Page - `Two ESTEN & DSTEN, B.ARRISTERS,! .Qnl.:.ul+...... :. u:..1. n-.._. ,1 -.- I `Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, E Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg, Barrie. us \nrLn;Jal\\lJV BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 5 Owen 5%., Barrie. Phone 406. IVIONEY T0 LOAN R. S. Cnrnnvnn Y A I" - - - - Ar _-........ .. -urn\.s.u-uxnn, DJ-I. | BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie MONEY TO LOAN RADENHURST & HAMMOND--` Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Oice, lst oor Masonic Tenmle Buildina, STEWART & STEWART, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Oice, 18 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. GORDON R, FOSTER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ARV wrn mumlux R. 5. Cameron u\uuuusI:I'B`D10Il, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Office: Masonic Temple Bldg. D mu-nscers, aoucztors, etc. Oice, Temple Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. VITAL PARTS .u'1`J9N & nsTEN, BA.RRIsTERs,I- Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Olce, 1st oor Masonic ` Temple Building, Barrie. Money ' to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. IAPDTQVFDD on! `I rrn'\r\-n H... . nv-u\r\4rnJ\J' Adar`: Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Successor to Craowicko & Be Money to Loan Ofce, Ron Block. Barrie GEO.R.AND B A.BURNS Licensed I11) (TDD A rvrlnbn .....a nunrw `EV C-KMERON & CAMERON `I1`a`rfVr1\'r11-snn NA--...-....___ _ D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. D......:_L,_. n.u,-. :- Harmony Electro Magnetic Appliances RPASONARIW DDIPE EDI??? l\v~|nr\nn~---..._..._. GORDON LONGMAN ;;-.n, ;.u4.v- I\ION`EY T0 LOAN ` DI. -.9 Ravi-;n REASONABLE PRICE HAVE THE rnunn. qua 6U ELIZABETH ST. Licensed Chiropractors and Drugless Therapists Business" Directory `DON R. FOSTFR 1' lll2`l:` nucnnn. G. 7R ;""L3 k7f~:s PHONE 405 60 ELIZABETH ST. sod Chironrnctor: an:-I D.-uni-.. Tl........ .|.a\J.LlV K. A. Cameron I 1AV Phone 69. , - _._.v-_..:.. L PRIEE VFREE DEMONSTRATION HOME OR OFFICE `-5 -.;--.:...__.__ W. Bell NOT- Etc. 80% of all repair bills on automobiles are due to lack of proper lubrication. There are many points in your motor car that re- quire thorough lubrication at regular inter- vals. Our mechanics are specialists on lubrication and know When, where and how to lubricate your car. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1931. II C. LIATYD I I i FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ` EMBALMER I Open Day and Night 1'47 Elizabeth St. Phone 2 I FUNERAL UIIKLKJIIJKD Motor Ambulance in Connection Open dt&! _n.ight.n eclgorgue and pe U1 CO Tl OX1. Established 1869 `DI1.-`no R9 `n......:. (1.: 1 Phone 82. I F. E. MAXWELL ' Bachelor Veterinary Science Graduate Ontario Veterinary College ; and Toronto University. I Day and Night _1a Attended Promp )1. `Office & Residence, 125 Burton Ava. OF PUREVCOD-|.|;I7ER on. lid: in Vitamins Iebuids strength I I DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND D OF WOMZEHV' [Associate Coroner, County `of Simcoe Phone 81. Ofo>-58 Collier St. Ofce Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.20-8 p.m. ` - rnone 41.1 47 maple AVG. Office Hours: 2~3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or b appointment A. T. Little, ..D. W. C. Little, M.B., Anoocinlo Coroner County of Shncoes 24 Dunlop Above Arnold : Market. Telephone 878. an. n. vv. nU|u:l(3 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of Simcoe. Office and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Ofce Hours: 8-9.30, 112.30, 6-8.3!) -. MANY un. 1;. u. IUKLVDULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oce and Residence---Comer Eliza- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Ofce Hours-9-10 a.m., 1-8 p.m., 7-8 n.m. A Tonic of Rare Value snows Amutslon JA.l\1Lb' 1:}. THOMPSON Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assurance Policies, Pension Bonds, Annuities .r.\a:I.ALctllL U IUUCIBS, Kallon Bonds, Moderate Rates---Maximum Returns Collier and Clapperton Sts. Phone 167. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Maple AVG. G. (3. SMITH & C0. l:|IILIl!nAI I\lfll'!I\'I'Il'\I'|lV 0 lIJ..l.In"U J College Entrance vna-J Jul. `u \r\- Fl3`h;EI:A-L Duz2c1'oas_ .0... AlI1"|lI`DrIlIQ 3-u f':u-.-.A-l V 7 " - or LIFE INSURANCE JAMES E. THOMPSON Life AJu:ur=n:-A (`II -3 I"- DR. LEO COUGHLI N DENTAL SURGEON TRULY A VVONDERFUL RADTO .-\ CI ITEYEMENT DR. E. G. TURNBULL A....... -4 1ur-n:n 1-v, - . DR. N. w. Rom-fiis V'Q.T(`T A `A7 4 \7n n77-nnvs ooa Barrie, Ont. ugub 218 Cars Washed Greased Polished DAY 919 Exclusive Dealers for Barrie The Barrie Planing Mill NORTHERN ELECTRIC BUILD in that breakfast nook, H1-a`r <.~_\'t1'a bathroom or b antry ; ciumge that doorway t at you have been expecting to do for so long. Do it NOW, for this is a 11 1 Iiqn e opportunity. _L 1_'.ic-es haven t been as low as this in years. Now is your chance to have WO1`k of unusual quality done at very real savings to you. We shall be glad to give an esti- mate. FOR ONLY $1.00 your car NEW 1931 I x1 NIGHT 931W. Res. 1071 and 1534. r -`av Phone 1081 Barrie Independent Radio Sales $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 I | _.____j.______. Buy Canadin-made goods and keep our own people working. [ When 21 table on which she \\'Ll..~ [standing overturned with her Ye lcently, Mrs. Richard Mawdsley, of East Oro, had the misfortune to fracture both her left hip and left arm. y,u|II' nu` L-nuugn, DUI. mo Colllrllltlccl :I]>pUlI:ll'Il wvm 11:; far as thr-i1` (lull(:. Cl1ll\`(l for, anrl as u rostllt thorn wt.-:5 lw :1 _L"('ll(.'l`1l slmko up in the mun-r u.5.:1,-rm.-nt, while the G0v(':rnm(:nt will lmvr full jurimliction over the num- gutinn part of the . Mr. Ben- nett. pr0mi.~`e(l further invcstigatlon` into ('}lmp2ll','H fun etc., if :1 spr.-ci<-' cl1m`go is laid lmforr: the House. tun :1.` ti; w1u:u1 gonv fznr enough, nmminrml \-.-pm : uL'L'upL1uUH emu 111: own working} locality. will do -.1 gm-21` deal to'; alienate the syinpathy felt for all un : employed by the gs.-nr.-ral public, and} will `tend to strcng'Lliuu the suspicion; l'}Ll :1 |.'.1rs-'(- nnmh.-v nf 4`.-.;~:.. m.-m nun! '.e-our buuu uuu \\UlL.ii \\nuI:. ; I Any mam who able to get 21 job{ lb_\ his own e'ort would, naturall_\'. the left. free to accept it, but the job-i {le"s ,the men who have reached the?! (state where they are a cliarge on th-.:-I |public treasury, should welcome at iplan whereby they can earn an hon-i lest and independent living, free froim rcharity donations. We hope some-I [thing of the sort can be put into e'ect expeditiously. I HUL (LL (ill L1H.\lUUb 101` VVO uLtitu(lc- in effect is--g'ive kind 01' work we like be: workmg conditions we lil give up; a dole-." And .~:in( be impossible to nd any ' of them like best, the 1 must be 21 perpetual govm nuitv . ILL .: __g;es:ion 01 L210 Unzariol iG0ve1'nn1cnto'e.-1'5 promiaing pos.~.i-i bilitiu; for relief. OI (.'UU2`S(.`, `t] would encounter many (iiflicui1ic.:.` 'l`hL.='L- would be the of bring,- ing lz12'gc-'.' groups in co-niact with tators. There would be complaints of bad working conditions, poor, lv.'u;;e.s, slzxw driving . Thu-.' things wouitl require careful and, pc1'l1ups,i` i.=:ympat.hetic handling, but the goall [looks good and worth while. I is to get a jobi by his effort `kn law 4`.-an n ..,.,...n+ .'; 1...; am :4. i v .j..__ 11011 5 The average Canadian voter has Gal ilearned more during the past week Ch? {of what constitutes practical poli- be tics than he had learned before in 1'0 -,his whole life, and it is pretty safe fo.M`3` {say that the general feeling is onegdllt ;of disgust that men whom we have _ `placed in high positions of trust could ;'191 have been guided by such sentiments}Vhl I--sent.imen:ts indicating an absolutelm lack of appreciation of words likeiln `.honor and gentlemen. The out-lf standing discovery in the Beauharnois. 0-`K15 investigation-started for an"entirc-lb0_t ly different purpose-is that elected 3} representatives, men to whom the;t1l electors of Canada have given power} 131 `of attorney to act on their behalf,lHe have deliberately accepted bribes from} C95 ; people who were asking material as-[car ;. sistance in return. ian` l Thorn uynnlrl lIv\v\nn\n 4.` l\lN .. L..._.l I I DALEY &FEAVER The second session of the seven- `teenth Parliament was prorogued on l`.lOll`ll.`. There were many surprises, though several things that from the opposition standpoint promised to loom large, did not prove unusually contentious. The tariff changes were perhaps more moderate than some had expected. but the economic con- dition of the country were taken in- to con. and there will be further changes from time to time. The imperial Conference wa: held .~'inc(- the special session last fall, and while it did not accomplish all that might have been expected, yet the subsequent events show that the Bennett (lovernment is working toward the iniple-ms:nLin;.r, of its own idea in 4-:-:16.-nding intra-lmpirel Limit-.' The 1'e<-iprouil agrm-inr-nt with Australia visibh: proof that- thv Go\'-rnmr,-nt means l)l1. l"ar'ed with a decit of nearly >I'-100,000,000, through no fault of the`, ;..w.A-11'. L. o\'i-rum:-nt, t`:.r-i xvas no` is exper cated. Of red a 0'11 2). .= 1,030 Act \ speed: condit wrong . no rig in, an signal `JULY l The lwas 7 ` above Rai than most j total : hein_'.,r July 2 July alternative but to impose h(-zu'ir~2- t:1.\`:-s in . (lim-r'tinnr.~ \Iv.11 `Monday, after sitting for nearly` ve l 2 . b1.~.4LaIlCB 111 return. i There would appear to be a tend-| ency to defend the acceptance of these bribes on two scores: First, that: they were not allowed to exert any inuence on the subsequent acts of those receiving them; and second, by an endeavor to magnify the enorm- ity of the crime of those who made the donations. The real misdemeanor, however, lay in members of parlia- ment placing themselves under obli-I gati0n--s0mething` no self-respecting! man does unless he feels quite ready and capable of performing an equivalent service in return. Rnxroral nf` Hag rm.-..n+,\..,. -4` :.i..,..: equiv-aiem service in return. l Several of the promoters of the. company were at the same time members of the Senate, and as such were in a position to use their in- uence with campaign funds. We lcannnf nd wnwl: fn nvnvnc: m... ,i:.. ........u\,;. u; uu: L.)\':lI uuu at aucul cannot nd words to express our dis- gust at the moral standards of those in high positions, as brought out in the in\'r=stiga.ti0n. DO THE WORKLESS REALLY WANT V5/ORK ? LOVV MORAL STANDARDS THE SESSION Published at 123 Dunlap St., Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON, Editor and Publisher Elbe Nnrtlmn Ahuanrv LU BRICATED Jur mu pr()U(` mm; but the comrnitts.-cl < wt.-::_ Lu. nu in Hm ..... n-an: uus1ne..'. lnmng U.J'4 01 nea1'1y`Jn|_v a\'(:rug:-. usrh fault, of 1.h.x The Northern Advance EDITORIAL OVER UUSL I like [we 1' wouzu work som - 5-`n-ml un--..V- I Civic holiday was observed inl most of the 1a1'g'e centres on llonday` last and accidents were nuznc-roz~~. `Nearly twenty deaths and over fit ` ;l pm-.:oiis injured in Ontario as :21-'2 2~:- 'i.~hlY of 1120101` accid<:nt.s was 21 ii-.-ztvy .- ..'l\ C` I. 1- total Ior the month was 3.04 inches. 0.17 of an inch more than that ylJ1l|_V I1 1,! The mean temperature for July xlwas 70 degrees, being 3 (10g'1`0<':.; gx the normal average. nl Rain, though much more frequent efthan is usual in July, was for the tfmost part. moderate in amount. The twotal for the month Hwiny." HY` im-h l)1n\'1- Hun: Hnx ` It has been proven that +hr.- town! can pave its own streets and save! ,money, with a one-horse outt.l `Small street may have been a lucky} `break, but further tests are I)-:iI1j.;`5 'made. A E bf the Board of Works, say} H1112. i1.,1 _is spending more time studying` 1 a\7`\ }ing that at his law practice. Per} fhaps there is more `money in `hu pzxv-I Zing hu.=ines:< if you go into it 1'igx!'..` I ._____.. ` Deputy-Rceve Longman, chairman 1 I -:~'ul? toll. The motor t`1`21I"-_~ through 21rr1W `over the 121st week end would not} 1~ ::ts1 on-:: to believe lha` there \\'21.~[ ixnuch h:'.r(lship or that co11r:1i`[iou.~; |\\'eI'f3 >0 very bad. People in sz1`axgnLAj is-,n(,-d circumstances do not go off 011` in ::o1i<`.z-1y. but 'L'm.'1`c.\Vel`(: thousand.~" `ipasseti *hrough Barrxe and most ofl them looked at. if they were bound; ifor somewhre to have agood time. I . uuues. I Through this _re-organization Prem- \;'ier Henry relinquishes a portfolio ;i\V'hiCh he has held since 1923, am) giin which he was deeply interested H|In his statement issued at the close .iof the Cabinet meeting the Premier explained that the close relationship . between the department of the Prime glllinister and the portfolio of Educa- ,ition led to his decision to retain the i_-;la`.?.e-1' zintl relinquisih the highways. ;He voiced his condence in his suc- llcessor, Hon. Leopold Macaulay, 10 .'carry on the department thoroughly and eiciently. I C90, H (`.l'1:illip: `thr-11r2\v'Dvnvin,.iall V\ H`..'ZlL I level this , As predicted some time ago, Prom- iier Geo. S. Henry on Friday last re-| aorganized his cabinet by niakiiig: iI-Ion. Leopold Macaulay .\Iim'.<.ter oil Higlnvays and George H. C`ndlIie_~, member for Dundas, was sworn in as- Provincial Sec1'etary. With the cab- inet rt.--organization came the an- nouncement that the Department of Game and Fisheries, now under Hon.` Chas. McCrea. Minister of Mines, wiill transferred to the Provincial Sec-' 1`eta1'y's Dept. This will relieve Mr. `McCrea of a portion of his heavy lduties. 'I"h~..-ma-`In +1..::- awn .u..-..-nm'm.+:,... D...-.. ' caueu. the 857 accidents, 278 occur- at street intersections and 193 a straight road. 01' the crash cars were passenger vehicles. Trair i volations involved 76 cases of `speedng too fast for road and traffic `conditions, 70 cases of being on the wrong side of the road, 56 cases 01 right of way, .16 r`.as(!s of cutting `in, and 18 cases of drivers failing to signal. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR STORE TO SEE AND HEAR TI-IE INCREASE IN NUMBER OF DEATHS BY MOTOR CARS Statistics prepared by the Motor Vehicles Branch of the Department of |High\\'ays and . iBickell, registrar, reveal that deaths from motor car accidents a'1"e stil` mounting-that duing the month 01 June 59 per_<,ons were killed and 835 Hnjured in the S57 crashes which oc curred throughout the province. Of these crashes. 261 xvrarn nnHi:. released by J. 1'.` curreu U1I'Oug'I`l011t the pI`0VlI1C(:. crashes, 261 were collis- with other cars, 52 collisions witl`. bicycles, and 50 collisions with xed objects. Twelve hundred and forty drivers gured in them; 1,150 were, male and 90 female. Only 30 of them were under 18 years of age, 782 had more than a year's driving experience, and only 13 were intoxi- I cated. (H? (-1.. DIP] .__ :,x,,,i A-m lions with pedestrians, 350 collisions : JULY TEMPERATURE -Fl-[REE ' DEGREES ABOVE NORMAL iauiu eiucieuuy. I I Geo. H. Challies, the new Provincial lsecretary, has been in the House but .two years. He has, however, proved "his worth and the Prime Miniszer is [satised with his choice. I Low . 70 High 9'7 DO '12 - -W. H. Buttery. (52 H`) 0`; 64 '70 H1 (52 :0 sank to In Iowa ' A .1 o - 1\.'.-\- HL: llkfl ULLEH and frexght dexrkc-.~:t bef rug: 97 n: El Ht` \`." farmer: k..~!. 1 .. o oi?) 0.1] 0.76 0.??? Phones: Mill 163. 0.13` 033 0.10 0.. 3i: low ..u.. mcensea l GHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESS. THERALPIS/I S 60 Elizabeth St. Phone 405 Electra, Hydro, Machmo Physio and name Treatment: and don-ectm Adjustments. Blood, Nerve and Urinalysis Food Concentrates for All Ailments. I VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES; Barrie Branch I A NURSE RAILTON I l40} Clappm-ton St. Phone 467w., BOYS & BOYS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at; lowest rates of interest. 0fces| 18 Owen Street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., J. R. Boys. I ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- sor to Lennox, C.oWan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of Will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor. Notarv. Cnnvnvam-m. A4- .uumr_. 1 Owen SL, Barrie. Radio Sales and Service L. P. Singer Phc