Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Oct 1931, p. 8

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..__..-. For Sa1e-So1id black walnut desk, suitable for Hhrarv 'Ra-n Dun` saucy auu uurmg tne slgnlng OI me 1 `register Miss Ethel Currie, of To- }ronto, sang Still as the Night. After ` congratulatons were extended, a buf- fet lunch was served. Later the. [happy couple left to spend their honeymoon in Muskoka, the bride `going away in a green wool dress,! with green coat trimmed with caracul. ' and green hat. Guests were present from Peterboro, Montreal, North. Bay, Toronto, Barrie and Minesing. I I iCbeer Up - Cheer Upli I ;Cheerfu1ness leads to friendship; `friendship Leads to I ` H_._ E_ Cook s Store 1 - I ; You'll nd both pies and cakes, every- ,thing sweet. ice cold drinks and. lsmokes, from 7.30 a.m. till the dayi .grows old. You l1 nd cheerfu1ness' `at Cook s when you feel blue. 1 I I -vvv-wanna: va :AVA1lnJl'll.a Court of Revision Meetings of the Court of Revision for the Township of Innisl for the year 1931 will be held at Thornton on Monday, October 26, at 10 a.n.., and at Lefroy on Tuesday, October 27, at 10 am. All parties having business at this court will govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Churchill fhic 191511 (lav n1 memsewes accoramgly. at Churchill this 12th day 01 October, 1931. - w in :1... m-..u. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Next Door to l.0.0.F. Hall TOWNSHIP OF lNNlSFlL SOLLlTT--YOUNG v . ........V..., ---.... 1;... `.4-- _-._ . . .,. I Horace Wilson, Organist and Choir- master. Sunday, Oct. 19, 1931 11 a.m.--Dr. Alexander MacMi1ian,1 one of Canada s leading Hymnolog-I ists, will introduce the new United} Church Hymnary to the congregation.| Special music by the choir. ____' F7 _... 'T1`I__ '!|If:_.'..J..._ f`|..._.....-.....L V past. Yours truly, 1M TD W. 3:. Sloan, Clerk. ruly, FAIR PLAY. FRIDAY and SATUDAY Saturday Matinee 2.30 Night Shows 7 and 9 Robert Woolse in Everything Rosie Barrage of Mighty? Laughs ` Special added attraction, Adventures in Africa episode No. 5, "The Buffalo_?- Stampede" 2 Reel Comedy, "A Happy Lit_{_e_ Honeymoon" Mickey Mouse Cartoomand News This Star's Greatest Ptcture Laurel and Hardy Comedy One Good Turn Added Attraction, Bobby Jones in "How I play Golf". Pathe News. Coming, Waterloo Bridge If its at the Capitol, its new Marion Davies` in It s a Wise Child The Management of Ontario Bakeries Ltd. 8c to 7c a Loaf WITH THE SAME HIGH QUALITY OF INGREDIENTS USED. OUR MOTTO QUALITY AND SERVICE WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS PHONE 250. BARRIE, ONT. .vrn.\..u... ...u...-. .1, vnnv vuv-;. ~1- 7 p.m.--The Minister. Congregalt-: ional singing from beautifully illus- trated lantern slides. cnn;n` Q:-.64-1n.~.nn+ `X7.-J; Ga W`.-.1.-n GaI1to%.T|II3Maire Robertson s Drug Store l`\11T\l'\L`1Trn1TI 'rnr\mrn /\'l`I"r'/Fi ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, NUTS AND HARD CENTRES FAMILY BOX NOW 50 CENTS A POUND Every adult lady attemlzhg tlzisl `T/tea/re every IV/outlay mgr/at will receive Absolutely Free one piece of eaulifztl Englis/1 C/Lina Dimzer ware . Large a z'mzcrplaz.`es gz7ve1g_, next A/07za'ay WISHES TO ANNOUNCE A DROP OF 1c A LOAF IN BREAD FROM And Tim Wilson s Orchestra Friday, Oct. 23rd Monday Tues. Wed. iaura Secord Candies I11 One, Two or Three Pound Boxes Fresh Every Friday Fr'iday is Silverware! Night .auu.uu 5.-nun. xuuaaua. I 7 p.m.--~Rev. A. McMillan, D.D., of Toronto. I 1 1 1 . . 1 I FREE FREE % L-`1:1'=m1{E COOKSTOWN STAN WOOD FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1931 OPPOSITE POST 0fa`I0E ORCHESTRA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931. 1'.L.I.`lV11V D.l.`1"Ll'1lV`\1 I` LID J. 1 V ."'kJ._l on Monday evening, 8 o clock, con- ducted by Dr. McMillan. All Unit- ed Church choirs and people of Bar- rie and vicinity are invited. ! I I I Notice is hereby given that the! list of lands now liable to be so1'd' for arrears of taxes in the County: of Simcoe has been prepared and is; being published in an advertisementi in the Ontario Gazette upon the` 15th, 22nd, 29th days of August, anuj 5th day of September, 1931. 1 Copies of said list of lands or non om uay U1 aepcemoer, J.U6.L. Copies an- vertisement can be seen in my olce or will be mailed upon plication for same. In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or before Thursday, the 17th day of November, 1931, at the hour of two o clock in the afternoon, I shall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House, Barr-ie, On 13:10, proceed to sell by public auc tion the said lands to pay such an rears, together with the charge: D Ll l"..l-_..-.. thereon. making ap- 1 IJIUICULL D. H. Coleman, Treasurer, County of I T`reasurer s Ofce, Court Barrie, Ontario, the 10th day t ust, 1981. -~\'L..:17 COUNTY 01-` smcoia - TO WIT : I ! Notice is hereby given that the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and County Court, in and for the County of Simcoe, will be held In the Court House, Barrie, on Tuesday, the 27th Day of October, 1931 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, of which all Justices, Coroners, Con- stables, Gaolers and others are re~ quested to take notice and attend. and do and perform all duties that should appertain to them. Barrie, October 14, 1931. \ D. H. MacLar-en, Sheri, Co. Simcoe. P3g_e_i@L OUR FIVE C S--See for yourself ` --says Taxi Tad. `I In the alphabetic convention for Sil-79` ver Arrow taxicab popularity--the`:"_ C : win the nomination! Comfm-t,_"' cleanliness, convenience, courtesylg. and cost-wh1ch is small. " A rur o-a1e-a'oua black walnut desk, suitable for library. Barrie Real Estate.. CEN1f3AL_ CHURCH Style of Larld For Arrears of Taxes REV. J. J. BLACK, MINISTER I _..-_- 111_'1___ l'\ . . _ _ _ . , 4 -_J fI`L___. -OMFORT LEANL INESS -ON VENIEA/(E - OUQTESY .05`T /5` IMALL HYMN SINGING FESTIVAL `nnurirny nnnniinnu Q n nlnn1.r nr A vAv4nvv- A cordial welcome to these earn: nan In the County of Simcoo ATE rugn, Willie In LOW. `By defeating her opponent, Eileen 1'_Io1den_, in two straght sets, 6-2 gmd _b-.3. .B1).`d1 Gz_1rslde became the gun- -o,qp-og-r. nor girl champion of Al1_anda1e Tennis LEANUNESS Club: To reach this distinction Miss >~vE~/EN`? G2_1rs_xde played some nice matches, ellmmatng her opponents very hand~ -OURTESY ii)!-. -..-.. .. ............u..,.. AVA . _r/um bor and expenses in producing his op. It is a well established fact at the potato crop this season is -ing sacriced at prices that mean mkruptcy to many of our growers. (Contined on page seven) Ws I `I: `' Simcty. ` T-Irma; Bookkeeper Wanted-Part time, two! afternoons weekly ,reference. Cha-i mandy s Toronto Bargain Store._ Phone 185. | Kllandale -News: lCf`. _:_!W --j 1 Mr. Carl Hemple spent the holiday} : with his family at Capreol. I I vMiss Lnrna Park xrisifrad at her home. VVIIII ms Iamuy 36 L4'd.pI'8O1. I ' '7" - D3.J.'I'J'e meal nsstate. I Miss Lorna Park visited at her home? , l on Willam street over the week end. 1'0-night (Thursday) is silverware Mr. Gpnrcrn Whitpsidp ret1n'ned Iastl.r.zir.r}1?. at u: Cnnifnl '|"h:-ah-a U0. OI .l.'1a.Hll..l1'.0l'l. ,/ I I Mr. and Mrs. Anderson_ Q`); 'T0_V v ronto holidayed w1th Mr. `and Mts_ E_ I I Srigley for a few days 435$ week ` Messrs. Henry 1VIcII`....;_..A...4c f\11oov\e4 Ion wxuam street me weex eno.; no-mgnt (Inursaay) 15 511` I Mr. George Whiteside returned Iast.r.xight at the Capitol Theatre. ` week after spending the summer fa lthe employ of the Brennan Pav'.;J-2; `Our new offices will soon 1 Co. of Hamilton. /` "at 6 Owen St.., near the pos mu. .,...1 mm. 1 An.-Im-em. .". ._. p.,....:,. n....1 17-..+..+,. | srxgley 101` a Iew uayzs Messrs. Henry 1v1cIr_`m,of Queens`: and Fran Mclnnis 03 Varsity werm` home over the Vvgek end__ ` Mr Frank Hmhsien spent the week end With his. zparents at Beeton. , MISS .An'.;x nrqin n`F 'T`nrnn1n um: emu _wM1 um. zparents Beeton. : An'nS+ Garside of Toronto was` the_ E`-1991: of her parents over the' I hohday. : I Zrnhn .Q1'nnIqiv- me Hm n A (1 - I 111' ucsgxvmg. J r. W. A. Bell was at his home in Collingwood over the week end. i Jack Percy, who is attending Var-t sity, visited his mother, Mrs. A. Flee:-I ham, over the holiday. l ` Mrs. P. Holman of Nashville, Ont.,l lspent the holiday with her parents,! [Mn and Mrs. C. W. Poucher. r:,.... Qmm..m... .\/rum-:,.o Hanna and Mr. and 1\LI.1`s. KJ. W. I 0UCI1BI'. 1 Geo. Seymour, Maurice Hanna and |Geo. McMi1lin of the University of` `Toronto were at their homes over the I holiday. ` Mr and Mr: T-Invh Crnv n`F I"n. inouuay. x Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Grey of To- ironto visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. t'P1ant over the holiday. Mr -and \4r< .151; Hrzrlcrpr and fsnn- For Sale-Radio, in good condition.` Phone 551. Imam over me nouuay. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hedger and fam-, `y motored to Gravenhurst on` Thanksgiving Day. ` Mr. Campbell Speam of Toronto `spent? a few days at his home last KXVDQ - , J. 113.115.` spent : week. "l"1n I\ Mrs. Cockburn of Toronto is visit- ing her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cockburn, Essa Road. | I Mice Hnrn Kniorhf and Mr, (".1121-,_I I mgnt. I luays III 10I'OIll'/0 IRIS ween. ; Mr. Victor Collins, who is a s dent at Osgoode Hall, was home [the week end. NT and Extra 'lT"ll-Inn T-Tnn+ n'F' "me weex enu. I Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hunt of To- ronto visited with the former s par- jents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt, over I Thyanksgiving. J r W A Roll wag at his hmne in VVEEK. l The Seth Parker group of Burgong` Ave. United Church presented then islgit at Box Grove on Wednesday mght. : Nfre (Tnnlchnrn nf Tnrnntn is visif- U19 guesr 01 R11`. 'd.IlU. XVLIS. J.`| Mr. Leonard Marion of Kingstoni Goring for a few days over the week. end. `fhfu urn} `MI.-_~ Finn: \:fn(\nnrln cnnnr! n nouuay. ; John Sinclair, of the O.A.C.,: Gtuelph, and Robt. Sinclair of Va.-} sity visited their parents at the manse. over the week end. M1! cnni-an 'I`nn~nLv{no nvl-` l"nv-nrn-n UVBI MIC WEEK euu. Mr. George Tompkins of Toronto spesnt a few days with his mother,. [Mrs C. Tompkins. Rpv, and Mrs. Lrannox m Grimsbv. 'lV.l1`S. U. LOITIPKIIIS. , I Rev. and Mrs. Lennox of Grimsby. were the guests of the Iatter s sister--,1 the Misses McLennan, Essa Road. v Mr [.n I-Im-lam- nf' 'I`m-nntn vie. Rooms and board at 68 Owen Street.| `Every convenience, very central. , 1 __;A _, , _ __4_.__~,- ` [He JVLISSBS HICLJCIIHEII, 1115521 IVUEIU Mr. Leslie Hedger of Toronto ited with his parents on Sunday : Monday. "Minn Gram: Cnv-incr snpm :1 1 [and Mrs. u. uocxourn, nssa nuau. 1 1 Miss Dora Kmght. and Mr. Chag. , Kmght were home over the week end. lwa.s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jgl I Mr T,pnnLn-H `Mnrinn nf Kin9`st.nn. enu. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McQuade spent! a. few days with relatives at Omemecl this week. . I ".\T...-. Dnr:~:n (*1-nF+ Mac `ma!-Iurnnll fnl t;V1I'S. J. FEEIOD. iwith friendg in Toronto. , 5 Mr. E. Catcher returned to _Belle- Nillc on Thursday after spendmg a {few days with the Misses Catcher. Mrs. Donald Ferguson is visitmgl' 5. i 1 Mr and Mr: I North Of T0- ` enu. 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobon spent= Sunday and Monday with friends in Toronto. R/Hanna 'Do+-2 1\/In-(.1-nnn nn (Iv-nr-pl Monuay. Miss Grace Goring spent a days in Toronto this week. ; Mr Vinrnr (".nHi`ns. who is :1 2 ' U115 VVGCK. : Miss Bessie Croft has returned to \ -Hamilton after visiting with Mr. and , `Mrs. J. Patton. Ilfvo TWA-un1rl F`o1~rn1I:n1-1 31: 1r{cH'1no|' L. lxnlgnt. OVC1` me ween uuu. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wardman_o1. Detroit are spending a few days w1th| Mrs. Wardman on Brock St. ? I `kin and X-Iva T4` Rnnnp 1n'H- nnf > 1-onto1 _ I. I -Miss Doris Kearns who Is attend- ing Normal School 1n Toronto, was home for a few days over the Week lend. ` `M - nna Mac I` nknnn n-nnnt. `IBVV (lays WIEH the LVLISSCS UZILCIICI. Mr. and Mrs. J. North of To-i` ironic and Mrs. J. McKee of Mimicoa uvere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V.[ ;E. Knight over the week end. I 7\/T1` anti Mr: JPTTV Wardman ()1! Allandale Wreckers, good used car parts. 3 Gowan St., Allandale. 1'oromo. 1 Misses Reta McCrone and Grace Blevins are visiting the latter s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. James, this week. '|\:1'~u- Tue hnnrmff rnh1rnpd fn Tn. nms weex. Mr. Jas. Dunnett returned to To- 'ronto on Wednesday after being the_ `guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunnett. Mrs. E. Srigley is visiting rela- tives at Colwell. N11 T-Tnrlnrann and Mv and Mrs! Imrs. waruman on DFUCK m. 2 Hr. and Mrs. E. Boone left oni Tuesday to visit Mrs. F. Boone in To-I rontoi . I `.\Ja _~_~ hm.-is Kn-.n~ne whn ie 2,`r.f.pnrl-` OI ;V1I'S. L. Ducal` Uvcl` um uUu.ua.y. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeish are visit- ing with relatives in Detroit. 1 Tho Ladies Auxiliarv of St.` g WIDH l'81aClVS 111 .lJE:`l.l`UlL. I The Ladies Auxiliary of St. George's Church are holdng a euchre social in the Memorial Hall on Mon- iday evening, Oct. 19th. I P911, and Mrs. A. A. Wall suentl 1uves an umweu. ' Mr. Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs: )Otten of Woodstock were the guests; lof Mrs. E. Shear over the holiday. i Nfr and 7\/TV`: D Mr-T.p:h QYII ViQ'if.- ' `day evening, uct. mm. | Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Wall spent Sunday in Alliston, Mr. Wall occupy- ing the pulpit in the United Church there at both morning and evening services. In Mr. Wa1l s- absence, the services at Burton Ave. church were in charge of Mr. Clifford Pugh of McMaster University, Hamilton. Mr. Pugh was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Art Pugh, while in town. Rv dc-f'c=af,in9` her cmncment. Eileen `R. F. Garrett has installed a. new 1 _ectric sign on the Capitol Theatre, ye very latest in signs. *'!_r.sh came, his lawyer claims he and haw, `and ..........1.. +.. \-v-ngf all an-nnnn -r-nu r_*nLlr\IuIr nn I '1'!` -...v ... Allb uu uuw ` `Jr STROUD TELEPHONE co.. LTD. otlllhoul The Stroud Telephone Co., L:d.,`Webb ofcial have a limited number of shares 01 the C-N-R D0 telephone stock for sale. Anyone this business has wi.~hing to purchase same, communi- A rs? prize 4 cate with the secretary. Also a1l.prize of 93.00, 2 subscribers see that you; stock has. $2.00 given fork been properly transferred. tions in "mese st W lg.-..-u. Dl-_l- `run AL I ' For Sa1e-Radio, new model, used only three months, owner going to Toronto. Price $45.00. Phone 551. Friday evening? or Saturdays. 1y Lranslerrecl. W. Lennox Black. Sec y, Telephone Co. stu- I 3 for, few we Lypes, I01` euner men or women. ] This rm are specialists of the _ ,1r_ highest order of excellence in the - ,4,` repairing of watches and the mount- ing of ne gems. Wedding ringsi` ,9 may be covered with white gold or pnd platinum in any design desired. The m. repair department of this establisl1- ` nis ment is in the hands of specialists _ H55 in this line. W. B. Webb's jewelryw leb-_ store is a local home-owned and nd- home-operated store where courteous service prevails at all times. When ,it is one s pleasure to give a distinc-` itive gift of jewelry, watches, or ne . `silverware, it will prove satisfying to! 3'; the recipient to now that it came. W11 from W. B. Webb s. 5 M`-N Both men and women will nd it! 3 a pleasure to shop in this store. The 1 H` husband who is looking for some: thing in jewelry for his wife or` daughter may be assured of satisfac- . _tion at W. B. Webb s, and the cour-_ fa. tesy and excellent service received 9 Ye} there will be appreciated by the ' "shoppe1'. The management and per- ,_~D_ isonnel of this firm have high recog- nition throughout this section. Mr. .trl lhvflbl ) ls` nmr'i:1l uvnh-ls in.-vs.-.,.+;u. Fan T ` While on duty at 3 o clock Sun-_ lday morning Constable Case found a `boy of 1'7 wandering around the; depot pushing a bicycle. Upon ques-` tioning the youth closely, Constable, Case got a confession from him that; the bicycle had been stolen by him in; Toronto. The boy, who gave his; ;name as Reginald Guthrie, of Harris-l _ lton, was placed under arerst and the :Toronto police notied. He had ii.` his possession at the time a letter signed by_ Capt. Brunton of the Sal- ;vation Army, asking that the boy he. helped and given a chance to earn living. When the Toronto police] .came to Barrie to take Guthrie back` to the city, it was learned that he` had been in the toils of the police be-l fore making the trip to Barrie on the; stolen bike. l E new be open? "at post ofce.` ,Barrie Real Estate. I I --------- I The table given by Mr. Bert Tay-3 ,lor in his recent radio contest was- gvqon by Miss Lillian Watson, of Bari ' me. Harry Travers, who makes his home`: `.in Barrie, went hunting in the Mine-I sing swamp the other day and bagged two wolves. One was of the usuaii gray variety, but the other had a dis-I itinctly reddish tinge, according to! rthe county treasurer, Harry CoIc~' ?man, who looked the pelts over beforei 'payng Travers $25 bounty. Wednes-i day the red pelt was shipped to the: department. at Toronto as an unusua!| specimen. -------- I ` Barrie Women's Canadian Club, atil `Queen's Hotel, Friday, Oct. 23rd, 8: .`p.m., the Hon. Duncan Marshall will ; ggive an address on Scotland. . (Elizabeth gt:-eat) . THANKSGIVING SUNDAY ' Sunday, Oct. 18, 1931 11 a.m.--Rev. Lous Pickering, of Stroud. 2 p.m.-Crusaders Bible Class. 2.45 p.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. rIl\hJ\.IA\ uA.r1AvllLl\ ; " l V A quiet but pretty wedding was;j solemnized in Collier St. United,` Church at ve o clock on Saturday,'i October 10th, when Pearl Beamer, 5 ..daughter of Mr. Lestor Beamer,.( `Cincinnati, Ohio, became the bride of` V Mr. Harry J. H. Carson, second son 5 of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Carson.; Small St., Barrie. Rev. J. J. Black` officiated, and they were attended by; |Miss Margaret MacMartin of B:1rr.ie' and Mr. Frank Stokes of Toronto` Following a reception at the home of `tile groom s parents, the happy couple, `vleft on 21 motor trip. On their re-I `turn they will reside in Tor-'m:9. I -----j} 1 1 In a story written for the Lake-} view Dairy in last week s edition of; the Advance, it was erroneouslyi _ stated that the Lakeview Dairy had' Ether own herd of tuberculin tested. g cows. The Advance wishes to statel Tthis a misprint and trust the man-; ,agement of the Lakeview Dairy have `A _.sutfered no embarrassment from this` ' 1 statement. i WE HAVE FOR SALE Eat a special bargain price a brand inew HIEVINTZM-_-\N & CO. PIANO} l`kn 1., ..+- ...... .w._:- i. . I I 4;x..a;.1xuAu:\-V Ob UU. l l.`X;VU.} I The last of our music more stock in Collingwood, the business of whicn! `has been discontinued on account of? the depressing times. The piano can be seen at 194 Bradford St., Barrie. Cash or terms of payment if required. I This Firm Features Honest: Value and Quality M I Merchandise. |cHo1cEsT GEMS AT = I WEBB S JEWELRY; l y E At Webb s Jewelry Store in Allan-1 1a dale one will nd the choicest gemsit `and watches, as well as the popular|n -costume jewelry now so much in de- I mand. The store itself is well ap-11' pointed and the jewels are artistically ; r arranged. Here one is assured of` c honest value and quality merchandise. 1 [Even the nest specimens of jewel-ll craft. are moderately priced. The line I of watches displayed at Webb's in-lg cludes the best in standard makes, en-II \ abling one to make his or her seIec- 2 tion from most lovely styles and 1 types, for either |] This rm SITA enn.-u'..1:..+.. -4` LL- uu.Auu uuuuguuub HHS section. Ml`. i\Vebb is watch inspector for you know how long been established ? of $5.00, a second .prize and a third prize of . for best answers to ques- `tions stories. Don't guess. Call the -above rm to assist you. (Nine in this issue). I have several nice houses to JB'arri'e Real Estate. CARSON--BEAMER ~.:.\L L..L _, Il"clLeU lH.IlLBl'Il SIIUES. ; Social Settlement Work in Tokyo,` Japan. Slides illustrating the social service work of the United Church in one of the world's greatest cities. Greater Tokyo has a population ofi ve million. CORRECTION .f. !.!u ` ess 01 wnlcng n A pretty but quiet wedding took `he place at Queen s Park, Toronto, on d St. Saturday afternoon, Oct. 10th, when; It ziequired. Miss Winnifred Young, youngest? `ggughter of Mr. 2_1tnc(ii Mrs. J. Young; mesmg, was um e in marriage 0; "Mr. C. A. Sollitt, of Peterboro, Rev. S !Wm. Allan, of Toronto, officiating, gWELRY.The bnde, who was given away hyl iher father, was smartly gowned in .. ,eggshel1 lace, with hat to match, and 93 H0eSt` carried talisman roses and lily-of-the-l u. 1' `v_alley. Miss Bernice Young was her: ` (1 lty s1ster s bridesmald and wore brown 30- velvet with brown hat and carriedl lyellow and bronze chrysanthemumsw yore Allan-`Mr. Alex. Elliott of Peterboro _at- )l'lOl(:eSt gemsltended the groom. The _wedd1ng ; popular music was played by Mlss Anal: Bailey and during the signing of the` f an-. resrister Miss T<`.+,l-ml (`.nv-rip, nf Tn. i When a citizen is in need of paper- 'ing or painting services for the _-_home, he or she will do well to con- a suit with Goldie Harper Decorating 5 ; Co. This rm has interior decorator-.=. ;.`of unusually high standards and ha. elgained a reputaton both from an artistic standpoint as well as practi- ngcal. The employee: are altogether! gexperienced in paint and wall paper: ; ilines. ln color harmony and appro-| priate designs their taste is unsur- gfpassed. Consultations and estimates ,4 are cheerfully given. {`,.I.):. vr v` I I 1 I L _ -.-----....._, ' Goldie Harper Decorating Co. .<| .stock of popular brands of guaran-' iilteed grades of paints, oils, varnishe-l eland stains is most complete, so thai: gone may select just the materia'| 9' needed for the job. This brand of *' paint has a lasting nish not found in: timany paints. Exterior, commonly[ lknown as house paint, at, screen} `and porch paint all have the same; `standard quality and durability. Th-= .varnish is composed of all ingred-' 5] ients necessary to make it an easy t3.working, brilliant, durable, hard dry-! 5' ing varnish. It may be had in the` 3 spar nish which withstands hot or; '~ cold water and will not turn whitreg flwhich is especially adapted to out-`' 0 side work.. l V I Dear Sir,-In view of the fact ithat Alderman Wm. Lang has so much time on his hands and could interview front street merchants to iget their opinion on taking out the ' three-foo strip from the sidewalk; and in view of the fact that the town has so much money to pave other streets; ,`and in view of the fact that Collier iand Charlotte streets duly petitioned the town council two different years `for paving of those streets, and were, `turned down on one excuse or an-' iother, although the ratepayers ex-I ipressed a willingness to pay, might Ii suggest that Alderman Lang get the`. opinion of the ratepayers of the` aforesaid streets as to whether they} {still want these streets paved and `thus get rid of the dust nuisance` from which they have suffered for 1 !two months past. ` I vnrn-u hvnlu `ABILITY IN HOME E ; COLOR PLANNING 3 This rm carries a heavy and varied assortment of wallpaper. Qualities to suit every purpose, which `they are enabled to sell at a much` lower gure through buying large` quantities than smaller concernsi icould quote. There one will nd a) {wide range of quality of paper, from_ `a few cents a roll to several dollars,l ` thereby suiting every station in life.H l Year after year this firm is sought! ;by the same old satised patrons lwho know them to be painstaking} and dependable. One can be assured` `ithat the work will be done in the . most approved manner with the best? .of materials. Much commendations ilis given them for the satisfaction and ;workmanship they give. Do you ?`know their price range on wallpaper? `I l A 4 -`na+ .-....'.... ..c o1:'nn - EGold.ie Ilzxrpcm-_ Decol-atmgil : Co. Responsible for Many 11 E Smart Homes. 5 , ,-._- .....L,- .... ......,...,.u.. A rst prize of $5.00, a second [prize of $3.00, and a third prize of i$2.00 given for best answers to ques-; .tions in these stories. Don t guess.` '(Nine in this issue). !`Call the above rm to assist you.` ollier St. United church;

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