Women s Fage ]: than your elbow." Leave your ears alone and leave children's ears alone. Do not attempt to remove wax. You will most like- ly press some of it against the drum and so cause harm. The ears are too precious to entrust to unskilled hands. Deafness usually has its beginning in disease of the nose and throat, from whence the disease spreads up the tube which connects the throat and middle "ear. It is obvious that the health of the middle ear depends up the health of the nose and throat. Any condition which causes in- flamation of the nose or throat is apt to spread up into the middle ear ano set up inamation there; tissues are destroyed, pus is formed, and the ear discharges. It is in this way that the common cold, diphtheria, diseased tonsils and aden- oids are the underlying causes of middle ear disease which leads to deafness in later years. The nose should not be washed out except under a doctor's direction, as in so doing infection may be forced .... mm the middle ear. For the same measles, scarlet fever, ` doing mtecnon may ue wrc up into the middle sat Fason, the nose should never blown violently, and above all, nex when there is `a cold in the head. *1...-. nwnmnhnn of deafness 1 `Lne pl`eVt:uuun w. u\.u....s.. ..- pends chiey upon proper care 0 common colds, adequate treatment of measles and other infections, preven- tion of diphtheria, removal of dis- eased tonsils and adenoids, and blow- ing the nose properly. l .m1ve vour ears alone, keep your properly. Leave your ` nose and throat healthy, secure skill- ` ed care if_ there is anything wrong, and you will retain the use of one . of your most valued organs of sense the ear. _ Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As` sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by let- ter. shen there 1S`a com m Lne ncau. The preventxon of .nmI.-_ r-hiov unon proper WEAVERS DEAFNESS UWII. -Whittie:. Now that the tourist trade ranks in importance with agriculture, there are many side lines open to the rural woman, declared Mrs. W. B. Leath- erdale, of Coldwater, in addressing the delegates to the recent County W.I. -Convention. Making iCanada s attractions known abroad idepends virtually upon private enterprise. There is nothing that can keep _ travellers from coming to `Canada ii they receive courteous` treatment, i and are dealt with fairly. The farm er and `his wife, especially along the highways, not only prort by the ` tourist trade, but can do much toward increasing it. 'l`l'1p earning` of nin monev has MONEY MAKING SIDE-LINES FOR THE RURAL WOMAN _According to Mrs. A. Walker, pro- vincial president of the W.I., that` body was not organized for the sole purpose of exchanging recipes, :13 some thought. Having been associat- ed with the `first Women s Institute formed at Stony Creek, Wentworth County, almost since its inception, she [oh the _'IL-irgates pr :se.'n at the ban- quet which closed the sessions of the .,_I County Convention, that it had been her privilege to gain possession of the first minute book. In this the aims of the W.I. were set forth 11'.- tfollows: Resolved, that as a nation cannot rise above the level of its homes, therefore we women must de- vise ways and means bf raising the standards of the home to the highest levels. The work of that first branch from which has sprung a world-wide movement that in Canada alone numbers over 40,000 women, was divided into six departments namely, Domestic Economy and Household Architecture (including heating, lighting, sanitation, ventila tion, etc.), Health, Horticulture, Music and Art, Literature and Educa- tion, Sociology and `Legislation. The pioneer members of the organization were all rened, highly cultural wo- men of vision. One of their first tasks was the gathering together of a library and the establishment of reading courses. From the first the study of child welfare" and health have held an important place in In- stitute programs. At the time the W.I. was formed there was in exist- ence what was called the Farmers Institutes. From this body came the statement that the W..I. was a society - where the women got together and swapped gossip and recipes, Walker said, and at the same time pointed out that the organization that had been the reason for such joking had gone steadily ahead, while the Farmers Institutes had long since ceased operations. Mrs. 3 increasing in. The earning of pin money has been too lightly considered in the past, continued the speaker. Some one has said, `When rural people be- gin to .realize the value of pin money, then we will get back on a. sound n- ancial footing again. Tie tourist -traffic offers almost limitless oppor- hanine +`m- nnrnino nin mnn4=,v_ , manner, not overlooking the value , of attractive surroundings and good CTBIIIC oners ztuuuzst. uu11u.t:5:i uppur- tunities for earning pin money. Motor inns, tea rooms and roadside stands seem to be the most popular enterprises fo.r getting the traveller to spend his money. These, if con- ducted in a sanitary and eicient food, are generally paying proposi- tions. It should `be remembered that anyone of these kind of places should cater to the comfort of the public. Wayside refreshment stand-s plastered over with gaudy `Hot Dog, `Ice Cream and other signs, may catch the eye of the motorist, but d-o not receive the same patronage as the stand that presents a more attractive appearance minus the signs. A lit- ter of produce, empty pop bottles, etc., detracts greatly and motorists pass such places by. Keeping a tea room is a -high- ly specialized eld. While a good cup of tea is essential, novelty, well chosen and grouped colors in the furnishings are equally necessary to draw and bring back again the tour- ists who pass your way. The ser- vice must be quick and dainty. Pretty china and colored linens help wonderfully in pleasing customers. Quality is the chief factor in tea room success. If catering largely to men, they must be given something more substantial than the dainty tea sandwich or iced cake. An honest- to-goodness ham sandwich and piece of pie is more to their liking. Some tea `rooms make a practice of tea-cup reading and this draws custom. Sev- eral magazines have published tea- room management suggestions, which can be procured in booklet form. , The Home Photographer Another protable line of work suggested )by the speaker was home photography. In a rural district where the nearest professional photo- grapher is miles away, the rural mother or -daughter who has learned Inn 11:: a namm-:1 will ninlt un con- ITIOTIHET -uauglnter WHO I185 1EaI'IlC| to use a camera will pick up con- siderable pin money if she lets the neighbors know that she takes pic- tures. Pictures taken in one's own home surroundings are much more appreciated` by one s friends than those posed in a. photographer's studio. There is also a market for farm pictures suitable for publica- tion in advertisements or as magazine covers. might run a tboarding home for dogs, cats and birds, where the owners, ceive proper care. Then there is the woman who is particularly success- ful in growing owers. She could render the community a real service `nu nvnvirlintr rip:-m-atinnzq fnr wet)- ``The farm wife w-ho loves animals - who want to take 8. trip, could place j . their pets, and know they would re- < render me commumby a. vrcau SBIVICU by providing decorations for wea- dings, funeral bouquets, or house I plants and seeds. Many villages do not have orists so accesalble that plants and seeds. Mamy Vluages uu ` not have orists so they can get owers when they are required, and the local grower should hp able to work no a good husiness.. requlreu, 3.1110 EH9 l0'C'dl g!`U\Vt51' SIlUulUl be able to work up a good bus1ness.,` One farm woman got her sons to potl, small evergreens, wljich she rents out fme r-hum-`h dpnnratiumg. Some of our for church decorations. Some of our rural women are peculiarly gifted in salvaging scraps and making some- thing useful. This gift could be small evergreens, w!_".cn sne renns um.` commercialized in the shape of hook-' ml rnwc cfnnl fan: and n r.hp.r handi-i ed rugs, stool tops and other handi- crafts, displayed and sold at a road- side stand. The workmanship, ofl lcourse, should be of the very best. I uLr..:..,1 ..... ...... ... .-,...-..-.4-k:nm Ham |commerc1auzeu 111 13118 snape OI HOOK-' UUULDU, DIIUI-llu. UC VJ. vux. VLLJ uuav Hairdressing is something thelc rural woman might take up with pro- ` t and very little outlay. Knitting is another way to make money. Knit- ted garments, especially sweaters, are very much worn at the present time and the woman who can master the new stitches and designs, ought to get ~ a rnmlv min for 1193- w: Canker]: stitcnes and (1eSlg'nS, '1l1g'I1B w gttl. - la. ready sale for her Wk Cooked I foods in the shape of lunches for I motor parties to take on the road ( with them, preserving wild fruits for < people who live in the city, raising poultry to supply certied fresh eggs 1 to invalids and convalescent homes 1 and hospitals; conducting a summer 1 camp on the farm for city children, I i were some of the other money mak- 1 ing projects suggested by the spea.k- ' 3 er, who closed her talk by saying ` * Women have a certain idealism tbout I the work they undertake. They go 5 into it for the love of it rst, and 3 next for what they can get out of I H 'l`}m+ in nnrlnhtprllv the secret The tissu of life to be We weave with colors all our And in the eld of destiny, We reap as we have sown. _un.:++ next 10!` wnat may can get out. 01; it. That is undubtedly the secret of their great success 1n the business world. lof E1 [the ' l Aluminum jewelry was popular in ;scen France in the nineteenth century. Hatless women are now permlttea to enter S. Paul's Cathedral in Lon don. England. The Cathedral auth- orities state that the famous Script- ural ban on `bare heads will no long- cr be enforced. Ca-naada s granary this year holds 163,000,000 bushels of wheat more` than last year, as well as 94,000,000 more bushels of oats and greatly in- creased yields of other grains. GIVING A HALLOWEEN PARTY I Some one has asked for I-La.lu1owe en `party suggestions, and while we are 2 Iifrtln Into: in rpnlvin-9 tn the reauesf `party suggestions, ann wnue we are a. little late in replying to the request the following Mystery Party may prove just what is wanted. The in- vitation should suggest the nature of the party something like this, The ` -Secret Order of AA. of D. will gather in the upper storey of the house three 9 doors from the corner of ....................... ..- ' Knock three times on the back shed t door and give the pass woru > `Whisht. .T\n .-nnf fell nnvnnn u7.l1af, A A nf ' wmsnt: " `Do -not tell anyone what A.A. of D. stands for, but post a bulletin in the front hall that a prize will be 5 given for the nearest correct answer. lanswers to be deposited in a box dur- ing the party, the decision of the ` judges to -be made at 10.03 p.m. ` As for A.lA. of D., it might mean - Animated Ambulatory of Detectives `ior Ambigious Association of Dum -'bel1s, just as the hostess pleases. Distribute emlinment for disguises. `Dells, Just as tne nostess pleases. I Distribute equipment for disguises, such as cotton for mustaches and beards, sideburns and eyebrows, to be lfastened on with adhesive tape; glass- es, ridiculous hats and veils. When! everybody is ready, you or some one whom you have selected to act 2:. . leader will order the members of the A..A. of D. to follow the instructions i given on a large sign made of wrap- ; ping paper and printed in crazy fash- . ion. Go look under a rock on the 1 north side of the bridge on the two- ,- mile road. Distribute about half a I dozen ashlights and start the party 5 out around the neighborhood. The clue at the second place can be on a sheet of paper slipped under Mabel Warren's house. Send one .re- - presentative to look in the mail box 3 3 a rock. It may read: Go round past . r I - for the next clue. Beware of the rlnnt I (Dn+ nnn nf flsnaa lsavon cnff. 101` me next clue. neware 01 um dog ! (Put one of those large soft toy dogs on guard). Tho chm .hm-9 should lead to the usznnunu Iuoxxlult. LVILVVD The regular meeting of the Barrie W.I. will be -held at the home of Ivlrs. ` Anderton, 30 Mary St., on Tuesday, Nov. 1st, at 3 p.m. Roll call will be answered by Memories of Grand- mothers. Tea will be served and program presented `by the members *,WhO are granldsmothers. Plans will be ade for Christmas cheer talent money. Visitors cordially welcome. toy dogs on guara). The clue -here should lead to hostess home. So far no one has known who the hostess is. This clue can be sterr. Enough of this run- ` ning down blind alleyes. Get down to business and the `bottom of this mystery at 812 Harrison Street." When the cars draw un in fronii mystery at biz 1`1al`l`1SOI1 btreet.` I When the cars draw up front of the darkened home of the hostess, leader will whisper: This is the `scene of the great mystery. Sneak up to the house and then knock as if you expected to be admitted. nnlv two or three quests are ad- r expecteu to De aamitteu." Only two or three guests are mitted at 21 time. Conduct them to take off their wraps by only the light of a ashlight. Provide for noises and shrieks at intervals throughout the house. In a whisper ask your guests to sit on the living room floor. ,A smoky lantern will give Liie right amount of light for atmosphere. Have some one recite the following in a deep sepulcral voice: The Northern Advauo W !-IENParliamentisinsession,'_Ot:mwabecomestbe nerve centre of the Dominion. Throughout the country, business executives await news of developments which may affect them in many ways. And, in every community, there are families anxious to have a word with husbands and fathers, who have been taken to the Capital by or other duties. For all these varied interats, the Long Distance tele- phone is a convenient and dependable servant. It , _`L___- -l __-__I_ `I - 1.. _.....I.. lies" nigbt rate: (after 8.30 P-II-);- Tonuo and Oriana--70:. Mndred and Ottawa---40c. `Visitor and O!Iaa-$l .25. Quebec and Ottawa--7Sc. North Bay and Ouuu-65c. See list of rate: is from of gives clear, e;I's;,' 1 lof speech. It is ready A _ J 9. 2- _.__.:_'_.l_ -..._.._.:....l 1: And the .DODO1ln'KS 000, II vney re ` on to their biz. -And the night is literally soused In l ink As you silently wait and watch and think And blink and wink. (Here there should be wierd walls. from without). Hoarse whisper- Now take the cud Of a brindle cow, and wade in the Yhnd \.LV1( side). Vnr This is the night when buzzards buzz, And the cuckoo coos--if he ever does- And the lizards lie around and H2, And the bobolinrks -bob, if they're .l!'1 +(\ }'I;7. The next meeting of the Shanty Bay W.1. is to be in charge of Mrs. Day and Mrs. Simp' :1. The meeting will be held at ,..e home of Mrs. Wiggins on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. nuu CIUBU yuul. cyca auu w your toes, And wish and wish till your re near- ly dead. Then you wade back -home and you crawl in bed, I55lC I And you wink and blink and you ' think some more Of the leper who died on the far- off shore; You taste the garlic and see the ` cud And fall asleep a.-wading in mud, And your wishes will all come true. At this point the lights go on and a few of the time honored games may `be played or dancing enjoyed untu refreshments are served. 102 WOMEN SEEK OFFICE IN UNITED STATES ELECTION dred and two women are running for the Senate, House of Representatives and various state oiees in next month's general elections in the Unit- ed `States, and the National Women .~ Party sees two major reasons for this record number. n _ -__..__.... ,..L........... Washington, Oct. 24.-aOne hun-` 1 CUUIU JIIUIIIUUL . Commenting on a survey showing three women vieing for senatorial honors, 28 trying: for the house, two for governor and 69 for less import- ant state posts, Ruth Taunton, secre tary of the Women s Party, said one! vnncrm ir: n n-,1.f.nral growth throumhi nary OI the women's rarny, salu um.-:|' reason is a natural growth through ` 12 years of political activity; the other is growth forced by the e`ort:- of many to destroy the economic in- dependence of women in the name of the depression. \Th1p of Hm 102 women carvdidates or the uepressno-n." _ Nine of the 102 women are seeking re-election. UI a Drlnule cow, auu wwuc 111 um: mud Way out in the marsh, and dig a hole With the shoulder `blade of some poor soul Who died a leper in Lim-Po-Kink. (More groans and` moans from out- irIp\, me). You bury the cud at half past two, Lie at on your `back and take a I-how L18 Iran. 011 your `UdUl\ auu ban: chew Of garllc ond glycerme and cloves, And close your eyes and wiggle vnnr tnp: PLENTY OF GOOD THINGS AT SA'l'URDAY S MARKET THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1932. If the housewives of Barrie could have had a peek at the week-eno market as it opened Saturday mom-' ing, there would have been such an inrux of buyers that the luscious pro- duce would have been quick-Ly dis posed of. As it was, the majority 01 stalholders found trading only fair Even at a pre-holid-ay market there has rarely been a better showing; 01 garden stuff, fruits and poultry than that offered Saturday. A cnnrnifv in ncrcrs kpnfnthp nrim: that onereo. saturaay. A scarcity in eggs kept'the price up to 30c, 35c, 38c and 40c a do :-. Even at this price the farm wive: said they were not making as much as they did when eggs were plentiful and only 20 a doz. There was con siderable poultry dis-played, chicken: selling at 23c, fowl 18c and duck 23c and 25 a lb. Butter remained av. 25 a lb. I ,.,. .._._-:_._1-..1.. ......:...1 400 (1 Ill. Vegetables were particularly varied and appetizing. Mushrooms were priced at 15 a pint or 35 a quart, Brussells sprouts 15c qt. basket, new beans 10c qt., celery 10c bunch for hearts, single heads 5c and 2 for 15c * according to size; Ihead lettuce 10c each, Chinese lettuce 10c, savoy cab- ` bage 10c and 15c, ripe tomatoes 25c a small basket, green tomatoes 20c a basket, carrots and `beets basket, onions 25c basket, cauliower 10c to 20c a head, marrows 5c ano 10c, turnips 5c each, dry peas and beans 10c qt., sage 5c a bunch, horse- radish 15c to 25c bottle, green pep- . pers 3 for 10c, hot peppers 1!: each. Home-2-rown peaches were a novel- 15ca` _ apples 35c large basket; . ieties from 15c to 20c. : brought to market so far this fall was 5 offered by one farmer, who had some 35 Ior lUc, not peppers M: eucu. Home-grown peaches ty among the fruits offered and sold at 20c a basket. While they were small in size, the avor is good, and the peaches would be nice for table use or conserving. Grapes were only 35c for 2 baskets; winter pears 2.5c a basket; Alexander apples 15c 21 small basket, 25c large size; craa) other var inside and outside rmarkets apples be . were shown in great quantities. The first dressed meat to nice looking pork, for which he was asking 8c and 9c a lb. for front and a hind quarters, respectively. n__.,:J_..: ._... 4.1.- 1.4.-......... .4` H ... rvnn Both on the uunu blue; u.;..:, ;,u..r..~... . ....J . Considering the lateness of the sea- son, the showing of garden owers, selling at 10c a bunch, was quite re- lmarkable. At the home baking stalls it was noticed that bran muffins and health bread are `being featured. EVI- dently there is a growing demand for such food in preference to pastry. The sufciency of my merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient. -St. Augustine. A. A. SMITH GOSPEL NEEDED ON \IIE GTE!) KI W. R. Day, a mission worker on Canada's wes_te.rn frontier, and Dr, `Dean, of Toronto, spoke in -Centraf Church on Thursday evening last. Mr. Day's theme was The `Challenge of the Western Frontier, while Dr. Dean spoke on Echoes of the Gen- eral Council of the United Church. Qnno'|.r{v1nv nf 4':-nvu+u'aw "fa hm loaf- . is held. BT31 MOUHCILVV OI E118 UIIIDCU. UIIUICII: Speaking of frontier life in Westv ern Canada, Mr. Day said that con- ditions were far from encouraging. With eggs only 2c and 3c 3 dozen, and trade at that; hogs 2c a lb. and cream 85c for ve gallons, it was a struggle to keep things going. There never was a time when these people need- ed the gospel more than to-day, and if the church will not come to their aid, other agencies, such as the Third Internationale, Communists, and Bolshevicks will have them under their sway. There are wide areas in Alberta where no service of any kind Many of the settlers are ne people, who came from `Ontario, Britain and the United States, but they have drifted away from the church. Then there are the nonv Angl.o 70,000 Uklranians in the Presbytery` of St. Paul alone. They have their old customs and dis- respect for law on the Sabbath. They were brought to this country by the boatload and now they should not be neglected. If the church will not get them, the Thind Internationale of Moscow will. In the whole of the Presbytery there is not an ordained minister. wars: lvnanlu Deafness is a. serious ma-`bter. It ` interferes wlth education when it ` occurs early in life, and later it is a handicap in business. In addition, the deaf are shut out from much of the enjoymenrt of life and from free and easy communication` with their .friends. 'I'|1m our in Aividnd intn three narts. I ammo an unawa-/uc. O!laao-$l of from qf Jindnrv. Evef-9 min been See us! of rate; to from or dirxtory. Evesugraa begin at 7 ms. L The W.M.\S. have hospitals at La mont and `Smoky Lake, where splen-' did work is being done, but the work- ers are so few. Then there are the Frenoh-Canadians, many of whom are anxious to embrace the Protestant faith if approached. The harvest is great, but the workers are few. The` ' western frontier needs the sympathy, the prayer, the men and the nancial ' assistance of the church. Dr. Dean briey referred to` some echoes of the General Council. of the United Church, held in Hamilton re-1 cently. The council is the highest court of the church, and was com-j posed of 280 commissioners, an equal number of ministers and laymen. Eighty per cent. had never attended ` a General Council before, but the r spirit of brotherhood and unity was very manifest. The church has been suffering on account of economic con- ditions, the same as any other insti- tutins, and economy was planned in 7 every way possible, but it was agreed that not a dollar was wasted. The Imissionhry `activities of the church ) at home and abroad received much . consideration, and pride was express ed in the program of expansion. LLULI) UN WESTERN FRONTIER: WOMEN S INSTITUTE NEWS '1'"!-... .........1..._ _..,a_'__ -x- nw r- cfriends. The ear is divided into three parts. E The external ear catches the sound, turns it into a canal about one inch in length, at the end of which is found the ear drum. Beyond the drum is the middle ear, which is con- nected with th e upper part of -the throat by a tube. Farther back, en- cased in bone, is the inner ear. T\nn-fnnea IS lanzelv nreventable. cased in bone, 1s tne mner ear. Deafness is largely preventable. Very few people are born deaf. In order that deafness may be prevent- ed, the ears must be kept healthy. The hairs which line the ear cana. should never be pulled out, as serious and painful infections like boils often result. Matches, toothpicks, knitting needles, hair pins, rnger other such articles should not be used to clean the ears or to scratch them if'itcl`ing occurs. There is an old saying that you should never put anything into your ear smaller than elbow. Lnnve. vour tips ox I