Page Two ax Phone 69. Safety Speed Economy rm 1 DLUIAXV HJVU UUIVLIIKIIV Special attention Obsteirkl Associate Coroner for Simooe County ' Oico and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 ` Office Hours: 8-9.80, 11-8.90, 6-8.80 Ofce, 6 Owen St. Near Post 09500. Barrie. Nu"l"RXfi7EBN 40% Clapper-ton St. Phox VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch xrvvnnww n A vv r!Ir\-|v -\ Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Ofce and Residence--Corner Elin- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrio. Phone 105 Oice Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 n.m. --..-u;v.a.4n.uu dL&VJ/ s.)\.I1v\lA2\IL1IJ Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Oice Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 '.1n., or by aigpoinhnant . A. . . . 'I.itf.]e. M ; A. 1 . mtue, MJJ. `W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. You'll find our Prices Reasonable Associate Coroner, Couny of Slmcoe Phone 61. Ofce-58 Collier 3!. Office Hours: " 18-9 a.m., 12.80~2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. ( _ 1 .l'l1JIu.puy. Ofce & Residence: 125 Burton AVG. 24 Dunlap Over Arnold : 1 'm.`.I.T.`:DnnN1i`. arm `Post Ofce Square Tnlephouo 536 Above Express Oiee u.u...-v--... .._._.._ __-- Motor Ambulance in &$kn ` Open d!2.%n um: _night. Huge 53` '. `RIB In mm`. ,1 I-A nun-vuu--nan Bachelor Veterinary Science Graduate Ontario Veterma Gdoge ` and Toronto Unive Thu. an.-! \Y.'r.-LI: Fnllu A ` and | Phone 82.`: ` ;.:;44.v.;4u.u LJsJQu\.IaJ\J$I `Phone 347. 9 tun.-9 pan Business College Batman BARRIE REAL ESTATE OFFICE THURSDAY, JUNE Phone 53 DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS lJL__, nqo A ! In I nl|\- l-IAa V1 SURGERY Ki~n3hD1sEAs1=;s or WOMEN c. Arno] us ca" sync HOMES`, BUSINESS, FARMS, STORE PROPERTIES DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ,Qnan1'n1 n+4*nhf;n1-1 (TkgAmAu-hn- ana moron-to umvem Day and Night Calls At! Prompy. 'Fn-A R: Rnnh-In-nr-ea 125 Bu G. G. SMITPI & GO. 1--...- . - nu-nus;-us-.- DR. LEO COUGHLINW DENTAL SURBEON Mrs. May Creswicke [ITO 'DYTGY\YT.`(`O E\,\`l`l 1. 7-9"".:;:. :;;1;;;. P. 'A. Lime, [.i1'.t1P, J R Annnnhrfn DR. R. `N. HUGHES D13N"i`AL SURGEON For an added scenic thrill travel the Can.- adiar: Routeto the Pacic Coast. nu ru-.-u_u.... - - . . . :._. dug and night. lag ~"napel in oannonu. Estab`1ished I1 9 I-J DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON DR; W. LEWIS -ItVn\Y \ \'r`r\ rrrnvn A nus P. C. LLOVD 13p Uver Arnold's TELEPHONE 37 8 F. E. MA'}Z`9VELL u 1 G. 'l'l;!;NBULL LULV Phone 467w .-,,..- Phone 213 July 30- Aug.14 Ol.YMPlC Hem-y---'1`hey say nruneues uavu :+wm.-tor (lispositions than blondes. Janna-;'---We11, my wife has beam both and I c.'m t see any difference."[ Color blindness affects about four pt-!' rent. of the males and four-tenths |uf om: per cent. of the females. arm? M I N A Kl WINNIPEG EDMONTON J A S 9 ED. KO C KY MOUNTAINS DACI Fl C f`f'\Ab-I- Henry--They brunettes have -..-..,.+m .li.-nnuitinns CANABEAN NATIONXI. Mr. Harry L. Price, Conservative, was elected in West York on Satur- - day by a majority of 972 over his .` nearest rival, W. J. Gardhouse, Lib- eral. The result shows that the pol- icy of the Henry Government in a 3 time of depression, is endorsed. The Liberal leader, Mitchell He.pburn, did not evidently help the Liberal cause, ` as any loss sustained by the Govern- ` ment candidate, went to the Labor`. candidate, J, W. Buckley. It is`, rather signicant that Mr. Gardhouse ` lost ground among the farmers, show- ing that the rural residents do not take to Mr. He-pburn s swing to the left. The unemployment situation was responsible for the large vote polled by the Laobr candidate. In normal times a large percentage of these would support the Government candidate. Premier Henry -has every reason to accept the verdict as an endorsation of his Government, espec- ially in view of the prevailing econ- omic situation. EXPANSION OR RETRENCHMENT Construction of all kinds, from sky- scrapers to cottages; from power ` dams to township roads, can be built I to-day at costs ranging from one- fourth to nearly one-`half lower than they could have been built a few `years ago. Lower cost of building` material, along with a general drop `in wages, due to widespread unem- ployment, are the reasons for the prevailing` bargain price in consruc- tion. A church in an eastern city is being built to-day at a contract price of $127,000, when four years ago the lowest tender submitted for the same design was $102,000. A hotel built in another city in 1929 cost `$4,170 per room, while to-day the tenders submitted on the same class of building is $2,730 per room. Similarly homes a few years ago cost $3,500, can be built to-day for $2,500. \`Tunir-innliticbs nlwavs fnrnri xvitlw ~'vJ,DUU, CEUI DB ULIIIL LU'LlLly 101' ~. .I,DUU. Municipalities always faced with the need for expanded facilities, are talso obtaining bargains for the tax- !payers. A sewer project in a cityi iis being carried out at a cost of `$65,000 that only three years ago Ewas estimated to cost $109,000. Tnoc1`Y1I`II'I1'I -.1: I-n11ch~11nHnn \vrn-1: 1-n- }\Va.S CSCIHIZIECCI E0 COST. Q1U?l,UUU. : ; Inasmuch as construction work re- < quires more hand labor than almost 1 any industry, it is good business for municipalities to take advantage oi the present low prices in extending ' ipublic improvements, so that the {greatest number of men will be gven - [work and so that funds for welfare purposes can be reduced. It is esti- mated that from 75 to 80 per cent. of all money devoted to construction ilpockets of the workmen. i Heads of municinalities and all eventually finds its way into the pockets 01 me worxmen. Heads of municipalities those contemplating building should give serious thought to helping the ,unemployed at this time. i There is one danger that is evident `in the almost universal cry for re- `,tre-nchment. The need for wl*se :economy is, of course, apparent to `all who are conversant with wasteful `methods and policies both in govern !ment and private business. But icconomy is something entirely differ- [ent from retrenchment. Economy `iimplies no cessation of legitimate ac- ;`.tivity; no curtailment of expenditure "that has for its object the proper de- .velopment of industry, commerce, iicducation or social activity; no par fling of investments in those values which build up useful individual axial` family life. Ih-tn-r-nr-.lmu-nt. ho\ve\'er. is 2: l)21Cl\'-i Ianmy me. .et1'enc-lnnent, l1owe\'e1', a back- wartl step, 2). retreat from an objective. ietrenclnnent is negative. ECOTl0l`l1_y is a positive policy applied to -.1 con~ tinuance of p1`0g`1'essive activity; it is wisdom in spending. It is making two blades of grass grow where only one grew," not by cutting expenses, lredueing wages and ;~zxlzu`ies to the Ipoint where mmciul concern par- aly7.e:: the spontaneous and free ef- fort of the w0i'l:e1', but by more in- t(:lli;,;'e-IIL work, more p1`0(l`ucLi\'e 1'.Lbo1', more (-on.'eientiou.s service. To -ulmif . `.\'lnu` ni' Hm. nu-nrln. [more (-.on.'c1em1ous S(. l'VlCL:. To admit 21 s\\'ix1_g` of the pendu- lum" in hu. is to accept tin; mucus-ity of 1`cu'.-In-l1xncm. To recog- ni'/.<- tin: ncccssity fm <:ontinuz1l im `pron-nu-r.: and p1'o<,;`rc::;; in lm. |1nclho H1211 \\ 1:510 and cxzrLL\':u_-':u..v.: [may I:.- lured to 11 minimum 15 t.. .. \nl' And 14 L- 4'..u L-int} 4 OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL lllch In Vltamlns Rebuilds Strength |IH1l_\' lit` i`w(lU(`(f(l L0 mlmmum IS rig'ht_ cvmromy. And it is this kind ofcconomy that )l".s'Ll|`$ in 1-.~.pz1n- x-inn I'(::l\'.`11I,'i. Ilumun |1('('l['.s' ab iuyin;,-` po\\'cl', 1.houy;l1 llll((]ULH_\ ul.~- tri|)utcrl. is umlimini;;hml it: fact. Ith-;x.~; Lhut, wr.vv.IId vusLl_\' bvntrlil, the hum.m I`:|(`<- zuxuit capital with whivh UH-_\' (-mu hu p1'(m1()lc(l and mud-: ]mrLuniL1-.-.~ for l;lv.<.sim.: consumer um} un1|)lo_vu alike. If tlur.~u- itlvus ;:uu`u lw l'('ll"l.\`L'(l and made to work. Llwre wmlltl not he :1 singlv (-nlynlnyxlhlv in~ divi without an npp(>rtuml_v to r(.-mlcr u.~'-Iul uml ;:;uinfu] an-'vicu ta.) Lhu community; nor would then: be room for <:c1'1:1in cnnnnvrci:1.lize cum nmriitius and nctivitices which fumin- mt,-ntznlly :l)` h:1rm!'u| Ln hum:u1ity h('(':1llH(.* of u wrm:;: zuppml. 'l`o rm-u;mi7.u this b:L.~;iv t,ruLh ulmu. hu. is th<- first r:-qui.~'it.- to that wi.~u- ~c(momy whirh |miI fur ~.\-- tmnlwl m:n'l<~t.~4, with-r and ::m'-u.s'.~:l'11l hlmn--.~':< :-v1lvI'pri.-.- Zll(HI1' ;lri<'l,ly (-lhiml Iim-:~:. 51011. a In no ]im- of 1v;>'j1::n:;t- |;u.~i:`:('.>:.~' `has the . point" been IAn;: (H | ()])('H their :myb|1in;:.- - . . ' '|`lu-, lrt-mll'ul thing u|muL gm-`..ix|:;:` l_m.(~k to um-nml i:: that. this z1\:y be It. Hmwlvr (itin-.~; Slur. PRICE wms IN WEST YORK PUSH CONSTRUCTION NOW Publiuhed at 123 Dunlap Sh, Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON, Editor and Publisher @112 Nnrtlmn Ahuemre ' |)(`,l)])lt,' uu-v likv lisll. T} r nmu1.h.<, hut, the-y lH'\`(`l': -- - :1rkhill (iw/.-tt:-. The Northern Advance A ?cnc of Rare Value S%i" i"S EMULSEQN EDITORKAL Tim .0 H..." .. The town council should at its next meeting demand the basis of the contract Ald. Tuck made with Mr. McDonald for repairing the weigh scale `building and the market steps. Who was to supply the material, at what price, and what was the rate of pay to be per day? A report from Rome says that% world wheat sowings in 1932 exceed that of last year by 7,000,000 acres. Winter wheat areas have decreased `by 4,000,000 acres, but spring grain `areas have increased by almost three times that amount. Argentina, Aus tralia, Russia and the United States register increases, but Canada drops by 1,000,000 acres on spring grain. -- I It is reported that the League of Nations Committee on gold will in a report this month blame currency troubles on tari s. Tariff walls above normal impede the flow of trade and money and force nations oil the gold sanrdard. A world conference on tariffs will probably be urged. It is becoming more and more realized that nations are dependent upon one another, just as individuals are. ' I The Board of Education, we under stand, held a special meeting; on Fri- day night last. The press M-5 rt.-fused admittance, just why we don t know, but we do know that secret sessions `for the Board of Education or any other body serving the public poor business. The press has always given the board a square deal in the past, then why the exclusion from a] special meeting ? It was public Lusi-' ness the board was discussing and why should not the public know about it '1` The western situation continues to` show moderate improvement in busi-! ness. Many manufacturers, whole- salers and retailers report better con- ditions compared with the same per-I iod last year. From reports of seed-| ing operations the outlook is promis- ing. Moisture in practically all sec-I tions has been adequate and there is promise of at least an average crop ,of wheat and other grains this year. Upwards of one hundred thousand young people from schools and col-' leges in Canada will be idle this sum- _ mer, because there is no workeforl them to do. The real tragedy is not. that they cannot become producers" and earn enough to keep them alive,l but they are condemned to pass their` lives uselessly-their ambitions andl \ hopes unrealized. Our economic! problem is a. serious one, but let usi ` do our part in keeping things goingl L till the dawn over the horizon ap-` ,` pears. I I PREMIER HENRY APPRECIATED Commenting upon the West York by-election, the St. Catharines Stand- ard deplores the unseemly attacks! made upon the Hon. George S. Henry} in the course of that contest. Mr.? Henry is known everyxvliere as uni honest man. He is said to have; wealth, and, like Mr. Bennett, he has`, given himself to the service of 1115} fellow country men. Politics, when a} man is thus accused, must surely be? a rotten game. Why do men of the calibre of Bennett and Henry go` through with it ? They surely don t- have to for personal interests 7" l F]1(". Si'.!`|Y\r(l$`H`(l nnnfn: flu: pi-nn1inv u| Get the utmost enjoyment from your Western trip by arranging your journey via Canadian National s train de luxe-The Continental Limited. Speed smoothly through rugged Northern Ontario . . . across the Prairies . .. through the Canadian Rockies by the ScenicRoute,over the easiest gradient and at the lowest altitude-vet within sight of the mightiest and most in- spiring peaks. nave L0 L01` personal interests 1" l The Stz1n-dard quotes the Premier's renewed o`er of an uncontested seat: in the Legislature to Mr. Mitchell Hepburn if the absentee leader cam, only develop the courage to acceptl it. Our contemnomrv mlds 1_h;n'. n.l only ueveiop we to accept c0ntempo1`a1'y adds that n. is really up to M1: Hepburn to re-` sign his seat at Ottztwu and get into the Ontario zm.-nzi." 111 the sauna tone, the B1'ant1'or(.i Expositor praises Mr. Henry for standing by Section 98 of the Criminal Code in the face of a sustained agitation for the aboli- tion of that section. It is the section which holds in cl1o(-k Communists and others de.=.i1'ou.< of overturning con. ;_-`ow-rnmc:nt in this country. As th<- l`Ix}m;:itm' declares, the sooner all (,'.omimmi.~t z1g;itz1toi's and their .~';.'1npat`z1izii15_v, fri-end:; are given to UI1 that their sedi- tious l)|.`lL'1\`i0Ul' will not be toilemtedi in C:Hl.'l the better will it be for] the Czimuiiziii people and the g'oo(l oi" the Dominion.--Mz1il aid limpire. N One million dolizn`: Dutch :l11(i Swiss czipita in (ienovn b<`1ili*ZF zuvzliti in I\'orthcrn Ontzirin :m~ pi'op(-rfiu.-:, is Uw sluiv-. A. H. Carlislu, B'ri1i.a-in l`nnu.I-n- 14`nlln :n \\:\ BIG 1NvE-s7M_EE7:_s FOR . MINERAL PKOSPECTING Lkllfhllil). 1' un_\' U pm` C0111. 01 In. amount would ho u. for the pur- ch:|.~:c of Cztnndiuxl mining: t-quipmunt whilo the hzx]:m<'o was .~'<-ho fm ]n'o::pux-ting; work in connection \\'it.h the opening: up of new (1i. hr szlirl. Actual work would .~:t:n't with in two months. -Mr. _T:n`1i.~=1<-. who is 1'op1`cscntingz thv contina-nlul l):1(`km'.~' of the unner- tul-:'Ln_1:, st:\t,(-I that the stezuly in- (-v`v:1.<(- in 1.-;oh1 production" in the first qunrtm of 1.032, in both Quebec and ()nl:n`io. had uH.rn(:tt.-d much nttcm tion in British minim: ci1'clcs, whore thu new! of I'o. the }J1`U(lll('U0h of gold tlmuugrlmut the I:`.mpir<- \\-::.- consi of p:u':1mount importmu-r~. Plum-|\:1\'n nf $15 nnn nnn in crnlzl hv |L'()H.\`l(l(.'I`\'(l OI p:u':un0unL unporunu-r~. .I Lm-lmsv of $5,000,000 in gzuld by thv Bank of F.ngl:nul during` thu past month xv-.13, in ihv opinion of M1`. (':1!'li.H'](`, i1l(('Llti\'(` of :1 !`('i1ll'll to the gwlil .~'t:m by (iron! lh'iL..i1i, hut not on the 1'(.`}.{'ll]1l[l'([ cmnimzdity basis 'h:ll':1L'l(.'1`'.` that policy in the ]);l>`i. Hu inclinc-(I tn thv belief that there would bu :1 distinct diifuri-nco in the l`t`l:l1i()ll.\`hi|) of thv gohl st:in in iiiitnin mid the pound .~'il'l'l1;.', . with i`-in l-iii.-v Jziliilivu-(I til .'i in`.-,\'vl i'nI'1H'n (]0H:H`s of I`.;'iL1;:h, capital is on deposit :1\\':Iiti11;: Invcstmcntl I and Quebec ;:ol p}'O])(`!'1 iL'.~`~, sl` ` um-nt made by .*'mnm-i(,-r, on '1`ues(1uy. Fully 0 per cent". 01' the nmnnnt. wnnhl hu nu-(I 1'm- thn um-. Luv lrxtlc.-1' H--n. . Jlnlllillll illl ...n. lH\` IIUUUU. Sll'l'Il ulnlx:/.n- :1L :1 low 11'/.1-cl prvviouzzly. -u n: l'u:u I I 'THOS. A. McCARTHY BARRBSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY . CONVEYANCER, ETC. ' Nlnnnv In I .nnn 1: (Pu... 531. (\ GORDON R. FOSTER BAQRISPER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARV. ETC. i i 4` a . 1 GORDON LONC-MAN K i_ BA3.R1BTER, 8(`)al'f`I((`3ITOR, NOTARY 3;:-MA, Cliv- I I MONEY T0 LOAN Owcn SL, Barrie. P11 CAMERON & cAMEiibz~}W BARBJSTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. ; 5 Owen St. Kn-is. Phone 408. I MONEY TO LOAN mar;-any at ---.s~-..u..-....., ........ QBARRIBTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN i u........... 1--.....1- nu- n-....:- IIdVIl`ll\L as uAn_.-urnax. I |BARRISTER.S, SOLICITORS, NOT-. l uzxgs PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERSI In I... :. an`: ..n.-.. .0 RADENHURST & HAMMOND EBARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. ll-,,-_. ._ I __ ESTEN & ESTEN I BARRISTERS [Solicitors in Hi{'n Court of Justice kinlm-Ipm Du-In vr. (`nnv:.n-xnnov: Correct Wedding Stationery laoumwrs m .111. In Luurx, U1 .1u5u<:t:| Notaries Pub 15,, Com.-Wanner: {Money to loan at low-2. currenta I times. 1 ! AJ~lInQ nu--.;;.4u. So1J'.citor for obtaining probate or: will, inns ` and administration, `and moral So csitor, Notary, Con- I voumnmn-. mm | `LSLA .l"UI)..I.llL/ (3 \JUN V 1'4 1 l*\1V'\.1.l`J.|\-D J Money to loan in any sums at I lowed current rates. 18 Owen St, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. us-nu |- -uvnu !BAnms'm':Rs somomons, NO'1`~ iARI`ES puma. . eowvmnnomes, 11.1- Monoy to Lana It Lowest Rates of Interact OIREQE: 18 OWEN ST. In the pnexmaeo iormerly occupied by the Bank mf ~Toro.nto. Branch Ofcc, Elnwale, Ont. I A RAIIR K11, J R_ Rnv_| xsrunnn uxace, W. A. Boys, KG ' Ira`:-B - so mum. Fiona .5 Electric, Hydro, Ph_\'sio and Electionic Treatments. I Massage and Cor2'ect.ive Adjustmentsi Blood Tests and Urinalysis ` Home or Ofce Rates Reasonable DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. .1-I\r\vnVr1I'IHT\ nrvr 7117:-n1\'n rv-nr Iwws. Oicdv: 1IgFloor Masonic Temple ldg., Barrie. I. I-1 Eqkpn ?\/T, U Fqtn Dlkh Money to Loan Masonic Tomple Bldg" Barri. Northern Advance H1\J1V.L`J I. .|. U Ll\Jt`\.lV Masonic Temple BIdg., Barrie IVLKIUVEHX ICU .l.JUt`l.lV Oicc: Masonic Temple Bldg. D. F. MOCULIG, B.A. S`at.'oEasoa' 0 C};-env-i.alne & Bell mnmmm llI.W5`l*J`(\R,, 172'] C-E0. R. AND I. A. BURNS YJA.nn1unJ STEWART 6: STEWART vI\`r('IrrI-ln'r\r1 (`I11 7/V1'rnr\1\.'1 \ ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTEI . n 1 unvr..1n_mu::..n., Law. I Money to Loan 81. King Block, Barrie. Over Express Ofce EEIULIIX h}U$1-U-I`!-U1 , nuuu. veyomzer, etc. MONEY '1`0 LOAN .... RA.._~n..:.. "I`n.....l- Q THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1..-.a;.v-.:, uuv....-..._vu~, J-l\. ` to Loan at Lowest Rates `tee, First Floor Masonic Temple Bldg. Here's one detail f the wedding that need not worry you a particle. For our announcements and invi tations are correct. BDY5 E BOYS .1-unzu :14-:1 tntnwn :- Business Directory are the three elements to be con- sidered wlwn sending money . . . Whether it is sending money ten miles, or ten thousand miles . . . a dollar or ten thousand dollars . . . by mail, telegraph, cable or radio . . . you will nd The Canadian Bank of Commerce at most eicient and economical agency to use. State your wishes to any one of the 800 branches of The Canadian Bank of Com- 11161306. If, as frequently happens, it is necessary to withdraw money from your bank account to make the remittance, you can complete the whole operation at one time. Your remittance will be despatched quickly, economically and with perfect safety, ayahlc only to the person or firm you to receive it. ;;t(1i"%ri&,:1a31l;,`q_;t{:, nent$5 Open Day and Night Rensonablo67 lllnboth St. Phon Capital Paid Up - 30 Million Dollars Reserve Fund - - 30 Million Dollars an an it. Barrio. U. M. H. Esten. DRU(}L$8i (-