Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1931, p. 5

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w6i}:Ji5`s1i$E1i5" FOR RELIEF WORK} $150,000 1` Ultra-Superior Bleached Towelling , \_~.l r`< Linen Madeira Tea, Napkins nnn ..- :..- n....,l !`,..L..A:.1,...n,l H1 . Once again we prove our Value-Leadership with this DOLLAR SALE OF LlNENS. An opportunity such 2 itself. It means that for this sale period we will feature Superior Quality Linens at prices that will set a nev colrilon of prices featured below with those you ornarily pay will impress you with the fact that here inrlecz h I20!` Carly, we have much that will interest you. Hemstitched I-Iuck Towels .5---Rossie Ritchie, 28 points. 6--A;-:ne.~: Stone. 10 p0int.<. ; 7-Norm:m Miller, 17 points.:_ The Northern Advance n D2U'1`u\\ ...4 Yards L'luUlH ...6 Na gr . 2 Dozen for ONE DOLLAR Peel, Grove to W91-. lington ......................... .. 1250 James to Sophia .... .. 300 Total number of feet, total cost, $28,605. Trncl gf.1`P.PtZ `(1(.`(1 nu: iuuxnuri . ._ imorm ` E.S. No. 7, was red : public speaking] year Beacock, also 01' ms} C` citation medal. B = for (-zlch school . ` l live-rl_ a Mcmund, 2:~ ` f agem _ 72 -__ l Lt(i., Ruth ( u. on, (`vof W `; war l litchie, ])0lhl:x . i `.V '6-main I nni11I< EU`? p2uLC1`I1.~' on elm. Per Pair ONE DOLLAR Strlpes 111 :`d.111r,. M` for ONE DOLLAR l ` Hon. Lincoln Goldie, former Pro- p, vincial Secretary of Ontario, died in r. . Gyuelph General Hospital Saturday `morning after a long illness. He re- cltired from the Ontario Cabinet a H ago because of ill health, but his condition did not become serious ` I 1 till a week before his death. 'l2n1~n in Cur-lnh in 1864. NIT. GOl(llx` week before his death. Born in Guelph in 1864, `lived there all his life. On the death `of his father he assumed the man- `agement of the James Goldie Co.. 1Ltd., flour mills, and remained head iof the rm till 1918. During the `;war he served as eastern representa- `.tive of the Canadian Wheat Board `zuul in 1919 bc-crmnn a director of `3 that board. In 1921 he was a mom i:3--}i1i`)l(i Martin, 28 points. 17-Jean Wanless, '25 points. 18----Hamiey Hoskih, 2-1 poims. LINCOLN GOLDIE DEAD 5 Secretary in 1924. '1`nroug'nouc n1: `political career his stmightforward course of action won him the esteem x I u C I v leagues. I _ of his opposition, as well as his coi~ ILL I-I-ILL HIICUVVIV bu -v-.w.~ > 2G7-22x82-inch Irish-made Glass large sxze, and woven with solid in Gold, Blue, Rose, Green. Hem} looped. Be sure to see these! 5 Towels for ONE [ .......... .._- .- ~ .. 2S4-23-inch Fine Iri.~:h Chock Glass Towel- ling, woven 1n large checks in Gold, Rose, Green, Blue. A 1nanufz1cture1"s _sacrice. We pass our saving on to you. 4 Yards for ONE DOLLAR. AI. LLLU VV \I\-Nrv\rn-a 311-3l2--F~ine Irish Embroidcrc.-d Pillow Cases, .~:ize 21x33 i11chc.~', daimy designs embroidered in white with either hem- stitched or scalloped ends. Each pair neatly boxcd ................... ..Pair ONE DOLLAR total cost, 4o,uUu. Irmisl Street: Grading and widening: two each 5300; grading, etc., Total $8,300. Kanwnnnfrlldt S't.. labor, S 322-323--2lx33~i-nch Fancy Colored Em- broidered Pillow Cases, with l1emst71Lcl1ed or scalloped ends`. A variety of dainty combination p21. colo:'i11g's. lizxch putt" boxed ............................... ..Pair ONE DOLLAR Linen and Lawn I-Iamdkerchiefs ` "` " ` V I... ..A Win. 1 -urn a.na.a.:.v.n... .~-..-.. __,. Lot 9-10---M0n s Linen and Printed Handke1'chir~f.=. M: ,overmake .pu1`chz1sed by us at ingj. Qualies arm: beautiful n|1n1r-rnllfx`. We savlng `[0 you. Specials in Fine Embroidered Pillow Cases ...1 11:11,.- \Jl.l.U\:.I:x \.4;.wr.n.: .n. v u ....._._c 21 . 0---`.0i11cl1 Fine Irish Cher-k G121- Towelling, absorbent quality, in sta11(larn one-mch L-`neck. Com(::: mRo. Go`.v.{. B\u:.~ and Green. 5 Yards 501- ONE DOLLAR .|JcU.u.Lu.u.n -I-ra. vu..._--.. - -, 7(i3--5-1x5- l-inc'n Hemmcd 11'i. l);mms`.~< B1'cakfas_: Cloth, fully bleached. Lu. nish, a wide \'zn'i(>ty of 1101211 ])21tvt1`1`lS. Each ONE DOLLAR .lJ\J.I.\.I.vJ. \Iv|. - vvu -. - .. , Q 4($2--21-inch Pure Irish Linen I"o:`d-red Tea Towellmg, good heavy quality, :1 wide Variety of borders. 4 Yards for ONE. DOLLAR 703--l6-inch Pure Irish Linen Crash 'l"nu-n1Hno`, woven with dainty stri-pcd bozfdf lrxsh Lmen pram Towelling, woven bord- ers in pastel .... ..5 Y-nu-ds for ONE DOLLAR Irish Made Glass Towels .__-,z. r '* . Total I Kempenfeldt SL, $1,000. H Gram] mun, $31,832.97. |` A committee composed of Deputy-|1 At a meeting of the committee':l on We(lne. night tllu matter 01 ` unemployment relief work was gone.` into and it was decided to ask thei Government to Z\])p1`0\'<` of work esti- mated at $150,000. The Water and Light Commission agree to the e.\:penditure of $25,001:: for sewer extension, while t'.u`: amount for storm sewe1's was .~n-` c1`ea.~'ed to $70,000. l{e:npenfel St. expenditure \\'u.< ilicreused to $2,000; $1,000` was asked for Blake St. curb. and $2.000 for opening and widen ing :~:treet.s. It was decided to in-: 5 $20,000 for `.1 cement wharf. ; This would bring the zotnl ex~L penditure up to around $14G.000. __.__._._____.__ Phmxe 25 Check Glass Towelling Damask Breakfast Cloths ..: .\ I win: Check Glass 'I'owe11ing Bordered Tea. Tc;we11i11g .'0u;~:. 6 Handker<:h:efs for ONE 1 Are tnese: ` DOLLAR L911. 5 Yards orders. COUNCIL BALKS AT : SELLING B.C.I. SITE Fine Lawn :\'Ian'.!fact111`e1"s "V. ..t .3 :\-..,,H. Mrs. Boyd of Milllaml visitml vola- tives here last. week. Congratulation;< to 'l`lm.<. Bowmzm and sons, who o'bt.ained two 1'1r. two second and three third prizes for their Sho1'thorns at Alliston fair. John E. Reynolds left last week to attend Normal School in Toronto. Nlu -..ml My-:<. S. J. Reynolds spent Sunday 111 lhllllgruvc. Miss Kathleen Apperley visited Mrs. Fred Reynolds Anna \'lSlLUl days. Hi: Tow `.1, b01`dL`l'.1 Hemmed and .n~n I .\Ii:<:<. Do1`o`.h_\' A})p1ug'ar?h of Nin gara-on-the-Lake is spending` her vs. cation with her aprents, M1`. and Mrs. Geo. .~\pp1egz11~th. ` DOLLA}=. K3 iCom:'.:med from page one) > . . r :`X'es,Y said. Ald. Lang.` _ 1` "1 ou re a liar, stud Aid. Shannon.` 3 Order w21:< called, and as there \\'215?.(` no petition or request before council.; 3 nothing could be done. 3 I Aid. Robertson suggestetl that an ( estimate of the cost be procured. } Agricultural Society OVer.~:tepped } A l(:t1;e1* \\':1.< read from the secre-l( tzu'_\,"of the .-\g1`lculturul Society ad- \'isin_': that the Br'1rlt'ord street, e1-st; trance to `-.l1c fair grounds had beef"- eompleted at 21 total cost of $476.30.. ` it was thought ad\'i. to make a pcomplc-te job and the general appear-. aneu l`.`.-Hl been grreatly imprmetl. 1 Council haul made a gran`-. of $200` for this purpose and strong objection was taken to paying` $276.50 more. Ald. Lang said he was not it kick-1 er, but the Agricultural Society ev1- dently think `the councillors are a` bunch of .<( .:t1.i[::"('___J2ll1(l that body` I should get a bump. , nmunv-Reeve Blair said that he` u -Leadership announcement of our An as this seldom present: . ;es new record for value! A 2 indeed 3-. ov--~v:~1~ -"vi grove. 1 of Torontu for 21 fou- 1JA;.vva.a vucwwzu _ - .. - 30T-21x30-inch Hemmod Check G.1as.s Towels, good qu:x!ity, for everyday use. 8 Towels for ONE DOLLAR adv` V- `(urn _.,- 190--52.\:f3S-inch Hemmed Irish Linen Crash B1`eakfasL or Luncheon (110111, woven in two-tone colored effects. Gold, Ro.'~:~. Blue, Green ................... ..Each ONE DOLLAR cm-ted colored t>omcr.<. uccxuumy an un-v usual grade .... .,10 Yards for ONE. DOLLAR .---~-- -.-----.. - . -,,, Q .43'7-1G-inch Pure [1`i. .Linnn Cmsr. Towelling, -xce-ptionzxlly ne quality. As- corted colored b01`dL-r.<. Decidedly an un-v noun` n-1-na In Vart": For \I\JL\.l. luu:.a.l.:v\. -._u.----- -_-_-...- S7--52x70-inci1 Pam: Linen C1`a.:l1 Lunch- unn Cloth, woven with solid (`olr)1'n bord- ors -md cord st2`i1)n;<. in Pink, Blue, Gold, Tanm Fach ONE. DOLLAR |.`1`>' "U Rose , 3-". DUI-Ill. -I-lU|nQ\r--v v -- -- -__.- 272---:'H'.~:54-inch Pure Irish Linen Crash Luncheon 01' B1'(*::k!'r1<' (,"=0\!\. tin '_}'.`.:`.i";'. Hemmed ready for use. and \\'o\'r3n Wltrn colored borders in Gold, Blue, Rose 21113 Green. ................. ..Each ONE DOLLAR .|..|.u.\.a.L>.u:uuav.. _ -.-- 404--17.\'30-inch Ht.-mmexl Face Towel, with double tape per cent. linen. An excellent e*.'ery-day use. 5 Towels for ONT shoulu gun. at m....,,. Deputy-Reeve had been approached unde1`stand that it we more, but he wa.< not $276. 11 \\".1.< au'1'ced to 1 Bordered Luncheon Cloths Cord-Striped Lunch Cloths -n_.r-vn :....... nu ("w1:h lnnn C:-rasli Luncheon Cloths Irish Linen Towelling Check Glass Towels I-Iuckaback Face Towels ':T'.u-XJLI] . quullty, 101` eVe1'_\ -uuy u.~u. 8 xuccoxuxs D v; can ing from a distance were: .lV11'. anu. Mr.<,. Brydell, Mrs. W. J. Lidwith Mr. and Mrs. E. Williamson, all of Detroit; Mrs. Geo. Stevens. Midland; Miss Elsie Howcroft and Mrs. L. Wilson. Toronto. `2 . It wu.`~: agreed over till after the an ) \\` :1 y. After m Yln, Dluc, uuxu, ...Each ONE`. O?~! .T "OLLA!' ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU Page Five `xiuckabac. border, (30 quality fo 1' anyway. Taxes On motion of Ald. .\IacLarL-n am`. Raymond, the treasurer was author-I. ized to notify all mortgagees of 3.1}? properties on which .taxes in a1`rea1's' of $100 have been due and payablw Fnv mm'P than a year, notice to give`: notify all lI10l'lg`a},'L:1:a \.u. payablclm for more than year, give: partculars of such arrears. C} On motion of Ald. Robertson and M Tyrer. it was agreed that the time oil last payment of taxes` be extended`- from Sept. 25th to Oct. 31st, ancyw that trea; be authorized to ac- cept payment in full up to said date f` without percenage being added to H second i1L This not to ap ply to those who may not have paiuao any part. of this year's taxes. t Ald. Roberson and Lang: movec that ?he Board of Works conside1l_ the ad\'i. of placing a curb or: the .-o)"h side of Blake St., between ;' Cool-.*a`nd Nelson Square, a distance 5 of about (`:00 feet, some to be done on` of unemployment relief fund. 1 A request by Ald. Lung and Ray-ll mond that 21 hydrant be placed :11 corner of 1`r_a]ncis and McDonalr'.1 1'( C01`l'\0l` OI 1"1'Z1I1Cl.\ zunu .u\,.. streets was laid over. Iis.< Willcrs, Charlott`(: St., ' fn t.rin1t1'< .. ,. wrn I \ (Continued from page one) Total cost of work, $11,461.00; total tovm s share, $5,486.98; tosall cost of labor, $2,743.48. Plus labor costs of owner, $5,486.96. Total, on can AA streets \\u.~ mu; uv\.n.. Miss wu.~l given pe1'mi. to trim trees '11.` from of her residence; also T. Urx'_\'.` Sophia St. ` W. L. Brennan was granted pur- ' nn fn nrm-t . on his shop ox W. L.. Drunmu misnon to erect : Clappcrton St. A latter from I A letter the Imperial Oil Co. called attention to the condition of Tiin St., and asked that at least some tomoprary repairs be made. The Board of Works will take the w.nHnv~ un 1 MC UULII u matiter up. Tho (`.1*:1\' The Gray Coach Lins acknowledg- ed receipt of letier re parking coach- -a-.- nnrl . that the matter \\'a.~ receipt of leuer 1'0 1)zl.n\n1g, wm,..~ es. and . receiving immedizrte attention. 'Nm ,:nH('Ho)' for the C..\'.P.. in-7 Storm Sewers Few bump} teeve that ipproached and given to would take $150 not prepared for; l (1 1400 Elizabeth St., High 'I`m.m T.imi`._< 11 1250 n o 2500 o 1600 300 l lay the 1natt~::x` fall fair was held 813 Feet ) ,. 3300 $4950 I 0 1200 an gramcu pm- sxgn 11100 600 bllzaoeui om, .5 W Town Limiis .. . Tiin St., Essa Road `I westerly ..................... .. 14 Essa Road, Baldwin to Leslie property ....... .. ( Owen St., Wellington to Grove ...................... .. 15 Penetang, Mulcaster to St. Vincent ............. .. 25 Wellington, Toronto to -Clapperton ................ .. 11 Owen to Peel .......... .. I Clapperton, Sophia to Wellimrton .............. .. Dunlop, Berczy to Duck\\'o1`tli ............. .. Duckworth, Louisa to 1111:-ulnn 700 200 V 900 800 300 5 F` 0 11 Am, culve1'ts,1` $7,700. 18731 45-ui 19,070; 1 1 2100; COSES u.L $8,230.44. 1875 Cost ID 0 2400i 450; 1050; 1350. I 1200` I 900 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1931 L875 3780 2400; 45og 1050i 1200? 300, 1350 120u~ 18UU 450 n 855; o 1650; 1875' 45o; i,07U ;` bined with trailing ferns and palms. To the strains of the wedding march, played by Mr. Horace Wil- son, the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, gracefully owned in peach-blow beige lace,` with small hat of matching pan vel-' vet, from which an ostrich plume in same shade curled softly to the shoulder. Lace mitts and shoes in the same tone completed the charm-. ing costume, which was enhanced in` effect by the sheaf bouquet of soliel d or roses carried by the bride. She wore the groom s gift, a crystal and diamond pendant set in platinum. M-iss Eula Parsons, of Sarnia, as bridesmaid, chose for the occasion powder blue georgette with mohair hat and shoes of same shade and carried an old-fashioned round bou-! quet of Talisman roses and corn` owers. The groom was supported by, Mr. Harry Alton, of Walkerton, l while the ushers were Mr. Wilfredw Robinson. of Toronto, brother of the groom, and Mr. Eldridge Truax, of Walkerton. r n....;mr Hm . of the regrister Collier St. United Church was the scene of a most attractive wedding Saturday afternoon, when Sara Mar- garet (Sadie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bremner, was uniteu in marriage to Dr. J. T. Harold iRobinson, of Walkerton, the Rev. J. `J. Black oiciating. An effective see i lting for the ceremony was achieved with a profusion of helenium, Michezilmus daisies and zinnias, com~ trailing ferns and palms. rrn H10 drains ';` Walkerton. V During the signing register Miis:-: Bessie DeH~art sang Still as the 3`vNight," with a violin obligate play- ),ed by Miss Margaret Murchison. E Following the ceremony a recep- Hrion was held at Marlaw Manor,` `where Mr:..Bremner received the M guests wearing a handsome_gown of mi black lace and georgette, with which ,1` was worn a corsage of red roses and ,e_a smart black hat mounted with ,9; white tips. She was assisted by the 1g.` groom s mother, who wore a com- bination of black and white georgette m with matchinfr hat and corsage of );_ pink roses. .u': Later Mr. and Mrs. Robinson left It-' on a motor trip to Quebec, the bride i SE. t.ra\ elling; in a smart ensemble of 0:. brown velvet with matching accessor- 'b. ic.- and fox fur. On their return they 11 will make their home in \VFilk01't0}1. 11-` Out of town guests attending thi- pwedding included: Mr. and Mrs. Kil- :x~. }>ut1'ick, Dungamon; Dr. and Mri-:. ` Curtis, l{ing'.'-`tori; Mi;<.< .\IcCallan, iumm. `:'1H~' Mr. and Mrs. Bron.- 1 burns, I Smlth u r-mnhc. uram. w um;-,1 Luu, AVA . M: 3 son, Be11eg1'a\'e; Mr. ' Pu1'.~:ons, Snrnia; M1`. Brcmner, Midland; Codlingz Fergus. E11 \Yn Inna.-nu`. Mr. a_nd Mrs. G "F1'1day m Toronto. ' Mr nnd Mrs. H UH Lu\:u l`oron' 0. `1* 1'1uay In LUIUHLU. I Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Purvis `children spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvis. . '>\T|~: and Miss Kit Annleby of Mrs. Albert 1 llI'VlS. 1 Mrs. and Miss Appleby ` ironto visited Mrs. W. H. .\'Iartin `L `week. ` Mr unll Mrs. Harvie .\'e. Uucxwux Lu, ...u....,... .. Dunlop . Brock, Bradford to In- nial ` week. family of Toronto spent Sunday in Mr. and .\Ir..<. .\'e. zum l the village. wv Wm. 1\Iart.in was in Toronto ` Mr. Wm. on Saturday z1t,t<:nding the func-ra`. of llthe late Mr. Die)`. \1:..- Int Rlmzk of Midland is MORRISON--GIBB The marriage was quietly .~:o1L-mn~ ,...`..L 13 Vi:-1-or .-\\'e.. Mimicu CUl'lH`l In u.-.u.....-.~., - Owen . A petition from the C.N.R. em- ployees, to be forwarded to the Leg- i=iu1m'o. re ihe carrying of freight by truck and train, was laid on the table for consideration. W`STROUD (`An T\ Toronto. Purvxs and .,...+ 0-hr: umnlc pnd \\`n:: an; M1. .` , Mr. Ernest Robin- ;.\Ir. and 1\rIrs. George L; and Mrs. Robt. land. VT1` V_ Laura KOD`.I1- ` |HJ\l.IJ Goo. Neely spam EUK1 M 1`. Hrs. mom. and M 5r0CK, D nis`. Johp St., Innisl D..IAmn . 1U` . last ` {mos SCHOOL FAIR WAS 1 AMONG BEST EVER HELD_ 1 -Au; n..< year. nu\\u.1u 11(u'L. u; 54...... U... _-, the winner of the championship cup. with 21 total of 41 points. Murray Thurlow, of S.S. No. 8, was snrnnc with 33 points, and won the Majoi; Richardson books, while I\va1-t Thur low, of the same school, with 30 points, was awarded the NIz`.rior.; Keith books. '| ,,-.1__. D,.'l1 ...c 1: Q No 7. was. l\l:1Lu uuuna. I Dorothy Bell, of N0. the winner of the medal, while Vivia 01' No. 7, won the recitation Diploma winners \\7D`|`F 1 LUVV\IJ.L&La.b (398--19-inch Pure Irish Linen l`o\vc1- ling. heavy quality, woven with solid (:01- ored borders, in Rose, Blue, `G |0id, Green, outlined with narrow stripes in same -`~- 4 Yards ULlLl1lu color . .\u:.. poirvs. N0. .1. v vv -v--...._c 68-16 1,5-inch Irish Linen Bleached Cmsh Towelling, woven witn dainty ;<.tripe bord- ers in Gold, Blue, Rose and Green. 4 Yards for QNE DOLLAR bL., J-Jl(I\.l.I.\ll.\A ..................... .. Baldwin, E" `a Road Tiin .......................... .. `Short St., Tifn Creek .......................... .. Worsley, Mulcaster Dn\rnf7. _ ................. .. ear. Howard Hart. Ln. 111:vI!'I()V nf H1 1000-Dz1inty Hzmd-Embroidered Chinese H-andkerchic-f.<, fine quality lawn, and a wide variety of patterxus from \v'nich to choose. Dzximiiy <-mb1`0id<:n.-d by ham! in pastel co101`ing.s. 9 nnven Fnv ONF. l"). )l.I_AR 23--18x33-inch Pure Irish Linen Hem- stitched Huckabuck Towel, woven with at- tractive damask patterns on end. Per Pair ONE DOLLAR 1--.. -.._ _.._--...--_ -- _ _ -- ._ . "J: ___..__ 2000--Pure Line Hzmd-Iimhroidered Ma- deira '."":a Napkins, .~iz<- about 11x11 inch- es; (laintily emb`.`0idc1'ed in 21 number 01 designs, includlng Basket and Butterfly nnf.f.m`n.'~', , Nankins for ONE DOLLAR u\:.\,|g,un, pat.te1'ns. {award of SS. No. 13, \\'3..`.` -1` .. +nfn1 nf A1 nnints. HON. Hand-Embroi:?.erec1 Kerchiefs PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Doilar Sale of Lineiw Thurs, Friday, Sat, Sept, 24-25-26 TAKE. ADvA1j_A.GE or THESE PRICES to0:o3<:3o :::2v>1u1oo1mj::\mn 19-inch Pure Irish Linen Towelling !`m. '[`nu VV 01311:), Auuu.u..-u.. ... I Poyntz. ....................... .. . Grove, Bayeld to Owen ............................ .. 1 Wef- Hun-fnn 1

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