Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1931, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 23. 1931. .4:.juu-cag.-ax;-mgr; \\'i;`t3K U1 LOFUIIL-U. _ Miss Bell McCuaig has left for Port Carling and expects to be away a month. 311'. and Mrs. S. A. Jerry, of Stay- nv1v\ruI1v\n/u Han nun.-.-..-..,.w......- -5. HIUHLH. ner, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tho.-llna Louise, to Mr. Nornlan E. Synnott, of Barri-3, the nxarriage to take place early in August. =\/I`:: "RF-tfv T)ir~1:in whn i: anm. I The community was shocked to` hear of the passing of Mrs. Stewari (nee L. Moir) at her home in |Bu`alo. '1`!-.,. J'.....v.,-...~ ,...,. ~,-.+L:..n. LIsr\ <\.....'|. DL1lL'cl1U. The farmers are getting too mucl. rain, and hay rotting in the elds is: reported by some. 'l"hi.: . m.: tn hr: the Hmn nf' vnml ;vu.'s. A. Home, .l\'1111I1'1I.11` rownsnip. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, accom-l pzmied by their daughters, Misse; IHele11 and Ruth, and Miss Wilda: lCul\'ert, also Mr. J. R. Clement, of? `Montreal, were recent. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, Smithdale, Creemore. NH`: N/Tr-nnnnlrl n+' I-Tnrnili-nu icl DB1) 1U1.' L118 5uII1n1(-:1`. Dr. W. Richardon is vlsmng hx: brother at Tottenham. `\!.- and TH am \`(T.`Hn..n-.\\.d. n...-I DCBVEHSOII. Mrs. Ted Price, of Wontreal, and Mi.~_s Kay Pr_ice, are spending the [week in Toronto. 1\/Has. Dnll 1\/l'nf`nn{n `Ann 1n4`+ 4-`Au `Dana. .L'Uj_JU1`Lrl .`l.l U) 501116. I This seems to be the time of yea: for family reunions. Thursday last was the Allan and Cross reunion a`. St. Vincent's Park, Barrie, Friday the Sturgeon gathering at Queen .'~ ;Park, and Saturday the Arnold fam-` l lily met. The Sloan reunion was held in the township park Saturday. The weather was ideal. Those coming from a distance were Mrs. and Jaca Berkinshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Herb . Sloan, Roy and Thelma; Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean, K. P. Sloan, J. W. I Sloan, Mrs. J. J. Hoidge, Mrs. J. M. `Sinclair, Mrs. H. C. Willson and Bert. 1311'. and Mrs. Earle Wilson, Mrs. R. W. and Miss Evelyn Sloan, Mr. and [`Mrs. W. Banting, Mrs. D. Christian. 5 Col. F. B. Robins, all of Toronto; Mrs. S. Janes, Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sloan, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Mathers, Detroit, and W. B. Sloan, lVIimico. All seemed to enjoy, 2. the clay and will look forward to an-,` other year. We were sorry that the l two oldest members, Mrs. J. Sloan, 2 Toronto, and Blrs. Sheldon, Lefroy, could not be present, but hope they i will bu spareti to he there ne.\"1 I \'| 3f]\' I fwindsor, have. been the guests of `Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rodgers L01 4] lfew days. . | Ppv, and T\'Yra T7. T7} pnnrzlnv nF( Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mingay, of; I LU Ully. f Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Pugsley, ofi Espanola, are visiting Mr and Mrs; ID. C. Murchison. : A n.. D r~...._.... ...:n. x.:. ...:c.| PROMPT SERVICE Phone 195-1165. 922w 12 OWEN STREET, BARRIE John McKenzie : Harold McNabb lDII1'd._ll DL. [ Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Heels and granddaughter`,` Miss Ruth Kohn, have I been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. |Greavette, at Gxavenhurst. 1 Mi:: `M F`. NT!-r`.aII]nv 3: cnz.~n,Hnn0 \.`l1`i:'d\ULvLB, KL ulavellnurst. Miss M. E. McCau1ey is spending her holidays at the home of her aunt. Mrs. K. Noble, Mulmur township. Mrs. A. W. Smith. nonnm. IJJ. b. lU.LU.'U}ll.`.UIl. V Dr. R. A. Carson, with his wife! [and son, of Cleveland, Ohio, are} spending a month with the for1ner's- pzucnts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson, :Small St. 1\/he nnrl `i\`fu.~ `D I` L1.-\..l.~ nusrll I . | M1s.~: I Marion wnek xvi`. Qn mx~ Q The July l'Aii`-`Lilly. of 111- 'l":iu.'nLonl Sr. l1`1. \\n.< hclxl at Ilie `;:om-` of l\'l:-.<. l.4:1a(t _\ll(-n, with twem_v- :tlm:~w nIvl`lli_wl`.~ and four visitors present. The roll call was m13\\'er- ed with the recipe for My Favoriw: `Sal'.-id." After the business part of the meeting, all listened with pleas- ure to Mrs. Boyes, of Cl1u1'cl1ill, who gave a brief account of her trip to California and exhibited a few curios and souvenirs. A dainty lunch was served at the dose of the meeting. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. D. A. Adams on August 20th, at 8 p-.m. l`HORN_T-ON siz. ms Personals \ V euuuu. CHURCHILL LEFROY Rzx1sto11 and .I nunnn -nnnv 1.\Ztlll5. of Toronto spent `.\!i.=~= Inlen Nelson. 113211 Luella Don- r.-~.v.,.` ..n +`.-.n H1: Miss 4 uh. 1 Miss Elsie Cloughley of Grenfel is Ofgvisiting her sister, Mrs. H. McLean. ` Mrs. Willson of Bridgeburg is visit- _ ng Mrs. J. W. Knapp. ` `'1 M2`. :m.'i VIN. (3., Rinnin and `Mr:, Ulit:/Ll an VV 'd.:'i:lg'c1 DCHCII U115 \\`LfBK. I The TUXIS Boys from here are` `hooking forward to 21 big time.and `gathering on July 31st, when they Ehold their ice cream social in the ischool grounds. There will be al Esofvball game between Midhurst and` Edenvale C.G.I.T. and a good pro- `gram. ` NT)` 7\`Tnvnr n`F Rqrrin ha: honn viz. In four weeks the gure pre\'ai`.i:1=__r' ~at Alliston has risen $1.25 from $7.22 , to $8.50 last Tuesday. The causL-. is a shortage of the nished producm which occurred some time ago am has been carried along many momh.~j because the packing houses canno1| get the necessary hogs to make 21 lurplus of product with which to Hi the cold storage rooms, which \verq lemptied a year ago when a slump Ioccurred in the price of live hog: and many farmers ceased to be in terested in hog raising. cu. . . . M ,.,. 1-....- ,.....A.n... ........l....L_ -1. IUIE AIIISIOII I`1(.`l'Zll(l. i .LV`J.1UllLlfSE Ueuxg Le \VlI1Il1Ilg' team. Quite a number from here have lbeen at Wasaga Beach this week. | u Tlw Tnxic Rnvs from how: `l1'tI` `grauu. . Mr. Mayor of Barrie has been vis- `iting his daughter, Mrs. E. Richard- gnn . I 5011. I A great crowd from here attended 9a Very exciting ball game last Mon- iday night at Minesing, when Allan- idale defeated the home team 16 mi 19 M1`. and Mrs. Tyrell of Toronto visited with friends in the village. M1`. and Mrs. Allan Wnhh nf l`n_ ALL INSTALLED FOR CASH OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS. The price of live hogs is steadilyi mounting and bids fair to ruinairz stable for some time to come, .-':1;.'-_ lthe Alliston Herald. Tan nnu v1Vr\n]r`~ +1.,-. 5-in-nnr. n...~....: Id. gram pain, )1 Elle enIerta1nn1ent., {also Miss Veronica Cavanagh of jl\-Iinesing Station, Mr. Robt. Coutts {of Midhurst, Mr. John Miller of Min-| iesing and Mr. Russel Knapp of An- iten Mills helped out wonderfully 4The1`e was a ball game between Edem'ale and Midhurst Tuxis Boyer! Midhurst being the winning team. Qiiitp 2 nnmhm- f'vnm 'hm~p hqvn VLSLLBU \\`lLIl I.l'lBl1(lS U1 Elle Vlllage. ` Mr. and Mrs. Allan Webb of To-I ronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Lot Webb over the week end. i ` T\/In nnrl R/Iv; D.\k+ Ynnunud .-.+: U\U1` L116 "8811 UIH Mr. and Mrs. Kingston Road, IV with friends here. wm:.,m |\\1Lll J.l'lEllLlS HUIU. ' William Hunter and Harold Heath` of Guelph spent the week end at thcix .homes here. I m1:;... 12.1.. Ilnnt-nu I. I\r.`:rlr\Iv:v\4u la" Vliltlllg Illa` IIIUUILEI` HOPE. `Mrs. Jas. Boake of Toronto is us- itmg her (laughter, Mrs. Herb. Wal lace. I -7.... (`AA LII1r\4-nto 1)..-u...-..-..-I and [PRICE OF HOGS CLIMBS $1.25 IN FOUR \ VEEKSi u..\...;v\.-.. ... .5 ......,...D. So scarce have certain products of the packing houses become that a few days ago the price of pickled hams advanced 15c 21 pound in To- ronto and last Saturday Toronto was said to have been all but sold out of ham and bacon. 'T`1nn ahnv-1-an-a la Hlznlv fn !\I\I1+;'l'II`ll.`I war 1. mnn1e's. } Mr. and Mrs. W. gter Marjory spent jlatters parents, Mr. {of Cundles. 1 A urn-u nunn.-m-4`..1 L uuuuntb. A very successful we cream social {xv-a.< held last Thu1'sda)', July 16th ` under the auspices of the Minesing 'Statiun Sunday School. Misc` Bry- Ison, of Barrie, and her pupils put on la great part of the entertainment, Ialsn Miss Veronica Ca\'nnno'}1 nf. MCKENZKE & RVECNABEB 3 UUIIIUD HUIC. Miss Bessie Hunter is holidaying in Toronto and Niaga1'a. Mr. John McCra\\` 01' Conn, U.S._. is visiting his mother here. Wire, Ins, Rnnkn nf Tnrnnfn i: vi<. ld.Cl`.'. Mrs. Geo. Hunter, Raymond and Meta, of Toronto, spent Sunday in the village. Hg 1u1`s. J. W. Lmapp. ] 31:`. and Hrs. GI. Bimne and Mr`. :.Ma.garr1ty of Toronto spent Sunday . at '1`. Binnie s. ` T\/In curl MI :-a \.U' Paul. .~.n.l An...-la am ana oacon. The shortage is likely to continue MINESING STATION STROUD Can you abrd to be wealthy? THE CANADEAN BANK OF COMMERCE EALTH, like many other things...a house, a car, a suit of clothes. . .ia something that must be paid for. Sometimes it can be bought at bargain prices. But if you haven t the /price to pay for it, you miss the opportunity of acquiring the prize cheaply. It is a confession of tailure to be so poor that you cannot afford to be wealthy. Your .'1i .\ l`l1: _'E;. the surplus of your income, s`s1.c:::1z1ii-all) stored in 21 brauc.l1 of The Canadiazz Sank of Conunerce will build up :1 fund for acquiring wealth at :1 bargain price: wlxeu the opportunity offers. You will he vcelcomed as :1 depositanr at any one of the 800 branches of L`IlLl. Robt. Leonard 01. Toronto, are vlsitmgi PP. Harmony Eiectrs Magnetic Appiiances REASONABLE PRICE FREE DEMONSTRATION HOME OR OFFICE .._.. mg g._--....-go.-5. Capital Paid Up - 30 Million Dollars Reserve Fund - 30 Million Dollars , Cook and dauglrl Sunday with the `. and Mrs. Ferris. 3some time because the Canadian customs tariff p:'e\'ent.< pLu`ch2x_ in `the United States, and it is only .' when the retail price here advances 'above the level of the wholc-sate iprice in the United States plus the `Canadian duty fhat importations may [be made. .'un;u..v .2 uu Auuuuay. Miss Olive Graham and friend of Vandorf spent Sunday with the form- er s sister, Mrs. R. Plowright. Miss Elsie Plowright returned home with !them for a week s visit. I .. .-- --. . ounuay at me 1atter's home. I There was a large crowd at the Minesing-Allandale softball game on Monday night, when the home team lost by three runs. We wish them ,better luck in the return game to- . night. ......,-...b us. nun. \JoLuA1Ju\:AA .3. j Mr. and Mrs. Mason and Mrs. 'Robort.son of Toronto are visiting friends in the community. T\r`r:.~.-- 1\/rm... `nr..n,n.. :. ....-._.I:_.. mm 1:` wauul` OI 3 summer camp. The garden party held on the United Church grounds was a huge success. The play, Cyclone Sally,` presented by Crown Hill young people, was thoroughly enjoyed by lall. l . 'UJ. D1155 \ (:`lHl21 iVl1llEl', UFO DTEEIOI1. Mr. Dalton Dunsmore of Yellow Grass, Sask., is visiting his sister, fM1's. W. Campbell. I \T\._ T (`$n.l.l.\..L :. .. ...... uu u/>\a LU ur.;\.. On last week s shipment to the U.F.O. Salesman David Nicol realized $8.58 f.o.b Alliston for the hogs. The gross receipt was $9.50 per cwt., against which was a bill for 92 ex` penses and shrink. The slirink was 31/2 pounds in the hundred and cost 30c per cwt. Other charges were yardage, freight, commission, inspec- tion and insurance amounting to 62c ldlluldle last 'eeK. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford, ac~ comprmied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jack- man, of Coldwater, motored to Owen Sound on_ Saturday a_ni_ spent thj week end. ' "- "' 1vl'm. I`n.. \ 1m,.r~..n_.._1_ Ha EBAN%K?fIQRO%NT0 ncczs enu. ' "~ ' `V Mrs. (D12) McC1ough and two daughters of Wellin ton are guests .of Rev. and Mrs. Stotesbury at the 1113,1138. ` NT uric` 1\/I... hA....-.. r--` `H manse. l Mr. and Mrs. Pogson and M15. Pogson, Sr., of Oshmva, spent Sv..n day with Rev. and Mrs. Pogson. MES. Quantz Of Barrio i< _-.. ._...., U. u, vunusc. . Kenneth Giffen and son lof Toronto visited at Downey s on Monday. We: Clix-n !`1.-nhn. .....J 1 --- .. NV... run. Mr. and Mrs. Muirweather (nec- Hilda Armstrong) of Toronto spent Sunday at the latter s home. Thnrn um: 51 Iavrra nxsnuvrl M +'..,. Miss Eleanor Shanback of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Gilchrist. I `:zV.'1 AH...` `l).\..,.,` .4.` 7t1......._4._ 9- 1 U 1lCHI'lSE. Miss Alice Boyce of Toronto is visiting at Wm. Campbell's. NY`. .....J 1\/f..,. 1|/Y-.- _.._1 1ur_., ....-...u.; nu nu. \.uuuuunuu_y. Miss Mary Walker is spending two weeks at Lake Scugog, where she is leader of a summer garden nartv held m1 1?. A number of the girls from 1161`: attended the shower held in honor gof Miss Georgina Moore at the home 'of Miss Velma Miller, Oro Station. | 7\ T1- nnlfnn nlunavhnvo n{-' \ nHnu. l~, ..... -. 1 Prices prevailing the past \\'eek \~.x:1'e: [Hogs $8.50, and grade butchr:: cat- tle 4c to 51/;c, calves 3c to 51/.c_. lambs G%c to 8`,- _c. (.'H&1`u'S. Miss J. Kenyon, a former teacher here, and Miss McMahon, of Bath, spent the week end with Miss Norma Chappel. I R11`: .T T\'Tnu' and Mn u~nn+Inu- NIT`... ear Hat *\Nater Hgating I puappex. Mrs. J. Maw and her mother, Mrs. Richardson, spent a few days in A landale last week. Ma. .mA M ..- f`-.,. rw.....-.-...1 _- Quantz Barrie is .a few days in the village. `uay wlzn xcev. and Mrs. Fog I I VA.-...4.1.. (Hm... .....I IAIALQI IV - \JKalllllJlIClIa ` Mrs. J. Stoddart is visiting her sis- ter in Port Huron, Mlch. ! | Miss Betty Orchard of N.Y., is holidaying at Mrs. char s. 1\.'T\<-a T V .... -_ - 2_.....___ mnnsr; GUTHRIE Page Five EUIL. spemhng Leighton Walter Some Things the Kiwanis Club has Done Your deeds, securities and other valuable papers may represent the tangible evidence of years of effort on your part. The most modern safeguard for your precious possessions is a Safety Deposit Box. The cost of security, convenience and privacy at The Bank of Toronto is small. Rentals are $3.00 per year and upwards. DUNLOP STREET The Bank For Savihs CAPITAL $6,000,000 RESERVES I.`-IKJIVIL QUK) OU ILLXLPXDL I X1 3 I . Liuznsed Chiropractors and Drugless Therapists Rent a Safety Deposit Box at .-::~.t Us fvodermize 'Y:)2ur iF~3me ----_WITH-~ R. 'Z'3UT?;NS `PHONE. 405 60 ELIZABETH ST. .....l f`Ll..............Ln.... ...-.) I\......I...... TL--- lN(_.`.ORPO-RATI`ED 1sss__ $9,000,000 BARBIE 1115' :L,n1`15ue's BDSEIICE. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Ellsmere are spending a few days with friends here. Q,.\-`-.',.,. ..4- I.'nn\- f`7-unml-\ at non .\Irs. Thos. Leigh and family of Toronto are visiting Mrs. Wm. An- ` d.ra:'.:r.n. `L. .i(.I1'A. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Wilson of Lon- don called on Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rouse recently. Mr and Nfr:_ Frlwnrd (`.v-nwfnwl nf` J.\UU.:C 1`CCUlllz1y- I Mr and Mrs. Edward Crawford 01* Manitoba called on friends in the village last week. N11`, and T\'Tr:, Taghlpv nf 'I`n1-nnfn \ ma.ge 13.55 WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. Lashley of Toronto called on Mrs. Reevie recently. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton of Hamilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Leigh.- Mrs. Art Crawford and CIarkc| motored to Toronto last week. ` NT`. I'unAru~ 'T\n:- `xrr\nAnu ruin!` $1.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dunning and children of Toronto, Misses Doris and Fay; Dunning of Cookstown visited with Mrs. Bowman Allen on Monday. l Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gnllnn nf Vn:- Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, Mm.` ;Watt and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lau- mer spent Sunday at Midland. - IVT1`. and Wire, (Inn {l.i],:nn and tn-n! H161` Splllz ouuuay ELL LVLLICIIZIIIQ. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Galson and two} friends of Toronto visited at Harry: Reynolds on Monday. i Rev. Frank and Mrs. Herman and Cleata are spending a few days with `friends in their old parish. I Mr. and WTTE, ('.hri:Hp and f`-,1rnHv .|.l`lUIM.L`. 111 Llldlf ULU. parlsn. Mr. and Mrs. Christie and family )a.re holidaying at their cottage, Wa.s~ `aga Beach. Mr. P. Caesar is in charge of the station during Mr. Christie s absence. 1 My om: M.. (inn m1.....m..,, nun $840 - THREE GRAND PRIZES -- $840 1st Prizo---Cl1eV.Roaclstur, Value `700 2nd l ri.7.v-Radio - Value $100 31- 1 1-i7.(s--]'-}i(:y(*le - value $40 All Proceeds for Underprivileged Child Work Every ticket purchased entitles holder to a 1ne111be1'- ship in this great work. STREET DANCING` -- _ ___ A /\ ._ f`) V. vwv . - 6 ME 1' E Service at Knox p.m. MW`: C-hurch \'c-\\'n1'/In an (1 Rn In at 7.30 arc: hnlnn p.111- ` Mrs. Nu.-wn1an and Babs are home again, all the better for _their stay at Big Bay Point. ' Services for Sunday next are: St. Peter's 11 a.m., St. John s 3 p.m., St James 7.30 p.m. L,l'd\\'.[0!'(.l. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Joslin and fam- ily are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Jos- lin. l`hr. non.-Inn nnutw I-.n1,l n.- #k,. 1v\r\vv\r Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowman andl Mrs. Harry Reynolds attended the! funeral of the late Mrs. Alex. l\'ess,{ Allandale, a former resident of Knock. K \\ LL11 .V.|.1`S. DUVYIHRI1 .511 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. `pm spent a short Reynolds. I`: 1-` HIOLUFCU L-O LOIIOIIIO [BSD VVEEK. ` Mr. Lander, Mrs. Wooder and Mrs. Moore of Toronto are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H Crawford. \Tu nnrl \`T~ Dan T.-\~In l`|\\rl Cam-. Llll DLFS. rwwman A"X11Il.. ` Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wonch of: .;\'orth Bay spent the week end ail Sylve Reynolds. Mrs. Wonch re- mained for a month s vacation with `friends. - " ` Qnn.l.n.v ..:;.:+n..,~ as Q.-hm Dn".n`._~l~I u'u:uu.~.. 1 Sunday visitors at Sylve Reynolds} xvercz B11}. T. Calder and nephew,[ St. Paul s; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pratt, Miss Lydia Pratt, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. H. Pratt, Churchill; Mrs.| Webber, Miss Sadie Wonch, Toronto; Alisa Iinupp, Barrie; Miss Laura Jebb, Cookstown; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonald, Thornton; Mr. Ernest Wonch, Killyleagh. Mr and W/Tr: \N1'I':nn I-Tnv-:+ urn` `>\ITr vv uncn, Lxluywagn. Mr and Mrs. Wilson Hurst and Mr. Bash Duff of Toronto spent the week lend at S. H. Reynolds. A \v u my nu n u The garden party held at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Butler was a. great] .\'ll(`.l".F*.S. Round, Square and \V0bb1-y E}oup1es \Vanted EUCCBSS. I Mr. and Mrs. Fellows and Bill spent a few days in Midland. T\/Tia: Allin F`.riu-off. and NH Q1-9112. 5113115 3 Ib`\V uays LII mlulanu. | Miss Allie Edgett aI_1d Miss Stella; Edge-tt of Rugby called on friends in` the village. I `:\`[r.:, Kpnda nf Khnntv Rnv vkihl "77 I Mr. and Mrs. H. Dunning of _Cookstown spent Sunday with Mr.1 and Mrs. Bowman Allen.. 3 \, fu nu ! R/`l u~ I711-in `IVA.-..-.11 n-L`. ' Lllti V ulage - `Mrs. Kendall of Shanty Bay visit-` ed Mrs. Robt. Kendall for a few days. 1 \H:: `M !-l'.c-nrl nf nrlllin r-nllarl nn 311:": Mr. 211 week. Mi week ` u.. \\`C(:K \\'IL. Mr. an Olive spL Midland. \1- AV1llllZ1l1U- Mr. and ;\l1'.<. R. G. .-\1'm.s9,ron_:: |A11i.~'0n were !'(`(_'f:I'lt \'isito1'.~' at .\Icl{<.-11zie .~. The TJ I Y\ (`In `-:\4 .-.1` "`I\ ..-.. . 1\. .1. u. mxnpson I spent the week and \x'i?_`u friends. Mr. and .\Ir.<. H. .\l. Tho Lillian and their guests, I . ., , I" 4 an... \.....~Ax. ,. .u.....; UL LKILL guest of her niece, ;\Ir.<. Cormack. Miss Juanita Jamieson' Ln'd:xy with .\ Ii. GE:T10\'i\_'V(` Dr. and Mr. Chas. C.72n':' .~'penL Lhv \\'u-_-k L-ml \viLh :1` parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( I-?c.nrn1v \'.:.x.\-c xrilh \T-. `1.ipp1ie(1 1O,000Hquarts of milk to unde1-privileged boys and girls. Erected Junior Se(-`(ion Building in Ag1'icu1tu1'a.1 Park. Supplied Clothing and Food for Needy Families Christmas Cheer to 50 Families Provided Swimmiiig I11s`r1-uc.t01' for Boys and Girls. Provided Surgical Treatinent for U11de1'p1'ivi1eged Children. am: \'L`1'H()l1, or . Kut N.J., spent Sunday m 'I`a.:'a. _\1i.~.\ F0\vl\:-1' of To1'on1< guest S. ("m-mar-k |\`..i 'lL'y XII [Rf CH '.`i'Ll'-..ii',; H1 7.l1l"g (hm 2`:.l Ilospital Llicn. 1-}:l'oro loavi ing: Lin-_\' were tlm l'(:('ipi0l1Ls of gifts} from the Y.P.S. of Trinity CllLH`Cl`.. .\`1i.~:.' HalbL-1'L \\'zi.~~ pimusentcd wiili a green gold compact, Miss Bai- low.` with an l:Zvei'. pencil, and Miss Dorothy Maiel, who leaves in August to enter the R.V. Hospital,` `Barrie, with 21 crystal necklace. Nine, (`.:1Hmn nf \.Vnnrl.e1*nr-1: anti Mr Unites? ` ( 7 t 1 ( ( E I ` IJ$'U'l'1L`, \VIILH il L'l'ySLi1l HGCKIEICE. Mrs. Calhzm of Woodstock and Mr. `and Mrs. Elmer Graham of Alliston wer-. recent \'i. at J. A. Len- nox s. 'rviv\Hv 7\ .":::r\11 m..,.1n mm rr\nc. nox's. Trinity 1\k`ission Circle will meet on VVednu. July 29th, at the home of Miss Jean Boake. y.c.. ..,y.......J . Mr and Mrs. Harvie Crawford call-" :1 on H. J. Packard last week. 1 Miss McCauley of Barrie visited [1:. and Mrs. Robt. Kendall this '13:)`: V Uh .Ils'.`. I , `E. I Miss Crane of .,-- no `UL. \ J'\UL'l ,'HL \ Halbert -lul-Iu\InI.UI.` In \ J-` Helen Jennett is spending with her aunt in Barrie. and .VIr.~:. A. E. Morrison at spam Sunday with friends and. HAWKEST ONE `E (If unf21\'m`ab1e weather, July 28th) 7 pm. till 13 o'clock, moonlight saving time FUN - FROLIG -- ENTERTAINMENT CRAIGHURST THORNT`_0/N }F`NPK_ JL L\U .\'ole Halbe I. 111/ .1 I Thonlpson am`)! i)` (rm-<?<. {U1-< (`ls-n; Simpson of Torontc r-hr} \\-I'H\ 'l"nnv-n1n; 1. J1. I HUHIIJE Mrs Va W I? n H` \\ .'LH fzmnly x\lnv\{r\ uuu uu monuay. Gollop of Ves- time at Sylve Monay, Juh; 27 The Northern Advance -J-` ` a and nhlx 4`y.r.n.Ir. in ).\, 14 Tor n D.- , D1 1'.` . LI FUN Ruthc-rforu. `.. .... & '. Sat-1 cs Jamiesor ' of Osha\\';`{ he former`: T f`.. \0\I L UIUHLK '1` normoz K/cl1`1 .< wt I uhc` E 251"" Augusu. Miss Betty Dickinson, who is sum- `mering in Barrie has been the guest during the week of Miss Betty Cres- wicke at Big Bay Point. NH` qrari Nhw ix` VT prim nn-"> \\lCl\C Lil. Dig Day IUIIXL. Mr. and Mrs. R M. Price and duu::l~.1;er Dorothy leave to-morrow cc spend a week visiting friends at Sim- 'COL' aml Welland. I I1TT`l'T1'II`IT,'I"l'T 'I' For your ` valuable papers ! A safe place ` DERLBS. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burton and; family, of Hamilton, spent the week} end with the former s father, Mr. R.[ W. Burton. 1 Mr: LIm.w..... he Mn++....... _..m.'..: ! vv. nurwn. _ Mrs. Herman, of Net.tawa, is spend- ing some time with Barrie friends. Rev. Mr. Fortner, of Iileinburg, has been thp f!'llP nf Mr, and WIN- I I Lmas. nxcmlng. | Mr. Sldney Tooke spent the week end wlth Barrle frxends. Mm. Nl ,.A.-4`.-nu. p...m..:..+,...,:m.+ A41 enu \\`lLl1 1:5a1'1`1e Il'leI1C1S. V Miss McArt`uui', superintendent of the Royal Victoria Hospital, who has been enjoying a two weeks holiday, returned to her duties Wednesday. l\lr.<. l.lnvrl_ nf` Raul? Rh: Nfsn-in 1'el.ul'llL:U [0 I161` (ILIUBS VV eunesuay. Mrs. Lloyd, of Sault Ste. Marie, accompanied by her son, John Lloyd, is visiting her mother, Mr". J. MCL Stevenson. NT:-: 'r...1 n..:..,. A`! M....+..,..,1 .,...a Allen 1I4iU'UlUl` J\.iHSLUll ZHIU D1155 5| Marion Ru-(1 of Toronto spent the with .\'h'.<. W. J. Ralston. Sorry to 1`u0p1'L 111211 ;\`Iar.~:hall At- ikin.~:on is`sL1'cri11_'-1 from the effects 9.01.` the extreme heat. C'o11_sr1'aL11l:1tim1;s Lo l{at11lL-en In- ggzmun, ['ho1'n'.on Stcphc.-n." and Ha1'1';v ,.fWeeks who were :ucce.-. n; p:x.~;:- . Iinw a! n nah-nnz..~. ..vnnu.- ")m1u1ua.1e, b1`(:`(:`II101'B. Mrs. McDonald, of Hamilton, visiting her niece, Mrs. Dickinson. MI`, and TWP: RH Fncairiv vlsxuug ner 111808, Mrs. ulcxmson. ; Mr. and Mr`. Ed. Cassidy, of: Hamilton, accompanied by l\/Irs.i Scott, of .'-Xlbany, N.Y., are at Shanty! Bay for the summer. ` D1` `V Pinhnvrlnn i xeffinrr hi.` U1`0LvIlUl' 21L LULLEIIIIELHI. ! Mr. and Mrs. Watterworth and `family have returned home after a` itwo weeks holiday spent in the] States. . "ll/I r and T\Tu-; Iun.-I Du.-enn nu,-I` [Hg EUIIIB LHXIB \\'llA.1 D'd.1'l'l`: IILEHUS. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hickling. NT)`, Sillnnv Tnnlzn annnf H111 xrnn`.-I 13 BObTHS-PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW COME PREPARED TO ENJOY A BIG NIGHT

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