'?'*:- pa: . (Continued from page one) lll:' wor. Warden Glover l)ei`or-:` COL1l'1 :-.cLio::, and that a copy of tlii.s,2:djou1~nmex1t cong1:a`ulated the mom-3 motion be t'orwarde(l to the Provin-ibr:1's on their attention to l)L1Sl!lc:~` ciul Dept. of Highways and 1,119 chp,;:;.;U.L11`i1`.g the session. It was particl;-l man of Municipal Act Re-\'i;<.ion, llarly gmtifynig` 0 see so many p1'&.`.>- In Spa-:1l to the motion, which cut ill. `he closing meeting. To on-':~' pd: una`.mnou:'ly, Councillor Henry! and all he \\'isl1e(l success till the hex-` said he pt-11~'o11ally had the experience: -0-<-4011. 5 of hurriedly starting off to town in; On motion of Councillors Blair his working clothes to 54,-cure someland Longman, council adjourned tilll neces. and forgetting his-drivey 3lMonday, I\'ovember 23rd, at 2 p.m. permit. He knew of other farmersf Finrmce Committee who had done the same thing, and. Debentures for tl`u.;.- town of Orillia in lllv.~`t` times it worked a hardship were guaranteed follows: $5,748.- on mos. people to have to pay a nr_=j4S for the construction of certairl, of 55 because their license had been s`reet imp1'o\'c:1n'3rl?..--:; $35,000.00 for left at home. He _did not think ob- the erection of a public school." jection could be raised to his motion $11,024-80 for ce1'?Idin Street im- |lL`lL uuuguuuu u. ...-.. ...-.u... l i n . on the groL(nd that it would give one provements; $22,300.00 for certain' a chance to purchase a license if they local improvements; $15,000.00 for did not hold one, and so evade the} the payment of. unemployment re- cwne, as such a license would beillef; $7,500 supplying unemploy~ "'ca_:`nted. menvt relief; $7,500 also for unem- theflt was moved by Councillor Bates P10YmeI1t relief- nnrl seconded bv Councillor Soicher. For Barrie, the council guaranteecl ARRANGE A DEMONSTRATION JUST ASK THE WO)L\.\' VCHO OWNS ONE Sold in Barrie only by Phone 1250 .1 iHarmony;-'- A Canadian Chautauqua Feature One of the most, unusual (-ntertainmont (`.r_n'npnni(=s before the public today is the l ct:'ioQ11m't0ttc and C`onst:mcc Nv\'1ll(~-Julms, which will be one of the big 1m1: :1ttx':1ctirm.< of the cunning (`:1n:1dizm .'1m11tauq\1a here. TLTIM. r*,..mo....m T\'rn-Hn_]-hnu E: n r-hm-mimr nnlnrntlxm sonrnno who of the Mg 1m1: :1ttx':1<~t1rm.< m the cumin; L :1n:1u1zm 'L.l1l1llL:Llxql12L uum. Miss Co11st:1nce I\'cvi1le-Juiim is :1 (-lmrining cnloratlxm soprano comes from fa1'-mvny A11. She is a graduate of the 1\Ir:lboux'ne Uni- vcrsity and has uppearecl in concert, opera and as soloist with symphony %l`Ci1e::1i}I`1lS tahroughout Australia, New Zcalaud, Italy, United States and mm 9.. per time. \- County Treasurer D. H. Colemani z`r:\\' attention to the payment ofll tzixes by municipalities During his, a`nht years as treasurer he had never` " such difculty in getting taxes in- as the past year. The law says that; taxes: .-hail be paid the county by; April 1. He had rzvury . \\'i'h `.h0.<(- who found it hard to pay ihmr taxw, but he had his duty to l>"l'i'01'm. The reeves 1:1) tho bi:1mc~`1 4`- fiwv "\\' r'niir1r'inl`. ~'. hlli `i`.(:i`:' filliifli I -'1 r 1 i FarmeI's Will Wn s9`zIo.75oe. in p.-ms The World : Grain Exhibition and Conference of-fers Canadian Farmers an opportunity to share In cash prizes amounting to $210,750.00. Comprised in 56 competitive canes, open to the whole world, are 1.101 c/uh nrizzs. A few of t e maior awards follow: opportunity share In cash prizes amounting to mziu,/au.uu. cLasses, 1,701 cash prizes. A major $2,500 a first prize for 50 pounds of wheat; 30 pounds of oats. $1,500 for 40 pounds of barley; 50 pounds of rye. S 800 for 10 ears of com. S 300 for 30 pounds of peas; 30 pounds of ax; 20 pounds of clover. With this splendid opportunity before them, Canadian farmers should keep a watchful eye on their growing crops. They should mark For special care those areas that appear most promising. It should be understood that all seed and grain samples, if they are not already selected, will have to be found in crops of this year. ll exhibits must be received by the Exhibition authorities on or efore March 1, 1932. Of vital importa ce to the advancement of Canadian agriculture will be the winnin 0 World Championships in 1932 by farmers of Canada. Their seed on rain exhibits must demonstrate to the world the quality of Canada : He d crops. Ielect the classes from thf prize list most suited to the crop you grow; then select yoursamples rom the best you have. It is best to make your entry NOW. Your sample for exhibit mustge in the hands of the Secretary at Regina an Av '50 In March 1. . Connor Electric It IS best to man your enuy n sam le must e on or be re March 1, 193 . `]1|rAL|`l` -Ll) .-I.u.... in berorc Maren I, Ivax. V luabia information relating to the preparation of grain and seed for Etgilbit may be secured by writing to the Secretary of the Provincial mmittee, \X/or|d's Grain Exhibition and Conference, care Department of Agriculture, your own province. Show what you grow and share what you know I\_ .__n...:.... .L.. <..-nun \/mi:-I : Grain Exhibition and Conference. Imnerial Bank JIIUVV VVIIUI yvll alvvv `guns. .n--.- --.._- I`. ....v,, 81;: a pllcallon, the Secretary, World ! Grain Exhlblllon and Conference, Impcrlal Bank am rt, Re In , w||| lend you prize Ilm, rules and regulations governing competitive mm: and al at or lnfonnatlon. Phone 1 25 0 7 MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE including the Sensational TI-IERMO MODELS THE PETRIE QUARTETTE INSERT-IIERl3ERT PETRIE |..|..n.-\v.n.1 [Your iiiaii, Coai m` Brass ` Clearfwvi Pres-saed for -56 Elizabeth St. Page Three imf EMRIQEES norm. The lay IIIL` manna tho tzxx co11ector:<, but 1u`.'ic.= JUST PHONE 577-WE DO THE REST are to see that the taxpayer gets hi:l Bea`-.ch_ an Tax bill, and they have no po}\`c~rI$40Q 15 :.I`.c'.` DE:{."3lTll)l` 14th.. .\lumc1p;1:1 Has V`: I councils, should impre`.=..=. upon the tax- CU}311`g) payer. their obligation in the nmtter 1 1>0m`if'd Warden beforc I 73051111- ,z`~.djou1'nmem congratulated mem-6 ibers 1n 1:,- iduring L! on. was 1)a1'tic'l:-`B;-idgm ___1__ H` : V 1.14..` L. I\ ...A B. .-.-.r..-u. n tnrougn .-Huston. ,- In report No. 2 of this C0mmittec'3 it was recommended that as the sum -` of $8.00 had been paid to theii Hydro-Electric Power Commission f0)`; ` changes on the Hydro-Electric supplying light on the county road-`, system; $25,569.20 to pay for the at Duntroon for one year, by the < constructir,m of certain pavementsltownship of Nottawasaga, this` curbs, gutters, storm sewers and! amount be refunded to the township? other necessary construction work;;by the county treasurer. |$13,000 for the cost of storm sewers! Deeming that the charge of con-g` iconstructed during 1930-31 in con-`struction on county roads 2 and 4,i' inection with unemployment relief. amounting to $25,466.54, was exces-I 4 Debentures guaranteed for Pene- sive, the committee recommended` . tanguishene included $6,000 to pay that the county road committee be in-i the cost of installing new waterstructed to take up the matter with 1 mains and waterworks connectionsgfthe Dept. of Public Highways to get : $15,000 for taxes in arrears; $50,000 a more satisfactory adjustment. 3 for a loan to the Dominion Stove and The proposed drainage plan in the ;\ Foundry Co., Ltd.; $20,000 to meetltownship of Medonte was referred tol 1 the cost of certain works construct the county road committee to take! 5 ed for the relief of the unemployed.[such action as it may deem advisable.l Debentures guaranteed for Mid: The commitee also reported thatg menit relief; `$7.500 also for unem- ployment 1 For council guaranteed `debentures for the sum of $21,000 "for the purpose of making certain x x THL'IZ.`DAY, JUNE "25, 1031. ____` X_ lnectlon wltn unemployment I'l'.'11UL. l watez_ connections; lfor .xr,`....,:.m r. In - man nnn fn mmntl I ` ized assessment of that town. 41 1 work. . The nance committee reco1nmend- .1 `ed that the request, from Alliston to`] {guarantee its debentures amountinglr Ito $123,000 for street paving, be I [modied to $84,108.41 as the de- k fbentures already guaranteed by thei ]county for Alliston amount to mom ` `than 33 1-3 per cent. of the equal-, T1. nm.vmnn+ n+' Tnrlncfrial Ref'112'r_- ed I01` the reuex OI me unemp1uyt:u.l Debentures guaranteed M1d-_ ilandb amounted to $31,500 for reliefs `ized assessment 01 mat town. A The payment of Industrial Refuge account amounting to $97 was order-: ied paid, and the account of Dr. B `A. Blackwell for an operation and; 5'1Ltendance on Jas. Kavanagh, a pat- ..+ :.. +1". n.-.+m-:n Hnzniml at Pane-' zattendance das. 1\'c1V'd.nagu, a pub-; `ient in the Ontario Hospital at Pene-' tang ,amounting to $105, was passed on to the Criminal Audit Board fm in ruling. The accounzs oi` the In- ldu.<`Lrial Schools were recommended `paid, as follows: St. Mary s, $147;' Qt .lnlm .c. $133.50: Alexandria,v_ `paid, follows: St. Mary's, :J.4`l; Mm1ste1' o]: nignways. ;. .St. John s, $133-50; Alexandrina Friday afternoon the (,'0l11lTlil}`iel:8 `$519; Vi`101'i=1, $612; total $1,511-':brought in a recommendation that all! 50- P3.Vmm Of the account Of thelthe b1'idg;es on the townline of Sim-| Boys Training School at Bowmanvillefc0e-Duffe1-in be taken over by thej was left over for further investig icounly as county bridges, under auth-I tion. - 'ority of the Highway Improvement No action WEI-' taken 1'9 the 30` Act, and an enabling by-law was pro icount Of rendered D1`. J._.5x.` Semtcd and pas5(3d_ r-........:...,,. nnml no-.ul f'nv modu-.a1 I1 \\".|< uicn 1-m-nmmonded tha . thel tion. count $10 by J. AA Cummings, Bond Head, for medical uL`c-ndeuice to an indigent of Tecum 1 Seth township. One half of the ac- cotmt of $171.50 rendered by Orillia townsliip for the care of the Good children was ordered paid. ' Tn: T av-nnn rrf T.i]P. `FOT \Vh0Yn` children ordered paiu. - Jas. Lemon, of Lisle, for whom` Councillors Iiiernan and Bates asked-N nancial assistance, was granted $10 a month for the rest of the year.` A grant of $200 was made to the i Salvation Army and $300 was voted to each of the county hospitals. No. action was taken toward nancing a` county exhibit at the C.N.E., as it is un(lc1'st0o(l there will not be room ; for such a display his year. Alliston Cemetery Co. was allow L`(l $15 for gzrave for an in- .li:v-nnf l digent. A grant of $10 to each of they made. 'rx.,. .1.-.....'. ..-mm at" $100 \v1;< 111ml`. 1 `Public Libm!`ic.~' in the county was` i . 1si1tCd. ,9 IL moved `imd seconded by Spicher,_ that whereas the township of Sunni-' dale has complied with the provisions` `of by-law No. 1516, which provides for the payment of grants to lockup houses in the County of Simcoe, and whereas the township of Sunnidale has erected a lockup at Wasaga Beach. We, therefore, request thatl the County Property Committeei consider the advisability of recom-I vnn11rHV`I(r n aw-nnf nf Slrl A: hrnvillp-r`l) I Inc usuzu _L l'}UlL Iu .,uuu Nu.` ...u... in: the Simcoe Foresters. 3. i The township of Vespra will be ,;:rante $300 for the construction of in ditch to Swzilcy Creek, when work :i- <:omp1eted.. L The wartlen and chairman of the" `nzmce commi=1(=e \\'m'o authorized to impact the lockup at Wasaga ade. The u. g`r:mt of $100 1112`. Hum Qhnnnn F`n1`F`if|"'I S. l-IUU 1.5 {U U: Iuuuc. 1 Worship Warden G1: %Cuumy 1'rcz\.: Coleman fpoimbd `-0 the ;\Iothe1'.= .5 I nv 1 :1: By.'id{_1`e.~ ( that the 51 !the motion innxll Dnx-.1` ` 1;S1'l(1gc.: L01n111xLwc 1'l:k.'ULuu1Lt11u'.:u_ that sum of 5500 asked for in: the motions of Councillors Johnston: and Bo;-.'d 2n the Jzmuzxry session for` the imp1'o\ ement oi'.\vhat is known as` the Da1'on road i. tho town:hip of` Orillin, be a11c~wc-d, providing` the: County of Ontzao g1'ant.~: 21 Sil11ild1"| amount, the whole sum to be spemg on tha` part of the road in question`; within the County of Simcoe. | `rho nlm-L nf the} 1`11n nnnn fvnnw Iwithin the County 01 mmcoe. ; 1 The notice from the clerk of the} [township of Tecumseth in connection; `with the Holland River drainage; ischeine was ordered led, as well a\` that from the Dept. of P1`O\`i11Ciixi1 Higlimiys in connection with the road` known as county road No. 3, with- special reference to that part going} through Alliston. { T11 wnnnvf No. 2 of this coinmitteei Vply the rebate or road levy puyuululv `by the county to such municipalityil from years to year, the payment ofl: -* any debenture debt incurred for the -`paving of streets, and whereas by `resolution of Councillors Dutton and j 8 Hanley the county has been request-.1 '-led to give its approval to the village.` `riof Victoria Harbor to use their re- . Uibates paid by the county from year i I-ato year during the currency of the` -'debenture debt incurred for extra 13 cost of paving on the connecting 1'link in that village, it was recom-', P mended ihat. such approval be grant-i died, subject to the approval of the`; '; Minister of Highways. l L. W.-M-.m nftm-nnnn the (.'0l11l1ll12iL':s 'senuted and passed. ' . It was also recommended tha me lcouncil show their strong` app1'0\'21l 0_f '.tl1t- resolution passed _by the councjli 3 of the County of Victoria at their 3 January, 1931, session 1`C_~'})OClln,f." ` V , .- . u lfurther assistance by the Govern . '3 ment to provincial, county and town diship roa(l;< insofar as it -.1pp11e.~' Le} 0`pro\'incial highways at least. i, 7- The clerk was 1n.structed to for-; e -am a copy of this report to the Minister of Highways. _ > 0; Re the request of Councillors Cox--K 3 worth and Boake for a grant of 1 $300 to repair (lamage to nineth line` caust-(l bv the county hauling gravel. if \\`a.` a_2'reed to make a grant` of V" 35150 if the township spemls $3 0 " on the road. l l)r. Qrlwu nxnfinn of (Tnum-illn1`.:' EIHU IIUIJZIIIILUU. Report No. 2 stated that consider- ation hail been given the recommen- dation of the Grand Jury, made in their report to Judge Holmes in con- nection with placing` a radio and electric range in the Children s Shel- ter, and recommended that no action be taken at the present time. The` matter of decorating the council chamber was left in the hands of the` special committee on County Pro- perty ,along with the roong` of the, court house. No action was taken` regarding` the remodelling of the county gaol. Agriculture A grant of $50 each to the agri- cultural rcpresentati\.'e.< of North and` ;South Simcoe was recommended byl the A2`riculture Committee. to helni [such action it ueem a(1VlsaU1t.`.l` _ that; `whereas by virtue of certain amend-if ments to the Highway" Improvement} `Act of Ontario, made in the yea! 1930, it is now permissableifor urban `municipalities in any county to ap- ply the rebate of road levy payable hv Hm ommtv to municipality; .t'.1in additions to `sy. the County Road Co*.mm.~'.=iou, ` same and on the road. Rr: the motion of Councillors. Kic-rnan and Stephens, asking for cer-ii the county road will inquire into the feasibility of? repor at the I\'ovt:mbe1: um.-cinn !|.I t. `d S 8 Beach. We, tnerelore, 1'eque:sL Uld.`.| mending a grant of $400 as provided! in said by-law, be paid to the treas- urer of the ownship of Sunnidale. nnmr mnhrm: that wprp nassed 50551011. Statement from the Dept. of High-`; `\vz1y.< showing the amount of Govern- imcnt subndy prxyzxblo In county on I-nny-.`v vnnrl r~t\'1)-_-l1n1itL:`.'u 1110 L1:1.u.:, \\ u reference. ! `C011. ` c.., .. \ , zm: hr: ` p1'0\'r.- 1'1.~< Simrrw Co yliflll by Li] I 4',.,...-m-.1.-..l smcnt surJ. ~'my pzxyzluxv Ii) L'ULu1Lv_v county road s_V:~:tcm exp-.-m11tu1'u boundary line bri(lgc-.< to be $1 1r,-n -2-7 u~n.- (.1-.l..:-ml 61:-(I for fn` ` from 1 that 1e Sim~|l oe-Dufferin ounty h rity b .ct, 1; enutcd and 21 thaf ouncil of a 1... LL,. MI... ht: A J3 ` \:o:u'.:~:. I ""m- 1~o.=,01ut.irm form Northumber-. `1nnv`tnm1Durhum ("ou1~.tie.= asking that the P1`0'.'inciz1l Gove1'nmcnt iamrmd the Hospital and Charitable `In.=itu`.ions Act was app1'm'ed, with the exception of clause three. l \'n nr-Hnn u-n: mken on the resolu- `tlm exception 01 clause Inrcc. No action was taken on tion from Lcnnox and Addington County asking that the Provincial 'Commi.=.: of Police request trafiic ofcers to disist from the prac- tice of demanding the production of r`.ri'.'m'.= permitrt and licenses; except `in case of accident or some special nun-3.-inn ` cc:-z\.=ion. The committee approved of the 1-c-.=o1ution from the county of Lin- .5 Z1 or me townsnip o1 D1.1I1I1l(1'd.le. Other motions that were passed included one granting Councillor Stephens, of Collingwood, leave of] absence on account of serious illness:` the county messenger was granted the usual two weeks holiday, and the county treasurer granted permission to close his oice every afternoon. during July and August. ` nn mntinn of Councillors Mc-. ti` 0 UN` 1U\\'Il.\'lH_U !'UiA\.l:. \\I.iL p`.`0`.`(*(i 21 ;::c-at bcm-t to adj; farm I~:md;<, as well as 21 mean u.-:iutif_\'in5_r the 1'0-ad.=.ide.= throu5:' the provinci-. A copy of the 21 .'m1 rtsolution, which \va.~: sent me County Council for c-ndors Lincoln County, vcas ordezw. \`:1i-led to tho Mini.=tL-1' of A55. nun Roads and B1'icige;< rst report the R (`nnn~ni1'1`m2 w=r=n 311 'm- pron \\'z1.< taken. v- \ if approved a grant of V be made. V ...1.:.. \\'.,`..h-.n (`.ln~.~m- -,,-my u_ uu. .u-._`..v.u..... he Go\'cm1mc~nt was the of r'o1't it wa:< the weed menace (-em. of the cost .... .1. 4,.......~ln \~f\ . 735 decided to petitirm from X that Hun Pro L ?l.`l`\l,'ll LU |' :- by three 1 therefrom .n+r..~ :11 -1- The Northem Advance j 1n.~'pcc`.uL.~ .1mc1pa1xt.ies H1 r. 1.:-vri during July and August. 1 On motion of Councillors Mc- Knight and Nolan, the chairman of *5 Roads and Bridges Committee andgz`-I the county clerk were appointed tc`t attend the hearing before the county_1 judge re the Waubaushene bridge. 1 . dispute. I `H Warp W911 Fntertained 1 aided take no ac`io1u rm .\'orfnlk Connu | the P1`o\'ir;ci.'.\1 Go\`er'1- .-(1 to i'1cv'rAn.=c the tax my cems, the 1nnz`.sA;; zfrom to be r:-turned to in which it was levied on r.-numy and to\vn: Varden Glover I-`!~a1I1I'\\l\ n `vow . ... b. Jrn1).~1on '1 "M131 lgcs L0 UL` :.`L.L. _,'l _-I} lr.-(I 1'01` future xwed rlestrx ymg 50 per A..- r.nl.-..-.... . and i 3 2111- g .-2 n n P ` notice. .1nnInn| L' Ll L-L I \V}`. 1 . ,1- ._n-L'l:`l`.l.1'l:.:' .|.Ul' 11101. ' l . The communication from the De-' pputy Minister of Edmation to thel j`CO111'l`=} clerk ini'orming him that the `._,.leg'islalive grant apportioned to rural `public anrl separate schools for 1931 ' in the County of Simcoe for equip- _l.ment, to which, under the Schools nlAct, the County Council is required alto raise `an equivalent amounting to 4-l$3,133.29 for public schools and dl $50.72 for seaprate schools, was or-I eldered placed on le. [51 Reforestation 3` pl The standing committee on Re-_ yforestration recommended the paying; ..l_of a bonus of half a cent per tree; 1 !to the following parties: 0 .~,. l\/Yrs. Airnpc W2.f.f.ip_ lnf. 1R, (`.nn coln opp: idow in 1 \I~ux- Tn-n ' dispute. I - 3} Were Well Entertained 1! v During the session the council was 1 entertained Tuesday evening at the ofcers mess of the Simcoe Fores-,4 ters Regiment; the members and their!` friends were the guests of the War-; den and the town of Collingwood at`, the annual summer outing held at 3 Sunset. Point Wednesday afternoon, and took part in the official opening of the newly paved link in the high-! way running through Victoria Har-l bor Thursday night. The members were also allowed to inspect the new; packing plant Thur.~: afternoon` while it was in operation. .\+ tlwrn (-ln:in0' \'l`~'lnn. Cnilnoillor vUU\\ ii H! 1.1112` "c \-say Improvc xwhere1');\' the ,1,-.1: n---. +511 sea`. ; ; Education E w. O11t`r;c- request of Inspector W. H.{ Ca1'1ton, tllu committee on Education` =1*ecommended that L-efroy be added to the list of entrance exa.mination ;ce11tr:s for 1931. r[`1`\n n,.nnn~ninnHnn 4-`unn-u "'\n nA_l r`,|}[ lJt`lfll CLUCLUU dlikl Ll HLIIIXUULV UL .,.{.;_|roo1ns and h21ll.s.}1:-we been paint `V | Old Age Pensions - .-\. rc-port of ail those g1'ant;-Ll ` sions, including those who have 31.31, Sincu tl.-av scheme was in ope1'u1 0, showed that 1,463 have received ,`_.~,'pe11sion to date. '1'he-se are (Ii '. huh-r] as 1'nHn\\'<! AHi:7nn, RID imu nu ll I l 2 E E E l3 L-l t I Al . 4:1, won. `salt pork, 25c pound. .for bra-a(l we-11L to the Ontario Baker- - Dutcher. ~~ the court. house had been repairedl o, nssa, U,-5Z.L trees, pa/o.uu. Since the last report presented by this committee the county has pur- chased 186 acres more, all of which was planted, there being 220,000 trees set out this spring. There is now in the Orr Lake plantation 789 acres, all being planted. County Property Report No. 1 of the County Pro- perty Committee stated that tenders for the coal supply for county build- ings has been awarded to the Barrie Fuel Co., which had quoted hard coal at $13.95 per ton and soft coal at $7.60. The meat contract was let `.0 R. H. Hepplestone, who had agrecd to supply fresh beef without bone at 12c 21 pound, with bone 6c per pound; pork, fresh, 20c a pound; The contrac ics at 13 a standard loaf, and that for g'1'0c;r1cs was awarded Frank It was reported that a new roofl had been put on part of the gaol ` building and the shed at the back of - and repainted. Rnnnrt \'n 9 tfuh -(l H1111` I-nnairlru-. EEO U18 I0llO\VlI1g' parmes: E Mrs. Agnes Wattie, lot 13, Con. ,4, Vespra, 7,220 trees, $36.10; Fred [Pram lot 14, Con. 7, Vespra, 2,000 trees $10.00; Geo. S. Spence, lot 31, Con. 2, Vespra, 7,820 trees, $39.10; Geo. Davis, lot 20, Con. 6, Essa, 4,375 trees, $21.87; David Jennett. west half lot 28, Con. 9, Essa, 9,275 ltrees, $46.39; W. B. Lyons, lot. 28, `east half Con. 9, Essa, 9,27-5 trees, ;$46.37; J. W. Martin, east half lot Q29, Con. 8, Essa, 9,321 trees, $46.60. I `Since the last rpnnrf. nrp-znnfprl hv -,\V_i 2tL'LL'.*,. L/xup.` Juuxu {OI 1u'o.~;pects for :1 bou d_} bri,2'ht.. Co11. nil been erected and ,V.;_| rooms h21ll.`_l1:-. -\ W-hm" nf' :'v`?'1 f ycu. Lnuclpu. {` The committer: also favored the famcnding of the cattle bonus policy 550 LhaL 2.0 per cent. bonus may be .'_paid on the purcha_ of registered -;buI1s to any farmer rcg'ar of x\\'11etl1e1' he has kept a pure bred _i sire or not, p1'0\`idud all sin-.~ on -i\vhich the bonus is paid :.ha';i give e promiw of ilnprovemc-nt to Lin. hbrd `in question upon being il].~`pI.'C1.(:Ll by e an :1ut11o1'ized il1.<]n:c101`. .-\ rcqLu.-st giwas app:-n to the rcsolu ion, ask`; Wing that it be f01'\va1`dt.- by Lhu, -1-!,cle1`k to R. W. \Vadc, (liructor 01' mm -`livu stock branch of me UL-pz11".n1cx1i: n of Agricul*.u1'c. ` ` PTnn nf' I. u`.'nuu:. 1 uuuL_\' gzuu. : and! recommended by} 'the Agriculture Committee, help' defray the expemes of two scholar- ships1udcnt.< while attemlingr 0..-\.C. at G.uclph.' T119 r-n1nmiH`ru- -,\I:n +'nrn1-ml Hun ~'.. .*.i LALI V I _ lawn, n nvn: wmle it in 0q)e1'at1on. - `At the closing session. Councillor Morley suggested that meetings of the sessions be called .=ha1'p on time. As a new member, he thought that 2, great deal of time \\'a.-' wasted, and` if meetings were got under way when called 1'01`, considerable time and money could be saved. Rmvm-21 members were in svm-I Ht, Lab; 1)w.'u.m. -J; 1)-'zuuw'u, Lo, Crcomorc, 7; Co1 5; Col1mg- wood, 152; .\I1d1zm(l, 110; Orilhzr. `town. 207; Pen- -tang'L1i. 76; Port i\1CXi('U1], (3; Stz1_Vnc1', 24; Tot~ tc-nham, 10; Victoria Harbor, 37: Hou:~'e of Refugze, -10. 'I`own;<`.1ip:- .-\djz11:1_. 22; -`.:\~'a, :12; F105, 40; 111-` nisl, 56; Ua7Cht.-(l{1Sh, 2- Uedonte, 44; I\'otmwasag'a, 41; O1'i1li n, 48; 0m, 2312 Rnnnirlnln 97- 'I`n\' 5.1- 'T`r>m1m-' Lfl.` ' CUAJCL nue on automoblles -... 3-1.- -_....-.._ , 01 pen-` ,~1ons, died operation, ~.=1o\\'ed thel pension distri- butctl as folloxxnsz .-111157011, 36; Bar- x-?.-. 1149- D:.n1r\|\ Kc II:-nrll-`nu-(I *)`) L .'\5L'lCLl.l`.u1'U. House of . The rcport 01' Um nm- |'n'c-x-n1:-cl hv I posing the principles laid the amendment :0 the hxgh nprovement Act of 1930;` ALA .-H...-...- A3 4.1.. nr\\N\\n:`I L :LHHI!lL`l' JU Crops lookmg good -1,: fns` :1 hn11nHf'n1 lo: \\`J1l(,'.ll (.'Ullllll.1L-LEE 11121) of other than members -u n.-un~.r.H cum-nL, :1L'L powers of 1 to n rnmx C01llCl ne saveu. Several members sym- pathy with the suggestion, but it was a difcult matter. Clerk J. T. Simp- .~:on explained that the chairmen of the various committees had to pre- pare their reports before the meet- ings could start. This often entail- ed a great deal of work. The chair- 1`.-n'~.n of nance alone had 27 reports to prepare during the week, which \\`a.< no small job. The clerk sug- g'r,`StC`(l that members having resolu- tion;-; to bring in at the session do so the first day if possible. This would give the committees an oppor- tunity to deal with them at the pro- time. Fnnntv I`w:,as11rm' .`0LIl1(.`ll. taken regarding` tpc Coumy of I\'orfo11; nion Go\'ernment be Ibsidize the provinces` n for road purposes` I 1t collected from the rmoblles and accessor- ` 1UUk\Hl::`, bounti nu .1 n ULU \\lL'L .Lt`ll 21 number ave pa P011:-inn< n U but: oi the counc uxgu l93Q A 3 guuu tiful Ix: rxugr ] House of Re- ouncillor Jcbb Nu nun-(. Q4 ` (LU Dllilll gL\/U t to in.<.u;-cted rcqucstl :so1u rdcd in-...-anu ni-` inn. x UH, OH; 1.3111" B`~`z1(Ifo)'(1, 23;. r, Co11ing- wn UR .l-nu,-. IL,` \Vt,'l'L' 0%} males am `I 1....1,\,.n.. n t.'llCU llil 1` of thv minted. Sunty Councillors E SE11 On Job i