Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1931, p. 5

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;r\`THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1931. week 1n `Lorenzo. Mr. Alex. Ferguson and Crzgwford have ni.<`ned threshing for thls sea- cnn son. A Ha11owe'en party was held at` the home of Miss Hilda Graham. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes. `.\/H-.. Dnkw Dnn-an nf 'T`nvnnfn cnnnt: costumes. , Miss Ruby Rouse of Toronto spemi ga few days with her father, Mr. A! . A. Rouse. : Mu. nvur` T\/ho: Frank Rnvnfnn nv-pl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boynton are visiting Mr. and John Fellows, of Gravenhurst. .'\...`+,. .. nuns-.1rmv +`v-nm Han villmrr A. mouse. Uravenhurst. ` Quite a number from the village , attended the anniversary service held- at Central Church, Mitchell Square, I on Sunday , Nov. 1st. Also the fowl j supper held on Monday evening. ' Mrs. Henry J. Packard of Shanty Bay is spending a few days with her = daughter, Mrs. Harvey Crawford. ` Mr, zmrl Mrs. Stone motored ton (laughter, Mrs. narvey ur'd\v1o1'u. ` Mr. and Mrs. Stone to! Gravenhurst the rst of the week and: were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fez- lows. mt n..+Im- e cnrmrlinrr 2 fmv (lax-.~l in Toronto Mrs. Donald McCa1man attended the funeral of Mrs. McKay in To- ronto. 1\/In Tn`nn Tnr-lrcnn ic vi'H'.ihO' `LU I5. D uuu in Toronto. Tl/I've 11.-nu l`OIltO. sister, Mrs. Purvis, of Cannington, for a few weeks.- Mrs. Reevie is the guest of Mrs. N. Currie of Oro Station. Farmers are busy these days get- ting t-heir turnips in. The weather has been excellent for this week. Mr and Mvc 'l4`.Imm- (YFh*ipn nf Mr. John Jackson is visiting his`, has been excellent I01` mus week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O Brien of Collingwod spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Joslin. FIVE-LIGHT FIXTURES-- sunaay at ms nome. Fshing is the order of the day. the herring being quite plentiful. N[r_ and NI)-s. A Moore and two QLLZLL` L L JJuI'-`Lab Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden and daughter May of Gu'imsby spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ge. I-Iubbert last week. Mn nk T-I11}-dwarf nf R9n*v~in cnnn` nerrmg nemg qunte pxentuun. Mr. and Mrs. A Moore and two daughters, J-ean and Gladys, spent Sunday at the latter`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hubbert. NT:-u Nfnlnnlnx = r-nnnnr` 1-n kw- arm Mrs. A. HUDDCFE. ' 1\/Irs. Malcolm is conned to her, bed for a few days. I A `Fan; mimnr h-ink: xvpro nlnrr IDCU I01` 21 IGVV (1Zl.yS. A few minor tricks were plajir" in the village Saturday night, but no harm done. TM`. and 11: 7.\Y Qnanr-n mi` narm aone. M1`. and Mrs. N. Spence of Churchill spent Sunday with Mr. and 1 Mrs. A. Ball. ` n....+ c,.....mo Hm ,1-mm :n nu. `1n uunneru xas-n wee-K. _ Mr. Bob Hubbert of Barrle spent Sunday at his home. Wszhinir is the m-der of the dav. the Mrs. A. man. Don t forget the dance in the hall Q Frida}; night, Nov. 61:11 `I )ws. 1 Mrs. Butler is spending a few day: :1 'I`rn-nnfn HAWKESTONE , __ .1 mt..- A ..L.... t`<....-..$'.~u JLlL q}Ilo\J\J, (AU n . - . . . - . - Fotfi.iiGHT FIXTURES- /h('\ f\I'\ SHANTY BAY _..4J IN-mu l"u:O~C-nu.-`Ar smoupm .._ ___~-..J uvnuur lal (- The frrst meeting of the Senior Literary Society took place on Thurs- day afternoon. The ceremonies which were formerly customary in intro- ducing the executive, were dispensed with, and the meeting was opened by Jack Smith, the president. The programme, which was put on by the Fifth Form, was a radio broadcast, the stage being the studio. Wallace Hedger acted as announcer, and the enertainment opened with a speech by Isabelle McQuay on Rus~ sia. This was followed hv 2 chm-+ peecn Dy Lsaneue Mcquay "mus- This was followed by a short humorous speech by Francis Firth. Then came Kamos and Kandy, a comedy blackface act, with Bill Gird- wood and Charlie Janis. George ` Potts impevrsonated the Poet Laurate, reciting some poems for the children, over the radio. This was followed by a chorus comnosed of Erin] Wntnv. over me raulo. `rms Iouowea by composed of Erial Water- worth, Ruth MacMartin, Helen Heu- ger, Ruth Brother, Dorothy Price, Maurice Park, Bill Dyment, Lloyd Morrison, Wallace Hedger, Emory Nelson and Harriet Hart, pianist. They sang several popular numbers, and the audience seemed disappointed that they only made the one appear- ance in the programme. Jack Smith, impersonating Trader Horn, then played the Chant of the Jungle." After this came a very interesting talk on the gold standard by Cromp- ton Lewis. The closing number on the programme was a play, Light- house Nights, written by Jack Smith, the president of the Lit. Those pa.- ticipating in the play were Lenore Simpson,rPhy1lis Smith, Dorothy Price, Maurice Park, George Potts, Gordon Jaimeson and Jack Smith. The play - over, the meeting was turned over to two ladies representing the W.C.T.U., Mrs. Lennox and Mrs. Ballantyne. After each had said a few tting . Words, Mrs. Lennox presented the , prizes to the winners of last year s contests. This brought to a close the p rst meeting of the year. May we have many more of them. 1\'11`. `.\1. D. J.uu`uUpt:, 1: ptuauuwu DU the school winning the trophy. Henry Sims and Bill Hare, repre- Jlsentatives of the jupior and senior ilrugby teams, respectlvely, described _'Saturday`s games. This was followed by comments from Mr. Girdwoou. He urged the neeess' y_ of every stu- a dent going; to Colling-wood on Satur- d day, for never before in the history of the Georgian Bay League have the three teams been so evenly matched. 'l`l.n mnafinrr r-lncnrl \vlf.l1 H10 E0110`. 7 :nOpC` H3 COHDIHLICS IIS g00(.1 \VUl'.K. After the songs, Crompton Lewis was called to the platform, and as the president of the Student Council, was presented with a replica of the Tudhope Cup, which will remain in the school. The original cup is for annual competition, but each year a small cup, .\iml:u' to the one given by Mr. M. B. Tudhope, is presented to _ Umn-xv Qim: nnrl Rill T-lnrn rr-urn, three teams been so evenly muu:ueu. The meeting closed with the song, The Road to Mandalay, and work `was then resumed. &&&L 1` Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stoneham of Barrie spent a day with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson. A shower was held recently at the home of M1`. and Mrs. F. Higgleston. No two things were alike and every- thing was useful. Rev. Mr Abbott, of Ivy, gave a short talk, and songs were sung. The groom thankeo everybody and said said the house was for the crowd, so they made use nf it Nlv 17.. npnnnv nnd T.nf.Hp .L LLl(,t.L (pl-vU,u1 . cE1fG LIGHTS at KITCHEN UNITS at \Va.S 101' L116 CFUWU, EU LHU) uiaue use of it. Mr. E. Denney and Lottie supplied some splendid music for the dancing. Tho IHIHFIQ Aid nf H10 TT*nih>ri uanclng. The Ladies Aid of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. John Jennett, with all member pres- ext and a`-:;aut eleven visitor". It is intended to have a weiner roast and hot dog social on Nov. 10th, at Mrs. ; .\:-L` ur Dob. s. T 2 ax-.Ll Mrs. Richarcl Bell were in Toronto, having Mr Bell s eyes at- tzamlml 10 and his sigrlut is much. im- proved. '-?~ aw `nu-'1 `an :nmr> irnnrl thieves ' lI1Ul`* I`arouV.`.d here, 1\Ic-C'a.nns mast 1,: u .-.,z `ft 1 1". 1:, P. "\`.`(?f3. Senior Lit. H:l'.'0?IA `Y- 2-'1 be some good thieves 3, for they went to Fred L-`tu1'(. shot a beef, clean- twn`._: it away one night wr-`.3 '1 rrn Page Fivo J.lU5lJ.1(lL qJu.uu, up . . . . . . . . . . THREE-LIGHT FIXTURES- Am-I r\r\ The special Skill-Craft representative will be here to give his personal attention in helping you to select your new Skill-Craft Suit, and to guarantee perfect t, to your individual measurements. ' '.-`SE F. C. LOWER Three Rebuilt Washing Machines Cheap. >PANT SKILL-CRAFT IS U I T Tailored-To Your-Measure The Elec Eric Shop RALPH R. GRIBBLE 1 IN: 'I'\'I, , ' E};g1"aT:.<>To6f a}' TTD 'l'T!1'I'.'l"'I" 'la"T'?"'I"' Every man, looking for exceptional value, has been awaiting this Big Feature Offer. Judged by the ne qaulity of Skill-Craft woollens and by the high- est standards of individual tailoring, Skill-Craft Clothes stand alone. This season the range of new patterns and ne imported Woollens excel anything ever offered before, and to introduce this wonderful range of new fall suitings, We make this exceptional feature offer- 3 7.50 II .5.-.a.\a.n. _._.--- vegular $8.00, at "D 12117` T,T(1'I'.'|"'l" PTY` J-ll-Iul-I-l -l-l.l.\II 3 -n-.- Regular ..00, at 'l'T T'KT(1 T T(1'D"'I",Q -1+ Special Feature BARBIE, ONT. Phone 122 . $7.20 .$6.6O . $5.60 OK- )'$'1.E6 rIlI\I\I . 85c :1 I-A . The fowl sunpper in connection Wlth ` the United Church was a. decided suc- ` cess. The play, The Road Back," - given by the young people, was vexy ` popular and already a number of en- gagements have been booked. I This week on Friday evening `they will present the play at Hampshire, and the following week at Ardtrea and Thornton. Last week the play iwas presented at Severn Bridge to .1 large and appreciative audience. ! `Miss Hickling of Barrie spent Sun- !day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Caldwell. l Mr... G Q4-nah: and nhilrlvnn anon: Goodwill cargro of .-\11. products :u'rives to help promote trmle (:.`?x.= ter Dominion. Return c.'u'g`0 of (`:1 v adnn products will be sow tn .-\u.~`t:':'.Ii Y I: -lnl-Ulqlil Mr. and Mrs. H. Badger of Glenl Huron and Miss Irwin of Collingwoodi; visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hall on Sunday. I U. Wa1`l'11C3., .l"a1I1SW.lCK. | Mr. Jas. Ross, of O.A.C., Guelph, ` I lspent the week end at his home here. On Friday, Nov. 27th, the boys choir of St. Thomas Anglican Church, so well known to radio lis- euers, will sing in Guthrie United Church. This will be a treat. R-Tu us-ul Mus T A-narlall cnnnr Lu ` unurcn. '1n1s W111 De a l31't:"dL. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ansdell spent a couple of days last week with their |dai.nghter, Mrs. D. C. Harvie, at Elm- va e. A memorial service for the late. Ed. Ellsmere will be held in St..; John s Church, Craighurst, next Sun- l day at 3 p.m. At the service in St. , Peter's Church at 11 a.m., Mr. Bert A Merson, of Toronto, will be the. speaker. He will be accompanied by Rural Dean Stubbs, of Elmvale, at ` St. James Church, Crown Hell, at ; 7.30 p.m. | Mr Wpslpv Rlix. ancomnanied bv l j-:-: . . 3 Capt. J. S. Atkinson, secretary and ` director of the Canadian Bureau for ` the Advancement of Music, gave an Iinteresting talk at Kiwanis on Friday! ion the Civic and Educational Valuei Eof Music. Mr. Mitchell Hepburn,u ;0n`ario Liberal leader, who was pres-I Eent, spoke briefly, paying high tri-' bute to the work being done by Ki- wanis Clubs. Donations of $5 to the rclief fund of the club by Mr. Hep- burn, and also by Mr. H. L. Tarbush, ~ were much appreciated. rnl ,1,,, ,1` ,,,._ u ,.A u_. 1.1.. ...l....-. rjusmere n1s week. ` Mr. Bob Jary left last week end for Kenora, where he has secured a posion as thnekeepef on the new road. 1\/Iva `fnnirllr nf' `Rm-rip V1.Ii .Pd ;ua.g Wlull AVLL. auu AV.l.l.i- vv. vcuun\.4A. [ Mrs. S. Steele and children spent: }the week end with her sister, Mrs. [B. Warnica, Painswick. ' Mr In: Pnse, nf 0_A_C.. Gueln'n_ l'I.3U Mr. Wesley Rx, accompanied by Miss E. Rxx and Misses C. and B. Chappell, of Crown Hill, visited Mrs. Ellsmere his week. Mu DAL. T01-11 Inf!` Incl wool: and KICK??? Miss Noble of Toronto visited at Mr. Fred Jobbitt s on Sunday. Mr and Mr: T.nnnqv-H Qfnizf. and! Mr. hfred JODD1tt'S aunaay. : Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stott and daughters Margaret and Grace, and ` Mr. McCal1um, of Wyevale, and Mr. u and Mrs. Lorne Wingrove, of Vespra, visited at J. Hun-ter s on Sunday. Mr. Bruce Wallace of Toronto; visited at his home over the week ; an ! Your 0vvrwni*vf179,%5% ...V.._. `XVII . end. "l`l1n . t which everyone enjoyed. = end. Iv The annual meeting of the I-Iorti-ia cultural Sociey was held in the Com-.1 munity Hall on Tuesday evening, 1; Nov. 3rd, with an attendance of about E thirty. Mr. Ed. Sloan, of Churchi11,;g] was appointed as the new president;( for the year. The other oicers were}; all re-elected. Mrs. Robt Boyce gave \ a lecture on the owers of Califormaft `C I: usefulness and happiness in life. , ward. i sire for music ` teaching: of music -. y... ......-4.. yr. -........-.... The value of music tion of children was stressed by Capt. Atkinson. True education should be to bring about the greatest For mental training and concentration there is no subject equal to music. lt is a subject that requires persever- ence, but every hour brings its re- Music develops the faculties, t.:e eye, ear, hand, must all co- ordinate. Music has a wonderful moral influence, every emotion in the human soul is stimulated. music for every emotion, but children .-thould develop a taste for the better niusic only. If we develop in youth a desire for music of the better kind, we need have little fear for the fu- ture. The leisure time of youth is `.\'i1v11 habits are formed, and if a de- is cultivated it will help to avoid many pitfalls. Capt. A`-kinson strongly favored the in classes, with about eigzht in a class, as in this way they do better than with private les- sons. The Canadian Bureau for the in the educa-i ` Advancement of Music has wonder- fail rn.=ult;- in this direction. There )8 3 road. - Mrs. Vollick of Barrie visited friends here last week end. | . IKIWANIANS TOLD OF CIVIC AND. 'iEDUCATIONAL VALUE OF MUSIC CRAIG-HURST :-wox` "'.1nada and her sis- wu21:uiu Stcamships Photo) GUTI-IRZZIE I III ... [Y 13.4.... STBOUD L`f\ ... 7I";\uns-\4-A The Northern Advjauoo " VVG are 0ft'e1-i11g for -.1 limited time to give a reduc- tion on tl1e_p1'i(-le of Electrical Fixtures and Appli- ances that will make it well W01"rl1 your while to buy now. LUH. `Last. Tuesday two barns were 3 burned practically at the same time. '- One on the Penetang Road, the other -1 one owned by Geo. Pain on the seven- th concesison. Mr. Pain 1051; all his 0 sea.son s grain, 150 bags of potatoes K,and 4 pigs. Both farms years ago Iwere owned by brothers, J. Johnson Hand Alex. Johnson. .-.I Mm-n`n....s n+' \I,...m... D.-\:~+ 1,10 -4- The Hall Committee held a very` [successful I-Ia11owe en and masquerade dance last Friday evening. There, were many beautiful and comic cos- tumes. -Toe Paul and Don Cameron captured first in the comic dress, and Jas. McGinnes and Miss Mary Russell took rst in the best dressed. Hun- [ __ . _- - _-_ . ter s orchestra furnished the music. I Kimono : Inna} nknnbnu hlntvnun nu-.4 7 i auu IIJEK. IJUIIIISUH. Members of Vespra Post 149 of v the Canadian Legion held their reg- t_ ular meeting last Monday night. v:There was a. very good attendance. '3. Comrades from Bracebridge were ea- -`ipected as `v'1s`lL01`s, but owing to the 9.weather conditions, they were unable u'to come. It was decided to parade ion Remembrance Day as a body. The .Post will visit. Anten Mills church 'next Sunday at 2 p.m. for service. `Lt was decided to sell poppies at each service in the township next Sunday. d 3 Buy a poppy and help the good work I along. All poppies are made by the nlVetcraft. Comrade A. McKee will y|lay a wreath on the Cenotaph during e`-the service next Wednesday. I Mmhm-q+ nhapiepr mm. mf M H112 ) v I cers orchestra Iurmsnea one music. S1mcoe s best checker players met at the Lambert Hotel, Stayner, last 1 Friday evening to play the pick of ` Grey County. It was a thrilling en- counter from beginning to end. J. Keenan, of Simcoe, met J. Lawson, ` of Grey. After four hard games, ; lasting three and a half hours, draws. Lawson is third provincial j champion. J. Garvin, Simcoe, met ' W. Akitts, fourth provincial cham- . `Keenan was victor by 2 wins and 2 pion. Akitts was victor by 1 win and 3 draws. Following are the cor- rect scores: I AlrHu~ 11...." ....-... 1 1..-; n. uraw. J. Lawson, Grey, J. Keenan, Simcoe V draws. - `A F` (".1 nuy arnvr IBCE SUOTES: I W. Akitts, Grey, won 1, lost 0; J. Garvin, Simcoe, won 0, lost 1, 3 draws. `T DI1vrunnn I`...-... ........ n 1..-; 1.. Ul'2i\ V5. . J. Burgess, Grey, won 2, lost 1; J. Peacock, Simcoe, won 1, lost 2, 3. draw. T Tnnyonu (Iv-nu `I111!-| n In:-L O. 5. ` A. E.. Glow, Grey, won 1 E. Hepwortfh, Simcoe, won 2 draws. T fly-rfnuvn I1`-on van 0 Z uraws. J. Granam, Grey, won 2, J :Lead1ey, Svimcoe, won 2, 1 draws. Thu 1\/TH-nlanll (`man uynn I HWS. Dr. Mitchell, Grey, won 1 |A. Garvin, Simcoe, won 1, I draws. LT .Mnnnnn]A flan" nu.-. I ...-. v.-v nrvvrn V U1]. LVELLLCIJL `rl].Ju\J\I|U, bill--Iu\.& l\I/1,` V4.4. Luna`, vgnna. except Edison Madza La,m. It will pay you to stock up with xvhatever you may need at 1'h(*.~'(` pri<(-s, and here are sonm suggestions: HEATERS ]}IEA'l7ING PADS IRONS ; 'I.`0.-\STERS VV.\'F`FLE IRONS, ETC. } The reason for this sale is that we need the money i so ALL PRICES ARE CASH. H. 'iVIoDona.'1d, Gr.ey, won I A. R. Walker, Simcoe, won 1 2 draws. Qivnnnn uvnn (`I flunu '7 UFRWS. S-lmcoe won 9, Grey 7, draws. J\If~nnl~. nun.-H4 -vv111n`- kn ..:..n :Much credit must be given to Mr. Walker. The 'two games that he drew were very skilfully played, Mr. McDonald holding a very strong de- fensive lead, but like an old master he managed to make a. draw of both games. It was through his play and Mr. Keenan s that Simcoe sat down _ to a free supper. The arrangements were that the losers pay. I Mr. and l\/lrx. Clarpnr-n Wn1'rl and [were Dual; Ene losers pay. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ward and Mrs. Ward have returned home `after spending a few days in Hamil- ton. I 1m.+ 'I*.m..,:.... +...... 1........_ .... ..- '~LIl dEl`V1CB IIBXL VV UUIIUSUH) . I Mzidhurst Checker Club met at the 1 evening. ; 'forestation last Tuesday l These meetings are looked forward _ to with keen interest. players take part under the tuition of J-as. Peacock. Dad Peacock is hoping that he will some day turn out a champion from among his pupils. There are some ivery good prospects. Last. Rnhirdnv evening` the (`l1ll(ll`P_`I'I About twenty in these contests ` ' very goou p1`0Sp8(.'T.S. Last Saturday evening the children of the village had 2. wonderful time. About fteen of them masqueraded, visiting the home, receiving candy and pic from nearly every home. Rnmp f'mr-mmte have :1 tnndpnnv in unu PIC Ll'UIIl Illiblfly every HUIHC. Some farmers have a tendency to _= allow their cattle and horses to run the highway. Last Sunday evening 1 during the snow storm there was a 1 collision between a touring car and a . truck near Lytton s gas station. Three horses suddenly loomed up in, front of the truck and ther.dri\'er up- plied his brakes suddenly to prevent` hitting the horses. The result was that the car ran into the truck, doing considerable damage :0 the car. The W.A. of St. Paul's Church met at the home of Mrs. Morgan Orrick last Wednesday. Wn md-and mn~ rim`-nn, xvmnathv H151? vveunesuay. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. L. Spence in the death of her father. `.\;Tu urn! TH Ian T.` nu-cor` Gr :2 m. 1(olLIlUl'. Mr. and Mrs. F. Orser, Sr., are spending some holidays with Orillia friends. I-`J-J-`J-Inynl-WEI- Belt Foyston of London spent the week end under the parental roof. He was v.c-companied by his mother, who enjoyed a two weeks visit in London. Linn-`n Tnkvv.-+nn n+` I`rn~nnfn TT1\ivnv- At regular prices, Ski11-C1-aft is positively the best ` buy in tailored-to-measuI'e C10thes-this special offer represents` sensational Value that you can t af- ford to miss. ' uonaon. Hugh Johnston of Toronto Univer- sity was home over the week end. Mr: T`m-nmsnn, Mi`:.c Ruth Fergu- Slty Home 0VCl' IRE VVBBK 6110. Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Ruth Fergu- son, Gordon Pye and Arthur Wood of Toronto spent Sunday at Geo. G. Johnston's. l`l~.n I-nsntnua In!-`+ Fnv Hnn.1- \YQYil'|I!\` II`leI'l(lS VVXU. DC gtaa 120 near. The Royal Road Bu-ivlders held their fortnightly meeting in the United [Church on Tuesday evening. An in- _ teresting part of the program was a ` debate, Resolved tlzut heredity plays a more important part in the develop- ment of character than does environ- ment. The airmafive was taken. by Mr. Leigh and Miss Jordan, of ` Hawkestone, and the negative by Miss Mistele and Mr. Kennedy, of Midhurst. The judges decided in favor of the negative. Splendid points were brought out on both sides [and it was very instructive and in-` tcrosting to all present. Lunch was served to the vi.~;iAtors at the close of the meeting. .Jonnswn's. _ _ The hunters left for the:-r vamous camps this week. . _ _ W~:aln1'.nr T)nwnev .< condltlon 1s show- nms weex. Waluter Downeys condition is ing decided improvement since his operation in Toronto last week, his friends will be glad to hear. `Tho Hnvz Rnnr! Rn.i.ldr>,r: held their I ` Goad Advice ! The last word in airplanes. accord- `ing to the Instructor, Is _1ump. J .- . MIDHURST MIDI-IURST .__..L..._ 41.` I JA... won 0, lost 2 W011 2, lost 0, 1, lost 1 L 1, lost For TWO DAYS 0NI'1? Fri. & Sat., Nov. 13-14 1, lost 1 , lost 1, ` last 0; .' lost 0, with I X & iv? 3 E l Ha1Iowe en passed off quietly in this neighborhood. 1 Mr, and NH-_= Anon: Warning viz- I IEBQ .LV1a1'KClaJ.8 Il'leI'lClS OVBI` aunuay. A jolly Hal1owe en party was held on Saturday afternoon by the Unit- ed Church Mission Bvand, under the supervision of the president, Miss Edith B-eelby, when members and visitors, 45 children in all, enjoyed a splendd `program of games, con- tests, scrambles, etc., after which as generous amount of candy and pumpkin pie were equally enjoyed. R/Irs. Rnhf._ R12nk_ Mr. and Mrs. D, d spwnuu `program OI games, C011` Mrs. Robt. Black, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Black and Herb. Black visited Elm- vale friends on Sunday. MY Arthur Graph, F`.d T-Tno'1nn,: vaie ITLEIIGS OH bunuay. I Mr. Arthur Green, Ed. Hughes j and Geo. Hewson are jurymen at the j faliassizes now in session in Barrie. -Mr. W. J. Smytih and son are to , be congratulated on the large number of prizes- they have received for their f six head of Hereford cattle, at the . following fairs: Alliston, Barrie, Co1- j lingwood, Elmvale, Kilsyth, Owen ` Sound, Bradford and Cookstown, ; taking 32 rsts, 14 seconds and 4 third,prizes, also one championship. Visitors during the week included Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tegart and baby of Long Branch, Miss E1-eanor Te- gart, Miss Davisport and Bert Tegart . of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. MorrI- son and daughter of Newmarket, at Ben. Webb s; Mr. and Mrs. McCuish and children of Hawkestone, at A1- ` vin Webb's; Mr and Mrs. Harry Mor- ren of Barrie, at 0. B1ack s; Mrs. . 0 Reil1y of Toronto at Thos. Hew- . :n'n < D1115 l'l8lgI1DD1`IlU0(l. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Warnica vis- 'ited Markdale friends over Sunday. A inllv T-I aI]nwc=, s=,n mu-fv was: hair! SOTYS . The annual ladnives night of the ` Stroud Orange Lodge was held on Thursday, Oct. 2-9th. A goodly num- ber of members, their ladies and visitors sat down to a bountiful re- past, which was much enjoyed. The usual porgram of addresses, stories, songs and musical selection was fol- lowed with a correponding interest and pleasure. 'l`wn nnrlnads of United Church Beautiful Junior, Bridge and Table Lamps at 25% off regular prices, and 20% off anything in the store nvnnv\+ '5`:-I-iann '|\II'or1-In T.9-nrnu and pleasure. Two c-arloads of United young people are taking the standard teachers training course at Cooks- town this week. Rev. Louis Picker- ing is directing a course of study and has been appointed dean of the school. , '1"!-un in!-am-ncf ehnxxrn in `H19 Choral school. : The interest shown in the Choral Society at Stroud has gone fag` be- yond our wildest fancies. Almost sixty young people have enrolled wthin the rst two weeks. The class is held each Monday evening in the community hall at 8 o clock. If you have not yet attended and are in- terested, communicate with Rev. Louis Pickering, the leader. Nnvf Rundsav will he the annualx Louls t 1cKemng, the leaner. Next Sunday will be the annual Memorial and Arrnistic Sunday at the United Church. The service is being specially arranged for and orders of service will be placed in your `hands. The Alandale brass , band will again assist us in the mus- ical portion of the `program. The . minister s'theme will be Away with ' uh... .... Dnlln-inn mm1s1;er' 5 171181118 W11 War or Religion. .u..r.x V1 xxuu .1. \IJ.` 1. : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crawford, Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Conn motored to Cannington one day last week. Mr and NHS. Rmrnton have moved Cannington day Last weex. - Mr. and Mrs. Boynton have moved ` into Mr. Jo1*don s house. . `Mn. vonr1m~'|-nn~a- Mr: "N1nmn_=nn into Mr. .Jo1`aon's nouse. Mr. Vanderburg, Mrs. Thompson and family and Mr. Deverile have moved to Rugby to M1". Gi1braith s house. M1`. Vanderburg intends starting up a harness shop and shou ` repairing. Mr. and Mrs. McCuish and children repzurlng. -Mr. and motored to Craigvale recently. `A/Iv William Jnhnstnn shitmed a motored to uralgvale recenuy. Mr. William Johnston shipped carload of potatoes this week. Po- tatoes are a good crop, but the price is very low. Mr (".1m~1m (`.rawfo1'd. Mr. and Mrs. 15 Low. Mr. Clarke Crawford, Irvin ;\IcMahon and Agnes and Mrs. Ernest Wrigley spent the rst of the week in Toronto. 1\/Ty A1nv I2`nvo-n:nn mu] {"3"/n\Vf'nrr1` 13 Elizabeth sf

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