Page Four BALL mN`[rmv1;m.:a. Ilvlondny evening m the 1 IVY | Hall. , A number of ladies fro Mrs. M11`ff\1'0'C_ B1i'k- Of S_1t31Fa inity attended the W.M.S. Sask. `L= spending some time Wlth in Orillia on W0dn0. 1-91a ? \.< and friends m this com- m`%? Mrs. Geo. Davis, Sr., have! Women's Shoes, forme FURNITURE -- STOVES - PAINTS 129 Dunlop St. Phone 535. LIMITED EVERYTHING IN LU MBER Office Phone 109. J. H. Rodgers, Mgr. Phone 390J 76 Bayeld St.-Highways 26 and 27 mtirtxity. ' ` " " ' Women : Shoe` form r. and Geo Davie Sr haxe` ` 51 161' I) I returned home ft ' , weeks with friez`nd?=>rirS1pE3I`Y:>(E-lcnnngtose`era" `I]{`]~l3' Cloth Zipper Over` ' ul` )u1`t s Price Reduction: Special Winter Prices Building prices are at their lowest ebb-men are 03:01` for \v01'k-aud there is a _g1'eat need for ;111`m-z1`rio11s and repairs. Fm-`rhc1m.\'t thirty days we are 0ffe1-ingj :1 we:-i;1]T 10% discount. Cash with o1'de1' or C.O.]). m11_\;'-~m1 every item in our hug_2'e stock. On a matm-iul list, our average p1-i<-C is as J 01' 1m\'m', than any mail nrdm" 11n11:\:e, based on the same grade. Give us a ring and we will be glad to tell _\'ou how much you can save by spending` now. QNE MQNTH ONLY 15th January to February 15th .. E. SMITH INLAID LINOLEUM "Sale Price $1.19 per Sq. Yard THE Linoieum Rugs ounuuy. l\Ir:<. R. H. Hannah, of Toronto, spent last week at the home of her father, Mr. F. A. Aronld, who is :01`- iously ill. A Hanna uvn: 1r\n]rl 31 4-hr. hull nhl 1uua'1y 111. A dance was held iv the hall on Tuo.~:da_v evening under the auspices `of the Denney family of Utopia. - ll Congratulwions to Mrs. Is: ,ShL-Hon, who passed her 90th !d:;y on Jan. 22nd. I T\/Iv: \Vm Chnnin nf Allnnrlz (Hey UH JEIH. ZZHU. Mrs Wm. Chapin, of A1121` with Mrs. Jos. Reid, who is Mrs. T. Atkinson is cor hm` bed with heart trouble. J. Kitchen is visiting his in Montreal. is 1 'r\' I,,,,'_.-. 3- _,.,,, 6 X 9 FEET REGULAR $7.50 `SALE PRICE $3.75 H15 (.l21LIgIlLL'l', AVLFS. VV lll LVJ.kL\V. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ayres, Jr., on the arrival of a little daughter on Fri- day, Jan. 22, at thn R.V. Hospital, Barrie. \xr..1+m. Tsnuvnnu in in 'Rznw-in H1"? NEW WARDEN IS HOST AT BANQUET [Continued from page one) Minister of Lands and Forests; Dr. L. J. Simpson, M.P.P.; E. J. Jamieson, )I.P.P., and W. A. Boys, K.C., ex '.\I.P., who were introduced by J. T. Simpson, MP. and County Clerk. In hi: remarks he extended congratula- ~ +n Tnzlrrn (1 W T\/fn1'1n\7 xx-"hr": his remarks ne extenueu C0llg'l."dl;ulU.- tions to Judge G. W. Morley, who had just been elevated to the Bench, and who was present. Mr. Morley must have had some pull with the re- presentatives of Grey County, parti- cularly with Miss Macnliail. Hon. Wm. Finiayson The Minister of Lands. and F01'ests said he had been accused of inflict- ing` a blue ruin discussion a` the session of'County Council, and that was not protable unless as a resul`. there was seine concrete reduction in taxes. He wished to say, however, that any whole-hearte(l move made by the County Council to reduce ex- penditure would have the support of the Government. In the past nun.- ber 01' years the trend of taxes .-rad been steadily upward, but now it should be downward. Considerable work had been done in road con- struction, etc., and we must take a ncliuay, only maintaining in a proper war what has been done. He was . 'r`nn+ 1-ll +'1'rnnn H19 Qh-nnnn : H l wag: what has been done. me was sure that Simcoe's bill from the Highway Department would be $100,- 000 less this year: The representa- tives of this council should go back and advise School Boards and other spending bodies to reduce expenditure as much as possible. The Govern- ment started several months ago to reduce wherever possible, and all municipal bodies .should do the same. We are going through a strenuous] time, but we are not alone in this. To the south, where ihey have over half the gold supply of the world, they have greater problems than we have. In Simcoe County we do not realize the privileges we have. We have a great heritage and we should measure up. The farmers are hard hit and should get every encourage ment. If we just hang on there is I no doubt of the result. Our farms are the greatest asset in the world. ' Mines will play out, but the farm goes on forever, and the wealth of 2 the soil is the greatest wealth. As * Simcoe County gave leadership dur- ing the war, so let us do it again, giving leadership to other counties. If we do this confidence will soon be restored and everyone will feel bet- ter for it. 0. 82 F E \ ll Dr. L. J. Simpson, M.P.P. The Centre Simcoe member agreed that these were serious times, and co-operation was needed. It had been said the County Council broadens a man s viewpoint, but he could say that the Legislature does also. Af- ter all, our troubles are small when we consider the world as a whole, and we must learn to 'hinl< not in terms of Canada only. Some say that if all war debts were wiped off, prosperity would soon return. There are, how- ever, so many things to consider". The United Sates, the great creditor nation. holds a big share of the world s gold supply and yet there is perhaps more sufl'ering there than in any other country--t`ney have too much gold. The `aril't` is another \'e:\'e(l question. Some have the idea [that by lowering or raising the tariff '[?l'O.=]TQi'li)' will return. It is a big (u1u-a~`ri()x1 and one tl`.I1` few under- statul. The unemployinent situation is diilir-ult for all. People demand a`-conomy and yet ask *f:i2:;:*. Some have `he idea that the Covermnent is a Santa Claus. The County Council .-hould not be . -peded. but p their heads level and 9'10 what - believe is 1`lg`l1l',. The rioe'or s' 10 was an optimist; he did not know when this depression woalul be over, but he believed that 'in two years we would be lookin_ `oar-`.< and forgetting it. Expendi- turc~.< should be cut where possible. if the County Council says there is m l~o nn l1io'l1u'n\7 I-run;~h-in-Hnn in `.l`(* for so many mu \. wnn The Northern Advance :0, bu` we can libr,-m period. few ( .on wi` ff-]\'O1` .11d cur- mad u OlH'h{l1f. Lion and by H : young ways be ncg- mo`o will be and ty ra -j- 1 Mrs. Hope, of Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. A. Irwin, over the week end. Ti/Th-n `|\/Tn`-:n'| D1oxvnnw in n~1'11:11r~r .1` n I 1 i. living in the West for the 1 i e a I S ` greatest elders and home players in . enu. Miss Muriel Bryson is giving a recital to-night for the Brantford Music Club in Brantford. Miss Kay Price is in Toronto to attend the dance given for the grad- uating nurses of Wellesley Hospitai at the Royal York to-night. ' Mrs. E. F. Meadows, of Wood- stock, visited her parents, Mr. anrl= l\irs. Meeking, Elizabeth St, over the week (,I`Id. Mr. and Mrs. the week end Frank Hurlburt. The Misses Louise and Frances Hurlburt came up from Toronto Sat-[ urday to spend the week end with their parents. Mr. Richard Henderson, of Calgary, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. E. Longman. Mr. Henderson has been past 20 . years, but will be remembered in Orillia and this district. as one of the . Chas. Carbin spent ; with ' Mr. and M rs. the game back in the good old days `of lacrosse. He was a member of the Orilvlia team that won the Ontario championship in 1886 and in 1889 and that were runners-up for the title rm spvprsal n+.l1m~ nnr-sminnoz A15 n~.~rx:<. Bar-r1e. 1 Walter Downey is in Barrie thir week attending county council. Wm. Tulloch, of Toronto, spent the week end with his family here. l`1~.n onnnn` r-nna-rnrrnnnnl nw91'.in1I` 'dIl(l Dlala \`VB1'B 1'LlIlIlUI'S"Ll[J LU!` LIIC LILIE] on several other occasions. At pres- ent he is visiting another sister, Mrs. Robt. Strattgn, and a brother, J. B. Henderson, both resident in Orillia. During the past year a total of 4,387 instruments were registered at the Registry Ofce, and fees amount- ed to $12,432.30. Salaries paid amounted to $3,965.07, and the Reg- li.s~trar s percentage, $4,746.73, leaving 2 I-mhanno nf $R. 7`20,5 fnr fun ' .l.a`|/1.111.` 33 PU1`CClllH:gC, `, (`.10. (O, lE'd.VlHg a balance of $3,720.50 for tne county. . false statements, and asked how long 101 they were going _to sit and not refute Be the misstatements. Personally, he Sp had always been in favor of public Ca ownship, and so was every member Sh of the Board. He could not give his views as to pl what he thought might be done. The a.( Commission appointed will soon give w. ' its report, but everything possible Y1 1 was being done along the line of - economy and the year closed with a el , reduction of 23 million dollars in in . expenditure. The revenue, however, 01 2 had fallen, as it had on all railways OJ - There was every evidence that im- provement would soon come. We are ri told that the worst is over, but Mr. 1 Boys did not think there would be C 3 much change noted till after the F 3 Presidental elections. We need to re- tl a store condence; everyone is putting ti V off buying, but that time must soon S -_ be over. In Canada we have as much ti 3 money as ever, over two billion dol-|C d lars in our banks. If we can get that. e f loosened up it will have a big effect.-$ [1 In the United States conditions are- y much worse, with over 1,400 bankl ._ failures. We hear seine criticize ourlt ,_ banks for the fast rules`, but con-'1` 1. iidence must be maintained in these) e institutions. Perliaps what we need.,c 2 most is confidence in mankind, and|c " his advice was. Be confident, o1;tim- ; c 0 is-tic and reasonably economical. ic 1- Judge Morley Speaks a Replyin_e` to the toast to the \'i.~:i-ii ff tors, proposed by ex-\Varden Coombs, 1 3 g Judge G. W. llorley, recently ele- } vated to the Bench. said he was not: _- yet p1`epa1'ed to pass eutence on tliei, " Count.'(,'ou::Li1; tl1et..i - I`: \va.< not yet. Some of he re. t-ions pa;<. by the Cmmig,` I7`/iv."1(-ii? last year as reCommendations to t':' ,;. C0\'(*l`."ln1l`-lll; had borne fruit. He be- M] li<.-ved `hat we were going too far 111*} ie social l\"1`lI~'lEltiOl`1. and was not Sl1l'."i ie the Old _-\_:e Pension Act was ad- 1 >11 visahle. It was a tax put on thrill` at Th(~:~`e are (lepir-;:: time-3, a1`i. mostly ou` of the past. war Chaos. but, [i. lI(-l.l*:1' timr-st are not far di.=tant:.. so` 9. let us hang on, cutting` expenditure; as far as possible. VVe are h0nng5 10 for much from `he lmperal Confer-. ill ence ttis year. (1 let not miss the; ze omio1'tunit_v for?` real trade agree-i ii` mt-nt among the Dominions. . ..;l i\ln;`:'\`: ("Jun-nnxnn nnrl Rnll. or Ree-l. v \l.L um. ;vu-,. -.v.. lmt-nt the uommions. ,u-an _ ` 7 _, ~ H ;\lcs.=1`.=. Chapman and Boll, of Bee-lthe clerli of all mun1c1pal1:ics 1'Ccv;i\ l:-the >-?lv Teah M9 '50 P1`aY- 1_0 ton, Spoke briellv, exD1'e.=.:in;: their` a. copy of same. ;be"mt`fl Service soothed an-V .fC l`~(*-l amn`ccia`ion of ` tho honor clone to` Could Set Mill Rate lof 'adeSs and `me felt` ll tho vltheil` TCBVO, J01! Ci11`lt0Y1- M1`- Bell? County 'l`reasu1'er Coleman often.-dlp?h. IjnglfCu_w.', ``rh_r.e. "0 `latLl .l0DlW?`l hat if 31137 11101103 W35 Spelltithe suggestion that the county clcrl\' _tmI" b `T0 F}.:`"; S? hf; .lum1'C0-`~`?\1`l1Y in H10 C0U11tY Council.get a .~::atement in black and whiteloi };1faI,11,(:`:` 1 1 _ut`a 5 mb _ . {hi-Q F0211`, it W011l be f01`CC (l 0"lcor1'oboraLing the Hon. William l*`ix1-{ha 13` Oth'n"mn' how portal e + Warden ClT`l f0- 113*` hf` fllllandml 100 layson s remark about the roduction;aT} Ca 1'11) ` Y _ . l (`OMS 011 0V01`.V `lll'11`- mi #100 000 in cost of road buildinvul 10 pa ' earem em foul slop` . Treasurer Quotes Figures i 'If Ilcould get something cleniit `tom .`\I`<` Th.S" George Ha1T`V"7 Coun`_v Tl`(`:`..' Coleman said ital think i_'. is quito possible that xvmiS,!VJl2imE'C:1?t`3tg P:]?gQ_`S`{ `J [might be ]m;5jb1e to 1-gducg the coun- could . the mill rate at this .<..<-2 ' t\ min it would depend on the do sion" l'(. s'1id Osmlld Bluiflklh 0% Stroud. Absen .' " - ,_ 4' ' `I ` ` . ..`, _ _ mom or: o t e am'l " F. k n lil1m`:1 r,uln:< of the council in the ne:_ `A motloll 0mb0dYm lb -`U8s"~`-" Bumgng? of Ehm,a]e1,y Slaletherlme l. daya. Pm'.<.onally, he was not In tion was later moved by Councillor daughter. Amy (Mrs. J05. MCLQW l` of curtailing on the countyjscotl. , _ . , _ nan of Wainwri ht Ala. ::;?;::*_ rE::..Es:.:::::i3`g;:2`:? L. i?`l`e`;`" u?:::;-1-'52` ) :3 33n}.,:;=\<'=1;2;m,::.:iis::::,.:f1*:g2;:;l :'::::;:%Lis":::::.:?.`:;3:a:g;$c:::::::; 9` l "--. "E ii ionf :. f...{..a, F:-:09 hnri Hnn m-nvinoial lllL"l1- (1U"lE5 the P3-*1 Yea -3 ff3a_t`lE,h,,L;,1,.e ;;;er:,E,Pp1 Druligpatgig Personals trnm m` \`.'W~I'n 11 Is 1,.',un1;:,. last year, said the troa.=~'11rr=1', lw paid out over . um! had :1 I ,hu of ST~l0.000. If all thr- money `he paid out was in comur-1'3 it would v~~r*-Do a pile sovon copporc high all `-`around tho (`mm'(_\'. The nudi'or:= had just completed the audit of his book: and didn t nd a cent out. MUST CALL A HALT E 1 % IN GUARANTEEINGE `such a request was the met man U19` Old Age Pensions had been greatly. In poor health for a number of `.abused. He felt the 1nunicipalityl_years, Mrs. Charles Gardner passed lwas in a better position to knowaway at her home in Sintuluta, `,whether or not a resident appli`cantiSask., on 1`hursday, Jan. 1-lth. In was worfliy of the pension than the,1!20 while visiting at Victoria, B.C., `peounty board. His proposal was a`she suflered a slight stroke, and an- Eisafeguard against misrepresentation`,o`her in 15130. Last May she was `*5 At a previous session it was sug-_st.ricken with a third stroke, and gested that the names of the appli- since that time had been conned to L'can`s for Old Age Pensions should be her bed. Mrs. Gardner, whose - published in the press for two weeks. maiden name was H-attie Rose Par- This raised the ire of Councillor lridge, was born at Dalston, Oro Spicher, one of the members of the ` township, 66 years ago, a daughter of .Pensions Board, who in opposing; theithe late Mr and Mrs. John T. Par- passing of the report, said there hadltridge. In 1889 she was married lbeen a lot of hot air let off on thegand lived at Dalston till 1806, when ,9 Old Age Pensions subject. `they went west`, settling at Spring '- Did you ever in your life see an5_Coulee, Sask., where they farmed act that was not abused at thcitill 1911. Since then they lived at 0 star 1 asked the member from Sun- ,SiltZ.lutZl. 3;. sides her husband, Hrs. nidale. There are many who arejGa1-dner is: survived by three sis ers 0 receiving a pension who through noland seven brothers, Mrs. David Rail- fault of their own are in need. Thatton and Mrs. -G.eo. Clark, Sintaluta; '5 is no reason why the world should-.;\Irs. Gilroy, Govan, Sask.; A. R. `f know of their misfortunate. I knowi|Partridge, Condie, Sask.; Tom, Ira, if it were my father and mother who 3 Ralph _and William, in Sintaluta; 9 had to be advertised for two weeks|John of summerberry, and Fred of [9 in the local paper before could|McTaggart, Sask. The funeral was 5' be granted 3 Pension tl1'~`.\' `~0111d dielheld on Sunday, Jan. 17th, from the 5- of mortication before thcy got theirlsin-baluta United- church The gel-- 3- first cheque. There is cnough redlvice was conducted by the pastor, tape about granting a Pension HOW Rev. John McKinnon, assisted by and if the applicants were to be held Rev. W. Stewart, of Regina, a rela- sf up a month while the municipalitytive of the bereaved husband, and looked into their affairs it would bqwho had known the deceased since 112- a real hardship in some cases. her girlhood. Interment in the id An amendment Was brought f0'1'- Sintaluta Cemetery, six brothers act- g- ward by_ Councillors R-oge'r5 nd Mc- ing as pall-bearers. - -.4-..l'L :nlo11 4-n Hi-no n#nn+ I>.lnu.f fhn r-lnusnl. ` mty'_ rays`; Lvon ` ig'h- 5 88!) . inty nnt nigh- Shiv for `for dairy cattle, bur- but oun- tho ' the Scott J. F`. Ncilus, 1`cp1`c. Stc\\'ilH. Page and F. A. Lushley, the agri- cultural representatives for the coun- ty. gave 21 very encouraging account 01` `he uctivitics of the Department of A_:riculturo in Simcoe Count,v`l year. Certain feat-`i uro..< of the report. esp(=ci-ally that inl 1'u11,-rmicc to the proposed T-B test were considered of such importance that Mr. Nelles was `asked to take the matter up im- nu-diu'e1y after the session with the ;Ag'riculturui Commitrteo. 1 Councillor Drinkwater drew atten- 4.. {kn 1-nnnrf: nf the re- 1 1 L1,. nv-nee | The annual congregational meetingl ` of the United Church was held on-, Friday evening in the basement of" the church. The meeting was pre- ceded by a supper, which was par- taken of and enjoyed by about 100 persons. Following the supper, re- ports of the various departments of the church were given and all were very gratifying, with balances on the ri ht side. New stewards were electet and Walter Downey was re- elected chur'ch treasurer. 'n.m (ramps nf hockev were played shoved over onto me munlc1pa11Ly. ; Councillor Nolan, of Bradford, ex-i pressed the opinion that the task of` administering the Old Age Pensions was going to be more diicult as the years went on. `"I`hm-p is no doubt that we should ' "" 5`` ` ````5` V` "W "*=`J,1ng nas Deen ill ueueuua iieami. ;|0me for 1931. were $1 296'44 thuf Outstanding characteristics of the ".,unty recewmg the Surplus offdeceased were her loyalty and de- " $3,790-50' _ vofion to her church, her family, and .Rad5 3"`! B"'d` . . gher friends. `but the chance passerby cu }`1' Edw3'1'd Dutgoni i V_`'wz1s never missed, being given the toria harbor, was appointed to thelkindly greeting and the cheerim, lftoad Comittee for a term of 3 yea1's.5Cup_ It might be Said of hm. as 0% ` Recommend-ation was made by the[Dm.caS of old She was fun of (food committee `that requ_est of the 110`I1-l.Wo}._1(S and almsdecdsy orable mmister of highways for 1110 did}, - 1 county to send representa`.i\'es to 2:? nconfcrenee being held in his oiee on Feb. 23rd for the purpose of discus.s- ing matters pertaining ' to the costs `.and methods of provincial and county `road construction, be complied with. `(The chairman of the committee, the ... I V ` I I .. Q` 3.: 4.`, x.'.. ._ `*411)13L%`13uf}`ii-S$L`$u33`$%;2iLi`;;2;;, -"-W for his the to attend the Good I{ozui.s.Com'ention .m'S Awak thou that `f]C01)5"`t' - ' 1 :n'i from the (`Ir-Ii. ' "n1'i ` - 1 on Feb. 23th `lid 2'th. dm -` ` ' " )0 _bL leld * ` 1 '3 shzil1_;'iy_e thee_]1g}1t, which were which she The funeral wns held on Sunday afternoon, with the Rex . F. V. .-'n: bott officiating`. Agfter sc1'iptu1'L- reading and p1'uj-.'ei' at the home, the service was nzontiiiued at Christ Church. which \\':1.< filled with many reiativvr-;: and friends. Rev. Mr. . r`,-..m+u |4'nrrin(.r-1- -211 41 i..mI rin- | men. 1 t- Dealing with the appeal from thell` Canadian Institute for the Blind, the J Finance Committee recommended 7` that no action be taken, at the sam_e'.fj time favoring a grant of $200 to tkie-`H Salvation Army. It was reported that t the gross earnings of the Registry i |Ofce 1931 $1,296.44, the .county receiving of:( -$3,720.50. " 5 1 nnrie an!` Rr;(`CeR to [)0 new on rel). z.+1;11 unu .:.uLu. 'i`he County l13ng,'inc-er will u.tc11d the-, `conference of Road Supe1'intondent.~: `and E11g`inee1's, hold Feb. 22nd. 1 - A 1-r`-:nh1fI'nn wnc |'n`(4:<(-.n1',(=rl frum `and .l14llg'll'L`E.`l'.S, HUIU rcu. A.'.uu. ` : A resolution was prescnteci 1'1'um olhc Nottzwcasaga council to the clfect Lrhut the council had put itseli` on mrcord as opposed to the county ;~:cnd.~ ling` large sums of money to Liv `rozul fOl'L3111CI`1 to pay the men who gwork under th-L-m. But instead that ithey .~:cn(l out individual cheques to `each employee and that all time` `sheets must be signed by xhe )'ce\`e.<.v lot the township, as well as the chair-` {man of the road committee, and that , lithe recci'vc- -` copy = .1 c....1.i Set 2 io1' $100,000 in cost or road Uullu1Ilf._`,.| '1 If I could denite `_I it quite that wc this .~.-- sion," said. l A motion embodying this tion ! I I *'_Scot*. .: 1 12* Krill.-<,rr>n1'uso1\tin1r Stc\\'uH.l ing dogs no. Later :1 resolution was brought in u1'1. , iI1}.',` Hunt the provincial authorities '<:stnhli. a central place for capita1 punishment. Many Ex-Wardens Present During the Tuvsdziy afternoon 3e.-=.- son thv council \'.'a.= addressed by ex- Wzmlc-ns Cunningham, Coombs, Lam- `bort. Tom and Mc-Knight, who were invited o the dia:<. `HR. Pnnninnvlannn nvnvnztnri 11in1r:nH invited `o the r11a:<. Mr. Cunningham expressed himself as su1'p1`i.sed at the blue ruin kind of talk Mr. Finlayson had given the council and said he hoped Simcoe County would carry right on the way it has been doing. `T0221-2 Pnnmh: nnri T.nmhm'1'. nfY'm`-' THUI`.CD.-KY, J.-`.\'UA1".Y C3. 193 . A. E. SMiTH Nu fa uh `5l'\ ICU \\"d-`I |_'|)llLlHllL'U ill: L/l.ll'L`L `and (lI.~:`-.:.l, ;;,... Qn11. Cl`lL7.1`L ll. lled Mr. .-`\.l:l)0tt (-l1o.~:e `lheme xvonls, Awake, .~:leep;-;~:t, shall give thee light, which were prz1e'icz1l1y the last worrls M1':~'. Bant- ing spoke ere she sank into the sleep >f1'om wheih her .<:`pi1'it fled, to awaken in the p1'e.=en('e of her Saviour. Mr - Abbott spoke feelingly of the place Mrs Banting held in the hearts of '_ the people and the 10:: which church `and community had . in her passing, and the example her life iilld been. H11 1 - 1 -n,,, L_,4_.,!_., ,_...1 uuu u; -. u. The combined Pl'C`Sb}`t-f:'lZlli zmcl `,An::licz1n clnoirs led beautifully the `singing: of `he familiar hymns, and EM)`. Matthew Lowrie sanr: e`ectively ithe solo, Teach Me Pray. '1`he ibeautiful service feeling lof sadness, felt with ipoe` Long'fellow. There is death; Hwhat seems so is transition; this life '_ of mortal breath is but a suburb of `_ the Life Elyssum. whose we lilcall Death. 'I`l\n nnll_lxnnnn\~ uvrn-r-\ Fnnv air-n. MRS. CHARLES GARDNER J The reoprt of the House of Refuge `.uCommittee showed that a year ago githere were 101 inmates. During the n`year 28 were admitted, 11 deaths Ltloceurred, and 24 absconded. There f are now 94 inmates. The total paid ; by the county for the upkeep of the institution was $18,889.06. Of this , $1,284.12 was for permanent im- provement. The average expensr 1_ per week of each inmate was $1.30.`,- U neaa as .1- '3 he had >~ from Inni he felt t} 1| with the I 53 before th 1` asking f0. Mr. M( of the qu .:- chiefly tli \'- pointed 0 n- mi-sson h: l`(: County 13 pension t `If or over. of with ex-i he that 18 c oe work as 513` plish. T through ` \r- beside th OBITUARY {1J~'KlT1g' I121`. Mclinight dealt with several the questions that had been raised, the Old Age Pensions and out that the provincial com- had commended the Simqta Board on its policy to ref -" "'- to any applicant having SK ' or over. He said he did nnt an-who [JCHFIUII LU any k1]Jpl.l(.'il-IlL `Jl?1Vl1'lg DDKUU said he did not agre ex-Reeve Jamieson, of Innisl, councillors could do as much it now took 50 to accom- Thc old councils never got ,through wlth the work in a week and ~ there was not the same volume - of business to be put ilirougzh. L 431:1 c contm the Two game? of on Friday night Boys Lealle. W defeated E(lCIW8 sing defeated Edenvale 4 to 1. stewards hen Minesing Station uu AI&\lAlI/L Lou. Rev. L. Pickering is preaching ser- mons on the ten commandments. As next Sunday will be the Sunday prior to the Disarmament Conference, he will fake for his text Thou shalt'not kill. A play in the interests of the le 4 to 3 and Mine- Catholic Church was given by some sudents of the Barrie Collegiate on |Mon evening in the Community T-Tull all hockey played here in the Tuxis no Heavy Inlaid Linoleum, in large block and tile patterns, all colors. than -.u A--- -- -- uu. M 1'. n4-nun Every Article in Our Large Stock Reduced for This Mid.-Winter Sale.