Pt_g3 Six commums/tic propaganaa. i If socialism is what some people want, let socialists go out and con- 1 Vince the great masses of our popu- i lation that this is the kind cf gov- ? ernment we should have, asserted Col. Price. We are `living in a ` democracy where people are entitled ` to advocate changes, but they must be changes by constitutional moth ' ods. T. & N.O. GI`/ES PROVINCE CHEQUE FOR $400,000 Taking everything into considera- tion. the T. and NO. Railway had a- good year. declared Supt. Lee. A cheque for 3400.000 has been sent 1-) the Ontario Go\'e1'nment. account net earnings for the scal year ending to-day The accounts do not close for ....-.,. --...- \-.-.~ ,.,. :+ 2, A-.3-'.ru'.. tn It is true we need social improve ment. We have been improving so- ciety for the past 2,000 years by constitutional means. When foreign- ers come to this country from othel 'lands where they failed to get fair treatment, and nd themselves caught in a general depression, they are easy prey for coinmunistic propaganda. The riots in the north country` that you have heard of were caused by communisvtic propaganda. H cnninlinm is what people earnings \`-'lll 08. Our gross earnings this year will be between $750,000 and $1.000.0G(i. The nal statement will show our expenses are also down a great deal. The commission is quite satised \\`it.?. `the. result: qbtaine(l under the most Itrymg condiuons. N T`l,-. 1-n"lu~nu~ 1wn:< }~.-.r.n 1\1n1'v\rn:nr.r. weex. 1 repeat what I have said before in public statements." continued Coi. Price. Any person who wishes to zidvocato new theories and panucoas ;can do so without hin(l1'anCe. No man in this province is deba1'1'ed the right of free speech. He can say what he likes, but we are not going to allow people to talk 1-evolution by force. H14 :3 hmn 1|~n nnnzl an:-{nl innu-nvn ."JITl6 Eilili: )t.`L. :50 ll. 1: Ll:-LLU.I. `." what the e\:act amount of the earnings will be. U!"nu\. r-1.,-..: an:-ninrr: 4-hi; x-cm ` Ll'.\'lll:-" CUIIUILJUIID. The railway has been maintaineo to a high ;~tamlard. Both railway and equipment are in excellent physical condition and we are looking forwaro with the g1'eat2s optimism to the future of our property. We believe in ultimate success for the whole 01 the railway." 'I"..,l,n. "`\/\ !..n.`..I..l Inn .~,J-.\>n.. Anyone can go to :1 platform mm have free speech. but we draw the line at anyone getting up and ad- vocating` change by force. by the tear- ing down of our institutions." .-\t- ton1cy-Gene1':11 W. H. Price declzwed during: an inte1`\'io\\' in Toronto this week. I unnnu- III`\lI" I kn:-A .~-1:11 hnfnnn L116 1'Zll1\\i1_\. Under the nancial plan adopteu in 1923, the T. & .\'.0. provided for its new capital expemiitures wit_iiout recourse to the province. This year it has taken care of the interest on some $11,000.000 which it has `our- rowod since 19:23. \#'b-nu u-.nn+nn- 4-kin nlxlin-.~.vnn >`.-,. To say I never read advertisements" would be much hke say- mg I never use soap," or I never read newspapers, or No one can teach me anything, or I know everything." l'0\\'(_`(l 5lIlL'(f 134-). After meeting this obligation. the 1'z1il'.\'a_\' is enabled to pay the $400.- 000 to be applied by Elie pi`ovimc on account of some S-'30.000.000 ori- ginally advanced to build the rail- wnv l..'1cr vnnv flan i-nnimicqinn nniil g1IlHJl_\ il(l\iUlL'CU LU ULHIU I-Zlt` F2111` lway. Last year the commission paid 'the province 8850.000 on this ac- count, but in View of existing L'O!11- mercial conditions and the experience ~of 1-ailways gene `ally. the roduct.ion lis not considered sui-prisingz. VIOLENCE TALK BARRED BY ATTORNEY-GENERAL Many good--but not very wise--persons seem to think that all advertisements are just the vainglorious braggings of those who publish them-designed to part fools and their money. The truth is that most advertisements are incitements to their readers to do` or be or buy or use something for their immediate or prospective advantage. Advertisers, to be successful and to live long, have to offer something of value or of desix-e#something really wanted or needed by the public. Advertisers, to live long, must not cheat the expectations or condence of those who buy what they offer or propose. 3 ' ; 1'; Here are some questions I never read advertisements- The things which we don't {guy and which bays 3 sickish life. are those which are not advertlsed, and whidx try to ride into public favor on the backs of well advertised moductzs. You see, whether or not you consciously or /habitually read ndvertisunemta, you buy, by preference, what adveutbementn have recommended to your condence and what exzpeonce has proven to be satixfacbmw. Leopold Iviucaulay IT IS TO ONE'S DISCREDIT TO SAY, ``I NEVER READ ADVERTISEMENTS." What alarm clock would you buy if you needed one ? uIL_.. . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ ..IJ -__" I777" I vv nus camera wuulu you nuy, ror you1 give to a son or daughter ? What motor car pcueuen your favor ? What face cream or Ihaving soap or cre did vou um to-dnv `I The watch on your wrilt--whnt name don it bear ? Your |hooo--who made them ? Your life insurance policy--what compuw iuued it '! The ginger ale which you serve to uects--what brand in it 7 Reg. Hamilton and Geog. Downing, who were in the Midland lockup awaiting trial on a charge of rob- bery from the Canadian Department Store, broke away after ling the iron bars on a window with the blade of a haeksaw passed in to them by . ......... \..-a-.n vvvu-u gun uuy ll yvu nvcucu Una ; What camera would you buy, for your own use, or to naive to a non nr dnuahtnr ? VVHBK (ICC cream In! did you use to-day ? laundry soap (0 now? Does the breakfast bacon which you like best have a brand name 7 The tun which you buy regularly---whnt brand is it 7 TL- -..-_ _._J I__I--J L ____ ___.l AL- A_,,,_- . ..... .-... nun... ,.a-. nu, ---nun-5,---wun| urnnu II I! I The soap and baked beans and the tmnnoo catsup now on your pantry |helveo--what brands are (buy 7 an outside pal. They were recaptured and after being convicted on the rob- bery charge, Downing` was sentenceu to three years in Kingston peniten tiary and Hamilton to fteen months at Burwash. Bert. Merkley, a third ` man implicated, was given three months in the county gaol. `(or akes) to be answered by those who say is in your kitchen right cream, or tooth paste 9,241 Auto Accidents in Ontario . . . in 1931 lllllllll l1U\\'Ha'lHp UULIHCII Hllfb [Ill Court of Revision in Stroud on Octzo-E ber 19, and at Clhurchill on Oct. 20. I`went,y-seven appeals were deem; with, after which revision of the roll was taken up. The Court of Revision' closed on Oct. 20 and council met for the transaction of general business. 'l`.hr- f'nHn\vin.n' r-nlnnninil-<,u1'inn< -and one Lrzunszwuon 01 generzu ousmess. The following communications and accounts were n.-(-cived and dealt! with: A. T. Lawson, M. F. .-X;-,'4:1'st, Rev. M. Stanley Elliott, J. W. Mur-i phy. County Clerk, .Ia.s. L(>Clarc, Gt.-0.l S. L:Lng1<:_v, A. G. .~\1'da._L'h, C. Jo11ns;! zlccoumsz HI211'r_\' Furri(:1', I.O.D.E.! P1'c\'u:yt.o1`iL111\, Hunicipal W01'lzl, llllil 1\'orLln.-ru .-\(l\'-ancc. | rm... r~,.......:u.... |.~:.......... l I 1\Ul`lallUl H .`\ll\ill|UL'. ' The Committee on lin:mcc rccom-l 1m-ndvd pu_vInm1t. 01' thv 1'0l]o\\'i.n;;u :xc<-0unL.<: 1 ` 0. u. in_u'. $1 . for 1m-uLim>;, $2.00; Wilfred S-Le\\':u`t, b21`I:1r1(:c z1xa;('sso2".~; .<:1l:n'y .`$M`O, nost- I-Huck. rout of hall for m<:ct- `I .00; 1'}. H. Sloan, rent of imll` u::u $50, .<:-lug-Limr jLxro1'.~' $4, $1$M;_ Municipal VVon1d. $1.95; Norbnc.-:':1 A(1\`:1m'e, uprintimr w)t(-:-r.< li:~'tS11l1II tax bills. $222.30; .I:|.~'. l.(\(1l.`u`r-. 'lmnu.~ .~".1o0lin_: aiou`. $10; A. 1.. VVcbb, .-onrd of Ht-`illh 111w:-1.i1x,u $3.20. :4:-L ectin1,_~:jL1ror.< $7.20; W. B. L~'l..~m_1, Board of .H<:;-1.`LU\ mt-r:tin_-.r $.'.2'.). .~'(-.-- ectim: jizrors $5, hu|:mm- (-un1rmi.'si0n on licenses $10.20. ,,,`,l,,,__. ` ` Road Supt. bte\\':1rL pm-.<.-nltml the; `I01lo\\'in5.-; :1cc0L1n.t.< for p:1_ymem.: T~[:\1'n`H P.-11-L'nr 5'12 97- Han-rv Twin} ` lUllU\\`|ll`L ,' ilL'('ULHl-L.\' ll)!` |)il_Yllll;'llL: H:11'o!'d Pm'km'. , 37; Ilurry '1`o $30.00; Robt 'l`ny1m-, $1('>).`. .-'1; Jus. 17m-rirm R11 `)5 Wu-.-H11: (`mm-11 '0. Un- DU.UU; mum, Hlylur, ; FL-rrlr-1', $11.25, I!':mk I I.` wt-\;~nr\ (`In l"`. 7. V 1`1l]1(llG, v`lr`D.'.H); .)()'.H -)U`Hll>'L)X!, $85.70: T.lo_\' Pooth, : ,~'..",0.3:'3: i\. St0'\\':1rt, $(iS).()`0; (`ulvin l3o}' .>'<\'.l:); B. T. Batemun. $0.00; W. W. Ca.m1-.-I bell, $6.53; John Jack, $19.2 ; 1-furry} \V0bb. $21.00; Dnulrton .Lcnnox,: $51.80; Gr-0. Arnold. $43-2.10; I)ur'.'; Bolmoy. $85.03; Gun. Cm1st:Lbh:.' $2.00; Frank Bell, $9.00; Road 15),, $112.05; VV. \V. Wemdith, ii-i.50;i Leasidc Eqtlipmn.-nt I.t $17.80; .;':..<.l H:1\\'th01'n:\_ $8.55; The P011131` I"o0p`n.,] (-09 an I 1'L I'1'l(*l', -71 L40, l`!'2LHl\ \ 10. Mason. $10.57; ' 3-10.01; 'l1m.<. kmuvp, Hindlce, I1 2%. `$3; .50 00. . '7l\.. T In.-J 1)I\I\"`-I Dr. Herbert Bruce assumes the role of Lieuten21.nt-Governor of O1'~.`.;z'-W the oath of oice being axlministercd in a simple ceremony at the Pa...'1- ment buildings on Tuesday. nu m ,0 7: through Carlessnessl l .7./.o.ou. _ Counml |Stmud on [1[l\\ L`IlU\ $28.80. Fnnn. DR. BRUCE ASSUMES OFFI-CE OF LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORI I nu.--v u.,uu.....c.. .... -.._...-_._,. The office of Linutenant-Govern01-i does not as a rule impose great ad I n1ini. or executive demand-x,l but should the occasion zirise for thcl exercise of those qualities, Dr. Bruce`t will be found to be :-1 good deal more 1` than an ornamental 52'u1-ehead. H31 has mone much to add lustre to `v.`;.e_L name of Cuiiatlaz i1: t`m- \'\\.`V`i(i :~.i"\1(li cal science. His work during thei war was pz11'ticulzu'ly valuable and his' 1'esrponsibili~t.ies were rapidly extended` until he became consulting surgeon: to the British armies in France. l I I lmusl township council met in} `rmrt nf Rnx rm 1'n.St1'nm1 nn Octn-a INNISFIL COUNCIL \ :1dj0u1'nc- to m(.-L-L .1 Mon Nov. 7, at 1 p.m. W. B. Sloan. Ch-y-l-.. The Northern Advance rplmz...-I; .1 :GI`(*(-,n $2 Tim. Conn ` '11 .'.l\- 17:. l Hll. $~'l.;)(J; .1 \\ Tn MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS }U; 1.` l'il|lI\ Jo`|m. )I'\ `I7 . . .. 1 Ontario Rutabaga Crop Showing - Good Growth '2' Market propccts for Ontario tutu- ';`= bugus are bright;,` said Charles E. '--' Bmughton, Ontario DepzwL1ne11L 01 1AgriculLurc. While at certain ' amount 01' maggot injury has come to !4`my att(,-nLiun_. the crop in gcncrznl 1s `.s1'l()\`.'illf.,f` good _L_;'r0\vth. So fan as -. brown 110111"; and \\_'v.tcr core are com- |] c<.-mud, I may say that very little of L, citncr has bccn r(.-portc- Advice t- frmn 1"cLl<,-rat] uuth0riLie.s mdiczxtes ;;_that the crop in I 1`inc(: Jd\va1` ls- land has but.-n .~.'uriou. Ltifcctx,-d by .; l)2`o\\'n in-uI't."` I 5 November 16-24-Roya1 Agricul- tural Winter Fan`, Toronto. hm-nmlmv {:-R_.(`)ntnrin Provincial tum: wxmer ran`, '1oronto. December 6-8-Ontario Provmcial .w'mtc1- Fair, Guelph, Ont. I ` Cunztdian barley, mostly from On- turio, has been going forward to Britain steadily since August 16, 11:: ,nigh 21:`. 1,337 tons in a week. E , Weekly Crop Report I S]Jlt,'11(ii(i ci`op:< of iiiniigcls and ,iturnips have bu.-11 H.-poi'Lod from inourly every pan, of the province. ,:(,7(:11si rot among potatoes has jboon in ovidonco 2.1.5` 2; result of lace _!biig;ht. Gi'o\\'oi's who spmyon cum.-- ` 1 fully tln'oug'l1out tho sczisoii with bor- dt.-aux are not c-.\:pc1'i<-ncing this con- "i(lition to any great; oxtcnt. L)Lu'I'o1`in `j ; county ropovts its cuttlt: in 1.~un.iculzu- , ly good condition owing to 1.112 abund- "iancc of pusiyuiws .~'.t;i1nulatou by fru- iquont shown.-1'5, and siinilar reports mnnn i'vnm nf.11-1':-.minLics. Cattle Ln 1 la 1y guou c()l1(1lL10Il o\\'111g, w um; unann- ancc rmm: froxn other counties. Cattle Uiu1 are being tested for the third timu, with very few reactor: 'bu-ing found. Eu.~:tcrn Ontario has fhzul L`0I1aidl;l`ab](.' 1'u'u1fu1l, but fun . work is well zulvunccd, with more than 50 per cent. 01' full plowing tlnnn : Boys Swine Club Contest I Thc provincial (:Ol11])e'LiUOIl open to Boys Swine Club Leann \\'u.' hcld in thc Toronto district on Oct. lf)tn. `TCII tcmns wcrc cntcrcd, each Lcam `consisting of two members bctwccn `if; and 20 years of age. The Hast- `ings Coumy team (.'1ptu1`(:d first place, followed by Durham, Grcnvillc, On- .tario, 1\ Iiddi]esex, Victoria, Ontario, iLcnno:( and Addington. I. R Hnrwnn nI'*H1r2,A0`ri- H. S. Duncan, director of 1;heAg1`i- icultural Reprcsentativc Branch, was in c'nargc 01' the competition, assist- ed by L. W. Pearsall, director, On- tario Hog Graders; W. P. Watson, Ontario Live Stock Branch; Proi. R. iG;. Knox, Ontario Agricu1t;urz1l Col- llege, and H. D. i\'Iaybc-e, Dominion Live Stock Branch. 1'`,. 6-11.. n.nninu- fr.-Ivru arnn; 6-`hr. {`In_ lL(:11!1OZ\' anu .'-i(l(lll'1g'T.0I1. ` I I F Vince are unaole to meet me situa- tion the Federal authorities will ac- cept it or will make it possible for the municipality to do so, with the Dominion nally discharging the former percentage of the obligations. _ At the same time the Government is co-operating in the matter of pub- The policy of handing out relief orders in Midland to hundreds of men each week for which the taxpayc. had to pay and for which they gave` nothing _in return. has at last been brought to an end and now ever) person securing an order from the He works that may usefully be un-,town for either supplies, fuel or rent, dertakcn. the moment is the establishment of aviation landing elds throughout Canada under Department of National Defence. To dry 21 pair of and hang. Inl)i- l|_lI'(*. The paper Foremost among those of: back to the town its some kind of work. a large number of must give equivalenit in Just at present about the streets are engaged at the .park i.n extending the bathing beach, silk stocksing'- lwhile quickly, stuff them with tissue paper streets of fallen leaves and generally' _ absorbs the helping to put things in a tidy con- ment in the annals of the W0i`l(i is others are clearing up the ditinn for winter. `in general depression, Uncy are easy that of the direction of the'men who would otherwise be loafing `be Every great and commanding movc the triumph of enthusiasm.-Emer- LUl`lIll.`l' percentage OI me onugauons. is un-; throughout! the l Farm News LIYO DIOCK urancn. I To the winning tearn goes the On- 'tario Farmer Trophy and also the _honor of represcnillg Ontario in the 'Intc1'-Po\'inc-ial Swine Competition at _L'hc Royal Winter Fair in Novembt-1'. I _.__. ! Potato Prices Higher According to J. T. Cassin, Ontario :Department of .'-\gricu1ture, late jblight of potatoes has become very iserious where careful spraying ha: `not been practiced. He estimated the 1932 crop as t\\'enty-ve per cent. lower than last year, with lot serving `to increase this gure. : T7-.1-. '.\1`D rpn1i7.iI10' hirrhflv` nrir'9.= E110 I0ll0\VlIlg Sbilbelllkillli In plannmg for 1933 it shoulc. be borne in mind that the greatest i lnumber of grubs are to be expected in elds which were in timothy sod or pasture on light loam, muck or gravel in the spring 1932. Smallez number;<. of grubs but of serious con- |sequence can be expected to be pres- lenrt in land which was in small grains c or we-edy hoed crop on lighter land in June and July of 1932. The small- est number of grubs is to be expected in land clean of crop or well cared for hoed crop during; the lliglit period of the beetles, while heavy clay or clay loam can be considered as likely to be co1npurati\*ely free of white lgrubs, irrespective of crop or culture in the spring of 1932. |4,000 SINGLE MEN WILL BE . nivlrn WORK Tl-IIQ wIN'n:`n [LO g1c1`ease cms ngL.l1'.e. ` _ _ . I<-armers are reahzmg mgher prlces `than in 1931, and further increase: }are anticipated ii rot becomes more ; extensive. 1 Where to Look for Grubs A special circular just issued by `the Dominion Entomologigcal Branch ' in connection with w.h~ite grub controli in Eastern Ontario for 1933, includesl the following statement: | In nlnnninrr fnv 19222 if Unemployment relief throughouu. Canada this winter will be an elastic problem, predicated upon the neces- Sities of each province, accoriling to a statement of Premier Bennett in the House last week. "I"l-.n r\I\nnn:<: :nrI A4` 4-Ln yn..\nlnnn nl` Llll) ITIUUSU ILISL \`\'l.`L`K. The necessities of the province will ;be determined after consultation with the municipalities, l)ut there will be no interferenc by the Dominion with the principle that, under the British` North America Act, the burden of providing relief remains with the pro-I vmce. Dlursvv-\:r\\u D.\.......\4-A ,i,...1....,.,l t.L..6 ..,.n J DIIVKILI`. IVILIV VVILL. D11 GIVEN WORK THIS WINTER DRIVE SAFELY - ALVVAYS ! Lllt` IIBCESSII his depend . it nnnnm-< `Dist:-nct N ews At the recent meeting of Tay township council, farmers were re- munerated for 26 sheep and six lambs killed by dogs. W`;1l1.1n H. Mcliaughan has been elected president of the Orillia Curl- ing Club for the ensuing year. ` I Rev. Gordon Chzmnen, of the Church of the Redeemer, Torunto, has been appointed the Incumbent of the Bzxttezxu-Duntroon parish. With the employees 01' the Beau-l foot Shoe Company at Aliiston palm $850.00 22. week ago Saturday, the mt.-1'(-hant;< of the town reported :1 .`tilHUlu.\' in business. I Five young` ladies who completcdl their t1'uinin;_: at the G. and M. Hos- pital, C0l1ing'w0o(1, were 1Jl'(.`:SC`1'lt(.`(l with their diplomas and inedzils at the gsrmiuzitiou (:XL`1`ci.<(.*;\` in 1:1 last week. Roy 'J.`1'cssilc1', age 52, a fo1=1m;r re. of Orilliu, was drowned at Burlingrton at Oct. ?.01:11. It is thought that he . off the shore. The body was recovered the next day. Orilliu is having` :1 series of eight lecturg-.< under the Uni\' of To- ronto <.-.\LL-nsion course. J. N. Parkin- son, [Jl`0fI:.~2.s'O1` of Political Economy, will give the first five lc_ctures. .l*"i1'c n`Lill'l}(:(l in the belIr_\' 01' Lhc (Jonnaug-ht School, Collingwood, one morning` 1.21:1; week, and only the time- ly 2u'rivul 0.1" LhL- ln`i);`zule .~'n\'c the school. 571 Killed 8,494 `I115? pred was left. Four cases of stripping clothe: lines were reported to the COLiing- wood police in ten days. The work so cleverly (tom: that no clue` I Victor Cairns, a son of R. J. Cairns. Orillia, broke an arm last week when playing` iucr0.~:.;e. Le.,.s than six wee-k.~: ago the boy broke 21.11 arm when he fell from a pony. Seven cattle, valued at .5150, disap- peared from the ranch of W'altr.-r iiix, Coldwuurr, last wrck end, and he` thinks cattle rustl(:r.~: were rt.-.spon.~:ib1r:| for the di. The provin-` cial police were notified. 1 B'l'El.(lfO1`(l inerchants and buszm . men will continue the \'Ve(lnc.~:uay afternoon holiday (luring the fall and lwinter, which has been in affect all x'4lHTIh1{11` r The marriage of Wes. )IcI{nig'nL. popular radio announcer, son of Mr. and 311's. J. J. Blclinight, Tottenham, to .\Ii:~:.s Joyce Jlcllroy, Toronto, took place in St. .-\dain :~_' Church, Toronto, on Saturday last, Oct. 29th. Fire of undetermined origin com- pletely destroyed the bake shop 01 .\'e1son Dcnault at Washago on Sunrla_\ morning. The same building wa: badly damaged by re last May. The loss is estimated at $10,000, partly covered by insurance. Police Magistrate )IcCaug'hrin, of Orillia, thinks there should be an electric clock in a court room, and by way of living up to his belief, has purchased an electric clock and placed, it in the council chamber. It is oper-I ated by electric current and keeps practically perfect time. ` Two more bu1'g1a1'ie.~: were reported [in Orillia last week end. Mrs. Cecil Wright, returning home after severzn days absence, found her home looted and $400 worth of clothing and food taken. Hatkey s general store was entered and two cash registers taken to a lane, where they were forced open and an umlete1'min(-(1 amount of [change taken. The apple crop in the Georgian Bay district is ahead of previous years in quantity and quality. Fully fty per cent. of the crop is being exportetl to Great Britain, a much larger percentage than usual. The price, unlike other farm products, Is very good and is one of the bright spots in the business situation in this part of Ontario. 'J.`he ne barn and silo of LouI.= Grossi, on the fth concession of To cumseh, was complebellv (l(e9t;'1!oye by fire recently, with the season's crop, some implements, harness, etc. The fire started when a cow kicken over a lantern and the straw ignited With (liiculty all the stock was re- moved. Some insurance was carried, but the loss will be heavy. Safety demands eternal vigilance on the part of every man or woman who drives a motor Vehicle. A moment of forgetfulness may bring a lifetime of regret. J. J. Snor, of the Nctlieriaiid limi- gration Foundzition, `has pu1'chz1.~o.d 21 tract of marsh land from the town ship of W. Gwil`limbury and is divid- ing it into t011-ZICTC` plots. with hO1`n .`..~' built, ready for g`a1'(ien01's. M1. Snoi has 200 acres in hand and most. of it will be phoughed this fall, ready 1'0`. work next spring. Rev. A. D. Cornett, `.\I.A., B.D.," minister of Knox Church, Owen Sound, and formerly of Collier St. Church, Barrie, was chosen as chair- man of the Grey Presbytery of the United Church at the meeting of the Presbytery held in Flesherton recent- l_\`. THURSDAY, 1\'OVE.\1B~ER 3, 1932. MINERAL MATTER FOR FALL /71; PIGS ' \ If properly fed, a young pig` will increase its weight one hundred times in six months, or from about two pounds at birth to about two hun- dred pounds at six months old. To produce this very rapid growth all the necessary elements, including minerals, must be provided. If min erals are lacking in the ration the pigs become unthrifty in condition, and gro\\'th is much slower. Spring pigs ` secure the necessary minerals largely from pastu1`es and from eating the freshly rooted soil. `.\linerals from . these sources are not available for L full litters, which are fed mainly in , dry lots and pens, and an adequate 1 mineral ration should be provided. 1 Tho nn`.ir`-rnl< *f'mn1rl in Hun nr(lin:n".` J `ml11C1`I1l ration snouiu DC proviueu. The mnierals found in the o1'dinur;.',l home-grown hog feeds (oats and bar- ley) are not sulcient to meet the needs of the rapidly g'ro\\'ing hog` and when these elements are lacking, ;_:rowtl1 is immediately retarded. The mineral (ieficiencies in 21 ration can be 1~eme(lie(l, 'llO\\'C\`e1`, by feeding :'upplement;u'_v mineral mixtures. .\ eimnln minm-nl mixtin-0. \\'l1lL'l1 :'LlpplL'1I1e!1L'ru'_\ lIlllIL`l'cll uu.\Lu1c:. A simple mineral mixture has been used . for 2. num ber of ye:ir.< at the Dominion Ex- pei'in1e11~tal Station, lxacoiiibe, Ai- berta, c0n. of 76 pounds of slack coal. 2 pounds of salt, 3 pounds of zLir-s1z1cked lime or ground limestone, and one pound of sulphur. The mix- ture is fed in boxes, or in separate compartments of the self-feeder to which the pigs have free access. T<`nr-rlinu` h- vnmlm-tn-d at 1.2)-` \\ h1.Ch tne ])1g'S nave Lreu ztccusa. Feeding tests conducted La- combe indicate clearly that when pigs get no dairy by-p1'oduct:<. tankazc, sh meal, 01` green f(3C(l. :1 minurul .-unnlnunnnf _~hnnL'I hp furl flH'nlSX1in2 11311 meal, 01` g1`-3011 u.-cu. ".1 1nl|1v.'L.u .~:upp](,-ment should bx: t`(.-rl fu1'm. lime and salt. An nvrsn-v\~nr.h+ H0: hr-on I-nl1(hH'f-Ii lime anu salt. An experiment has been conducteri over a period of two years to com- pare the rate and economy of gains of fall pigs receiving a ration of oat: land barley only, with fall pigs al1ow~ ml free aece:~::~: to the mineral mixture above referreli to, in arlditionto this grain. ioth lots were `elf-fed anti lt,l;r_- mjnr,-rzzl ml2(T_urr; wa:, 2u'ail21blC :9 the one lot from a separate coinparb ment of the :~:e-lf-feeder. The use of the mineral mixture increased the . gain:-: on the average by 52 per cent., I and reduced the cost of gains by 3-1 ,Iper cent. In these experiments the , pigs: fed grain alone made, on :he .`agerage, a daily gain of only 0.63 of a pound, while those fed the min eral mixture in addition. made a 5 daily gain of 0.90 ; of a pound. Tin. , cost of putting on 100 pounds: live 1 weight was reduced from $4.59 to 1 $3.01. Feeding minerals to fall lit- ters not expensive and frequently makes the difference between prot our` ln:-2 Are You Among Those Who Say--1 never read Advertisements ?