Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Sep 1932, p. 4

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Page F0111` V vvuu, \\"IlZ:lL IICXL I 21 Fleury Plough Points for 49c"_` reads an advt.--A real bargain-! Speed the plough. _.Snh_:r`ribe1'. ;1-iagan arm mme. ' Tho1'nhi11-Goa1, Ball; defence, Henderson and Hostrauser; rover,_i MacDonald; forwards, Carnegie, Eek- 1in and 1\'I{a1'ley; spares, EI}1icott_ Baggs, F1-ankin, Eaton. Mc.Kay, Raw-` linson and Sumner. I HEADLINERS FROM SOME ONTARIO PAPERS Personals R. N. smiti, 11...: .. . -Subscriber. nan; VAL) Principal I Registration Fee $2.00 which may be paid any time during the term Registration on Tuesday Even- ing, October 4th., at 7.30 in the Prince of Wales Schooi. Regular Classes will meet on Thursday evening, October 6th from 7.30 to 9.30, and every Tuesday and Thursday evening during the term The way Helen Haxvthorne can nandic a rope halter on 21 fractious hn<< " i< :1 \\'nI-`H1 A. H. GOODALL, J. E. MORRISON, lW1-_2..,-__-- __._- Industrial Evening Classes SUBJECTS: Motor Mechanics Household Science Dress-Making Show Card Writing Oil and-Water `Colour Painting English, Writing and Book-Keeping Re Central `Relief Committee Public` Meeting RE - OPENING For further information apply to Chairman -Wright Cleaner and Dyers -l\1"l't\1'r11I r.|'If'I `(I713 'I\'IT`T 'l'TTt"D Gilbert Baldwick was only 5 points behind his brother Clifford in the Barrie Grain Club awards at the re- cent fair, and came ahead of him for (iispiay. What do you know about that '3 There is another coming lad that we can expect big things of in !he future. 151-I'(:) NE 577 iii DEiri:fe M 3) Clothes Bill THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1932 | '---'*'1 Principal The time to begin to plan for next year ;~: fair is at the close of this year s show. Here s a suggestion that we would like to see the Juniors --both girls and boys--work on. A building of their own for the inside exhibits. We know it sounds pretty ambitious and it may not be accom- plished in the immediate future, but it would be gratifying if those who riave started the Junior Fair in this dstrict could erect uch a memorial to their ne enterprize. Think about` it, boys and girs. You are the big- gest part of the fall fair nowadays. Why not make the best of it and lea-.l' in this effort, as you have in other. things `I \al\\IVV AV llll4l.a ll\JlVll.4Avlr'|A\L4n\:.a The next meeting of the Crown Hill ' l-l0n1enmke1`:< Club will be held at 1 the home of the Misses Stewart on` Monday, Oct. 3rd, at 8 p.m. [`he mill call will be ztnswered by The fun- Yii'. . T ever saw anyone in. .-\ tl(5mOI1.~'tI`:itl0n will be given by I\Ii.<.< M~:u'y Stewart. RESULTS OF BARRIE FAIR ` TRACK AND FIELD MEETl L oy.~: under 1 - l--lJOT1. 1 OHIIHISUH, Ba1`rivA; Arnold Smith, Orilliu; Harry nu vi-in l4L`L'- I')ill Girls 1 Storey, Rn I`V`;n ' 1 .bz1rr1e; nuscn 8.0 seconds. n- ....`.)A C`.U hltkuuur. Boys under 18, 100 ym'ds--.$tan. Lawrence, Bzu'ru:; Casswell, Orillia. Time 11.0 seconds Iv I qnn .... ,...,... 1 ...,.-an Lulu: 1 1.\; .u;\.unu.y Girls, 100 yzml:=, open--Ircne stog-oy, Mabel Richartlson, Isabella Smith. Orillia. '|`ime 11.3 seconds. \h.n 100 vm-r|<. nnnn--A_ Kr-Ir-n\',| }.Juni or Farmers Forum! Smith. Urnna. Innu ll.-`I sucunus. .\I(.-n. 100 yartls, opcn--A. Kclcey, Toronto; H. Dymcnt, Barrie; H. Phillips. Toronto. Time 10.1 seconds. Girls Shuttle Relay, 75 yurds~ `I. inn Ti`4lu~n ml Q:-hnnl 'I`t-znn n \_:l)`l.~i' DHULLIU nuluy, 1-) yau'u.i-- King: Edwnrtl School. 'I`(-am: D. Thompson, M. Ferry, 1 . Pugh, R. Storr-y, )1. Kushm.-r. E. Bowen. Rn 9`~-Nln R:I:1v_ 100 v:n'rI2:--- stow-y, .\1. I\:lSnnt:r. n. nu\\`cn Bo_\'~" F`:*l'~ R-Iuy. 100 }';1x'(Is-- Barrite f'nI';:-j.'i;:t<- Institute. CROWN HILL HOMEEIAKERS ,_,pu.. r` .... __.. H: .oy.~: under 1- 1-Don. Tomlinson, um-i..: Arnold Smith. Orilliuz Hz11`l',V BUMPS AND BOOSTS urne. :undcr 18, 75 yn.rds-h'enc , Barrie; Mabel Richardson, ; R0.~'('bu(1 Ardcll, Barrie. Time ,.nn.l_- \ r:rv. M. Chappell, Field Crop Judging Competition- Jack Rainford, Stayner, 184 points; Stewart Bell, Barrie, 179; George Buie, Stayner, 178; Clifford Bald- wick, Barrie, 177; Geo. McKay, Oro Station, 176; John Smith, Utopia, 7 175; `Lloyd Cumming, Barrie, 174; - Aubrey Scythes, Stroud, 171; Jack Doran, Midhurst, 169; Ray Neely, , Stroud, 168; Bill New, Craigvale, - 167; Ray Lougheed, Allandale, 166; 5 Don Me.-lrthur, Oro Station, 165: . Merlin Coupland, Barrie, 164; L03 Walt, Midhurst, 163. 44 entries. I Judges: C. L. Palmer and G. M. _ Gray, of the Dominion Seed Branch, ;Toronto; Fred Fisher and Engene I Smith. f`.-`Mn hnuumlna II`.-nmls ("nn,1lna- DIIHLI1. Colts---Doug1as Ferris, Cundles; Jas. Kennedy, Allandale; Walter Bell, Bzlrrie. 3 entries. Q\.,.........m.1:.. nnI1n1na vm.,.:o Tnal VERA CHAPPELL OFFERS HER CONGRATULATIONS .DdX'l'l(;`. O EHLJCIBS. Showmansh1p-Doug1as Ferris, . Kennedy, Walter Bell. 3 entries. Qnninv Unirv (".nIf'_-n11nr-:n1 ' 1\BHI1(fCly, VV a.lLUl' D011. 0 (H.LflB3- Senior Dairy Ca1f--Duncan Mc- Tavish, Lefroy; Stella Caldwell, Bar- rie; Jas. Spencer, Thornton; Arnold Forbes, Barrie; C1i"o1`Ll Baldwick, Barrie. 6 entries. ql\r\\Ivr\1nI1.-l1;I\_, Tu: Qnannnv Than- D2ll'1'lC. D I1L].'.l(;`S. Sl1owman. Spencer, Dun- can .\IcTz1Visl1, CliI'l'ord Baldwick, .-\1'nol(l Forbes, Stella Caldwell. 6 en- tries. Q(\1`I:I\!I Dn.-J` (nH~' I.-nuvl-`rum! qrnxy, Luca`. Senior Beef Ca1f-Crawford the, Stroud; Thos. Bowlnan, Thornton; Walter Bel], Bzlrrie; Iley Walt. 3-Iid'm1r;~:t. 4 entries. `H ` Q+nn1.-n- \A7nH- lC_V Walt. JIIUIILI . 4} CllLl'lUS. Shov: mn. Walt, Bowman, C1'z1\vfo1'd Smythe. trig-5.. `\ `VI\`` 1 ..n1n \L"n1+,-.u T'.x11 T?! Mzu'ket Lz1mb-Walte1' Bell, B11`1'lC; Bill New, C1'uig;'\'ale; Phil .-Xrmstron-_.;, lMine; Bruce .-\1'm. Mines- :- 5ll`l_`_"; Ray I.oL1g`l1eul, Allamlale. 1 en- {:1 LUll(1l(.`.\`. 15) 8l1L1'l(,`>'. .-Xyrshire Yezu-ling-Stewart Bell, Fred Fisher, Gordon Forbes, Stella Caldwell, Ray Lougheed, Helen Haw- thorne. 6 entries. \n..~1n:..n f`nH>' Q4-nuvnw-+ Dull T-as | L1'le5. Shortliorn Yearling--G,arnet Walt, Fed Doran. 2 entries. Sliorthorn Cz1lf--Stanley Walt, Vernar Walt, Fred Doran, Loy Walt, Garnet Walt. Crerlitable Entry : Vernar Walt. 6 entries. Jr. Stockman s A\vard-Stewart Bell, Jas. Spencer, Fred Fisher, Clif- ford Bald\\'iel<, Ray Lougheed, Don- ald Wilson, Gordon Forbes. 15 en-' tries. Creditable Entries: Douglas] Ferris, Arnold Forbes, Stella Cald- well, Helen Hawthorne, Wilson Loug- heed, Lloyd Cumming, Jas. Kennedy, Ross Kennedy ' Jr. Stockman s Award, Shorthorn Cattle C1ul)-Stanley Walt, Walter Bell, Loy Walt, Yernar Walt, Jack Doran, Gladys Walt. 8 entries. Other creditable entries: Garnet Walt, Fred Doran. nu.-.=. Sh0'.`.'m:u` Bowman, J1'.;l Bruce Am t1'o11y_~', Ray Loug`heed,* Phil .-\1`m.~l1'on;.:. Biii New. 8 0nt1`ic;-. Bacon Hog` Ju::.l{c-11ned_\-', .~\11z1n- `dale; Steila Caldxvell, B:u`1'ie; Stan ley Walt. Midhu1'.~'t. entries. \nuhu-n Tlnvrl Q4-nuv-11+ T2.-:11 Do:--` Ayrshire Herd---Sto\\`a1't Bell, Bar- rie; Stella Ca2(i\\'c-11. Barrio; Fred Fi. Barrie; Clifford Bzlldwick. Barrie; Gordon Forbn-.<. Barrie; Ray- mond LoL15:i1<:od. .-kllamlalc-; Donald Wilson. Buniv: Helen Ha\\'t'norn<:, Allundale; Wilson LOL1Q,'11C0(1, Allan- dale; .-\.1'n01 Forbes, Barrio; Lloyu Cumming, Barrie; Jas. Kennedy, A1- lantlale; Jas. Spencer, Thornton; Ross Kennedy, Allzmdale; Douglas Ferris, 1eY Wzllt. L\ll(lnU1'5C. -3 (THUIVICS. | Cundles. 15 entries. \ vv\Q(~ V nu 1-]u'nnv Q4-nuvn \-F DA I This week- the editor received the following letter from Vera Chappell, which she sent us to pass on to you. It is great to hear from this en- - thusiastic junior, who in spite of a multiplicty of new duties, has founo time to offer her congratulations to the winners of the Barrie Junior Fair. Following is the letter: Dear .Tnninrs-T 'rp,a,l1v hnvn errant I:/IIUYHB. U (`.`XlLl'lBS. Ayrshire Calf--Stewart Bell, Jas. Kennedy, Ray Louglieed, Lloyd Cum- ming, Wilson Louglieed, Gordon For- bes, Fred Fisher, Clifford Bal(lwick,. Arnold Forbes, Clifford Baldwick, Stella Caldwell. 11 entries. m.,...n\,..... r'm.- ur..1+,... pm *r..,.1, B19112`. b3l(l\\'8ll. ll BHEYIBS. Shorthorn Co\v--Walter Bell. Jack Doran, Stanley Walt 3rd and 4th, Garnet Walt. Creditable Entries` Loy Walt, Vernal` Walt, Gladys Walt, Fred Doran, Vernar Walt. 10 en- tries. I 01..-.\.H~A..n Vnn..1inm `On:-uni \XInl+ Barrie Grain Club Awarrls--Stew- art Bell, 88.2 points; Stanley Walt, 87.7; Cliffork Baldwick, 86.8; Walter Bell, 86.7; George McKay, 86.2; Arnold Forbes, 84.7; Raymond Neely, 84.2; Gordon Forbes, 83.3; Bill New, 81.5; Gilbert Baldwick, 81.4; Lloyd Cumming, 80.6; Jas. Spencer, 77.7; Donald Wilson, 77.1; Gordon Jolm- ston, 76.9; Ross Cumming, 74.6. Total entries 45. 1, 1., ,x._:-_. rv_____. _,4_:L:_.. vuug unnvxn-.u Live Stock Judging Competition-- Ray Lougheed. 82 points; Clifford Baldwick, 280; Jim Spencer, 270; George Buie, 267; Loy Walt, 266; Bill Nr-w, 264; Jack Doran, 258; Lloyd Cumming, 257; Merlin Coup- 'land, 256; Raymond Neely, Stroud, 255; Donald Wilson, 25-l; Jack Rain- bird, 253; Walter Bell, 250; Fred Doran, 248; .-\ubrcy Scytlies, 242. VI` .1" .- ...,\ , .,.~. A4` r-"r\/I]! uvnun 1'nAn-.nJI 4JuAnu, {.4-xu, .-....,.._, ...._,...-.,, H... Two (-Izxsses of stock were judged` by the boys; Ayrshircs handled by M. C`. .VIcPhz1i1, zxssistant director, `Ap:1`i<:L1ItumI RC-p1`esentatives Brunch, lland Shorthorns by F. A. Lztshlt,-y. Questions on feeding: calves were l.......,ll,`.I k.- (,.,.H ("I-.nnnnII D-nu.--3.. 'anu br10I'LHU!`IIs U3 1`. A. J,m.s||1t:_y. ha.ndl*c-(1 by Cecil Chappoll, Bzxrriv, and A. G. Ireton, Toronto, of th- Dominion Livc Stock Branch. 1 Mile Rcla_\,'--Dyment s team ' |Dymcnt, Philips, Guilfoylr.-, Delaney. R lh Qhnf. Put, hnv: nmlr-r I?s`-\N. Uymcnt, 1 !'lHl1')S, uu1110y1t:, .uc1'.Lm.-y. 8 lb Shot Put, boys under I?s`-W. Cairns, Orillizx; C. Larkin. Orilliu; C. Lavcr. Orillin. Distance, -11 foot. 61-. inches. Y?'nvnn`nn~ LII"-In Tunn. 1:` Huh- ""_ lH(.'ll(.`.\`. Running; High Jump-F. Orilliu; W. Cairns, Orillia; K. Ioylc. Barrie. Hr.-ight 5 foot, inches. 1`) IR Qhnf T)u+ Q 1`f\`\'I\I\ |lH('Il(_`S. \ 12 lb. Shot Put-~S. Dobson, Mid-` land; K. G,L1i1foVle, H. Dyment. Dis- tance, 43 feet, 2`v- _> int-.hn:<. Dnln \/._...1+ nnnn n w:.m: 1"dl1'. \L`Ul1UWlI|g' 15 DHB letter: ~ Dear Juniors-I really have great I pleasure in extending my congratu- _ lations to the prize winners at the . Barrie Junior Fair and Canadian Nat- ional Exhibiton. Even though 1 could not be at the fair myself to take a part, I nd it quite interesting to read what is going on. The Junior ' Homemakers must have appeared very fascinating in the booth to do so splendidly for the first time. What- 4 ever happened to the North Simeoe girls that none appeared at the com- petition at the Exhibition ? It may be quite a task to live up to a chair- man s remarks, but I believe it will be a greater task for me to fulll and live up to the kind and pleasing 1'e~ marks in the article that appeared in the paper a few weeks ago by an unknown writer. un\In: u-.' -.in..- xvr\II .-.1] +L,_ kn--` at LZLIICC, `I-') IUUE, Z'r"_: lTl('. Polv Vault, open--C. pey; F. Hair, Orilliu; Bzu'1'io. Height 10 feet, While dri\`in1.: from Nimram Falls, N.Y., to Orillia, Mrs.. Kinley, 34, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and her four- year-old nephew suffered head in- juries when their light car skidded on the wet pavement on the highwayg near Aurora. The nmchine skidded off the road and crashed into :1 tree. It was :1 total wreck. {KILL VVILVIVLKD (Continued from last week) PRIZE WINNERS v1f;nnoA 4`:-nun loaf 11': ('.H(`5. , Grey, Winni- S. St. Clair, 1 U. int-hr-4 BL. blill Inches. Smy- ` , .T1- 1'., Stan- v fhos. :1 A ., , Jas. LUlKIlU\\"Il \\'l'lLUlf." Hares \visl1ing' you all the best of succ in regard to the Junior Home- makers and Junior Fz11-mers, and I hope to be able to renew 0111 ac- qtmintances on the fourth of .\'o\'cm- bet. \`,.u.. `If FL... ..~.11 Hair,` Gun. 11 CAMP BORDEN 13, BRADFORD 5 In a. senior Tri-County Box MLa- crosse Association game played at the local rink Tuesday night, the Camp Borden Fliers again took the Brad- I ford Celery Kings into camp by 13 to 5. This is the second victory for the Camp over Bradford this season as they won -an overtime battie in Bradford `last week. "l"1-ma nwxvvun hnvn 'l"n.-mrlrnv -nn~1-\4- um- i urauiuru 'l'd.5L V\ EEK. ' The game here Tuesday night was 1 much closer than the score indicates and the winners had to battle every . inch of the way. The rst period i was fairly even, each team getting j three goals, but in the second and last period the extra weight and sup- ` erior condition of the Fliers was too much for the visitors. Stan. Par-l tridge, was the outstanding player in" the game, scoring four goals and guring in three assists. James and!` Mullis played the leading role for ths i visitors, the former scoring two goals. 'l`l1n snnrinrr nnpnprl with l3:n~f.rirlo-pi VlSlEUl'S, CH8 IOI'H](;`l' SCO1'LI1g LVVO gua1s.l The scoring` opened with Partridge t1 counting on a pass from Chevrier, which was soon evened up by James, t` who scored on a solo effort. James` V had several close in shots, but Mason: 5 was too good for him and kept the ball out. Camp went .ahead again'0 when Drake took a pass from Smith- for the second counter, but again ( James came through with the 1' equalizer. Bradford took the lead` \\'l1nn f'l1L` er-rn-nrl in :\ :r-1-:nnhln l'\n`r f nad severai close in snons, out Mason bunuay. the` Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ness are away again'on a two weeks motor trip. A. J. Sarjejant is attending the Conference of the United Church, meeting in Hamilton this week. lead` Mr. Frank Ford of Peterboro 51391? when they scored in a scramble, but the week end with friends in town. i Smith tied it up for the Camp before Ed. Ineson and Jack Coleman re-. the period ended. Iturned home last Saturday from a? The Fliers let out a notch in the motor trip to Ottawzi and Quebell second period and counted three Cities. ...- 1.` QAD` 1. n.... 1L--...i l'..!I...) 4,. ,A._ie. i 17 T.T......:r.+ `LT-n.+ r1111] `\fnm~ lzllti IJEIIUU UIIUUU. l` 1 three goals while Bradford failed to count. From the start Partridge rushed down and scored on a nice solo effort. 1`mi'=~. was followed by Drake s goal on eel pa.;~;s1'roin Partridg;e. Bradford re-i covered from these two setbacks zziuijl made many dangeous rushes which gave Mason plenty 01' work to do.l! |Partrid;;'e `made it [3 to 3 on another` _.~:olo effort. 5. Partri:le'e :.;'ain opened the . in the last period by g'oing; in alone to count, and came ri_g'ht back amii gave Smith :1 perfect pa.~'.~: for the nextlp marker. This was followed by an-.` other goal on a pa.=s from Lalonde to} Partri to Sa\\"_'e1'. Chevrier add-`N ed another to make it four st1'aigl1t[ goals for Lhe Fliers. Bradi'o1'd got their fourth goal at this stage when` Wilson stole the ball from Mason as` he attempted to make a pass out, but, Burns came right back and scored an-I` , other for the Camp on a. solo rush,i |\\'hilc Lalonde added another on a, 'lpa.=s from Chevrier. Armtsrong ac-1 `counted for Bradford nal goal on a pass from James and Drake added another for the winners on a pass from Smith. `D`.nrl{-`nu ! Final I".-u-.-.1l,.. r`ln4`n-....~. ` u LIUHJ DIIHLII. Bradfo1'd-GoaI, Cavello; defence, T. Gapp and Stoddart; rover, Webb; centre, James; fo1`wzu'd.~:, Wilson ana Muliis; subs, Davey, S. Gapp, Seim, 'W. Reeves, E. .-Ulnstrong. (`,;1n1n T .nr1Ir>n_Cnn1 l`Tn tin- vv. ueevcs, IL. .-\l'lllSI.1'0l1`,_ ,'. Camp Bo1'den-G0a1, Mason; de- fence, Spruston and Pook; rover, Partridge; centre, Lulomle; forwa.1'ds, Sawyer and Chevrier; subs, McLean,` Drake, Burns, Cable and Smith. Allandale and Thornhil met in a? junior Tri-County lacrosse game at; the local rink last night and the boys from the .~:ixth ward had little trouble in turning" in a victory by 8 goals to 3. Niu'Q'm" l".(l.rrr>_ Innkv winrr man, We note that Stanley Walt was not very far behind Stewart Bell with his winninj.-`s at the Barrie Fair. Be side \\'innin:__v; the Junior b`tockman"s .-\.\va1'(i in the Shorthorn Club, he cup- tu1'+.-d :1 fi1';~:t" for the best Sho1"Lhoi'n cziif, ranked first for showmzmship in that c1:15.~;, and v-ame : in the Barrie Grain Club. Stan is another` one of the Juniors who is leading the way for other farm boys to follow. `to make the score 4 to 2 rover,_ lll Luuuug, lll at \lL'LUl'_) Uy 0 gums L0 * 1"""' '" 1""l=' _ 3. l\'igger Ldge, lanky wing 1nan,_ was the big noise for the winners,` getting ve of the eight goals. Al-` llandale were slow to get going andto the visitors one. Carnegie got I'1'0 011tSC01'0d in the l -`St D1`i0d,itlie goal for Thornhill on a neat pass, but in the nal two periods there was; from Ecklin. Edge came into the O Stopping them. ipicture again, scoring two in a row,l `In the first period the score was 2 the first on a pass from Reynolds: t0 1 fol` the ViSit01`S- N. Ecklin got-and the second when he picked up at their first on a pass from Carnegie,'rebound. Marshall scored his second` a b1'other of Eric Canegie, who has goal on a nice solo effort, followed by. taken part in boxing tournaments another by Edge, who grabbed an-} here. Baggs got the second on an other pass from Reynolds. i l intercepted pass by Blair. Earl Mar-l Allandale-Goal, Bowen; defence, , shall got the first goal of the game'B1air and Webb; rover, Blogg; for- ` on a pass from Scott. . lwards, Scott, Coulson and Marshall; Edge came into the play in the spares, Edge, Reynolds, hner, second period, scorinz two goals.!Hagan and Little. Reynolds got the third in this frame` for the local lads at the end of the `Carnegie, I30l`i0d- 'lin i Tn `l'.l'1rA flv-rl ~f'v~nw1n All-nnyl-:~.'|n nv\n~n `D..n-n-a T4`:-nnlzln IT-.+n l\/I'nT(c-ur Want-` punuu. In the third frame Allandale open- ed up in earnest and scored 4 goals LACROSSE ALLANDALE 8, THORNHILL 3 Night School Opening Oct. 3rd MONDAYS& THURSDAYS 7.30 - 9.30 Individual Instruction ill the Following: SHORTI-IAN D CANADIAN MODERN TYPEWRITING ACCOUNTING ENGLISH ARITHMETIC BUSINESS LETTERS LAW PENMANSI-IIP SPELLING ADDING MACHINE RAPID FIGURING Phone 445 Residence 1443 Barfie Business pllege (The Working Man s University) llillllllt` EL l'U1)L llZllL(.`l' UH kl ll'dL'L|ULl:5 "bu.<:y" is n .~'i5.:ht worth seeing. When lu-,1` .-\yr: heifer balked at be;-in5_;' led about the show ring, and put its hezul down in that th2'eate11in;-,' way cows l1-ave, Helen dug her high heels into the sod and gently but rmly showed the stubborn little beast who was boss. The .-\.y1'shiru seemed to have the best of the argu- ment for a few minutes, when Helen lost her balance, but Helen was on her feet in 21 jiffy. Fine work, Helen. That s the kind of nerve that does not require a tonic to keep it . Tim .\m-mern Advance ' I-IINE COMPTOMETER i, Mrs. Clare Washington. of To- 1 ronto, accompanied by her mother, 4 Mrs. Johnson, were the guests of Mrs.` j D. C. Murchison this week. . \ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hunter have * closed their cottage at Wasaga I - Beach and returned to town. `Mrs. Ed. Cassidy and Miss Mary ' Cassidy, of Hamilton, visited Barrie L friends last week. 1\/fun Tn.-.1-.n`| "l`L.-n~. an Luna knnn lVL1'S. FAQ. uassluy anu D1153 lV.l3.1`y ` . 1 < Mrs. Isobel Thom, who has been I vsiting friends in Toronto, has re~ \ : turned home. - T\v on}! Mr: `pvnnlr new (nan: VISII ITICIICIS III J.0I'0I1TaO. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morrow motored to Newmaket during the week end. 1\/Hoe Tn-an `LT-nu-{u l.n4-`(- Qnnrl cur CuI'I1E!`Q IIUHIC. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Day (nee` Jarnieson) left this week for heir ` home in Chicago, after spending the past two months at `Shanty Bay. Mrs. F`.dg'ar Smith left to-(lav to Vweex enu. I Miss Jean Harris left Sunday `Toronto, where she will resume ` Ml duties at Wellesley Hospital. 1\/He: Ananrf. prion `aft H15: un past BWO monuxs an; Ionanby nay. Mrs. Edgar Smith left to-day to visit friends in Toronto. M.. .1 MFG A..+1..... R/rnrt-nxlv . . 'auc1es an Vveuesley nusp1La.1. } Miss Amert Price left this week to visit friends in Parry Sound. | M'1'c: `I\/T21-o':11`rn+. `Rlnrkgfnr-1: :1`Fl.pr :1 '50 VISIT. ITICHUS III J."d.1'l'y DUU.IlU.. Miss Marg'aret Blackstock, after a two weeks holiday in Barrie and at `Wasaga Beach, returned to Toronto ` Sunday. ` Mr and '|\*h-.: J. W. N99: are mvnx` Those who had charge of the in- side display made by the Juniors at the Barrie Fair are to be congratu- lated on the very attractive arrange- ment of the exhibits. While the boys fell down a little in their entries, the display was better than ever due to the increased interest in the girls sec tion. Pop Nelles and his committee produced an effect that would have done credit to the C.N.E. fhto `-H the sifrom 2 Reynolds?` band a` 5.` rebound. s 5 an-' :1 i --l Allnmlnln-Gnnl_ `Rowen: defence.n clues. 3 ` Misses Harriet Hart and Vary- Crew, ,who are attending Normal ini `Petcvboro, ; the week end int town. 5 5 T\Y r`\-nl T nun mxnnf 4-ha u-nnl: nra` EOVVTI. E i M. Carol Love spent the week end` `in Orillia. `S ` Neil ML-Bride, of Port Severn,` `spam; the week end at his home. ' 7\'T1'.:, T')nn1i1*. r.1r=._ of 'l`m`m1tn. fm-nwr-` `SPCHE ERG \`.'CeK EHO Elb I115 llUlll'.'.`. Mrs. Doolittle, of Toronto. fo1-me1'-` gly Mrs. Kiester, who resided in B211--; rie some years ago, xvas the guest 01"; the Misses Henry last week. i ' ` 1'n..+1.,... 1)I\rln~n1Ir` "4-` rum Tam ,\ [H9 JLISSCS I`.lEIll'_V 14514 \\'UBK. I V Miss Esther R.or1,L`v1's, of Camp Boy} `den. is spending` the week with relu- `ltivc-.< while attending the Chautauqua. 5 Miss Addie Culbert is visiLing;j heri `sister, M1':<. J. D. Rodgers. ` Mi. N011 Scott left to-day by! 'moto1' for New York and expects to! `be :uva_\` for the next ten days. ' , ` The Misses Annie and Elizabeth} `Allen. of Toronto, spent the week! [end at Big; Bay Point, the guests 01! i:\ Iis.=: Elizabeth Rodgers. ' ldl'!H81'S U0 KECIJ CdLLU:2. "' Two Boys Escape from O1`i1lia,5 Captured by Police"--They should} wait till they grow up before leaving` town. I \r'|'n~n 1'\n:V Qnvnn I`nn_~ f`n+ Hf? inl ii Well, what next `.7 ; `--iV1OS17 01 us (10. ; One newspaper tells us that thei Government is putting people back on the land, while another says that| lthe weather has been so wet that farmers cannot get on the laI1(1.-~` ` x H-`)1 `D1un.n `l')lA..nl-. Dnt~ -I-`nu rI(\n"` ! Farmer Keeps Cattle - Most; `farmers do keep cattle. 1 T`\vn Rnvt I-`.:r-mm from 0riHi:1_I Man has Seven Toes `Cut Off in} Motor Car Accident-~That poor 1'e1- I low had something to kick about. _ T4Tvrh-n Fnnnrnizuinn Wnndi: T.icrhf`."l 10\V naa SOITICT/l11Hg' I0 KICK EIDOLIE. 3 Hydro Commission Wants Lxght" `--Most of us do. I nun .m...m.....m. M11. 11: +1n..+ Hm While we are speaking of this par: of the Junior Fair, we want to say 21 special word of commendation re- garding the display of canning and` \`eg`etablcs made by Nora Thompson, RR. Barrie No. 2. It was splendid. If Nora had only carried out the whole garden club project she would have been one of the high girls. As it was, she came second for display.

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