P_a_e_ Eight T. MCMANUS, Pr0p1ieto1' NOTICE illl( 3 Inf. th ` hi ; wh 1st, unn THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932. (lily EHO Dummy. Returning until Monday night Gray Ceaciz Lines BARRIE 4". loronlo `l$KlU\JII Return Good going Friday, Satur- day and Sunday. R.nf.1n'n1'no- until Mnnnv 'nirr1-1+ Notice is hereby given that the list` 4 of lands now liable to be sold for ` arrears of taxes in the Town of. Barrie has been prepared and is be- ing published in an advertisement in' the Ontario Gazette in its issues ofi` September 24th, October 1st, 8th and: 15th, 1932. Copies of said list or of the advertisement may be seen at; my office or will be mailed on re-i quest. ' I herebv give notice that unless the ittahel the i'$.i:1g's iiaigbtnapl vu.Aa 1:3}s;iLY SERVICE Eastern Standard Time Leave Barrie Leave Toronto 8.25 a.m. 8.20 a.m. 2.05 p.m. 11.05 a.m. 4.30 p.m. c2.00 p.m. a8.I5 p.m. 135.45 p.m. a8.05 p.m. a-Sat, Sun. and Holidays b-Daily except Sun and Ho]. c-Saturday only. SINGLE $1.75 up`---- Coach connections at Buffalo and Detroit for all points in the United States. Clarkson Hotel. Phone 62. -.-wan-:-ur.vz cu Alj`& WEEK-END FARE Tor -:`:\to Eneiurn lfnnrl nIr\:r\nI Ii"-{Ann Qnl-an. next to the Capitol Thegtrc A I I\I_I Iu I\I-ll free of charge ALL JIEADING PRIVATE Miss Audrey Clifton, Organist NI)`. Alexzmder Knox, Choir Leader TEAICUP GROUCH- NO-LONGER PALMS REA READING EXPERT the RETURN $3.1 5 `.1 vIr;uu- ..10c . 15c quest. I hereby give they ; arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by public auction I ` the said lands, or so much of them`. as may be necesary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, on Tues-I day, the 27th day of December,` 1932, in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Barrie, at the hour of two] o'clock in the afternnon. `nn+nA of `Raw-1-in this: 91:1`. rlav nfi CHIROPRACTIC c.m;:;;A%guaus1 o'clock 1n the axternnon. | Dated at Barrie, this 21st day of September, 1932. I A w _:...m. I DR. WALTER H. WOODROW rv-In Y: A `I ! \BI\K`1 I3 A '\YT\ 'I`T`I'13_f\ A Lands For Sale Fora Arrears of Taxes ' REV. J. J. BLACK, B.A., B.D. '|\IHnia+.r.a1I TO WIT : Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Simcoe has been prepared and is be- ing published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 13th, 20th, 27th days of August, and 3rd day of September, 1932. In the County of Simcoe \I . . i ("inning of said list of lands or ad-I ELost--Fox terrier, black and white}. Reward. 118 Penetzmg St. I T of September, 1u:5z. 1' Copies of ad- 1 vertisement can be seen in my oice 1 or will be mailed upon making ap- ' plication for same. In default of` payment of taxes as shown on said ' list, on or before Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1932, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I ` shall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell by public auc- tion the said lands to pay such ar rears, together with the charges than-nnn Lands For Sale For Arrears of Taxes -FOR--- FLU AND COMPLICATIONS Following the u, tone up the heart and system in general with a course of adjustments. We Solicit Full Investigation :11 Ill mu. \.un.u\.u. uu \.--......c l\(A .... Dorcas--The Needle Woman" curs, thereon. thereon. D. H. Coleman, Treasurer, County of Simcoo. Treasu:rer s Office, Court House,` Barrie. Ontario, the 15th day of Aug- ust. 1932. ? 60 Elizabeth St. Reeve Holmes of Orillia has been appointed chief presiding ofcer for the balance of the year, in place of the deceased Mayor Curran. Town of Barrie \. VVl"LlJll.'Al\ :1. vv \.l\Illl\\I Iv EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST -- (\..!Il:.. f'\..A....:.. Wanted-A young horse for delivery, weight about 1400 pounds, must be sound and quiet. Lakeview Dairy. Phone 70. Sunday, Octpber 16, 1932 pvcunucn, ;vuu- A. W. Smith, Treasurer of the Town of Barrio. Church School at 3 p.m. Phone 405 }A|landale News} Ieu ms parents over the holiday. ` Mr. and Mrs. J. Henson of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Henson over the week end. M1` Tr W[nrnn hug ..nl-nun...) 4... ' M~r. Leslie Hedger of Toronto visit- Ied his parents the holiday. ` Mrs. J. Hensnn nf 'l`m~nn+n 116115011 over me week end. Mr. L`. Marion has returned to !Ca1abo 1e after visitinr 1'elat`ivcs 8 here. I l [:; f`InJ-... TXT..1l._.!_. _., J 1|! r.. Il(.`I'L`!. | Miss Gadys Wallwin and Mr. '1'. Rowe of Toronto spent :1 few (lays over the week end with the fo1'me1"s pz_n'ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Wall- \VlTl. uuuuuy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobson left on Tuesday for a holidily trip to Ottawa. Miss Geo-rrzia Wnhh of 'l`m-nn+n :.~ For Sale-Half duplex house, or will rent furnished or unfurnishe Also; private sale of household f rniture.`_ Apply 180 Dunlop St. , VVIII Miss A. Collins visited friends in Collingwood over the Thanksgiving holiday. MY 3111!` 1`/[re 'F`1~nn'Ir nnk:-nu In-P4 ru- Luestlay 101' nouday trip to Uttawa.' Georgia Webb of Toronto is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Webb. Mr -marl Mvo Q r1......:.l,. .....1 71.12.- EQjJl'L1L3U(l'ctlU UH Dunaay. I Jack Percy, Maurice Hanna, Lloyd ;3[orri.<:0n and Maurice Trevelyan, lstudents at V:12'. were home over !the holiday. I nm.,I:.... xurs. W. D. WOOD. Mr. -and Mrs. S. Garside and Miss Ethel Garside were in Toronto on Saturday attending the wedding of Miss Annie Garside. .Mv nnll/[1-as ur a r~....:..... .--A uuss Annlc uarsme. ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. S. `Goring and family of Toronto spent the week end with the formers pa1'ent s, Mr. and Mrs. C. Goring. Mr. and Mr: Muir 211-Ir` Mu nu-1:] anu lLV1I'S. U. uormg. Mr. and Mrs. Muir and Mr. Mrs. J. Leith were guests of Mr. Mrs. B. Bae-1' over the holiday. Miss `Beatrice Vvnllwin vi-zifml Mrs. 13. nae-1' the houday. `Beatrice Wallwin visited her parents, Mn`. and Mrs. I. B. Wallwin, over the week end. Nrvc f`1r-anon I/In nut` `l\lf...,. f`L- over Lne weex ena. Mrs. `Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Knight of Toronto and Mrs. V. E. Knight of Allzmdale enjoyed the p1ea:s-i ant holiday weather at the latter s summer cottage at Bala. I Mr. nnd Mr: F` \A7r\nnr-11 n-r I:;+,.11, ; LIIU Aiuiiuay. Bowling On the evening local tournament of the season. Rain fell almost continually during the ar- fair, but none of the twenty bowlers "taking part seemed to notice it, so` _ intent were they in winning the fowll ' which went as prizes. The winners were: 1st, Geo. Vickers and E I |Munro; 2nd, E. Ryan and J. Rogers,[ 3rd, R. McBride and A. Malcoinson;`, 4th, F. Sharpe and W. Peck. lves-C-arside A quite but pretty wedding too place at the United Church parson- age, Lee Ave. ,Toronto, when Annie May Garside, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Garside, Brock St.,` Barrie, was united in marriage to Bertram Ives youngest son of Mr. .Blake Ives, of Belleville, and the late Mrs. Ives, by Rev. S. M. Beach. The bride was presented in marriage by her father and was charmingly attired in a gown of brown Jericho crepe and carried a-bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. Miss Ethel Garside, sister of `the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a sage of buttery roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Jerry McManus of Ottawa. A reception was after-; wards held in the private dining` hall at Hunt ;-t Yonge St. restaurant.` The bride and groom later left on a_ wedding trip to Buffalo and other? poiiits. Upon their return they will reside in Toronto. Mrs. Wilfred J. Bowden I After an illness of only ten days ~ duration, Mrs. Wilfred J. Bowden t passed away at the Royal Victoria :1,-`Hospital on Sunday, Oct. 9th. The )f,deceased became ill on Thursday,- 3-1 Sept. 28th, and was taken to the hos-` fnupital on the following Tuesday, but afigradually sank until the end came. Id` Her death came a great shock to` Kl her friends and was particularly sad at, in view of the fact that she left three e_ ` .-`mall child`ren, as well her husband [to mourn her loss. The late Mrs. 19 Bowden was boi'n at Penetang twenty-seven years ago and was form- m,erly Myrtle Grace Lamb. She is also ,m`survived by two brothers and seven ntisisters. The funeral took place on ,s_ Tuesday last from the late residence,` 3:. ,8 Adelaide St., to Essa Road Pres--. h; byterian Church, where the service` No was conducted by Rev. N. R. D. Sin- clair. Interment took place at Bar- rie Union Cemetery. Mrs. John Frame , Janet Reid Wardrope Frame, wido\v of the late John Frame, diedw at the home of her son, Robert` Frame, 128 Bradford St., on Tuesday, Oct. 11th, in her seventy-seventh year. The deceased had not been in the best of health for some time and for the past ve months had been practically bedfast. The late Mrs. Frame was born at Hamilton, Glas- gow, Scotand, in 1856 and came to this country about fty years ago, settling at Midland, where Mr. Frame entered the Bridge and Building De- partment of the railroad. They also resided at Orillia and Peterboro be- fore coming to Allandale twenty-ve years ago. Since the death of her husband in 1919 the deceased had re- sided with her son. During her resi- dence in this town Mrs. Frame was highly repected and greatly esteemed by her many friends and neighbors, . l 1 )1` t 3th, Fce t of 15th iour , incil .1-ges row and regret. The funeral service `Barrie Union Cemetery. -Court of Revision Town of Barrie was lwhen several mischievous boys stole low 1,` a wedding wagon of Bryson s Bakery was parked Thursday. J wagon, _ J before starting out to make delivery the ' of the elaboratey cake. President, Jas. Marlin, Barrie; 11101 P1 of Thanksgivingl Vice--Pres i`de%it, R. .A`1'13"\Sl:01:|\%; Day the Allandalc Bowling Club he1cl.t`m"-1 . 39 Te?`-`v. - - 1 `-_~i what in all probability will be the las.t7]m'1'.`5 Executwei M155 V` Stmnge` arrie; ,Miss V. Walker, Oro Station; Miss F.` ,Clute, Wyevale; C. French, E1invale;2 Miss Jean Cowa.n, Lefroy; EAuditors, Jas. Marlin and M. Henry. 5 ---gj- , Prc WEDDlNG CAKE STOLEN pm BY MIS-CHIEVOUS BOYS` yea 1 ha.s The wedding feast of a local bride In minus the piece de resistance iati cake from the delivery jug while it sou on Bradford St. last yea 0 driver of the 51; left it for a few moments icil l\'Iurray Reynolds, iced three-tiered dip Returning he missed the cake ` gown of dark green crepe with cor-, and immdiately reported the theft to on] the police. Investigation revealed tin the fact that the missing cake had col been divided up and hastily consumed we at the rear of Beelby s service sta- wa tion, where the ground was strewn mg with pieces of frosting. we It is likely that the guilty boys. wa who have been located by the police, t,h( his way to Camp who learned of her death with sor- 'zs c l -ted b Rev. Louis Picker- . _ Z1gn(tlll1CL residsence of her son on.3 131 W- S00! M'd1d3 'l`hursday, interment taking place at will be brought before ;\Ia-gistratc ve; Jefls. iei , tri DOCTOR STRUCK PARKED ' in; CAR, HAD NARROW ESCAPE tal ---- Mi Dr. W. C. Little, returning to m.i Barrie Tuesday night, had a harrow- gu ing experience when he struck a` parked car on the Angus road about four miles from Barrie. The palked nn `car had been (liven by Cecil Living be ston, who ran out of gas and left it be to seek help. R.:\I.P. Oflicer 'l`1'21\-`i-'~`- on had just narrowly missed the car on I Borden. Dr. Little af met the officer a short distance from he it and on account of the lights, was -`lg unable to see the car parked and lstruck the left rear fender; causing be him to swerve. `His car turned over ye three times, landing in the ditch. to Fortunately the doctor escaped in- f)- jury, but his car was badly wrecked, al the body and frame work being com- 3 pletely demolished. _ co It is understood Livingston will he fc `charged with parking a car without $5 llgfhts. : 1h( L`-L.0?_']3 PARTRIDGE talc I-`IRST IN ROAD RACE l \V (Continued from page one) id: 1-5 seconds. Les Hook and Ken.` b Houghton, both of Barrie, took sec- 04 and and third places, l'oll0wed by `21 Hornsby, of Midland, and in _I'iftn 1 position was L. Richards of Barrie. 1,1` One of the interesting features was It the number of real junior runners f who entered. Three were under 15311 years, David Hutchings, Vernon Sharp a.nd Bob Dixon, who is only twelve. All three nished, Bob show- ing real running ability, Not only;-` did he nish, but came down on the nishing tape after uncorking a real `championship sprint. 1 Following is a list of the \vay they finished: 1, L. Partridge, Barrie; 2,,- L. Hook, Barrie; 3, K. Hougton, Bar- rie; 4. H. Hornsby1Midla.nd; 5, L. Richards, Barrie; 6, V. Brown, Bar- irie; 7, H. Smith, Barrie; 8, S. Cable Camp Borden; 9, W. -Hedger, Allan-', dale; 10, S. Johnston, Barrie; 11, T.` .Robinson, Barrie; 12, L. Cook, Bar- -. 14, F. Haynes, Barrie; 15, L. Delaney, Bai~ rie; 16, B. Simmons, Barrie; 17, D. ,Hutchings, Allandale; 18, G. G. Smith, Barrie; 19, C. Jebb, Barrieg, 20, R. Bates, Barrie; 21, L. Cole,| Barrie; 22, R. Dixon, Allandale; 23. L. Kinsella, Allandale; 24, C. Sharp,` Allandale; 25, H. St. Clair, Barrie: 1 x l N ( t l l 1 5 1 1 ` ' Court of Revision rlnfm-mininrr nf nnncml: Notice is hereby given that the_Thompson, Allandale; f0 ? hearing` and Allandale. nirnincf. `H-1.. 26, W. Black, Allandale; 27, R.` 28, V. Sharp," .a+....1. ...-.. LL- :.._:-.. Av: TAL....-L...` .1. um over 1nam 1 Miss Sarah Wallwm and Mess1's.: Joe and Browme Gates motored `cu; Spruce(lale on Sunday. I Jack Pur('\' NT:11n*ir-n T-Tnnim T.1n\n-3 Wanted-Aggressive party with few hundred cash and car to operatei chain unit merchandising` business. Terirtory from Barrie to Gravenhurst available. Monthly income assureu. Give full particulars. Box C, Aa- vance, Barrie. -summer cottage at nala. I I Mr. and Mrs. E. Wouneh of Kitch- ener were \'isit.o1's of Mr. and Mrs.! `A. Gill over Thanksgiving. Sarah Wnllwin zmrl `I\/l'n:qv:' - ness before the Court will g'0Vel`nprizes and Nt_ _ h eh g_ n th `Z6, W. Black, Allandale; RM oiceis er y _ive e, _ Thompson, Court for Idetei-mining of appeals against the Stephen Johnston won the junior! assessment of the Town of Barrie fox prize for boys under 16 years, and the Veil!` 1932 Will be held in the Ted Robinson won the prize for boys; Council Chamber, Barrie, on Friday [under 18 years, I October 28th, 1932, at two O CiOCk inl Mr, J, E_ Morrison, president of the afternoon. Parties having bus)-.the Allandale Y.M.1C.A., presented the` _ especially congratulated themselves aCC01`d1T1g1Y- Mr. Thompson for his part in bring- A. W. Smith, Town Clerk. ing about the event. and . and On Tuesday mght thieves t0OK two` truckloads of split wood from the sheds of Cameron & `Ellis, coal and wood merchants on Bradford St. Wom-en's Canadian Club, Libraryl Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 18th, 8.15 p.m. Speaker, H. S. McKellar. Subject. Dr. Drummond, the Habitant Poet and Canadian Patriot. : During: tho late hours of F`-ridaylyg night or early Saturday morning air number of sox and about ten 1nen s; ` shirts were stolen from the yard of. Mrs.. J. Ncily on Ross St. The. clothes had been left out on the lincag overnight to dry, and in the morning? had disappeared. So far they have I ` not been recovered. !` Rabbi Eisendrath will lecture Trues-1 day evening, Oct. 18th, at 8 o cIocx in Burton Ave. United Church, un- der the auspices of Circle D 01" the Women s Association. | lU\\ 5Z ; ,lVice-President, Arnistrong, Pene- tang; Sec ;,'-T`rez1s.u1'c1', J. E. Morrison, tiBar1'ie; n`Ba1'1-ie; ._,Miss `:EAuditors, Henry.: The Anglican Laymen s Associationli of South Simcoe will hold a banquet ` and meeting in .St. Andrew's Parish Hall, Alliston, on Friday evening,' Oct. 21st, at 6.30 p.m. sharp. Guest speaker, Hon. W. H. Price, Attorney-' .General. Admission 50c. ` '1 OFFICE brmuxnmax Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hotel, Burrii. Every Saturday. 10 a.m to 2 .p.m., and by appoint- ment. The forty-third annual convention `of the Centre Simcoe Teachers In- stitute ended on Friday with the elec- tion of ofcers, which `resulted as fol- ` lows: T3.-rm-rlnv~.4< Tn 7\/Tnudin Ilnuuinu [DZLl'l'lC lLl(.`S(1i1y I1]g'llL, lliltl ll HZll'1'U\\' 1 ,, a n` ` :to Travisa ,2:".ct Lstruck over ,three ditch. " in- ' wrecked, `olthe ni n Tf. it 11nrlr-`-rc+.nnrl T.ivimr.:tm1 will he 7 l l iwas de resistance in NTI11-vnv T?r>\n1nlrl= rh-iva? n`? `H10 a local bride` when ` 1llU1`S(lZ1)'. 1 of 5 f 1 . missing I with guilty u-l-.n lanvn knnn In...-.4-nr! luv the nnli/-n 3 To ` , 1| 1., !1-5 |Houp;hton, followed by in fifth `position Bzwric. ; nn n(` Hm int-nu-nqfincr f'nnhn'tI.< \vns' rpUSlLlUH .215 1;. I\lCllill`(l.\ Ul 1)iHllL'. features 1 junior 15'; lyears, Vernonl is only` `twelve. show-l ling only; `ldid _ W championship l _: Fnllnwinrr la n lief. nf' H10 wnv lxlmv .`\l|ZUl(lHlC`. ` junior! [under 18 vears. . LOCAL NEWS The Northern Advance Barrie lacrosse team went down `to ' another defeat last Friday night when they lost to the Camp Borden Signallers 6 to 5. The teams were evenly matched and put up a greaml battle. Austarula, playing rover for. the camp team, scored four of their` [six goals. In the rst period each `team scored 3 goals, the Sig;n'.1llers| `got the only goal of the second frame]! `and in the last each team added two` I....,..,. I Collier St. United Church` I Bur1'ie started the scoring when` `Kerr took a pass from Hook in front `of the net. Stevens evened it up when he went the full length of the `oor and scored. Austraula got the `next for camp. on a solo effort, whicu uwvas followed by a goal by Walls, who [took a pass from Stevens. Camp took the lead again when Pauley pick- ed up a loose ball and beat Walsh. Hook counted for Barrie on a nice pass from Wiles. I '1`-1-up cm-nnrl nnrinrl mg tnmp. with | PZISH l.l'UH1 VVHCS. ` The second period was tame, with only one goal being scored, Austarula counting ofr the camp on a solo :-ush. ` In the third period Wiles and Hook ' two for the winners. V J Iscored for Barrie and Aiustraler got 3 ; Speaking at Midland last week `Premier Henry outlined the relief past three program. During the 5`years, he said, the problem of relief lhas gradually grown more serious. 1930 and 1931 a policy of stimu- lating municipal betterments was fol- lowed, Ottawa and Toronto each pay- a quarter of the cost. It was sought to follow the same policy last year, but the refusal of the banks to make the necessary loans for con-' struction enterprises, to certain mun- icipalities because of the extent of unpaid taxes, forced a policy of direct relief. \Ul-inn 3+ um: Fnvncnnn H191`, 1'1n1 _____. I 1 Premier Explains Relief Program T. I Notice is hereby given pursuant to )1c |The Trustee A_.ct, tlu_Lt all creditors I, and others having clz_ums against the ,0 Business C011,.R.e; p,.imm.y ._\(._ vrphestatc of John Mc_G1ll, late of the ntancy` Stenographic SeC1.etm.ia] 1 . , Town of Barrie, in the County of p1ete Om, T1.ai,,im_, and Ma_ - 0. `Ball, write or phone for ])m'ticul:11'.< : ccrning the courses given by the R , Simcoe, deceased, who died on the mp`-10th (lay of -September, 1932, are re- `-quired to send pzmrticulars of their liar! claims to the undersigned on or be- and fore the _1st day of November,_ 1932, oysl after which date the Executrxx will ld1st_r1bute the assets of the estate, 0f'ha\{mg regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice, and [ted will not be responsible to any others. neglect and he was let o` with a ing- Eaten 8: Eden, Bu-rie, 1 of $2 and costs, which in all Solicitors for Exeeutrix.ounted to $8.75. , . l of the road to Camp Borden` out lights. He waited for a while1| Livingston appeared, who could,` no explanation why he had turn- the lights off. He had run out _of, and was away `about fteen mm-, 5 looking for help. It was a. case only would it be necessary to con- tinue the relief program during the coming winter, but that the volume would in all likelihood increase, it was deemed advisable to have a study made of the way the municipalities direct rener. When it was foreseen that, no1\ were handling the problem. Some, it was found, were unable to cope with the situation. The condition was in- vestigated by a committee of exper- ienced men, chosen from the indus- trial centres of the province, the find- ings of which have recently been tabled in the Campbell report, which Mr. Henry heartily recommended the municipalities to study and use as a guide in the handling` of relief. The Campbell Report In accordance with the recom- mendations of the report, there will no further bonusing 01' municipal betterments, said the Premier, but only direct relief will be employed. lt is fit that we cannot go on year after year, borrowing on the future, added, in explaining the decision against municipal betterments. -\ (lniinitn stnnulzwd of relief has zlgznnsu municipal uetterments. A denite st'.1ndz11'd of relief been set up, as 21 result of the in- vestig':1tio11s 01' the Campbell commit- tee, Mr. Henry stated. Speaking from memory, he outlined the food :1llo\\':mces as being $1.50 weekly for single man, $2.45 for a married couple with no children, $5.00 weekly for 21 family of three children, zuui 1 $8.25 for a family of eight children. ` 'I`.hm-n will lm nn r:1:`l1 lwnnrlml nut. -T>D.Z'L) 101' 21 Iilllllly 01 l:`lg'llL CI1llu1'L'll. There will he no `cash handed out, `he said, commenting that the patriotic jS0('lCtlC`S during the war, which en- i (leavored to assist the soldiers wives, ' found there were three classes, those `who simply banked the money in or- .(ler to have a nest egg when the hus- .` band returned; those who squander- . ed it on some unnecessary luxuury, and those who spent it in liquor. Those three classes remain with us ilto the present time," said the l 1'em~ s'ie1~, explaining` that vouchers good only for the purchase of food, will alone 33 be issued. nl In addition, there will be a `pro- y1yision for shelter, light and water, .l1n addition to the food allowance as yzstated above. on the basis of (50 per c'cent. food allowance and -10 per cent. 1! toward light and water. Rent up to |l50 per cent. of the taxes, may be y paid direct to the landlord, in 12 in- stalments over the year. ) -9 "LACROSSE" L H CAMP BORDEN 22, AURORA 3 1(..11iV. -J. J. Dhb1\, 13.21., 13.11. Minister Sunday, October 16, 1932 11 a.m.-The Minister. Third dis- course on the cities of St. Pa.u1- Pau1 s Experience at Athens. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.-The Minister. .-\. ('0u: service for the new L'c1m-t01`y and memorial fence and; lg'at(-xvny at St. Paul's Anglican ` ;Chu1'cl1. Coulson s Hill, was held on . ll Sept. 28th. SIGNALLER5 ,6, BARRIE 5 NOTICE TO CREEITORS AND OTHERS nucr, UUL go he he rsii`-w Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until twelve o clock noon on Monday, the 31st of October, 1932, for the following properties: 1<\ rs , _;- r,: nn ,,1 nn r- *r'- --v-'- (1) Parts of Lots 22 and 23 on the South side of Charlotte Street, Barrie, Plan 18, upon which is erect- ed a comfortable large frame d'..u.l- ing in good order with modern li;l provement, subject to a mortgage se- curing $1,170.00. (2) Park Lot 7 on the South side of Steele Street and the west half of Park Lot 4 north of Napier Street, Barrie, Plan 112. (3) Parts of Lots 2 and 3 and _ Lots 4 and 5 South Pellew Street; _ parts of Lots 2 and 3 and Lots J and 5 north of Colling:;\':ood Street; part of Collingwood Strret now close- E and parts of Lots 3 and 4 South CO]- L ling'woo(l Street, all in the Town of 1 Barrie, Plan (3, as (l(`S('l`ll)(3(l in l)L'(,'{i |',lN0. 20837. "l"lnn 'r\-\-r\r\n1~+:n.~ will kn :~n1:] mnhinni no. zws-5'4. The properties will be solul subject to reserve bids. The hig'hc:~'.t nor any tender not neco.=:~:a1`i1y accepted. . For further particuIa1's apply to Esten & Esten, Barrie, Meetings of the Court of Revision for the Township of Innisl for tl:-3 year 1932 will be held at Stroud on Wednesday, October 19, at 10 o`clock a.m., and at Churchill on l`hur.~:r.lay, October 20, at 10 o clock a.m. All persons having business at the Court: nwill govern themselves accordingly. . l Dated 211'. (`,l11n'r-hill tlwiq A`..h (luv nfl `W111 g'0V(`.'l'Il l:IlEIIlSl\ US i:1UCU1'(llIl_L:"1y. I Dated at Churchill this 4th day oh October, 1932. F 11 am. and 7 p.m. i Preacher: Rev. Louis Pickering ` In recognition of faithfulness of wo- men in the church at evening service: ;4I\ Tl , \1,,JI, \lI-..____!1 RE ESTATE OF LATE JOHN McGILL ........ vuuu uau VVIIJUU UUL LHU5 '"` I :e1's mess on two previous oc-`m``3 \ .ons. The blazing roadster ignited km I - other cars parkml on each sidelthe ! it, all of which were completelyl | -tr0_\'c(I. The damage, ho'.\'e\'e1`, ` ; ('0l1f.`(l to the ca1'.<. (lute to quick FL Pk on the part of tho cmnp 1'I~ l nde. l ball, ` the fntancy, Stenographic, Sec1'etariz1l, - I College; Ac--; 1121-` n ` Clarkson Hate] Barber Shop HAIR CUT SHAVE . COURT OF REVISiON TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Solicitors for the 'w. B. Sloan, Clerk. I : uau wxpen out the" nn f'.\vn nrnvinna m~-*mi1S 9": (E II? *.1?;'.Ia"A\ ll REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER