/ Women s Page . The forty-rst annual convention of the Women s Christian Temper- ance Unions of Simcoe, 1VIuskokz1 and Parry Sound met in the Baptist; Chu1'ch, Collingwood, on May 30th and 31st. The meetings were p1'e~ sided over by Mrs. Ros.=b0roug'h, 01 Waubziushene, County President. T`\nn T ninnL- AF R_'1I`1`ix-`- Hiiiizxnri, Wauoausnene, bounty l`1'(:a'1(lL'IlL. The Unions of Barrie. .\Iidland, Waubaushene, Bracebridge, Hunts ville, Crecmore and Collingwood were represented and received a cordial welcome to the confe1`011('e by I\`Ir.'~:. VValte1`s-, president of the Collingwvood VV.C.T.U., and Mr. David William, who .~:ubs,tituto(l for .\`I21yor C. 'l`. Stephens. Greetings were brougln from the following: societies: Farm Union, ;\lr._=. J. S. Currie; Gospel Workers Cl1L1l`Cl1. .\Ir;~`. \V. Trotter: \V..\I.S.. `.VIrs. Park. Hrs. Lc-:x.~:k and .\lr< Pu:-i1ti<~-. Devotional e\'e1'(:i. at the se.~': \\'<-,ro comlucterl by 11.... T A T.-nnn\' l'. -1' ll, 0, F,;1t Take a large quantity of cli-ei-t`xi`- ness ziml let it simmer without stup- pim,-,'. Pu: with it a brinnnine; b(lZ~`ll`!- ful of kimlne.<.<. then zuld ll. full Incas- ure of thought for other people. Mix into these a heaping tablespoon of *.._yni1)'-xtliy. l?'lm'or with essence of` charity. Stir well together and then carefully strain oil` any grains of selshness. Let the whole be served, with love . and fruit of the spirit. the se.'<. c-onuucu.-u u; Mrs. J. A. l.enno.\'. lluv. H. 0. ' mvz. I"I"'$4 Slimmon. l,ieut. of Sz1l\z1 tion Army, and Rev. Robt. Brydon. 'I"n,- 1-onvenrion xvas addressed by H15. 1.. l.. Riddick, of Toronto, and Mr. Don. Spence, who has just re- turn.`-d from doing temperance work in the Umted States. Mrs. J. A. Lennox, of Barrie, pre- sented the report of the plan of work committr.~e. and also (li.~'t1il)ute(l 11 prizes to children of the Coll1n_;'~ wood st-lmols who had proved winners in the essay, health book and p0.~[l.`1` cox1tv."..< conducted by theW.C.T.U. At the last session the election of ollicers for the ensuing year was held, which resulted as follo\v.< : unn Dvnultlnnf \"\`Q, S. G`. .\'[(.'~ V`VOMEN S INSTITUTE NEWS which resulted I'olIow;< Hon. President. .VIr;~_:. S. G. E. Kce, North Bay; President, Mrs. John Rossborough, VVaub:m.-hcne; 1. Vicc~ President, .\h's. E. E. Taylor, Brace- brid;:(r; 2nd Vice-Pre.~'i(1c,-nt. )Ir.<. J. A. I:-nno.\', Barrie; C01`. Secretary, Mrs. W. .\IcGi1l, Glencairn; Rec. Secrc-t:11'_\'. .\`h's. Gifford Hollonhr,-ad. Huntsvillz-.; '1`re:1.~'u1'(,-r, .\h's. C. S. Walt!-r.<, Blidland; Y. S-L-n:tz12'y. Mrs. NV. B)`0(l(,`l`i('k, Crc-,-mm'(.-; I..'I .B. and L.W.B., .\'[r.<. '1`. K. Bell, Brzuc-(:b1'i(l;rc. RECIPE FOR A PIAPPY LXFF. DAILY CARES In these hard times Few brides have dowers, But some have friends 1 Who give them showers. Jack and I have decided to get married in spite of the hard times, and begin where our parents began. Doesn t that sound romantic ? There ll be no $1,000 cheque from dad, or a sterling tea set from the . family, laughed Betty Simons as she ` waved goodbye to Martha after drop- ; ping in for a cup of tea. Nlnrfhn lilzorl Rettv. Rho was a plllg III 101' 21 cup U1. L821. Blartha liked Betty. She was a wholesome sort of girl, with no ex- travagant ideas or foolish notions. Trying to hold down a job as typist that fty other girls were ready t.o grab if she didn t make good had taught her real values and what things counted. Tnlkincr Rettv : nmrriaQ`e over with O'e1- dzxilymares why anxious grow, And load the heart with sorrow ? The winds to-day that rildely blow, May softly sigh to-morrow. l lEnlI1g'S counteo. Talking Betty s marriage over with Tom `that night, Martha said she thought she would give a shower for her, as Betty wasn t likely to have much to start married life with, such as `hope chests for instance. She says Jack has taken a three- room apartment with a kitchenette about as big as a minute, said Mar- tlm. That gives me the very idea for my shower. I ll call it a `Love- nest Shower. The name fairly drips honey, ` commented Tom. Do they still have . such things ? \'mv Tom: rlrm t he mean. Just sucn tmngs 1" Now, Tom; don t be mean. Just think what leaway that name given :0 for table decorations and sug- gesting gifts. I ve got it planned al- ready, and Love-nest Shower it stays. I `Mnvfhn fhn host hart of sev- |stay:." Martha spent the best part of sev- eral days telephoning" all her friends about the shower. Through a nearby florist she orde1'r:d several hanks of natural shade r'_ifl ia. Then she in- terested Tom in cutting` three good sized crotches from trees and On each of those she arranged a nest of the raflia. One bore a placard with "Living Room on it. Another mark- ed Bedroom and Bath, and still an- other Kitchenette. As the guests arrived their gifts were placed in the nest designated for the room the gift was intended to grace. 'I`hn fable. from which the refresh- to grace. The table, from which the refresh- ments were served. was centred with miniature trees, on which were sev- eral small nests with bright celleioio birds perched in the branches. Sev- eral of ;\Iartha s friends loaned then canaries for the occasion and their cheerful trills throughout the ten hour put the nishing touch on this unique affair`. . Riv nf Re`rtv s girl friends were lunlque i1ITEJ.1l'. 1 Six of Betty's girl friends chosen to bring in the gifts, two for each nest. There were bright piece.- of hric-a-brac for the living room, linens for the bed and bath rooms, and a wonderful assortment of green and cream enamel ware, a recipe l- \ ing cabinet and green glass contain- ers for the kitchenette. It took the . whole rumble seat of Margerie s cm 3 to accommodate the gifts when she 3 took happy Betty home. i (H r-nnvcr-, Martha : rp`fro.=hmpnts LOOK nappy Deny noxne. Of course, Martha s refreshments were almost as interesting as the bride-elect. There were ribbon and rolled sandwiches, the first being made of minced shrimps and cucumber mixed with salad dressing, while the rolled sandwiches were lled with cream cheese and crushed pine- apple. Cocoanut kisses and cold . water sponge cake were served with i the heart-shape(l ices. The cake was I so delicious Betty wanted the recipe . and here it is: L Cold Water Sponge Cak.%3 eggs, ; 1 cup sugar, 1 cup pastry flour, 3 1 tablespoons cold water, 1`/- .> teaspoon; baking powder, 14 teaspoon salt, `/2 tablespoon lemon juice, grated rind of one-third lemon. nn..4- ..n1L-;. nnfil +1.;,.1, onni or one-tmm lemon. Beat egg yolks until thick ano lemon colored. Add sugar grradually, then lemon juice and rind and .water. Beat the whites stiff and fold very lightly into the yolks. Sift the our, salt and baking powder three times and fold into the rst mixture. Bake in a slow oven-275 to 375 degrees F.--for forty-ve minutes to one hour. MRS. W. W. McPHEE TO ADDRESS CONSERVATIVE WOMEN S ASS'N Barrie Women .`< LlberzLl-C0nser\'u- tive A.~'s0('i;1tl0I1 will meet in the Green Tea Room of the American Hotel Tue. evening, June 14th, at 8 o clock. .\'l1`.~`. VV. VV. McPhee, of Orillia. and J. T. Simpson. M.P., will be the .=peakers. :1 i:'..'ilz1t:'on lms also been extended to the county officials. who are expected to be in at- tendance. LOCAL LADY IS MADE LIFE MEMBER W.C.T.U.1 'l".ie monthly meeting of the Bar- 1 rie Women s Institute will be held in ` the Library Hall on Tuesday, June 14th. at 3 13.111. Miss Elizabeth Warn- er, of Coulson, will be the speaker. Her . `will be How to be Happy at Our Work. Four W.l. bl':.l.I1CllS are invited to be present, Painswick, Cundles, Centre Vespra and gL1t111'ie. Visitors cordially wel- PI` F` . Mr~'. J. A. Lennox. Barrie, \\'z1.< made :1 W.C.'l`.I.`. county life membcl at the con\'<.~ntion held recently in Collingwood, by Mrs. J. Ilos; ` )ug'h. county president. as u 1n:n}{ ,n[ esteem and z1m)rc-ciatirm for her as sistance and co-operation in temper- ance work. Gold bzxm.r1o.<. are sometimes substi- tuted for \\'e(l(l111g' rmgs m the Scan- dinavian countnes. Sixty thousand new income tax- p:L_w~r.- are being added to the income tax lists this year. _ VVrmw _wn-rzilly outnumber men throughout t'm~`\vorid, it is indicated on the l)z1.-:i.< of dfta for L`-iirt_v-tin'ec n:11,ion.<. in only ten of these. is the population more than half male. Ar- fxvntinn is reported to have the great- est pt.-rcentzxzc of males with 53.1%. and Ceylon is next with 52.0. Fifty- one out of every persons in the Unit- ed States are men. Latvia reported the smuilst percentage of males, with -Hi.(`. and France was next with 47.5. I MARTHA S KITCHEN WOI\-`iEN [N MAJORITY `x-nv-Hilly H... wnrld if is indicated LOTS OF PEOPLE AT MARKET, | BUT TRADING WAS SLOW! __Z I If there is any doubt in the mindsl of the fruit and vegetable purveyors with respect to the demand for home grown head lettuce, they should! have hung around EL certain stall in| the town hall market Saturtk-1y morn-' ing and seen one of the chief garden-I` ers of this district selling his heao , lettuce as fast as he could wrap it! . un. _ I The benecial effect of the turifr against imported lettuce could be. seen in this local g1'ower .< businesml One has to pay 27c for a fair sized head of the California lettuce, while luscious looking; head ettuco g'1'0\\'n under glass just outside of town was selling at the market for Se and 10c. With tho nrnfru-finn uni -.11-n vu. The Cundles Women s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Isaac Car- ` r:.t'2ers on VVednes(Iay, May 25th, to do honor to Miss Christena Carruthers on the eve of her marriage. An ad- dress was read by Mrs. Cummings and a silver tea service presented. Miss| Can-uthers very graciously thanked the ladies for their thoughtfulness. Gum-:-.< and community singing were enjoyed, and the losers in the attend- urm: roll call provided the lunch. The regular meeting of the branch was held on Thursday, June 2nd, at the home of Mrs. E, J. Fisher, with fteen members and one visitor .1-nan-nf "Vivi `r\\-/xnvunrru 4`.-H. 4-kn I\V\NII sculng ill. U18 ma1'Ke1: I01` DC and .I.U(:. With the protection we are re- ceiving we gardenuzu-: can afford to buy glass and yet give rm; public :1 good price for our pro(luL't." explain- ed the stallholdez as he u1'uppo " ` ' V. another head ot lettuce. 'F1'1;e 1\..,..,..L.+ `J . .. xV\ lU\\'l Elli INC. Although eggs are up in price in 'l.`oronto, locally tlluy :<.-muined at 2 dozen for 2.3:: and 15c :1 dozen for the lzu';;;<.-1' Sim,-. Butter xms still SC. ing.-.' at 22c u lb. .\nun1u Hm 'vmr-In}: '-. !I\`l\`,!|"!"'|l\' iii}: an .:ac Among Ciao 'vcgL-Lu`o".. Ji:?}3`c`.l'1lj.:'ll:4 seemed to enjoy :1 fair suiu :11. I}. bunches for 25. Green. onions Zlllii raulislies at 3 bunches for 10c worm. also in demand. Rhubarb was quite easily LllS])OS-`(l of at 5(' it bunch, but trading \\':is slow in winter vege tables, which are still being brought to market. Some splendid looking potatoes were going at 35 a bag. 'l'l1n ind ni' tho hililm ziml l)}H'illi!s potanoes were going an ..ac u nag. The last of the tulip., and _]u:u;uils \\'(.'!`u on sale at 150. :1 l)ul1Cil, 1'-!'.(1 mmlu :1 guy splash of color at .~:u.`-~1':.l 01' the stalls. l`l1(:1'0 \\'a.~: an even larger display of \'(",','(f`L1l)l\_' zmu flowering` plants than the previous week. selling at 15c and 20c :1 dozen. Wlmilux thm-n to hp :1 num- \\'COK, SClllll`g d.E LDC illlkl .. .ULZ il UULUII. While there seemed to be a num- ber of people at the market, the stall- holders reported only a fair amount of trading. Everyone \\'a.s looking for bmgains, and many of the cus- tomers appeared in he in search or sonietliing for nothing, as one farm wife said. Cottagers were scarce and only an odd tourist was noted among those who came to buy. nm. mwrh-nm~ mnndnrl an ontim-| noted tnose wno came to uuy.- One gzmlener sounded an optim- istic note when in the midst of wait- ing on two or three customers at once, he declared that the depression was over and everything would be rosey after the big Jmperial Confer- ence at Ottawa. The Northern Advance L4; 1;; `LI turns] ovsvun. n.\.nn.u.n.\.\.a by The Bank of Toronto to business clients, is its unchanging pclicfx of stable yet progressive bank- ing. Directed by a maiiagement intimately acquainted with modern business problems---and possessing over three quarters of a century s cumulative experience--The Bank of Toronto is we-ll r .!VV.ippCi to serve Canadian l')uSinL'.o.) umn. In addition to experienced counsel, specic services include efficient col- lection facilities; reliable credit gEI-IIND every service rendered L" "|"1... R.....l- AL` "l"....,...o-A .'!\ THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932. _` I955 E522;/31; ;/ze}.IssM information, available through our branch system and daily contact with Dominion business interests; infor- mation on foreign and domestic markets furnished by means of branches and agents in Canada and correspondents throughout the world. Consult with this friendly bank regarding these and other services affecting market activities. Our long experience and stability will be of real value in your business plans and transactions. Consfh'uc Iz'I/2 Service I9}? iro ad. Manager ERG Sew nun ll\)llI\4 u; ;u.J.-3. 4;. u. L'Aau<:L, wnau i _prese11t. The program for the ensu- ing year was zu*rang'ed. Mrs. H. OttL1\\'il_V and Mrs. 1. J. Carruthers fa\'o1'ed with a duet, with Mrs. Cum- min_-4'5 at the piano. It was decided to hold 3 cold meat supper at the home of Mr. Wallace Brown on June 28th. Before adjournment a social half hour was enjoyed over the cup of tea. The next meeting` will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Watkins on July 7th. 324 The East Simcoe District Women's Institute is being` held to-day at Es- scm Church. Rugby. The Rugby and Harvie Settlement branches are act-I ing as hostesses. I ------- < . Waubaushene branch of the W.I.i celebrated its coming of age recently ` when a birthday party was held in 2 connection with the summer meeting. 1 Representatives from Victoria Har- bor, Coldwatcr, Mildu and the Vasey 1 Junior branches were present. There 1 were eight present who had been 1 members of the society twenty-one years ago. Mrs. Geo. Price, pres! 4 hint of the branch, was in the chair, ` and on the platform with Her were Mrs. C. P. Stocking, the branch s first president; Mrs. A. Walker, president of the county organization; Mrs. W. B. Leatherdale, district president; Mrs. E. N. Hewitt, district secretary; Mrs. Dunlop, president of Victoria Harbor, and Mrs. Rumney, of Mel- duf. | The Clowes Women s Institute met i at the home of Mrs. J. .\IcLean re- I cently, with twelve members and two ' visitors present. `Supplies for the first aid kit at No. 15 school were replenished. The window boxes at the school have been replanted, the members supplying plants and seeds. Mrs. F. Madden and Hrs. 0. Part1'id_;e were hostesses during the tea hour. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rugman. W.C.T.U. COUNTY CONVENTION IS HELD AT COLLINGWOOD