01 ;\U\`(. Illl)(:1', 1:704. Any motlon to quash or set astde .610 samc-_. or any part thereof, must be made within three months af'Le-1' the first publication of this notice, and czmnot be made tvlmreaftel`. T`|..+.-.17 Han Qx :1-xv nf` \ nvr.\n11\.:\- NOTXCE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1829 Notice is hereby given that a By hm was passed by the Council of the Corpo1':i.tion of the County of Simcoe on the 25th day of Novem- ber. 1932, providing for the guar- anteeing of payment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the Town of Barrie to the amount of $16,000 for the Corporation s share of the cost of storm sewers and pav- ings during 1931, and such By-law for the Registry County of Simcoe on the 80th d y of November, 1932. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. T\n+nA H1n 2n+J-. am; of November. was registered in the Registry Ofc ' Division of tag Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the Town of Barrie has been prepared and is be- ing published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette in its issues of Qnnh-.n-ulnar 0,14-'|n f\n+nRcn- 1:? Rlh and zmu cannot be mane u1L-rczxuer. Dated the 30th day of November, 1032. I 1' c:.......... and be made nnereaxter. Dated the 30th day of November, \ 1932. l ,l, T` Simnson. much! MyBack! Rub J I Lumbago Pain Away}! When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up. don't suerl Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching hack, and by the time you count fty, the soreness and lame- ness 1s gone. I)nn'r ctnv rrinnlcdl Tlns soothinrz. ness Don't stay crippled! soothing, "penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It is magical, yet : absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. `M ..+I,.:..... n`BA cfnnc lnml-man :1-iat-:L the SKIN. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica. backache or rheumatism so promptly. It never disappoints! Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil. J. T. Simpson, Cnuunlv J. T. Simpson, County Clexh J. T. Simpson, Cn'IInfv the Untano Lsazette In Its 1551185 01. September 24th, October 1st, 8th and 15th, 1932. Copies of said list or of the advertisement may be seen at my office or will be mailed on re- quest. I herebv give notice that unless the J. T. Simpson, r`,n`unlv J. T. Simpson, (`.n`lInI'V nmpson, County Clerk. . H. nmpson, County Clerk. nmpson, County Clerk. nmpson, County Clerk (E u%$.17u{.!!3A\It REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER quest. I hereby give notice arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or so much of them as may be necesary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, on Tues- day, the 27th day of December, 1932, in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Barrie, at the hour of_ two o'clock in the afternnon. I T3414-or` cf Rurn f,-1;: 91! An A` Miss Audrey Clifton at the Organ Mr. Alexander Knox, Choirmaster O'ClOCK In EH8 8IlZe1'l'lI'l0Il. ` Dated at Barrie, this 21st day of September. 1932. A \II E.._:LL 1 Death of Beatrice Kinsella . It was with a great measure of 1 grief that the citizens of Allandmc : learned of the death of Beatrice Kin-_ Sella. third daughter of Mr. and Mrs.` A. Kinsella, Gowan St., in her four-, teenth year. The dead girl had been quarantined for scarlet fever and waa' doing nicely until complications set in and death took place early Wed-' nesday morning, Dec. 7th. The fun- eral was held privately the same af- ternoon. e.%:<.%a .;g{s;mmsg CHIROPRACTIC A I For Sa1e--Ha1f duplex house, or will rent furnished or unfurnished. Also REV. J. J. BLACK, B.A., B.D. Minister LHUUL, uuuuug, .LIc\.. LUV- S.S Concert, Tuesday, Dec. 20th, f. 52 nrn hlulnuu , lawn. .. ., ` 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 8.15 13.111. '\lff\ lT\Y1 `.Yf`. Lands For Sale For -FOR-- ' FLU AND COMPLICATIONS Following the u, tone up the heart and system in general with a (-o'.11`.<,e of adjustments. We Solicit Full Investigation Arrears of Taxes Town of Barrie 60 Elizabet St. A. w. Smith, Treasurer of the Town of Barrie. At the Henri, of Barrie With the Heart of the Gospel For the Hearts of the People 1'01" Dale---DEII UUPLEX 1101.158, 0!` W111 -...:-... nn`A 44-` 1...-sug-n1;-u-CIA 4-'11-:-mih1v-n 1 hJID\IJLa 1. EVER.YB-OD; WELCOME Sunday, Dec. 11, 1932 - .-. n .\ ... 3 .\ . n .- U..1.u L1... MORNING nuinn In H Phone 405 ` 7 pm. and. ;Allandale News? ILown on outuruay. 5 1 Mrs. D. Mc'Leish, of Orillia, spent` `ia few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Os-I `home this week. 1 NT`... \X7 A Tlnunn 1411:` A4-un-un.-I UUIIIU M115 WGUK. I Mrs. W. A. Hanna. has returned `from a three months trip to West- ern Canada. Part of the time she visited her (laughter near Prince Ru- pert, and also spent some time Wlthi [friends at Edmonton and Calgary. Rpginnts nf Allnnulnln urm-42 nlpneorl uue, _ landa. furnished unfurnished. Also` _ _ -- 3 private sale of household furniture.| John SlI1C1a11', Of 0-A-C-. Guelph ! Apply 180 Dunlop St. . spent the week end at the manse. I _ . _:___.1 Mrs. F. Goring is in Toronto this` `cl. l'Ud.l IJULLIL`, Ullly Ulllllg f1IC2l.EC(l ii to 2. and considering they were play- : ing; before a crowd that would natur- ':all_v be cheering" for the home team, ' tlwy. lid remarkably well. R..B.P. No. 601 Elm-Lia`: oi" o1licer.< of the Roy-.11 Blavk l i'ec.-}_).:.>.`_". .\'0. G01, Allamdalk-, for 11:35} took place l...~t wool: at the ' O1`ang'e Hall on Burton Ave. P1i.~`I3 ;Prcc. W. 1-3. A. Burns occupied tin- cliair while i'epo1t;~: we-1`e p1'esentc.. County Master W. E. Pemberton, 0; 1.-Utterson, was present and installeu ,.1the new oiccrs, who are: W01`. Prom. "C. J. Gri`iths; Dcp. P1`ec., A. C. .;lKer1(lrick; Chap., W. T. Nixon; Fin. i Reg`ist1'a1', S. Reynolds; Rec. Reg`ist1'21r, `1_J. A. Nye; Treas., N. Doherty; 1st 1ILect., N. Cloughley; 2n Lect. Tru- `B12111 Williams. `v . y 5 St. George s Bazaar The Women's Auxiliary of S\ lGueorg'e s Anglican Church held their annual bazaar and sale of work in - = ` the Memorial Hall Tuesday afternoon. ` :The room and booths were daintily - decorated with pink and green. Many `pretty aiticles usually sold at bazaars ,were on display, as well as tasty.` 'homemade baking and candy. The . g'ue. were received by Mrs. (Rev.) 7 `G. A. Feirheller, Mrs. G. H. Estcll . land Mrs. A. Osborne, president of ' lt'h0 society. Mrs. (Dix) Webb and J 1 Mrs. .-\ll)('l`t Godden. Si-., were l10.~.- 1 `tosses at the tea tables, which were - attended by 1VIrs.. E. Firinan, Misses ` M. McAuley, Eva Barnard, Ne11ie,' Miller and Georgina Spearn. The] various booths were presided over as ` follows: Fancy work, Mrs. A. Sim,, |`;\Irs. J. Kivell and Mrs. C. Danversf aprons, Mrs. A. R. Godden and Mrs. iR. Marctelus; candy, Misses Winnie Blogg and Victoria Barnard; balmig, lMiss Wales and Mrs. Geo. Spearn. Burton Ave. W.A. J The large number present at the` lamina] meeting of Burton Ave. Wo- men's Auxiliary voted to re-elect the , `same oilicers in a body for the ensu- ing year, and the following` will again `hold oflice: President, Mrs. J. Patton; =t 1st Vi(~::-President. )Irs. W. Cullen; r 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. W. Rusk; f Treasurer, Mrs. J. D. Wisdom; Fin. :- _Secretary, Mrs. M. Holmes; Rec. Sec-` n rotary, Mrs. H. Johnson; Cor. Secre- f [i1l'\`. Mr-. r` W vm...x...... .. n l 1 Ul'll11il laU2lIl1 JZLSE ulursuay Illgt Orillia in a sudden death game, but`. `in the long run the result was. the` .same, as they again to-ok it on the` "(-,hin. This time, ho\v0\'e1', they put up 21 real battle, only being` rlefeutod -'1 .th '2. and r-nn.:irlm-intr thnv \vnr-In nlzlv- . leaders are: ` tery championship on Tuesday nighhland also back here when `he would M1__,`,` (1nu1'.'~:day) Irorn the late 1'e.~`i(lC11cc, n MI...` _],>__ (4.. W` I,0uChp`_._ CUm_unL_l_ ` 19 Centre St., with`.serv.ices in charge 1 , ' _ _ . H ` _ 01 Rev. .\. R. I). Sinclair, and pro t 1 Inner (om., M. A. Flt.-etl.ri.n, ceeded to Thornton United Cemetery, ( where interment was made. The t Barrie Post of the Canadian Leg'ion,.t with arms reversed, accompanied the e :remains to their last resting 1')lLlC(:.l)1 `Members of he Thornton L.O.L. alsolc `paid last respects to their departed . brother at the graveside Glen Kell Elected A. Pugh, Mrs. w. Park and Mrs. H.` A` ." ?"&V 03' .l Y- ``, ? ?`8' Johnson, Mrs. T. W. Little and Mrs.;illgllglnegfifllhi n:(lB`S :`E:rI1gl B' Rlchaldson Mrs J' D' Wlsdom and ` dates for the twelfth Older Boys Par- Mrs. C. Stewart. l]._ 1 . I t] .. 1 tf ` t Burton Ave. Y.P. Lose Debate ldment exp ame.( mu p a orms 0 ofthe voters. B111 M-alcomson spoke Tl'Y P`l'.`S't lBu1't]:;11 .-l'1 tlleszcondlrst and told of the good he hoped round debate {or the Simcoe Presby-llo do the bY5 cause at Painlerlli (,'on\`ener Property Com., Mrs. C. Me-l Quade; Pianist, .\Ir.~:. W. A. Hanna.` {eports showed that over $300 wa. rai.~:ed during the past year. a large share of which was made at the an- nual bazaar last week. It was de- cided to continue the circle system, whic.h has proven so . The Mrs. Holmes and .\Ir.<.i The winners were representatives`"mum! afldmg thflt .he had reafl h from Comm. St United Church Ba1._;opponent s_pla_tfo1m in the paper and rim, and the scene of the argument '35 also 1 m"r.i Ollerytlllng. he was the United Church, Churchill.'p"5ld` G.le_n l`_ll the? "p1``l The Allandale society was represented lully hls platlolm .l"ch .hlS p.pm.`",` by Mi. Marjorie Patterson and Ed_`1avored, the main points ot which ,e;ar LeGear, who upheld the affirnia-il'3 Aplmllmg D'mg'mm": t. 1 . ".`" tive on the question Resolved tlizitllllghell stalldmds of Chrlstlml llvlllg; p;o\'ernment ownership of all pubIIcjI'mt mtr`l='Tup, rel__tlll,.Sh_l1.f"' utilitic-.< are in the best interest of the ~ local summer f5,aml 5 1;.lt""| people. The negative was su1)porte.: lncnt to C0-`_l`' _t l ._`l__'h 1' Li. by .\I<-.<.~:r.<. W. Coutts and J. Cameroni t`-'`5 =' b-V ho 1 111` F 00 `ml and wow g.i\.(_,n the mum by the to whom nrost avenL1es 01 en1p1o_,- jL1(l,r.~;e.~'. A brief sketch by meml)er.< of mmt` are c``lcd- l70-lull" . . the Collier St. Young People s So-' Only about h1ty_per cent. 01 the dew and vocal numbem by M;_`.__..\'oter`s exercised their l.)`1lIlCI.i(: at the Caltlv.`--ll and 1\'Ii.<.< V. 13:11.1`-.m mum1-*1>o11.~' on Saturday and ,tl_10="c Wm M ed out the program. About t\\'ex1t,* :.w`l`." llll95t 13.'.d_WlL,.l 1 ,t_. `:',Ou`,_,`. pmplf, from __\]1m1;,1L. u(.(.(,,,, gt-ho1ce_ of` a candidate. [he ])'.l]:~ l`L` pzmiml the debut:-r.< and a. Pull 171 (C`"l91'i1l. C;lW1'(`l_1 E`?WU llhl nixmln-r l':'om l`.:'.rri4- n`.:1.l- the trip tui-lli1lC0m5011 il mi1J01'1l) 0l- 32 but W15 (,m,0um,_,.O t},_(_h. >.W.ukL_,.>._ was not enough to offset the 2!) ma- ` C0'unci,.s from Almndale jority ;,-'ive11 Glen lxell at the Allan- 'l"n,_: 1.,,,,\.,. of ym. 13;-,-,'0 1,0-,1 mun- dale poll in the Y.)I.C..A., and l\._elI oil for lE):`.:`. will Lllllll be from tlii:;;`f1-*' Ul('CtC by U10 il1'1'W md.i01'll:.> end of the town. but tl1i.<. 1.imr- it: .t-imoi 7. 1 em-ou l':1_`_', 0 , man. J. R0_9;c1's, by u coml'o1'tnblc ma nummrr irum l'u:`.l`l'1<' ll`.ll|fT Uni`, trip tui Councillors . ` lflflt`. 21;,-'ai11 t;hi:;; end town, but this time it Wllll be W. J. Blair, who at the polls on .\lon Llofoatetl his fellow to'.\'n.~,- jority. Mr. Blair has had :1 great deal of experience 111 lmmllimr tmvnl 7 after being enu 01 UN` town, out 1:m.~`. l.llll(' at on fellow had o.\'pe1'ience in handling town afl':~.i1-5 since comin}.-,' to town and `should make a good move. The `aldermen are C. W. Poucher and W. `Wurdle. Mr. Poucher needs no intro- duction, having served as deputy- 'reeve and alderman in previous coun-i it will 1 01 1- Glen liell is the only son of I-11'. and .\lr.<. Chas. l{<:ll Cha1`le.< St. lle is u B.C.l. . and a member 01 the l'lx('el. Bible Class of l_ ;Lll`i}0ll Ave United Churcli. l`he Boys Pal- liznnent will hold this yeur s session at l-lnrt House, Toronto, (lurinp; Lilo '(;`ln`ist1nas week. Gllen will be the iii)-st member of parlizunent from Bl.ll'iL0l l Ave. Church since Clarke Scott, of the old Pioneer Tuxis cils and is now returning to public life ' S '35 Olocted ilb0Ut M110 V0115 in retirement for three 'years. Wm. Wardle is a new man with no previous experience, but is quite well known In town. He 15 em- ago. He spoke briefly to the Sunday School last ' thanked those him. wh 0 Sunday afternoon zmu =t helped to elect i 1. 1. J \ l(` a :1 l) L ii 'I F l l: I l .. r......v...; ....\....y ..uw.u\.u. } For Christmas Gifts go to the Mary ,Payne Gift Shop, next to Singer Sew- ! ing Machine Shop. | ,,_ h_.I:_ 1:_._.,, :,,,,_,I L,_ -r r< _ Win a Cocker Spaniel Puppy an `H-epp1eston s Meat }VIa1'ket. 13-.. fVL..:__, __ r<,-L-L, ___ L. L1,, V: ...=, _._-.--.._.... .....-,. Radio licenses are issued by J. G. Keenan` as usual. All duplicates are forwarded to the Radio Dept. by reg- istered mail, an added feature for i customers. rru -ru - . . /u /V l uuuvvnnxvn uh } The Christmtas Cheer Cormnittee {will function this year as usual, bun will not in any way interfere or over: lap with the Central Relief Commit- torn. Dunlop st : spent vne week: end at me ______ _:____:__:.! this! DR WALTER H. WOODROW ,'leek visiting her mother, who is very!` EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT` -Mr. Arthur Jay, S12, returned f1_`o.m` Sf }_3CIAI.IS'I_` :Lond_o}1 last week, where he was v1s1t- Onlhn, Ontarlo mg 11-;end5_ . .1. u r\,,_-_1, Ll-;_I n_....:- \ NT)`: 7 `I\/rr\(".n11e]nn:l ur11ne cnnnn'.:: iployed by the C-..\'.R. in the car de- `pa1't111e11t. While the 2LlLlCl.`l11011 u; \\'a1'd live do not live 111 this end 01 the \\'url, they are well known i11 Al- l;L111i;1le mm will surely lmve the in- terests of all they represellt at heaiz.-. 'll1e-y are both 1';1il1'uzul 111011, alt;h0ug1:l W. A. l.`.'.11'11ey Gill is 110w retired.` W111. Wiles, the other al(ler111a.n for wzird live, is e111pioyeLl iii the same 1iep;u`t.111e11t Llri .\l1'. W211'dle. Benjamin Gartner I The death 01' l;`e11jau11i11 Fe1'rie1' Gunner came as 21 g1'eat shock to his l"1'in111i~.:1111i :11-n11ini:1m-1:; in 1'.nu'n I-In uenjamln uartner u 1'1'icnd.~. umi ucquinlzinccs in town. He had been ill for tnc }_)d>'l] month and to the 'l'o1'onto General Hospital, \\'l1crc an operation for ap}_)(511(.llCll.l.$ was successfully performed. How- ever, he contracted pneumonia soon after, but his condition was not con- sidered serious until a clot of blood `formed in his system, which caused death suddenly about 10 p.111. Moilday, Dec. 5th. ` n l on Wcdiicsday, .\'o\'. 23rd, was taken` l`l.\ 1... `.r.. r<.. l uee. 01.11. ' The late 311'. iG,artner was born May 18, 1868, on the 5th concession oi lnnisl, and for some years fol lowed the occupation of farming. 'l'hirty-nine years ago he came to Allandale and became an employee` _oi' the G.'l`.l{. During this period of years, except for the fhne spent in .the army, he was employed in `the ex- pre.: freight and mail depa1'tn1en1.s. ` S0011 after the outbreak of war in 191:1 the deceased enlisted in the ' 86th Machine Gun Corps recruited at 1 Hamilton, and accompanied the corps * as far as England. Here his age pre- `vented him from reaching the battle u front and he was honorably discharg- i ` ed. . Mr. Gartner was a member of lL.O.L. .\'o. 10, Thornton, the CH8. of R.l;`.., 119, Allandale, and Chief Councillor of the C.O. oi Chosen 'Friends. For the past ten years he was a member of the I{im0cong' Hunt `Club and made the trip each year `into the woods until 1932. 'I`hn Ian. M`. :.. l I .:..,..i 1...! ,nn.u UH.` woous until 1:132. '- The late Mr. Gartner is .~:urvivcd by his widow and two children, Mr.~:. U. Thorring'ton and Harry R. Gzlrtimr, of Allandale; four sisters, .\Ir.s. C. Lowe, Mrs. E. Hicks, .\1r>'. I. J. Snider and Mrs. J. G. Robertson, of Toronto, and two brothcr;~:, L. H. and C. F. Gart- ner, also of Toronto. , The funeral took place to-day ('l`l1u1'.'~:IJuy) from the late 19 Centre with .servic(:s `of Sinclair, `cc-eded `where The` Legion,. .remains p1;1cc.i fllembers also` `brother Glen Kn Fl...-+...1 .\.. The annual meeting of the Ba.r1'1e 1nm:m'vnf.ivp -\-zcnnintinn will ha hphl LOCAL NEWS The Northern Advance l/IIU l)l'()Ll:.fHE IUYLI1 1111111) (I. KUUKI lill,l).fll. `from The surp1'i: of the evening: \\':\.s the :1`iL1`kc humorous 5:mu1) of 1`c:1(1im:s given by luxls H. D. Coutts. which was 1:1-ezttly en- joyorl by all. 1ndu3_I' Eugene Smith moved :2. vote of 1 thanks to the speaker of the even-I elect ing`, the Mint.-sing Juniors and othcra who had contributed to the evening` SAYS commumsm ` IDEALIN THEORY` Prof. I-Iume Deals W 1:11 Subject in 1`a1king to , Jr. Farmers. \ Page Eight Communism as a form of govern ment was the subject of an a(i(il'CuB given by Prof. J. G. Hume, of Shanty Bay, to the joint meeting` of the Jun- ior Farmers and Homemakers held in Legion Hall last evening`. The dis-' cusion of such a subject was most timely, as the whole world is more or less experimenting along govern- ment; lines or getting ready to do so. The speaker traced forms of gover --I ment from the family, of which the father was the head and ruler, called` paternalism, through the tribe and clan stage to monarchies, termed despotism. Dening government, Prof. -Hume said the aim was order rst, then co-operation and nally persistence. Order plus co-operation if persisted in results in progress. Between pacistic paternalism andl militaritic despotism we get the pres i ent problem of gove1'.n'ment.. The` basic issue seems to be that of mak- ing the ruler behave himself. l`he speaker said the ideal governmnl; is best stated in the words of Lincoln, Governmeiit of the people, by the people and for the people. 'J,hei; United Kingdosn and the Uniteclw , States of America have most nea1';,} approached this ideal. he thou_a'h:. Loyal Opposition I In a democracy the goverm.-ii make their own laws. They get this` pouer thr0u;`n the vote, su1J1)0.~`u(1ly, but the inujorit_v alw:1;.'.< has the say. j The British Parliament 1121.4 solved `.thi.~: problern 01' representation by .-11- " lo\\'ing the minority `the same \`~J2L `Yin: 1`.'nrx m:x1'rnHv Hi; \l:H'n - ln-,.-l L [ '11). \.iLIl'(Ul4'.l. Uul >)`>bUI1l lb kl lillllli. l.`l1e1'e are no in(lependent `voters am . no in legislzxtois. They are u lot of du1n1nie.~:. 1- 2u't_\', not p1"n.u- ple, 1'ecei\'r_-.< I`iI`.~:t consiclemtion. There are :1 lot of tl1in_Q`.< that must be done in this country before we-= become a self governing body. The C_onse1`\'atiVe is one xvhoiil \\`:~.nts to onsei-\'e or p1'e.-erve ;~:ome- 1 thing, continued the speaker, and` he may carry this to the poin| of} tightening` up on everything. The; ,|1'a(lic2xl 01' Liberal wzmts Lo clmllgei lso1net;hing'-t1mt too may be cz1.r1'icd:( too far. Until the Conse1'\'a.tive and t the Libeml can trzwel along` side iiyig side for the good of the whole, like: two feet \valkin;: along` the 1'oad,`( we ll just be 21 hopping or lim;-ingi nation. When you have 01`(lCl u. prog`1'ess and p1'0grc:~:s of 01`(le1'. you` have the best government. (`nnnn11nicn1 in H1nrn-\,' i: an irin-Jl C lU\\lll`C`,' LIIU HHHULlL_y LHU ELLIHU \'JiC ` as the majority. His I\Iajcsty .s 1054]` opposition debates and votes on ail lqu:.~'tion.--: pcrtzlining to g0vernmn :.. In Czuladzx our systenl is :1 larce. There ]egislz1 co1`s. Pzlrty, `uh. \Ir\nr\:1 . ha-A nan.-,l.u...+Inn ll2.l\U bill.` UCSL gU\'l'IlI!lUlllz. ` Colnmuliism in theory is an ideal thing`. It means that every one t.-Jkes! his share of responsibility fully antl- willingly. Russia has gone a little` farther. The government of that' Country not only says the people .-i1a|!i share responsibility, but they . share their business, and they shalll share in the government's determina 1 tion to wipe out religion. There is,l ' however, one thing" the Communistf always forgets, and that that there; are lots of people who don't like `qnatl kind of pro,r.,rram. It is an ideal stici theory all right, but when the Rus-1 izm.< put: their version of it into pl-ac-l `Itice there was 21 good deal more boss~l ling than sl1111`lI1g`, and things are not? ' running any too smooth over there; ........... l l.ll(` nlilll \\'n0 TI"l(l L0 l'LUl `I115 CELL UV` putting: on llw b1'al~:e uml . l 011 the ',1'us at tho .<:um'- Limo. Yu..l czu1 L make pro;;'1'Ls.~' that \\'n_v." 1 'l`lw pro}.-:r::m <-nntlmurd with :1` mu. trio 'l'1'om tho Min0. Jun ' ior F:n'1ncr.< Grain Club. Roy 'l`1'ac:`y lezulvr of tlmt group, followed with an int:-,rr\. account of tlw <'lub'.~l :1cli\'i'.o<. |`h01`c was :1 p .n:1.~'1n;: sun.` by M knnpp. more muslc by line! tl'i0_. `..itl1 M)`. Uillur as . .1.m{ nally the much liscus. jmnbm-00.: 'l`l1i.< p)'0\'ud to be :1 journal of Junior` 9 Fzn'm<>1' .nlo\vs and comment 1.hau:| . lmwugrlut forth many 21 good laugrh. 1 'l`l~m cm-m-inn nl' Hm mvmxhw` \v:\s tho 1 it: he uses it to step i t- nncluded by saying` (ldcned him most \\'.-.5 1 -_ ation with respect to} ' `thank goo(h10; `.-r l t this whole \\'orl is` the meanest war in of :1 Ilnivursal i; 1;; I is m the position .7`-'1 iml to run his cm` by! . .~':u]n`- Y0, u....L .... ... '7 .` .`. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE! FARM PROPERTY In cl... Tm.,...l.:.. ..c \I_-....... :.. .1... FAKIVI FKUPFLKI Y In the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the powersl of sale contained in a. certain moirl. I gage, which will be produced at the` time of sale, there will be oil"<,-rcii 1'01 sale by public a.u on SATURDAY, D1.-LCEMBER 1'; l 1939. 51+. 1918 n r-lnnl: h|\\ ..4- 4). QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE. I by W. A. McConkcy, auctionncr, the` following lands and premises, mum.--l 1 : y 'l`.l1n Wad l1-,:H-' n4` 1 n6- \'.~....l..... The West half of Lot Number :Three (3) in the Eleventh (11) (Jon cession of the said Township of Ves , ma. `W; rJsu1A.1..1aL :1,on(1on last week, where he v1s1t- } ing `. win I); at the Queen ; Hotel, Barrie, Mrs. W. McCaus1and, who is spend-1? Every s,tu,d,y_ mg` the winter in Toronto, was inl 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- `WW3 011 S3t111`d3_Y- _ _ ; ment ` spent `:1 few rlavs with Mr. and Mrs. A. 054-! ' p.l'Zi. There is said to be erected on the said lands a. good dwelling house and [barn and outbuildings. The land is| clay 1032111 and is excellently situated l The nronertv will he n-`m-ad rm aanununx, uL;L.r.ME-LK 17 1932, at 12.15 o'clock p.m., at QUEEN'S HOTF.l._ RARRIF `clay 1021-III and 1S excellently lltuatecl The ro erty will be offered for u D_ P _ |sav1e subject to a reserved b1d. 1 Term: 2 Tan nor nnnf nf Hnn nnv |b'cl'lU swu_]ec1; E0 3. .1'ese1've(1 DIG. | Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur chase money at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days there after. 1? ... 4`.n.+I.-m... L.......... .....J ....._.J:.:._._.. U1" D' ~'5 There is said to be erected on saio Hands :1 good brick veneer dwelling .house. -I 'm.,. .....m,.,.+.. :,. ,\....n11,...u.. .: ..L,\.1 . a.1Ler. For further terms and conditions of sale apply to Sfewarf R7 slow: 1-! MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In H..- 1".-...... .: I:z......:.. :_ II__ I r/-uuvl rxurnxu I In the Town of Barrie, in the , County of Simcoc. '; Under and by virtue of the power: ;of sale contained in a certain incu- `_L ,`21. ,'0, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered 10: sale by public auction on SATURDAY DFPFMRFD 17 QULL1V'D r1u1x;L, 15AKKu:; by W. A. McConkey, auctioneer, tne `fol1u\\'ing: lands and premises, munc ly : '|`h:I`r. hurt nf` T.n9 \'nm`hm- 'ln?s-hv. suit: uy puuuc uucuon SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 .1932, at 12.00 o clock noon, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE hv W A \'T('nnhI(n\r nu:-`.`I'nnnrnv (>.nn Collier St. United Church`; `-3 ; TO THE ELECTORS O}? i `_ BARRIE f)-N 1 wish again to sincerely ' ithilllk 1l1e Elm-i`01's of BzL1'.1.'ie ~fla111(1 all. Tlmsc wlm took 1)-.L1't1 gin the election on my 1363112111 . .| T (.1...ll . ... 4-,. ,.,...un ...J,\.\.. i.'hat part of Lot I\'umbc.r "hirL_v- `six (36) on the 'VVes;t side of Brad rie, Reg;i.~:tered Plan N111nbe1' 25, as de:~:c1'1b0d m cgmtered Instrumenf -_\'umbe1' 19932 for Barrie. together with and subject to 21 1'ig11t-of-w2J.)\ over part of semi Lot, as described in ford Street, in the said Town of Bar l Registered Instrument .\'umber 134251. I for Barrie. I"ln,nA in nn:;1 .-. L,-. ....,.,.4-",1 PK`/\ .uuuse. 1 The property is excellently situatedl Ion Bradford Street. l The property will be offered Ior[ =z1le subject to a reserved bid. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur `chase money at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days tnr.:2x-- `after. ` T7nu 'pIV\v`l1A\1 4*`/\1\|1-\-< l\\-:1] ..n...,I:L:.`.... auer. ; For further terms and conditions` of sale apply to 3 Stewart Ry Shaw.-an-I `xi .[ wish 1'0 L`.\ ]H'L`SS 1ll_\' sin.- ',` -<-ms 2.1])]_)1'0ciati0n -1'01` the vi - ;`\|:f<)1-ts and s_ple11c1i(1 co-opc,:.u- E"`:1`ion on my l_)0h21H:' :11` the re- r` (-0111: elcciion. \Vhi|o d0 f0at- "" (`(1, I will at some flltllre M1110 o en(1v:1\'01' to <-mno buck. `. ,. _ _ _,, 1'1! 1&1, 1, \.l\1\.IU.lLl.J.J. \J.l.J. ..._, ..w..... 1 shall. endeavor to serve [_\'u11 :L ;u1hl;'ully (luring the '~_\ ':11' 1933. 7 1' `Fri,- J. b'd.lU `apply LU Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Mortgagee s Solicitors. Dated November 21, 1932. lprogmm. Britton Dunvsmore, presi- dent of the jomt executive, acted as (`ha i rm an. !Q1ZrabeI the ?3.i:(g 5 iigbmayl TO THE ELECTORS OF BARBIE "mm" 1 ; `Sunday, Dec. 11, 1932 11 a.m.-The Mi;u'ster. Holy` Communion. ' Anthem: O Saviour of the World 7 p.m.--T.he Minister. Anthem: Blessed are They that Dwell; Solo, Nearer My God to Thee. Mrs. W. Swanson. run-n-nu,-~r.r.-nxr 1-n-mt r .4, ab ;z..u> 0':-xocx at BARRIE. W -\ TVfl'(`.nnI(nu 'JI`lI\+;I\I|v\t.uv Eastern Standard Time Leave Barrie Leave Toronto Clarkson Hotel Bay at Dundas 8.25 a.m. 8.20 a.m. 2.05 p.m. 11.05 a.m. 4.30 p.m. c2.00 p.m. 38.15 p.m. b5.45 p.m. a8.05 p.m. a-Sat., Sun. and Holidays b-Daily except Sun and Hal. c-Saturday only. BARRIE Clarkson Hotel. Phone 62. TORONTO ISXILY SERWEE Gray 9995!} Lines SINGLE $1.75 u-`nu-cw Comfortably heated coaches n,,__,sI, I , , r, Tickets and information at ....... \4A ..uu._, n|\4KAh\'\4| ..uu.,.r Provide home comfort for winter travel. .v1u1w4 LV u Holy Commumon, in the Szxcramcrrt of tnc L01`(l's Supper, and rcccptlon I 01' new members". 1 Ministefs theme: Broken 1'orYou" ( EVEJING Rev. Louis Pickering` will p1'ez1ch ` Subject: Succeed Where. You Are '`` r\,,,, ,, 11 (. ( ,_.. ,1 cu.._1.... :..... 1~nn..