Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1931, p. 4

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11.1-1'01 bantmg. 5 Recommended--Jean Coxworth,l Mervyn Martin. I - I n_, n_,,I 4- 7.. ALL OCR. cent. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th 151: Class Honors-Harold Abbott. 2nd Class Honors--Willie Graham.| Pa.ss--Jack Wilson, Kenneth ; Smith, Austin Cunningham, Keith} Banting. Recommended-Ea.ston Ayerst. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd 2nd Class Honors-Margaret Ab- bott, Mary Ayerst. Dn::__.I1nvd Jr-nnpff, .TprmpH*. 122.11!-I< DOII, Mary AYGPSI. Pa.~:s--L1oyd Jennett, Jennett Bak-1 er, Reta Hoggarth. Rcmnmmnnd:-`-rL-.`Ravmnnd Cun- Recommended-Raymond Cun- ningham, Jack Coxworth, Everard Wingate. ' rv-,4, rv_L__I v_'__-.....__.. er, meta noggarm. ` High School Entrance Maragret Arnold (honors), Betty Arnold, Yvonne Ayerst, Lorne Car- ruthers, George Davi.=., Mervyn .\Ic- Cormack, Margaret I{obert;~:0n, Harry SIT`.i`: |. D f` \Taz-Lr:.r.:?:. Dr-n(~inaI YOUR Sloan Reunion Phone 1161-: First class honors, 75 per cent. Second class honors, 66 to 74 per nnf ` 1 ! Page Four VOICE WITH THE SMILE Copeiagad Refrigraterzr I1: uhnln H To1;<;1;to Garage 'r'i{e""L}}i2ii'.;'&io We Sell and Recommend AUTO SAL!`-IS SERVICE -P. C. .\Ia<:k<:n7.ir:, Principal.` I S.S. NO. 7, ESSA u Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th 71:1-.- HOME The third annual reunion of the`, Sloan family was held in Innisll Township Park on Saturday, July? 18th. This reunion, which \Va.5 talk-l ed of for years, nally came to] fruition in a small way in 1929. The small group gathered to_g'et`:v.-r by telephone decided fhat it; was` worth while, and selected the third` Sa`.urd.:y in July of each year fOl the annual reunion. Last year the! result was gratifying, and this year; was bigger and better still. Those who came are anixous to come again.- so in 1932 it is hoped to have more than ever. 'I".-r. u-,...L.n.. 1"`; cut. S. Georgianni 1 PA: NOT about it nn| Penetang Rd.` COM Pl.F.TF. '{COUNTY GOLF TOURNAMENT 1 TO BE HELD HERE IN SEPT.` t In preparation for the county golf! [tournament, which will be held on ithe links of the Barrie Club in Sep-`K ltember, the laclies` commiuee i.~:: holding a bridge and four.~:ome at the` club house next Tuesday afte1'I100l1.; Funds will be required to nance the Itournament, and it is for this pur- pose that the bridge is being held. i ` 4 `MRS. STROTHER WINS LADIES ? ltCl-IAMPIONSHIP FOR THIRD TlME.i As. a result of last week s play-o. 21` gm .\\'o11aa11I f.< (ejiI1a1:)111)io;1s11ip 10} e arrle o u , rs. x. Strotner, after a 1;:-en contest, won the coveted champlonship cup. This |makes the third season in :`uCC`SSiO.u lthat. Mrs. St1`other has achieved the. lhonor. Mnss Habel Sprott, who `proved herself 310 mean com_petit9r, [was runner-up tor the champlonshlp. ;LOCAL LADY GOLFERS E I` DEFEAT COLLINGWOOD] , I lH'rlIl BVBI. The weather last Saturday wasi thrc-atuning at r;~:t, but cleared up. and Z1 brigli` sun and clean, rah: washed air, with a nice cool breeze.l made an ideal day for picnickingll At about six o'clock all were seated, at a delightful meal, well served, anal with appetites to enjoy the goodl things spread before the family, fox. on this day of the year they are one-'_ big family. nnpr-h rnnl(ino' um: nrnind I-anti -:--- 1 Wednesday afternoon sixteen lad;.'~l golfers from Collingwood visited [Barrie to take part in the first com-i ~petition with outside groups that has] been held on the local links this sea- `son owing to the reconstruction of ;the course, which has been in pro- xgress the past two months. Given 3. ,'cool, ne afternoon, the Barrie play-l .' ers piled up a score of 12 to 4. F01- llowing the nlav. tea was servr-d mu l D211.` .Mrs. `Mrs. . Mrs. Mrs. . M rs ,Mis V E Miss : Mrs. Mrs. ` Mrs. ' Mrs. Mrs. W Mrs. Mrs. f Mrs. - 3 Mrs. `Ha: -0 .I.L., 0 111. Having competed for the Coiling- wood Collegiate Institute in severa` of the Ontario Athletic Commission |meets, in which he always made 5 most favorable showing, Portland `stepped out intp open competitior }'last year at the Ontario champion lships at Orillia and won the high ljunrp with a leap of 6 ft., `/:2 in.. {and the running hop, step and jump. clearing 44 ft., 7% in. Not satis led with his showing in these two }events, he also entered the javeli. `throw, in which he annexed thirc position. Althnncrh nnlv 2 gr-hnnl hnv 1-hi: IJUBILIUII. Although only a school boy, this lad has shown much natural ability and will, with a little more tutoring; become a strong contender for a `place on the Canadian Olympic team for Los Angleles next year. l Jack Portland, of Collingwood, one t `of the foremost high jumprs 0] `Canada, upheld his record by win- ening two firsts in the Ontario track land eld championship meet conduct _ed by the provincial branch of the !A..-LU. of C. at Varsity Stadium, Toronto, last Saturday. Both in tin- running high jump and the running hop, step and jump classes, young Portland was an ea.~'_v winner. In the high jump he made (3 ft. `/2 in., `and in the running jump his distance lxvas 43 ft_. 3 in. ing a big Ontario swimming chain pionship gala in Lake Couchiching on Civic Holiday. If the oifcr of the Canadian Amateur Swimming .-`is greatest collection of .swimming ant.` diving exports taking part that ha; ever bi-en .~:(:::n in Orilia. The Acro.~'s- (Jouc'nichin;;-Swim also being con-l al(i.'F"`J and will probably be fitted ,;~.orru: '.'hei'c in tin; program, or be llflll Ion .-oi'm.- ot`m.-r date, if the cliampioii ....;. uilulr Ls .~-:(:urc I l Orillia has the opportunity of ho1d~ I; sociation is accepted there will be the PORTLAND WINS TVVO FIRSTS ruuxna. nuurgr-cm mm Lhunlg-'.:lv:.~. out to lllllktt took `.5-1 for the rooms. thun went. out for n ma vznn-n H111 nun n :- ll` UTII Ulllll L\'.'() . 0'(.'l0(:k they walk:-1 sun porch where 1.114.: house was sleeping, v trousers beside him. Wt. nuv\'0- .....l...... uvuauns ucslue mm. I We can't understand why they. should .-str-:11 the money," said Mrs.! Sturgvon, bcc:um.- they had plenty when they paid us." The midnight E visitors haven t been seen since. mg iuiuuy. 1 Speech making was omitted, but` Alex. Cowan, acting for the president. presided over the election of officers for the ensuing year. These are a:[ follows: ~ Unn Dvn_-rIon+_~ T \Xf Qlnnn "l`n I Jack Cook, It.-uding 01-mm .=-w1m.`[j .-:I` at pm.-.~,-':nL, L: 21 probable (:I1Ll'yl( or lm; big zunau.-ur chzxnlpirmship` wo-mil`: swim at the Toronto Ex ,.`..I,:.- 'm-. yr;:;.1'. Jack i.~ u .aLr0ng,i- .r.'.n.-vr, '.-/no gahould Lzzw; no dllh-I`, -- - la.- in 6..q' .': .. ..'v.:r vu-4. 1VIcPhee..... Graham ....... ..1 Mrs. I\IcIiinnon...0 Mrs. Walls ........ ..1 Miss . Sprott.... ....1 Miss I , Brymner .... ..1 Mrs. Moore... .1 Mrs. Braden..........O Mrs. . A. Smith...1 Mrs Ii . Otton ..... Mrs. . Garrett Mrs. . Cameron .... ..1 Mrs. . H. Smi`uh....l Mrs. . Richardson0 Mrs. . CouIter..........0 Mrs. `Illl IIIIIIIIIBHL Sturrx-on and L. :.s fn-< 91-u. m.n..u LzUJ . Mrs. 5 Miss ( . ` u L 1 . L D NI vs L nlUlH|' UH YIUHI. :11! and bu1,:;:,I;d uni hi.) wife pm Hlku up buds and ms. 'l`h<: tourists L muul And didn | o'clock. At six n-d down to the` u little son of the with his father's` Be1'nha1`dtm:: . Begg ............. ..I , Nadeau Maitland ....| . Allen .......... .. . Richardson LII!` (X|)l)" on l"1'unt ll uIH'a- nu! .3 HI Lani, (: world .~.: buL you] ll 1/FDR ` ` Ll glue ` Urilll `ha-..l. I , The deceased was the daughter of , the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexande. Hendei-son, and was born in 18-14 on _. the Isle of Mull, Scotland. At the 3 early age of six she came to Can- ada with her parents, who settled in Vaughan town.sh.ip, York County. A .!.few years later the family moved to j'lnn`isl, Simcoe County, in which 1 township the late Mrs. bless spent the remainder of her life. Married in 1870 to the late Alexander .'\'e.s.s', ishe took up residence at lot 18, con- !(.`I;.~.'.>'l()11 8, Innisl, living there until ,'!1sr:3, when they moved to the 11th 9 conccession, and from there two 'l_y..-tux later they moved to the old :l-:;ml.nl):m;:l1 farm at l\'nm:k. Upon '*".\lr. .\'~.-5' retirement he moved his `I i':m.ily to .\Il;u1du.l<: in 1905, `.\'l1(.`l`C ` the late Mrs. Ness reitlml until her `Wl~~:iI.l.~. Mr. pretleeezmed her U` .l'.I` \.'A5|l .'H"1), .LUJ.lU '5 I Hon. Presi J. W. Sloan, To- ronto, and J. L. Sloan, Churchill; President, Alf. L. Webb, Alla.ndale;.` Vice-President, Col. F. B. Robins. Toronto; Secretary, E. H. Sloan, Churchill; Treasurer, W. B. Sloan, Churchill. Ar.-\r\r\rr +lxn:-A s-.n.~nn+ 4`...-.vv. 15 A15 1 I I I 1 On Friday, July 17th, at her late residencce, Essa Road, death removed one of the pioneers of Innisl Town- I ship when Christina Henderson Ness ' passed away at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. Deceaseu was - well known throughout the township, where she lived most of her life, and 1 was beloved by all who knew her. Her 1 loss is deeply felt, not only by her i family, but also by her many friends. Taken ill on June 30th, she gradually ,grew weaker until death came very peacefully in the presence of her family. mun .i,..--...-i .1 u,,,,,u . WI 1'. M r. M 1`. \'.. .VI 1'. Illlll .Vl 1'97. I. .\l`.`1-5 illlll lwH:'l.`\'. . \'.-.~1.~., 'l'nr Mr. and M1`:-. Ii. J. Mconkuy, 'l`oront0; Mrs. 'J`hump.~1on, 'l'or0nLr), and Miss Lillian llurluy, (.`01'nwall. The putting into elI'ect; of the 15 cents per pound on magazines has `IJCUH postponed until August 15th. i A gardener claims to be able to grow square pens. Their great ad- vantage is that they don't roll off the 'knife. Mrs. ..I an . MRS. CHRISTINA NESS and Mm. All . ELINI Hl':. IS. (.`.Iumlun mu! M1 . H(I.~'1:; ;`\'<: .....| \/1.-` I` \V. |l.`v VVIH) Hill M r. tmd M r> I MI... 1' Vullullllllll , LLUGDUIUL, VV. LI. QIUKJH, tffj tance were: Mrs. M. James, New- market; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sloan.l Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean,!M,.5 K. F. Sloan, J. W. Sloan, Mrs. andaM1.S: Jack Berlcinshaw, Mr. and Mr:.lMrs_ Herb. Sloan, Roy and Thelma; Mrs. J. and J. J. Hoidge, Mrs. J. M. Sin M13 clair, Mrs. H. C. Willson, Bert Will ,MisS son, Earl and Mrs. Willson, Mrs. R.MisS W. and Miss Eveleen Sloan, Mr. and:M1.s Mrs. C. Winsor and Mr. and Mrs. W.`M1.s' G. Banting, of Toronto; Mr. and Hrs. Mrzf F. W. Mathers, of Detroit, and W. Mrs B. Sloan, of Mimico. l,MrS: Thu Arnnld f2milv_ whinl1 '2: `,'I]~`(1l1;r, pueu up _ llowing the play, tea was served on Among those present from a dis-{the club house verandah_ ing part in the contest were : Barrie . Koch 8. 50011:` UL L4 [U 4. D01- I Those tak I Collingwood Stewart ....... ..O Gaviller .. Vernon .. `Walker ....... ..1 .. 1 Brown ...1s Atkins ....... ..0 Sprott.. .1 Kennedy ..... ..0: Bassett ....... ..0' Moore .... .. ..1 McKay ....... .. Braden.........:0 Stapleton u: Kurtnem Advance su1'vivcd by two Ll-I2: .-\|:-\"|n1I:>I~ nf \_:I u. c'lI.Ll\ (.` `.1.n-ndm .- A \ \i|.`1 HUI Church, `...r.. ..I I t\1l....lH(lL1' Allun I `M... 1) SHIRTS Ill` I|lHI'lu|l v.a., ()1!:m';1; -. . , 'l`m-unto; l'm'L llupu; and (Ylms. MI:-. I) I IIIIHIIA clog-a JH If. M L'- l i late Saturday afternoon. ' a farm owned by John Sanderson. ~ Jr., as though a giant steam roller ` had pased over Accompanied by a miniature water- l'p0l1t, a freak storm twisted its i erratic way through Melancthon dis-[ trict, six miles north of She1burne,! After attening a field of oats On it, the waterspour Du DIUEH, 01 .U]..l`II11CU. l The Arnold family, which was also celebrating at the park, issued a chal- lenge to the Sloan crowd for a game of baseball They won out, but it; looked as if they were more accus- tomed t.o playing in the dark than the Sloans, as they xgere not ready until nearly dark an just got up. from refreshments. The umpire,l| Fred Mathers, gave pretty fair dc-1` cisions, though Sloans first baseman` objected to some. Next year, should, they meet again, better luck is look-; ed for. 1 'l`l-an nu-innrr rH_-nuv-:n:l uvifln 'fl1n nn_l FREAK wAT1:Rsi>ou'r IN SHELJBURNE DISTRICT I.uI-`la nrv ul. luv (ll:||v-IMMI ul \ i.~'il. mid HM :-hn:'v\\:u'| .`{\'('Hl` is nu IUHH ln\'t`lj. [hull Hr: nazurinv <-umpzuxiun. 'l`h- `\:.u;x [mH.\' Vnllv ' lH't\dH no inlrmlun-~ liun Lu ( unudiun.-: or to H5 .-mn1.l<~H.-4 Am:-rl<-:m \i.niLun_ ll `::t.w\~'n'III'i){IlL]) (':|H1`t1('!llH\:\'H H:-VI.-H. with im HuuriH|\ing mu-hurdu and |mHl,um lumla_ um] il:: <'rulN.ll-23.`; |vix'l.1lrN fx\rm.~I _ . , _ . ` _ nrd lnw-lo-ls. A row hours juurmgv by gmlntinl st mmr from Smnt John. N;B.,_D1ghy,w1th 1_t Pmes.Ho1.u':1 as; pie hr}: at` -wLivit.y, rivnls Kc-ntvillu with its Curnwnl in Inn. and \'zu'mout.h w_1th its new Lakesme Inn, 1n.e::te:.dm; In--rit-lily tn the lmlidu\'-r-n-lu-r. Gulf, 1.:-unis. hut-hint. shing. ,\'m'h_tIng apd innumerable 1;_ea.utxful rnotqr cirex `S am only at fvw uf u rt-vr'u(.im1H uvuiluhlv. On t. 10 New Brunswu-k mzunland. futher_, as 11; xyczre, to tlus .~xtulwurL family, the Ah-,om uin llut.vl. M. St. Amlr(~\v>ahyLh(~-Son. !~`('lS 21 standnrgl of sunnnermg unr1v:\.l1ed any- where on the rontincnty. l`1u'-. luxurimm lmtol, with itx mnny nttuohvcl cottages, 13 the centre of one of the most; c_lusive colonies; of the Imminiml. 'l`|u~. gull` links. knuxvn (.hrmn'huut the length anc_l hrmxdth of the eountry as "Q! the (`most <-hun1pinn. (`U1Il`H0.'a uvnilu|ul<~. urn um-M, nunu-:~mLo of the home of mo ro_.':}l and mu-1-:-nt game `1-Eitl-.1nd. The Cunudizxn 1'xu-i1`n: Rnilxvny ]hl\`\`S all tlwse 1'0:-aorta: within easy access of their many devotees. Vflirll X|l 01' Um Hun uru nt. 1 1. and Huur .h|. SUMMER IN THE MARITIMES Ir. 1' H.\('\'(`X\l` (liM[m:u1l ul almr.-wxml ...|.- Il...n itu SUITS with its dipping, whirling funnel cut across one corner of the property of; John Knowles, blotting out a mam- moth ower bed as though some pre- historic beast had stepped upon it- [and leaving other ower beds anc ggarden truck almost intact. The de- luge from the waterspout lled a formerly dry ditch with water-and there were many minnows in it, in ildicating that the waterspout had come clown from Georgian Bay 0) THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1931 had sucked up its ood from FOVTLE ;nearer stream. I Qn1vnvn1 Rn].-is 1' Han rnnun u-onanrc . The meeting dispersed with'the un-| derstanding and hope that all wou`.d|. meet again on the third Saturday nu July, 1932. IIIEHIEF SIFCE-I11. Several elds in the more remote vicinity were ooded; one horse and one huge jack rabbit were killea when struck by lightning. Passing on, the storm damaged another farm house when lightning struck the tele- phone wires, entered the house through the phone box, and set re to the curtains at the living room window. UL. ~21/u nu >45. 1|, 2nd Class Honors-Ei1een Baker. I Pa.'~:s,-Clau(le Banting, Ralph Bak-| er, Elva Banting, Mildred McLean I Errol Banting. g Pa:-nmmnnripr1__Tpsm (`.mrwnrr.h.

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