Help Wanted-Woma.n for day clc-an-* ing. Apply at once between 7 and. 8 in evenings. Mrs. Stewart, 261 Bradford St. at D. A. TUCKER S .oL u TL- ....:L.. NOTICE ALLANDALE 7, RICHMOND HILL 6 Allandale juniors annexed their 1 fourth win in the Tri-County group ` Tuesday night when they defeated ` Richmond Hill 7 to 6 in the latter 1 town. This win for Allandale and Newmarket s defeat at the hands of Aurora the same night makes a three- comered tie between Allandvale, New- market and Aurora. 'I`1nn Allonanln L-lurunrl ALI -.n4- ...1.... marxeu 31111 Aurora. The Allandale squad did not play up to their usual standard -and the home team led all through the game : until the nal minutes of the third period. In the -rst period Richmond Hill rode roughshod over the visiting team and when the smoke cleared away after the first 20 minutes they were leading 4 to 1. The star of this session was Crean-, who scored all 4 goals for his team. Edge was the AJl`anda.le marksman. In the gm-nnrl` `F!-nrnn AlJ)'v-ntlnln. .-u.1'auua.1e marxsnun. I In the second frame A1-landale came back to their .real form and scored 3 goals `in quick succession. Scott got the first on a pass from Blogg. Blogg added another on a pass from Scott, and Edge and Reyn- olds combined` to tie the score. After` this spurt the ~visitors lapsed into- their half-hearted` play and the home team popped in two goals. Before the period ended Scott counted on a`. nice solo eifort to make the score 6 1tn5_ EU 0. Play was more lively in the nall period and Allandale missed many good chance to score. Marshall nal- ly `broke away and tied the score near the middle of the period. Edge came through later to get his third goal and to win the game 7 to 6. He scoop- ed up a pass from Reynolds and tore in to make it a sure goal. Al1anda1e-Goal, Bowen; defence, Blair and Webb; forwards, Marshall, Scott, Coulson and Blogg; spares, Campbell, Hagen, Reynolds, Edge and `Little. ' D.',.k.M......l U:1l- r<....1 n1__.J__._, 1, .L4.l.Ll.lEo Richmond Hi1I---Goal, Chedzoy; de- fence, Kecer and Robinson; forwards, Miller, Crean, Mably and Harris; spares, Wallace Byers, Buchanan, Dexter and Taylor. Omial--R.l1tv Vfhifa Q11!` Qov-nlu UBXBEI 3.110. '12.ylO1'. Oicials--Rusty White and Sandy Ness. PROVINCIAL PRIZES ARE AWARDED BY THE W.C.T.U. Notice is hereby given that the list, of lands now liable to be sold for! arrears of taxes in the Town ofi Barrie has been prepared and is be- ing published in an advertisement in} the Ontario Gazette, in its issues of` September 24th, October 1st, 8-th and' 15th, 1932. Copies of said list or of] the advertisement may be seen at] my oice or will be mailed on re- quest. I During the assembly hour on Mon- day morning, Oct. 24th, Mrs. Len- nox, Superintendent of Scientic Tem- perance in the Day Schools, called at the Collegiate and presented pro- vincial prizes to the following stu- dents; Miss Jean Smpant, nf Hm Tnuinv Ulri. Miss Jean Sarjeant, of the Lower School, rst prize of $4.00, given for the poster made in Grade VIII., Prince of Wales School. Second prize, $5.00, for essay in Upper School, won by Miss Isabel McQuay, who in 1922:) took first provincial prize in Lower School essay contest. The first nrnvinr-1'21 nvivn RR nn DCHOUI IESU year. , Mrs. Lennox, as County Superm- tendent, has also forwarded two pro- vincial prizes for public school pupils in Collingwood, so Simcoe County stands well in the province. 'Prinrin: Gindwnml cnnirn n1n:f an- Principal Givdwood spoke most ap- preciatively of the interest the W.C.T.U. takes in the schools by ar- ranging these prizes for essay and poster work, and urged the students} to take up the work, as it could all` [be done in connection with the regu- llar school routine. As an illustration of the prodlgal stuuus wuu IH. Lne prov-ince. ' waste of money spent this last year - throughout our Dominion, Mr. Gird- wood stated he had recently seen this statement: If the $193,000,000 spent in liquor in 1931 had been used to purchase bread at 10c pe1' loaf put end to end, there would be 121 bread line from Halifax to Van- . t\('\1`lY`t`I`! DCIIOUI essay CODEESE. The rst provinclal prlze, $8.00, for high school poster, went to Miss , Mildred Johnston, now of Goldwater, who was a student in the Lower School last year. Nh'.:_ T.m1nmr ac: (`.nnnhr .Qnnmin_ \-\J\Al\4Au There are thousands to-day l10mc-! less and hungry and yet these mil- lions of dollars are being` spent; on that which wrecks our citizens physi- cally, morally and spiritually. . '\/Vi1"n H10 cinrrino` nf O (`.nnmlnl uuun. no use,-`narrxe, on Chamber, Court House, Barrie, On -V Tuesdayfn-vember ISL 1932 ' tario, proceed to sell by public z1uc- at one oock in the aftemoony of tin the Said lands to pay Such 31` which 111 .I-ustices Coroners Con- "e'r5' wgether wlth the charges stables, Gal'rs andlothers `are {equest- th"en' ed to take notice and do and per- D. H. Coleman. - - Treasurer County of simco_ grrgllleaglil dutxes that should appertam 'Dreasure1~ s Ofce, Court'House, Barrie. 0015- 27th. 1932- .V-`vm'ir- Ontario. the 15th day of Aug-._ > D. H. MacLaren, Sheriff, ust, 1932. v `r County of Simcoe. L"dll._V, HlUl'd.1ly 'cl(l Spll'lLUEJ.1ly. With the singing of O Canada the assembly was adjourned and it was an inspiring sight to see thiil splendid student body, numbering: almost seven hundred, s\\'i1igin_g` out; of the Auditorium to take their piaces I in the various class rooms. Miss Rita Mclieever addressed the members: of the Women s Association of Collier St. United pnurch this afternoon, choosing as her subjecb Rambles through Scotland. The titlllc \\'zr.s illustrated with lantern s l( es. Lands For Sale F or` Arrears of Taxes 3 (E||3."z`.1'.','.I.!3"\\ ll REV. I.OlllS- PICKERING MINISTER }b"{f1T' ' "" W Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Simcoe has been prepared and is be- ing published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 13th, 20th, 27th-days of August, and 3rd day of September, 1932. Canine nf -znirl liar. nf` In-ml: nr ml. COLLIER ST. W.A. HEARS I ADDRESS ON SCOTLAND! uay U1 oeptemoer, 1:162. Copies of sakl Hst of lands or ad- vertisement can be seen in my ofce or u be n1aed upon xnaking ap- pcaon for sanuz In defauh of paywnent of taxes as shou1n on said sh on or before Tuesday,the 15th day of Novmnben 1932,at Hm hour sha at that thne in the Counc On- on th ' I'\ Ll f`..I .._..... LACROSSE In the County` of Simcoe r-nr\ Yvvvrn Citizens are warned not to burn leaves or rubbish on paved streets or pavements, under penalty. Back- yards or the boulevard should be |uti1ized for this purpose. A192. Sfpwari Chin? V ,-` 1- wu`: Notice Vt ei)y given that the Sitting of t t"Spreme Court of Oh- tario, Fall Assizes, in and for the County of Sirrrctm, will be held in the Court House:-Barrie, on Tl1e:Hav,"\7H'i:en-ml-any 1:}, 1932 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1932. |....,~,..., -v. _.,..,, -.,..-.....a l.-..,_.v-...-. . 1 ,/ . (1) Parts of Lots 22 and 23 on the Su,1_x1;h:s`ide of Charlotte Street, ]Bzu'rie`}'`P1zin 18, upon which is erect- ed a comfortable large frame dwell- Iing: in good` order with modern im provement, subject to a mo1'tg'age se- E curing $1,170.00. . n. .1 ('1 u -v -..-...b `,-,- . y...\.. (2) Park Lot 7 on the South side ` of Steele Street and the west half of Park Lot 4 north of Napier Street, I `Barrie, Plan 112. -- /n\ ,n 1,`, n ,,,a n ,,,,v I hereby give notice that unless the` arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or so much of them as may be necesary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, on Tues- day, the 27th day of December, 1932, in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Barrie, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternnon. `nuns;-! u+ `Dam-:n H.:.. 01.; A-.. -4: (3) Parts ._of Lots 2 and 3 and Lots 4 and. '5 South Pellew Street; parts of `Lots 2 and 3 and Lots 4 and 5 north of Collingwood Street; -1 part of Co1Ii`ng`wood Street now closed and parts of Lots 3 and 4 South C01- lingwood Street, all in the Town of Barrie, Plzfn 6, as described in Deed No. 20837. ` : The properties will be sold subject to reserve bids. The highest no: any tender not necessarily accepted. . For further particulars apply to Estgn & Eaten, Barrie, Q..I:-Zn....... E-.. LL- !.`..__..;..:.. * RE gs-'-r.e._*r, OF LATE JOHN McGILL Terici ::;9s\:\'i'If'bc received by the un- mlersigned until twel-ve o_ c1ock noon `on Momlz-1y,,,t!~.e 31st of October. I 1932, for /tile: fdllowing p~1'opertie:~:: . {1} "Pn{'t' nf Tots 22 and 9.2 on Experienced office assistant, cap- able of typing and well versed in general ofce work. Reply by letter only, stating age, quali- cations and salary expected, to Secretary-Treasurer, J_UN_l0R_ FARMERS Lucky DRAW FOR THE REGISTER E_D SHORTHORN nx-- 25 cents entitles you to a chance on this calf and 3. good time. FRIDAY, NOV. 4 gnu-I HELP WANTED Barrie V/-ater, Ligl;;: and Ga. Con-u-nigninn, U`C.l0CK H] "CH8 KIIIBITIIIOD. Dated at Barrie, this 21st September, 1932. TORONTO v ` ` BARRIE Clarkson Hotel. Phone 62. sen.-.m:.naar.m|i.ransa1s':r.-j SINGLE $1.75 I-`Q-in wanna EXILY SERVICE I`--5-.-n &.-_J_...I l I'\:_._ Leave Barrio Leave Toronto 8.25 a.m. 8.20 a.m. 2.05 p.m. 11.05 a.m. 4.30 p.m. c2.00 p.m. a8.l5 p.m. b5.45 p.m. a8.05 p.m. 8.-Sa.t., Sun. and Holidays b-Daily except Sun and Ho]. c-Saturday only. Conch connections at Buffalo and Detroit for all points in the United States. WEEK-END FARE ro"""_" Ila Toronto Return (At Agency Only) Good going Friday, Satur- day and Sunday. Returning until Monday night c%;;%%c;;a;`m.%;; n Annun- WARNING ' MIDHURS-T HALL Miss Audrey Clifton, Organist Mr. Alexander Knox, Choir Leader S0li:,i_;.;:>rs for the Executrix. DON T MISS IT K`, E f 't&1`(2"S;p}1I`e: `n11 ,\ .~.~.~..~ ms purpuse. Alex. Stewart, Chief. rkvnm-I Rtrnpt nnxv r-lngpd tWIT.1 RETURN $3.15 5' runs.` Notice is hereby given pursuant tol The Trustee Act, that all creditors, and others having claims against the estate of John i\IcGi1l, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of; Simcoe, deceased, who died on the` 10th day of September, 1932, are re-[ quired to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 1st day of November, 1932, after which date the Executrix will distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. Eaton & Esten, Barrie, Sn:-Harm For F.vA-uh-iv mfand E. A. BURNS1 CHIROPRACTIC nmi"-_wA1.1'1-:3 H. wooonow . am, mm: NOSE AND THROAT A am.~,rvrn TQ l` Following the u, tone up the heart and system in general with a course of adjust:men.ts. We Solicit Full Investigation Articles for Sa.le-1 Quebec heater,` with ten lengths of pipe; one folding ` couch, one fumed oak desk and chai: (child's). Apply Monday from 1.1 to 2. Mrs. Stewart, 26 Bradforqt. Lands For Sale For Arrears of Taxes In the Heart of Barrie With the Heart of the Gospel For the Hearts of the People. i--FOR- FLU AND COMPLICATIONS NOTICE TO CREBITORS AND OTHERS 60 Elizabeth St. Town of Barrie A. W. Smith, Treasurer of the Town of 1 `:4vu\.... Sunday School at 3 p.m. Sunday, October 30, 1932 . nvnviili-III! u an`: annurunnc Iron 8 nuen, narrxe. Solicitor: for Executrix. TE , Articles for Sale (priva.te)-1 smax. gramaphone and records, two pan hockey skates and boots, size 8 and 5%; one ukelele, one crokinole board. one small enamel top d.rop1ea.f kitchen table. Apply Friday or Saturday .+'+m~nmm to Mrs. Stewart. 26 Brad- r gwen to: cGi1l, the in H`.-. r`nnv1+\v .-.: Phone 405 5 sum .|.0l'la(1a' 5 T`jVn fim0r:1l fmd 15 tb_e'I()1'tcI1 lsemen m ds o1 ,m.. It,.8`th and and E 11st or of rigmc e at] T) .ed re-`R J_ I 4'11] um. day Barrie. very successful season by staging the last local tournament last Thu~_rsday evening. Scotch doubles were played, with the following winmers: 1st, G. Webb and J. LeGear; 2nd, H. Arm- strong and Mr. Vanatter; 3rd`, W. B. _ Webb and S. Garside; 4th, H. P. Ap- r pleton and H. Kennedy. After the 1 games all taking part enjoyed a shl supper at Acey s restaurant. ` LHU 1-u-Jammie mun cumaxed 3 Allandale Wins at Richmond Hill \ The A`1land~al`e lacrosse team kept they won their engagement at Richu mond Hill on Tusday night, although it was a rather close t. The score . was 7-6, with Allandale coming from far behind to pull the game out of _ ,the -re. The home team stepped right out at the start and `before the visitors could get set they had four 1 goals in short order. When Allandale nally woke up they held their op- ponents in check, limiting them to two .goa.`ls for the remainder of the game, while they took time to net seven 5- goals on their own account. The i {hf scorers for Allandale were Edge 3, Scott 2, Marshall and Blogg one` each. 5 1 pace with the league leaders when 1 ( V E 1 V 1 Al|andale Newsl ` Mrs. D. McLish, of Orillia, visiten : [her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Srigley, [last week. My (`Hun RA Lac Jinan +s~on:'Fnr1-nrl IESE WEEK. Mr. Chas. Bell has been transferred by the 'C.N.R to a position at Cap- reol. Mun 1\/I I`.-nun on.-I nk;`l`mA.v\ 1-P "I'M, VVIII. 1.IO0KI11'o J ery Wardman, of Windsor, is holi- daying with his mother on Brock St. Rev. G. E. Feirheller and Lay ` Delegates E. A. Little and W. J. ' Little attended the `Synod meeting in Toronto this week, at which Bishop Owen of Niagara was elevated to the f See, Toronto. -Mr sn1rI.T\/Tc Wm nixun oru-Iv -I-V-nu- table. Apply 1".1'l(l8.Y or aamruuy afternoon to Mrs. Stewart, ford St. reon Mrs. M. Crone and children, of To- ronto, are spending a few days with the former s, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Looker. Tnsnv Tlfnanrl-nan IT` III".-.A.nn... in LAW.` aee, LOIOILUO. Mr. and Ms. Wm. Dunn and fam- ily left Monday to take -up residence in Toronto, where Mr. Dunn is pro- prietor of a servic station at Jane and Dundas Sts. Mr and `Mr: T1 Vnsuun `AA ..- A anu uunuas us. Mr. and Mrs. H. Young, Mrs. A. Davidson, Miss L. Price and `Master Harry Young motored to Manseld on Sunday and spent the day with friends. `|\ll` A T-.. `D 1IT:l;._-__ 1' 1-1,-` 1.171611115- Messrs. A. Jay, R. Wilson, J. Cul- bert and K. McCabe enjoyed their first skate of the season at the Royal Rink, Toronto, on Monday night. Mr. R. Elson and 1-`nmilu mmmd nuns, 1011311130, on Monday mgnt. R. Elson and family moved from Thomton into the house former- ly occupied by W. Bowden. Mr. El- son is engaged in the rural mail de- livery out of Allamdale. ' Bowling The Am.'I.YIds$llP nhih nhnqva o - the game looked eacn. , l The players who rode to the game I in W. Blog'g s car had a novel ex- 1 pe.rience that they no doubt will re- call with pleasure for some time. the way down something went wrong i with the car and the chances of - reaching Richmond Hill in time for very slim. ' How- ever, a good Samaritan in the per- son of Mr. Noakes, Toronto broker, - and his chauffeur, drew up and asked the boys if his assistance was re- I quired. When he learned the boys were due to play lacrosse before long he piled them in his` car and they . reached their destination on time. On the way down Mr. Noakes prom- ` ised his passengers that if they won he would bring them back to Aurora, where they could pick up their own - car and stand them to a feed. He ` was not only as good as his word, but ' also brought the boys right back to ` Allandale. On` "D1... `.......u4-.u\.. Burton `Ave. Anniversary 1. Burton Ave. United Church was 1 very prettily decorated with owers ;i2lSt `Sunday on the occasion of the ` a.nniver.=ary services. In the choir loft in particular the flowers were a\`C1`_V z11'ti.<`l;icall_V arranged, quite In ilm-opi11;:` with the quality of the music l'(`l1(i(`l`l`(i til(.`l'(.`. l.:12';,1'r3 con;:1'ee'ations iturnui out to both morning and even- ing: .=er\'ic-o.<, which were in charge of `Rev. H. L. Lovei-ing', of Prospect .Park United Church, Toronto. Mr `I.o\'ering proved himself an eloquent `orator and the niessages conveyed in his ziddresses left his i1l1'(?1`S in an ;emotional and thoughtful mood. . In tho nffnrnnnn U- T (\vrnvinn- ...:.Il ;UI1l'JLl0ll1l and thoughtful mood. . the afternoon Mr. l.()\`('1'lllfJ.` paid ` :1 vi: to the Slll`.(l:l:' School and ,` `briefly :1 those assembled. He -ada. in which he brought out the moral that with some persons God is `often culled upon to use harsh meth- `iods of trials and tribulations before ,they will see the error of their ways be brought to (lo things in 21 ` rigrhteous manner. The choir. under the direction of {R .\'o1-man, rendered very beauti- ful aml appropiate anthems and solos, which was greatly appreciated by the congregations and which received favorable comment from all. I i.` of his work in Western Can . 1 Jumor group for players under 14 _\'ears on Nov. 1st. .\ `inninu nlnwnu ..~.. ...'I,__ ~4--'r For Sale --\Ha1f duplex house, or will ` rent furnished or unfurnished. Also private sale of household furniture. Jupply -180 Dunlop St. IPUBLIC SCHOOL BOX LACROSSE SCHEDULE _u:zu'.s U11 .\0\'. 151?. A junior player can play senior. but cannot play in both groups, but a junior player playing senior this season can play junior next season if he still is young enough. Senior games shall be three 15- minuto periods with 10- minute in- tm-mi.~'.'~'ions. Junior games shall he tlH`(*L- 10-minutr- periods with 5-minute int<-rmi.=.=ions. C_L-.I__l_ ' schedule ' ` Thur. Oct. ?.".-~1.1."3 p.m. sen- iox-.<. 5.30 ]).m. junio1'.=: King: Ed- '\'vm-d vs. Prince of VV:1]c.=. N .qnfuI-:]vn- n..+ 00 0 nvu ~~--3---~ \vu1`u VS. l"1'l11('(` 01 Wales. S:1turdz1_\', Oct. 29.--.`) n.m. seniors, .10.15 juniors. King Edward vs. Cen- Ttrulc 11. juniors, Prince of Wales vs. St. )I:u'_v s. Saturday, Nov. 5th.--9, juniors, King Edward vs. St. Mar_v's; 9.45 sen- iors. 11 junior.<, Prince of Wales vs. Central. \`(7n.1..n~,J.... \'_.. `nu, . .- ~ lU1'.<. \,OHC1'l1l VS. 5:. ;\1a1'y's. Saturday. Nov. 12th.--9. Juniors, 9.45 seniors, Prince of Wales vs. King Edward; 11, juniors, St. Mary's vs. Central. Yvnnnm-Inn \Y:.. 11!LL 0 1: _-_.__ Ll.'HL1'iU. Wednesday, Nov. 16th.-4.15, jun- iors. Central St. Ma1'_v s. Sztturdzlv. Nov. 12141 __0 .Tnr-`we bowling The Alandale Club climaxed ` EPV SIl|",|",P'F1'l1 vznnunn H17 a+nn-Cu-nv 4-Inn vs. neutral. 1 Wednesday. Nov. 23rd.---4.15, j Wednesday, Nix`. 16th.---1.15, jun- iors. St. Mary's vs. Prince of Wu iors, 5 seniors, Central vs. King Ed- Play-offs to be arranged later. Schedule ('\r.4- 0".` 1 Wm. J. Magruder, of Torunto, was`. ned $10 and costs of $3,5~0 by Mag- ` * istrate Jeffs on Tuesday for carry- ing a snotliqht on the windshipld n-F Page ` mg his I '1'-hos. Burton has been appointed radio license supervisor for the rid- ing` of North Rim;-ma. amt! is nnw 1"l4Cll0 IICCDSB supervlsor I01` EH8 1'10` ing of North Simcoe, and is now busy appointing vendors to look after licenses throughout the riding. The Official Board of Collier st. United Church on Friday night 'ap- 5 proved of the recommendation of the ` Music Committee that Mr. J. A. Whalnley be appointed `organist and ` choirmaster. Mr. Whalley is an present living in `- Toronto and will not move to Barrie till spring. He has been organist of Grace Church, Brampton, for the past nine years. Women s Canadian Club. Public Library Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 151:, 8.10 I p.m. Illustrated lecture on The Mountains and Lakelands of British Columbia, by Mr. J. M. -Humphrey, of Malakwa. B.C. Dr. L. J. `Simpson was in Toronto` on Tuesday and addressed a. Liberal meeting in ward two. i The Public Library gave out 41,000 ' books during September, compared with 38,000 for the corresponding month in 1931. Ebby Wilson, 39 Cumberland St., and Er. Wysoglad, Penetamg St., both had their bicycles stolen on Tuesday night while attending the `Capito; . Theatre. The Young` .People s Society of St. - Andrew's Church held its opening ; meting Monday evening, with a gouu - number of members in attendance. 7 lAs this was the beginning of the ,sea- son s activities, it was `tting that the ` address should `have been given by - the pastor, -Rev. J. `S. Shortt, D.D., ` `whose subject was The Early History ', were completed for a Hallowe- en social, which will be held next Mon- day evening, and to which all the - ' young people of the church and their ? . friends are cordially invited. of the Presbyterian Church. Plans!` `. BARRIE TO ORILLIA RELAY RACE ON SATURDAY NEXT : The annual ten-man relay race i from Barrie to Orillia will be held ` _ on Saturday afternoon. Teams _ from Orillia, Midland and Barrie will ` compete for the cup now -held by . Orillia. According to the .rules gov- erning the race, each of the ten run- , ners will have to cover two and a . half miles. | on 4-inn -I-`nll.-u..1...... L`..4.._...l,.. `V rnuuuga 1. Orillin. Ontario will In at tho Quota : Hotel, Bnrrit. Evory Snlurdny. I 9 to to 12 noon, and` -by appoint- ment. uau. IIILIES. On the following Saturday, Nov. 5th, the annual race for the Finlay son trophy will be held. This race is from Orillia to Midland. , Jeifs gets off from his duties `as police ; magistrate is devoted to his rose gar- . reliable ` posed to the air more than a minutel - or two. . tramp soil well around them. Do not . want the best bloom. , The next _ again, as you want new blooms. , hybrid per Q desired. ` one can take an interest in practical-I In the winter you . mal'.ing 1 In the spring you` 2 can study _ your , MAGISTRATE JEFFS SPEAKS ON GROWING OF ROSES Any time that Magistrate Compton den, of which he is very `proud. Sup plying as a pinch speaker at Friday's Kiwanis meeting, the magistrate told of some of his experiences in growing roses. He considers himself an amateur, as he has been at it only four or ve years. It is a hobby from which he derives a great deal of pleasure, as well as necessary out- door exercise. Only a small plot of ground is needed, and almost any kind of land, if properly cultivated, will grow roses. Plant as early in the spring as possible, selecting a few 01' the varieties. The hybrid tea_ rose and the hybrid perpetual are per ' haps: the best. AS soon the plants: arrive, put them in moist earth, and; when planting; do not have them ex-. Do not plant too deep, but: be afraid to prune well back if you Often you get, the best blooms the first year. Do, not prune in the fall after September 1st, as you want the buds to ripen. In the fall cover the plant with clean eartii, forming a cone over the plant. spring prune For the amateur the mag'ist1`ate atl- vised starting with perhaps half a dozen hybrid tea and petual plants, any variety Growing roses is a hobbg, ly the year round. the . can get busy and during the summer: you need never be idle. Roses do not show to advantage in the garden and it is wise not to let the amateur in to your rose garden. The person catalogues, _ who cannot get up in the morning ' to pick the roses by six o'clock SllOLllf1 l to advantage not attempt to grow them. roses To show should be cut back well '. half a dozen ` early in the morning, placed in water - and put in the cellar till about three o'clock in the afternoon, when they will be at their best. lCL.-\RK--.-\t Dublin, Ont., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1932, Adam Clark, in his ` Slst year. Funeral from the 1`:- sidence of his brother, Mr. George Clark. 56 Holgate St., _AllanriaIe, on Thursday, Oct. 27, at 2 p.m. Interment in Barrie Union Ceme- tery. RUSSELL--In Toronto, on Honday, Oct. 24, Elizabeth A. Russell. \Vl(l0\\' of the late Robt. Russell, of .\Iidhu1-st. Funeral took place Wed- nesday from G. G. Smith s elmpel. Interment at Barrie Union Ceme-' tery. ward. Ono-u \Vtl`(1. Saturda_v, Nov. 19th.--9 juniors, St. .\Iar_v .< vs. King; Etlward; 9.45 junio1`.<, 10.30 .~'oniors. Central \`.-. Prince of Wales. \X7n.vl~nn;-Jun '\Ynu 091...! I 1: z... E'I`lIlL'8 U1 YVHIES. Wednesday. Nov. 23rd.---4.15, jun- Wales. Plnv-n+'f': in Ha nrv-9110-n.-I `Io!-n-r uumma," by Mr. Malakwa, 'ate JEIIS OI). 1113508.) I01 carry- a spotlight on the windshield of 0.23`. LOCAL NEWS `sh Northern Advance Collier St. United Church] DIED OBITUARY 'uw1, J.V11'S. Vlonot uvuuer passed away at the Toronto General Hospital on ` Wednesday, Oct. 19. The deceased became ill on Saturday, Oct. 9th, and was taken to the Barrie hospital on Tuesday, and on Friday was removed tn the Tnrrmtn Cant:-rnl .T-Inznihnl 1-mi- After an illness of ten days dura- tion, Mrs. Victor Miller passed .at General Hosniml nn Luesuay, ana on rnaay removed to the Toronto General -Hospital, but gradually sank until the end came. The late Mrs. Miller was born in Oro township, near Dalston, tl1 u'-ty- seven years ago, and was formerly ` Margaret Elizabeth Johnston._ Her ` death came as a great shock to -her ` friends and` was particularly sad in view of the fact that ' she left to ` mourn her loss four small children, as well as her -huxsband and rnnl.l-mr muum 'ne.1"LOSS Iour smau cnuoren, as well as her -husband and mother, Mrs. Alex. Johnston, of Minesmg Station, also on-e sister, Mrs. George Tracy, and .two brothers, Herb. John- ston of Minesing Station and Elmer ' of Weyburnl, Sask. The funeral took 3 place on Friday last from her late residence to Minesing United Church, , where the service was conducted by `I Rev. G. Pogson, of Minesing, assist- -` d by Capt. Miller, of Toronto, anu - Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, of Minesing. - Interment took place in the Minesing Union_Cemetery Palll-bearers were Chas; Cavanagh, Wallace Pattenden, Howard Priest, J-as. Pain, Richard Plowright and Stanley McLean. Many beautiful oral tributes were I received. 1 | - . e Passing his 83rd milestone, John i W. -Hughes, a pioneer of Innisl township, died athis home, 49 Park ] St., Barrie, on'Saturday, Oct. 22nd, 5 following two weeks illness. Mr. ( Hughes was born in_, Vaughan town- ] .ship on Oct. 6th_, 1849. At the age of eight he moved to Innisl with his 1 ` parents, settling near `Lefroy. `Later I he settled near Strou-d, where he had 5 ' one of the nest farms in the town- ] `ship. In 1911 he retired to Stroud ,vi1age,handhind192_0 came Igarrlle, 1 w ere e -a since resi e. n March last his wife, died and life had 1 ' never been just the same after that. He was a regular attendant at Cen- tral Church and `had served on the , Board of Stewards. .He is survived , by a family of ve, Stew- 1 art and Mrs. Chester ' c o ` ey, To- ronto; Mrs. E. N. Robins, Pontiex, l Sask.; J. W. Hughes, Toronto, and . Harvey Hughes on the homestead at , I Stroud. The funeral was held on 7 Tuesday afternoon, with interment at ' Stroud Cemetery. Rev. Louis Picn- ' ering fciated. $1111-baarershxvere six nep ews, -Fran ug es, 0 urch- _ ill; Rev. R. W. Hughes, London; Har- ' vey Sawyer and Chas. Bannerman, Toronto; Melville Peacock, Meaford,' '3 and Flovd Bannm-man T.n+`wm Following an illness of several months, William G. Richardson pass- ed away in the Royal Victoria Hos- pital on Friday, Oct. 21st. Born in Vespra township 83 years ago, -he knew something of pioneer life and helped to clear up more than one farm. He took an interest in com- [munity affairs and served as council- uloir anid reeve n+` Hm +nu-n-1=~- uuumcy anairs and served 'Ioir anid reeve of the township. ` Twenty-ve years ago he came to Barrie and for a number of years was - in the implement business. A staunch Methodist from early years, he took an active part in church and` Sunday School "work. Surviving are , his wife, one (laughter, Mrs. Wal- ` lace Richarilson, Rowley, .-\lta.; one ` 'son, Melville, in Alberta; a brother, . Robert, Barrie; also three half-bro- ithers, Benjamin in .-\l`be1'ta, Lake ` and Wesley is the Stat<,-.~:. The iun- ` leral took place on Sunday afternoon,` }se1'ViC(.- at his late home, 89 Worsle,, ISt.. \\'a.< conducted by Rev. J. J. !Black. Interment at Craighurst 'Cemetcry. Pall-bearers were six lne1)l1cws. VVallm=r- \Nn1;nm mu: 171"!- Ioronto; Melville Peacock, Mes Floyd Bannerman, Lefroy. REV. J. J. BLACK, B.A., B.D. Minister Sunday, Oct. 30, 1932 Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. R. C. Tait, of Calmpbel-Iford, will preach. n____1__ c_|_....1 ... -.1 ....... `LL'lllL`LL'l'y. r'a11-bearers neplxews, Wallace, William and Elvin Richardson, of Utopia; Bruce Rich- ardson, .-\llzm(lale; R. L. and G. E. lI .iclm1` of Rnvrin I The death occurred suddenly on Oct. 21st at Callander, Ont., of Wil- liam Thomas ;\IeGaw, eldest son of the late Robert 3IcGaw and Sara Nixon McGaw, of Painswick. .Vlr. )IcGaw had been a resident of Cal- lander for forty years and was man- ager of the J. B. Smith Lumber Co. IA staunch Con.-:ervative, he was dis- trict organizer for that party for many years. Always keenly interest- ;ed in the affairs of the town, he was secretary-treasurer of the School Board until ill health forced him to retire. He was on the Board of Managers of the United Church un- til his death. Mr. l\IcGaw was a member of the L.O.L. of Callander and Royal Black Preceptory, No. 762, .\'orth Bay. During the past ` forty years he held every oice in ` `both these orders. He was presented with a jewel for being secretary of the district for a period of ten years. In June last he was presented with a life membership for fty years in the Orange Order. He was much in- terested in literary things and was a great lover of poetry. He leaves to mourn his loss three daughters, Mrs. - Albert Brown, of Boneta, .\Ian.; Mrs. 2 E. Barandle, Sturgeon Falls, and , Mrs E. J. Mathers, of North Cobalt. . His wife, one son and a daughter - predeceased him. Mr. McGaw was the eldest brother of Mrs. Jack Fleet- . ham, Allandale. rzu'u.~'Un, .-\uzm(1a1e; {. I .icha1` of Ba1'r1c. , , U. 1uL,I\r.K'a :-7'*."!'W- Un 3 Elizabeth St. The Sanitary Shop W. C. Gowanlock, president of the Oriilia branch of the Ontario Plow- men s Association, was the winner of lthe Finlayson trophy at the annual `match held in North Orillia last week. ; HAIRCUTS REDI+ICED IN PRICE WILLIAM G. RICHARDSON 4 WILLIAM THOMAS McGAW MRS. VICTOR MILLER JOHN W. ZHVUGHES AITINIVERSARY SE'l'lVlC-1'25 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. LOUIS PICKERING wild preach. Moming-A Quest for Goodness. Evening-S~haken that We Might Become Unsha.kab1e. Special Music by Central Choir Morning Anthem--My Faith Looks Up to I`hee. Solo-Spirit of God. Evening Ant'.hems--Rejoice in the Lord, Page; Hark, Hark, My Soul, Shelley; The Heavens are Tell- ing, Haydn. Ladies Lost Chord, Sul-. livan; Mrs. R. Urry, Mrs. Roth- well, Miss Audrey Clifton.