Page Four my to buy "8 V and Pomtoos `E um'antce it to S though it \w cord. Frost has reached :1 depth of over four feet and workmen had to use a 1' pick as the only means of locating a leak in a gas pipe. ._-__?_______._... C\'c11luy., us .....-.. -.._,,_, _ be rec in attendance. Gordon Tebo, of Hamilton, son of Shouh 'lMr. and Mrs. Fred Tebo, has made some an important invention of benet in fy dc `o cu `hydro work. Mr. Campbell is visiting his neice, beTl`1 l Mrs. Dan. Jones. Misses Helen and Grace Nelson evenl and Irving: Nelson, of Toronto, spent ques1 Sunday with their mother, Mrs. T. false Nelson. teael A niece of Mrs. G. C. Allan. Jeanne scho llesson Pengrelly, dramatic soprano, way sang the Aria, Pave Mio Dio" Verdi. ed t with the Toronto Symphony Orches- "'ira on Tuesday evening` in Massey bur` 9 Hall. *9 Frank Beatty and Orville Todd are _coni l V ,l 11 attending the Good Roads Convention had in Toronto. into re | ----<------ : min MARRlED mnl y,l l`;.\L`Ki`.?.---.`l\l3f 'l`oron `n >p Id In n. Fr-l). 10. W."-`.2. in Duf'fr~ri" iii" 10, St. Presbyterian Church, by Rev.` Iy J. B. Thompson, Jean Elizabeth `son ll'if"`l .\lar to Joseph l7 .d'::1r,a-' l`:i~'l<~r, lmL'n of B:\1`1`ie. of ly. wt` 113 (5:11 mnsidcl` u_\ \\ e tatocs `for C be -1:\r=nau tu ow. BZ`l1`X`1(`. `BOARDS DISCUSS 1` SALARY REDUCTION (Continued from gage one) Taking up the dl.~'C11SSiOl1_. Albert .Bryson, former chairman oi the Bar- rie School Board, said he did not see how it was going` to be possible to grade the salaries: for secondary schools. He thought it would be poor economy to cut salaries so low that one T-.ou'1 have poor teachers as ,,`lL l1U\\' M, an 5u... grade salarie thot that v.ou'1 ha` .. unmf line uq llluuy 1.1 Omario. ' 1<`;=`1iT|x um: w. .u5u.. 'i`o1'onto i. 01%. from us, cult enough teachers now .,. H! H, One of the Stayner 1'ep1`e.=e:<.tative:s' stated that the school board of that ` tmvn had told their teachers they ti \`. oul(l have to cut sal'.u'ie.=, and as a 1i consequence lost 'l\10L.' of the teaeh- a 01's. When they zi(l\'e1`ti.~e(l for 11 zeziz,-he1`s to ll their place.~: the new 1? applicants in stating the :~:ala1`y ex- c 3 pected place-(l it at e:\".1('tl_v th-- gure; 3 the board haul (leci to pay zmrllg i had proved qui`e ;:z\ti. '1 1 In the conditions which exist 'to- t i% < i `do the cuuiiig. day, there is no reason why um` teachers should be unwilling` to take at reasonable cut, said this speaiier. ; "'=- lw-'w n 10 of talk about hoxv ` `v\e nv.-:11` 2: {U u. . much it i1a.< cost the, tL?dChC1`F Lo ;;'et `heir 1ru111i11_Q`. We-H, the1':- arc mn_n.' 3] t1".\ine \\'ho.~e eLh,1<-a.tion P0.-1' t} i 1'11;-1.11 guite as 'n1'..j.c-`:1 who a_1`e gettixxg _.-5 i t;.t.t~ Leon. from the >`l)I1)kltk'hL'1I:` L)e- ti giczuxse they can`. get employment. 9 '` Some one has . that this I `ter of .<:L1ur.' cutting." should be INN. taken up v.'i`h the Department. of c Education. The department only sees v through the eyes of Toronto and __ Toronto pzlys the hi5.rhe.~:t . c P211". of the e:~:ce.<.~:i\'e cost of edu_-u- tirm which has become .~:uch 41 bur- 1 0` den on the taxpayer is due to the L fact that we have pupils ove1-crowd- 1 1 ing our Collegiates, requiring: the en- ; m gaging` of ex`.1`a- teachers, who ought _ to be given a pick and shovel and -15 set to_work, and would be in normal to given pxcx unu set to work, times. vu_. I.`......nm:-rad lo I times." _ Not Empowered to Act l. The way I look at this mat/er, said Mathew Baird, of Orillia, in comparing salaries you have to keep in mind not only the salaries, but the ` standards of the teachers. As to re- ` ducing our teachers salaries, we are` ' not empowered by our boards to do` 5 anything about this just now. Ourl teachers are engaged by the year at` ` a stated salary and that year doesl` ` not expire until June. ` - R R Eaton. also of Orillia, point- [not expire until June. _ B, R, Eaton, po`m~..`execut1ve of the Teachers` reuem- tion. ed out that .educ-at. .on costs $90 at Y0? Per PP}1 `Yhlch 9 WOU1 be The representatives were welcomed increased by inefhclent teachers, who to Barrie by Mayor Craig who ex_ might not be able to t their `pupils tended greetings from the citizens . P1`l0 .` The SW) and expressed the hope that the con- ` -`-h1- ference would be a protable and There is one matter that has al- D108-*U!b10 One. _ ways been a bugbcar." said Mr. Delegates to Conference i Eaton, and that is the amount we Those. in attendance at the confer- , have to pay our continuation schoollence includede the following chair- ; trustees: Allis- teachers as a minimum. If this could men .SC1`e`aI`ie.< and 1 ton, iu. J. Hicarroll, W._F. Knight, reduced it would help matters. , _ E should like to suggest that we e'ec"W- Hussey; Bame. W. 0. Mcliinnon. Bryson. R. A. Stephens, Dr. 9 organization here that will uni- Albert E. T. Tyrer, Fred Marr; Beeton, D n decision and action with respect _ cutting salaries, so that we won t W- W830. F- C- P101`S0T1; B1'ad01'd. T. E. Bell, F. Kilkenny; Coldwater, 3, be hiring and ring. 'I`he representatives were fair1y_G-00- Di\'tt: H- M Chesteh C- M. in evenly divided on the salary cutting:R0bi1'|50n; C0mng'W00d. G J K0111; at question, some holding that it \-.'-.-.s'W. H. Whipps; Cool(s`own, T. Mc- 1`. economy, and that cutting Knillhh Cl'00m01`0y G`0- H- KlT1bel`y teachers .~'alaries would afl'ect the J. F. Pedler. 5- R- Walker. (in H- 11` school grant and would not in any Shepherd, A. A. May, G. B. Smith; - Elmvale, D. M. Andrew. J. B. Mit- ,o, helpthe taxpayer. Others back li. up the proposal on principle. Chen. W. 'C- Stubbs. H- C2\1`nha; Lefroy, S. 133. E. hell, M. R. Reid; ~s- Made Sh.-Ong Statement of West Gwillim- Midland. W. E. Haggrart, J. W. Bald, av Councillor Evans. ' T. M. .\`lcCullough. Miss C. H. Wil- bury, who admitted that he was not Thos. Nottingham; .\Iinesing, A. lre_connected with a school board, but S011. ` the conference in the Ronald. Gun. G. Johnston; Orlllla, on come to interest of the taxpayer, did not".\Tathew Baird. J. Sanderson, H. C`. Tmince matters when he said any fe-',Skinm-r. B. R. Eaton; Pene angr, W. mull. u.m.l1..1- \u,-he would not agree R. Parker. A. V. Martin; Sinp:hamp- at a,ton. 1'. S. S. l and H. E. Ham- )n- the lo\\~<`-ring of her salary ri" li'."~\ like this was no l:idy. lmill: Sttiym-r, Rev. WV. S. P.ucl .ev.1 lt`.< up to Simcoe County to start l'nLl::'l`.. J. Mathers; Thornton. Dr. B. n ..-.....+i.:.m-" lw an.-l we mixrht B. Horton. J. A. Halbert. Jas A. v vv..u....i...m C A. Weaver. school! i this could- i ' eec 2 1 '0 cutting: won't help matters. ll `should be fairly cutting: \-"is" It's up to mmcoe LvUuIu.v .. somr\thimr." he said. as well begin by reducing: #11 educzuion. and keep right Fishing on the bay is still being carried on with undiminished zeal by our local Izack Waltons. The catch during the past week has been some- thing extraordinary. First came '1 shoal of herring, followed immedia -'~-1 ly by immense numbers of whitel sh. On Monday evening Mr. Jus-I um. made a haul of 40 white fish in` The .i{ u 1' the teaC11- aries Inuy HUI. en. ......... W....c _ itself, but its the adding of this ill little bit to that little bit. that counts in the ant . l tn Mention was made of Bradford zul ;inr.llan(l fslidluml t`.::lCll(.'1`S liaving contri- quim: 'l)uter.l 10 per c-en`. of their .~`z1lL'Ll.`lL:5 >ndition;~: to unemployment relief. This gener- ous action, v-.`hil'; 1-r.-lieving` the local uld situation, does not help the taxpayer, as w:L.~' 1:1 (-1` noimetl out by Council- l l0 101- X01an_ PIl\-+ n... mu:-hr-1:2 Lo wet The l`(`D`,C`.~`0l1t1lt-l`.'f}.~` `from I\Iidl:1n(l =.-thmn .`\0.\`z111r,-e T,2lH\ LLUU teachers 4-`.1 nvn u v lkl_\u.A. nu. ...., fe-',Skinno1" could not Park `101(1_\'. ymill: E ` Count_\' sta1't'1'oLL-:11. H01` nvhlcimr fhv cost I.'-nnox 001) on un- A. F. 1 Mr. Lewis Merrick Toronto Saturday to s and W3.` nis parents. Mi . A.-.Lu'io11 31-Nab 1y Lu..'..:n.'ent an 01 route, 1'. uumed home Mrs. `rlcltie was i \'-.'c'.:k Ll) :1 tend the 51 .-xrl K11`: H0` xi. 1.... Lli_.`;l1'C School Boards. `Am : Those named were `Baird of Orillia, rmul Fryer of Collingwood, Bryson of Barrie. for the Collegiates; Knight of Alliston, Nottingham of Midland, `e1-, Bell of Bradford ,and Dr. McDo`nald "in of Penetang, for the High Schools, and McKnight of Cookstown, Robin- t son of Coldwater, and Rev. Buck- 0 borough of Stayner, for the Con- e aretinuation Schools. Albert Bryson lwas made convenor and the name of Our\Councillor Nolan, chairman of the 'E(lL1cation Committee of the County Council. added. From this group will lhn chosen three members to m_e_.>et_ the Personais lb '\"d.~ zit K`! `UUxu\.uu \.I\.I\ .._. V from all exp1'c. the opinion that .<.m*.e- thing` shoukl be done about 1'cdm'ing; . .saiaric.=_. if only in a 5111311 way, but -ltlxottqht the teachers should be load- I.-`.`?:- n1'.\fi`n1` 813 in HM: luuuI.u V\'c I'm-1," . that unls, this county~\\'i(ic, 01' we should not -'-`I-I';n" ':".v] V1111 no he at:Educa~1;ion Committee or me buullhy es be chosen meet in. executive of the Teachers Federa- a ""` ' "-~ ----m~m..+-.4-u`:-nc xvm-ca vvpiconqed \\L` >llULl|\.l Alul. -. .~u1u1'i<`~;= `uni run the our teacher< The di.scu.~:sion fmaH_\' I`(-,:'L11tCd in the up1)oin'mcnt of 21 committee of ten. with three members from the Cohegiate, four from 'the High School and three from the Continuation I Boards. ! Tkncn nmnpd were 1'i.~'h of 10.5i11g' F. Pedler, D. u. Vvalncx, u. -.. y (- Andrew, n. Bald, ot ut no Orillia, ot`Mathow 1'0-',Skinm`-1'. eo u't'1'oLx::'h. rht .-\. ost I.-1mo\;; Tottenham. C. A. un- A. B -i'h. -rick came up from ' spend the week mfc .D..1 .L 'u.I..u .a. -, King, of Toronto, visit- tere over the week end. Beachem, of Toronto, 5/ with friends here. Aikens, of Toronto, eek end with her father, ,3_!. '11-`. .< n1attc1`. I-1, said T1~.o.=. Nottingham, ac'i0n can be made Llc, even province-\\'idc, l make reduction in mi losing I\\\ . n all along the teachers sal- ...,.`.. ,..,`.;,,,,,. hv Sunday L 'i`11o1`nton, ` her home 'l`m'onto, A61 at. Thornton, the Good )ronto this mday with L uchers 1 sz1\'ing by 111;: of bit `Una: 0V\T\\`. C:$\.E C.0k'I Forget Old Manwinter, spend a week, I fortnight or a month In Florida or u-__-.. ])fm(1i,.(..'f'1 ` diea?:'%tCc:x:xtf.ort?1%Z $r:ci)uh:u:.i1?l1 ""-' ' " """ pninv the semi-tropical climate, the Lauren u-...,.. .-.._ _ ladies hose. plain dark colors, 25 a hvdm .m.k_ Pail`? EgiSh`.m1ded ?StS 50; `Mr. neice,ll towellings, white lawn s`r1pe, 7c yd., summer silks at 27c` yd.; English ` C9-Shmv 31 Yd` spent 1 The medical Student W110 Wimted to do a little reporting durinp; `Hon. \\'1`0t(`1 W0 WW0 fT0(l\1T}t1Y Warned the girls that the D?\th0_10l-51?` conditions of tetantus `consist 1n upmo mo" hyperaemia of the neurilemma 5111'` Y'0UTldiTlf. : '10 Y10t0COTd Gt (1l.SCOV( .l'-lira able in the necropsy, but during the last -`P011 0f mdd3_ Weathef` '9 599 they Sm P01`-`isl 1 WL`3""1!I themnttonding ` mm-ed." 1 u_.,. l51`{1(11Uz`u I A-v.mLri-] uis tuxpz1;,'c1`, 'u.z.L 1'-vdn<'E:\'.'.' but 1 F )t1i11_Lr'n:11`n, 1 ince-\\`idc. duction losing `L-,.~'L11tcd mmit/Lee Iigh ontinuavion 1 ; f . Egh awn, or ert the man `the County MIDHURST JUNIOR FARMERS \V1LL GIVE PICTURE SHOVJ i ` "he Junior Fzu'1ners organization boy in each of um,-L. QL.T,L,..._. r~.'::\!l17A` of Midlulrst are anxious .o raise a Junior l.":u'me1x<` Club `3 li- WU funds to carry on their :.1cti\'itle.~:, allldlcilll :1 meeing of the Vouligi l'zi1`m_- have 'd.l`1`1111g(.'d to give 21 picture : ers in his dl. and elect :1 presi- at the I`Iidl1u1`.~ hall on 'Iue.~i1z1_\' dent or 1:.-zuli,-1`, 21 \'ice-1J1`e.~*i-l--111 01` e\'ening;, March lsi Beside the pie- assistant leader, and a secrctu1`Y- tures of the Barrie Junior Fair, 21l_tl'(`,L1Su1'1`, who would act as 8- jun` nine-recl feature picture, lien. Mar- ior leader. Any number would make quis Gray Vulture, will be . up a. club. The object of such 21 Following the entertainment ref-_-e.~`h- club would be to improve the quality ments will be served. Silver collec- and type of live stock and crop 1)_1'0` 1 . uion taken to aid the good W01.`li. ducts produced in the commumiy, D which in turn would tend to increase ORCA-NIZE LEADERSHIP prots in farming. _..-...... ... cnIITu Rv f.(*:1('.l1lnl' and nracticing -'~30}md GROUPS IN SOUTH in SIMCOE By teaching practicing Hound ag:ricL1lu11'z1l melhods as applied in The junior farmers of the Alliston pnrticul-.11` to the judging, feeding and dis: rict who attended the class in immu;'enient of live stock and the agriculture during January met in jutlgring; ,_<:;`mcti0n and pl-oduction o the council chamber last week. Ira the more important eld crops an Wilson, class president, presided. ve;;et-ables. stressing; pa1'ticula1`1y the Upwards of 80 boys, which included subject or subjec .< laid down for the a few who were unable to get out \_.'eur s program. to the course were resent. '1he B taking` art in vzmous com eti- ) . . l . y -x_.n,.. me +1.0 mpptmg was to W`01`l<`t1ons and projects as arranged by the junior farmers. _ puum, ...... AAv\4 _-_e___ F. A. Las-hley, agricultural repre- The president or leader and the - SeIltat_iV8; Outlined 81 plan for Organ- secretary-treasurer of each club will izmg in small groups. A great many make up the board of the central as- people do not feel like taking part sociation, which shall be known as where the organization is large, butlthe Alliston Junior Agricultural So- rather prefer to let a few do all the ciety. This society will be composed any of members of all the junior farm- talking and have all the say. are inclined to disbelieve in their ers clubs in the district, but only own ability to discuss certain mat- the members of tho. board will have ters pertaining to the work of the power to vote. The board shall elect junior farmer. It would seem, there- an executive which will hold office fore, that perhaps the boys would for a period of one year. prefer to work in smaller groups, `Several of the Junior farmers pre.~_,- which would no doubt give the mem- ent at the meeting spoke very much bers a great opportunity to take a in favor of the plan as outlined :11` leading part. He had, therefore, were willing to give it a trial in their given this matter serious thought and respective communities. had decided on a new plan of or- Should a Junior Agricultural So- ganization which he felt if carried ciety be formed, it is expected that out. will overcome a great deal of the a grain and potato club project \v":.,, difculty. _ _ be conducted. - ..._._......n l\+ .. mcxc-f'1nQ' of representative-.,_ out. H11 0' | difculty. Tharp 5 mmcuxuy. There are a number of community centres surrounding Alliston, namely, Everett, Bums, West Essa, Elmgrox-0, Thompsonville, Hammi11 s Corner.`~, \l\4|\4AA.v lall the board 01 me C8Ill.1ou as- fer id the Many the ed :y Lining mer. Lt pres- uld much reat a respective ._.L:..L 1.,` 991+ if carried.ciety it is I L ...,1:....- A'|1i:+.nT'I. namelv. able In uu coored." n ma - the Gulf Coast. Only a 40 hour mp via swift comfortable trains. You'll enjoy the semi-tro {cal golf, sun-ooded caches, deep sea shing and motoring. Ocean-side hotels. villages and private homes to suit every purse. You'll have the time `I5--o---43% of your Life there. 1 5 Lorctto, .\Ior`.'h Adjala and R05` HOW These have all been 1".-p1`u.~C`7 the short coursc. Why not zation in c(-11trc.-` `)1 1":11'n1c1xs' H \ ,...n .. n+' Hm \'n1l11!I carrluu (:1 -al b mmunity , i1 3-lmgrove, a 3 'l`UT.."x`.",`77',Y 'FFI3R17.*.TIY `.357. .-__::-I lyeur _ ` By taking` part in various compen- tions projects arranged central o1'ganization. By taking part in the county com- : petitions in judging of grain, seeds, `poultry and live stock. The president the poultry live stock. .n..;g+;nn, which l he conuucwu. At a meeting of representatix-c., in Alliston on Saturday night nal` arrangements for working out the .mm~ = m~mr-ram were made. arrangements Ior worxmg year's program +.wAqu nisrht IL in nu stoamor. um,` `no',\ t})1"c.~,L`nu~u . not have 4-mu: nI.'.'l\11`.) 191! (.`1110Xl'C. -~ :11 . H.\ IL U..- hoa1't'.= al' but 2123' ad. was thei nor. aw` all alone, out upon tho dnop \rs of `.`.*.r\ d-av" hlun son. and r heart will always boat for me, in the past '3 My ." shn 51134` l:1w:`.1idl_\'. -`mmxclx fools awful ! r first night aboard the-1|. At last, he said londerly,| l