Q-`Junior F armers .~;~.-;~-~;~;~q.;~,\.~.\.\.~, (Special prices in quan?..".Lx;.-:, ALL-MASH STARTENA, $3.50 PER 100 LBS., L` Dino: Rf) (Jun? ruuury vv uuu \...,....... Hog Worm Capsules Canaules. 1 Phone 88 :a.nt| 4.-3:1. :1. Vl"l(.I'2l'! THE 7AiEAN? ca.%{L_Tp1Ng;gig3A:%;p `UlllIIII)um v is :r11r\'i\'ud by :1 :=( ctlmh-1' J\lu('u1't.h_\', of A51.` A n Lapsules Capsules, 1 water gun a i.()WI`1I{. 1 1(.lUJ'L 'I`HI?i YEAR, 5:, 'Il'2l`2I)1'.l . 21.1.}: <-,vr-,1"/ h;:,;_ `ing his 1110 tune nu ,0 the bar in Chic;x:.1`o, an nccountzmt in 'i`o- :1:.,-'v1' for A. W. \\'11. ..-. ".u :\1.~o ;u".-Xx Lho lust Victory 1.02111. . hu\'ing.: :1c~ ` in 1'umrmg', . .~\ llomzm Catholic in membvr of thv l{n'x;.:h1.< l\!.`H x-A place at 8:. Those ;u:w.:u.`1ix out 0`: town 32:- 11}. F. `:1`.'V. .\li1\nie 1`:1 . llzwy and .\h N; }`11i1:nh-1phi:\. PL. 1._~11o_ of 'l`orou'.u. who p:\id ':`.v7_" ` um:-1" nf lluxtxl 1x.|. TO-DAY' S PRICES K-in-Ilullu n-. ' um, I nu Bu 1` ric ; ........, v..-- ..__- ___ I 1.41 nvv ...Pinu 60, Quart: 95:, Oak. $2.75 ....... ..85c 100-tablet battle .3235 100-captule box r -r. Hil.'lt: 34.11) car and 1 mouth spreader also or mu v . J. McCarthy of wife, who was E`. ,'y1`c(iece:1s_;`. V . g The fu.nem; .....n nnnr'\1In'?;xd bx` pa11-bea.rers \ ' H:n'1'y Thom.< o".\'ei1. .~\1r._ _1 V1{o1m:1. of 10 ..\.`..n .,. 5. {hr .---.__.._ ______._____________ The przwticrr of buying from for m strangers who drift into town is com-`'l`h:z1 : mon in arric as e15cwht:r(:. A\:~'ib|< I smooth mnuur.-d uzzent makes people from believe 11.-y are gutting sonumingg lmlpix AND ASSOCIATE DEAL ERS :-:1;/av, MAIU`H -2.1, M32. ........ ...u._. ....._...--j HUG L H\'L`. Hug lnmmivr lmursr-, Ins:-1; if yum J\ L. -].'z.t',k, Hf war um] mi:--.:<| '.'.'-r-14:4. 'l'}m1 :~: =~11|V :1 r-hivlx: .S1.0f.I PER 25 LBS * :1 1'1:nH(-I` <~L:<, mu! :1 .,';';]1;g I'M*(l Hun: :IH_\' LFULU .VIrs. .\Ir.<. .\Ii. `J1; bn. Sta:---C`.ub members. who complete a recognized W $\.OUSE5 Rugs Wright Cleaners & `Wars } 1m;1e"-577 Easter - Cleaning Cut the Corners on your budget the dry cleaning way`. You don't need to spend any At the 1`:-gional conferences of young farmers througrhout the pro- - Vince, it was intilnntod that there` has been cnnsidorxxblc donumd for :1 Junior I`:mnors` Pin. Rvccntly :1 de. was .~ulm1i1tvd to the local rc- p.1'o.=e11;t:1ti\'os by me Department of Agrriculturo with :\ View to suppi_ving this. demand. mm 1\n hns boon deshrnod with rr|')n:'/ for hmrlri new Ihirmx. You'| be ju'~,' as ;2,\:>.d to use the old ones again after they've been renewed by \J\a\a us, -f.o-rv-tvl';ey'l| look like new, l the will NEW STIMULUS GIVEN ANNUAL SCHOOL FAIRS 'that such curtailment has While the fact that the Govern- ment will not be supplying free s-eed this year may seem like a blow to the school fair program, the local office of the Department of Agriculture reports that the school inspectors and teachers of the county, realizing been an ` economic necessity, are meeting the situation by offering their hearty co- of each section over big. `operation in putting the school fairs J Recently a committee composed of . Inspectors Garvin and Gibson and a number of the teachers in North Sim- coe, met with the agricultural repre- ennf!2`H\Vf-' and discussed the situation Wlth tne agrusu sentative and 4`....m nvnrv 2.-no-ha. also i recording of the awards. Becau - this closer co-operation and lS:`11lhll 1g r 1. (l 11 t. :0 )1` t- re er 710 mi with the 8.g`1`lC1l.lEu1`a1 [Epic- from every angle, also the revising of the prize list, which has now been done. The question of judges is one of the biggest worries and it looks as if the department would have to ask the -teachers to help out with this im- portant part of the work, also the se of trier c1'11;1c1sm some a;.rm.5........... should be made by the town author- ities to provide adequate accommoda- tion for the crowds. We suggest that representatives from the Parks Commission and from the Agricult- ural Society be allowed to discuss l the matter with the town council at w an early date. Two Accident Claims Miss Jean Bailey advised that on Sunday evening about 7 p.m. she fell on Collier St. at the Salvation Army Citadel on the icy `sidewalk, injuring `her right leg so that it is 3 necessary to be under a doctor s care. She expects some compensation. J. B. Hipkin advised that on Mar I in V1 15 of greater responsibility on the part of the teachers it is felt that even without seed distribution there will be much more interest. shown in and greater value received from the school fair by both pupils and teaSh- ers than in past years. .3 In scanning the revise- prize list. ;1Lf",t h:i2:1;:i,i`)?,utoI;7 {),I'33`r,,1}:,Spfe11qn the 1' it is noted that the p0l.llll`}' ('lZl.'\<(:I~.' |p,.`On, of \`[un1.I.aV I`{eVin';1`d, _tO`"1.C"Su1j? ( and inter-school sports, l'eature.~: ofif`m,ir;g :(`}\.e1_e in.m:v ,1`nd bre akin' 1. previous lists. have been left oi E.|H;\f 01353,`: A (%oC{Or,_` bin for $15 Also the candy class, which Rll`1lOSi}:1;,>dZ-E35 1.(,`mh..-mg 1:15:95 was 1.e_ 1'\:qL1ll`C(l a special guard to pre\'ent"C _i;._(_(':l `O t1`C1to_m`1~fo`:_ wmem 1) the Ifiublilc from sampling the entrie.=:i ;S`+nW`m,t `& Stewart! Ed behalf of too ree y. N"; ,,,.= . - lnsn-ail of the poultry classes,;`:E_` c:pxggglsagggglgestioi ; there inis been .=ub. an inter-1_;l.) :,':._\m mg Nd in a wegk ai : estina` class calling for a representa- sh ',0`L`11`( 1 b' ta`k`C_`n ' tive poultry ration that will ; `in _m_)1cat0n for (`ml Wm cmion the question of i'eedin5;r for better (gm a:`~1}e,,idem of _ud`:ix R__\\f`1_e_ moduciion, which heretofore has Ceed him the Penlion BOa1_`d" f _ been negzlected. The class for Sports a mud ` 01 n....n in All will be continued, P311`, ifgti mates from the Board of 5/ H [J uu AAA ..... I the public 4,. 4>`w:m1\ wmcn neretomre mu. The Sports Open to All thought it will be nr:ce.=.=ary to ask the trustee? to handle them. n:.~,...==;nn H10 School Fair ques- The pin has hoon desigrnod the idea that it would serve for those who qu::':if_\' under club work. short (`01l`.'>`x\<. junior f:n'mor work and it`:l\i\`l`.\`ilip, the exact St<.t11S of the \\'1`:ll'i`1` to lw dvsigrnated by stars in ditl`v:`vii'. calm-.< of onzunel. For in- 6'.;\il\`n`. :1 vluh l1`lClll1)(`1' who satis- factorily coxnplotes his club project would be entitled to wear the stand- ard pin with 21 green star. If such member later attends a short course in :1_:r1'iculture and attains the re- quired standing, he would be entitled to exchange his pin for another one with two stars, the one green for qualied club member and the other `blue for qualied short course stu- den. The same boy might later quali- fy as :1 leader and would be entitled`: which to a pin with :1 third star, would be red in color. A fourth pin, without stars, is for those young men who have joined up with the Junior Farmer Asociation, but have not at- tended enough of the classes in the .1.....+ nnnrcn in agriculture to qualify to nanme tnem. U Discussing the School ques- . tion, Mr. Stewart Page, representa- tive for North Simcoe, stated that he , M` \\'a:~' sure the fairs would be even 1 T` more .=ucce.=.=,ful than they had been `Pf 1` in the past, as they would open theng i way for the pupil: thmnselves t0`t ` ' shoulder more of the responsibilities HQ > of the fair and xrivr; them a betterlw-1 ' appreciation of the importance of: -`d - thr.-;-:e evr:nt.'~:. beside adding to their l'{3 ' r-fForL:~: valuable experiencr: and in- Wilt - . . . n*L..., 1-..:..- n4rm.,1 '=` thr::~:r: <:\ f:T1L ~:, Ucbluc auu...,, cxpr:r1encr.- creased knowledge. 'I`h:: 1:. ' H`,-. ,.nnnnw.m'1n1r-ht 110 Hi`: fit the (I'lCO11TZ1}I(.`H1(:H`L W Lu.- that ewenually brings the rvTnHnH>nr: infn the rank that eVnuau_\ um exhabltors into t Jumor Farmer org rm... l TUHI I III: helping merely nan ! mngs the nun ivrnfin V` silks` We Uvlivur ceuueu cuuusu u; u..- ......____ ,,, short course in agriculture qualify for a star. It is the thought of the depart- ment that after a junior farmer has purchased his pin he can exchange 11:: for others as he advances in the club work. Members securing a second or third pin should in all 1 cases be required to turn in their . old one. The cost to each member will be 25c. In other words, a charge ` of 25c will be made for the first pin or button. Members qualifying later for pins with additional stars will be supplied with the new pins at no fur- ther cost. provided they turn in the old pins. 'l`l1n ,:u<:r.ro.=tc(l basis on which U 7UIt III M up thq 2 WJu11g of the anu 111-!` = afford ` ..m.+'n THINK COUNCIL IS GETTING ON WELL (Cun'.inued 1.'rom })Z1j;.`,`(.' mm) The reports of the Water and Light Commission, the Fire and Police, Public Works, Printing and Advertising, Markets and Pa1~'l~:a-, in : lief and 'l`ranspo1'talion, all covered 1 the estiinates for the year only. (W.-n-Inc Dhillinc Nelson Sf... wrote estimates 101' the omy. Charles Phillips, Nelson St., objecting to :1 sidewalk being laid on that strceit as petitioned for. His chief objection was that it would destroy the beauty of his property. nndnov VVa(lswoi'.tl1. reprcsenting destroy the beauty 0: ms p1`Upt:u.y. Rodney VVa(ls\\'or.tl1, representing i\Iuntz & Boatty, Ltd., quoting rate for liability insurarxce for the town. He oil'c1`L`(l :1 discount of 15 per cent on the tzlri rate. The City `Service Oil Co., asking if it would be in 01-de.r to move gas pump from in front of the old Robinson Hzu'd\\`z11'e Store to C. E. Hawkins at 54 Elizabeth St. Tkn Rm-vin lm-nnvh of the Page Four Elizabeth St. The Barrie branch of V.O.N., asking that the usual grant of $500 be placed in the estimates for 1932. Esten& Estcn, asking that leniency be shown in the matter of taxes due on property of Miss E. Graham at 184 Dunlop St. ` A. H. `G-oodall, secretary of the ` Parks `Commission, advised that at a recent meeting of the Commission the need 01 lavatory accommodation in the Agricultural Park was discussed. _ This park is being increasingly used 3 for sporting events, and also the an- nual fair, which all will agree is a big asset to the town. To avoid fur- ther criticism some arrangement the 4 7 a ` 'r.... ;\....:.1...... Plnimg LLD 3-PP1f"9~L _ groom w2L "upporteu I) `Thr:'(:St11Tlat0.< \,\/allaccy or-1m.k1am; "' I-T-Auczmon for 1932 vere_presented. of we bride whlh, thc Unemployment Relief Lxkely to Mr. Hugh \Vu11ace and :2: Bo Continued Ridden, ' _ Mayor Crmg ad*.`1;~:ed that he was During me 51gm11g 0 ,en in Toronto last week on .21 delegatlon 31,-_;_ J_ {L 1-{cam sang gen of municlpul rc-_p1`<-s<:ntat1\'L-s pre.'~:en_t- jng__ theling the rc-.~:olut1ons pas.~:cd at Harq:1- F0110-mg um; ct,-1em towon some weeks ago to_Prr;m1cr 110 was held at the ties Henry. One of the re_:~:o1u`L:on= \\:a.s' br;dL,_,- purcnts_ on Pm-1 ctertlunt unemployment 1'(:1lf: f hr <,-un1;}n- \V;[Hu('{- my-.\111g` '11- ofiurxi uftrm .\Izu'ch 31.4.. Fhc Prcm`1e1` hdml,-(,,~,`.5 (~.,_.Lum.,- 01 ']'.I!`2LC'(.iI:U.H_V' 21:=:~=urt.-d the delcgatlon and 1; wjm hm of I neir . . - that this: would be dont: 1.02` :a.hmnL:1 1,uL.-r Mr. and .\1r.~'. 1n- , . , , _ '01-d1`~`= -`haw It van- r>0_mt out that me Lmml .smu.-.~:, the} Mt}, there: wr.-re more :LpI)]l(f2ltl0!1S for r<:- in 3 smmvt brown 1 um; '.'ir;f than at any `.}'mc and httlo work with u1utchin_u zu-u-. -4 :1 for the un<:n*.p!oycd. hev in : _ _ t `x ..4..... A4` :.\-:a.~n`.'nn {mm tht-1 ___-_ q. e2u'1_v Lrcuuc. Sunday the sidewalk, `her She I R. Hinkin advised U1 nlgut. Jlll nu: unn.-u,uv_,v\... The matter of exc.-nxption ;gas tax to rnunicipalitics \-.'a.~: (ed, alsto the exemption from ` `Hydro properti<:.~:. The r:.~: :H.iI:;s of Buard:~: of I-Educ-r:tio1 l-., . 1v'u(~ qulnm nn .`x'nm EHLIUHUH "- IJUIMA mils of wood in- \Hl:HIf Cununittcc. Iuvvlt. .I:ume;~;--~Wilr:s-~'l'h:xL LIN: I`|ru uuu ] oH(:; (I()n1mi1,LIgI: [)ul`tth:lS(: {Ml suit- able hrznrzhc-.~: for the |)0li(:<: murt trhzmlher. T)rmuld~:~:mI---Sl1:u)m)n~~ Hh:1L H14: Zrmrd of WIn'k.~s nmnida-1' l..', l`.'uUl1',.'_ Lnunt St. and l{0:~':e St. in the .~s'prin;:. 3`/`lm':m~--'l'uvk~ '|`h::t. this Buurll of Works purrh:w: 125 feet of quurt inrh mpu :11. :1 vast. of about 1i3l2.!')(). J:um-.~- Wilt-:-. 'I`h:nL Timnwl -)1" \`V mu:-id:-r ;.5r:ulinq. Hruvl( SI.., ...`4 ..0' II,..[{".l[ .q1vv qut-.~' ll]llVx ., Motion: ])<;rn:Lllsr)nn -~-- 1`}1:xL Shannon 1 for ,.r ....u..l In. nurch:L |n`u:n'hw nf thv ( L0 rmm plnnps i A1 1; m The sugge:=tc-d m`i\*i1e;:n of \vea1'in_2` these pins V be granted is as follows : n:.....I=.wl Pin without Stars- quvs l'I*ll H /nrK.~: l'UlI.`-lH|`! p,-.--.....,.r, . `wt of r:uH'm'Il. Jluir --M"|:uM(:!l- I'hn|, : ~14 hv :mpuint~4| to (`miller ':1rk.~: (Iommi .~.im um! Lha- ` 1' v......n..`u ..,. :n was .`:]M'l|L u All the (L /`Cunt buldingr. llr. H,u;.';:!`.< u..~.1 inf` IUVV `(Vi The Northem Advance 1-`Dun: .arua:..n.*.s- `'J*7!`>`~~Sl1:u1nt)n-V 'l"h:1t thv of HIV City S-rviw Oil ( gm |)|LlH|) |n- y:r:nm-.1. I-vv Ito-;::-r.~` said hu hm! hm -ha`-I by Mr. b'purlin1.r, mu .. (`nu Rm-vi:-v (71).. and 'm- u ]H vV lll| In `UOIYHHI UH uuu L wivty ru: l::v:11,0ry l.h A1.{ri'ul1.Iu':al and l :n'l4..~; (fun ..I \.ny nI'IvI- - ., .... nuvu Hw pump if s In Hum, vim-inity wt-r pn-vim; mm-tin;.r. il. ....H.... I. tulrun be is follows c Standard Pin Stars--F0r 1 individiiuis. who, owing to illness or oLhr>1~ r-ircum. do not attend 1 sufficient classes of the ag'ricu1turai 1 short <-our.<<-, conducted by the Dept. `i of .~\_ .`.`1`iCl11t1J1`(.' in their district, to qualify for a pin with blue star, or other young men who have not at- tc~n.5_r-` H20 short course but have I join-d up with the Junior Farmer Association. r1...\.,.-. rm-_-(.ub who [IIVVIVIUH II My :u'1,)nn but am 2 1 urn. 41')" ` .., (Tnyt `nun m1miLtt:r:. _ -~Wilr:.k;~~'l'h:1t. thte |"I .....-41.... nu I`1'h:lH(~ U` J- -Wilv. 1... . `r 'l'h:x1, zuiuptud (H) In,` li|l\l:l| m u .~lmig_-flat 1:I':u|l,ud. l_u:.. ;; ubu L was ` elegation H p1'c:~:ent- ingj at F0110-if ~ P1-:;m1cr lion Lion: was par 4- <.-un1;in- I :-c111ie1'}mm1_ ,..; 101031150 ` ` :3. month I.:m-- 3 ._____. Mss FiOI`(.`XlCl! .`\l`Ill.`~"i.l'()l1}{ wn:: lunnv l from-'l`o1'rmLo fur the wt--lc x-ml. Miss Edith Cn:.~'.\vi<-.lu- nml Mr. ` Frank Cra,-.;wickc will :';|wml lC:1.xl.sn at their homo hen.-. 1\/Irs. W L. 1 ul;Lcr:+on, u|' l'umn.Ln, who was in town to z1l,L<:ml Llxv fun oral of the l;-.t(` 'l hom:1s M1-(7:u`I.|i,\`. was the gucsi. of Mrs. M. J. ["1-znv: ley, Buycld St. Miss Dorothy Bryson spc-nt l.':u~ week end with friends in 'l`oron1u. Miss Marion Mingay of Wimlmr, will speild the lizxster vuicution with her g1`a:1dfzLth3i', Mr. J. 1). l{mlg'(:1'.~;. it Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ullmun, uc companied by Miss Elizabeth l{ol_L;<:r.;, 5:: expect to spend Easter in 1 i'e:+Lon. L3 Dr. E. A. Cummnigs, oi` 'l`orontu, will be the guest over the lz1.sL<-r week end of Mrs. A. E. H. Crcs\vi(~kr:. Ur. Lu. A. \.1uuuuu.:bu, V. ., V lSz1.sL<-r ` Mr. John l\`IacKay has been con- ned to his home for several days I through illness. mu 1 '1` Qinwrncnn. M.P.. arrived through umcss. . Mr. J. T. Simpsoq, M.P., home from Ottawa. last night to spend the brief 1asLe1' recess with his family. He expects to return Lo his parliamemtary dutie.~: next Tucs- day, when the House will resume its sessions. `-' `n -. n1..,.1..4..-m1, n-F `Pi:-icnviniii . u > '.~' club project. Rina Star- Subbluxra. Mr. Reg. Blacktock, 1 College, visited with Mrs. Ethel Blacksfcock, week end. 1ur:__ 1...... You uygq week end. Miss Jean Lay was a week end visitor with friends in Toronrto. Miss Etta Soules who is in train- ing at the Royal Victoria. Hospital, visited her home in Stayner recent- In Miss Wilda Culbert has been con- ned to her home the past few days with an attack of the u. Iugu uuuu luau uu........._,. _,-. G .Albert Moore oiliciaied, assured by Kev. J. J. Black. The bride, who em.-"2-(l the church on the arm of her father, was attrac- tively g~o`.v'ned in eggsiiell satin She wore an heirloom veil and carried :1 sheaf bouquet of calla 1illie.~. :1.-'~. sister, Miss .VIargaret \Vallace, zit- ` tended her as bridesmaid, \\'(:a1`i1Lg ' pink angel-face lace, with po\'.'c.e'. .` blue hat and matcliizig shoes. Her bouquet, an old-J.'ashioned one of I forget-me-nots and pink sweet peas, ("dl'l'l(.`Ll out this color scheme. The f .supported by Mr. Dutton 1 of l-.'.rl l_.:1l;e, l)l`Olll(:l'| ' bride, the u.\:".er.~3 were` \Vz1lla<:e 31)`. Clarence`; `Ridden. n_ .S n.n.;.u.- aha .~in~mne` of the 1`Cgl5Le1" ' . . . i oi register. sang At Dawn-5 - ` wnllnwimz ceremony 21 recep-% Personals 1~g.". recep-I ion the home 01' L110` n1`ide.s pzxrents on U1-01 street Mrs.` vVulluu- 1`\:--wlxilxg` 11e1'g;ue in 11' . A _A ,. .. . m-.,-new JONES-VVALLACE `II Mn]: h:1n project. Blue Star---`;\'Iembcr who has at- tcmled at lr-n.=vt 75 per cent. of the reg'ulm'l}: conducted short course in agriculture. Red Sta:--Member who has given \\'o1*th-wliilr: lotulership to anyone of tl:.r- f0ll4')\`-.'ll'lf1`1 (21) Organization and con(lu<-tinge; of :1 club project, a short ct)u1`.' or : other agricultural ex- temion D1`0j('('t; (b) Leadership (pm-. or secretary) in a Junior Fzw ~ .~\<--o(-iation or other agri- cultural organization. Would have to l~ i~-<;;on.=iblr.- for carryim: on a ` hilt progrram. 3Ir:rnber.'< of -TH` r`l:`n< bl-ingr orsan not bf`. rm ed to pin? completed " < -. spring v.-rxulrl umil " ` H project 1. n i V S ( 1 1 1 ( 1 izcd this ' mony recap-``5*~"' 3 Mr. McCa1'L'ny \\'n;~' born in '1`ox`0:\\o :1 street, M1-5_?.~\1J1`il 1, 1868. the son of .\'n-xumlm -L1'J. .\'Ic.C:u'Lh_v zmd Mary Burke, both During` his life time he 111:1" guu , ' ;_v;)-(_-y g~(_-9134-4_.L't(,. (1('C(,'1l>`(:d. 1"rL-nch blue. _ _ < _ JQm,_\. 1(_.n f(,,:II1xno1s, \'.':1s m _i'o -])y](1(t]~u\vc1)ing;1<).!l(: umi :`.1:1t1:1g_-`r-1' for A. W. \\ ~Lm,(3(1 un_,L.m},1\:'E`=~u!\. in '.;u`1... `m ;u"._: - ~ `st-ca-n-lz11'y 1'01` the `- ~- .. . |\\`:x;< zuhnittt- 1.0 in L.`hic;'.:o, 1 LU Wor}: .... .\,,.. YOU CAN BUY GOOD LUCK (inml Inlvla" in mi;-;in,:.{ vim] HI I"|`}|`}U. Yum ll('t'.(' Rum` ('|l':llI |mm.'h 1' hull` 1', H1 rulnz ,4 l (nr :4lIml:<',) nmr'r rim-l~ UHl(`.l' um: llnilljf. II` _yuHr 'hi"|-'.:` `.'t"`7 _I'i;"||1 :9. r-l(:.'m, _ynIl mm In-. I~',l,'la',I'l of 'l <-ml | In-inn (lhiulz. .`2I;u-It-Vnn. 'l`()H('.lHl.'l,l(5, raizurlud 414 v-hit-,1; 330$). 'l`h(:y :tV(5l':L;;'i:(J 2 ll;:-:. mu 1' , ...... x 1 Q | 37 .....l.. V 1Ict.:..'1.(..>_- .-\ prmninmzt I'i}:u: L- in the bu=3v.. _x`i2`cl-5 of H:u'rie was removed b_\ ;_`;(`.L-atli last Saturday of Tllonub .-\1'- 'iHL11' .\`[cCz11'thy. The dc-cezised had I._ i)L~(}2`i in pom" `nmiith for ubuu: :-1 year. Pibut; \vu.<. only conned to his home `for two weeks previous to his pa. )_ 1 ing. I m.. \.r..r*m-+.'.w \\'n_ LSUU. 'lll(:`y;Lvu:1.LH-.u - ..,.,. .. .. . V :1 |':1ir u.\':nnpI: ;I' Hate ;~am-.-.r-:-:.-, mi M/,-1,5 1,3 ,1,,- ml.-_ l.()lIl(5l'H with H1zu'lt:n::.. This .y(-Vnr, the [wit-,0 is I(nl"{`7'. 1h:m ;.y:;;- },;i',;_ ,\,,,1 E \\'(s r<-, giving an ixnpmve -hit-.1/. fr-ririnr I"If.I'j]4, with (svury hug--us !unu; ms our :~.IIp[;l_:.` ,j' ;".,`,.j(.,.,; lasts. To \vm'd off disin I1.-:1 ymlr lm,',j(.,- },(,,N.., with 1 uI-inu UH- :-S(J-fr:(:, and purify the chlr-1/.:~-; d:~in!~:- ing water wiih Purina. Chlortznu 'l':;.b!r:%'~.. 'I'h:-_'.;. -both cheap in use and very r: ff;r:1.ivr:. ;1u;1\u mm m:um;_-,r. LUA . jiwuxx Hun.-'. Lu: _Hu \\'L1s :1 keen : `ti`.'nl_v L-I\_g`:1::(,- . and bn:1t;ing'. u-`.i;_:'im\ and :1 Kni3.': of Columbus. 1... ~. mu, Thou l'`LIJI.a`lVlrn|4nn ., .. . _-- _ _, Cre-so-fec (Disinfectant) ............... .. Chlorena. (Germicide) Poultry Worm Capsules .......... ., II 111-..... r`...~..I.. JUNIOR FARMERS` PIN