Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1931, p. 8

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\VlI1nC1'S 01 [RE I1l`SE game, \VDO 1112101.` lit two straight wins when they` took the second game of the series `21 to 14. Both teams had re arranged their line-up from the first !game and it looked like a very close g battle. ` 0 I I o 6 D,...... nnr` (`n.Jmo+ uvovn H-m nnnn=.i : name. 3 ' Begg and Corbett were the oppos-i iing pitchers, the former working the! [full nine innings for his team, but. Corbett had to be relieved by Hurst \ Burton almost duplicated the feat 01 the Baptists in the first game, scor , ing ve runs, but the losers failed? fn nnmp back when Miller. their lead mg nvc out me losers 131180: to come back when Miller, their lead off man, died on third. The winners collected ve more in the second; six in the third, only to be stoppedj flat in the fourth when the Baptist? boys made a real effort to pull them-' selves out of the hole. They got, three in the second, two in the third' 'and came back with four more in the fourth, the score then standing Bur-| ton 16, Baptists 9. From then on both teams fought every inch of the ; way and both counted ve more. | The Rantists made 21 real rallv m.` and now coumea nve more. The Baptists made a real rally the ninth, getting two and were in a' lposition for at least two more, with? Pearce on third and Corbett an second, blllt the batter failed to came; through. 1 Snow: hv innings: . Lnrougu. | Score 1 Burton Baptists ` Rlmtnn bapnsrs ..................... ..U-oz 411. UJ.A---us Bunton-Ke11 c, Hunter 1f, Scott ;cf, Coulson rf, St. Clair lb, Gor- |ing 2b, Smith ss, Elliott 3b, Begg p. Rn.nrHsf.-.--'M'i'l]nr n. Armstrona cf. mg 2!), smna muou an, begg p. Ba.prtist---Mi1ler c, Armstrong cf, Skinner ss, Bartley 3b, Hurst lb, Smith rf, Pearce 2b, Corbett p,` Stephenson lf. 1 HOW*CROI*"l`---On Sunday, Sept. 20, 1931, at his late residence, 11 Peel St., Barrie, Joseph I-Iowcroft, In _ his 80 ch year. Funeral from above ` address on Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 2 p.m. Interment at Union Ceme- tery. L`1' Z1110 VVE15 ueungteu I0 .588 U10`? earned honors bestowed uponl I FON AVE. CAPTURES l JUNIOR BASEIBALL CROWN ' ~ Collier St. United Chlflhl` I by innings: E L`. .`\-` illllll\U1s`.CI1|CB (Ill. must congratulate you)? its 8-111; :71,-31', and wishing` more yea1'.< of u, _v0u.r;< rc. GEO. .\IcCUAIG. DEATHS 52 ...556 030 011-21}: ...o.32 411 012-14 1 I :6 F'lo,n'v 1h (lnr. y We -0 ` INDUSTRIAL ENING EVENING CLASSES . . PREVENTION OF DIPHTHERIA 1' BY TOXOID n.` Toxoil inoculation will be given in 3: the public and separate schools to h, children in the kindergarten and n primer classes, as in former years. e; Three inoculations will be given at ]'three week s intervals. Due notice .of first dose will be given out in the livarious schools. Parents are strong- 4 1y advised to take advantage of this ".1 procedure as an effective measure of '- protecting their children against L diphtheria. f. (Signed) A. T. Little, M.O.H. L Barrio. l REGISTRATION Friday, Oct. 2, 77.30 p.m. Prince of Wales School Classes will meet `Tuesday and Friday Evening, 7.30 to 9.30 Subjects Taught: Household Science Dressmaking Show Card Writing English and Arithmetic Oil and Water Painting Motor Mechanics l Innunna vvnn 154:1 _ The undersigned will receive sea1- ' ed tenders for a warm air furnace to be installed in Central Unitea'j Church Sunday Barrie, Ont. Speci~ l cations may be seen at R.-Urry s. 58 Owen St., Barrie. Tenders closer at twelve o c1ock noon Friday, Oct. 2nd, 1931. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. .R. Urry,I 58 Owen St., Barrie. < For further particulars apply to A. H. Goodall, J. E. Morrison, Chairman Principal REV. J. J. BLACK, MINISTER master. Horace Wilson, Organist and Choir`- ; Sunday, Sept. 27, 1931 : Services at 11 am. and '7 p.m. Thai `. Minister in charge. Sunday School at 3 p.m. A cordial welcome to al TOWN of BARRIE The time for payment of Second Instalment of Taxes has been ex- tended by Council to October 31st. 1931. No percentage will be ad- tied to second instalment if paid by above date. STAN WOOD and his orchestra from Blue Room Midland will be at Pavilion WTCOOKSTOWN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2nd TENDERS WANTE; 1 .._:n _. ....... Registration Fee, $2.00 Progressgive Euchre Both Nights AI\ll`I`Il\II OE- TAXES 1931 DANCE * ' v___-, YOUR HOME IS NOT COMPLETE"; without a . , LI KKIU, IVI . Bu-no. X137u'f1'b'n'c' THURSD_AY,_ SEPTEMBER 24, 1931 ART WEST A. W. S__lyllTH, Municipality of the Township of lnnisl, County of Simcoo. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters List Act, and that I have posted up in my oice at Churchill, on the 16th day of September, 1931, the list of all. persons entitled to vote in the said municipality a{1 elections for members of the Legis- lative Assembly and at Municipal Elections,. and that such lists remain `there for inspection. Anrl T l-m1-plxv call unon all voters there for impaction. And I hereby call upon 'to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. I W. B. Sloan. Clerk of the Municipality of I lnniol. I Dated at Churchill this 15th day -of September, 1931. TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL VOTERS LISTS, 1931 Treasurer 3 Phone 1 1 61 -~v~e-5v_~v.~v_~-2 Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned, Thomas H. Bur- ton and Ralph R. Gribble, carrying on business as electrical contractors and merchants under the rm name of Barrie Electric Shop ,in the Town of Barrie, has been dissolved by mutual consent. rm l-nncinpc: in.+`nhn-e will be car- mutual consent. The business in-future will tried on by the said Ralph R. Gribble, who will pay and discharge all debks and liabilities and receive all moneys payable to the said rm. Dated at Barrie. this 21st day or Copelanawkmefrigrator See us about it ', author, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION ` ` 2 Dated Barrie, of September. 1931. ' ` Thos. H. Burton l Ralph R. Gribble Sale of I..and For V Arrears of Taxes I In the County of Simcoo I TO WIT: ` Notice is hereby given that the, list of lands now liable to be sold ~- -~------ -: L .... ~ :.. nu. nmmm '(l came as a great shock to lllsl i\\'If0, who was ill at home suf`ferin;,-i . and husband, Mr.`.Vo1-man" saturdas Jamieson, have been the guests ofi of bllsirle Mrs. Leslie, Allandale, the past few: Grain Cam .la;\'.< while attending` the Barrie fair,l and was b( where Mr. Jamieson acted as judge; morning t} Charles Wilson to the St-8` Death overtook Charles Wilson, ?1,kaqI(3]d` 104 Cumberland St., with tragic 0 ` "` sucldenness last Thursday evening,` Stores did Sept. 17, at the private hospital. Al-1 landale. On the evening of his de-l TWEN mise he left home to have an oper-1 a`.ion performed to correct a head; trouble, but he failed to rally and died before really coming out of the effects of the anesathic. Mr. Wil-! son was employed as engineer and; the W`-"nr remen on the C.N.R. here for the; D1 A`_ past twenty years, coming here from` the Pat i` South Falls to enter the service. He, Work 1 I- was a comparatively young man, be-! Cd 311 Ol` ing in his 42nd year. News of his _ The no in the Leg signation in Ileeton Alex. For nominated ed by ac: Rev. W are visitir fore proce whr Mr. The bla Lrict held At lll(.` on Monda oil by a V favor of , from a very serious ailment. He L5 survived by his wife and three chi]-l dren at home. The funeral was held; on Saturday under Masonic and B. 01' LP. and E. auspices from Burton Aye. United Church, with the vice in charge of Rev. .~\. A. Wall. Interment took place at Barrio: Uniom Cemetery. n.,,.I:._._ n..:..1.`._ i for arrears of taxes in the County of Simcoe has been prepared and 1:! being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 15th, 22nd, 29th days of August, BT10. 5th day of September, 1931. , Cnninn nf said list of lands or 3(1- mu uay OI bepbemuer, nmr. ,} Copies of said list of lands ( vertisement can be seen in my olcu 0 or will be mailed upon making ap-l V plication for same. In default of 1 payment of taxes as shown on said V list, on or before Thursday, the 17th. ( day of November, 1931, at the hour} of two o'clock in the afternoon, 1 , shall at that time in the Councilzi Chamber, Court House, Barrie, Ong, tarlo, proceed to sell by public one :1 tion the said lands to pay such ar~`] rears, together with the charges thereon. , I D, H, Cnhunnn. y, For Sa1e--Model A Ford two-door sedan, in good condition, must be sold 3 at once. Phone 1-119m. . _ I151 -n 011 0? 091" ""-`/v = *""':Liarsic1e and A. Massey. N0Vem1>e1' Last Friday S. Garside nallyl 0 C10Ck shook the jinx that has been pursu-I _Cil` ing him all season and won the Bar`; B37719 0`. rie Scotch doubles tournament. His 3911 `W9 1 partner was A. Massey. Allandale _t0 P93 ch 51'" bowlers also secured second prize in` h"3'l this tournament, the kids rink com- 9-M19011 sposed of C. Appleton and E. Munro` D- H- Cl'1|s !doing the trick. T|'Gl|`| o C`7 f 5i`-i Games in the club competitions '1`-'l'985l1l`e!"S Officer C0117` H3 played during the week resulted as: 381739 0T|1 31'i0 the 10th day `31 Aug follows: C. W. Poucher and B. Mt. 1931- .Thompson defeated A. R. Walkerl and F. Sharpe in the doubles, and F. Whitney defeated E. Munro 21 to 13.l | Tlm rnmilar Mondav evening! (EV __mogt of 13`; 1' '1 no two rival _Leam>'_ In _oum;uul _ _ _ County softball ClI`Cl|:>` irwr this yezni Old f1k5 "'15`tmgnd 331 and met in a nal se:`..son match at the. courteous service a blessin -4when ; - . ' F. 3 afte,-noong, m1rt in lr3"5it is esseng-l"d` zljnllnteherllltlstljlll Jay real battle the 9t is small ,wi`h Allanzlale duplicating almosi identically the results of former W gmnes by making sure of victory in 4 the seventh innings when they tallieu _five runs. This same thing has hap- _ jpened in two other" games between` ` these teams. To Awnnlrl nrnnc H-an I|V'D.";+ -Fnr fl-an T'ieL'}i"f{af&io Hi 1 IXU LU tJrx.LJ;_IxJ IuA4.Au v -`V... Toronto Gayage C (1-5 nnnnn nu ""1 I-u uvw To help one anodnr __mntt~n nf IC uvou ma nunsu HRIECC vlLSON ..-..-@wx0p - We Sell and Recommond ...- - . 2-\ I: AUTO SALES SERVICE - tn \JAnn.\.r `pr.- S. Gob:-gianni 1 Pm ;______.____________ ' I Losb--Betwee_:n Midlanc `dock and; Barne, or m one pf the parks in Barrie, a grey squnrrel two-animal neck piece. Town Clerk's Office, Barrie. Suitable reward. Apply [IL I3 lV\JI without a one anoma- --motto Tad. L nu5u=-="- Wednesday 15. inompson auu :1. |H00k captured rst prize at the` ' 1' Orillia doubles tourney with a plus: 1 m of 25 and received handsome silveli 311' water jugs as their reward. Ot~her.~., In from hm-rx who also were at Orillial Allandale News Albr.-rt Kelcey of Toronto spent the week end with relatives in town. E Mr. and Hrs. Geo. Lawrence of 'c1ai-ksburg visited with their daugh-K .-._. Hrs. L. Lougheed, Burton Ave '} mm: Kniorm. i-pturned to Toronto A =`.-5:`. Airs. L. Lougneeu, .bL1l'I0n .-we | Chas. Knight returned 1a..~:t week to comp1_ete his course at I Pharmacy. ' \Ti== F111;: Davirlsnn Is visitmz 1- 11a1'maCy. 1 .VIiss Ella Davidson is visiting friends in South River this week. I \,v.. qr` Mae: '1` F. Davina Inft n'r.; Irxenas 1n bouun .(\.lVt:.l 5 Mr. and Mrs. T. C. ?.`. Ionday to spend a relatives in Renfrew. WT? T7"Hrrn]'\nH1 pm relutlves 1n Kenirew. , Miss Elizabeth Padgham of To- rronto is visiting her mother, Mrs `_Padgham, Bradford St. ! Mr: \V, Marshall of Orillia is thy .-__._. A1gebra--Midd1e and Upper School; taught. most efficiently. Phone 351. _._______._.__ `_1"adgham, bracuoru m. '| Mrs. W. Marshall .guest of 111-s. B. Green, Curpberland `m guxss Deny bum: veek in Toronto. `\r1 u nnrl NT: T |v;eek 111 Toronto. , i M1`. and Mrs. J. Matchett and Mis: . Marion Matchett of Milford Buy visit ' ted with Mr. and Mrs. C. Goring fov I z a short time last week. Nac Tnun 11on1']1I< 1-p r1n'npd from ` spending the summer at Lemagauu. Mr. S. B. Hinds, who has been ill `for the past two weeks, is able to . be about again. ` Mrs. B. Baker, Mrs. H. Hammond and Miss Mona ;VIcCaus1and motored from Toronto on Monday to visit` their father, Mr. W. McCaus1and,' who is very ill. \1.~ am! Mr; Ram. Raer are visit- * short tlme last VVGGK. g Miss Jean Shear has returned from spending the at Temagami. ' Mr S, R. Hinds. ill mcnes. . . The extra steel laying gang in 81, charge of Ed. Stepenson, that has [been operating around Downsview ifor the past three weeks, moved this `,week to Uterson, where they have a' ` short stretch to lay. B` 'l`s--n \'n AA wn: fnnr hours and `ames 3-D0`-"5 Wife `V9935 3(-ig- ;Uhurcl11ll. met \V1'Ll`l a Iatkll accluuxul-1` J33: `%;?,`,..-E1; `:..mE:o%3am P533221: A`-`3.,.da`;, ff`3i' h,?::s `thankoffering meeting Tuesday even-1 `$5 Em};-hened frcfngya Shurfting e}x.| I in_g', Sept. 29.th: whe.n Mrs. Hawkinlginey when Miss Mathew jumped) l. 01 GWE11101` Mlsslon \v1l1 be the speak-,_ from the buggy, sustaining internaltlt `ver. 1 '1'h :hxd`dn.'t% 3` Mrs. Nina Moore Jamieson, theg;J;_e mm C 3 L Xe e\ `V ':1uthnr. and husband. Mr.` Normani Saturdav the town wore an aspect 1 short stretch to Jay. 3 Train No. 44 was four hours and \ twenty minutes late on Tuesday. Due [in here at 4.10, it did not arrive till 8.30 p.111. The delay was caused by a bad derailment at Katrine, where I lfteen freight cars were off` the g track. (`tn QI3+`l'l`V`I",'l17 19?` J-n`h'n d GTVh (S- it. Miss Betty Coulson is spending the mo]: in Tnrnntn. I track. ; } On Saturday last J-ohn d Gryp dis- Iposed of his entire farm stock at an iauction sale, including his ne herd i of Holsteins. Mr. d Gryp was forced vto take this step owing to his entire` i 1931 crop having been burned when his barn was razed to the ground by ames about three weeks ago. ~ : vmm WM Q mt` Faun Road Pw-=hv-! = V Rooms and board at 68 Owen St. Every convenience, very central. 1 `- er. 1` . thegd Zauthor, husband, Norman` `Jamieson, of C few:( 3 Y Death overtook WiIson,. A \J\. nu...-..._,. 7] Bowling Briefs ; - During the past week Allandab-:, lawn bowlers have been cleaning up} 3 at tournament.< in the vicinity. Laslj 3- Wednesday B. Thompson and A.`_ Hook prize ` B 1.4` A): uvxrl any-r.iu.~.rl kunrlannan cllvnz-1` water Jugs tncxr rewam. Uvnerz, from here who also were at were C. W. Poucher, E. Munro, S.] :Garside and A. Massey. I `; Lncf Fvirlnv Q Cnrddp n:1H\;1 wmtney ueleatea Li. Munro `(.1 to 1.0.; V The regular Monday evening` ltournament was won by the rink `skipped by c. W. Poucher. 8 On Wndnnsdav. Sent. 30th. the `skipped by U. W. roucner. On Wednesday, Sept. 30th, ;Allandalo club will hold an open; |Scotch doubles tournament. The, {draw will be made at 1.30 p.m. }' --------------- I bALLANDALE WINS SOFTBALL i ` GAME AT BARRIE FAIR: these teams. v To Arnold goes the credit for the only home run of the `game. With two gone in the fifth and no one on, The two rival teams" in Simcoe M-....... ..n4'.+1.n11 n~.-n1r..- Pm 11-e vnsnl :r tms ween. . Devine left on; few days With 1 : 1 T. H. Burton, electrical 'cont'ractor,; formerly of the Electric Shop, 30` McDonald St. Phone 294. All work| guaranteed. --__. For Sa1e--Bu1k sale of first-class furniture, bedding, and all household` utensils. Just right for couple start-. ing housekeeping. Phone 445 for: unnnintment. I i A special meeting of Barrie Pres- bytery will be held in St. Andrew :5 Church, Barrie, on Tuesday next. Sept. 29th, at 2 p.m., to deal with two calls and any other emergent business. I Anniversary services, Stroud Unit`-l t ed Church, Sunday, Oct. 4th, 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Rev. Sinclair, of Mid land, will be the special preacher. and` the! from` , be-! 5 his' r erim,-I Ie $5 3. ,4 .,_ the town. 1 Dr. A. T. Little, after devoting! few months to p0st-g1`aduz1tei in London, England, has open-i ofce in Barrie. 5 nomination for the vacancy` in Legislature caused by the re-1 of A. E. Little, was 11c-`.~d colon on Thursday last. Mr.` Ferguson was the only our- nominated and he was declared elect-I acclamation. . Rrxv, W. H. I`hom1)son and bride" John Jebb, of Cookstown, an- swered to a charge of assaulting L\'11'S. Jebb when he appeared in police` court Monday morning. The assault' took place Sept. 16th and drew a! ne and costs amounting in all to; $23.15. A second charge of illegally} having liquor was laid against the , accused, who was remanded for hear-l "ng until Sept. 26th. 1 ' Cli`o1'd Garrett and Alvin Fo.s.ter,i accusetl of . were tried in! County Coun `.`. ;-rlnesday morning`, before Judge Dudley Holmes. Thai trial was adjourned for a week after; con.~ider21bl(- evitlence hurl l)'(l`` ! taken. Residents in the Ag1'icu1tura1 i .district had to go without milk 3 Ann mm-n;no :1: m-acticallv e Friday night the Barrie Hotel was the scerfe of a farewell supper tend- ered to Messrs. H. Fortier and J. S. Baldy. The occasion was the de-` parture of these gentlemen from ,town, the former to Ottawa and thel latter to Torono. I n \/TI\nr`I\Y lad H19 l'nn'ial service! ` edral, Toronto. ~',~ "W" ------- `-- - ~-~-v r-- Miss Muthers, an esteemed lady .31 fchelr boat on a wagon and draggeo ;Churcl1il1. met with fatal accidemllt aC1`0S-` *-he C0u11t1`Y f0!` 36 miles it ` "'_ at .A1]apda1o railway crossing. S11e;Lf"_l1`: imcotthimd~.%ande1h.aE%t L1.` was 1-ldmg m a buggy and the hm-3.,|1111 ea rom` e :1 e \\ 1c a111, -`j got frightened `from a shunt1_ng en- T10}V 0CuP}S~ _ _. _ ` ... . u___ `lrr\oL|I\IOIU .......m.H Phmn ump no house. thele a1' latter to '1`orono. .` On Monday last the burial service! of the late President Gareld took place in Cleveland, and was general- ly observed in Toronto and other! centres. Church bells tolled from 21 p.m. till 4, and many homes were! , draped in mourning. ! 'l`lnp marriage of Mr. John .-Ll .(.lI"d.pUu In luuuxuung. . The marriage Jo] Strathy, manager of the Bank c ronto at Barrie, to Miss Grz daughter of the Very Reveren Dean of Toronfo, took place on .nesday morning in St. James edral, Toronto. urn`: NTnH'unv: an c-.r.~1.:=r>,med 12 HAL-LY 5u.\u.-u . September 27th, 1931 11 a.m.--A Letter of Joy and! Love. Pau1 s Epistle to the Philip- -nimn: ' visiting friends at Thornton be- --- ' proceeding to the Canzidian Soo., 111 `L110 590094 831119 0f_ the " Thompson is stationd. ichulh League nals 3 Very C1`1DP19d "` blacksniiths of Barrie and di_s-B'f1DtiSt ta-2_m_1 faced Buiton Ava. thei ,Lrict their annual convention in _w1Iiners 01 the first game, W110 made ithe A.O.F. hall on Tuesday. Ovei',lt _ `V1115 31??` '~`; 100 were present, and all shops were game series D! closed for the day. 21 _Both re; Jr their line-up first: :_ (Jay. Saturday town aspecti1 `of business hustle and activity. 2 {Grain came in in great abundance 4' bought up at big prices. All ` |morning the roadway from the street station grain warehouses wa.=i blockaded with teams waiting to un-i load. The streets were thronged and a rushing business. 1 I --- 1 | adjourned special meeting} Monday evening, the town coun-9 vote of 7 to 6 declared in` gfavor a Board of Education for` ` Ln +,.~nu ` acclamation. .1 W. H. Thomp.' bride Thornton be- S00. `whr 1( ` I`hn I-xlnr-1( nf R:11`l'ie and diS'l] ;SENTENCE SUSPENDED ON { , GIRL ACCUSED OF FRAUDE A I l Irene Williams, aged 16. wasl iplaeed under suspended sentence in! `police court Monday morning wher| ishe appeared before Magistrate Jeri`.- .to answer to a charge of fraud. Thc [wayward young woman pleadec. guilty to having fraudulently secured lfrom the Bank of Commerce the sum `of $22_.50 when she presented a cheque purporting to have been made lout to her and signed by a member :01` her family who had a savings ac- 1coun in that bank. 'm.., ..-:.-I u1l\n crfnnrl sneechless be- counrt in that bank. ` The girl, who stood speechless ,fore the court, was given a severe ' reprimand by his worshi. , who point- ied out that while this was the first time the name of Irene Williams had `gone on the police record, it was not xthe first time she had been reported to the police. _ nnr father. in consenting to go on .` iArnold connected with one of Woods` offerings and when the cheering was `over he was sitting on the bench I lAdams of Minesing made things look` interesting in the seventh when he , collected a three-bagger with P. |Miles on, and scored himself on J ; Crawford's single. r Q:-nvp hv inninws: LOCAL NEWS to the ponce. I Her father, in consenting go her bond, asked that she be bound `over to keep away from Barrie. ; prawxom sluglc. Score by innings: Allandale ................. ..004 010 510-1] M-INESING ............. ..21O 000 200- 5 A1landale--Be1l cf, E. Marshall 3b. McKnight ss, Reid lb, Johnston c Guilfoyle p. Sfevenson lf, Goring Ef, -St. Clair 2b. ; I . 1l'1'nncna_;1 rnurfnrd Yf. JOhn "St. Clair Zb. , M1'nesing-J. Crawford rf, John ` 81011 c, C. Miles 3b. Ronald cf, Belt` ss, Woods p, E. Crawford lb, P. RN19: 9.11, Adams If. woous p, 1:. u Miles 2131, Adams If. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The Northem `Adv-e1uu+: -2. 111g. 2 2 r of To-' Grassett, Reverend thex , Weo-I in St. James Cath-" 5 ;<.uAo. ' There is another well known fan1~i' ly in Oro township that is worthy 0,` re mention, namely, the Campbell fam- ily, whose children of the fourth generation should this year be celel brating the one hundredth anniver sry of the landing in Canada fron ,te1 Islay, Argyleshirc, Scotland, of them; 31. forebears, John Campbell and Jane"-i ld McCuaig, his wife, with their family; de. This ;\Irs. Campbell was the granol 1 aunt of D. F. McCuaig, the 1nayo;' the of your town, and the great grand i parents of the Browns and Woods 01] Service Barrie, and the Campbells, Grahams ; 51d Muirs and McI\Iillans of Oro, Toroitcl and Vancouver. This family lefl; ,d otheyscotland on July 16th, 1831, andi -3. landed in Canada on Sept. 16th, be-i Les wemling nine weeks on board ship. Afte) {landing at Quebec they ascended then A, St. Lawrence to a place not far k To. ' from Montreal, where, in conjunction Grassem with other families, all being car rend thexpenters, they built a boat, on board weQ.{which they proceeded westward by 35' the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario and landed near Toronto. Here they pul [lady their ......:,z,t... if nr'1`nv<,< Thil r-mmtrv for 36 miles [L 1 Park : \Ion< every 1-f hurl: {Tribute To Simcoe \ County Pioneers! L. __ I ii _ . :`(:`reo. McCua1g, Vameouver, Remlls Ezlrly I`IiSTO]'_V of ` Om Sett1e1's. E ing 0ne s Part. After regular service the choir, assisted by Mr. W. H. Norris, bass soloist of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto, will give a Twilight" Service of Song. ` A cordial welcome to these se1'~ .... no . .. ..... m......, -.... .._.....--. . , Dear Sir--Reading your paper of Aug. 20th, I was pleased to see the interest taken in the early pioneer: of the County of Simcoe. I refer to the Steel family, a name to be proud of and highly respeczed in the` '1 Iownsnip of Oro. I attended school 1` with four of the said family, name-` _ `ly, Samuel Beneld Steele, James D., `1 Godfrey McNeil and Miss Edith. l :have watched with interest Sam's -V`: career and was delihgted to see the :\vnll r:wnml hnnnrs hc-,:f.n\vr\(l nnnrll _ I wen ; h1m. . l The following letter from Mr. Geo ' Mccuaig, of Vancouver, B.C., will. we are sure, be interesting to many readers of The Advance. ' '1`o the Editor, The Advance. 1 n. CI `Dnn,JZ..n- 1'!` .u ~-`nu;-u. I\` 1 I met him at Medicine Hat, A1- `iberta, in 1883, and he told me that ion his rst visit to Fort Calg'a1`y isome yeah; before in company with i other members of the Mounted `D4-.H;.n +1-.4 n Fnxu I'\1:in'; u-n:+ n-P 4-ha j _l0I.l1C1' menmers 01 um luounneu Ll Police, that a few miles west. of the fl,Sasku1cl1ewan River the buffaloes .\'.'e:x`L- so numerous on the prairie that ithey had to camp for three days to` , allow the animals to spread so as to get through. This shows the great de- velopments which have taken place E ! in the West during the past ftyl l years. - l vl*|_....- :. .`....\n..... ...nH 1 ...... n 4'... _] LL 1: Jul) yuu `uleft Barrie. .-\.< popular, 1 paper on 8-13.1 you many _ ` I remain. P I -now occupies. ` l There were no houses .that time. I notice on reading ar- laccount of the one hundredth anni- versary of the church at Shanty Bay that Alex. Campbell, the grand-[ father of the Brown family, workecl on that building. I Thocn am-lv qr-Him`: . m;m\. v I : I I l I mat Duuuing. These early settlers suffered man_\ hardships, along with their near rt-la tives, who followed years later and settled in Oro, name ly, the Gilchrists, Morrisons, )'Ic Cuaigs, I\`Ic\`abs, and many others The fourth gt.-neration is now enjoy- ing the fruits of their labors and glzould remember with gratitude the foundation laid by these pioneers and f. cominuw to build up such 21 .structur 'that will make their country a lam`: to be loved. Oro is well reprcsentei in Vancouver. At an Oro picni( here last month I counted (53 pres- ent. n .-- mm. .,,..,.m 5.... .1.,. ..-.-:4.-.~. them a few` , em. 3 i It is fty years since the \'.'1'it(-2, anniver.~:a1'ies art; u,:efL1lI1ess.! iT rran1:\i11 L'nlH`< rr-. ' ! BURTON II [M pians. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School Rally. Special programme. 7 p.m.-lVIusical Night. Subject,` The Kettle Drummer, or on Play- After regular the cl_1oit,

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